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Welcome friends to Life, Money, & Happiness!

You are about to embark on a life-changing journey that will take you to new personal and financial heights! I honor you for taking the time and energy for being here with me - thank you in advance for trusting me to guide you through this Life, Money, & Happiness experience. During this webinar you will hear me often say, “Energy is Everything!” Meaning, the way you participate here is how you are showing up in your life. Therefore, I encourage you to be at your very best and engage during this webinar, as I am prepared to provide you with my very best. I have studied from the best of the best and have modeled this webinar after my own experience first and also what I have learned in the books and trainings of people such as: T. Harv Eker, Napoleon Hill, Tony Robbins, Robert Allen, Robert Kiyosaki, Dave Ramsey, David Bach, Larry Winget, Thomas J. Stanley, Mark Victor Hansen, Warren Buffet, Wallace Wattles, and many others. I honor and give them credit for inspiring me to apply their various teachings and GET REAL RESULTS in my own life and then decide to create this webinar to help others. We will work together during this webinar to discover the Principles and Secrets to creating wealth and abundance in your life so that you can have the lifestyle you desire and the resources to contribute to causes and things that you believe in. The most important thing you will come to understand by completing this webinar is that it is really about you and your level of commitment to yourself to grow into the type of person that will truly become not only financially free, but free from the limited beliefs and thinking that has held you back from many of your goals, hopes, and dreams. You create your life. You create your exact level of financial success because of the person you are and will become. I celebrate with you as you take this journey with me to move your life forward. So get ready to have a fantastic learning experience – you will get out of this experience what you put into it. Work Hard! Stay Focused! Have Fun! Seize the moment! With HEART and in service to your financial success, Brandon W. Johnson “Positive Energy Guy”

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INTRODUCTION: Three Rules: Rule #1: __________________________________ ________________ is Everything! Learning requires __________________. PARTICIPATE. Rule #2: __________________________________ The 3 most dangerous words in the English language are: I ____________ that. WEALTH SECRET #1: Wealthy People Constantly Learn and Grow. Non-

wealthy people think they already know. Your ________________________ mind will do it’s best to take you out. My goal is to get your “rational” mind and your subconscious mind working for you! Rule #3: __________________________________ Your Comfort Zone EQUALS Your ____________________________ Zone.

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Money Assessment Quiz:

1. Money is…

2. Wealth is…

3. Wealthy people are…

4. The reasons I can’t or may not become extremely wealthy are…

5. Some of the possible negatives about being wealthy or going through the process of wanting to be wealthy…

6. My greatest worries and fears regarding money and wealth are…

7. The worst thing about money is…

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• You buy things you can’t afford • You are living paycheck to paycheck • You do not have a budget • You never know the balance of your accounts • You resent people that have money • You are chronically late on paying bills and debts • You feel you are not paid enough and that your employer is taking

advantage of you • You blame others for your money challenges • You have negative thoughts and feelings about money • You have the latest and greatest car, fashion, toy or gadget • You never have enough money no matter how much you earn • “Saving up” to buy something is a foreign concept to you • You constantly are borrowing from others • You’re always the first to buy drinks or meals so you will be liked • You’re afraid to discuss money and the challenges around it • You are afraid to answer the phone or read the mail because of collectors • You have considered filing for bankruptcy • You have forgotten about debts owed to family and friends • Your credit cards are overextended • You have a hard time getting loans and/or decent interest rates • You have a “what’s in it for me” and an “I want it now” attitude • Utility companies threaten you with disconnection • When you are depressed or nervous – you go shopping or out to eat • You feel that others should help take care of you • Your income has increased but you still feel like you are struggling

The 5 Reasons why people are (or are not) Wealthy: 1.





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Most Wealthy people didn’t: Win the lottery, score big in stock market, inherit a pile of cash, or appear on a reality show.

Most Wealthy people do: Make financial security a priority,

spend less than they earn, save and invest regularly, pay down their debt, own a home, and maximize their incomes.

THE WEALTH WHEEL: (Draw & Describe) WEALTH SECRET #2: Wealthy people have an EXTRAORDINARY

PSYCHOLOGY; non-wealthy people have a poor psychology.

I was _________________ how to do money.

Money is no good if you lose everything to get it.

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My Financial Blueprint: There are three main things that have created your Financial Blueprint:

1. ______________________ programming.

2. Specific _________________________ .

3. _________________________ . Write down everything about money, wealth and rich people you heard as a child.

Write down a description of an early emotional experience involving money. Write down the conclusion/story you created from that experience and how that story has affected your life thus far.

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Write down your family situation and each parents’ or adult guardians’ habits and ways of thinking and being around money as you were growing up. Also describe who you might be similar to or opposite to and in what ways.

