Page 1: Welcome Prayer · 2018/3/4  · The week ahead Mon 5, 2.30 pm 4.30 pm 7.30 pm Tues 6, 4.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm Wed 7, 10 am 11 am 4.30 pm 7.15 pm 8 pm Thurs 8 9.30–11.30 am 1 pm


with the Anglican Communion we pray for the Anglican Church of the Congo; for Archbishop Justin; for Bishops Tim, Jonathan and David

for the Sisters of St Andrew in Lyon, among them Sister Katie Seal our mission giving: £200 for the Olive Branch, a Christian counselling service for

people living in Winchester and the surrounding area the people of Yemen suffering so terribly in what’s described as an ‘absurd’ war;

those killed and injured in recent air strikes all places where there is conflict; for those who work hard for peace the United Nations, our armed forces, our prime minister and all leaders; grant

them wisdom, integrity and compassion our keeping of Lent through prayer, study of God’s word and self-discipline, as

we prepare for Easter; a blessing on our Lent courses our special Lent collection for Partners for Change Ethiopia (formerly St

Matthew’s Children’s Fund) the city-centre chaplaincy; the chaplaincy at Winchester Prison and all who care

for prisoners the unwell: Caroline Behan, Christopher Browne, Henry Gaster-Evans, Julia Jones,

Ollie Jones (age 7), Emma and Mark Miller, Kate Morgan, Sally Owens, Michael Pain, Jean Reeder, Alison Stafford and Brian Woodruff. All awaiting appointments or treatments

those who have died recently, including Eileen Aldridge, Rosemary Angus, Dennis Cruwys (Emma Steadman’s grandfather), Leonard North, Gordon Robinson and Joyce Talbot; all who live with the pain of untimely death; God’s comfort for their families and friends


A warm welcome to everyone, and especially if you are new or visiting. Do please stay on for drinks and to meet people after the 9.30 and 11.15 services

and keep this welcome sheet for your prayers this week.

Please feel free to put prayer requests on the board at the back of church or e-mail them to [email protected].

St Paul’s Lady Chapel is set up for prayer, either alone or with one of the prayer ministry team, after the 9.30 parish communion service.

4 March 2018

The third Sunday of Lent

Page 2: Welcome Prayer · 2018/3/4  · The week ahead Mon 5, 2.30 pm 4.30 pm 7.30 pm Tues 6, 4.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm Wed 7, 10 am 11 am 4.30 pm 7.15 pm 8 pm Thurs 8 9.30–11.30 am 1 pm

Services today, 4 March

8 am St Paul’s

9.30 am St Paul’s



[BCP] Holy Communion

Readings: p. 89

Parish Communion with DIY crèche, Scramblers, Climbers, Explorers, Destination and Transition

Order of service in white booklet

Holy God, the folly of the cross mocks our human wisdom, and the weakness of the crucified puts worldly power to shame. Banish from our hearts every pretence of might and of knowledge, that by the power flowing from Christ’s resurrection your people may be raised up from the death of sin and fashioned into a living temple of your glory. Grant this through Christ, our liberator from sin. Amen.

1 Corinthians 1: 18–25 [p. 465] For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written, ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart’. Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, God decided, through the foolishness of our proclamation, to save those who believe. For Jews demand signs and Greeks desire wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling-block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.

John 2: 13–22 [p. 466] The Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple he found people selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and the money-changers seated at their tables. Making a whip of cords, he drove all of them out of the temple, both the sheep and the cattle. He also poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. He told those who were selling the doves, ‘Take these things out of here! Stop making my Father’s house a

Page 3: Welcome Prayer · 2018/3/4  · The week ahead Mon 5, 2.30 pm 4.30 pm 7.30 pm Tues 6, 4.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm Wed 7, 10 am 11 am 4.30 pm 7.15 pm 8 pm Thurs 8 9.30–11.30 am 1 pm

Post Communion

11.15 am St Matthew’s


market-place!’ His disciples remembered that it was written, ‘Zeal for your house will consume me’. The Jews then said to him, ‘What sign can you show us for doing this?’ Jesus answered them, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up’. The Jews then said, ‘This temple has been under construction for forty-six years, and will you raise it up in three days?’ But he was speaking of the temple of his body. After he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this; and they believed the scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken.

