Page 1: Welcome to New Living Translation Wesley U.M.C. · 2019-09-04 · Wesley Wings Wesley United Methodist Church 3700 Indian Hills Drive Sioux City, Iowa 51104 Address Service Requested

Wesley Wings

Wesley United Methodist Church

3700 Indian Hills Drive

Sioux City, Iowa 51104

Address Service Requested

Welcome to

Wesley U.M.C.

9:00 am Worship Service

10:00 am Fellowship Time

10:10 am Sunday School

11:00 am Worship Service

Communion is served on the first

Sunday of every month.

‘Let us live in awe of the Lord our

God, for he gives us rain each spring

and fall, assuring us of a harvest when

the time is right.’

Jeremiah 5:24 New Living Translation

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Wesley UMC

3700 Indian Hills Dr.

Sioux City, IA 51104

Phone 712-239-2382

Email: [email protected]


Also: Wesley UMC on Facebook

Office Hours


Hours: 9:00 am—1:00 pm

Staff Rev. Todd Schlitter


[email protected]

Judy Peterson

Director of Administrative Services

[email protected]

Chrissy Martinez

Choir Director, Organist,

Worship Leader

[email protected]

September Worship Schedule

9:00 am Worship Service Liturgist (Pastor Todd will be contacting people to serve) Children’s Message *9/1 Todd Schlitter 9/8 Mary Lou Haindfield 9/15 Kathy Martin 9/22 Joy Lillie 9/29 Tammy Noble Contact Dee Ashley to volunteer Usher Coordinator Kevin Arends Media Ko Noble Greeters: *9/1 Theeler family 9/8 Theeler family 9/15 Theeler family 9/22 Stan & Stephanie Hokanson 9/29 Stan & Stephanie Hokanson Nursery Attendant Lori Betsworth

9:00 Worship 10:00 Fellowship

10:10 Sunday School

11:00 Worship

* 9/1/2019 One Service at 10:00 am

We use a phrase like “fall back and spring for-

ward” to remind ourselves to keep up with the

times. Literally. In the fall we turn our clocks

back an hour. In the spring we move our

clocks forward an hour. Staying on the same

page with everyone so we can all be at the

right time at the right place. On a spiritual

level, it’s the goal of every Christ follower

to move forward no matter the season. Even

when believers “fall” for whatever reason,

we are to get back up – GROW forward

through the seasons and circumstances by

“looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter

of our faith.” (Read Hebrews 12:1-13.)

This summer we have enjoyed sponsoring or

supporting a few block parties and community

events - connecting with our neighbors in the

Leeds area with some very positive results.

Thank you to all who helped support that

outreach in very resourceful ways. Even the

last minute rock-painting table really drew

in the kids and the young families to enjoy

a beautiful summer day near the splashpad.

Prayerfully we hope the connections will lead

to growing connections in Christ in the future.

In the fall we hope to start some more “Growth

Groups” to help deepen our discipleship efforts

at Wesley. In this newsletter you will see an

invite for everyone to such opportunities start-

ing after our Sunday School Rally Day on

September 8th when we go back to our two

service schedule: Traditional/Informal

Worship at 9:00 am., Sunday School at

10:10 am. and Contemporary Worship at

11:00 am.

The next sermon series “Fall FORWARD” is

designed to help our newest groups get a good

start in the near future.

Be blessed in your faith filled next steps!


Sept 8th 10am-11am

Sunday School Registration Rally

Sunday School Begins Sunday September 15th 10:10-11:00 am Page 2

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Labor Day in the United States of America is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It honors the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the development, growth, endurance, strength, security, prosperity, productivity, laws, sustainability, persistence, structure and well-being of the country. It is the Monday of the long weekend known as Labor Day Weekend. It is recognized as a federal holiday.

Beginning in the late 19th century, as the trade union and labor movements grew, trade unionists proposed that a day be set aside to celebrate labor. "Labor Day" was promoted by the Central Labor Union and the Knights of Labor, which organized the first parade in New York City.

In 1887, Oregon was the first state of the United States to make it an official public holiday. By the time it became an official federal holiday in 1894, thirty states in the United States officially celebrated Labor Day. Wikipedia

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We invite your

child to take the

next step in their

faith journey by

joining us for


Classes this year.

Todd and Beth

Schlitter will be

leading the classes.

It hurts to lose someone. Find help through GriefShare.

Mondays in the Friendship Room 6:00 pm until 8:00pm

August 19 & 26

September 9,16, 23 & 30

October 7,14, 21 & 28

November 4,11 & 18

(For more information on GriefShare you can go to: https://www.griefshare)

Contact Beth Schlitter for more information: 712-899-4629 or [email protected]

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Our Life Together

Prayers and Concerns:

Ida Williams, Ed & Marilyn Niemeyer’s son Mark Robbins, Kathy Gilbert, Nick Fekete, Rollin Ball, Rosemary

White, Esther Mieras, Helen Thatcher, Shirley Campbell’s daughters Donita Bratvold and Janet Groendyk, Joyce

Williams, Duane Musselman, Carol Johannsen, Donna Oldenkamp, Louise Larson, Carolyn Mace’s son Dan

Mace, Shelly Hunt & Shelly Hunt’s granddaughter Melissa Most, Corey Wheeler, Evelyn Woolworth and her

daughter Jo Ann Patton, Joyce Downing, Jovie Jo Stultz, Donna Wanned, Joy Lillie, Ed Niemeyer, Calvin Veach,