Easiest way to make a change in life is to _______________ the change from someone else. MONEY PERSONALITY PROCESS: Savers: Spenders: Avoiders: My money personality is: _____________________. Positives to my money personality:

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Challenges/opportunities to my money personality: What are some commitments/actions that you can take to overcome the Challenges/opportunities of your money personality?

WEALTH SECRET #3: Wealthy people admire and model wealthy and successful people. Non-wealthy people resent wealthy and successful people.

How you do one thing is how you do everything! ENERGY IS EVERYTHING!

There is an ______________ game and an ________________ game of Wealth. _______________ is the “bridge” between the inner and the outer game of Wealth. WEALTH SECRET #4: Wealthy people believe “I create my life.” Non-wealthy people believe “Life happens to me.”

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The 5 Elements of YOUR LIFE CIRCLE: Draw. Draw your Wealth Thermostat:

Winning the Money Game: Money gives you _______________________. FINANCIAL FREEDOM IS: Being able to afford your desired lifestyle and having the choice to work because you want to, not because you have to.

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Most people play the Money Game not to _______________, versus playing to ________________. You create and attract the exact amount of ____________________ in your life. WEALTH SECRET #5: Wealthy people are committed to being wealthy. Non-wealthy people just want to be wealthy and never take the action required. The #1 reason why people do not become wealthy is because they don’t __________ what they want. Another main reason why people do not become wealthy is because they don’t know _____________ they want it. What will your life look like when you are financially free?

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Energy Tank (Fillers & Drainers):



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If you want to know your ________________, simply look at your life.

Wealthy and successful people have the same doubts, fears, and worries as other people do. The difference is that Wealthy people choose not to allow them to stop them.

Choose to be unstoppable!

What you settle for is what you get in life.

There are REASONS or ________________ and everything else is your story. PLAN – What is the PATH of my MONEY? Definition of an Asset: Definition of a Liability: Definition of Net Worth: Average Net Worth for home owner = _____________ Average Net Worth for renter = _____________ Wealthy people get their MONEY to work for ________________. Your ___________________ highly influences your Net Worth. You and YOU ALONE create your $$$$$ Future.

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MONTHLY INCOME (After taxes): (Assets) Job/Career (1): Gross___________ Taxes ___________ Net Income ____________ Job/Career (2): Gross___________ Taxes ___________ Net Income ____________ Other Income: Gross___________ Taxes ___________ Net Income ____________

TOTAL NET INCOME: ____________________ MONTHLY EXPENSES: (Liabilities) Housing: ____________________ Food: ____________________ Transportation: ____________________ Clothing: ____________________ Insurance: ____________________ Health Care: ____________________ Child Care: ____________________ Cell phone: ____________________ TV/Cable/Internet: ____________________ Utilities: ____________________ Travel/Vacation: ____________________ Subscriptions: ____________________ Student Loan/School: ____________________ Credit Card Debt: ____________________ Other Debt: ____________________ Other ________________: ____________________ Other ________________: ____________________

TOTAL EXPENSES: ____________________

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TOTAL MONTHLY INCOME: ____________________ (from above)

(Less/Minus) TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES: ____________________ (from above)

= TOTAL MONTHLY SURPLUS/DEFICIT: ___________________ One of the biggest DRAINS on your financial situation is ________________. It’s critical to PROTECT your Credit Score – Equifax, Experian, and Transunion.


Loan Type Loan Amount Interest Rate Term (length) Min. Payment THE S.E.I. PRINCIPLE: S =

E =

I =

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1. Improve your ratings consistently: __________ X ____________ = Results

2. Use the ___________Power Questions daily.

3. Solve __________________.

4. Seek out and apply ________________. “Understand that I am the problem. Accepting that enables me to be the solution.”

- Belasco and Stayer (Flight of the Buffalo)

Energy (x) Execution = Results Energy = How people feel when they are around me Execution = How well I am doing my job (Ratings are a 1-10 Scale)


My Energy _____ (x) My Execution ______ = RESULTS ________

Financially: My Energy _____ (x) My Execution ______ = RESULTS ________

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The 4 Power Questions: (Professional)

1. What’s WORKING for me?

2. What’s NOT WORKING for me?

3. What have I LEARNED from this?

4. What will I DO DIFFERENTLY moving forward?

WEALTH SECRET #6: Wealthy people choose to get paid based on results. Non-wealthy people choose to get paid based on time.

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The 4 Power Questions: (Financially)

1. What’s WORKING for me financially?

2. What’s NOT WORKING for me financially?

3. What have I LEARNED from this?

4. What will I DO DIFFERENTLY moving forward?

Your income is in direct proportion to the ______________ you bring to the marketplace.

“You don’t become truly rich until you enrich the lives of others.” - Andrew Carnegie

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WEALTH SECRET #7: Wealthy people focus on opportunities. Non-wealthy people focus on obstacles.

