

Weekly News 19th July 2015

St Peter’s Church, Cambridge Road, Harrogate, HG1 1RW

Flower Festival Winners...

These were the entries that won the most of the 1000 votes in the Flower Festival last week. First prize went to Mary Brown’s entry entitled Lest We Forget, inspired by the 100th anniversary of the First World War.



Flower Festival Winners (continued)

Mary’s prize includes tickets for the Autumn Flower Show. Second prize was awarded to the St Peter’s Players’ entry All the World’s a Stage and Sarah Martin’s moving entry, Emily, won third prize. They both win day gym passes and a selection of treats from Betty’s. All the winners will be invited to the Harrogate in Bloom awards on the afternoon of 26th September at the Old Swan Hotel, when they will receive certificates and Mary will be presented with a trophy. Well done everyone!

Course for youth volunteers and parents with teens Wellspring is a Christian counselling and training service, who provide psychological support for people in distress and promote good mental health. In September Wellspring is running a free Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) course to take place at the Welcome Centre at St Andrew’s Church in Starbeck on Saturday 5th and Saturday 26th September, from 9:00am – 5:00 pm each day. A commitment to attend both days is essential. The course is entirely free if you are a parent of a teen or pre-teen or are working with young people on a voluntary basis. If you are interested, phone 01423 881881 or email office to ask for a booking form, no later than Monday 10 August. Please note places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Animal Friendly Church St Peter’s church is now officially recognised as an Animal Friendly Church! The Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals has awarded us a certificate, which we are going to put on display.

St Peter’s is one of just a handful of churches to have been awarded this new certificate so far. We may be justly proud. ASWA said that reading our application made them feel like moving to Harrogate – because St Peter’s is such a lovely church! Being an Animal Friendly Church means that we shall simply go on doing all the animal-friendly things that we have been doing for quite a while now:

Praying for animals and for those who care for them;

Welcoming animals who come to church, and treating kindly those wild animals who accidentally make their homes in our church building;

Using cleaning products that haven’t been tested on animals;

Buying foods that have been produced to the best possible animal welfare standards.

A huge thank-you to all at St Peter’s who take such care and consideration for the needs of God’s creatures.

What is Messy Church? Messy Church is a way of being church for families and others based around welcome, crafts and art, celebration and eating together. It meets at a time and in a place to suit people who don't belong to Sunday church. It's built around and continues to develop around the needs of people on the fringe.

Messy Church is growing at an extraordinary rate! Every month families who have never set foot in a church before are enjoying Messy Church. And every month more Messy Churches are started all over the UK and worldwide (twelve other countries to date). And it works! Messy Church is proving effective in sharing God's good news with families across denominations and church traditions. Thousands of people now attend Messy Churches - and the number is growing all the time.

The Bible Reading Fellowship sits at the heart of Messy Church, enabling, resourcing and supporting this rapidly growing international movement with books and other resources, training and a network of over 40 regional coordinators. To find out more, visit the Messy Church website at:

Here are the dates and themes for our own Messy Church here at St Peter’s, each session lasts from 3:30 to 5:00 pm: 2015

23rd October Harvest

27th November Light of the World

11th December Christmas Party


30th January David and Goliath

20th February Moses

18th March Easter Story

22nd April 4th Birthday Party

20th May Pentecost

24th June Samuel

Summer Breaks Many of our groups and organisations, like Messy Church, are taking a break for the Summer. Sunday School has now broken up for the holidays and will resume on Sunday 13th September. There will be no further Lunchtime RefleXions now until Thursday 10th September.

Also, the Parent and Toddler Group have their last session this Thursday, 23rd July.

At the 9:30 Service we offer prayer with laying on of hands. If you would like this ministry, please come up to receive the bread and wine (or a blessing) in St Mary’s Chapel and wait

Today's Services: 19th July 2015 7th Sunday after Trinity

8:30 Holy Communion

9:30 Family Communion There is no Sunday School today, but Little Lights for the under 4s is in the Gallery!

