  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    Week 6 Challenge Submissions

    Consider these questions. Did you achieve your goal? Do you need to make adjustments to your goal? What

    was your number one obstacle? What changes can you make going forward to overcome that obstacle? This

    weeks challenge has two parts.


    Evaluate your progress towards reaching the goals you set at the beginning of the competition. Share acouple sentences about your experience using the questions above as a guide. Dont remember what

    you set for a goal? The Week 1 Challenge Submission document can be found on theStep into Summer

    page of InsideMenasha and ourFacebook page.

    2) We want you to continue your active lifestyle well beyond this competition. Find and share a quote orpicture that can serve as a motivational reminder of your commitment to being physically active. See

    examples below.

    My goal was to increase my steps to at least 10,000 per day. I have met my goal at least throughout the work

    week. I found that I need to be more active in the evenings because I believe that because I do not move afterdinner is one of reasons for my weight gain. My number one obstacle was the weather. When it is clear and

    less humid I worked out more because I prefer exercising outdoors. To combat this, I have been thinking of

    either purchasing a treadmill or working out to the Wii. ~ Submitted by Melicia Pompey, Philadelphia
  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions












    Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. Yesterday you said tomorrow. I never regret it when I do it but I always regret it when I dont. Youre only one workout away from a good mood.

    And my absolute favorite:


    I came very close to my goal of maintaining the amount of steps during week 1 when I was on vacation with

    the kids. Its amazing how fast the steps can add up and a simple walk around the block can push you up to a

    bigger number than you expect! My biggest obstacle is sitting at a desk all day, so I attempt to make reasons

    for extra trips around the office. ~Submited by Carol Keller, DeForest

  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    My goal at the beginning of this competition was to be prepared for rock climbing expedition in August. As

    a mountain guide friend of mine advised, the best prep will be to focus on cardio fitness. Do some running,

    cycling, or gym workouts. That will give you the base you need for long days in the hills. I believe I have

    succeeded in meeting that goal, averaging over 25,000 steps per day. Also had an opportunity to spend a

    week in the mountains of Colorado, acclimating to working hard at altitude. ~Submitted by Troy Martin,

    Neenah Plant

    My goal was to achieve 10,000 steps on the days of the week that I cannot get my 4-5 mile walk in. I fell short

    a couple times, but made up for it on other days. I would take the long away around to get somewhere, park

    further away, walk in place while watching tv at night, walk on the treadmill or elliptical machine. I think the

    following statement is very motivational, and true! ~Submitted by Connie Rushford, Menasha Corporate

  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    I reached my goal each week and even during practice week. Having a Pedometer was key as it would help

    me gauge when I needed to pick it up in the afternoon or if I could go a little more lightly of a walk. The

    Number one obstacle was weather when it rained (which was A LOT during this competition) that meant no

    lunchtime walk nor after dinner walk with my dog I had to get indoor house creative as I hate driving to the

    gym to exercise. ~Submitted by Leigh Vavrik, Ocomonowoc

    -Happy to say I achieved my Goal of Gold level within first 2-Wks of competition J

    -Yes, although I achieved my Goal in first 2-wks, I struggled to maintain my daily step count for balance of


    -Number one obstacle was a heat wave here in central NJ. I didnt want to put undo stress on my Walking

    Buddy (my dog ZOE). Therefore, I purposely scaled back my step count on certain days. Secondly, heavy

    rains (after work) also played a role in my total step count. Lastly, a few times during this

    competition, I forgot to attach my Pedometer to my clothing (hence I lost points as result!).

    -Maintaining a positive attitude and continuing to Walk on regular basis J Remaining open to other forms of

    exercise. ~ Submitted by Patricia Gover, Edison-Ethel

  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    I have achieved my goal of increasing my steps by 5% a week from the beginning. My biggest obstacle is

    making sure that I set the time aside with my busy children. I have started scheduling me time to make sure

    I get my walking in and just time for myself in general. I also use my daughters practice times to walk or

    exercise instead of watching her. I have attached my motivational saying. ~ Submitted by Melissa Walter,


    My goal was to ride my bike to work at least once/week. I exceeded that goal and felt full of energy after my

    18 mile ride to work. By the end of the day, I looked forward to a long quiet ride home. I will continue to ride

    my bike after the step challenge is done. ~Submitted by Jane Boettcher

  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    My original goal was to get an extra 1,600 steps at night. I have been using my Wii Fit funny enough the Wii

    Fit is right before my craft room. If I dont do the 1,600 steps then I told myself that I am not allowed to

    create anything. For the extra 20 minute delay I figured it is worth it. The steps in the morning has not

    really worked out, I am just not a morning exerciser. However, I do take my dogs for a walk and they let me

    know if we dont get that 20 minute walk in at night. Luckily we did not have a lot of rain, but I did take the

    dogs for a walk in our basement on those nights.