Law of Attention: Where Attention goes, Energy Flows, and Results show. You are _____________ and ______________ of being Financially Free. By celebrating the small things you will attract the BIG things into your life. WEALTH SECRET #8: Wealthy people see every cent as a “seed”.

Non-wealthy people see every cent as something to be spent.


Wealthy people aren’t any smarter, they just have better money management habits.

When you begin to _______________ it, you’ll have plenty of Money. Visual is memorable. You must think _________-term versus short-term. You must run your personal/family finances like a __________________ WEALTH SECRET #9: Wealthy People manage their money well.

Non-wealthy people mismanage their money.

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The Seven categories of the T.U.B.S.: Guidance Your Budget

FFA – Financial Freedom Account 10% NEVER SPEND (long-term investments/retirement acouunts/etc.)

Don’t kill the GOLDEN GOOSE! NEC – Necessities 55% Simplify where necessary LTSS – Long-term savings to spend 10% Vacation, TV, furniture, cabinets, dreams, goals EDUC – Education 5% Books, seminars, trainings, school, education adventures PLAY – Play 5% Must be spent monthly! GIVE – Give 5% $ and causes you care deeply about CHOICE – Choice 10% Determine each month where this is best placed

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WEALTH SECRET #10: Wealthy people have money work for them. Non-wealthy people continue to work for their money.

Compounding Interest is often called the 8th wonder of the world.

Categories of “Paper” investments: more risk = more reward Stocks ________________ Index Funds ________________ Mutual Funds ________________ Bonds ________________ Certificate of Deposit (CD) ________________ Savings Account ________________ Checking Account ________________

Average inflation for last 100 years = 3.22% THE RULE OF 72 (divide by interest rate): Length of time to double your $

THE RULE OF 113 (divide by interest rate): Length of time to triple your $

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Rules for the T.U.B.S.:

1. Use after-tax dollars. 2. ALWAYS PAY YOURSELF FIRST (FFA account only)

a. Broke people pay others first. You are not broke! 3. Money must be kept in separate TUBS or bank accounts. 4. Pay off your debts after FFA and necessities are taken care of. If Necessities takes

up all of it – SIMPLIFY! 5. PAY OFF YOUR DEBTS using LTSS and/or Choice. 6. Manage your credit card(s) and your money! 7. You must spend your Play money each “period.” 8. The greatest investment you’ll ever make is the investment into yourself. 9. Start with only $1 a month if you have to! Just get started! It’s the habit! 10. Raises, etc. doesn’t equal more PLAY money! Ensure you put raises into

categories that will best assist you with becoming financially free. Debt reduction and liabilities management: What are some categories of liabilities in your life? Average American family has $10,000+ in _________________ debt. Liabilities can be ________________. Ways to help manage your debt/liabilities:

1. Regular maintenance on things you own (house, car, equip, etc.) 2. Buy used vehicles (1-2 years old) 3. Negotiate all big purchases – think win/win

4. Ask for discounts – be creative, but think win/win

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5. Shop around/get bids 6. Be cautious of deals that appear “to good to be true” 7. Have a plan - know where you are at financially at all times

8. Ask debt company for a lower interest rate

9. Consolidate loans if the “cost” of doing so works in your favor

10. Pay off highest interest rate debt first under almost all circumstances

People buy off of EMOTION and then JUSTIFY their purchase using logic.


10 ideas for Living on Less on a daily/weekly basis: 1. Grocery list before shopping – buy store brands 2. Shop sales and use coupons for things you NEED 3. Comparison shop – choose for price, not convenience 4. Look for FREE entertainment in your community 5. Use a list when shopping at other stores – avoid temptations 6. Meal planning 7. Shop at the Discount/Value Stores 8. Trade services 9. Take your lunch/meals to work/school 10. Balance out purchases with your wants/needs

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WEALTH SECRET #11: Wealthy people focus on NET WORTH. Non-wealthy people focus on working income.

MONEY FOR COUPLES: ________% of marriages end in divorce because of financial challenges.

1. Family must agree on plan. What you focus on expands! 2. Must create TUBS for the couple/family. 3. Percentages work better than flat-rate dollar amounts to ensure each person from

couple is putting = amount. 4. Give each person a set amount for their personal use and the rest goes into a joint

account for the TUBS/jars. Person spends “personal” money how they choose (No challenges) – Suggested breakdown for personal money:

a. FFA 25% b. LTSS 25% c. EDUC 25% d. PLAY 25%

5. TUBS system is followed the same as above for the individual breakdown. 6. Be consistent. It’s the Habit!


1. Educate and introduce the TUBS system early on, it’s not too late to start! 2. Have physical TUBS for them to use. Visual is memorable. 3. Teaches them discipline, financial literacy and rewards. 4. Kids learn best by MODELING from their parents.

