
12Wednesday 2

13Thursday 5

14Friday 1

15Saturday 4

23. week

AstrologicAl calendAr 2018/2019

Be Timely to generate Adequate Will.Time holds the key to Will.

World teAcher trust - globAl

AstrologicAl calendAr from March 2018 to March 2019

The astrological data in this calendar correspond to UTC time + 1 (Coordinated Universal Time + 1) and the Daylight Saving Time

(Coordinated Universal Time + 2) for Central Europe.

1. Edition 2018© Astrological Calendar

World Teacher Trust - GlobalAll rights reserved.

Message for the year

" be timely to generAte AdequAte Will.

time holds the key to Will. "

Master KPK

\ \ \

Gautama the Buddha is “the Bull Divine” in Taurus.

30th April 2018: Full Moon of Taurus · Festival of VaisakhBirthday of Gautama Buddha; Contemplation about Buddha, the "divine bull" in Taurus.


Important events for the spiritual practice:• Moon phases (New and Full Moon, 8th and 11th ascending and descending moon phases) • Constellations of the moon (e.g. Dhanishta)• Cardinal points of the year (Autum and Spring Equinox, Winter and Summer Solstice) • Particular events (e.g. May Call Day) Daily position of the planets at 12:00 noon GMT (or GMT +1 Greenwich Mean time).

Information about:• 30 moon phases (New Moon, 14 ascending moon phases, Full Moon, 14 de-scending moon phases)• 27 constellations of the moon (27 Nakshatras with their names in Sanskrit), indicated by the sign ★• Planets changing into the next zodiacal sign.

The aphorism of the day to meditate and ponder upon.

April 2018

kFull Moon R02:58

0 10°01' R9 14°30' P2 13°08' E1 06°57' T6 23°10' c5R19°27' P4R09°02' c3 29°10' E` 15°51' V7R21°16' c$R10°25' U

1. Desc. M. P. 02:5816. ★ Visâkha 11:17

30Monday 9

January 2018

1 Monday

2 Tuesday k3 Wednesday

4 Thursday

5 Friday

6 Saturday

7 Sunday

8 Monday l9 Tuesday

10 Wednesday

11 Thursday

12 Friday

13 Saturday

14 Sunday

15 Monday

16 Tuesday

17 Wednesday m18 Thursday

19 Friday

20 Saturday

21 Sunday

22 Monday

23 Tuesday

24 Wednesday ;25 Thursday

26 Friday

27 Saturday 1128 Sunday

29 Monday

30 Tuesday

31 Wednesday k

February 2018

1 Thursday

2 Friday

3 Saturday

4 Sunday

5 Monday

6 Tuesday

7 Wednesday l8 Thursday

9 Friday

10 Saturday

11 Sunday

12 Monday

13 Tuesday

14 Wednesday

15 Thursday m

16 Friday

17 Saturday

18 Sunday

19 Monday

20 Tuesday

21 Wednesday

22 Thursday ;23 Friday

24 Saturday

25 Sunday 1126 Monday

27 Tuesday

28 Wednesday

March 2018

1 Thursday

2 Friday k3 Saturday

4 Sunday

5 Monday

6 Tuesday

7 Wednesday 8 Thursday l9 Friday

10 Saturday

11 Sunday

12 Monday

13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday

15 Thursday

16 Friday

17 Saturday m18 Sunday

19 Monday

20 Tuesday

21 Wednesday

22 Thursday

23 Friday

24 Saturday ;25 Sunday Beginning of Daylight Saving Time (CEST+1)

26 Monday

27 Tuesday 1128 Wednesday

29 Thursday

30 Friday

31 Saturday k

April 2018

1 Sunday

2 Monday

3 Tuesday

4 Wednesday

5 Thursday

6 Friday

7 Saturday l

8 Sunday

9 Monday

10 Tuesday

11 Wednesday 12 Thursday

13 Friday

14 Saturday

15 Sunday

16 Monday m17 Tuesday

18 Wednesday

19 Thursday

20 Friday

21 Saturday

22 Sunday ;23 Monday

24 Tuesday

25 Wednesday 1126 Thursday

27 Friday

28 Saturday

29 Sunday

30 Monday k

May 2018

1 Tuesday

2 Wednesday

3 Thursday

4 Friday

5 Saturday

6 Sunday

7 Monday l8 Tuesday

9 Wednesday

10 Thursday

11 Friday

12 Saturday

13 Sunday

14 Monday

15 Tuesday m16 Wednesday

17 Thursday

18 Friday

19 Saturday

20 Sunday

21 Monday ;22 Tuesday

23 Wednesday

24 Thursday 1125 Friday

26 Saturday

27 Sunday

28 Monday

29 Tuesday k30 Wednesday

31 Thursday

June 2018

1 Friday

2 Saturday

3 Sunday

4 Monday

5 Tuesday

6 Wednesday l7 Thursday

8 Friday

9 Saturday

10 Sunday

11 Monday

12 Tuesday

13 Wednesday m14 Thursday

15 Friday

16 Saturday

17 Sunday

18 Monday

19 Tuesday

20 Wednesday ;

21 Thursday

22 Friday 1123 Saturday

24 Sunday

25 Monda

26 Tuesday

27 Wednesday

28 Thursday k29 Friday

30 Saturday

July 2018

1 Sunday

2 Monday

3 Tuesday

4 Wednesday

5 Thursday l6 Friday

7 Saturday

8 Sunday

9 Monday

10 Tuesday

11 Wednesday

12 Thursday

13 Friday m14 Saturday

15 Sunday

16 Monday

17 Tuesday

18 Wednesday

19 Thursday ;20 Friday

21 Saturday

22 Sunday 1123 Monday

24 Tuesday

25 Wednesday

26 Thursday

27 Friday k

28 Saturday

29 Sunday

30 Monday

31 Tuesday

August 2018

1 Wednesday

2 Thursday

3 Friday

4 Saturday l5 Sunday

6 Monday

7 Tuesday

8 Wednesday 9 Thursday

10 Friday

11 Saturday m12 Sunday

13 Monday

14 Tuesday

15 Wednesday

16 Thursday

17 Friday ;18 Saturday

19 Sunday

20 Monday

21 Tuesday 1122 Wednesday

23 Thursday

24 Friday

25 Saturday

26 Sunday k27 Monday

28 Tuesday

29 Wednesday

30 Thursday

31 Friday

September 2018

1 Saturday

2 Sunday l3 Monday

4 Tuesday

5 Wednesday

6 Thursday 7 Friday

8 Saturday

9 Sunday m10 Monday

11 Tuesday

12 Wednesday

13 Thursday

14 Friday

15 Saturday

16 Sunday ;17 Monday

18 Tuesday

19 Wednesday 1120 Thursday

21 Friday

22 Saturday

23 Sunday

24 Monday

25 Tuesday k26 Wednesday

27 Thursday

28 Friday

29 Saturday

30 Sunday

October 2018

1 Monday

2 Tuesday l3 Wednesday

4 Thursday

5 Friday

6 Saturday 7 Sunday

8 Monday

9 Tuesday m10 Wednesday

11 Thursday

12 Friday

13 Saturday

14 Sunday

15 Monday

16 Tuesday ;17 Wednesday

18 Thursday

19 Friday 1120 Saturday

21 Sunday

22 Monday

23 Tuesday

24 Wednesday k

25 Thursday

26 Friday

27 Saturday

28 Sunday Standard Time (CET+1)

29 Monday

30 Tuesday

31 Wednesday l

November 2018

1 Thursday

2 Friday

3 Saturday

4 Sunday

5 Monday

6 Tuesday

7 Wednesday m8 Thursday

9 Friday 10 Saturday

11 Sunday

12 Monday

13 Tuesday

14 Wednesday ;15 Thursday 16 Friday

17 Saturday

18 Sunday 1119 Monday

20 Tuesday

21 Wednesday

22 Thursday

23 Friday k24 Saturday

25 Sunday

26 Monday

27 Tuesday

28 Wednesday

29 Thursday l30 Friday

December 2018

1 Saturday

2 Sunday

3 Monday

4 Tuesday

5 Wednesday

6 Thursday

7 Friday m8 Saturday

9 Sunday

10 Monday

11 Tuesday 12 Wednesday

13 Thursday

14 Friday ;15 Saturday

16 Sunday

17 Monday

18 Tuesday 11

19 Wednesday 20 Thursday

21 Friday

22 Saturday k23 Sunday

24 Monday

25 Tuesday

26 Wednesday

27 Thursday

28 Friday l29 Saturday

30 Sunday

31 Monday


March 2008

9Sunday 0

10Monday =

11Tuesday 6

0 21°49' V9 24°12' c2 09°36' E1 06°48' E6 26°59' b5R23°12' P4 08°04' c3 26°27' E` 14°14' V7 20°52' c$ 14°29' U

March 2018

11Sunday 0

12Monday 9

13Tuesday 6

The birth of Light is the recovery of the Veda.

11th March 1940: the Master MN leaves the physical plane.

12th March 2018: 11th descending moon phase of PiscesContemplation of healing energies.

17th March 2018: New Moon of PiscesContemplate upon The Pledge.

17th March 1984: Master EK leaves the physical plane.

20. ★ Pûrvashâdha01:5810. Desc. M. P. 04:05

The fusion of the Fishes brings forth the Light.

Pisces marks “the spiritual escape of death”.

21. ★ Uttarâshâdha 5:0411. Desc. M. P. 06:44 9 Q 23:44

22. ★ Sravana 08:0012. Desc. M. P. 09:11

0 22°49' V9 06°06' Q2 10°52' E1 08°03' E6 27°33' b5R23°12' P4 08°07' c3 26°30' E` 14°16' V7 20°54' c$ 14°30' U

0 20°49' V9 12°23' c2 08°14' E1 05°33' E6 26°24' b5R23°13' P4 08°00' c3 26°24' E` 14°12' V7 20°51' c$ 14°27' U

0 24°48' V9 00°25' V2 13°05' E1 10°31' E6 28°43' b5R23°10' P4 08°14' c3 26°36' E` 14°21' V7 20°56' c$R14°29' U

9 V 11:1224. ★ Satabhishak 12:4214. Desc. M. P. 12:49

0 25°48' V9 12°56' V2 14°01' E1 11°46' E6 29°17' b5R23°08' P4 08°17' c3 26°39' E` 14°23' V7 20°57' c$R14°26' U

C New Moon Ph.13:48 25. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra14:14

1. Asc. M. P. 14:11 26. ★ Uttarabhâdra15:136 c 17:409 E 19:57

14Wednesday 2

15Thursday 5

16Friday 1

17Saturday 4

0 23°49' V9 18°09' Q2 12°02' E1 09°17' E6 28°08' b5R23°11' P4 08°11' c3 26°33' E` 14°18' V7 20°55' c$R14°30' UPisces represents the pure waters of the sky.

11th Week

Pisces stands in the pineal gland and the pituitary body.

0 26°48' V9 25°43' V2 14°50' E1 13°00' E6 29°52' b5R23°07' P4 08°20' c3 26°42' E` 14°25' V7 20°58' c$R14°20' UPhotography is a Piscean work.

23. ★ Dhanishta 10:3613. Desc. M. P. 11:16

Remember the Lord Sanat Kumara who resides in Shambala.


mNew Moon V


Aries marks the beginning of the Zodiac. SAHASRARA is the mantra of Aries.

20th March 2018: Spring Equinox.Contemplation upon Shambala, Sanat Kumâra and the six Dhyâni Buddhâs and Master Morya.

17th March - 29th March 2018 1st to 14th asc. moon phases of Aries · 15 days of yogic programm:To sow the seeds for the year to come. Contemplation upon Master Morya.

24th March 2018: 8th ascending moon phase of AriesContemplate upon The Master Morya.

March 2018

18Sunday 0

19Monday 9

20Tuesday 6

0 27°48' V9 08°46' E2 15°31' E1 14°15' E6 00°26' c5R23°05' P4 08°23' c3 26°45' E` 14°27' V7 20°59' c$R14°14' U “Heart to Heart”, is the quality of Pisces.

2. Asc. M. P. 14:02 27. ★ Rêvati 15:39

0 28°47' V9 22°04' E2 16°03' E1 15°29' E6 01°01' c5R23°03' P4 08°26' c3 26°49' E` 14°30' V7 21°00' c$R14°06' U

Pisces is the last and also the first sign of the zodiac.

0 29°47' V9 05°36' R2 16°28' E1 16°43' E6 01°35' c5R23°01' P4 08°29' c3 26°52' E` 14°32' V7 21°01' c$R13°58' U

3. Asc. M. P. 13:23 1. ★ Ashwini 15:38

9 R 02:064. Asc. M. P. 12:20 2. ★ Ashwini 15:140 E 17:15

Spring Equinox.


Mars, Mercury and Uranus cover the three decanates of Aries.

21Wednesday 2

22Thursday 5

23Friday 1

24Saturday 4

0 00°47' E9 19°19' R2 16°45' E1 17°58' E6 02°09' c5R22°59' P4 08°32' c3 26°55' E` 14°34' V7 21°02' c$R13°51' U

Individuality, personality and the soul are relatable to the first, second and third deca-nate of a sun sign.

12th Week

0 01°46' E9 03°12' T2 16°53' E1 19°12' E6 02°43' c5R22°57' P4 08°34' c3 26°58' E` 14°36' V7 21°03' c$R13°46' U

0 02°46' E9 17°11' T2 16°54' E1 20°26' E6 03°17' c5R22°54' P4 08°37' c3 27°01' E` 14°38' V7 21°04' c$R13°42' U

Remember the electric fire of Aries, the solar fire of Leo, and the terrestrial fire of Sagittarius

0 03°45' E9 01°15' W2R16°46' E1 21°40' E6 03°51' c5R22°51' P4 08°39' c3 27°04' E` 14°41' V7 21°05' c$R13°41' UMaster Morya (Manu) is the Master of Aries.

5. Asc. M. P. 10:58 3. ★ Krittika 14:31

9 T 06:306. Asc. M. P. 09:21 4. ★ Rohini 13:34

7. Asc. M. P. 07:33 5. ★ Mrigasîra 12:27

8. Asc. M. P. 05:36 9 W 09:526. ★ Ârdra 11:11


17th March - 29th March 20181st to 14th asc. moon phases of Aries · 15 days of yogic programm:To sow the seeds for the year to come. Contemplation upon Master Morya.25th March 2018: 9th ascending moon phase of AriesBirthday of Sri Rama, an incarnation of theFire element (embodied of the syllable Ram).31st April 2018: Full Moon of Aries: Birthday of Lord Hanuman.Contemplate upon Shambala, Sanat Kumara, the six Dhyâni Buddhâs, Rama and in the Master Morya.

March/April 2018

25Sunday 0

26Monday 9

27Tuesday 6

0 04°42' E9 14°48' W2R16°32' E1 22°52' E6 04°23' c5R22°49' P4 08°41' c3 27°08' E` 14°43' V7 21°05' c$R13°42' U

Daylight Saving Time (CEST+1)

9. Asc. M. P. 04:32 7. ★ Punarvasu 10:51

0 05°42' E9 28°58' W2R16°11' E1 24°06' E6 04°57' c5R22°46' P4 08°44' c3 27°11' E` 14°45' V7 21°06' c$R13°43' U Shape is an expression.

0 06°41' E9 13°10' U2R15°43' E1 25°20' E6 05°30' c5R22°42' P4 08°46' c3 27°14' E` 14°47' V7 21°07' c$ 13°43' U

Red is the colour of Aries and synonym of Aries.

10. Asc. M. P. 04:32 8. ★ Pushyami 09:259 U 13:44

11. Asc. M. P. 00:13 9. ★ Âshlêsha 07:5812. Asc. M. P. 22:02

Colour is a vibration.

1111. Asc. M. P. 9

28Wednesday 2

29Thursday 5

30Friday 1

31Saturday 4

0 07°40' E9 27°21' U2R15°09' E1 26°34' E6 06°04' c5R22°39' P4 08°48' c3 27°17' E` 14°49' V7 21°08' c$R13°43' U

Meditate upon the glyph of Aries as the Pathways of Light from God to man.

13th Week

0 08°40' E9 11°28' I2R14°30' E1 27°48' E6 06°37' c5R22°35' P4 08°50' c3 27°21' E` 14°51' V7 21°09' c$R13°40' U

Meditate upon the diverging lines of Aries as the Wings of the Eagle.

0 09°39' E9 25°27' I2R13°47' E1 29°02' E6 07°10' c5R22°32' P4 08°52' c3 27°24' E` 14°53' V7 21°09' c$R13°34' U

Aries is the sign of initiation for the sun. The sun is in exaltation in it.

0 10°38' E9 09°15' O2R13°01' E1 00°16' R6 07°43' c5R22°28' P4 08°54' c3 27°27' E` 14°56' V7 21°10' c$R13°26' U

The Eagle is the giver, and the Serpent is the taker of life.

10. ★ Magha 06:319 I 16:3013. Asc. M. P. 19:53

11. ★Pûrvaphalguni05:0914. Asc. M. P. 17:53

13. ★ Hasta 03:001 R 06:53 1. Desc. M. P. 14:37

12. ★Uttaraphalguni03:57- Full Moon 16:05 9 O 19:52

kFull Moon E


April 2018

1Sunday 0

2Monday 9

3Tuesday 6

0 11°37' E9 22°49' O2R12°13' E1 01°30' R6 08°16' c5R22°23' P4 08°55' c3 27°31' E` 14°58' V7 21°11' c$R13°16' U

Remember the electric fire of Aries, the solar fire of Leo, and the terrestrial fire of Sagittarius

14. ★ Chitra 02:262. Desc. M. P. 13:35

0 12°37' E9 06°04' P2R11°24' E1 02°44' R6 08°49' c5R22°19' P4 08°57' c3 27°34' E` 15°00' V7 21°11' c$R13°06' U

From Aries to Pisces is the «Pathway of the Disciple».

0 13°36' E9 19°00' P2R10°34' E1 03°57' R6 09°22' c5R22°15' P4 08°58' c3 27°37' E` 15°02' V7 21°12' c$R12°56' U

You are the Eagle in the higher plane and a Serpent in the lower.

9 P 00:5715. ★ Swâti 02:223. Desc. M. P. 13:05

16. ★ Visâkha 02:524. Desc. M. P. 13:14


0 14°35' E9 01°36' b2R09°45' E1 05°11' R6 09°55' c5R22°10' P4 09°00' c3 27°41' E` 15°04' V7 21°12' c$R12°47' U

0 17°32' E9 07°55' c2R07°32' E1 08°52' R6 11°32' c5R21°55' P4 09°03' c3 27°51' E` 15°10' V7 21°14' c$R12°34' U

4Wednesday 2

5Thursday 5

6Friday 1

7Saturday 4

The soli-lunar rays that converge in Aries will give birth to life.

14th Week

0 15°34' E9 13°56' b2R08°58' E1 06°25' R6 10°27' c5R22°05' P4 09°01' c3 27°44' E` 15°06' V7 21°13' c$R12°40' U

RAM is the sound that stimulates the fire at all levels. Rama is its personification..

0 16°33' E9 26°56' b2R08°13' E1 07°39' R6 11°00' c5R22°01' P4 09°02' c3 27°47' E` 15°08' V7 21°13' c$R12°36' UDestroy the old harms for better formation.

Remember the Ram for its power, force and straightforwardness.

17. ★ Anûrâdha 04:019 b 08:555. Desc. M. P. 14:02

18. ★ Jyêshta 05:496. Desc. M. P. 15:31

19. ★ Mûla 08:137. Desc. M. P. 17:349 c 20:01

20. ★ Pûrvashâdha 11:038. Desc. M. P. 20:00


April 2018

8Sunday 0

9Monday 9

10Tuesday 6

0 18°31' E9 19°44' c2R06°54' E1 10°06' R6 12°04' c5R21°50' P4 09°04' c3 27°54' E` 15°12' V7 21°14' c$ 12°33' U Shambala is governed by Aries.