    I love the attached quote. I actually hung this up in my craft room when the competition started, mainly to

    motive me to get out of the room and do something. It is very easy to fall back on old patterns. Now it is on

    the wall right across from my main working station and I only allow myself a block of time instead of sitting

    for hours. ~Submitted by Leslie Brunner, Home Office

    When I had started this challenge I had no idea how the steps added up so quickly, then adding other activities

    to your daily routine I exceeded my goal of 10,000 steps daily. ~Submitted by Craig Anvelink, Preprint

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    ~Submitted by Eleni Fosses

    ~Submitted by Dana Lamp, Oconomowoc

    My initial goal was to be consistent and maintain a minimum of 10,000 steps a day and also get in some very

    active minutes of at least 30 minutes a day 5-6 days a week from rebounding. I have exceeded that goal just

    about every day of the challenge by averaging 11,000-12,000 steps a day most days and rebound for about 60

    minutes a day now. I even hit 25,000 steps in one day for the first time last week. ~Submitted by Wendy

    Raabe, Oconomowoc

  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    Step into summer really helped to get motivated for goals. "Train like there is no finish line" ~Submitted by

    Todd Moeller Folding Carton Group

    My goal was to average 10,000 steps per day per week, which I achieved. It was helpful to keep track of steps

    because on some days when I was low on steps, it was my motivation to get out and run to gain more steps

    for the day.

    Quote Stop procrastinating and JUST GO! This is a quote that is used a lot in my house. I tend to

    procrastinate before I go for my run and my husband and daughter always tell me to get going or just

    go! ~Submitted by Laura Lentz, Hartford

    When I started this competition my goal was to do 10,000 steps a day. I am normally an active person, so this

    goal was achievable. I did find though that it did take work to get to this goal. Taking a walk at noon was

    important to meeting my daily goal, otherwise I would have a daunting task at night to reach my goal. It was

    much easier to break it up throughout the day instead of having to do all my steps in one exercise period. I

    was able to reach my goal. On occasion there were days when I would not make it to 10,000 steps, but I foundthat by having this goal I was motivated to keep stepping. The biggest change I can make it to continue

    monitoring my step count to make sure that I am staying active. Having a pedometer is a handy tool to help

    keep track of how active I am on a daily bases. ~Submitted Lynsey Madison, Oconomowoc

    I increased my steps at least 5% each week except for week 5 which decreased significantly. I have not lost 5

    lbs but I have lost a pound or two since starting. I am working on my diet and exercise routine to help with this

    goal moving forward. I also have started to ramp up the intensity from time to time, especially while walking

    my dog. It wears her out quicker and keeps me moving towards my goals.

    My biggest obstacles were getting up the energy during the week to go on long walks and finding the time

    between chores and cooking, etc. to take a little break and work on myself and my fitness goals. I think moving

    forward, having a better diet and getting into a routine will help me overcome these obstacles. I need to work

    on going to bed earlier and getting better sleep to feel refreshed all day long. Saturdays were also a struggle

    because I would be out with friends Friday, stay up a little later than usual, and get a lot of steps in, but the

    next day, I would be exhausted. I think if I get to bed earlier, no matter what day it is, it will be easy to

    overcome this obstacle.

  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    One of the quotes that inspires me is, Just do it! because a lot of the time, thats exactly what needs to

    happen, just get up and do it! ~Submitted by Michelle Hunter, Lakeville

    Three motivational quotes that have strong meaning for me are:

    Stop Wishing. Start Doing.

    Dont stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done.

    Your future is created by what you do today not tomorrow.

    I did quite well achieving my goal of an average of 8000 steps per day. However, I hope to continue with it.