5. Be consistent. It’s the Habit!

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6. Recommended TUBS breakdown:

a. FFA/EDUC (40%) b. PLAY/LTSS (50%) c. GIVE/CHOICE (10%)

7. FOR TEENS, you may add in a NEC account and shift %’s around a bit.

TEAM: WEALTH SECRET #12 Wealthy People associate with other rich and

successful people. Non-Wealthy people associate with negative and unsuccessful people.

You will become your ________________. Respect, model, and ___________ from people that are more successful than you. Who are some people that I need to get on my Team?

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TOOLS & RESOURCES: (See Last Page.) Wealthy people do 2 main things:

1. Invest for their financial future. 2. Invest into themselves and their personal growth & development.

The greatest investment you will ever make is the investment into ____________.

WEALTH SECRET #13: Wealthy people think “both.”

Non-wealthy people think “either/or.” CONSISTENT ACTION: 4 Secrets of the Wealthy that protect your future: 1. 2. 3. 4. How will I apply this webinar to my life?

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My 3 commitments (I will’s) for each Principle of the Wealth Wheel: Psychology: 1. 2. 3. Plan: 1. 2. 3. Tools: 1. 2. 3. Team: 1. 2. 3. Consistent Action: 1. 2. 3.

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Financial Freedom Glossary of Terms: Asset- Something that puts money “in your pocket” with minimum labor. Capital- Cash or something of an agreed upon value. Capital Gain/Loss- The difference between what you bought an investment for and what you sold it for less improvements. Cash Flow (CF)- Cash coming in (as income) and cash going out (as expenses). It is the direction of cash flow that determines whether something is income, expense, asset or liability. Cash flow tells the story. CCR- Cash-on-cash return. (See ROI) Certificate of Deposit(CD)- A loan to government & business, issued through banks, with specified maturity dates and interest rates. Dividend- A distribution of profits of a company to the shareholders. Down Payment- A percentage of the purchase price an investor pays for investment. The remainder of the price is then financed through other means. Foreclosure- A bank or individual takes your property for non-payment of the mortgage. Gov’t Savings Bond- A loan an individual makes to the government in exchange for payment of interest on that loan. Inflation- An economic situation where consumer prices rise. IPO- Initial Public Offering. The first time a company offers shares of stock to the general public. Liability- Something that takes money “out of the pocket”. Limited Partnership- A legal entity set up to hold assets. Allows limited liability for limited partners. Mortgage- If you are financing your real estate, the property you are financing is used as collateral against the amount of money you are financing, or borrowing. The mortgage is the security instrument.

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Mutual Fund- A variety of stocks, bonds, or securities, grouped together, managed by a professional investment company and purchased by individual investors through shares. The shares possess no direct ownership value in the various companies. Passive Income- Income generated from your investments such as interest, dividends, real estate rentals, with minimal work. REIT- Real Estate Investment Trust. Similar to a mutual fund; deals only in real estate. ROI- Return On Investment. Return on capital, as a percentage, from an investment. Example: An apartment building costs $500,000. You pay $100,000 as a down payment. You have monthly cash flow of $2000. Your ROI is $2000 x 12, divided by $100,000 or 24%. Shares Split-A corporate action where the number of shares you own increases and the price per share decreases. Stock Share- A share of stock represents ownership in a corporation. The shareholders (those people owning stock in a company) are the actual owners of the company. Tax Lien (Property) - A legal claim on a property for unpaid taxes. 1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange- A method of buying & selling real estate that allows you to defer payment of taxes on your capital gains profit. (1031 refers to the U.S.A. Tax Code.) The Market- Where products are bought and sold. Trading Range- The average high and low prices of an investment.

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Resources and Suggested Reading List:


Think & Grow Rich Napoleon Hill Secrets of the Millionaire Mind T. Harv Eker

Rich Dad, Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki Retire Young, Retire Rich Robert Kiyosaki The One Minute Millionaire Hansen & Allen The Richest Man in Babylon George Clason The Rules for Money Richard Templar The Millionaire Next Door Stanley & Danko Smart Couples Finish Rich David Bach The Automatic Millionaire David Bach Fight For Your Money David Bach Total Money Makeover Dave Ramsey You’re Broke Because You Want To Be Larry Winget Money – Master the Game Tony Robbins

Lifeskills for Success Famous Dave Anderson Linchpin Seth Godin The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg Aesop’s Fable The Ant and the Grasshopper Aesop’s Fable Trainings:

Millionaire Mind Intensive Peak Potentials Wealth Mastery Tony Robbins Financial Peace University Dave Ramsey Games: Cashflow 101 Cashflow for Kids

Monopoly Life Magazines: Money, Fortune, Kiplinger’s, Wall Street Journal, Bus. section of newspapers Websites: ***Most above authors and speakers have their own websites & podcasts – check them out!

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