21. ★ Uttarâshâdha 14:079. Desc. M. P. 22:35

0 19°30' E9 01°34' Q2R06°21' E1 10°20' R6 12°36' c5R21°45' P4 09°05' c3 27°58' E` 15°14' V7 21°15' c$ 12°34' U

Remember the expansion activity to break up for highest purposes.

0 20°29' E9 13°29' Q2R05°52' E1 12°33' R6 13°08' c5R21°39' P4 09°06' c3 28°01' E` 15°16' V7 21°15' c$R12°34' U

From Aries to Taurus is the «Path of Involu-tion».

22. ★ Sravana 17:099 Q 08:50

10. Desc. M. P. 01:0423. ★ Dhanishta 19:55


11Wednesday 2

12Thursday 5

13Friday 1

14Saturday 4

0 21°28' E9 25°35' Q2R05°28' E1 13°47' R6 13°40' c5R21°34' P4 09°07' c3 28°04' E` 15°18' V7 21°15' c$R12°33' UAries marks the beginning of the Zodiac.

15th Week

0 22°27' E9 07°56' V2R05°10' E1 15°00' R6 14°12' c5R21°28' P4 09°07' c3 28°08' E` 15°20' V7 21°16' c$R12°30' U

Aries is the seed, and the zodiacal signs are the tree.

0 23°26' E9 20°35' V2R04°57' E1 16°14' R6 14°43' c5R21°22' P4 09°08' c3 28°11' E` 15°22' V7 21°16' c$R12°25' U

The birth of God Consciousness leads to death of man consciousness.

0 24°24' E9 03°36' E2R04°49' E1 17°27' R6 15°14' c5R21°16' P4 09°08' c3 28°15' E` 15°23' V7 21°16' c$R12°17' U

11. Desc. M. P. 03:109 V 20:4024. ★ Satabhishak 22:11

12. Desc. M. P. 04:4325. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 23:48

13. Desc. M. P. 05:34

Remember, the form cannot hold beauty forever.

26. ★ Uttarabhâdra 00:449 E 05:2514. Desc. M. P. 05:42

17Tuesday 6

The Cross is the path of ascent for the Lamb to follow.

0 27°21' E9 14°38' R2 04°57' E1 21°08' R6 16°47' c5R20°58' P4 09°09' c3 28°25' E` 15°29' V7 21°17' c$R11°44' U

From Aries to Taurus is the “Path of involu-tion”.

2. Asc. M. P. 02:173. ★ Krittika 22:27

April 2018

15Sunday 0

16Monday 9

0 25°23' E9 16°58' E2 04°47' E1 18°41' R6 15°45' c5R21°10' P4 09°09' c3 28°18' E` 15°25' V7 21°16' c$R12°07' U Remember the Ram and the Cross.

27. ★ Rêvati 00:58C New Moon Ph. 05:07

0 26°22' E9 00°40' R2 04°49' E1 19°54' R6 16°16' c5R21°04' P4 09°09' c3 28°22' E` 15°27' V7 21°17' c$R11°55' U

1. ★ Ashvini 00:351. Asc. M. P. 03:579 R 10:512. ★ Bharani 23:42

16th April 2018: New Moon of AriesContemplate upon The Pledge.

21st April 2018: 7th ascending moon phase of TaurusDescent of Ida, the strength of the manifestation and materialization.

mNew Moon E03:57

18Wednesday 2

19Thursday 5

20Friday 1

21Saturday 4

0 28°19' E9 28°48' R2 05°10' E1 22°10' R6 17°18' c5R20°51' P4R09°09' c3 28°29' E` 15°31' V7 21°17' c$R11°33' UDestroy the old harms for better formation.

16th Week

0 29°18' E9 13°04' T2 05°28' E1 23°34' R6 17°48' c5R20°44' P4R09°09' c3 28°32' E` 15°32' V7 21°17' c$R11°24' U

RAM is the sound that stimulates the fire at all levels. Rama is its personification..

0 00°17' R9 27°22' T2 05°50' E1 24°47' R6 18°18' c5R20°38' P4R09°09' c3 28°35' E` 15°34' V7 21°17' c$R11°19' USun in Taurus is “the Fertilizing Bull”.

0 01°15' R9 11°37' W2 06°17' E1 26°00' R6 18°48' c5R20°31' P4R09°08' c3 28°39' E` 15°36' V7 21°17' c$R11°15' U

Gautama the Buddha is “the Bull Divine” in Taurus.

3. Asc. M. P. 00:159 T 14:02 4. ★ Rohini 20:574. Asc. M. P. 22:00

5. ★ Mrigasîra 19:215. Asc. M. P. 19:38

0 R 05:129 V 16:26 6. Asc. M. P. 17:166. ★ Ârdra 17:45

7. Asc. M. P. 14:587. ★ Punarvasu 16:13


April 2018

22Sunday 0

23Monday 9

24Tuesday 6

0 02°14' R9 25°48' W2 06°48' E1 27°14' R6 19°18' c5R20°24' P4R09°08' c3 28°42' E` 15°38' V7 21°17' c$R11°14' U Taurus with Gemini creates through sound.

8. Asc. M. P. 12:478. ★ Pushyami 14:489 U 19:09

0 03°12' R9 09°52' U2 07°23' E1 28°27' R6 19°48' c5R20°17' P4R09°08' c3 28°46' E` 15°39' V7R21°17' c$ 11°14' U Taurus with Pisces creates through silence.

0 04°11' R9 23°50' U2 08°02' E1 29°40' R6 20°17' c5R20°10' P4R09°07' c3 28°49' E` 15°41' V7R21°17' c$R11°14' U

The invisible Word reaches its fourth state, the visibility, in Taurus.

9. Asc. M. P. 10:469. ★ Âshlêsha 13:33

10. Asc. M. P. 08:5610. ★ Magha 12:291 T 18:40 9 I 22:40

25th April 2018: 11th ascending moon phase of Taurus - Day of Nârâyana.Descent of Ida, the force of manifestation and materialization.


25Wednesday 2

26Thursday 5

27Friday 1

28Saturday 4

0 05°09' R9 07°41' I2 08°44' E1 00°53' T6 20°47' c5R20°03' P4R09°06' c3 28°53' E` 15°43' V7R21°17' c$R11°12' UMoon aids the soul experience in Taurus.

17th Week

0 06°08' R9 21°23' I2 09°31' E1 02°06' T6 21°16' c5R19°56' P4R09°06' c3 28°56' E` 15°44' V7R21°17' c$R11°08' UMoon in Taurus is “the Nourishing Cow”.

0 07°06' R9 04°57' O2 10°20' E1 03°19' T6 21°45' c5R19°49' P4R09°05' c3 28°59' E` 15°46' V7R21°17' c$R11°01' U

Number 6 is the numerical potency of Taurus.

0 08°04' R9 18°21' O2 11°13' E1 04°31' T6 22°13' c5R19°41' P4R09°04' c3 29°03' E` 15°47' V7R21°17' c$R10°51' U

Venus, the Lord of Love, is the ruler of Taurus.

11. Asc. M. P. 07:1611. ★ Pûrvaphalguni 11:36

12. Asc. M. P. 05:5012. ★ Uttaraphalguni10:56

9 O 03:1213. Asc. M. P. 10:3013. ★ Hasta 10:30

14. Asc. M. P. 03:4214. ★ Chitra 10:23

1111. Asc. M. P. 9

0 10°01' R9 14°30' P2 13°08' E1 06°57' T6 23°10' c5R19°27' P4R09°02' c3 29°10' E` 15°51' V7R21°16' c$R10°25' U

Fixation and rigidity are the virtues of Taurus which can be vices when wrongly applied..

April/May 2018

29Sunday 0

30Monday 9

1Tuesday 6

0 09°03' R9 01°32' P2 12°09' E1 05°44' T6 22°42' c5R19°34' P4R09°03' c3 29°06' E` 15°49' V7R21°17' c$R10°38' U

The wild bull of Taurus can be transformed into Nandi, the Sacred Bull.

30th April 2018: Full Moon of Taurus · Festival of VaisakhBirthday of Gautama Buddha; Conteplation on Buddha, the "Divine Bull" in Taurus

- Full Moon 03:07 9 P 09:1115. ★ Swâti 10:37

0 10°59' R9 27°13' P2 14°10' E1 08°10' T6 23°38' c5R19°19' P4R09°00' c3 29°13' E` 15°52' V7R21°16' c$R10°12' U Moon aids the soul experience in Taurus.

1. Desc. M. P. 02:5816. ★ Visâkha 11:17

2. Desc. M. P. 03:1817. ★ Anûrâdha 12:269 b 17:19

kFull Moon R02:58

2Wednesday 2

3Thursday 5

4Friday 1

0 11°57' R9 09°41' b2 15°15' E1 09°22' T6 24°06' c5R19°12' P4R08°59' c3 29°16' E` 15°54' V7R21°16' c$R10°01' U

Service at the physical plane is the keynote for the Taurus born.

18th Week

0 12°55' R9 21°55' b2 16°23' E1 10°35' T6 24°33' c5R19°04' P4R08°58' c3 29°20' E` 15°55' V7R21°16' c$R09°52' U

The fixed opinions of Taurus negate the opportunities for unfoldment.

0 13°54' R9 03°57' c2 17°33' E1 11°48' T6 25°00' c5R18°57' P4R08°56' c3 29°23' E` 15°56' V7R21°15' c$R09°45' UMercury rules the personality in Taurus.

3. Desc. M. P. 04:1018. ★ Jyêshta 14:08

4. Desc. M. P. 05:3519. ★ Mûla 16:22

9 c 04:065. Desc. M. P. 7:3120. ★ Pûrvashâdha 19:03

5Saturday 4

0 14°52' R9 15°50' c2 18°45' E1 13°00' T6 25°27' c5R18°49' P4R08°54' c3 29°26' E` 15°58' V7R21°15' c$R09°41' U

Replace food with the Sacred Word to nou-rish the Bull appropiately.

6. Desc. M. P. 9:5221. ★ Uttarâshâdha22:03

7. Desc. M. P. 12:259 Q 16:48

Beware of taste, satiation and enjoyment in excessive doses.

May 2018

6Sunday 0

7Monday 9

8Tuesday 6

0 15°50' R9 27°38' c2 20°00' E1 14°13' T6 25°54' c5R18°41' P4R08°53' c3 29°30' E` 15°59' V7R21°14' c$R09°39' U

Taurus is the gateway between Shambala and the Hierarchy.

8th May 2018: White Lotus Day.The day of departure of HPB from the physical plane.

12th May 1922: Master CVV Transition Day Contemplation that passing from the body is not death.

0 16°48' R9 09°27' Q2 21°18' E1 15°25' T6 26°21' c5R18°34' P4R08°51' c3 29°33' E` 16°00' V7R21°14' c$R09°39' U

Taurus is the Light of aspiration at the lower level, and the Cosmic Being at the highest level.

0 17°46' R9 21°22' Q2 22°38' E1 16°37' T6 26°47' c5R18°26' P4R08°49' c3 29°36' E` 16°02' V7R21°14' c$R09°39' U

22. ★ Sravana 01:108. Desc. M. P. 14:58

23. ★ Dhanishta 04:089. Desc. M. P. 17:13



Service at the physical plane is the keynote for the Taurus born.

9Wednesday 2

10Thursday 5

11Friday 1

12Saturday 4

0 18°44' R9 03°28' V2 24°00' E1 17°50' T6 27°13' c5R18°18' P4R08°47' c3 29°40' E` 16°03' V7R21°13' c$R09°38' U

Look for “the Spiritual Fertilization” during the full moon hours of Taurus.

19th Week

0 19°42' R9 15°50' V2 25°24' E1 19°02' T6 27°38' c5R18°11' P4R08°45' c3 29°43' E` 16°04' V7R21°13' c$R09°36' U

Taurus is the gateway between Shambala and the Hierarchy.

0 20°40' R9 28°34' V2 26°50' E1 20°14' T6 28°04' c5R18°03' P4R08°43' c3 29°46' E` 16°06' V7R21°12' c$R09°31' U

The invisible Word reaches its fourth state, the visibility, in Taurus.

0 21°38' R9 11°41' E2 28°19' E1 21°27' T6 28°28' c5R17°55' P4R08°41' c3 29°50' E` 16°07' V7R21°12' c$R09°23' U

9 V 05:1024. ★ Satabhishak 06:4310. Desc. M. P. 18:57

25. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 08:4111. Desc. M. P. 19:58

26. ★ Uttarabhâdra09:569 E 14:4012. Desc. M. P. 20:12

27. ★ Rêvati 10:2213. Desc. M. P. 19:36

15Tuesday 6

0 24°32' R9 23°31' R2 02°58' R1 25°03' T6 29°41' c5R17°33' P4R08°34' c3 29°59' E` 16°10' V7R21°10' c$R08°52' U

Taurus signifies the woman in man, while Gemini signifies the woman and the man.

3. ★ Krittika 07:261. Asc. M. P. 13:48 3 R 17:159 T 22:43

May 2018

13Sunday 0

14Monday 9

0 22°36' R9 25°15' E2 29°50' E1 22°39' T6 28°53' c5R17°48' P4R08°38' c3 29°53' E` 16°08' V7R21°11' c$R09°14' U Taurus is beauty in form.

15th May 2018: New Moon of Taurus Contemplate upon The Pledge.

17th May 2018: 3rd ascending moon phase of TaurusContemplate upon the sound that comes from the heart (Leo) onthe throat and it rises to the mouth.

19th May 2018: 5th ascending moon phase of TaurusBirthday of Sankaracharya, the great philosopher of Advaita.

1. ★ Ashvini 10:022 R 14:4014. Desc. M. P. 18:169 R 20:15

0 23°34' R9 09°13' R2 01°23' R1 23°51' T6 29°17' c5R17°40' P4R08°36' c3 29°56' E` 16°09' V7R21°10' c$R09°14' U Sun in Taurus is “the Fertilizing Bull”.

2. ★ Bharani 09:00C New Moon Ph. 16:17

mNew Moon R13:48

Meditate upon the Mother in the heart of the Father to rise from materiality.

16Wednesday 2

17Thursday 5

18Friday 1

19Saturday 4

0 25°30' R9 08°05' T2 04°35' R1 26°15' T6 00°05' Q5R17°25' P4R08°31' c3 00°02' R` 16°11' V7R21°09' c$R08°42' U

Bhakti is the beauty expressed through devotion.

20th Week

0 26°28' R9 22°47' T2 06°14' R1 27°27' T6 00°28' Q5R17°18' P4R08°28' c3 00°06' R` 16°12' V7R21°08' c$R08°33' U

The bull of Taurus needs the practice of personal virtues.

0 27°25' R9 07°28' W2 07°56' R1 28°39' T6 00°51' Q5R17°10' P4R08°26' c3 00°09' R` 16°13' V7R21°08' c$R08°28' U

The fixed opinions of Taurus negate the opportunities for unfoldment.

0 28°23' R9 22°04' W2 09°39' R1 29°51' T6 01°14' Q5R17°03' P4R08°23' c3 00°12' R` 16°14' V7R21°07' c$R08°25' U

4. ★ Rohini 05:296 Q 06:552. Asc. M. P. 10:58

5. ★ Mrigasîra 3:183. Asc. M. P. 07:57 9 W 23:47

6. ★ Ârdra 01:034. Asc. M. P. 04:54 7. ★ Punarvasu 22:53

5. Asc. M. P. 01:58 1 W 15:10 8. ★ Pushyami 20:556. Asc. M. P. 23:14

Gemini is a mental sign.

May 2018

20Sunday 0

21Monday 9

22Tuesday 6

0 29°21' R9 06°29' U2 11°25' R1 01°02' W6 01°36' Q5R16°55' P4R08°20' c3 00°15' R` 16°15' V7R21°06' c$R08°24' U Mercury rules the personality in Taurus.

24th May 2018: 11th ascending moon phase of Gemini Contemplate upon Nârâyana.For healing, synthesis and Selfcontemplation.

26th May 2018: 13th ascending moon phase of Gemini Contemplate upon Narasimha (Man-Lion).

9 U 01:10 9. ★ Âshlêsha 19:157. Asc. M. P. 20:48

0 00°19' T9 20°39' U2 13°13' R1 02°14' W6 01°58' Q5R16°48' P4R08°17' c3 00°18' R` 16°16' V7R21°05' c$ 08°24' U

0 01°16' T9 04°36' I2 15°02' R1 03°26' W6 02°19' Q5R16°41' P4R08°14' c3 00°21' R` 16°17' V7R21°05' c$ 08°24' U Meditate upon the Lord Pymandaris.

0 T 04:1410. ★ Magha 17:558. Asc. M. P. 18:43

9 I 04:03 11. ★ Pûrvaphalguni17:559. Asc. M. P. 17:01


26Saturday 4

0 05°07' T9 28°02' O2 22°42' R1 08°12' W6 03°40' Q5R16°13' P4R08°01' c3 00°33' R` 16°20' V7R21°01' c$R08°06' UGreen is the colour of Gemini.

13. Asc. M. P. 14:109 P 15:3915. ★ Swâti 7:06

23Wednesday 2

24Thursday 5

25Friday 1

0 02°14' T9 18°17' I2 16°54' R1 04°37' W6 02°40' Q5R16°34' P4R08°11' c3 00°24' R` 16°18' V7R21°04' c$R08°23' U

Contemplate upon π (Pi), the Symbol of Gemini.

21st Week

0 03°12' T9 01°45' O2 18°48' R1 05°49' W6 03°00' Q5R16°27' P4R08°08' c3 00°27' R` 16°19' V7R21°03' c$R08°20' U

SO-HAM is the twin sound to be meditated at the Throat Centre.

0 04°09' T9 15°00' O2 20°44' R1 07°00' W6 03°20' Q5R16°20' P4R08°05' c3 00°30' R` 16°20' V7R21°02' c$R08°14' UThe Word as breath is located in Gemini.

10. Asc. M. P. 15:43 12. ★ Uttaraphalguni16:25

9 O 08:5111. Asc. M. P. 14:48 13. ★ Hasta 16:15

12. Asc. M. P. 14:17 14. ★ Chitra 16:29

1111. Asc. M. P. 9

29th May 2018: May Call Day

29th June 2018: Full Moon of Gemini Birthday of Lord Maytreya and the Master DK.

May/June 2018

27Sunday 0

28Monday 9

29Tuesday 6

0 06°05' T9 10°52' P2 24°42' R1 09°23' W6 03°59' Q5R16°06' P4R07°58' c3 00°36' R` 16°21' V7R21°00' c$R07°56' U 5 is the number of Gemini.

14. Asc. M. P. 14:2816. ★ Visâkha 8:07

0 07°02' T9 23°30' P2 26°44' R1 10°34' W6 04°18' Q5R15°59' P4R07°55' c3 00°39' R` 16°22' V7R20°59' c$R07°46' U

At the Buddhic plane, Gemini is the in-terpreter of higher messages for the fellow beings.

0 08°00' T9 05°57' b2 28°48' R1 11°46' W6 04°36' Q5R15°52' P4R07°51' c3 00°42' R` 16°23' V7R20°58' c$R07°35' U

The first dean of Gemini belongs to Jupiter, the second to Mars and the third to the sun.

- Full Moon 15:10 17. ★ Anûrâdha 9:34

9 b 00:291. Desc. M. P. 16:19 18. ★ Jyêshta 1:25

May Call DaykFull Moon T16:19

30Wednesday 2

31Thursday 5

1Friday 1

2Saturday 4

0 08°57' T9 18°12' b2 00°53' T1 12°57' W6 04°54' Q5R15°46' P4R07°48' c3 00°45' R` 16°23' V7R20°57' c$R07°26' U

The experience through duality is the main feature of Gemini.

22nd Week

0 09°55' T9 00°17' c2 03°00' T1 14°08' W6 05°12' Q5R15°39' P4R07°44' c3 00°48' R` 16°24' V7R20°56' c$R07°18' UDiplomacy is the strength of Gemini.

0 10°52' T9 12°13' c2 05°09' T1 15°19' W6 05°29' Q5R15°33' P4R07°40' c3 00°51' R` 16°24' V7R20°55' c$R07°12' U

Gemini is the interpreter of the Law, while Sagittarius is its maker..