    These 6 weeks were easy to push harder to achieve more steps, it is continuing with it that will be difficult.

    There are many other things I would rather do that get in a workout each day or every other day. My biggest

    fitness obstacle is getting started. ~Submitted by Karen Bykowski, Bolingbrook

    My goal was to exceed 10,000 steps each day. Wearing a pedometer definitely helped keep me on track. Icould monitor my daily progress and if I was falling short, I knew I would have to get some extra steps in at

    night. The contest was a great motivator and although it is over, I'm going to continue to use my

    pedometer to make sure I am getting enough activity each day.

    ~Submitted by Debbie Boardman, Neenah Plant

  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    My goal was to go above and beyond my normal daily routine. I believe I accomplished that mostly every day

    during this 6 week challenge.

    Inspirational goal I believe in and follow.

    If you dont like something, change it. If you cant change it, change the way you think about it.

    ~Submitted by Kristina Moser, Hartford

    My goal was to walk 70,000 steps per week, increasing my step count to 80,000 in the final week. I achieved

    the 70,000 per week goal and just met the 80,000 goal I set for last week. Once I prioritized getting enough

    steps as a daily task it was just a matter of making time for it which sometimes required some juggling but it

    was certainly manageable. ~Submitted by Leslie Ley, Oconomowoc

    I learned that it is so incredibly easy to not keep moving and so easy to revert to old habits based on the

    sedentary routines of those around me in the office. ~Submitted by Heidi Martin, Oconomowoc

  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    My initial goal for the competition was to increase my step count by 5% every week. I succeeding in

    surpassing the 5% in weeks 2 and 3 but missed in weeks 4 and 5 (by a combined total of ~7,100 steps). For the

    final week, I did a bit of math to determine where my 5% should have been if I would have met my goals in

    weeks 4 and 5 and subsequently in week 6. I added those missed steps to my final weekly goal I needed to

    add an extra 10,679 steps somewhere in my weekly achievement. I am happy to say not only did I achieve this

    stretch goal, but exceeded by an additional ~1,500 steps as well. This was a BIG accomplishment for me and I

    have satisfaction knowing with hard work and dedication, even the smallest of goals can be obtained.

    ~Submitted by Tina Roe, Oconomowoc

    I set a goal to walk around the neighborhood another time each week. I havent done it. Ive realized that was

    not a realistic goal; there is too much for me to do in the times I am at home to add that to the mix. I have,

    however, committed more completely to walking at lunchtime at work, however, which I have found to be

    beneficial in more ways than just step count. ~Submitted by Kelly Dusterhoft, NCS

    It reminds me to take care of myself first, since I wont be any good to anyone else if Im not in good condition

  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    My goals were to be more mindful and realistic about my activity level and to incorporate steps to increase my

    activity level. I feel I was successful in obtaining my goal. I made choices to add extra steps to my routines

    instead of always taking the easy way out. ~Submitted by Christa Sanders, Folding Carton Group

    "Energy & persistence conquer all things."

    --Benjamin Franklin

    My beginning goal was to increase my daily step by 5 % each week. I actually increased my steps by at least

    10% which I am pretty happy with. I was able to get my steps by a combination of extra walking around my

    house and converting my housework and yard work into steps.

    My Motivational Quote is from Charles Dickens

    The sum of the whole is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy. The best way to lengthen out our days

    is to walk steadily and with a purpose. ~Submitted by Jennifer Boerema, NCS

    My goal was to step over 7,000 steps per day. I was able to reach that goal and more. I feel much better for it!

    ~Submitted by Brenda Liehser, Edwardsville

    Did you achieve your goal? YES. I also found out I could do more.

    Do you need to make adjustments to your goal? YES. I set my goal too low.

    What was your number one obstacle? TIME. Not enough time in one day.

    What changes can you make going forward to overcome that obstacle?

    Always make time for your healthier selfset aside at least 1 hour per day to just be activebreak it up into 10

    minute increments if you have toask a friend to join youschedule a fitness trainer to help youwake up

    earlierwalk to workbike to workwalk at lunch time while you eattake up a new sportjoin a group of

    walkers/runners/joggers/bikers/hikersjust make time for you and youll be happier and healthier in a few

    short weeksI am.

