Download - Week 3 Individual

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Effective Advertising 1


Irene Myers Lavant



March 12th, 2012


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Effective Advertising 2

So Delicious Dairy Free is a delicious, nutritious coconut milk beverage

manufactured by a company named Turtle Mountain LLC. This coconut milk is

beneficial to lactose-intolerant consumers, a relief to sensitive stomachs and digestive

systems. According to Turtle Mountain LLC. (2010), the product is gluten free, kosher,

vegan, organic, and under 100 calories (Product Certifications). In addition, the coconut

milk is a source of saturated fat that consists of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), which

have anti-microbial and anti-viral benefits. One compounds in MCFAs is lauric acid.

Once ingested, the lauric acid converts to monolaurin, a compound that is proven to kill

bacteria, diseases, and viruses (Turtle Mountain LLC., 2010).  The lauric acid, within the

So Delicious, benefits babies as well because it gives nourishment in the same ways as

breast milk does. MCFAs are also beneficial to individuals who wish to lose or maintain

weight because the body uses the MCFAs as an energy source instead of storing the

compounds as fat (Turtle Mountain LLC., 2010). 

Advertising Message

The Turtle Mountain company advertisement messages tell consumer that So

Delicious Dairy Free is a tasty, sustainable alternative to milk with a creamy consistency

and many health benefits. This message holds importance to those who do not like milk,

lactose-intolerant, who want a safe milk alternative, or who wants a better source of

nutrition. Many consumers desire a product like So Delicious for one or more of these

reasons listed. Turtle Mountain understands consumer behavior and thinking pertaining

to these desires. As consumers move away from over-processed, unnatural, and

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“mystery” foods, Turtle Mountain advertises So Delicious as a delicious, safe, and

nutritious dairy free option that consumers love enough to replace their dairy altogether

(Turtle Mountain LLC., 2010). The advertising message targets health enthusiasts,

weight watchers, mothers looking for nutritious alternatives for their families, athletes,

and those who struggle with dairy. In addition, the product concerns those who want a

sustainable product without genetically modified foods included.

Consumer Behavior and Target Markets

One beneficial skill that a marketer hones is the skill of comprehending and

recognizing consumer behaviors. Whereas So Delicious holds numerous wonderful

characteristics and benefits, the marketers at Turtle Mountain must know how to take

these benefits and direct them toward the correct target market. Consumer behavior

dictates how Turtle Mountain does these tasks for the So Delicious product. Consumer

behavior also tells Turtle Mountain who the target markets are. Using information

gained from marketing and promotional exploits of comparable brands, the marketers at

Turtle Mountain gain knowledge about the target market. In addition, information about

consumer behavior within the target market helps Turtle Mountain by influencing the

advertising of So Delicious. Turtle Mountain needed to find the influences, indirect and

direct, which prompt certain consumers to purchase certain goods or services. The

result is an advertising campaign that becomes an influence in consumer choice for the

So Delicious target market.

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Product Positioning

By positioning a product, organization show attributes of the product that attract

more consumers. Turtle Mountain presented these attributes to consumers through

attractive packaging, customer service, effective distribution, competitive prices, and a

positive image. Product attributes work together to meet the needs and desires of a

pointed market segment. According to authors, Glen L. Urban and Steven

H. Star (2011), "Segmentation analysis tells us how the market is defined and allows us

to target one or more opportunities. Product positioning takes place within a target

market segment and tells us how we can compete most effectively in that market

segment” (Product Positioning).

Differentiation of the So Delicious product included using variables such as cost

difference, quality difference, difference in cost to produce, and features that add extra

value for the consumer (tutor2u, n.d.).  Turtle Mountain, using SWOT analysis and other

methods of comparison, holds the power to position the So Delicious brand well against

other nondairy products.  This strengthens the brand and sales, especially when the

product displays a better cost and quality over competitors, which increases the

product’s share of the market.

By using competitive positioning, Turtle Mountain shows that the So Delicious Dairy

Free product owns an advantage over comparative products. The value of So Delicious

shows in the way that Turtle Mountain differentiated this product when compared to the

competition’s similar offerings. The product placement gets the product to consumers

who need milk substitute. In the grocery store, many milk substitutes belong within the

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dairy department. Some products, like rice milk, belong on the regular aisles with items,

such as baking goods due to a stable shelf life. The So Delicious Dairy Free product

resides in the dairy department with products like Silk Soy Milk, Lactaid Milk, and Blue

Diamond Almond Milk. Because consumers expect to milk substitutes in this

department, So Delicious resides in an easy-to-find location.

