
Cyber Fraud International Organized Crime

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Dont Launch Cell Phone Games and Programs that are Pushed to you

Just how gullible are we?

Some viewers of Gilligans Island apparently took the show seriously in the 1960s. The U.S. Coast Guard received several telegrams from concerned citizens asking why they didnt rescue the Minnows crew.This has been an excellent week. I have received four or five emails from London and Africa announcing that I have been selected to receive, from each of them, sums in eXcess of ten million dollars The quite remarkable fact seems to be that one fellows plane crash, anothers unexpected demiseapparently run over by a herd of elephants a thirds cruel wife, have all resulted in me being just the right person on the planet to receive millions of dollars which was left in their estates. Not only that: Several lotteries have paid off this week as well, and, just like the poor African ministers who want to share their millions with me, the lottery companies are happy to send money as well. It seems all I have to do is let any one of these secret correspondents know a few details about my bank account and social security number and my life worries will be over.

Best 90 Free Windows Programs to Protect You and Your Computer

Cell phone data charges

Ring tones

Vanity fraud

Meet My Children - Sean, Lindsay, Ryan. Each of them was scammed!

Starting next week, Verizon will double the early-termination fee for smartphones...

...The phone is designed in such a way that you can almost never avoid getting $1.99 charge on the bill. Around the OK button on a typical flip phone are the up, down, left, right arrows. If you open the flip and accidentally press the up arrow key, you see that the phone starts to connect to the web. So you hit END right away. Well, too late. You will be charged $1.99 for that 0.02 kilobytes of data...

...Every month, the 87 million customers will accidentally hit that key a few times a month! Thats over $300 million per month in data revenue off a simple mistake!..

It cant happen to me!

Without protection, its just a craps game.

Really?What are the odds?

You stand a better chance at any given time of loosing your personally identifiable information than you do of just about any other form of nasty thing than can happen to a person over their lifetime.
The National Safety Council

1 in 146,107,962.00 could potentially win the power ball lottery grand prize
1 in 3,563,608.83 could potentially win the 200,000 dollar prize in the power ball
1 in 3000 will be killed by lighting in any given year 1 in 1,313 chance of being killed by a doctor 1 in 314 chance of being killed by a firearm 1 in 84 chance of being killed in a car crash over your lifetime
1 in 3 has had their personally identifiable information lost this year!!

A new, targeted social media version of a very old scam -- the Nigerian, or 419, ploy

Web criminals are getting much more personal in their attacks, using social networking sites and other databases to make their story lines much more believable.Bryan Rutberg's daughter was among the first to notice something odd about her dad's Facebook page. At about 8 p.m. on Jan. 21, she ran into his bedroom and asked why he'd changed his status to: BRYAN IS IN URGENT NEED OF HELP!!!In Rutberg's case, criminals managed to steal his Facebook login password, steal his Facebook identity, and change his page to make it appear he was in trouble. Next, the criminals sent e-mails to dozens of friends, begging them for help.


How did they do that?

Because Facebook regularly contacts its users through e-mail, and includes links in those e-mails to login pages, the format is ripe for phishers. It's easy to imitate Facebook e-mails and simply send users clicking to a look-a-like login page that steal passwords.

Punked! Lots of tools on the net for people who may want to take advantage of you.

Who steals my purse steals trashBut he that filches from me my good name ... Makes me poor indeed.Othello, Act 3 Scene 3

When in doubt about a potential scam check the Internet Crime Complaint Center

Dont let them get away with it.
Get mad or get even!

Report them immediately to:

ORbecome a scam baiter (not really recommended, but some people are just really angry)

Who Scammers Hate

We are all victims!

1700 new victims in the course of this meeting.

By the end of the decade someone in your family will be a victim.

Lowest estimate of projected damage is $5000.

Only 1 in 700 is investigated.

1 year or less in jail.

70 80 % involve illegal dugs

FBI reports 30,000 computer a week are taken over.

The meteoric rise in social media use has also created a launch pad for identity thieves.

My prediction for 2010 (and beyond) is that the increase in social networking activity, along with a users failure to implement security and privacy settings and protocols, will lead to an increased exposure of not only the users personal information but possibly that of their friends.

Robert Siciliano: CEO of

A word or two about passwords
and. hacking Facebook

No birthdates or social security numbers

No mothers maiden name

No universal password

Yes to long passwords (over eight characters)

Yes to random patterns first letter of each word in your favorite song with your favorite number.