    Quote:If nobody laughs at your dreams,,, they arent big enough!

    This was a quote I read at the end of one of my co-workers emails at FCG and it has stuck with me ever since I

    read it. This can be said about your fitness goals and personal goals in life. I have since incorporated this quote

    into my daily life and will continue to push the envelope of fitness and daily personal goals to their limits and

    then take them further. I had lots of fun doing these challenges. ~Submitted by Steven Kamke, Folding Carton


    My goal was to walk at least 10,000 steps per day, and I am happy to say I accomplished my goal :) My biggest

    obstacle during the competition was when I was away from home, which means away from my daily routine I

    had developed for getting my steps. In those situations, I would always make sure to be thinking about what I

    could do to get extra steps, even if it meant just walking in place for 30 to 45 minutes.

    The competition has definitely helped me become aware of what it takes to get at least 10,000 steps a

    day. Given this awareness, my inspiring quote is "You are far too smart to be the only obstacle standing in
  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    your way." In the past, I have been guilty of saying "I don't have time," but I have proven through the

    competition that I do have time by just making some simply adjustments to my day. If I continue to keep

    the mindset that I do have time, then I will continue to find ways to make it happen! ~Submitted by Erin Ness,

    Menasha Corporate Office

    I am very pleased with my progress in reaching my goal of averaging 15,000 steps per day. I exceed my goal

    with an average of 17,068 steps. I did make a couple of adjustments along the way due to weather and my

    schedule. The different activities kept me challenged and motivated. My number one obstacle was walking in

    the mornings when I rather sleep. My buddy at home kept me motivated to get up and go. Since I am seeing

    results from this competition, I will keep going after it is over.

    This is one of the motivational reminders that I have taped on my mirror in my room. I see it every day and it

    helps me to not give up. ~Submitted by Sandy Conklin, Preprint

    This challenge has been a great opportunity to get out, enjoy the weather & stay busy :)

    The quote I chose was, "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." (Jim

    Ryun) ~Submitted by Michelle Pinkerton, Menasha Corporate

  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    My goal was to achieve 70,000 steps per week and to maintain that level of activity or higher.

    I was able to achieve this goal all but one week and was just 475 steps short. I am inspired to stay active and

    instead of saying "I think I can, I think I can, after participating in this challenge and achieving my goal, I can

    say, "I know I can." ~Submitted by Cathy Mulcahy, Oconomowoc

    Looking back over my goal, I did not meet my target of increasing my steps every week up to 10k a day. I will

    continue to strive towards this goal as it makes for a healthier person.

    I chose this poster to help motivate me. I chose Arnold because he was a small asthmatic growing up and

    overcame it to be the stature of the man he is today. ~Submitted by Mike Vaughan, Madison Heights

    My goal was to increase my steps by 5% each week. I was able to meet that challenge 4 out of the 6

    weeks. Some weeks it is difficult to stay active and continue to meet your goals. While I was disappointed

    that I didn't achieve that goal every week, I believe it made me more accountable and definitely inspires me to

    keep going after this challenge is over.

    "Be stronger than your excuses" ~Submitted by Jo Anne Behling, Oconomowoc

    Overall, I think this program allowed me to meet my challenge to continue to push the activity. With me, that

    means staying active with my family, as much as possible. ~Submitted by Michelle Zimmer, Folding Carton


  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    What a great competition! Being on a team really kept me on track. I found that I planned out my week with

    more thought and tried a few different activities that helped me make up points if I was unable to go on my

    regular route. I like the structure. My main motivation is my little boy...together we got a lot of points...lots of

    walks to the park, playing soccer, etc. We had a great time! And, I think Nike said it best.... "Just do it".

    ~Submitted by Samantha Goetz, Oconomowoc\

    Looking back on my Week 1 Goal, I am very happy to admit that I achieved my goal and then some! My goal

    was to at least walk 10,000 steps per day and I was able to double that amount on some days by increasing my

    activity. For example, push mowing when cutting the grass and parking in the back of any parking lot.

    My motivational quote:

    "When you feel like quitting; think about why you started."