0 11°50' T9 24°03' c2 07°18' T1 16°30' W6 05°45' Q5R15°27' P4R07°37' c3 00°53' R` 16°25' V7R20°54' c$R07°09' U

Uranus in Gemini is the planet that gives expansion to the disciple

2 T 01:492. Desc. M. P. 17:54 19. ★ Mûla 23:42

9 c 11:263. Desc. M. P. 19:54

20. ★ Pûrvashâdha 2:234. Desc. M. P. 2:15

21. ★ Uttarâshâdha 05:21

Mental, but not vocal utterance of a mantra, helps the Gemini native.

The element air bestows initiation in Gemini.

June 2018

3Sunday 0

4Monday 9

5Tuesday 6

0 12°47' T9 05°51' Q2 09°29' T1 17°41' W6 06°01' Q5R15°21' P4R07°33' c3 00°56' R` 16°26' V7R20°53' c$R07°08' U Numbers and shapes originate in Gemini.

9th June 2018: 11th descending moon phase of Gemini Day of NârâyanaTo dedicate oneself to Master DK in thought and in word, besides intensly studying his teachings and to link up to the disciples of the world in thought.

9 Q 00:065. Desc. M. P. 00:47 22. ★ Sravana 08:29

0 13°45' T9 17°39' Q2 11°40' T1 18°51' W6 06°16' Q5R15°15' P4R07°29' c3 00°59' R` 16°26' V7R20°52' c$ 07°09' U

0 14°42' T9 29°33' Q2 13°52' T1 20°02' W6 06°31' Q5R15°09' P4R07°25' c3 01°02' R` 16°27' V7R20°51' c$ 07°10' U

6. Desc. M. P. 03:22 23. ★ Dhanishta 11:35

7. Desc. M. P. 05:46 9 V 12:5324. ★ Satabhishak 14:27


10. Desc. M. P. 9:43 27. ★ Rêvati 9:32

6Wednesday 2

7Thursday 5

8Friday 1

9Saturday 4

0 15°40' T9 11°39' V2 16°04' T1 21°13' W6 06°45' Q5R15°03' P4R07°21' c3 01°04' R` 16°27' V7R20°50' c$ 07°11' U

Integrate the Man and Woman in you to learn the synthesis.

23rd Week

0 16°37' T9 24°00' V2 18°16' T1 22°23' W6 06°59' Q5R14°57' P4R07°17' c3 01°07' R` 16°27' V7R20°49' c$ 07°10' UMercury is the metal of Gemini.

0 17°34' T9 06°42' E2 20°28' T1 23°34' W6 07°12' Q5R14°52' P4R07°13' c3 01°10' R` 16°28' V7R20°48' c$ 07°08' U

The glyph of Gemini has the magnetic healing effect.

0 18°32' T9 19°50' E2 22°39' T1 24°44' W6 07°24' Q5R14°47' P4R07°09' c3 01°12' R` 16°28' V7R20°47' c$ 07°04' U

Gemini causes polarity and Pisces dissolves polarity.

8. Desc. M. P. 7:45 25. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 16:51

9. Desc. M. P. 09:07 26. ★ Uttarabhâdra 8:359 E 3:25

11. Desc. M. P. 9:291. ★ Ashvini 9:40


June 2018

10Sunday 0

11Monday 9

12Tuesday 6

0 19°29' T9 03°24' R2 24°50' T1 25°55' W6 07°36' Q5R14°41' P4R07°05' c3 01°15' R` 16°28' V7R20°45' c$ 06°59' U

Gemini stands for brotherhood in the Bud-dhic Plane.

13th June 2018: New Moon of Gemini Contemplate upon The Pledge.

9 R 06:0312. Desc. M. P. 08:242. ★ Bharani 18:59

0 20°27' T9 17°27' R2 26°59' T1 27°05' W6 07°47' Q5R14°36' P4R07°01' c3 01°17' R` 16°29' V7R20°44' c$ 06°53' U

Discrimination is the keynote of Gemini.

0 21°24' T9 01°54' T2 29°07' T1 28°15' W6 07°58' Q5R14°31' P4R06°57' c3 01°20' R` 16°29' V7R20°43' c$R06°46' U

Pulsation is governed by Cancer in the phy-sical body and by Gemini in the vital body.

13. Desc. M. P. 06:343. ★ Krittika 17:36

14. Desc. M. P. 04:049 T 08:534. ★ Rohini 5:372 W 1:59

13Wednesday 2

14Thursday 5

15Friday 1

16Saturday 4

0 22°21' T9 16°41' T2 01°14' W1 29°25' W6 08°08' Q5R14°27' P4R06°53' c3 01°22' R` 16°29' V7R20°42' c$R06°39' UMercury is the metal of Gemini.

24th Week

0 23°19' T9 01°41' W2 03°19' W1 00°35' U6 08°17' Q5R14°22' P4R06°49' c3 01°25' R` 16°29' V7R20°40' c$R06°34' U

Gemini is man and woman, Scorpio is the man in woman,Taurus is the woman in man.

0 24°16' T9 16°43' W2 05°22' W1 01°45' U6 08°25' Q5R14°18' P4R06°44' c3 01°27' R` 16°29' V7R20°39' c$R06°31' UGemini is the power to contrast.

0 25°13' T9 01°39' U2 07°23' W1 02°55' U6 08°33' Q5R14°13' P4R06°40' c3 01°29' R` 16°29' V7R20°38' c$R06°29' U

C New Moon Ph.01:04 5. ★ Mrigasîra 13:131. Asc. M. P. 21:43 1 U 23:54

9 W 09:196. ★ Ârdra 10:342. Asc. M. P. 18:12

7. ★ Punarvasu 07:513. Asc. M. P. 14:39

8. ★ Pushyami 05:139 U 09:204. Asc. M. P. 11:16

Meditate upon the Lord Pymandaris.

mNew Moon T


June 2018

17Sunday 0

18Monday 9

19Tuesday 6

0 26°11' T9 16°22' U2 09°22' W1 04°05' U6 08°40' Q5R14°09' P4R06°36' c3 01°32' R` 16°30' V7R20°37' c$ 06°29' U Taurus with Gemini creates through sound.

21st June 2018: Summer SolsticeContemplation upon the personal Teacher (Guru).

22nd June 2018: 11th ascending moon phase of Cancer Dedicated to the personal Teacher (Guru).

9. ★ Âshlêsha 02:505. Asc. M. P. 08:09

0 27°08' T9 00°47' I2 11°19' W1 05°15' U6 08°47' Q5R14°05' P4R06°31' c3 01°34' R` 16°30' V7R20°35' c$ 06°30' U

Remember the Alchemist that transforms the lower to higher.

0 28°05' T9 14°52' I2 13°14' W1 06°24' U6 08°53' Q5R14°01' P4R06°27' c3 01°36' R`R16°30' V7R20°34' c$ 06°32' U Gemini suffers from duality.

10. ★ Magha 00:496. Asc. M. P. 05:25 9 I 0:4011. ★ Pûrvaphalguni 3:16

7. Asc. M. P. 03:11 12. ★Uttaraphalguni22:15

When linked to the Solar Plexus, Cancer causes mediumship.

20Wednesday 2

21Thursday 5

22Friday 1

23Saturday 4

0 29°02' T9 28°36' I2 15°07' W1 07°34' U6 08°58' Q5R13°58' P4R06°23' c3 01°39' R`R16°30' V7R20°33' c$ 06°32' UMathematics belong to Gemini.

25th Week

0 00°00' W9 11°59' O2 16°57' W1 08°43' U6 09°02' Q5R13°54' P4R06°18' c3 01°41' R`R16°29' V7R20°31' c$ 06°32' U

Cancer enables the reflection of the higher in the lower.

0 00°57' W9 25°04' O2 18°45' W1 09°53' U6 09°06' Q5R13°51' P4R06°14' c3 01°43' R`R16°29' V7R20°30' c$ 06°30' U

Instinct, impulse and feeling are governed by Cancer.

0 01°54' W9 07°53' P2 20°31' W1 11°02' U6 09°09' Q5R13°48' P4R06°10' c3 01°45' R`R16°29' V7R20°29' c$ 06°26' U

8. Asc. M. P. 01:29 9 O 14:29 13. ★ Hasta 1:49

9. Asc. M. P. 00:21 0 W 12:0714. ★ Chitra 1:5710. Asc. M. P. 23:49

9 P 1:10 15. ★ Swâti 2:3811. Asc. M. P. 23:50

16. ★ Visâkha 23:50

!Summer Solstice


1111. Asc. M. P. 9

June 2018

24Sunday 0

25Monday 9

26Tuesday 6

0 02°51' W9 20°28' P2 22°15' W1 12°11' U6 09°11' Q5R13°45' P4R06°05' c3 01°47' R`R16°29' V7R20°27' c$R06°21' U

When linked to the Heart Centre, Cancer causes intuition.

28th June 2018: Full Moon of Cancer Dedicated to the World Teacher and Vedavyasa.Birthday of Vedavyasa;Contemplation on the Hierarchy presiding about all the groups of disciples.

12. Asc. M. P. 00:22

0 03°49' W9 02°50' b2 23°56' W1 13°20' U6 09°12' Q5R13°42' P4R06°01' c3 01°49' R`R16°29' V7R20°26' c$R06°16' U

Moon is the ruler of Cancer for the common man.

0 04°46' W9 15°01' b2 25°35' W1 14°29' U6 09°13' Q5R13°39' P4R05°56' c3 01°51' R`R16°29' V7R20°24' c$R06°10' U 2 is the number of Prakriti (Nature).

13. Asc. M. P. 01:2417. ★ Anûrâdha 1:319 b 6:29

14. Asc. M. P. 02:5218. ★ Jyêshta 03:37

27Wednesday 2

28Thursday 5

29Friday 1

30Saturday 4

0 05°43' W9 27°04' b2 27°12' W1 15°38' U6R09°13' Q5R13°37' P4R05°52' c3 01°53' R`R16°28' V7R20°23' c$R06°06' UCancer is the Pit, Capricorn is the Mount.

26th Week

0 06°40' W9 09°00' c2 28°46' W1 16°46' U6R09°12' Q5R13°34' P4R05°48' c3 01°55' R`R16°28' V7R20°22' c$R06°02' U

Milk and its products are governed by Cancer.

0 07°37' W9 20°51' c2 00°18' U1 17°55' U6R09°11' Q5R13°32' P4R05°43' c3 01°57' R`R16°28' V7R20°20' c$R05°59' USilver is the metal of Cancer.

0 08°35' W9 02°39' Q2 01°48' U1 19°03' U6R09°03' Q5R13°30' P4R05°39' c3 01°58' R`R16°27' V7R20°19' c$R05°58' U

Deep green is the mundane colour of Cancer.

- Full Moon 4:43 19. ★ Mûla 6:059 c 7:52

1. Desc. M. P. 6:5320. ★ Pûrvashâdha 08:51

2 U 7:162. Desc. M. P. 9:1721. ★ Uttarâshâdha11:51

9 Q 06:363. Desc. M. P. 11:5022. ★ Sravana 14:59

kFull Moon W


Saturn is the ruler in Cancer for the disciple.

Honey colour is the colour for the accepted disciple.

3Tuesday 6

0 11°26' W9 08°13' V2 06°02' U1 22°28' U6R08°57' Q5R13°26' P4R05°26' c3 02°04' R`R16°26' V7R20°14' c$ 06°01' U

6. Desc. M. P. 18:5825. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 23:44

July 2018

1Sunday 0

2Monday 9

0 09°32' W9 14°26' Q2 03°15' U1 20°12' U6R09°05' Q5R13°29' P4R05°34' c3 02°00' R`R16°27' V7R20°17' c$ 05°58' U

Golden yellow is the colour of Cancer for the disciple.

4. Desc. M. P. 14:2523. ★ Dhanishta 18:07

0 10°29' W9 26°17' Q2 04°40' U1 21°20' U6R09°02' Q5R13°27' P4R05°30' c3 02°02' R`R16°27' V7R20°16' c$ 05°59' U

5. Desc. M. P. 16:519 V 19:3124. ★ Satabhishak 21:05


4Wednesday 2

5Thursday 5

6Friday 1

7Saturday 4

0 12°23' W9 20°20' V2 07°22' U1 23°36' U6R08°52' Q5R13°24' P4R05°21' c3 02°05' R`R16°26' V7R20°13' c$ 06°03' U

Neptune is the ruler in Cancer for the Masters.

27th Week

0 13°21' W9 02°41' E2 08°39' U1 24°44' U6R08°46' Q5R13°23' P4R05°17' c3 02°07' R`R16°25' V7R20°12' c$ 06°04' U

Narada is the messenger in Gemini and the musician in Cancer.

0 14°18' W9 15°22' E2 09°54' U1 25°51' U6R08°39' Q5R13°22' P4R05°12' c3 02°08' R`R16°25' V7R20°10' c$R06°04' UMA is the sound of Cancer.

0 15°15' W9 28°26' E2 11°07' U1 26°59' U6R08°31' Q5R13°22' P4R05°08' c3 02°10' R`R16°24' V7R20°09' c$R06°03' UBehaviour belongs to Cancer.

7. Desc. M. P. 20:36

26. ★ Uttarabhâdra01:539 E 06:498. Desc. M. P. 21:37

27. ★ Rêvati 03:249. Desc. M. P. 21:52

1. ★ Ashvini 04:109 R 14:5110. Desc. M. P. 21:20


July 2018

8Sunday 0

9Monday 9

10Tuesday 6

0 16°12' W9 11°55' R2 12°16' U1 28°06' U6R08°23' Q5R13°21' P4R05°04' c3 02°11' R`R16°24' V7R20°07' c$R06°02' U

Cancer marks the West, Capricorn marks the East.

8th July 2018: 11th descending moon phase of Cancer Dedicated to the personal Teacher (Guru).

13th July 2018: New Moon of Cancer Contemplate upon The Pledge.

2. ★ Bharani 04:0811. Desc. M. P. 20:01

0 17°09' W9 25°52' R2 13°23' U1 29°14' U6R08°14' Q5R13°21' P4R05°00' c3 02°13' R`R16°23' V7R20°06' c$R06°00' U Jupiter is exalted in Cancer.

0 18°07' W9 10°15' T2 14°27' U1 00°21' I6R08°05' Q5R13°21' P4R04°55' c3 02°14' R`R16°22' V7R20°04' c$R05°58' U Cancer represents Nature and its warmth.

3. ★ Krittika 03:2112. Desc. M. P. 17:579 T 18:58

4. ★ Rohini 01:511 I 04:32 13. Desc. M. P. 15:165. ★ Mrigasîra 23:45

11Wednesday 2

12Thursday 5

13Friday 1

14Saturday 4

0 19°04' W9 25°02' T2 15°28' U1 01°28' I6R07°54' Q5 13°21' P4R04°51' c3 02°16' R`R16°22' V7R20°03' c$R05°56' U

Work with respiration to live in the Higher Realms.

28th Week

0 20°01' W9 10°04' W2 16°26' U1 02°35' I6R07°43' Q5 13°21' P4R04°47' c3 02°17' R`R16°21' V7R20°01' c$R05°54' UCancer causes the return of the soul to birth.

0 20°58' W9 25°15' W2 17°21' U1 03°42' I6R07°32' Q5 13°21' P4R04°43' c3 02°18' R`R16°20' V7R20°00' c$R05°53' UCancer is the dusk hour.

0 21°56' W9 10°24' U2 18°13' U1 04°48' I6R07°20' Q5 13°22' P4R04°39' c3 02°19' R`R16°19' V7R19°58' c$ 05°53' U

Periodicity, rhythm and music come under the influence of Cancer.

14. Desc. M. P. 12:049 W 19:586. ★ Ârdra 21:13

C New Moon Ph.08:31 7. ★ Punarvasu 18:24

1. Asc. M. P. 11:268. ★ Pushyami 15:299 U 19:31

2. Asc. M. P. 01:029. ★ Âshlêsha 12:363. Asc. M. P. 21:25

mNew Moon W


July 2018

15Sunday 0

16Monday 9

17Tuesday 6

0 22°53' W9 25°22' U2 19°01' U1 05°55' I6R07°07' Q5 13°23' P4R04°34' c3 02°20' R`R16°19' V7R19°57' c$ 05°54' U Cancer marks the change of state.

10. ★ Magha 09:584. Asc. M. P. 18:059 I 19:30

0 23°50' W9 10°03' I2 19°46' U1 07°01' I6R06°54' Q5 13°24' P4R04°30' c3 02°22' R`R16°18' V7R19°55' c$ 05°54' U

When linked to the Heart Centre, Cancer causes intuition.

0 24°47' W9 24°21' I2 20°27' U1 08°07' I6R06°40' Q5 13°25' P4R04°26' c3 02°23' R`R16°17' V7R19°54' c$ 05°55' U

11. ★Pûrvaphalguni07:425. Asc. M. P. 15:11

12. ★Uttaraphalguni 05:576. Asc. M. P. 12:499 O 21:42

Cancer marks the change of direction.

18Wednesday 2

19Thursday 5

20Friday 1

21Saturday 4

0 25°45' W9 08°13' O2 21°04' U1 09°13' I6R06°26' Q5 13°26' P4R04°22' c3 02°24' R`R16°16' V7R19°53' c$ 05°56' U

The crab, the tortoise, the beetle and their qualities have to be pondered upon.

29th Week

0 26°42' W9 21°41' O2 21°37' U1 10°19' I6R06°12' Q5 13°28' P4R04°18' c3 02°25' R`R16°15' V7R19°51' c$ 05°57' U

Beware of the etheric ebb and tide of Cancer.

0 27°39' W9 04°45' P2 22°07' U1 11°24' I6R05°57' Q5 13°29' P4R04°15' c3 02°25' R`R16°14' V7R19°50' c$ 05°57' U

Cancer governs the lower mind and the astral body.

0 28°36' W9 17°28' P2 22°32' U1 12°30' I6R05°42' Q5 13°31' P4R04°11' c3 02°26' R`R16°13' V7R19°48' c$R05°56' UCancer, being a watery sign, is adaptable.

13. ★ Hasta 04:507. Asc. M. P. 11:06

14. ★ Chitra 04:238. Asc. M. P. 10:06

9 P 03:1315. ★ Swâti 04:399. Asc. M. P. 09:49

16. ★ Visâkha 05:3810. Asc. M. P. 10:14


July 2018

22Sunday 0

23Monday 9

24Tuesday 6

0 29°34' W9 29°54' P2 22°52' U1 13°35' I6R05°26' Q5 13°33' P4R04°07' c3 02°27' R`R16°12' V7R19°47' c$R05°55' U Sun rules Leo, hence Prana is well gripped.

Tuesday in LeoContemplation upon the influx of hierarchical money via the Mother of Splendour - Lakshmi.

Friday in LeoContemplation upon the World Mother in the Heart Centre.

22nd July 1951: Birthday of Smt. Krishna Kumari Garu22nd July 2018: 11th ascending moon phase of LeoContemplate upon Lord Maytreya in the Hearth Center.26th July 2018: Merry Life Day27th July 2018: Full Moon of Leo: Festival of the New Age.

17. ★ Anûrâdha 07:1411. Asc. M. P. 11:179 b 12:120 U 3:00

0 00°31' U9 12°06' b2 23°08' U1 14°40' I6R05°10' Q5 13°35' P4R04°03' c3 02°28' R`R16°11' V7R19°45' c$R05°55' U Be vigilant of the inner and outer Sound.

0 01°28' U9 24°08' b2 23°19' U1 15°45' I6R04°54' Q5 13°38' P4R04°00' c3 02°29' R`R16°10' V7R19°44' c$R05°54' U The heart is the base of Libra.

18. ★ Jyêshta 09:2312. Asc. M. P. 12:54

19. ★ Mûla 11:5813. Asc. M. P. 14:559 c 23:48

^1111. Asc. M. P. 9

25Wednesday 2

26Thursday 5

27Friday 1

28Saturday 4

0 02°26' U9 06°02' c2 23°26' U1 16°49' I6R04°38' Q5 13°40' P4R03°56' c3 02°29' R`R16°09' V7R19°42' c$R05°54' U

The rays of Regulus transmit the “New Age energies” through Leo.