Leah Shearon, Karen Day’s son Bruce, Emaline Solomon, Brian and Sheryl Ashley, Dave and Bev Tieck, Brian

Edelman and Kathy Gross-Edelman, Keith McCuddin and Elaine McCuddin, Stan Hokanson, Shirley Campbell

and her family, Jean Sweeny, Joyce Kaiser, Walt Clark, Aspen Woods, Kristi Butler’s son Blake and her sister

Kandi, Patty Mogensen, Gary McCuddin, Kim Cooper, Chrissy Martinez’s Step-Father Peter, Shirley Anderson,

Rick Solomon, Caroline Mace’s grandson Sam Mace and Pastor Todd’s mother, Dorothy Schlitter.

Thank You From:

Thank you for the prayers and concerns you had for our son Rick. They all help!

Dar and Emaline Solomon

Thank You To:

Janet Clark, who faithfully helps get the Wings ready to mail each month. Also, Janet Clark and

Caroline Kessler are doing mid-week touchup cleaning for the church. Be sure to thank them when

you see them. Judy Peterson

Don Kessler, who does countless odd jobs around the church all year.

The mowing and trimming crew: Frank Lanphear, Laurice Streyfeller, Walt Clark, Don Kessler, Dave

Oertel and Wayne Shively.

Sympathy To:

The family of Blanche Ashmore.

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3700 Indian Hills Drive - Sioux City

September 21st

9:00 am—2:00 pm

If you have any of the following items that you would like to

donate we will be glad to take them any time after 1:00 pm on

September 16th:

Games and toys dishes, pots & pans linens and bedding

tools and yard ornaments books jewelry antiques

sewing materials (yarn, material) electrical (only if it works)

New or very gently used clothing

We will not take televisions.

(Make sure all items are clean)

If you would like to mark your own items, feel free to do so.

Otherwise, items will be marked to sell.

NOTICE: In case you might need access to the Sunday School Classrooms and the Library/Friendship

Room on Sept. 19th, the District Conference will be holding District Professional Interviews at Wesley

on Sept. 19th from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm in our classrooms and Friendship Room.

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September 20th 2:00 pm Prep 5:00 pm Serving

Contact Mary Campbell to volunteer

Ph. 712 -255-3026

OCTOBER 20, 2019 7:00 pm Blackwood Quartet will be coming! Would you like to assist them to defray their costs? They will have a love offering and have asked us to help with their hotel expenses. If you are interested in purchasing hotel arrangements, please let me know! November 10, 2019 Award winning Country and Gospel singer Elaine Peacock will be with us for our morning worship services. Chrissy Martinez



September 19th

5:30 pm

Meet at Queen of Peace

Followed by eating out together at Pizza Ranch

6:30 pm Sunday night meetings will begin on September 15th.

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NW District Lay Servant Training

Northwest District Lay Servant/Speaker Training Saturday, October 5, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Sioux City, First United Methodist Church Cost: $20/person (includes lunch) You must pay

online when you register!!

Saturday, October 5, 2019 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Location: Sioux City, First UMC

Eve Circle will resume on Tuesday, September 3rd and

will be meeting at 6:00 pm at Shelly Hunt’s residence.

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1. 2. 3. 4.




8. 9.


11. 12. 13. 14.



15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.






25. 26.

27. 28.

29. 30.30

12 pm SALT


7:30 pm

7:30 pm


Items for the Bulletins need

to be in by Wednesday

morning of each week.

Items for the Wings should

be to Judy by the 23rd of the


12 pm SALT

1 pm Overeaters Anonymous

1 pm Overeaters Anonymous

2 pm Prep 5 pm Serve



2 pm Pastor @ Northern Hills

4:30 pm Quilting

7:30 pm

5:45 Praise Band

12 pm SALT

1 pm Overeaters Anonymous

4:30 pm Quilting

5:45 Praise Band

7:30 pm


5:45 Praise Band 1 pm Overeaters Anonymous 4:45 TOPS

4:45 TOPS

4:45 TOPS

4:45 TOPS

12 pm SALT

5:45 Praise Band

6:00-8:00 pm

6:00-8:00 pm

6:00-8:00 pm

6:00-8:00 pm

6:00 pm Admin Council


10:00 Worship 11:00 Fellowship

9:00 Worship 10:00 Fellowship 10:00 Sunday School Rally 11:00 Worship 5:30 TLC Potluck

9:00 Worship 10:00 Fellowship 10:10 Sunday School 10:10 Confirmation Class 11:00 Worship 6:30 TLC

9:00 Worship 10:00 Fellowship 10:10 Sunday School 10:10 Confirmation Class 11:00 Worship 6:30 TLC

9:00 Worship 10:00 Fellowship 10:10 Sunday School 10:10 Confirmation Class 11:00 Worship 6:30 TLC

6:00 Girl Scouts

6:00 Girl Scouts

5 - 9 pm Just 4 Kix

5 - 9 pm Just 4 Kix

5 - 9 pm Just 4 Kix

5 - 9 pm Just 4 Kix

1:00 pm

HAPPY LABOR DAY 6:00 pm Eve Circle at

Shelly Hunt’s residence

5:30 God & My


8:30 am—2:30 pm

District Professional



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