Merciful Lord, grant your people grace to withstand the temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil, and with pure hearts and minds to follow you, the only God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

[BCP] Holy Communion

Readings: 1 Corinthians 1: 18–25; John 2: 13–22 [p. 465] See above

Services next Sunday, 11 March

The fourth Sunday of Lent; Mothering Sunday

8 am St Matthew’s

9.30 am St Paul’s

11.15 am St Matthew’s

[BCP] Holy Communion Readings: p. 92

Family Communion with Western Church School Reading: John 19: 25b–27 [p. 473]

[BCP] Mattins Readings: Colossians 3: 12–17; John 19: 25b–27 [p. 473]

Page 4: Welcome Prayer · 2018/3/4  · The week ahead Mon 5, 2.30 pm 4.30 pm 7.30 pm Tues 6, 4.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm Wed 7, 10 am 11 am 4.30 pm 7.15 pm 8 pm Thurs 8 9.30–11.30 am 1 pm

The week ahead

Mon 5, 2.30 pm 4.30 pm 7.30 pm Tues 6, 4.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm Wed 7, 10 am 11 am 4.30 pm 7.15 pm 8 pm Thurs 8 9.30–11.30 am 1 pm 7.45 pm Fri 9, 10.30 am Sat 10, 5–6.30 pm

Book group Evening Prayer Lent group Evening Prayer Lent group Christian meditation Lent group [BCP] Holy Communion Evening Prayer Finance committee Lent group Deadline for April magazine Toddler group Funeral of Gordon Robinson Lent group Mothering Sunday posy making Joseph social

Elm Road Parish rooms

Springhill Cottage Parish rooms

Wentworth Grange Parish rooms St Matthew’s St Matthew’s

Vestry Orchard End

Bereweeke Ave

Parish rooms St Paul’s

Pheasants Way St Paul’s

Parish rooms

Diary dates

March Mon 12, 7 pm Tues 13, 7.30 pm Wed 14, 2.30 pm 7 pm 8.30 pm Thurs 15, 9.30–11.30 am Sun 18, noon 4 pm Mon 19, 8.30 am Tues 20, 7 pm Sat 24 Sun 25 Wed 28, 9.30 am 1.30 pm Thurs 29, 7.30 pm Fri 30 Sat 31, 10 am 8 pm April Sun 1 Thurs 19, 6.30 pm Sun 22, 9.30 am

Women’s group Christian meditation Faith development group Colonel van der Noot: Friends’ talk Men’s group Toddler group Baptism of Noah Evetts St Paul’s @ 4 Building for Life steering group Western Church School governors Clocks ‘spring’ forwards Palm Sunday, start of Holy Week Under-fives’ Easter service Western Church School Year 3 service Maundy Thursday service Good Friday Children make Easter garden Vigil service Easter Day Start of local history talks, Series 2 Confirmation service

Roebuck Inn

Parish rooms Parish rooms St Matthew’s Roebuck Inn

Parish rooms St Paul’s St Paul’s

Parish rooms Western

St Paul’s St Paul’s St Paul’s

St Paul’s St Paul’s

St Matthew’s St Paul’s

Page 5: Welcome Prayer · 2018/3/4  · The week ahead Mon 5, 2.30 pm 4.30 pm 7.30 pm Tues 6, 4.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm Wed 7, 10 am 11 am 4.30 pm 7.15 pm 8 pm Thurs 8 9.30–11.30 am 1 pm

Lent 2018: the mysteries of the love of God Lent gives us an opportunity to focus on our faith: to consciously seek to place ourselves in God’s nearer presence and ask the gift of going deeper into the mysteries of the love of God for each of us.

