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Weekly work record

23/09/2015-today I have completed the annotation of the two sports magazine by thinking about the images and the text and sizes of everything and the colours.

30/09/2015- Today I have completed the research of different types of sports and I have realised that all of them have the same type of things on them so on my own magazine I know what types of things to have

7/10/15- Today, I created a mood board of favourite covers and written description of style, use of images, appeal, price. I discovered that lots of the magazine covers I liked had one main image on the front. Then I selected three titles from my mood board to analyse in detail.

14/10/2015- Today I have got 6 different magazine posters and analysed the colours they have used and then I found 6 different fonts and describe the things I like about them

11/11/2015- Today I have got a couple of titles for my magazine and chose the best suited one and analysed why I have chosen it. Then we planned out our four images for our magazine while writing what props, hair style, clothing and what they are doing

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