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M Y M C B S S T O R YW E E K 2 E X P L O R A T I O N : S T O R Y B O A R D


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Before I started the MCBS program, I traveled around the U.S. doing outreach ministry with an organization named “Youth with a Mission.” (YWAM)

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For over a year, I worked with students from the eight ivy league universities by walking alongside them to see change on each campus.

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That year was a crucial season as I learned how to care about others, die to myself, and see change happen.

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I had always thought I wanted to work in ministry full time in some capacity although I wasn’t completely sure what it would look like.

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All of us are unique in our own way and it was up to me to discover my talents and passions.

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So my path diverged in front of me. One road continuing on the comfortable path I was familiar with, and another road beckoning me to discover what lies


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But then I finished the YWAM program, moved back home, and had to figure out what to do with my life.

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Life happens and many times we have to step up and meet its demands.

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I knew I couldn’t sit around all day and do nothing; everyone needs some source of cash flow.

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Because of that I went on a job hunt to help pass the time while I tried to figure out my passions.

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I found favour in getting a job at my home church as a project manager in the creative department.

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My supervisors became mentors and really challenged me to find out what it is that I love.

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Because of that I learned in a few months how much I love movies, television, reading and writing, and anything that is digital media.

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A friend of mine said, “Find something you can talk about for hours without getting bored and that something is your calling.”

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Because of that I realized that ministry is something we can do everyday. I can always brighten someone’s day whether I’m on the streets in NYC, working in

an office, or creating digital content for people to consume.

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I love all forms of media and it became clear to me that it was my passion and my calling.

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Upon this revelation, I began to dabble in writing, design, advertising, et cetera more than ever before.

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Until finally, I decided to pursue a higher education to help me start a career in the communications industry.

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I surveyed various options and found Full Sail University to be the glove that fit the best.

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And ever since I decided to pursue my passion for media via Full Sail University, I’ve learned so much as to why I enjoy media the way I do and how I can create

uplifting, digital content.

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It is truly amazing to sit back and look at the journey, dissect its twists and turns, and dream of what excitement lies ahead.

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