Mondays, 7.30 pm at Springhill Cottage, Stockbridge Road, leaders Julie

and Chris Sharp: a Lent course based on Victor Hugo’s epic Les Misérables, using some of the characters to explore the grace of God, alongside our fallen state and opportunities for redemption; and an opportunity to reassess what we can do with our lives, both for ourselves and for those around us

Tuesdays, 7.30 pm at 8 Wentworth Grange, leaders Sheila and David Wilson: The Mystery of Everything, a Lent course by Hilary Brand that takes as its starting point the multi-award-winning film about Stephen Hawking, The Theory of Everything

Tuesdays, 7.30 pm in the parish rooms: Christian meditation continues throughout Lent and welcomes anyone interested in exploring this – a chance to come as you are and to rest in God’s presence

Wednesdays, 10 am, at St Matthew’s (various leaders): York Course on ‘These three … faith, hope and love’

Wednesdays, 7.45 for 8 pm, ending 9.45 latest, at 21b Bereweeke Avenue, leader Susie Richardson: The Bible Course, a contemporary overview of the books and characters in the world’s bestseller, looking at how the Bible applies to our lives; suitable for those with no knowledge or lots

Thursdays, 7.30 for 7.45 pm at Pheasants Way, Sarum Road, leaders Peter and Irene Casey: Christ and the Chocolaterie, a Lent course by Hilary Brand based on the film Chocolat

Page 6: Welcome Prayer · 2018/3/4  · The week ahead Mon 5, 2.30 pm 4.30 pm 7.30 pm Tues 6, 4.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm Wed 7, 10 am 11 am 4.30 pm 7.15 pm 8 pm Thurs 8 9.30–11.30 am 1 pm

Coming up

Fairtrade Fortnight continues Mon 5 March, 7 pm, United Church: talk by the Palestinian Fairtrade importer Zaytoun about the challenges it faces, with Fairtrade nibbles and drinks Tues 6 March, 9 am–2 pm, Lanterns School: Fairtrade cake sale Fri 9 March, 8–11 am, Winchester University canteen: Fairtrade breakfast Sat 10 March, 2.30–4 pm, St Peter’s: hot drinks, cakes, Fairtrade stall

Winchester Station Approach The city council’s masterplan for redeveloping the area stretching from Gladstone Street to the cattle market car park will be on display at a drop-in information evening at Hampshire Record Office in Sussex Street, Wed 7 March, 4–7 pm. They are seeking local opinion and input.

What it means to be human TV documentary presenter, author and Anglican priest the Revd Peter Owen-Jones explores how we can know and encounter ourselves in the reflection of the natural world in a talk at Winchester University Chapel on Thurs 8 March, 6.30 pm. Book a free place via [email protected].

Mothering Sunday posies Please come and help make posies at St Paul’s on Fri 9 March, from 10.30 am. ‘Many hands make light work’, and we have over 170 to prepare! Coffee and biscuits will be provided.

Twyford Singers concert at St Cross Church on Sat 10 March, 7.30 pm, with a programme including Stainer’s Crucifixion and music by Williamson and Elgar. Tickets £12, £8; contact Talia Hedstrom, 868728.

‘When I was a prison governor and how the prisons are today’ Please book your tickets for a fascinating talk by Colonel Christopher van der Noot, who ran HMP Frankland in the 1980s and now worships at St Matthew’s. This Friends event takes place on Wed 14 March at 7 pm, with drinks available from 6.30 pm. Tickets £12 (Friends £10) from Katy Palacio, 844878, [email protected].

RSCM music workshop ‘Something old, something new: for the many and the few’, led by Miles Quick and Stuart Divall at St Boniface, Chandler’s Ford on Sat 17 March, 2–5 pm, £5 (under-18s £3). An afternoon of useful, versatile and inspiring music for voices and instruments including worship material from Taizé and Iona. Further information from [email protected].

WinACC at River Cottage Canteen A great way to support WinACC – their annual fund-raising dinner and auction of promises will be a two-course vegetarian meal on Wed 21 March at 7.30 pm, tickets £25, places limited to 50. Please book by 7 March: 827083, [email protected].