    I started this 6 week challenge to force myself to become and stay more active. When there are other people

    watching and waiting for results, it is almost a challenge within itself. ~submitted by Rachel Rogers, Bardstown

    This challenge has started developing more walking habits. My family and I have started walking the dogs

    more often and even helping out with walking our friends dogs. It has given us a little extra time together as

    a family that we will continue after the challenge is over. ~Submitted by Jenny Lang, Menasha Corporate

    If you always do what youve always done, youll always get what youve always got.Henry Ford

    The changes made these past six weeks are starting to become habit. When I don't walk, I miss it - and it's

    starting to become part of something I want to do for myself - versus something that I had to do for the

    challenge - and not let my teammates down. ~Submitted by Sherri Brigowatz, Oconomowoc

    My Quote - attached -

    "Willpower isn't something that gets handed out to some and not to others. It is a skill you can develop

    through understanding and practice" - Gillian Riley

    My goal was to increase my daily step count by walking an average of 2 extra miles per day. By making a pointto engage in additional opportunities to be physically active each day, I was easily able to surpass that goal. I

    will continue to engage in at least one additional activity, such as walking at lunch time, each day. ~Submitted

    by Pat Lauscher, Chicago
  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    My week 6 challenge entry would say was I influenced to achieve my goal and regretfully no I wasn't there

    were I think two weeks in which I didn't reach my goal of 70k and I have no one to blame but myself for

    that. I've never routinely wore a pedometer during work before and let me tell you its tough to get off a 12

    hour shift with less than 5000 steps and know between 7 pm and bedtime you have to walk another 5000

    steps and get dinner and kids settled during that time. Am I making excuses no I'm not I'm just stating that's a

    challenge I wasn't prepared for but by the end of the weeks challenge I'm there. I walk during lunch at work

    and try to busy myself more with moving around. I reached my goal of 77000 during the final week as

    well. As being sad to see this challenge end bc it was truly fun to overcome each weekly challenge I will have

    to set my own challenges and continue to strive for 5 miles a day. Thank you for all those of you who put in all

    your hard work and extra effort to provide such a competition it has been a true enjoyment. ~Submitted by

    Gerald Smith, Bardstown

    The second part of my week 6 challenge is a quote I have always liked because of the mild humor and the so

    true statement

    .Of course motivation is not permanent. But then, neither is bathing; but it is something you should do on a

    regular basis. Zig Ziglar

    I was able to achieve my goal during this competition! I increased my steps and, on average, got more than

    10,000 a day. My number one obstacle was time management. I would get overwhelmed with work and put

    off going for a walk or exercising. Going forward, I will schedule time in my day for these activities just like I

    would schedule a meeting. This way, I will get my work done before its time to exercise. ~ Submitted by Sadie

    Obrigewitch, Menasha Corporate

    Here is my quote.... yes I definitely met my goal to be less of a couch potato and get moving and stay moving. I

    feel a whole lot better than I did 5 weeks ago, I'm walking every single morning and walking further every

    week. I'm also getting my 13 year old dog out each evening and he's loving every minute of the attention and

    the walks in the woods. I won't stop just because the competition is over..... ~Submitted by Lynda Ketelboeter,


  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    For my final week, I reviewed my goals and realized I walked at least 70,000 steps a week to achieve gold

    throughout the competition. Additionally, I was able to increase my steps during the last week more than I

    had planned which was a great feeling. Just getting out of the house and off the coach was an accomplishment

    enough for me to be happy with my progress. ~Submitted by Kelly Krabbe, Preprint

    A couple quotes I found to be an inspiration to continue walking more are:

    Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Napoleon Hill

    The mind is everything. What you think you become. Buddha

    I love having my Fitbit during this Step into summer challenge. I have had a few days where I looked at my

    steps late at night and realized that I would be falling short of the 10,000 steps per day goal. So I got off the

    coach and starting stepping or doing a grapevine in front of the TV to get to 10,000 steps. Now I just need to

    make sure everyday after the challenge is done I keep it going. It has allowed me to eat more calories without

    really worrying about weight gain. Weekly seeing how many miles I walk is also really fun. Fitbit sends me

    little badges at each major milestone. ~Submitted By Kelly Ulmen, Folding Carton Group

    My goal was to increase my steps by at least 1000 steps each week. This six week challenge was awesome it

    brought our already close team together each day to head out and just walk. We had a great time walking at

    lunch and just taking in all the city had to offer. My family and I also increased out daily activities getting out in

    the evenings to walk after supper of heading to the Y to work off supper and prepping for our first 5K.