30th Week

0 03°23' U9 17°52' c2 23°27' U1 17°53' I6R04°22' Q5 13°43' P4R03°52' c3 02°30' R`R16°08' V7R19°41' c$R05°53' U

Self-discipline is the keynote for self-expan-sion in Leo.

0 04°20' U9 20°40' c2 23°24' U1 18°58' I6R04°06' Q5 13°46' P4R03°49' c3 02°31' R`R16°07' V7R19°40' c$R05°52' UFriday in Leo is the most auspicious day.

0 05°18' U9 11°28' Q2R23°15' U1 20°02' I6R03°49' Q5 13°49' P4R03°46' c3 02°31' R`R16°06' V7R19°38' c$R05°53' ULeo is the royal sign.

20. ★ Pûrvashâdha 14:5114. Asc. M. P. 17:16

21. ★ Uttarâshâdha 17:55- Full Moon 19:46

9 Q 12:4122. ★ Sravana 21:031. Desc. M. P. 22:20

kFull Moon U


Leo transforms the son of man into the Son of God.

July/August 2018

29Sunday 0

30Monday 9

31Tuesday 6

0 06°15' U9 23°19' Q2R23°01' U1 20°05' I6R03°33' Q5 13°52' P4R03°42' c3 02°32' R`R16°05' V7R19°37' c$R05°53' U The lion is realized within.

Tuesday in LeoContemplation upon the influx of hierarchical money via the Mother of Splendour - Lakshmi.

Friday in LeoContemplation upon the World Mother in the Heart Centre.

4th August 1868: Birthday of Master CVV

23. ★ Dhanishta 00:072. Desc. M. P. 00:50

0 07°12' U9 05°15' V2R22°43' U1 22°09' I6R03°16' Q5 13°55' P4R03°39' c3 02°32' R`R16°03' V7R19°35' c$R05°53' U

0 08°10' U9 17°19' V2R22°19' U1 23°12' I6R03°00' Q5 13°59' P4R03°36' c3 02°32' R`R16°02' V7R19°34' c$R05°53' U

Pranayama, the fourth step of Yoga, relates to Leo.

9 V 01:2824. ★ Satabhishak 03:023. Desc. M. P. 03:10

4. Desc. M. P. 05:13 25. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 05:40


Gold is the metal of Leo.

1Wednesday 2

2Thursday 5

3Friday 1

4Saturday 4

0 09°07' U9 29°32' V2R21°51' U1 24°15' I6R02°44' Q5 14°03' P4R03°32' c3 02°33' R`R16°01' V7R19°33' c$R05°53' ULeo is feminine, Love is its nature.

31st Week

0 10°04' U9 11°59' E2R21°18' U1 25°17' I6R02°28' Q5 14°07' P4R03°29' c3 02°33' R`R16°00' V7R19°31' c$R05°52' ULeo stands for the Word of Love.

0 11°02' U9 24°42' E2R20°42' U1 26°20' I6R02°12' Q5 14°11' P4R03°26' c3 02°33' R`R15°59' V7R19°30' c$R05°52' UFriday in Leo is the most auspicious day.

0 11°59' U9 07°44' R2R20°02' U1 27°22' I6R01°57' Q5 14°15' P4R03°23' c3 02°33' R`R15°57' V7R19°29' c$R05°52' U

5. Desc. M. P. 06:53 26. ★ Uttarabhâdra 07:569 E 12:54

6. Desc. M. P. 08:03 27. ★ Rêvati 09:43

7. Desc. M. P. 08:38 1. ★ Ashvini 10:559 R 21:51

8. Desc. M. P. 08:35 2. ★ Bharani 11:29


The dog in Leo stands for vigilance.

7Tuesday 6

0 14°52' U9 19°06' T2R17°47' U1 00°27' O6R01°12' Q5 14°28' P4R03°15' c3 02°34' R`R15°53' V7R19°25' c$ 05°53' U The Hierarchy is essentially leonine.

1 O 01:2711. Desc. M. P. 04:22 5. ★ Mrigasîra 09:14

Tuesday in LeoContemplation upon the influx of hierarchical money via the Mother of Splendour - Lakshmi.Friday in LeoContemplation upon the World Mother in the Heart Centre.7th August 2018: 11th descending moon phase of Leo. Contemplate upon Lord Maytreya in the Hearth Center.11th August 2018: New Moon of Leo. Contemplate upon The Pledge. 11th August 1926: Birthday of Master EK

August 2018

5Sunday 0

6Monday 9

0 12°57' U9 21°08' R2R19°19' U1 28°24' I6R01°42' Q5 14°19' P4R03°20' c3 02°34' R`R15°56' V7R19°27' c$ 05°51' U Embrace the golden aura of the sun in Leo.

9. Desc. M. P. 07:50 3. ★ Krittika 11:24

0 13°54' U9 04°55' T2R18°34' U1 29°26' I6R01°27' Q5 14°24' P4R03°18' c3 02°34' R`R15°55' V7R19°26' c$ 05°52' U

9 T 03:3110. Desc. M. P. 06:26 4. ★ Rohini 10:38

HAM is the sound in Leo.

8Wednesday 2

9Thursday 5

10Friday 1

11Saturday 4

0 15°49' U9 03°40' W2R16°59' U1 01°28' O6R00°58' Q5 14°33' P4R03°12' c3 02°34' R`R15°52' V7R19°23' c$ 05°53' U

Pranayama, the fourth step of Yoga, relates to Leo.

32nd Week

0 16°47' U9 18°32' W2R16°12' U1 02°29' O6R00°45' Q5 14°38' P4R03°10' c3 02°34' R`R15°51' V7R19°22' c$ 05°54' U

0 17°44' U9 03°36' U2R15°26' U1 03°29' O6R00°32' Q5 14°43' P4R03°07' c3 02°33' R`R15°49' V7R19°21' c$ 05°54' UFriday in Leo is the most auspicious day.

0 18°42' U9 18°43' U2R14°42' U1 04°29' O6R00°20' Q5 14°49' P4R03°05' c3R02°33' R`R15°48' V7R19°20' c$R05°54' U

Utter the Sacred Word and vigilantly listen to it.

12. Desc. M. P. 01:45 9 W 06:016. ★ Ârdra 07:1713. Desc. M. P. 22:40

7. ★ Punarvasu 04:5514. Desc. M. P. 9:15

8. ★ Pushyami 02:149 U 06:17C New Moon Ph. 15:38 9. ★ Âshlêsha 23:24

1. Asc. M. P. 11:57 10. ★ Magha 20:35

mNew Moon U


14Tuesday 6

Be vigilant of the inner and outer Sound.

0 21°35' U9 03°01' O2R12°49' U1 07°27' O6R29°46' c5 15°06' P4R02°58' c3R02°33' R`R15°43' V7R19°16' c$R05°50' U Leo is noble, straight and loving.

August 2018

12Sunday 0

13Monday 9

0 19°39' U9 03°45' I2R14°00' U1 05°29' O6R00°08' Q5 14°54' P4R03°02' c3R02°33' R`R15°46' V7R19°18' c$R05°53' U

Remember the Mother seated on the lion in Leo.

Tuesday in LeoContemplation upon the influx of hierarchical money via the Mother of Splendour - Lakshmi.

Friday in LeoContemplation upon the World Mother in the Heart Centre.

12th August 1926: Birthday of Madame Blavatsky

15th August 1872: Birthday of Sri Aurobindo

9 I 05:592. Asc. M. P. 08:24 11. ★ Pûrvaphalguni 17:57

0 20°37' U9 18°33' I2R13°23' U1 06°28' O6R29°56' c5 15°00' P4R03°00' c3R02°33' R`R15°45' V7R19°17' c$R05°52' U

6Rc 04:133. Asc. M. P. 05:07 12. ★ Uttaraphalguni 15:39

4. Asc. M. P. 02:15 9 O 06:5713. ★ Hasta 13:525. Asc. M. P. 23:58

Contemplation upon pulsation is the key to discipleship.

15Wednesday 2

16Thursday 5

17Friday 1

0 22°32' U9 17°02' O2R12°21' U1 08°26' O6R29°36' c5 15°12' P4R02°56' c3R02°32' R`R15°42' V7R19°15' c$R05°48' U

Being a fixed sign, Leo bestows continuity of purpose.

33rd Week

0 23°30' U9 00°37' P2R11°59' U1 09°24' O6R29°27' c5 15°18' P4R02°54' c3R02°32' R`R15°40' V7R19°14' c$R05°47' U

0 24°28' U9 13°45' P2R11°43' U1 10°22' O6R29°18' c5 15°24' P4R02°52' c3R02°31' R`R15°39' V7R19°13' c$R05°45' U

14. ★ Chitra 12:436. Asc. M. P. 22:22

9 P 10:5415. ★ Swâti 2:187. Asc. M. P. 21:32

16. ★ Visâkha 12:418. Asc. M. P. 21:31

18Saturday 4

0 25°25' U9 26°29' P2R11°34' U1 11°20' O6R29°11' c5 15°30' P4R02°50' c3R02°31' R`R15°37' V7R19°11' c$R05°45' U

Ideology and establishment of Law and Order is the work of Leo.

17. ★ Anûrâdha 13:519 b 18:459. Asc. M. P. 22:17

Friday in Leo is the most auspicious day.


Ideology and establishment of Law and Order is the work of Leo.

August 2018

19Sunday 0

20Monday 9

21Tuesday 6

0 26°23' U9 08°53' b2 11°32' U1 12°17' O6R29°04' c5 15°37' P4R02°48' c3R02°30' R`R15°36' V7R19°10' c$ 05°45' U

Golden yellow is the colour of Leo. 5 and 8 are the numbers of Leo.

Tuesday in LeoContemplation upon the influx of hierarchical money via the Mother of Splendour - Lakshmi.

21st August 2018: 11th ascending moon phase of LeoContemplate upon Lord Maytreya in the Hearth Center.

25th August 1883: Birthday of Master MN

18. ★ Jyêshta 15:4310. Asc. M. P. 23:45

0 27°21' U9 21°01' b2 11°37' U1 13°13' O6R28°57' c5 15°43' P4R02°46' c3R02°30' R`R15°34' V7R19°09' c$ 05°46' U Mantén el diafragma hacia arriba.

0 28°19' U9 02°58' c2 11°50' U1 14°09' O6R28°52' c5 15°50' P4R02°45' c3R02°29' R`R15°33' V7R19°08' c$ 05°48' U

19. ★ Mûla 18:11

11. Asc. M. P. 01:469 c 06:0020. ★ Pûrvashâdha 21:04

1111. Asc. M. P. 9

22Wednesday 2

23Thursday 5

24Friday 1

25Saturday 4

0 29°16' U9 14°49' c2 12°11' U1 15°05' O6R28°47' c5 15°57' P4R02°43' c3R02°28' R`R15°31' V7R19°07' c$ 05°50' ULeo is the sign of Initiation.

34th Week

0 00°14' I9 26°36' c2 12°40' U1 16°00' O6R28°44' c5 16°04' P4R02°42' c3R02°28' R`R15°30' V7R19°06' c$ 05°51' U

The World Mother is the object of man´s meditation.

0 01°12' I9 08°24' Q2 13°16' U1 16°55' O6R28°41' c5 16°11' P4R02°41' c3R02°27' R`R15°28' V7R19°05' c$R05°51' U

Virgo stands for analysis, while Pisces stands for synthesis.

0 02°10' I9 20°16' Q2 13°59' U1 17°49' O6R28°39' c5 16°19' P4R02°40' c3R02°26' R`R15°27' V7R19°04' c$R05°50' U

The Mother seated on the lion offers grace and protection.

12. Asc. M. P. 04:1020. ★ Pûrvashâdha 21:04

21. ★ Uttarâshâdha 00:090 I 06:0813. Asc. M. P. 06:459 Q 18:55

22. ★ Sravana 03:1814. Asc. M. P. 09:20

23. ★ Dhanishta 06:19- Full Moon 11:46



August/September 2018

26Sunday 0

27Monday 9

28Tuesday 6

0 03°08 I9 02°14' V2 14°50' U1 18°42' O6R28°37' c5 16°26' P4R02°38' c3R02°25' R`R15°25' V7R19°03' c$R05°48' U

The Mother sitting in the Lotus and holding the lotuses in hand, bestows wealth.

26th August 2018: Full Moon of VirgoContemplate upon the World Mother as Gâyatrî, with a ranibow halo around her head.

1st - 14th August 2018: descending moon phase of VirgoContemplate upon the Pitris.

9 V 07:3224. ★ Satabhishak 09:061. Desc. M. P. 13:56

0 04°06 I9 14°20' V2 15°48' U1 19°35' O6R28°37' c5 16°34' P4R02°37' c3R02°24' R`R15°23' V7R19°02' c$R05°44' U

The Mother moving on the White Swan, bestows wisdom.

0 05°03' I9 26°36' V2 16°52' U1 20°27' O6R28°37' c5 16°41' P4R02°37' c3R02°23' R`R15°22' V7R19°01' c$R05°40' U Radium is the metal of Virgo.

25. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 11:342. Desc. M. P. 15:45

26. ★ Uttarabhâdra13:393. Desc. M. P. 17:109 E 18:35

kFull Moon I13:56

29Wednesday 2

30Thursday 5

31Friday 1

1Saturday 4

0 06°01' I9 09°03' E2 18°04' U1 21°19' O6R28°38' c5 16°49' P4R02°36' c3R02°22' R`R15°20' V7R19°00' c$R05°35' U

Virgo has the spectrum of the rainbow colours.

35th Week

0 06°59' I9 21°43' E2 19°21' U1 22°10' O6R28°40' c5 16°57' P4R02°35' c3R02°21' R`R15°18' V7R19°00' c$R05°30' UIn essence, the colour of Virgo is milk white.

0 07°57' I9 04°35' R2 20°44' U1 23°01' O6R28°43' c5 17°05' P4R02°34' c3R02°20' R`R15°17' V7R18°59' c$R05°26' UThe numerical potency of Virgo is 7.

0 08°55' I9 17°43' R2 22°12' U1 23°51' O6 28°46' c5 17°13' P4R02°34' c3R02°19' R`R15°15' V7R18°58' c$R05°22' U

The Will, the Love and the Light are the manifestations of the Mother.

27. ★ Rêvati 15:184. Desc. M. P. 18:08

1. ★ Ashvini 16:315. Desc. M. P. 18:39

9 R 03:302. ★ Bharani 17:166. Desc. M. P. 18:42

3. ★ Krittika 17:327. Desc. M. P. 18:14

Misunderstandings, limitations and subordi-nation are the negatives of Virgo.

September 2018

2Sunday 0

3Monday 9

4Tuesday 6

0 09°53' I9 01°07' T2 23°45' U1 24°40' O6 28°50' c5 17°22' P4R02°33' c3R02°18' R`R15°14' V7R18°57' c$R05°21' U

The presence of the Mother is the presence of the Lord, too.

1st - 14th descending moon phase of VirgoContemplate upon the Pitris.

2nd September 2018: 8th descending moon phase of VirgoBirthday of Lord Krishna.

9 T 10:018. Desc. M. P. 17:174. ★ Rohini 17:18

0 10°52' I9 14°48' T2 25°22' U1 25°28' O6 28°55' c5 17°30' P4R02°33' c3R02°16' R`R15°12' V7R18°56' c$ 05°20' U For the disciples, Moon is the lord of Virgo.

0 11°50' I9 28°47' T2 27°02' U1 26°15' O6 29°01' c5 17°39' P4R02°33' c3R02°15' R`R15°10' V7R18°56' c$ 05°21' U

9. Desc. M. P. 15:505. ★ Mrigasîra 16:35

10. Desc. M. P. 13:539 W 14:036. ★ Ârdra 15:23


5Wednesday 2

6Thursday 5

7Friday 1

8Saturday 4

0 12°48' I9 13°40' W2 28°46' U1 27°02' O6 29°08' c5 17°47' P4R02°33' c3R02°14' R`R15°09' V7R18°55' c$ 05°23' U

Labour without remuneration leads to astounding success in Virgo.

36th Week

0 13°46' I9 27°37' W2 00°33' I1 27°48' O6 29°16' c5 17°56' P4R02°33' c3R02°13' R`R15°07' V7R18°54' c$ 05°24' UAwareness is the other name for the Mother.

0 14°44' I9 12°22' U2 02°22' I1 28°33' O6 29°24' c5 18°05' P4 02°33' c3R02°11' R`R15°05' V7R18°53' c$R05°24' U

Nursing and serving are the qualities of Virgo.

0 15°43' I9 27°13' U2 04°13' I1 29°18' O6 29°33' c5 18°14' P4 02°33' c3R02°10' R`R15°04' V7R18°53' c$R05°22' U

The Grace of the Mother expresses as the look of the Master.

11. Desc. M. P. 11:317. ★ Punarvasu 13:44

2 I 04:3812. Desc. M. P. 08:458. ★ Pushyami 11:449 U 15:54

13. Desc. M. P. 05:429. ★ Âshlêsha 09:46

14. Desc. M. P. 02:2910. ★ Magha 06:599 I 16:29C New Moon Ph.23:12

September 2018

9Sunday 0

10Monday 9

11Tuesday 6

0 16°41' I9 12°04' I2 06°05' I1 00°01' P6 29°43' c5 18°23' P4 02°33' c3R02°08' R`R15°02' V7R18°52' c$R05°18' U

The Love of the Mother is the look of the Lord.

9th September 2018: New Moon of VirgoContemplate upon The Pledge.

12th September 2018: 4th ascending moon phase of VirgoGanesha Festival, Birthday of Sripada Srivallabha Contemplation upon Ganesha, the Cosmic 5, from the Head Centre to the Base Centre.

13th September 2018: 5th ascending moon phase of VirgoContemplation upon the 7 Seers of the Great Bear, represented by the 7 Masters of the 7 Rays.

11. ★ Pûrvaphalguni 04:311 P 11:25 1. Asc. M. P. 20:01

0 17°39' I9 26°46' I2 07°58' I1 00°43' P6 29°53' c5 18°33' P4 02°33' c3R02°07' R`R15°00' V7R18°52' c$R05°13' U

Universal Consciousness is still another name for the Mother.

0 18°37' I9 11°12' O2 09°52' I1 01°25' P6 00°04' Q5 18°42' P4 02°34' c3R02°05' R`R14°59' V7R18°51' c$R05°06' U

The moon in Hasta, with sun in Virgo, stimulates seeds of wisdom as the birth of Ganesha.

12. ★ Uttaraphalguni02:112. Asc. M. P. 17:059 O 17:20

13. ★ Hasta 00:096 Q 02:543. Asc. M. P. 14:3414. ★ Chitra 22:35

mNew Moon I20:01

Virgo is the Lord as the Mother.

12Wednesday 2

13Thursday 5

14Friday 1

15Saturday 4

0 19°36' I9 25°16' O2 11°46' I1 02°05' P6 00°16' Q5 18°51' P4 02°34' c3R02°04' R`R14°57' V7R18°50' c$R04°49' U

Beauty and Grace are linked up in trine aspect between Taurus and Virgo.

37th Week

0 20°34' I9 08°54' P2 13°40' I1 02°45' P6 00°29' Q5 19°01' P4 02°35' c3R02°02' R`R14°55' V7R18°50' c$R04°49' U

0 21°33' I9 22°06' P2 15°35' I1 03°23' P6 00°43' Q5 19°11' P4 02°36' c3R02°00' R`R14°54' V7R18°49' c$R04°48' U

Virgo recollects purity, holiness and sublime nature.

0 22°31' I9 04°53' b2 17°29' I1 04°00' P6 00°57' Q5 19°20' P4 02°36' c3R01°59' R`R14°52' V7R18°49' c$R04°44' U

The Mother with the lamp in the hand marks “the Light in darkness”.