Hymns 1030, 983, 762, 1604 Readings Ephesians 2 v 11 to end Mark 6 v 30 – 34, 53 to end Preacher: Richard Nolan

11:00 Choral Matins Setting Moeran in E flat (Jubilate) Hymns 334, 434, 409 Psalms 67, 70 Readings Deuteronomy 30 v 1 - 10 1 Peter 3 v 13 - 22 Anthem O Clap Your Hands (Rutter) Preacher: Sue Pearce

1:30 Baptism of Archie, Harry and Alexander Gray

4:30 Afternoon Church Refreshments from 4.15 Hymns: 28, 1010, 27, 362 Readings Jeremiah 23 v 1 - 6 Mark 6 v 30 – 34, 53 to end Preacher: Sarah Martin

6:30 Choral Communion Setting Little Organ Mass (Haydn) Hymns 401, 515, 309, 514 Readings Romans 6 v 19 to end Mark 8 v 1 – 10a Anthem Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart) Preacher: Hannah Beck

Our Duty Wardens today are: Oliver Longstaff and

Sian Lockwood

Please pray for those who have asked for our prayers: Sheila Ball, Sean Bellis, Derry Bentall, Arthur Birt, Brian Crabtree, Denise Craven, Beryl Hague, Vicky Harrison, Edna Hodgkiss, Lucy, Chris Madeley, Derek Starling, Maureen Stone and Amber, Aileen Taylor and Helen Turner.

Daily Readings Each day Morning Prayer is at 8:00am and Evening Prayer at 5:00 pm. These are the Bible readings we will be using in Church each morning this week. Why not read them at home?

Mon Psalm 1 Jeremiah 26 2 Corinthians 11 v 1 - 15

Tues Psalm 5 Jeremiah 28 2 Corinthians 11 v 16 to end

Wed Mary Magdalene Psalm 30 1 Samuel 16 v 14 to end Luke 8 v 1 - 3

Thurs Psalm 15 Jeremiah 30 v 1 - 11 2 Corinthians 13

Fri Psalm 19 Jeremiah 30 v 12 - 22 James 1 v 1 - 11

Sat James the Apostle Psalm 7 2 Kings 1 v 9 – 15 Luke 9 v 46 -56

The Collect for 7th Sunday after Trinity: Lord of all power and might, the author and giver of all good things: graft in our hearts the love of your name, increase in us true religion, nourish us with all goodness, and of your great mercy keep us in the same; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

behind in the pews there.

Also in our prayers this week:

Mon Yorkshire Amateur Artists Our Newly Baptised

Tues Local GP surgeries Our Healing Service

Wed Local Women’s Refuges Our Cafe RefleXions

Thurs Guide Dogs for the Deaf and Blind All our Bellringers

Fri Local Interfaith Work St Peter’s Cleaners

Sat Local Meteorologists Our Fundraising Committee

Refreshments are served after each of our Sunday morning services from the kitchen area at the front of Church. Please come and join us.

RIP Frank Fitzgerald, Jean Pratt,

Alan Severn, Mary Stapleton and

Viv Witney

A Transition Prayer by Sarah Martin Last week I began a series of prayers that you might like to use in your daily prayers during our transition between vicars. This week I would like to encourage you to pray for our dedicated clergy team: Tim, Richard, Sue, Michael and Graham. My suggested prayer is the following:

Loving Father, we thank you for all our wonderful clergy, may You lead them through the coming weeks and months to flourish under Your grace. Give them strength, courage and energy to lead and inspire others, and may they be instruments of Your Holy Word. Help them, Gracious Lord, to find time to rest amidst all their busyness; to recharge their batteries for the week ahead. And we ask for Your generous blessings to be poured upon each of them. Amen

A Prayer from Christine Jack Compassionate God and Father of all, we are horrified at violence in so many parts of the world. It seems that none are safe, and some are terrified. Hold back the hands that kill and maim; turn around the hearts that hate. Grant instead your strong Spirit of Peace - peace that passes our understanding but changes lives, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Malawi, in Africa, and is one of the world’s poorest countries. The population is rapidly increasing and is expected to reach 23 million by 2025. Maternal mortality rates are amongst the highest in the world and about 10 women unnecessarily die each day through childbirth. About 3 million people have no access to clean drinking water; about 11% of the population is HIV+, and 1,000,000 children are orphaned. Since 1995 Open Arms has been providing love, shelter, food and medical care to

orphaned and abandoned children in Malawi. Please support the Refreshment Day in aid of this charity on Saturday 25th July in Church.