Page 7: Welcome Prayer · 2018/3/4  · The week ahead Mon 5, 2.30 pm 4.30 pm 7.30 pm Tues 6, 4.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm Wed 7, 10 am 11 am 4.30 pm 7.15 pm 8 pm Thurs 8 9.30–11.30 am 1 pm

The Passion narrative Volunteers are invited to read small but vital roles in Mark’s account of the Passion of Jesus on Palm Sunday, 25 March; rehearsals at St Paul’s on Fridays 16 and 23 March, 7.30 pm. Please let us hear from you! Contact Mary Copping, 07921 886016, [email protected], or Peter Seal, 844878, [email protected].


Community Day, Sat 12 May We may be experiencing sub-zero temperatures outside, but the sun will be shining brightly on 12 May, so I hope the date is in your diaries! Things are moving on apace and we are pleased to announce we now have a Friar Tuck to run the Beer Tent – thanks go to Adrian McKenzie. We’re now looking for someone to manage the bric-a-brac and book stalls. Please direct your offers of help and unbridled enthusiasm (!) to Julie Sharp, 07952 236887, [email protected].

New PCC treasurer needed from 30 April to succeed Stuart Dorward. This is an important and rewarding role, for someone with an accounting background, working as part of a supportive volunteer team. Please contact Stuart, 860772, [email protected], or Peter Seal to find out more.

Vinyl records Do you have any records or cassette tapes you no longer listen to? You could help raise vital funds for Friends of the Family by donating them – any genre, any condition, any quantity. Either drop your donations at their office, 16 Colebrook Street, or contact them ([email protected], 864466) to arrange collection.

Lent collecting boxes This Lent we are collecting for Partners for Change Ethiopia (formerly St Matthew’s Children’s Fund). Please take a Lent box home and support this worthwhile charity if you are able to.

Winchester City Centre Chaplaincy law courts team, which is now well established and well received, is looking for more volunteer chaplains. Please contact the Lead Chaplain, Debbie Veel, 07834 540106, [email protected], for further details.

Nightshelter Please leave donations of black bin bags, instant coffee, granulated sugar, floor cleaner, metal scourers, new shower curtains and new non-slip shower mats in the box at the back of St Paul’s.

Trinity Centre Donations of men’s and women’s casual clothes, shoes and warm items appreciated; contact [email protected].

Winchester women’s refuge A safe haven for women and children fleeing domestic abuse. Please help by leaving towels and toiletries in the box at the back of church.

Page 8: Welcome Prayer · 2018/3/4  · The week ahead Mon 5, 2.30 pm 4.30 pm 7.30 pm Tues 6, 4.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm Wed 7, 10 am 11 am 4.30 pm 7.15 pm 8 pm Thurs 8 9.30–11.30 am 1 pm

Contact us

Canon Peter Seal, Rector 854849 (h) 844878 (office) M, Tu, W, Th, [email protected]

Revd Mary Copping, Children/Youth Co-ordinator & Assistant Priest 07921 886016 M, Tu, W, F, [email protected]

Katy Palacio, Parish Administrator 844878 M, W, F, [email protected]

Ursula Payne, Rector’s Assistant & Building for Life Administrator 844878 M, Tu, Th, [email protected]

Parish Office, St Paul’s Church, St Paul’s Hill, Winchester SO22 5AB

Please make cheques payable to St Matthew’s PCC – all gifts gratefully received

Please send in any notices for the welcome sheet to [email protected] by Wednesday evening for inclusion the following Sunday

Printed on recycled paper

Remember a loved one with an Easter lily Lilies are flowers often associated with mourning but also point to the Christian hope in resurrection. It is a tradition at Easter, after the waiting days of Lent, to have some special white lilies in church, as a symbol of new life.

If you’d like to give a lily to remember someone you love, please send your donation to Katy Palacio, St Paul’s Church Office, St Paul’s Hill, Winchester SO22 5AB. Please write clearly the name(s) of the person/ people you would like remembered.

Cheques should be made payable to ‘St Matthew’s PCC’. We suggest a minimum of £3.50 per name/lily stem. A list of the names of those remembered will be on display on Easter Day, 1 April 2018.

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