  • 8/3/2019 Week 7 & 8 Negotiable Instrument Act 1881


    Department of




    Muhammad Naveed Chohan

    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 1


    Week 7 &8Negotiable Instruments

  • 8/3/2019 Week 7 & 8 Negotiable Instrument Act 1881


    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 2

    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument

    Presentment of Negotiable Instrument

    Negotiation of Negotiable Instrument

    Dishonouring of Negotiable Instrument


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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 3

    Law: Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881

    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument

    Negotiable Instrument

    Negotiable Instrument

    Transferable byDelivery Written Documentwhich Creates

    Rights in favour ofsome person

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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 4

    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument

    What is Negotiable Instrument?

    A negotiable instrument means a promissory note, bill of exchange or

    cheque payable either to order or bearer

    [Sec. 13 of Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881]

    Kinds of Negotiable Instruments:

    Promissory Note

    Bills of Exchange


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    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument

    Promissory Note

    A promissory note is an instrument in writing [not being a bank note or a

    currency note] containing an unconditional undertaking signed by the

    maker, to pay on demand or at fixed or determined future time a certain

    sum of money only to, or to the order of, a certain person, or to bearer ofthe instrument

    [Sec. 4 of Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881]

    Rs 5,000 Lahore, 2nd August 2007

    Sixty days after date, I promise to pay to Mr. A or order the sum of rupees fivethousand for value received

    Sd/- Mr. A

    22-A GardenRoad,Lahore (The Maker/Promisor)

    Revenue StampSd/ Mr. B

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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 6

    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument

    Essential Elements of Promissory Note:

    In writing

    Promise to pay

    Unconditional Promise

    Signed by maker

    Certain maker

    Certain payee

    Certain sum

    Other formalities

    Parties in Promissory Note:



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    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument

    Bill of Exchange:

    A bill of exchange is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional

    order, signed by the maker, directing a certain person to pay on demand

    or at a fixed or determinable future time a certain sum of money only to,

    or to the order of, a certain person or to the bearer of the instrument

    [Sec. 5 of Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881]

    Rs 6,000 Lahore, 2nd August 2007

    Three months after date, pay to B or order the sum of rupees six thousand onlyfor value received.

    Sd/- Mr. B

    122-A SquareRoad,Lahore (Drawer)

    Sd/- Mr. A122-A Bank Road,Lahore (Drawee/Acceptor)

    Revenue StampSd/ Mr. B

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    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument

    Essential Elements of Bill of Exchange:

    In writing

    Unconditional order

    Signed by drawer

    Certain drawee

    Certain payee

    Certain sum

    Other formalities

    Parties in Bill of Exchange:




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    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument


    A cheque is a bill of exchange drawn on a specified banker and not

    expressed to be payable otherwise than on demand

    [Sec. 6 of Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881]

    Muslim Commercial Bank LimitedBank Square, The Mall Road, Lahore, Pakistan

    Pay /orbearerRupees /



    PLS A/C No. 5583-6Cheque No. CX 087792

    Date: /

    ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||


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    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument

    Essential Elements of Cheque:

    In writing

    Unconditional order

    Signed by drawer

    Payable on demand

    Certain sum

    Payable to bearer or order

    Parties in Chaque:




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    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument

    Crossing of Cheque:

    A cheque is said be crossed when two parallel transverse lines, with or

    without any words, are drawn across the face of a cheque

    Types Crossing of Cheque:1. General Crossing 3. Account Payee Crossing

    2. Special Crossing 4. Not Negotiable Crossing

    Muslim Commercial Bank LimitedBank Square, The Mall Road, Lahore, Pakistan

    Pay /orbearerRupees /


    PLS A/C No. 5583-6Cheque No. CX 087792

    Date: /


    ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||


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    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument

    Types Crossing of Cheque:

    1. General Crossing: (Sec. 123 & 126)

    Where a cheque is crossed generally, the banker on whom it is

    drawn shall not pay it otherwise than to the banker.

    A general crossing can be made as follows:

    a) Crossing with Parallel lines

    b) Crossing containing words & Co

    c) Crossing containing words not negotiable

    d) Crossing containing words not negotiable & Co.

    e) Crossing containing words account payee

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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 13

    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument

    Types Crossing of Cheque:

    2. Special Crossing: (Sec. 124)

    Where a cheque bears across its face an addition of the name of a

    banker, either with or without words not negotiable that an addition

    shall be deemed crossed specially

    A Special crossing can be made as follows:

    a) Crossing with Parallel lines containing name of a banker

    b) Crossing containing words not negotiable in addition to bankers


    c) Crossing containing words account payee in addition to bankers


    d) Crossing containing words account payee and not negotiable in

    addition to bankers name

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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 14

    Introduction to Negotiable Instrument

    Types Crossing of Cheque:

    3. Account Payee: (Sec. 123-A)

    Where a words account payee, or payees account only, or A/C

    payee are added

    An account payee crossing has following effect:

    a) Becomes non-transferable

    b) Duty of collecting banker to credit proceed in account

    4. Not Negotiable Crossing: (Sec. 130)Protect original owner in case if goes to wrong hands

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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 15

    Presentment of Negotiable Instrument

    What is meant by Presentment?