We would like to thank the clergy and congregation of St Peter’s for their prayers for dear John. John was very grateful for all your prayers when he was poorly. We would also like to express our appreciation for the many cards and support we have received at this very sad time. Heartfelt thanks to all who attended the service and to those who helped with refreshments afterwards. God Bless you all. With love and prayers from, Brenda, Ananda and Jackie Ward.

What’s on This Week Yorkshire Amateur Artists – Returning for their third year, this exhibition of paintings and works of art, which are all for sale, is in the Glass Foyer. Daily from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm.

Mon 20th 12:00 pm Community Cafe 3:00 pm Funeral of Viv Witney 7:30 pm Yoga with Holly

Tues 21st 12:30 pm Healing Service 7:00 pm PCC Meeting 8:00 pm Flexicise (new members welcome)

Wed 22nd 9:30 am Dru Yoga with Rachel 10:00 am NHS Stop Smoking Clinic 10:30 am Cafe RefleXion 11:15 am Yoga for Seniors with Rachel 6:00 pm NA Meeting 7: 30 pm Low Harrogate Cell Church at Hannah’s – all welcome.

Thurs 23rd 9:30 am Parent and Toddler Group Last session before the summer holidays 11 am Holy Communion 2:00 pm Handbell Ringers 7:30 pm Choir Practice 8:00 pm Almsford End House Group 8:00 pm The Hour

Fri 24th 10:00 am St Peter’s Cleaning Team 2:30 pm Memorial Service for Alan Severn 6:00 pm Rosary Group 7:00 pm Bell Ringing

Sat 25th 8:45 am Weight Watchers Refreshments in aid of Open Arms Malawi

The Breakfast Club provides a free, hot breakfast from Monday to Saturday (8:15 – 8:45 am) for all

those who are hungry or in need. Food parcels are available from 4:45 pm every day, except for Sundays, when it’s 5:30 pm.

Next Sunday 26th July

8th Sunday after Trinity

8:30 Holy Communion

9:30 Family Communion

11:00 Choral Matins

4:30 Afternoon Church

6:30 Choral Evensong

Key Contacts Interim Minister: The Revd Tim Hurren, tel: 541696 [email protected] (available Wednesday through to Sunday) Curate: The Revd Richard Nolan, (lawyer in full time employment) [email protected] Assistant Priest: The Revd Sue Pearce, tel: 565954 [email protected] Parish Administrator: Carole Raw, tel: 07425 161425 or 568218 [email protected] Churchwardens: Sian Lockwood tel: 07889616755 Oliver Longstaff tel: 07974241835 Churchwardens Emeriti John & Patricia Stableford tel 526767 Weekly News Sheet Marian Chambers [email protected]

Come along and welcome to




on SUNDAY 2nd AUGUST 2015

at 3:00pm

Free Car Parking on the Green at the West End of the Church, entry on the left of the road from the B6265 to the Visitors’ Centre. Members of the Highside Singers will be there joining in our singing.

But we would like your help ...if you have any favourite hymns that you would like included in the programme then please send the name of the hymn (or the first line) and the tune, if you know its name, to: Peter Garner, Firtops, 2 Shirley Avenue, Ripon, HG4 1SP Email: [email protected] before July 20th.

Next Week’s Deadline The deadline for the next edition of the Weekly News (26th July) will be noon on Wednesday 22nd July. Please send any items (including photos) to Tim Hurren at: [email protected] or to Marian Chambers at: [email protected]

David Brennan writes: I would like to thank everyone from St Peter’s who sponsored James Palmer and I on our charity bike ride from Harrogate to Scarborough and back. As a group we managed to raise over £8 000 for our five

nominated charities. Once again, thank you for your support.

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