4. Asc. M. P. 12:379 P 20:1515. ★ Swâti 21:37

5. Asc. M. P. 11:2216. ★ Visâkha 21:23

6. Asc. M. P. 10:5317. ★ Anûrâdha 21:57

9 b 02:457. Asc. M. P. 11:1518. ★ Jyêshta 23:19

September 2018

16Sunday 0

17Monday 9

18Tuesday 6

0 23°30' I9 17°18' b2 19°22' I1 04°35' P6 01°12' Q5 19°30' P4 02°37' c3R01°57' R`R14°51' V7R18°49' c$R04°42' U

The word “Mother” is the Light of the Lord Invisible.

19th September 2018: 11th ascending moon phase of VirgoContemplate upon the World Mother as Gâyatrî, with a rainbow halo around her head.

8. Asc. M. P. 12:24

0 24°28' I9 29°26' b2 21°15' I1 05°10' P6 01°27' Q5 19°40' P4 02°38' c3R01°55' R`R14°49' V7R18°48' c$ 04°42' U

0 25°27' I9 11°22' c2 23°08' I1 05°43' P6 01°43' Q5 19°50' P4 02°40' c3R01°53' R`R14°47' V7R18°48' c$ 04°43' U

19. ★ Mûla 01:259 c 13:079. Asc. M. P. 14:14

20. ★ Pûrvashâd 04:0510. Asc. M. P. 16:34

Merging in the Mother, man reaches the Father.

The Will, the Love and the Light are the manifestations of the Mother.


19Wednesday 2

20Thursday 5

21Friday 1

22Saturday 4

0 26°25' I9 23°12' c2 24°59' I1 06°15' P6 02°00' Q5 20°00' P4 02°41' c3R01°51' R`R14°46' V7R18°47' c$ 04°44' U

The Mother weaves the web of Creation with the support of the Father.

38th Week

0 27°24' I9 04°59' Q2 26°50' I1 06°45' P6 02°17' Q5 20°11' P4 02°42' c3R01°49' R`R14°44' V7R18°47' c$R04°45' U

For the mundane person, Mercury is the lord of Virgo.

0 28°22' I9 16°49' Q2 28°40' I1 07°14' P6 02°35' Q5 20°21' P4 02°43' c3R01°48' R`R14°42' V7R18°47' c$R04°44' U

The Mother with the lamp in the hand marks “the Light in darkness”.

0 29°21' I9 28°46' Q2 00°29' O1 07°42' P6 02°54' Q5 20°31' P4 02°45' c3R01°46' R`R14°41' V7R18°46' c$R04°41' U

The Mother´s Creation is a visualization and is therefore called the Immaculate Conception.

21. ★ Uttarâshâdha 07:0611. Asc. M. P. 19:10

9 Q 01:51 22. ★ Sravana 10:1412. Asc. M. P. 21:46

23. ★ Dhanishta 13:16

13. Asc. M. P. 00:112 O 05:399 V 14:27 24. ★ Satabhishak 16:00

1111. Asc. M. P. 9


September 2018

23Sunday 0

24Monday 9

25Tuesday 6

0 00°20' O9 10°53' V2 02°17' O1 08°07' P6 03°13' Q5 20°42' P4 02°47' c3R01°44' R`R14°49' V7R18°46' c$R04°36' U

Libra offers a direct line of ascent through Sushumna.

23rd September 2018: Autumn Equinox.Contemplate upon the Feminine Hierarchy.

25th September 2018: Full Moon of Libra.Contemplate upon the Mother sitting on the Lion.

14. Asc. M. P. 02:130 O 03:5425. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 18:20

0 01°19' O9 23°12' V2 04°04' O1 08°32' P6 03°33' Q5 20°53' P4 02°48' c3R01°42' R`R14°38' V7R18°46' c$R04°28' U

In the Path of Ascent, Libra works as the Heart Centre.

0 02°17' O9 05°45' E2 05°50' O1 08°54' P6 03°53' Q5 21°03' P4 02°50' c3R01°40' R`R14°36' V7R18°46' c$R04°19' U

In the Path of Descent, Libra works in the Solar Plexus.

- Full Moon 03:48 26. ★ Uttarabhâdra 20:10

9 E 01:031. Desc. M. P. 04:52 27. ★ Rêvati 21:31

1 Autumn Equinox.

kFull Moon O04:52

26Wednesday 2

27Thursday 5

28Friday 1

29Saturday 4

0 03°16' O9 18°31' E2 07°35' O1 09°14' P6 04°14' Q5 21°14' P4 02°52' c3R01°38' R`R14°35' V7R18°46' c$R04°08' U

The Ascending Path of Libra transforms the Chakras into Lotuses.

39th Week

0 04°15' O9 01°30' R2 09°20' O1 09°33' P6 04°36' Q5 21°25' P4 02°54' c3R01°36' R`R14°33' V7R18°46' c$R03°58' UChakras are whirlpools of energy.

0 05°14' O9 14°41' R2 11°03' O1 09°50' P6 04°58' Q5 21°36' P4 02°56' c3R01°33' R`R14°32' V7R18°45' c$R03°48' U

The ending of the activity of the Chakras is the beginning of the activity of the Lotuses.

0 06°13' O9 28°04' R2 12°45' O1 10°05' P6 05°20' Q5 21°47' P4 02°58' c3R01°31' R`R14°30' V7R18°45' c$R03°40' ULotuses are the Enlightening Energy.

2. Desc. M. P. 05:26 1. ★ Ashvini 22:25

3. Desc. M. P. 05:339 R 09:152. ★ Bharani 22:53

4. Desc. M. P. 5:143. ★ Krittika 2:58

5. Desc. M. P. 4:439 T 15:264. ★ Rohini 22:44

September/October 2018

30Sunday 0

1Monday 9

2Tuesday 6

0 07°12' O9 11°38' T2 14°27' O1 10°18' P6 05°43' Q5 21°58' P4 03°00' c3R01°29' R`R14°29' V7R18°45' c$R03°35' U

Venus as the Lord of Love belongs to the spiritual Libra.

9th October 1874: Birthday of Nicholas Roerich

4th October 2018: 11th descending moon phase of Libra.Contemplate upon SHIVA, the 1st Cosmic Logos.

6. Desc. M. P. 03:335. ★ Mrigasîra 22:11

0 08°11' O9 25°23' T2 16°08' O1 10°29' P6 06°07' Q5 22°09' P4 03°03' c3R01°27' R`R14°27' V7 18°45' c$R03°33' U

Saturn in Libra helps in building the Antah-karana.

0 09°10' O9 09°18' W2 17°47' O1 10°37' P6 06°31' Q5 22°20' P4 03°05' c3R01°25' R`R14°26' V7 18°45' c$R03°32' U

Ecstasy, emotional outbursts, astral indul-gences belong to the mundane Libra

7. Desc. M. P. 02:159 W 20:006. ★ Ârdra 21:22

8. Desc. M. P. 00:397. ★ Punarvasu 20:159. Desc. M. P. 22:47


3Wednesday 2

4Thursday 5

5Friday 1

6Saturday 4

0 10°09' O9 23°22' W2 19°26' O1 10°44' P6 06°55' Q5 22°32' P4 03°08' c3R01°23' R`R14°24' V7 18°45' c$ 03°32' U

To the disciple, the colour in Libra is bet-ween blue and pure white

40th Week

0 11°08' O9 07°37' U2 21°04' O1 10°48' P6 07°20' Q5 22°43' P4 03°10' c3R01°20' R`R14°23' V7 18°46' c$R03°32' U

Meditate upon the Mother seated on the tiger during the month of Libra.

0 12°07' O9 21°59' U2 22°42' O1 10°50' P6 07°45' Q5 22°55' P4 03°13' c3R01°18' R`R14°21' V7 18°46' c$R03°31' ULibra is the seventh house in either direction.

0 13°06' O9 06°26' I2 24°18' O1R10°50' P6 08°11' Q5 23°06' P4 03°16' c3R01°16' R`R14°20' V7 18°46' c$R03°27' U

Libra separates the purity of Virgo and the power of Scorpio.

8. ★ Pushyami 18:5410. Desc. M. P. 20:409 U 23:12

9. ★ Âshlêsha 17:1911. Desc. M. P. 18:19

10. ★ Magha 15:3312. Desc. M. P. 15:48

9 I 01:1913. Desc. M. P. 13:1011. ★ Pûrvaphalguni13:41

October 2018

7Sunday 0

8Monday 9

9Tuesday 6

0 14°05' O9 20°54' I2 25°54' O1R10°47' P6 08°37' Q5 23°18' P4 03°19' c3R01°13' R`R14°18' V7 18°46' c$R03°21' U

Libra stands for passion, either for the mun-dane or for the spiritual.

1st - 10th ascending moon phase of Libra.Worship the descent of the Lunar Ray through the symbolism of Durga, the Mother Impermeable, and to culminate the worship on the10th ascending moon phase.

9th October 2018: New Moon of Libra: Festival of Lights.Festival of Lights to make the darkness of the darkest New Moon disappear.

14. Desc. M. P. 10:3212. ★ Uttaraphalguni 11:48

0 15°04' O9 05°17' O2 27°29' O1R10°42' P6 09°04' Q5 23°30' P4 03°22' c3R01°11' R`R14°17' V7 18°46' c$R03°12' U Libra is the Woman and Aries is her Man.

0 16°04' O9 19°27' O2 29°03' O1R10°35' P6 09°31' Q5 23°41' P4 03°25' c3R01°09' R`R14°16' V7 18°46' c$R03°01' U

Find the delicate balance of Libra and ascend into Eternity.

9 O 03:10C New Moon Ph. 08:02 13. ★ Hasta 10:04

1. Asc. M. P. 05:47 14. ★ Chitra 08:35

mNew Moon O05:47

The sound potency ‘V‘ is located in this sign (Libra).

10Wednesday 2

11Thursday 5

12Friday 1

13Saturday 4

0 17°03' O9 03°21' P2 00°36' P1R10°25' P6 09°58' Q5 23°53' P4 03°28' c3R01°06' R`R14°14' V7 18°47' c$R02°49' ULibra is the “touchdown” point of the Spirit.

41st Week

0 18°02' O9 16°54' P2 02°09' P1R10°13' P6 10°26' Q5 24°05' P4 03°31' c3R01°04' R`R14°13' V7 18°47' c$R02°38' U

Libra also offers the “take off” through Satur-nian Discipline.

0 19°02' O9 00°04' b2 03°41' P1R09°58' P6 10°54' Q5 24°17' P4 03°35' c3R01°02' R`R14°12' V7 18°47' c$R02°28' U

Neutralize the passion of Libra to blend Virgo Scorpio into one Sun sign.

0 20°01' O9 12°51' b2 05°12' P1R09°41' P6 11°23' Q5 24°29' P4 03°38' c3R00°59' R`R14°11' V7 18°48' c$R02°20' U

2 P 02:402. Asc. M. P. 03:55 9 P 06:0915. ★ Swâti 07:31

3. Asc. M. P. 02:37 16. ★ Visâkha 07:01

4. Asc. M. P. 01:58 17. ★ Anûrâdha 07:119 b 11:53

5. Asc. M. P. 02:05 18. ★ Jyêshta 08:05

October 2018

14Sunday 0

15Monday 9

16Tuesday 6

0 21°00' O9 25°17' b2 06°43' P1R09°22' P6 11°51' Q5 24°41' P4 03°42' c3R00°57' R`R14°09' V7 18°48' c$R02°15' U Libra is emanating and blending force.

1st - 10th ascending moon phase of Libra.Worship the descent of the Lunar Ray through the symbolism of Durga, the Mother Impermeable, and to culminate the worship on the10th ascending moon phase.

19th October 2018: 11th ascending moon phase of Libra.Shirdi Sai Baba leaves the physical plane (1918).

6. Asc. M. P. 02:58 19. ★ Mûla 09:449 c 21:17

0 22°00' O9 07°25' c2 08°12' P1R09°01' P6 12°21' Q5 24°53' P4 03°45' c3R00°54' R`R14°08' V7 18°48' c$R02°13' U Saturn is the teacher in Libra.

0 22°59' O9 19°22' c2 09°41' P1R08°37' P6 12°50' Q5 25°05' P4 03°49' c3R00°52' R`R14°07' V7 18°49' c$R02°12' U

Venus is the ruler of Libra for the mundane and also for the spiritual.

7. Asc. M. P. 04:35 20. ★ Pûrvashâdha 12:04

8. Asc. M. P. 06:46 21. ★ Uttarâshâdha 14:53


17Wednesday 2

18Thursday 5

19Friday 1

20Saturday 4

0 23°59' O9 01°11' Q2 11°10' P1R08°11' P6 13°20' Q5 25°18' P4 03°53' c3R00°50' R`R14°06' V7 18°49' c$ 02°12' U

Libra contains the potencials of all the sun signs.

42nd Week

0 24°58' O9 12°59' Q2 12°37' P1R07°44' P6 13°51' Q5 25°30' P4 03°56' c3R00°47' R`R14°05' V7 18°50' c$R02°12' U

Beyond passion, Libra offers equilibrium of mind.

0 25°58' O9 24°51' Q2 14°04' P1R07°14' P6 14°21' Q5 25°42' P4 04°00' c3R00°45' R`R14°03' V7 18°50' c$R02°10' U

0 26°58' O9 06°52' V2 15°30' P1R06°43' P6 14°52' Q5 25°55' P4 04°04' c3R00°42' R`R14°02' V7 18°51' c$R02°06' U

Neutralize the passion of Libra to blend Virgo Scorpio into one Sun sign.

9. Asc. M. P. 09:20 9 Q 09:3622. ★ Sravana 17:58

10. Asc. M. P. 11:59 23. ★ Dhanishta 21:04

11. Asc. M. P. 14:27 9 V 22:2024. ★ Satabhishak 23:54

12. Asc. M. P. 16:31

Saturn in Libra helps in building the Antah-karana.


1111. Asc. M. P. 9

October 2018

21Sunday 0

22Monday 9

23Tuesday 6

0 27°57' O9 19°06' V2 16°56' P1R06°10' P6 15°23' Q5 26°07' P4 04°08' c3R00°40' R`R14°01' V7 18°52' c$R01°59' U Libra offers the spiritual marriage.

Every evening in ScorpioLight a lamp at the twilight hour at the doorfront and worship the Serpent-power Kundalini, that encircles around the stem of the Base Centre.

24th October 2018: Full Moon of ScorpioVenerate the 1st Cosmic Ray, SHIVA the Lord and chant the mantram of five syllables OM NAMA SHIVAYA.

25. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 02:1813. Asc. M. P. 18:01

0 28°57' O9 01°36' E2 18°20' P1R05°37' P6 15°55' Q5 26°20' P4 04°13' c3R00°37' R`R14°00' V7 18°52' c$R01°50' U

Samana Vayu (Equilibrating pulsation) is a function of Libra.

0 29°57' O9 14°24' E2 19°44' P1R05°02' P6 16°27' Q5 26°32' P4 04°17' c3R00°35' R`R13°59' V7 18°53' c$R01°38' U

Scorpio is the abode of the Initiates and criminals alike.

26. ★ Uttarabhâdra 04:069 E 08:5814. Asc. M. P. 18:53

27. ★ Rêvati 05:180 P 13:22- Full Moon 19:06


24Wednesday 2

25Thursday 5

26Friday 1

27Saturday 4

0 00°56' P9 27°29' E2 21°07' P1R04°26' P6 16°59' Q5 26°45' P4 04°21' c3R00°32' R`R13°58' V7 18°53' c$R01°25' U

The Base Centre has the lowest and the highest functions concealed.

43rd Week

0 01°56' P9 10°51' R2 22°29' P1R03°50' P6 17°31' Q5 26°57' P4 04°26' c3R00°30' R`R13°57' V7 18°54' c$R01°12' U

Cave-Temples and gambling dens are gover-ned by Scorpio.

0 02°56' P9 24°28' R2 23°49' P1R03°13' P6 18°04' Q5 27°10' P4 04°30' c3R00°28' R`R13°56' V7 18°55' c$R01°00' U

Scorpio offers irretrievable fall or soaring to the heights.

0 03°56' P9 08°15' T2 25°09' P1R02°36' P6 18°36' Q5 27°23' P4 04°35' c3R00°25' R`R13°55' V7 18°56' c$R00°50' USaturn in Scorpio is the discipline area.

1. ★ Ashvini 05:539 R 16:331. Desc. M. P. 18:45

2. ★ Bharani 05:562. Desc. M. P. 17:54

3. ★ Krittika 05:333. Desc. M. P. 16:40 9 T 21:40

4. ★ Rohini 04:504. Desc. M. P. 15:08

kFull Moon P


October/November 2018

28Sunday 0

29Monday 9

30Tuesday 6

0 04°58' P9 22°45' T2 26°31' P1R01°58' P6 19°11' Q5 27°36' P4 04°39' c3R00°23' R`R13°54' V7 18°57' c$R00°43' U

Silence and secrecy are the keynotes of Scorpio.

Every evening in ScorpioLight a lamp at the twilight hour at the doorfront and worship the Serpent-power Kundalini, that encircles around the stem of the Base Centre.

Mondays in ScorpioContemplation upon Shiva, the Cosmic 1st Logos.

5. ★ Mrigasîra 02:545. Desc. M. P. 12:25

0 05°58' P9 06°45' W2 27°49' P1R01°22' P6 19°44' Q5 27°49' P4 04°44' c3R00°20' R`R13°53' V7 18°57' c$R00°39' U Mars in Scorpio is the power monger.

0 06°58' P9 20°48' W2 29°05' P1R00°47' P6 20°18' Q5 28°02' P4 04°49' c3R00°18' R`R13°53' V7 18°58' c$R00°38' U Masonry is Scorpio activity.

9 W 00:276. ★ Ârdra 01:486. Desc. M. P. 10:34

7. ★ Punarvasu 00:367. Desc. M. P. 08:38 8. ★ Pushyami 23:21

Standard Time (CET+1)

10. Desc. M. P. 02:40 9 I 06:4711. ★ Pûrvaphalguni 19:29


1Thursday 5

2Friday 1

3Saturday 4

0 07°58' P9 04°52' U2 00°20' b1R00°12' P6 20°52' Q5 28°15' P4 04°54' c3R00°15' R`R13°52' V7 18°59' c$ 00°38' U

Scorpio is as dark as night – remember, darkness is absolute Light.

44th Week

0 08°58' P9 18°58' U2 01°33' b1R29°39' O6 21°26' Q5 28°28' P4 04°58' c3R00°13' R`R13°51' V7 19°00' c$R00°38' ULocationally, Scorpio is linked to Sirius.

0 09°58' P9 03°04' I2 02°44' b1R29°07' O6 22°00' Q5 28°41' P4 05°03' c3R00°10' R`R13°50' V7 19°01' c$R00°36' U

The Serpent and the Eagle are the great symbols of Scorpio.

0 10°58' P9 17°08' I2 03°54' b1R28°36' O6 22°34' Q5 28°54' P4 05°08' c3R00°08' R`R13°49' V7 19°02' c$R00°32' U

Sex as an act of indulgence is the source of fall for Scorpio.

9 U 03:422 b 05:388. Desc. M. P. 06:40 1R O 20:429. ★ Âshlêsha 22:04

9. Desc. M. P. 04:40 10. ★ Magha 20:47

11. Desc. M. P. 00:40 12. ★ Uttaraphalguni 18:14 12. Desc. M. P. 22:44


November 2018

4Sunday 0

5Monday 9

6Tuesday 6

0 11°58' P9 01°10' O2 05°01' b1R28°08' O6 23°09' Q5 29°07' P4 05°14' c3R00°06' R`R13°49' V7 19°03' c$R00°25' U

The numerical potency of Scorpio is number 8.

Every evening in ScorpioLight a lamp at the twilight hour at the doorfront and worship the Serpent-power Kundalini, that encircles around the stem of the Base Centre.Mondays in ScorpioContemplation upon Shiva, the Cosmic 1st Logos.

7th November 2018: Good Will Day · Birthday of Master KPK (1945)

7th November 2018: New Moon of ScorpioContemplate upon The Pledge.