    Presentment means presenting a negotiable instrument

    Kinds of Presentment:


    For Acceptance

    For Sight

    For Payment

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    Presentment of Negotiable Instrument

    1. Presentment for Acceptance:

    Acceptance is only necessary in case of bill of exchange

    Acceptance means acknowledgment of sum mentioned in a bill by the

    drawee or any other person on his behalf

    Bill of Exchange are not presented for acceptance:

    Payable on demand

    Payable on happening of a certain event

    Drawee dead, insolvent, fictitious person or person with no capacity

    Drawee can not be found or acceptance refused

    Bill of Exchange are presented for acceptance:

    Bill payable after a specified period

    If there is express stipulation in bill about presentment for acceptance

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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 17

    Presentment of Negotiable Instrument

    1. Presentment for Acceptance:

    Essential of a valid acceptance:


    Signed by drawee

    Appear on the bill

    Must be delivered to holder

    Types of acceptance:

    General acceptance

    Qualified acceptance

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    Presentment of Negotiable Instrument

    1. Presentment for Acceptance:

    Who can Present?

    Holder himself

    Authorised agent

    Endorsee in case of endorsement

    Effect of Non-Presentment:

    All the concerned parties thereon discharged from liability

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    Presentment of Negotiable Instrument

    1. Presentment for Acceptance:

    Who can Accept?

    Drawee or authorised agent

    All drawees in case of several drawees

    Legal representative

    Official receiver

    Time of Presentment: (U/S 61)

    On business day

    Reasonable time if no time is mentioned

    At time in case of mentioned time

    Place of Acceptance: (U/S 61)

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    Presentment of Negotiable Instrument

    2. Presentment for Sight: (U/S 62)

    Means showing of a promissory note to the maker for knowledge

    No need of maker to validate for such presentment

    Holder get acknowledgment

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    Presentment of Negotiable Instrument

    3. Presentment for Payment:

    Promissory note, Bill of exchange and Chaque are presented

    for payment

    Rules regarding presentment for payment:

    Presentment through post office

    Hours of presentment

    Instrument payable after date or sight

    Promisory not payable by instalment

    Place of presentment Presentment of Chaque (U/S 72, 73, 84)

    Instrument payable on demand

    Agent, legal representative or assignee

    Excuse for delay and right of holder under sec.131-H

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    Presentment of Negotiable Instrument

    3. Presentment for Payment:

    Presentment for payment unnecessary (U/S 76)

    Intentional prevention by other party

    Close of business

    Payable at any other place

    Payer cannot be found

    Payer waives presentment


    Drawee is fictitious person

    Drawer and drawee are same

    Impossible to present

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    Presentment of Negotiable Instrument

    3. Presentment for Payment:

    Payment for honour

    Bill must have been dishonoured for non payment

    Noting and protest

    Declaration before notary public

    Recording of declaration by notary public

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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 24

    Negotiation of Negotiable Instrument


    Kinds of Negotiation:

    1. Transfer by Negotiation: (Sec.14)

    Holder will be entitled to in his own name to sue on the instrument and

    receive the amount due thereon

    Modes (U/s 47 & 48) : (1) By Delivery (2) By Endorsement and Delivery

    2. Transfer by Assignment: Instrument is transferred by written and registered document

    Who can negotiate?

    Duration of negotiability

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    Negotiation of Negotiable Instrument

    Endorsement: (U/S 15)

    When the maker or holder of a negotiable instrument signs the same,

    otherwise than as such maker, for the purpose of negotiation, on the back

    or face thereof or on a slip of paper annexed thereto, or so sign or for the

    same purpose a stamped paper intended to be completed as negotiableinstrument, he is said to indorse the same, and is called the endorser

    Parties : (1) Indorse (2) Endorser

    Essentials of a valid Endorsement:

    1. Signature of Holder 6. Attested by somebody

    2. Made by the maker or holder 7. Intention

    3. On back or face 8. Completion by delivery

    4. Made in ink

    5. Illiterate endorser than thumb impression

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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 26

    Negotiation of Negotiable Instrument

    Kinds of Endorsement:

    1. Blank Endorsement:

    Endorser signs his name only

    Does not specify the name of the endorsee

    2. Full/Special Endorsement:

    Signature of Endorser

    Direction to pay the amount

    3. Partial Endorsement:

    Can not be indorsed for a part of the amount due on the instrument

    Partial payment than balance than it can be negotiated

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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 27

    Negotiation of Negotiable Instrument

    Kinds of Endorsement:

    4. Restrictive Endorsement:

    Endorser prohibits the endorsee from further negotiation

    Express words

    5. Conditional Endorsement:

    Express words

    Depend upon happening or not happening

    6. Sans Recourse Endorsement:

    When endorser expressly excludes his own liability

    7. Facultative Endorsement:

    Endorser expressly gives up some of his rights

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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 28

    Negotiation of Negotiable Instrument

    Instruments Obtained by Unlawful Means:

    1. Lost instruments

    2. Stolen Instruments

    3. Instrument obtained by fraud

    4. Instrument obtained for an unlawful consideration

    5. Forged instrument

    6. Forged endorsement

    7. Instrument without consideration

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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 29

    Dishonouring of Negotiable Instrument

    What is meant by dishonoring of negotiable instrument?

    A negotiable instrument is dishonored when the drawee refuses to accept it

    or to make payment.


    By Non-


    By Non-


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    Dishonouring of Negotiable Instrument

    1. Dishonoring by Non-Acceptance:

    Drawee does not accept it in 48 hours of presentment

    Any one of drawee does not accept

    Presentment is not necessary and bill is not accepted

    Drawee is incompetent

    Drawee gives conditional acceptance

    Drawee is a fictitious person

    Drawee can not be found after reasonable search

    Counter dishonored

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    Dishonouring of Negotiable Instrument

    2. Dishonoring by Non-Payment:

    Fail to make payment

    Remains unpaid on maturity

    Effect of Dishonoring :

    Holder can sue parties liable and can initiate criminal proceedings

    Liability of drawer, maker of note, acceptor and all Indorser

    Collective and individual

    Notice of Dishonoring: (U/S 93)

    Holder or liable parties give notice to all prior parties

    Discharge of liability in case of not giving a notice

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    Dishonouring of Negotiable Instrument

    Notice by Whom :


    Authorised agent

    Party liable on the instrument

    Receiving party can give notice to prior parties

    Notice to Whom:

    All parties

    Authorized agent Any person in case of several persons

    Legal representative

    Official assignee

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    Dishonouring of Negotiable Instrument

    Mode of Notice: (U/S 94)




    Reasonable Time:

    According to nature of instrument

    Course of dealings


    Nature of communication

    Public holidays

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    Dishonouring of Negotiable Instrument

    Place of Notice:

    Place of business

    Residence of party

    No address then sender should try to find addressee

    Not known than notice to dishonor dispensed with

    Notice of Dishonor Unnecessary: (U/S 98)

    Mention at the time of endorsement

    Drawer stopped the payment Not suffer any damage

    Party entitled to notice could not be found

    Drawer and acceptor same

    Notice can not be given due to unavoidable circumstances

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    Dishonouring of Negotiable Instrument

    Noting: (U/S 99)

    Noting is the authentic and official proof of presentment and


    Noting byNotary Public

    Upon the instrument or upon a paper attached thereto

    Noting is not required in case of cheque


    Formal certification issued byNotary Public

    Advantage of protest in court

    Contents of Pretest;

    1. Instrument or transcript 4. Time and place of dishonor

    2. Name of parties 5. Signature of notary public

    3. Facts and reasons of dishonor 6. In acceptance

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    Wednesday, May 02, 2012 36

    Dishonouring of Negotiable Instrument

    Protest for Better Security: (U/S 100)

    Acceptor of Bill of exchange becomes insolvent

    Holder can demand better security

    Acceptor refuses or unable to give better security

    Bill is dishonored and protest by holder

    Compensation for Dishonor: (U/S 117)

    Amount due + Noting and protesting expenses

    Current rate of exchange

    Interest 6% per annum from date of dishonoring to realization +


    Drawing a new bill upon the liable party

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    Dishonouring of Negotiable Instrument

    Dishonestly Issuing a Cheque: (U/S 489-F PPC 1860)

    Cheque issued dishonestly towards repayment of loan or fulfillment of


    Dishonored on presentation

    Punishment 3 years or fine or both

    Burden of proofmade arrangement for paymentbank was at fault

    U/S 20(4) of financial institutions (recover of finance) ordinance, 2001

    Cheque issued dishonestly towards repayment of loan or fulfillment ofobligation

    Dishonored on presentation

    Punishment 1 years or fine or both

    Burden of proofmade arrangement for paymentbank was at fault

  • 8/3/2019 Week 7 & 8 Negotiable Instrument Act 1881


    End of Week # 6 and 7 Lecture Presentation

    Thanks for Patience

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