    ~Submitted by Theresa West, Cincinnati/Dallas

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    Week six submission: My goal was to achieve 10,000 steps each day, not just an average. Unless I completely

    drop the ball this week, I have achieved it last week and will again this week. ~Submitted by Melissa Byrne,

    Packaging Home Office

    When I started the competition I was really just wanting to maintain 10,000 steps per day, not really knowing

    how many steps I took per day. The first week gave me an idea but fast forward to now I feel that I am

    capable of so much more activity, not just steps. I took this competition as a challenge to get more active inmy daily life. Although I managed to hit my original goal of 10,000 steps per day, that challenge has changed

    into being as active as possible every day of the week. And hopefully this is just the start. ~Submitted by Ryan

    Averbeck, Cincinnati

    I achieved my goalof obtaining at least 100,000 steps each week during the challenge! My number oneobstacle was pure laziness. It was really brought to light how much I sit during the day and at home when I

    saw how many more steps I needed to take each day to reach my weekly goal. My plans now are to continue

    to wear the pedometer often to help permanently instill the life-long healthy habit (hopefully!) of continuing

    to walk at least 100,000 steps most weeks. ~Submitted by Debbie Baumann, Cincinnati

    You can either think about your goals and HOPEto achieve or you can live out your goals and

    KNOWyoull succeed!

  • 7/27/2019 Week 6 SIS Challenge Submissions


    In the Step into summer competition my goal was to walk a little more steps each week. I am proud to say that

    I did achieve this goal, and can hopefully remain doing so. Below is the inspirational quote that I picked to

    keep me motivated. ~Submitted by Jason Mattingly, Bardstown

    At the beginning of this challenge I just wanted to increase my steps and average 10,000 steps per day. It was

    challenging to do that because in the office, where I spend the majority of my day, I hardly take any steps at

    all. I really had to push myself to take extra-long walks at night to make sure I got my steps in as well as try

    other forms of exercise (i.e. biking, elliptical, and etc.). I pushed myself and met my challenge. ~Submitted by

    Jennifer Orszula, Oconomowoc

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    My goal was to maintain the gold level status throughout the competition and increase my steps each week. I

    did accomplish my goal but it was a lot more challenging than I thought it would be. Being on a team and

    reading everybodys weekly challenge submissions really helped me. As a result, I definitely feel more fit and

    my energy level has increased.

    Every journey begins with a single step. But youll never finish if you dont start.

    Best of luck to everyone in continuing their active lifestyle. . . . . journey on! ~Submitted by Sue

    Gloede, Folding Carton Group

    I accomplished my goal by making it to over 10000 steps as the weeks went by. The number one obstacle for

    me was not making up excuses to avoid my walks. I now see if I try I can accomplish a healthier lifestyle one

    step at a time. ~Submitted by Maria Serrato, NCS


    Since the competition began, I became more aware of what I need to do to achieve my goal. My number one

    obstacle was time and also setting a routine to get out on my walks, with two little ones sometimes it was a bit

    more difficult, but I know that I can make a few more changes to overcome this. I know I became more active

    since the competition began; I just need to continue that momentum and increase my activity even more.

    ~Submitted by Raquel Serna, Oconomowoc

    My goal was to achieve 10,000 steps or more each day of the competition. I found that if I didnt find more

    ways to move while at work it was very hard to meet my goal. I definitely had a few days which I didnt meet

    my goal and it was all because of poor planning. In the future Im going to plan out my exercise schedule

    ahead of time and really commit to it. I m also planning to continue lunchtime walks while at work in order to

    make it easier to reach my 10,000 steps a day goal going forward. ~Submitted by Amy Kumaraperu
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    I think I am much more active as a result of this challenge. It surprised me to see how easy it was to increase

    me steps. A great quote I found is you don't have to be great to start. But you have to start to be great.

    ~Submitted by Abel Menchaca, Mentor

    I achieved my goal with the help of my family. Otherwise I would not have being able to achieve my goal. I

    would like to keep as active as I have this past few weeks if not more, and for this reason I liked the quotebelow, because its all based on my thinking! ~Submitted by Dioseline Salgado, Edwardsville

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