9 O 10:0113. ★ Hasta 17:05 13. Desc. M. P. 20:54

0 12°58' P9 15°05' O2 06°06' b1R27°41' O6 23°44' Q5 29°20' P4 05°19' c3R00°03' R`R13°48' V7 19°04' c$R00°15' U The Spleen Centre is the seat of Scorpio.

0 13°58' P9 28°51' O2 07°08' b1R27°16' O6 24°19' Q5 29°33' P4 05°24' c3R00°01' R`R13°47' V7 19°05' c$R00°04' U Moon in Scorpio is the occult student.

14. ★ Chitra 16:07 14. Desc. M. P. 19:14

9 P 14:0215. ★ Swâti 15:25 C New Moon Ph. 17:57 $R W 18:533R E 19:58

7Wednesday 2

8Thursday 5

9Friday 1

10Saturday 4

0 14°59' P9 12°23' P2 08°07' b1R26°53' O6 24°54' Q5 29°46' P4 05°29' c3R29°58' E`R13°47' V7 19°06' c$R29°51' W

Scorpio offers a spiralic passage through rituals.

45th Week

0 15°59' P9 25°39' P2 09°03' b1R26°33' O6 25°30' Q5 29°56' P4 05°35' c3R29°56' E`R13°46' V7 19°07' c$R29°39' W

Unconditional service and sacrifice in silence and secrecy is the “Vertical Upward Path”.

0 16°59' P9 08°37' b2 09°55' b1R26°14' O6 26°05' Q5 00°12' b4 05°40' c3R29°54' E`R13°46' V7 19°08' c$R29°28' W“Siva the Annihilator” presides over Scorpio.

0 18°00' P9 21°16' b2 10°43' b1R25°59' O6 26°41' Q5 00°25' b4 05°45' c3R29°51' E`R13°45' V7 19°09' c$R29°20' WScorpio offers annual dissolutions.

16. ★ Visâkha 15:071. Asc. M. P. 17:02

5 b 13:3817. ★ Anûrâdha 15:182. Asc. M. P. 16:38 9 b 19:59

18. ★ Jyêshta 16:053. Asc. M. P. 16:50

19. ★ Mûla 17:304. Asc. M. P. 17:42

Good Will Daym

New Moon P 17:02

November 2018

Scorpio is the keynote of discipleship, and its transformations are invisible.

11Sunday 0

12Monday 9

13Tuesday 6

0 19°00' P9 03°38' c 2 11°26' b1R25°45' O6 27°17' Q5 00°39' b4 05°51' c3R29°49' E`R13°45' V7 19°11' c$R29°14' W

From the occult standpoint, Scorpio is the North-East.

Every evening in ScorpioLight a lamp at the twilight hour at the doorfront and worship the Serpent-power Kundalini, that encircles around the stem of the Base Centre.

Mondays in ScorpioContemplation upon Shiva, the Cosmic 1st Logos.

9 c 04:545. Asc. M. P. 19:14 20. ★ Pûrvashâdha 19:32

0 20°00' P9 15°44' c 2 12°03' b1R25°34' O6 27°53' Q5 00°52' b4 05°57' c3R29°47' E`R13°44' V7 19°12' c$R29°11' W Experience “Poison or Nectar” in Scorpio.

0 21°01' P9 27°39' c 2 12°35' b1R25°25' O6 28°29' Q5 01°05' b4 06°02' c3R29°45' E`R13°44' V7 19°13' c$R29°10' W

6. Asc. M. P. 21:21 21. ★ Uttarâshâdha 22:08

9 Q 16:457. Asc. M. P. 23:52

14Wednesday 2

15Thursday 5

16Friday 1

17Saturday 4

0 22°01' P9 09°28' Q 2 13°00' b1R25°19' O6 29°06' Q5 01°18' b4 06°08' c3R29°42' E`R13°44' V7 19°14' c$ 29°10' W

Death of Spirit and birth of matter is the 8th house activity.

46th Week

0 23°01' P9 21°16' Q 2 13°18' b1R25°16' O6 29°43' Q5 01°32' b4 06°14' c3R29°40' E`R13°43' V7 19°16' c$ 29°11' W

The power of Scorpio is immeasurable and hidden.

0 24°02' P9 03°08' V2 13°28' b1 25°15' O6 00°19' V5 01°45' b4 06°19' c3R29°38' E`R13°43' V7 19°17' c$ 29°10' W

0 25°02' P9 15°10' V2R13°29' b1 25°16' O6 00°56' V5 01°58' b4 06°25' c3R29°36' E`R13°43' V7 19°18' c$ 29°08' W

22. ★ Sravana 01:07

8. Asc. M. P. 02:34 23. ★ Dhanishta 04:156 V 23:21

9. Asc. M. P. 05:10 9 V 05:4124. ★ Satabhishak 07:16

10. Asc. M. P. 07:24 25. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 09:56

Silence and secrecy are the keynotes of Scorpio.

Black is the colour of Scorpio.



November 2018

18Sunday 0

19Monday 9

20Tuesday 6

0 26°03' P9 27°27' V2R13°20' b1 25°19' O6 01°33' V5 02°12' b4 06°31' c3R29°34' E`R13°42' V7 19°19' c$ 29°04' W

11. Asc. M. P. 09:04 26. ★ Uttarabhâdra12:019 E 16:56

0 27°03' P9 10°02' E2R13°02' b1 25°25' O6 02°11' V5 02°25' b4 06°37' c3R29°32' E`R13°42' V7 19°21' c$ 28°57' W Power is the leading force of Scorpio.

0 28°04' P9 22°59' E2R12°33' b1 25°34' O6 02°48' V5 02°38' b4 06°43' c3R29°30' E`R13°42' V7 19°22' c$ 28°48' W

“Power to Will” and “Power to Sacrifice” are the two extremes of Scorpio.

12. Asc. M. P. 10:00 27. ★ Rêvati 13:25

13. Asc. M. P. 10:101. ★ Ashvini 14:04

Beware of the stinging tongue of Scorpio.

Every evening in ScorpioLight a lamp at the twilight hour at the door- front and worship the Serpent-power Kundalini, that encircles around the stem of the Base Centre.Mondays in ScorpioContemplation upon Shiva, the Cosmic 1st Logos.18th November 2018: 11th ascending moon phase of ScorpioContemplate upon OM NÂMA SHIVAYA.Every morning in Sagittarius: Utilize the two hours before dawn for intense spiritual practice.23rd November 2018: Full Moon of Sagittarius: Contemplate upon Datta-treya, the Lord of Yoga, and Master Koot Hoomi.

1111. Asc. M. P. 9

21Wednesday 2

22Thursday 5

23Friday 1

24Saturday 4

0 29°04' P9 06°19' R2R11°53' b1 25°44' O6 03°25' V5 02°52' b4 06°49' c3R29°28' E`R13°42' V7 19°24' c$ 28°37' WThe keynote of Scorpio is “disappearance”.

47th Week

0 00°05' b9 20°01' R2R11°03' b1 25°57' O6 04°03' V5 03°05' b4 06°55' c3R29°25' E`R13°42' V7 19°25' c$R28°37' W

0 01°06' b9 04°01' T2R10°03' b1 26°12' O6 04°41' V5 03°19' b4 07°01' c3R29°23' E`R13°42' V7 19°27' c$R28°17' W

0 02°06' b9 18°15' T2R08°55' b1 26°29' O6 05°19' V5 03°32' b4 07°08' c3R29°22' E`R13°42' V7 19°28' c$R28°10' W

Aim to gain virginity of mind through service.

9 R 00:4214. Asc. M. P. 09:362. ★ Bharani 14:01

- Full Moon 08:24 0 b 10:013. ★ Krittika 13:21

9 T 05:101. Desc. M. P. 06:39 4. ★ Rohini 12:11

2. Desc. M. P. 04:31 5. ★ Mrigasira 10:40

The story of Arjuna is the typical story of Sagittarius.

The first 13 days of Sagittarius open the Divine Path to the disciple. 3

kFull Moon b


November/December 2018

25Sunday 0

26Monday 9

27Tuesday 6

0 03°07' b9 02°38' W2R07°40' b1 26°48' O6 05°56' V5 03°45' b4 07°14' c3R29°20' E` 13°42' V7 19°30' c$R28°05' W

Master KH (Devapi) is the Master of Sagit-tarius.

3. Desc. M. P. 02:07 9 W 07:376. ★ Ârdra 08:564. Desc. M. P. 23:36

0 04°08' b9 17°03' W2R06°20' b1 27°08' O6 06°34' V5 03°59' b4 07°20' c3R29°18' E` 13°42' V7 19°31' c$R28°02' W

Self-study and self-attainment form a triangle with self-utterance in Sagittarius.

0 05°08' b9 01°27' U2R04°58' b1 27°31' O6 07°13' V5 04°12' b4 07°27' c3R29°16' E` 13°42' V7 19°33' c$ 28°02' W

You are the judge; aim the arrow high and hit the target.

7. ★ Punarvasu 07:075. Desc. M. P. 21:05

8. ★ Pushyami 05:209 U 09:356. Desc. M. P. 18:38

Every morning in Sagittarius: Utilize the two hours before dawn for intense spiritual practice.

28Wednesday 2

29Thursday 5

30Friday 1

1Saturday 4

0 06°09' b9 15°45' U2R03°36' b1 27°56' O6 07°51' V5 04°26' b4 07°33' c3R29°14' E` 13°42' V7 19°34' c$ 28°02' W

Meditate upon the orange colour on the light green background in the centre above the diaphragm.

48th Week

0 07°10' b9 29°56' U2R02°18' b1 28°22' O6 08°29' V5 04°39' b4 07°39' c3R29°12' E` 13°42' V7 19°36' c$ 28°04' W

Release the Sacred Word as an arrow from the Base to the Eyebrow, as your own self-expression is its Self-expression.

0 08°11' b9 13°57' I2R01°05' b1 28°51' O6 09°08' V5 04°52' b4 07°46' c3R29°10' E` 13°42' V7 19°37' c$R28°04' WServe and thereby lead the fellow beings.

0 09°11' b9 27°49' I2R00°00' b1 29°20' O6 09°46' V5 05°06' b4 07°52' c3R29°09' E` 13°42' V7 19°39' c$R28°02' W

Jupiter, the Lord of rituals, is the Lord of Sagittarius.

9. ★ Âshlêsha 03:397. Desc. M. P. 16:21

10. ★ Magha 02:089 I 12:078. Desc. M. P. 14:16

11. ★ Pûrvaphalguni 00:519. Desc. M. P. 12:25 12. ★ Uttaraphalguni23:48

10. Desc. M. P. 10:49 2R P 12:129 O 15:4813. ★ Hasta 23:01


December 2018

2Sunday 0

3Monday 9

4Tuesday 6

0 10°12' b9 11°31' O2R29°06' P1 29°52' O6 10°25' V5 05°19' b4 07°59' c3R29°07' E` 13°43' V7 19°41' c$R27°58' W

Sagittarius is the junction that opens the paths divine and mundane.

11. Desc. M. P. 09:30 1 P 18:01 14. ★ Chitra 22:31

0 11°13' b9 25°02' O2R28°21' P1 00°25' P6 11°03' V5 05°33' b4 08°05' c3R29°05' E` 13°43' V7 19°42' c$R27°52' W

0 12°14' b9 08°21' P2R27°49' P1 00°59' P6 11°42' V5 05°46' b4 08°12' c3R29°04' E` 13°43' V7 19°44' c$R27°44' W

Jupiter, the Lord of Sagittarius, holds the key to the Science of Triangles.

12. Desc. M. P. 08:30 9 P 20:5415. ★ Swâti 22:19

13. Desc. M. P. 07:50 16. ★ Visâkha 22:30

Every morning in Sagittarius: Utilize the two hours before dawn for intense spiritual practice.

2nd December 2018: 11th descending moon phase of SagittariusContemplate upon Nârâyana.

5th December 1950: Sri Aurobindo leaves the physical plane.

7th December 2018: New Moon of Sagittarius

The two hours before sunrise are the Lord of Sagittarius.

5Wednesday 2

6Thursday 5

7Friday 1

8Saturday 4

0 13°15' b9 21°29' P2R27°27' P1 01°35' P6 12°21' V5 05°59' b4 08°19' c3R29°02' E` 13°43' V7 19°46' c$R27°36' W

Adaptability to every divine concept is the dexterity of Sagittarius.

49th Week

0 14°16' b9 04°23' b2 27°17' P1 02°12' P6 13°00' V5 06°13' b4 08°25' c3R29°01' E` 13°44' V7 19°47' c$R27°28' W

Work through the Sacred Sound to reach the Soul.

0 15°17' b9 17°03' b2 27°18' P1 02°51' P6 13°39' V5 06°26' b4 08°32' c3R28°59' E` 13°44' V7 19°49' c$RR27°21' W

Milk, honey, dry fruits and wheat are conge-nial for the Sagittarius energy.

0 16°18' b9 29°29' b2 27°29' P1 03°30' P6 14°18' V5 06°39' b4 08°39' c3R28°58' E` 13°45' V7 19°51' c$R27°16' W

Initiation through sound is a speciality of Sagittarius.

14. Desc. M. P. 07:3317. ★ Anûrâdha 23:04

9 b 03:49C New Moon Ph.07:42

18. ★ Jyêshta 00:06 1. Asc. M. P. 08:20

19. ★ Mûla 01:37 2. Asc. M. P. 09:29 9 c 13:01

mNew Moon b


December 2018

9Sunday 0

10Monday 9

11Tuesday 6

0 17°19' b9 11°42' c2 27°49' P1 04°11' P6 14°57' V5 06°53' b4 08°45' c3R28°56' E` 13°45' V7 19°53' c$R27°12' W

Sagittarius offers tension to an average man, which is Divine Force for the disciple.

Every morning in Sagittarius: Utilize the two hours before dawn for intense spiritual practice.

10th December 2018: 4th ascending moon phase of SagittariusContemplate upon Ganesha.

12th December 2018: 6th ascending moon phase of SagittariusContemplate upon Subrahmanya, the Kumara.

20. ★ Pûrvashâdha 03:38 3. Asc. M. P. 11:10

0 18°20' b9 23°43' c2 28°17' P1 04°53' P6 15°37' V5 07°06' b4 08°52' c3R28°55' E` 13°46' V7 19°54' c$R27°11' W

Remember the Elephant Lord Ganapati, the Cosmic Lord presiding over the sound.

0 19°21' b9 05°36' Q2 28°53' P1 05°36' P6 16°16' V5 07°19' b4 08°59' c3R28°54' E` 13°46' V7 19°56' c$ 27°11' W

Remember the “Ficus Religiosa”, the tree that spreads the Sagittarian vibrations.

21. ★ Uttarâshâdha06:07 4. Asc. M. P. 1 3:20

9 Q 00:3922. ★ Sravana 09:00 5. Asc. M. P. 15:52

12Wednesday 2

13Thursday 5

14Friday 1

15Saturday 4

0 20°22' b9 17°24' Q2 29°35' P1 06°21' P6 16°56' V5 07°33' b4 09°06' c3R28°52' E` 13°47' V7 19°58' c$ 27°12' W

Sagittarius is the junction that opens the paths divine and mundane.

50th Week

0 21°23' b9 29°11' Q2 00°23' b1 07°06' P6 17°35' V5 07°46' b4 09°13' c3R28°51' E` 13°47' V7 20°00' c$ 27°14' W

Work through the Sacred Sound to reach the Soul.

0 22°24' b9 11°02' V2 01°17' b1 07°52' P6 18°15' V5 07°59' b4 09°20' c3R28°50' E` 13°48' V7 20°02' c$ 27°16' WThe dreams of Sagittarius are seers.

0 23°25' b9 23°02' V2 02°15' b1 08°39' P6 18°54' V5 08°12' b4 09°26' c3R28°49' E` 13°49' V7 20°04' c$ 27°17' W

Number 3 is the numerical potency of Sagittarius.

23. ★ Dhanishta 12:07 6. Asc. M. P. 18:36

2 b 00:249 V 13:3924. ★ Satabhishak 15:15 7. Asc. M. P. 21:19

25. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 18:13 8. Asc. M. P. 23:46

26. ★ Uttarabhâdra22:44



December 2018

16Sunday 0

17Monday 9

18Tuesday 6

0 24°26' b9 05°16' E2 03°18' b1 09°27' P6 19°34' V5 08°25' b4 09°33' c3R28°48' E` 13°50' V7 20°05' c$R27°16' W

Sagittarius-Gemini form the Yogic axis to rise up to the Akhashic Plane.

18th December 2018: 11th ascending moon phase of SagittariusContemplate upon Nârâyana and Vishnu, and its first embodiment on the planet, Kapila.20th December 2018: 13th ascending moon phase of SagittariusContemplation upon Hanuman, an incarnation of Rudra.Every morning in Capricorn: Contemplation upon the brilliant white 5-pointed star during the morning twilight hours.

21st December 2018: Winter Solstice - Esoteric birthday of Jesus the Christ.22nd December 2018: Full Moon of Capricorn Contemplate upon the heart lotus of eight leaves.

9. Asc. M. P. 01:43 9 E 01:4427. ★ Rêvati 22:38

0 25°27' b9 17°49' E2 04°23' b1 10°16' P6 20°14' V5 08°39' b4 09°40' c3R28°47' E` 13°50' V7 20°07' c$R27°14' W

0 26°28' b9 00°45' R2 05°32' b1 11°06' P6 20°53' V5 08°52' b4 09°47' c3R28°46' E` 13°51' V7 20°09' c$R27°10' W

The 11th ascending moon phase in Sagittari-us opens the vaults of heaven to experience the Cosmic Consciousness, Narayana.

10. Asc. M. P. 02:59 1. ★ Ashvini 23:47

11. Asc. M. P. 02:59 9 R 10:37

Utilize the two hours before dawn for inten-se spiritual practice.

1111. Asc. M. P. 9

19Wednesday 2

20Thursday 5

21Friday 1

22Saturday 4

0 27°29' b9 14°07' R2 06°44' b1 11°57' P6 21°33' V5 09°05' b4 09°54' c3R28°45' E` 13°52' V7 20°11' c$R27°06' W

Awaken the judge in you and deserve the world duality to find the middle path.

51st Week

0 28°30' b9 27°55' R2 07°57' b1 12°48' P6 22°13' V5 09°18' b4 10°01' c3R28°44' E` 13°53' V7 20°13' c$R27°01' W

HASOUM is the mantram that liberates man from material.

0 29°31' b9 12°07' T2 09°13' b1 13°40' P6 22°53' V5 09°31' b4 10°08' c3R28°43' E` 13°54' V7 20°15' c$R26°57' W

Remember the Birth of the Saviour through the Dawn of Capricorn.

0 00°32' c9 26°39' T2 10°31' b1 14°33' P6 23°33' V5 09°44' b4 10°15' c3R28°42' E` 13°55' V7 20°17' c$R26°54' W

Do not miss the mystery of the Dawn in Capricorn.

2. ★ Bharani 00:08 12. Asc. M. P. 03:05 3. ★ Krittika 23:42

4. ★ Rohini 22:349 T 15:3413. Asc. M. P. 01:56

14. Asc. M. P. 00:05 5. ★ Mrigasîra 20:52- Full Moon 21:39 0 c 23:22

9 W 17:286. ★ Ârdra 18:451. Desc. M. P. 18:48

5Winter Solstice

kFull Moon c


December 2018

23Sunday 0

24Monday 9

25Tuesday 6

0 01°33' c9 11°25' W2 11°50' b1 15°27' P6 24°13' V5 09°57' b4 10°22' c3R28°41' E` 13°55' V7 20°19' c$R26°52' W

Capricorn gives entrance into the temple of higher initiations.

Every morning in Capricorn: Contemplation upon the brilliant white 5-pointed star during the morning twilight hours.

29th December 2018: December Call Day

2. Desc. M. P. 5:42 7. ★ Punarvasu 6:22

0 02°34' c9 26°18' W2 13°11' b1 16°21' P6 24°53' V5 10°10' b4 10°29' c3R28°41' E` 13°56' V7 20°21' c$R26°51' W

Saturn, the Lord of Death, is the ruler for the ordinary.