Yes to changing it frequently

Go to this site: Choose at least two games and report your findings and observations on the Discussion Board.

Three FREE must have online tools to create unique passwords.

FTC Video

Who are the bad guys?

Small time crooks

Trans- national crime gangs.
Russian "Mafia," Colombian and Mexican drug cartels, Asian Triads, Japanese Yakuza, Nigerian confidence rings, Hell's Angels, rogue factions of the St. Regis Mohawk tribe and the surviving, leaner and meaner Cosa Nostra


Why do people fall for it ???

Beware of the push!!


Greed = Scam..


Fear = Scam

MailFrontier recently claimed that over 40% of recipients fell for the recent Citibank Email Phishing Scam.


Curiosity = Scam


Ref. Number:EGOGHS255125600419
Batch Number: 14/ 01259/ IPD
Ticket Number:113-2471-752-209
Serial Number: 5063-11


We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Winners
in our UNIVERSAL STAKES Lottery Program held on the 20th
JULY, 2004.Your e-mail address attached to ticket number
27522465896-6453 with serial number 3772-554 drew lucky
numbers 7-14-18-31-45 which consequently won in the 2ND
category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum
pay out of USD$1,500,000 ( One Million Five Hundred

Some Quick Facts

FBI 2012 statistics show $3 billion in losses

Median individual loss - $575.

But reported loss is tip of the project iceberg estimated to be in the billions. Only 1 in 10 crime reported

What Scammers Love

Social networking sites

People who click on links

Pictures, blogs

Manually hacking captcha registration blocks.

ScaREWAREPretends to detect a virus and offers to help with inexpensive debugging software (usually around $50) then..

You give your credit card # for the software fix!Watch this!

Hidden terms..Recurring Billing..Shipping & handling

Texting for Dollars

Text message from your bank or credit card company to call right away and verify account information!


Youve won a free gift from a reputable vendor like Sears or Macys

Bogus Love
Wire me some money for an airline ticket
so that I can be with you forever.

1) Fake photos: You may be virtual dating with somebody else.2) Hidden costs: Sign-up could be free, but everything else requires you to pay extra fees.3) Milking your Bank Account: The guy/girl is in distress and urgently need money, e.g. accidents, trapped at airport, hospitalized, etc.!

Make ME your favorite charityplease :(

Their pitch: Speed up relief efforts wire and send personal info such as social security and checking account numbers.

Log on here:
The hot-spot Hot seat
Coming to a location near you.

Dont do any banking unless you know it a secure location. How? Look for https (not just http) in the URL and the small padlock icon in the lower right hand corner of your browser.

Any Web site or print ad offering free credit reports has to display this disclosure across the top of each page:

THIS NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY LAW. Read more at FTC.GOV.You have the right to a free credit report from or 877-322-8228, the ONLY authorized source under federal law.

Cute ads butBeware!Not so free credit reports.

Free Credit Report?
This one may be the one to try.

Now, a new site called CreditKarma is offering free daily credit scores. For comparison, FICOs own Score Watch program costs $89.95 per year. So whats the catch?

1. Its not a real FICO score. This is another FICO-clone, with a score ranging from 300 to 900. (FICO is from 300 to 850.) It also doesnt say from which bureau this score is based upon, as they say they can pull from any of the big three (Experian, Equifax, Transunion). My guess is that theyll use whatever is available that is both cheaper than FICO and still reasonably accurate. Thats what I would do
2. You only get the score. The service is pretty barebones. You dont get information about whos pulling your credit, how often they are doing it, or information about your existing credit lines. So the alerts feature is missing. Instead, the primary attraction is the ability to see trends - is your score increasing or decreasing over time?
3. They are advertiser-supported, so I guess they are counting on people to obsessively check their score every day. Ive always been a bit mystified by such behavior, but I dont check the stock market ticker all day long either. From their privacy policy it seems that they are using your personal information to target ads to you, but arent actually sharing your info with others unless you opt-in. I sure hope not!

Security and Privacy Concerns
Okay, its free, so price isnt a barrier to using this service. But its definitely wise to think twice before giving out personal information like my Social Security number to a start-up company. I read through their site, and didnt see any glaring security holes. They use common third-party systems like ScanAlert Hacker Safe, TRUSTe, and Verisign. If you do notice something fishy, please share in the comments. The CEO will be reading, given that hes the one that told me about this site.

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