Current Advertising

Currently, Turtle Mountain advertises So Delicious Dairy Free in various ways. The

company website features the product’s packaging, benefits, and attributes, including its

status as a nonGMO food (Turtle Mountain LLC., 2010).  On the website, consumer

feedback shows in testimonials and sidebar pop-ups. So Delicious also features ads

and press releases in magazines and newspaper articles, such as an article found in

the Los Angeles Times, telling consumers about the benefits of the So Delicious brand

of coconut milk beverage (Conis, 2012).  So Delicious also features in store displays,

online coupons, online offers, and social networking pages on sites like Facebook and


Promotion of the So Delicious Dairy Free product also influences consumers'

purchasing decisions. This product features on television shows like The Doctors and in

YouTube videos released by Turtle Mountain (Turtle Mountain LLC., 2011). The video

features celebrity, fitness guru Jillian Michaels, as does the product cartons. The blog, a

Blogger site, features recipes, press releases, and more information about the So

Delicious Dairy Free product, along with Turtle Mountain’s other products (Turtle

Mountain LLC., 2011).

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The changes needs in the product positioning of the So Delicious product lies in that

many grocery retailers do not carry this product. Turtle Mountain needs to form

relationships with many large retailers and convince these retailers of the benefits of

selling this product. This task involves educating retailers about the product’s benefits

and its position in the nondairy market. The current advertising message for So

Delicious stems from nutritional research, research into consumer behavior, and in

house marketing. For example, when Turtle Mountain received its non-GMO

certification, the press release that ensued was the result of in-house marketing back by

John Tucker, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Technology at Turtle Mountain

(TURTLE MOUNTAIN LLC, 2012).  John Tucker (2012) states, “"As a leader in the

natural foods industry, we are constantly looking for ways to provide consumers with

accurate information regarding the sourcing of these foods. We are proud to receive this

status and gratified to see the industry move in this direction with such consensus"


PROJECT CERTIFICATION). When Turtle Mountain asked Jillian Michaels to be their

spokesperson, after she tweeted about the products, Jillian Michaels placed an

advertisement on her personal website about the So Delicious Dairy Free Coconut Milk

(Waterfront Media, Inc., 2012 ). Although these messages promoted the brand

powerfully, the company stands to make great improvements in their advertising

message and in the methods used to reach the public.

The changes in the advertising message involves reaching out to consumers who

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never considered coconut milk. In addition, the low price of the product hold benefits for

working families on a low-income budget. However, the product seems to ignore this

segment of the target market. Commercials stand to help spread the word about the So

Delicious brand, but the company failed to produce a commercial as of yet. With social

networking and an organizational website bringing in feedback from consumers, this

feedback, along with surveys, give Turtle Mountain ways to form influential advertising

messages to expand the target market.


So Delicious Dairy Free holds the potential to lead the market as a superior milk

substitute product. At this point, many consumers are unaware of this product.

However, through aggressive advertising, the product quickly gains on other milk

substitutes position in the market. The product’s positioning, which includes product

benefits, promotions, price, and placement in grocers, helps make the purchase of this

milk substitute a very viable option for customers. In addition, the differentiation

between So Delicious and other milk substitutes shows that the product competes in a

narrow market segmentation. Turtle Mountain understands that advertising influences

consumer’s behavior to purchase but fails to reach certain segments of the target

audience. The advertising message needs broadening for Turtle Mountain to become

America’s nondairy leader and an option for those who never considered using this type

of product.

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Conis, E. (2012). Got coconut milk?. Retrieved on March 13, 2012 from

 Sawtooth Technologies, Inc. (2009). Finding the Sweet Spot of Competitive Positioning. Retrieved on March 12, 2012 from

Turtle Mountain LLC. . (2010). Product Certifications. Retrieved on March 11, 2012 from

 Turtle Mountain LLC. . (2012). So Delicious Dairy Free. Retrieved on March 12, 2012 from

 Turtle Mountain LLC. . (2011). So Delicious Dairy Free. Retrieved on March 11, 2012 from

Turtle Mountain LLC. . (2010). Why coconuts?. Retrieved on March 11, 2012 from

Turtle Mountain LLC. (2011, April 6). How does So Delicious(R) Coconut Milk Taste? [Video file]. Retrieved on March 13, 2012 from YOUTUBE website:

 TURTLE MOUNTAIN LLC. (2012). Press Releases. Retrieved on March 12, 2012 from

tutor2u. (n.d.). Competitive advantage. Retrieved on March 12, 2012 from

 Waterfront Media, Inc.. (2012 ). One of my New Faves. Retrieved on March 13, 2012 from

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