0 03°35' c9 11°09' U2 14°33' b1 17°16' P6 25°33' V5 10°23' b4 10°36' c3R28°40' E` 13°57' V7 20°23' c$ 26°51' W

Uranus is the ruler for the Disciples in Capricorn.

3. Desc. M. P. 2:28 8. ★ Pushyami 3:529 U 7:58

4. Desc. M. P. 9:17 9. ★ Âshlêsha 1:25

26Wednesday 2

27Thursday 5

28Friday 1

29Saturday 4

0 04°37' c9 25°51' U2 15°56' b1 18°11' P6 26°13' V5 10°36' b4 10°43' c3R28°39' E` 13°59' V7 20°25' c$ 26°53' W

Neptune is the ruler for the Adepts in Capricorn.

52nd Week

0 05°38' c9 10°20' I2 17°20' b1 19°08' P6 26°53' V5 10°48' b4 10°50' c3R28°39' E` 14°00' V7 20°27' c$ 26°54' W

Indigo is the colour of Capricorn for the Adepts.

0 06°39' c9 24°32' I2 18°45' b1 20°04' P6 27°34' V5 11°01' b4 10°58' c3R28°38' E` 14°01' V7 20°29' c$ 26°55' W

Gray is the colour for the Disciples in Capricorn.

0 07°40' c9 08°26' O2 20°10' b1 21°02' P6 28°14' V5 11°14' b4 11°05' c3R28°38' E` 14°02' V7 20°31' c$ 26°55' W

5. Desc. M. P. 06:17 10. ★ Magha 09:099 I 18:49

6. Desc. M. P. 03:33 11. ★ Pûrvaphalguni07:11

7. Desc. M. P. 01:12 12. ★ Uttaraphalguni 05:379 O 21:238. Desc. M. P. 23:19

13. ★ Hasta 04:309. Desc. M. P. 21:56

December Call Day


Self-crucifixion to redeem others is the keynote in Capricorn.

Capricorn is “the Seal of God on the Face of Man”.

December 2018/January 2019

30Sunday 0

31Monday 9

1Tuesday 6

0 08°41' c9 22°00' O2 21°37' b1 22°00' P6 28°54' V5 11°27' b4 11°12' c3R28°37' E` 14°03' V7 20°33' c$R26°55' W

Every morning in Capricorn: Contemplation upon the brilliant white 5-pointed star during the morning twilight hours.

31st December 2018: 11th descending moon phase of CapricornDedicated to Healing.

14. ★ Chitra 03:5410. Desc. M. P. 21:05

0 09°42' c9 05°18' P2 23°04' b1 22°58' P6 29°34' V5 11°39' b4 11°19' c3R28°37' E` 14°04' V7 20°35' c$R26°54' W Intellect is the threshold in Capricorn.

0 10°43' c9 18°18' P2 24°32' b1 23°57' P6 00°15' E5 11°52' b4 11°26' c3R28°37' E` 14°05' V7 20°37' c$R26°51' W

Self-crucifixion to redeem others is the keynote in Capricorn.

9 P 02:2315. ★ Swâti 03:4911. Desc. M. P. 20:46

6 E 03:2016. ★ Visâkha 04:1412. Desc. M. P. 20:58

2Wednesday 2

3Thursday 5

4Friday 1

5Saturday 4

0 11°45' c9 01°04' b2 26°00' b1 24°56' P6 00°55' E5 12°04' b4 11°33' c3R28°37' E` 14°07' V7 20°39' c$R26°49' W

Fidelity, Fidelity and Fidelity is the message of Capricorn.

1st Week

0 12°46' c9 13°37' b2 27°29' b1 25°56' P6 01°35' E5 12°17' b4 11°40' c3R28°36' E` 14°08' V7 20°41' c$R26°47' W

Remember the “White Dragon” with the “Head of a Goat” and the “Body of a Cro-codile”.

0 13°47' c9 25°58' b2 28°58' b1 26°56' P6 02°16' E5 12°29' b4 11°47' c3R28°36' E` 14°09' V7 20°43' c$R26°45' W

If you live up to yourself, you are caught by Makara, the Crocodile.

0 14°48' c9 08°09' c2 00°28' c1 27°57' P6 02°56' E5 12°42' b4 11°54' c3R28°36' E` 14°11' V7 20°45' c$R26°44' W

If you live up to others‘ needs, you get “the White Robe”.

17. ★ Anûrâdha 05:109 b 09:5813. Desc. M. P. 21:40

18. ★ Jyêshta 06:3314. Desc. M. P. 22:51

19. ★ Mûla 08:239 c 19:54

C New Moon Ph.00:28 2 c 04:3920. ★ Pûrvashâdha 10:38

January 2019

6Sunday 0

7Monday 9

8Tuesday 6

0 15°49' c9 20°11' c2 01°58' c1 28°58' P6 03°37' E5 12°54' b4 12°01' c3R28°36' E` 14°12' V7 20°47' c$R26°43' W

Capricorn has double expression as Makara and Kumara.

Every morning in Capricorn: Contemplation upon the brilliant white 5-pointed star during the morning twilight hours.

6th January 2019: New Moon of CapricornContemplate upon The Pledge.

1. Asc. M. P. 02:28 21. ★ Uttarâshâdha 13:13

0 16°51' c9 02°06' Q2 03°28' c1 29°59' P6 04°17' E5 13°07' b4 12°08' c3 28°36' E` 14°13' V7 20°49' c$ 26°43' W Spirit meets man in this sign on the Mount.

0 17°52' c9 13°56' Q2 04°59' c1 01°01' b6 04°58' E5 13°19' b4 12°15' c3 28°36' E` 14°15' V7 20°51' c$ 26°43' W Capricorn is the Mount.

2. Asc. M. P. 04:48 9 Q 07:461 b 12:18 22. ★ Sravana 16:06

3. Asc. M. P. 07:24 23. ★ Dhanishta 19:11

mNew Moon c02:28


9Wednesday 2

10 Thursday 5

11Friday 1

12Saturday 4

0 18°53' c9 25°43' Q2 06°31' c1 02°03' b6 05°38' E5 13°31' b4 12°23' c3 28°36' E` 14°16' V7 20°53' c$ 26°44' W

The two arms, the two legs and the head form the five pointed star.

2nd Week

0 19°54' c9 07°31' V2 08°03' c1 03°06' b6 06°19' E5 13°43' b4 12°30' c3 28°36' E` 14°18' V7 20°55' c$ 26°45' W

Number 5 and number 10 are the numerical potencies of Capricorn.

0 20°55' c9 19°22' V2 09°35' c1 04°09' b6 06°59' E5 13°55' b4 12°37' c3 28°37' E` 14°19' V7 20°57' c$ 26°46' W

“The 5th regular step” is gained in Capri-corn.

0 21°56' c9 01°22' E2 11°08' c1 05°12' b6 07°40' E5 14°07' b4 12°44' c3 28°37' E` 14°21' V7 20°59' c$ 26°46' W“Man Sacrifice” is the ritual of Capricorn.

4. Asc. M. P. 10:08 9 V 20:4324. ★ Satabhishak 22:20

5. Asc. M. P. 12:52

25. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 01:246. Asc. M. P. 15:24

26. ★ Uttarabhâdra 04:139 E 09:187. Asc. M. P. 17:35

January 2019

13Sunday 0

14Monday 9

15Tuesday 6

0 22°57' c9 13°33' E2 12°42' c1 06°15' b6 08°20' E5 14°19' b4 12°51' c3 28°37' E` 14°22' V7 21°01' c$ 26°47' W

Capricorn gives entrance into the temple of higher initiations.

27. ★ Rêvati 06:368. Asc. M. P. 19:12

0 23°59' c9 26°02' E2 14°15' c1 07°19' b6 09°01' E5 14°31' b4 12°58' c3 28°38' E` 14°24' V7 21°03' c$R26°47' W

0 25°00' c9 08°51' R2 15°50' c1 08°23' b6 09°41' E5 14°43' b4 13°05' c3 28°38' E` 14°26' V7 21°05' c$R26°47' W

1. ★ Ashvini 08:239 R 19:319. Asc. M. P. 20:07

2. ★ Bharani 09:2610. Asc. M. P. 20:15

Every morning in Capricorn: Contemplation upon the brilliant white 5-pointed star during the morning twilight hours.

16th January 2019: 11th ascending moon phase of CapricornDedicated to Healing.

If you live up to yourself, you are caught by Makara, the Crocodile.

Capricorn is the Dawn of the Gods.


“Man Sacrifice” is the ritual of Capricorn.

16Wednesday 2

17Thursday 5

18Friday 1

19Saturday 4

0 26°01' c9 22°05' R2 17°24' c1 09°28' b6 10°22' E5 14°54' b4 13°12' c3 28°38' E` 14°27' V7 21°07' c$R26°47' WCapricorn is “the Wheel of Fortune”.

3rd Week

0 27°02' c9 05°45' T2 19°00' c1 10°32' b6 11°03' E5 15°06' b4 13°19' c3 28°39' E` 14°29' V7 21°09' c$R26°46' W

Sound is not the key of Capricorn, but Service is.

0 28°03' c9 19°54' T2 20°35' c1 11°37' b6 11°43' E5 15°18' b4 13°26' c3 28°40' E` 14°31' V7 21°11' c$R26°46' W

0 29°04' c9 04°27' W2 22°12' c1 12°43' b6 12°24' E5 15°29' b4 13°33' c3 28°40' E` 14°32' V7 21°13' c$ 26°46' W

Capricorn contains the potencies of Aquari-us and Pisces also.

3. ★ Krittika 09:4211. Asc. M. P. 19:33

9 T 02:004. ★ Rohini 09:1112. Asc. M. P. 18:04

5. ★ Mrigasîra 07:5513. Asc. M. P. 15:52

9 W 04:446. ★ Ârdra 06:0114. Asc. M. P. 13:04

1111. Asc. M. P. 9

January 2019

20Sunday 0

21Monday 9

22Tuesday 6

0 00°05' Q9 19°22' W2 23°49' c1 13°48' b6 13°05' E5 15°40' b4 13°39' c3 28°41' E` 14°34' V7 21°15' c$ 26°47' W

The first stir for Creation is the principle of Aquarius.

Sundays in Aquarius: Invocation of the Aquarian Energy through Master CVV.

21st January 2019: Full Moon of AquariusDownpour of Aquarian Energy via the 3rd Eye unto all the centres of the body.

7. ★ Punarvasu 03:37- Full Moon 09:49 0 Q 09:59

0 01°06' Q9 04°29' U2 25°26' c1 14°54' b6 13°45' E5 15°52' b4 13°46' c3 28°42' E` 14°36' V7 21°17' c$R26°47' W Aquarius reveals “the Path”.

0 02°07' Q9 19°41' U2 27°04' c1 16°00' b6 14°26' E5 16°03' b4 13°53' c3 28°42' E` 14°38' V7 21°19' c$R26°46' W

Agastya, “Master Jupiter”, presides over Aquarius and assists Sanat Kumara.

8. ★ Pushyami 00:529 U 04:541. Desc. M. P. 06:16 9. ★ Âshlêsha 21:57

2. Desc. M. P. 02:35 10. ★ Magha 19:023. Desc. M. P. 22:56

8kFull Moon Q06:16

2 Q 06:4912. ★ Uttaraphalguni13:515. Desc. M. P. 16:24

23Wednesday 2

24Thursday 5

25Friday 1

26Saturday 4

0 03°08' Q9 04°47' I2 28°42' c1 17°06' b6 15°07' E5 16°14' b4 14°00' c3 28°43' E` 14°39' V7 21°21' c$R26°46' WThe numerical potency of Aquarius is 4.

4th Week

0 04°09' Q9 19°39' I2 00°21' Q1 18°12' b6 15°47' E5 16°25' b4 14°07' c3 28°44' E` 14°41' V7 21°23' c$R26°45' WUranus is the ruler of Aquarius.

0 05°10' Q9 04°10' O2 02°01' Q1 19°19' b6 16°28' E5 16°36' b4 14°14' c3 28°45' E` 14°43' V7 21°25' c$R26°44' W

Meditation upon the Absolute is the Aquari-an method.

0 06°11' Q9 18°17' O2 03°42' Q1 20°26' b6 17°08' E5 16°47' b4 14°20' c3 28°46' E` 14°45' V7 21°27' c$R26°43' W

For higher purposes, the numerical potency of Uranus is between –0 to +0.

9 I 04:2211. ★ Pûrvaphalguni19:024. Desc. M. P. 19:29

9 O 05:0213. ★ Hasta 11:556. Desc. M. P. 13:48

14. ★ Chitra 10:347. Desc. M. P. 11:49

January /February 2019

27Sunday 0

28Monday 9

29Tuesday 6

0 07°12' Q9 01°58' P2 05°23' Q1 21°33' b6 17°49' E5 16°48' b4 14°27' c3 28°47' E` 14°47' V7 21°29' c$R26°43' W

The colour of Aquarius is a shade between deep blue and violet.

Sundays in Aquarius Invocation of the Aquarian Energy through Master CVV.

27th January 2019: 8th descending moon phase of AquariusContemplate upon Master CVV.

30th January 2019: 11th descending moon phase of AquariusContemplation upon the 3rd Eye.

9 P 08:3015. ★ Swâti 09:558. Desc. M. P. 10:32

0 08°13' Q9 15°14' P2 07°04' Q1 22°40' b6 18°30' E5 17°09' b4 14°34' c3 28°48' E` 14°49' V7 21°31' c$ 26°43' W Radioactivity is the Aquarian activity.

0 09°14' Q9 28°08' P2 08°46' Q1 23°48' b6 19°10' E5 17°19' b4 14°41' c3 28°49' E` 14°51' V7 21°33' c$ 26°44' W

The location of Aquarius in Man is in the higher Third Eye (Eye of Siva).

16. ★ Visâkha 09:589. Desc. M. P. 09:59

10. Desc. M. P. 10:11 17. ★ Anûrâdha 10:449 b 15:32


30Wednesday 2

31Thursday 5

1Friday 1

2Saturday 4

0 10°15' Q9 10°42' b2 10°29' Q1 24°55' b6 19°51' E5 17°30' b4 14°47' c3 28°50' E` 14°53' V7 21°35' c$ 26°45' W

Aquarius offers the simultaneous existence in all planes.

5th Week

0 11°16' Q9 23°01' b2 12°13' Q1 26°03' b6 20°32' E5 17°41' b4 14°54' c3 28°52' E` 14°55' V7 21°37' c$ 26°46' W

Pralayas (Dissolutions) are marked in Aquarius.

0 12°17' Q9 05°08' c2 13°57' Q1 27°11' b6 21°12' E5 17°51' b4 15°00' c3 28°53' E` 14°56' V7 21°39' c$ 26°48' W“Bend or Break” is the message in Aquarius.

0 13°18' Q9 17°07' c2 15°42' Q1 28°19' b6 21°53' E5 18°01' b4 15°07' c3 28°54' E` 14°58' V7 21°41' c$ 26°48' WAquarius stands for Light and Sound.

11. Desc. M. P. 11:03 18. ★ Jyêshta 12:10

12. Desc. M. P. 12:32 19. ★ Mûla 14:10

9 c 01:4713. Desc. M. P. 14:29 20. ★ Pûrvashâdha 16:37

14. Desc. M. P. 16:49 21. ★ Uttarâshâdha 19:25

February 2019

3Sunday 0

4Monday 9

5Tuesday 6

0 14°19' Q9 28°59' c2 17°28' Q1 29°27' b6 22°34' E5 18°11' b4 15°14' c3 28°57' E` 15°03' V7 21°44' c$R26°48' W

“Sound creates Space” and “Light creates Time”.

Sundays in AquariusInvocation of the Aquarian Energy through Master CVV.

4th February 2019: New Moon of Aquarius · SHIVA RATRIContemplation upon Mahâ Deva, the Lord Absolute, into whom all the worlds recede.

9 Q 14:03C New Moon Ph. 19:22 22. ★ Sravana 22:251 c 23:29

0 15°20' Q9 10°49' Q2 19°14' Q1 00°36' c6 23°14' E5 18°21' b4 15°20' c3 28°57' E` 15°03' V7 21°44' c$R26°48' W

Realization of ideas is the keynote of Aquarius.

0 16°21' Q9 22°37' Q2 21°01' Q1 01°44' c6 23°55' E5 18°31' b4 15°26' c3 28°59' E` 15°05' V7 21°46' c$R26°46' W

Aquarius marks the sudden evolution of Man.

1. Asc. M. P. 22:03

23. ★ Dhanishta 01:31

mNew Moon Q22:03


6Wednesday 2

7Thursday 5

8Friday 1

9Saturday 4

0 17°21' Q9 04°25' V2 22°48' Q1 02°53' c6 24°35' E5 18°41' b4 15°33' c3 29°00' E` 15°07' V7 21°48' c$R26°43' W

Aquarius breaks limitations. Fulfillment is the Aquarian gift.

6th Week

0 18°22' Q9 16°17' V2 24°36' Q1 04°02' c6 25°16' E5 18°51' b4 15°39' c3 29°02' E` 15°09' V7 21°50' c$R26°40' WAquarius widens every system of thought.

0 19°23' Q9 28°13' V2 26°24' Q1 05°11' c6 25°57' E5 19°01' b4 15°46' c3 29°03' E` 15°11' V7 21°52' c$R26°36' WMatter gets quickly transmitted in Aquarius.

0 20°24' Q9 10°17' E2 28°12' Q1 06°20' c6 26°37' E5 19°10' b4 15°52' c3 29°05' E` 15°13' V7 21°54' c$R26°32' W

Aquarian Energy helps controlling the sex impulses.

2. Asc. M. P. 00:459 V 03:0224. ★ Satabhishak 04:38

3. Asc. M. P. 03:2225. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 07:39

4. Asc. M. P. 05:4826. ★ Uttarabhâdra10:299 E 15:34

5. Asc. M. P. 07:5627. ★ Rêvati 13:00

February 2019

10Sunday 0

11Monday 9

12Tuesday 6

0 21°25' Q9 22°31' E2 00°01' V1 07°29' c6 27°18' E5 19°20' b4 15°58' c3 29°07' E` 15°15' V7 21°55' c$R26°29' W

Appearance and disappearance is the Aquarian key.

Sundays in Aquarius: Invocation of the Aquarian Energy through Master CVV.

15th February 2019: 11th ascending moon phase of AquariusContemplation upon the 3rd Eye.

6. Asc. M. P. 09:392 V 11:501. ★ Ashvini 15:07

0 22°25' Q9 04°59' R2 01°49' V1 08°38' c6 27°59' E5 19°29' b4 16°04' c3 29°09' E` 15°17' V7 21°57' c$R26°26' W Aquarius stands for Synthesis.

0 23°26' Q9 17°44' R2 03°38' V1 09°48' c6 28°39' E5 19°38' b4 16°10' c3 29°10' E` 15°19' V7 21°59' c$R26°25' W

The most sacred sign of the zodiac is Aquarius.

9 R 02:287. Asc. M. P. 10:502. ★ Bharani 16:43

8. Asc. M. P. 11:243. ★ Krittika 17:41


13Wednesday 2

14Thursday 5

15Friday 1

16Saturday 4

0 24°27' Q9 00°49' T2 05°26' V1 10°57' c6 29°20' E5 19°47' b4 16°16' c3 29°12' E` 15°21' V7 22°01' c$ 26°26' W

7th Week

0 25°27' Q9 14°18' T2 07°14' V1 12°07' c6 00°00' R5 19°56' b4 16°23' c3 29°14' E` 15°24' V7 22°03' c$ 26°27' W

The colour of Aquarius is a shade between deep blue and violet.

0 26°28' Q9 28°12' T2 09°00' V1 13°17' c6 00°41' R5 20°05' b4 16°29' c3 29°16' E` 15°26' V7 22°04' c$ 26°28' WAquarius stands for the basis of “the Word”.

0 27°29' Q9 12°33' W2 10°46' V1 14°27' c6 01°21' R5 20°14' b4 16°34' c3 29°18' E` 15°28' V7 22°06' c$ 26°29' W

Aquarius es el “Hombre” and Leo es su “Mujer”.

9 T 10:329. Asc. M. P. 11:164. ★ Rohini 17:58

11. Asc. M. P. 10:246 R 11:515. ★ Mrigasîra 17:31

11. Asc. M. P. 08:489 W 15:026. ★ Ârdra 16:23

12. Asc. M. P. 06:327. ★ Punarvasu 14:35

Aquarius stands as the basis of “is” and “is not”.

1111. Asc. M. P. 9

February 2019

17Sunday 0

18Monday 9

19Tuesday 6

0 28°29' Q9 27°18' W2 12°30' V1 15°37' c6 02°02' R5 20°22' b4 16°40' c3 29°20' E` 15°30' V7 22°08' c$R26°29' W Radioactivity is the Aquarian activity.

21st February 1878: Birthday of Mirra Alfassa (The Mother).

19th February 2019: Full Moon of PiscesContemplate upon Mitra–Varuna, the not-untrue beings.

13. Asc. M. P. 03:408. ★ Pushyami 12:169 U 16:21

0 29°30' Q9 12°21' U2 14°12' V1 16°47' c6 02°42' R5 20°31' b4 16°46' c3 29°22' E` 15°32' V7 22°10' c$R26°28' W Aquarius governs the “Music of the Souls”.

0 00°30' V9 27°36' U2 15°52' V1 17°57' c6 03°23' R5 20°39' b4 16°52' c3 29°24' E` 15°35' V7 22°11' c$R26°25' W

Pisces is the last and also the first sign of the zodiac.

14. Asc. M. P. 00:209. ★ Âshlêsha 09:32- Full Moon 20:41

0 V 00:0410. ★ Magha 06:339 I 15:471. Desc. M. P. 16:53

9kFull Moon V16:53

20Wednesday 2

21Thursday 5

22Friday 1

23Saturday 4

0 01°31' V9 12°51' I2 17°29' V1 19°07' c6 04°03' R5 20°48' b4 16°58' c3 29°26' E` 15°37' V7 22°13' c$R26°21' WJupiter governs Pisces for higher purposes.

8th Week

0 02°31' V9 27°57' I2 19°03' V1 20°17' c6 04°44' R5 20°56' b4 17°03' c3 29°28' E` 15°39' V7 22°15' c$R26°16' WVenus rules Pisces on “the Path of Love”.

0 03°31' V9 12°45' O2 20°32' V1 21°28' c6 05°24' R5 21°04' b4 17°09' c3 29°31' E` 15°41' V7 22°16' c$R26°11' WNeptune rules Pisces for the Initiates.

0 04°32' V9 27°07' O2 21°57' V1 22°38' c6 06°05' R5 21°11' b4 17°15' c3 29°33' E` 15°43' V7 22°18' c$R26°06' W

Pisces is the null point of involution and evolution.

11. ★ Pûrvaphalguni 03:302. Desc. M. P. 13:06

12. ★ Uttaraphalguni00:343. Desc. M. P. 09:329 O 15:1713. ★ Hasta 21:56

4. Desc. M. P. 06:2014. ★ Chitra 19:47

5. Desc. M. P. 03:419 P 16:5615. ★ Swâti 18:17

February/March 2019

24Sunday 0

25Monday 9

26Tuesday 6

0 05°32' V9 10°59' P2 23°16' V1 23°49' c6 06°45' R5 21°19' b4 17°20' c3 29°35' E` 15°46' V7 22°19' c$R26°02' W Pisces represents the pure waters of the sky.

1st March 2019: 11th descending moon phase of PiscesContemplation upon the Healing Energies.

6. Desc. M. P. 01:4316. ★ Visâkha 17:32

0 06°33' V9 24°23' P2 24°30' V1 25°00' c6 07°25' R5 21°27' b4 17°26' c3 29°38' E` 15°48' V7 22°21' c$R25°59' W Pisces represents the pure waters of the sky.

0 07°33' V9 07°20' b2 25°37' V1 26°10' c6 08°06' R5 21°34' b4 17°31' c3 29°40' E` 15°50' V7 22°22' c$ 25°58' W

The two fishes of Pisces are the two eyes of the World Mother.

7. Desc. M. P. 00:3417. ★ Anûrâdha 17:389 b 22:19

8. Desc. M. P. 00:1718. ★ Jyêshta 18:33


27Wednesday 2

28Thursday 5

1Friday 1

2Saturday 4

0 08°33' V9 19°53' b2 26°37' V1 27°21' c6 08°46' R5 21°41' b4 17°36' c3 29°42' E` 15°52' V7 22°24' c$ 25°59' WThe natives of Pisces are philanthropists.

9th Week

0 09°34' V9 02°08' c2 27°29' V1 28°32' c6 09°26' R5 21°49' b4 17°42' c3 29°45' E` 15°55' V7 22°26' c$ 26°00' W

The natives of Pisces can receive the Grace through the eyes.

0 10°34' V9 14°09' c2 28°13' V1 29°43' c6 10°07' R5 21°56' b4 17°47' c3 29°47' E` 15°57' V7 22°27' c$ 26°02' W

The Initiates of Pisces can transmit the Grace through the eyes.

0 11°34' V9 26°01' c2 28°48' V1 00°54' Q6 10°47' R5 22°02' b4 17°52' c3 29°50' E` 15°59' V7 22°28' c$ 26°03' W

Contemplate upon the unwinking eyes of the World Mother.

9. Desc. M. P. 00:5119. ★ Mûla 20:15

10. Desc. M. P. 02:119 c 07:4820. ★ Pûrvashâdha 22:36

11. Desc. M. P. 04:091 Q 17:45

21. ★ Uttarâshâdha 01:2512. Desc. M. P. 06:349 Q 20:06

March 2019

3Sunday 0

4Monday 9

5Tuesday 6

0 12°34' V9 07°49' Q2 29°14' V1 02°05' Q6 11°27' R5 22°09' b4 17°57' c3 29°52' E` 16°02' V7 22°30' c$R26°02' W Pisces marks “the spiritual escape of death”.

6th March 2019: New Moon of PiscesContemplate upon The Pledge.

22. ★ Sravana 04:3013. Desc. M. P. 09:15

0 13°34' V9 19°35' Q2 29°31' V1 03°16' Q6 12°08' R5 22°16' b4 18°02' c3 29°55' E` 16°04' V7 22°31' c$R25°59' W

The Fish in Pisces survives the Pralaya (Dissolution).

0 14°34' V9 01°24' V2 29°39' V1 04°28' Q6 12°48' R5 22°22' b4 18°07' c3 29°58' E` 16°06' V7 22°33' c$R25°53' W

Pisces is the “Alpha in Omega” and also the “Omega in Alpha”.

23. ★ Dhanishta 07:4014. Desc. M. P. 11:58

9 V 09:10 24. ★ Satabhishak 10:47C New Moon Ph. 14:37


6Wednesday 2

7Thursday 5

8Friday 1

9Saturday 4

0 15°35' V9 13°16' V2R29°37' V1 05°39' Q6 13°28' R5 22°28' b4 18°12' c3 00°00' R` 16°08' V7 22°34' c$R25°45' W

Pisces presides over the mystery of initia-tions.

10th Week

0 16°35' V9 25°15' V2R29°26' V1 06°50' Q6 14°08' R5 22°34' b4 18°17' c3 00°03' R` 16°11' V7 22°35' c$R25°36' W

Pisces stands in the pineal gland and the pituitary body.

0 17°35' V9 07°21' E2R29°06' V1 08°02' Q6 14°49' R5 22°40' b4 18°21' c3 00°06' R` 16°13' V7 22°37' c$R25°26' WPisces blends and synthesizes.

0 18°35' V9 19°36' E2R28°38' V1 09°13' Q6 15°29' R5 22°46' b4 18°26' c3 00°08' R` 16°15' V7 22°38' c$R25°16' W

Pisces stands for Art, and Virgo stands for Science.

3 R 09:2825. ★ Pûrvâbhâdra 13:431. Asc. M. P. 17:04

26. ★ Uttarabhâdra 16:242. Asc. M. P. 19:14 9 E 21:27

27. ★ Rêvati 18:473. Asc. M. P. 21:04

1. ★ Ashvini 20:484. Asc. M. P. 22:33

mNew Moon V


March 2019

10Sunday 0

11Monday 9

12Tuesday 6

0 19°35' V9 02°00' R2R28°03' V1 10°24' Q6 16°09' R5 22°52' b4 18°31' c3 00°11' R` 16°17' V7 22°39' c$R25°07' W The birth of Light is the recovery of the Veda.

16th March 2019: 11th ascending moon phase of PiscesContemplate upon the Healing Power.

11th March 1940: The Master MN leaves the physical plane.

17th March 1984: The Master EK leaves the physical plane.

9 R 08:102. ★ Bharani 22:275. Asc. M. P. 23:36

0 20°35' V9 14°36' R2R27°21' V1 11°36' Q6 16°49' R5 22°57' b4 18°35' c3 00°14' R` 16°20' V7 22°41' c$R24°59' W

The fusion of the Fishes brings forth the Light.

0 21°35' V9 27°25' R2R26°33' V1 12°48' Q6 17°29' R5 23°03' b4 18°40' c3 00°17' R` 16°22' V7 22°42' c$R24°53' W

Pisces stands in the pineal gland and the pituitary body.

3. ★ Krittika 23:405. Asc. M. P. 23:36

6. Asc. M. P. 00:13 9 T 16:48

The colour of Pisces is blue, but white!

0 25°34' V9 21°39' W2R22°52' V1 17°34' Q6 20°10' R5 23°22' b4 18°57' c3 00°29' R` 16°31' V7 22°47' c$ 24°52' W

13Wednesday 2

14Thursday 5

15Friday 1

16Saturday 4

0 22°35' V9 10°29' T2R25°41' V1 13°59' Q6 18°10' R5 23°08' b4 18°44' c3 00°20' R` 16°24' V7 22°43' c$ 24°51' W

Number 7 synthesizes in Pisces and analyses in Virgo.

11th Week

0 23°35' V9 23°52' T2R24°46' V1 15°11' Q6 18°50' R5 23°13' b4 18°48' c3 00°23' R` 16°27' V7 22°44' c$ 24°51' W

The fusion of the Fishes brings forth the Light.

0 24°34' V9 07°35' W2R23°49' V1 16°23' Q6 19°30' R5 23°17' b4 18°52' c3 00°26' R` 16°29' V7 22°45' c$ 24°51' WPhotography is a Piscean work.

7. Asc. M. P. 00:20 4. ★ Rohini 00:238. Asc. M. P. 23:53

5. ★ Mrigasîra 00:359 W 22:499. Asc. M. P. 22:51

6. ★ Ârdra 00:1210. Asc. M. P. 21:14 7. ★ Punarvasu 23:14

11. Asc. M. P. 19:03 8. ★ Pushyami 21:43


1111. Asc. M. P. 9

March 2008

9Sunday 0

10Monday =

11Tuesday 6

“Heart to Heart”, is the quality of Pisces.

Pisces is the last and also the first sign of the zodiac.

0 27°33' V9 20°51' U2R21°00' V1 19°58' Q6 21°30' R5 23°31' b4 19°05' c3 00°34' R` 16°36' V7 22°49' c$R24°49' W

March 2019

17Sunday 0

18Monday 9

19Tuesday 6

20th March 2019: Spring Equinox.Contemplation upon Shambala,Sanat Kumâra and the six Dhyâni Buddhâs and Master Morya.

21st March 2019: Full Moon of AriesBirthday of Lord HanumanContemplation upon Shambala,Sanat Kumâra and the six Dhyâni Buddhâs and Master Morya.

9 U 01:5612. Asc. M. P. 16:21 9. ★ Âshlêsha 19:42

Pisces preserves impression.

13. Asc. M. P. 13:13 10. ★ Magha 17:16

9 I 02:4114. Asc. M. P. 09:48 11. ★ Pûrvaphalguni 14:35

0 28°33' V9 05°50' I2R20°08' V1 21°10' Q6 22°10' R5 23°35' b4 19°08' c3 00°38' R` 16°38' V7 22°50' c$R24°43' W

0 26°34' V9 06°06' U2R21°55' V1 18°46' Q6 20°50' R5 23°27' b4 19°01' c3 00°31' R` 16°33' V7 22°48' c$R24°51' W

Master Morya (Manu) is the Master of Aries.

0 02°31' E9 05°13' P2R17°23' V1 25°58' Q6 24°50' R5 23°50' b4 19°23' c3 00°50' R` 16°47' V7 22°54' c$R24°06' W

20Wednesday 2

21Thursday 5

22Friday 1

23Saturday 4

0 29°33' V9 20°56' I2R19°19' V1 22°22' Q6 22°50' R5 23°39' b4 19°12' c3 00°41' R` 16°40' V7 22°51' c$R24°35' W

Aries marks the beginning of the Zodiac. SAHASRARA is the mantra of Aries.

12th Week

0 00°32' E9 05°57' O2R18°35' V1 23°34' Q6 23°30' R5 23°43' b4 19°16' c3 00°44' R` 16°42' V7 22°52' c$R24°26' W

Remember the Lord Sanat Kumara who resides in Shambala.

0 01°32' E9 20°46' O2R17°57' V1 24°46' Q6 24°10' R5 23°46' b4 19°20' c3 00°47' R` 16°45' V7 22°53' c$R24°16' W

Remember the electric fire of Aries, the solar fire of Leo, and the terrestrial fire of Sagittarius

- Full Moon 06:15 12. ★ Uttaraphalguni 11:470 E 22:58

9 O 02:281. Desc. M. P. 09:21 13. ★ Hasta 09:042. Desc. M. P. 23:22

14. ★ Chitra 06:363. Desc. M. P. 20:25

9 P 03:1615. ★ Swâti 04:354. Desc. M. P. 18:02

~Spring Equinox.

kFull Moon E



January 2019

1 Tuesday

2 Wednesday

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4 Friday

5 Saturday

6 Sunday m

7 Monday

8 Tuesday

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12 Saturday

13 Sunday ;14 Monday

15 Tuesday

16 Wednesday 1117 Thursday

18 Friday

19 Saturday

20 Sunday

21 Monday k22 Tuesday

23 Wednesday

24 Thursday

25 Friday

26 Saturday

27 Sunday l28 Monday

29 Tuesday

30 Wednesday

31 Thursday

February 2019

1 Friday

2 Saturday

3 Sunday

4 Monday m5 Tuesday

6 Wednesday

7 Thursday

8 Friday

9 Saturday

10 Sunday

11 Monday

12 Tuesday ;13 Wednesday

14 Thursday

15 Friday 1116 Saturday

17 Sunday

18 Monday

19 Tuesday k20 Wednesday

21 Thursday

22 Friday

23 Saturday

24 Sunday

25 Monday

26 Tuesday l27 Wednesday

28 Thursday

March 2019

1 Friday k2 Saturday

3 Sunday

4 Monday

5 Tuesday

6 Wednesday m 7 Thursday

8 Friday

9 Saturday

10 Sunday 1111 Monday

12 Tuesday 13 Wednesday ;14 Thursday

15 Friday

16 Saturday

17 Sunday

18 Monday

19 Tuesday

20 Wednesday

21 Thursday k22 Friday

23 Saturday

24 Sunday

25 Monday

26 Tuesday

27 Wednesday l28 Thursday

29 Friday

30 Saturday

31 Sunday Daylight Saving Time (CEST+1)

April 2019

1 Monday

2 Tuesday

3 Wednesday

4 Thursday

5 Friday m6 Saturday

7 Sunday

8 Monday

9 Tuesday

10 Wednesday 11 Thursday

12 Friday ;13 Saturday

14 Sunday

15 Monday 1116 Tuesday

17 Wednesday

18 Thursday

19 Friday k 20 Saturday

21 Sunday

22 Monday

23 Tuesday

24 Wednesday

25 Thursday

26 Friday l

27 Saturday

28 Sunday

29 Monday

30 Tuesday

May 2019

1 Wednesday

2 Thursday

3 Friday

4 Saturday

5 Sunday m6 Monday

7 Tuesday

8 Wednesday

9 Thursday

10 Friday

11 Saturday ;12 Sunday

13 Monday

14 Tuesday 1115 Wednesday

16 Thursday

17 Friday

18 Saturday k

19 Sunday

20 Monday

21 Tuesday

22 Wednesday

23 Thursday

24 Friday

25 Saturday

26 Sunday l27 Monday

28 Tuesday

29 Wednesday

30 Thursday

31 Friday

June 2019

1 Saturday

2 Sunday

3 Monday m4 Tuesday

5 Wednesday

6 Thursday

7 Friday

8 Saturday

9 Sunday ;10 Monday

11 Tuesday

12 Wednesday 1113 Thursday

14 Friday

15 Saturday

16 Sunday

17 Monday k18 Tuesday

19 Wednesday

20 Thursday

21 Friday

22 Saturday

23 Sunday

24 Mondag l25 Tuesday

26 Wednesday

27 Thursday

28 Friday

29 Saturday

30 Sunday

July 2019

1 Monday

2 Tuesday m3 Wednesday

4 Thursday

5 Friday

6 Saturday

7 Sunday

8 Monday

9 Tuesday ;10 Wednesday

11 Thursday 1112 Friday

13 Saturday

14 Sunday

15 Monday

16 Tuesday k17 Wednesday

18 Thursday

19 Friday

20 Saturday

21 Sunday

22 Monday

23 Tuesday

24 Wednesday l25 Thursday

26 Friday

27 Saturday

28 Sunday

29 Monday

30 Tuesday

31 Wednesday

August 2019

1 Thursday m2 Friday

3 Saturday

4 Sunday

5 Monday

6 Tuesday

7 Wednesday ; 8 Thursday

9 Friday

10 Saturday 1111 Sunday

12 Monday

13 Tuesday

14 Wednesday

15 Thursday k 16 Friday

17 Saturday

18 Sunday

19 Monday

20 Tuesday

21 Wednesday

22 Thursday

23 Friday l24 Saturday

25 Sunday

26 Monday

27 Tuesday

28 Wednesday

29 Thursday

30 Friday m31 Saturday

September 2019

1 Sunday

2 Monday

3 Tuesday

4 Wednesday

5 Thursday ; 6 Friday

7 Saturday

8 Sunday 11 9 Monday

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11 Wednesday

12 Thursday

13 Friday

14 Saturday k15 Sunday

16 Monday

17 Tuesday

18 Wednesday

19 Thursday

20 Friday

21 Saturday l22 Sunday

23 Monday

24 Tuesday

25 Wednesday

26 Thursday

27 Friday

28 Saturday m

29 Sunday

30 Monday

October 2019

1 Tuesday

2 Wednesday

3 Thursday

4 Friday

5 Saturday ; 6 Sunday

7 Monday

8 Tuesday 11 9 Wednesday

10 Thursday

11 Friday

12 Saturday

13 Sunday k

14 Monday

15 Tuesday

16 Wednesday

17 Thursday

18 Friday

19 Saturday

20 Sunday

21 Monday l22 Tuesday

23 Wednesday

24 Thursday

25 Friday

26 Saturday

27 Sunday Standard Time (CET+1)

28 Monday m29 Tuesday

30 Wednesday

31 Thursday

November 2019

1 Friday

2 Saturday

3 Sunday ;4 Monday

5 Tuesday

6 Wednesday

7 Thursday 118 Friday 9 Saturday

10 Sunday

11 Monday

12 Tuesday k13 Wednesday 14 Thursday 15 Friday

16 Saturday

17 Sunday

18 Monday

19 Tuesday l20 Wednesday

21 Thursday

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23 Saturday

24 Sunday

25 Monday

26 Tuesday m27 Wednesday

28 Thursday

29 Friday

30 Saturday

December 2019

1 Sunday


3 Tuesday ;

4 Wednesday

5 Thursday

6 Friday 117 Saturday

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15 Sunday

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18 Wednesday l 19 Thursday

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26 Thursday m

27 Friday

28 Saturday

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30 Monday

31 Tuesday

World teAcher trust - globAl

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