


Tower Talk

Salem Presbyterian Church 41 E Main St. PO Box 536

Salem, VA 24153 540-389-3881

June 2017

MISSION of the month

Habitat for Humanity (HFH) is a non-profit, ecumenical Christian organization that builds and renovates sim-ple, decent homes for families living in substandard housing. Habitat families apply to own a Habitat home and are accepted based on their need for adequate housing; their ability to repay a no-interest, no-profit loan back to Habitat; and their willingness to help build, not only their home, but other Habitat homes. Habitat homes are sold to families at no profit and with no-interest loans, and monthly mortgage payments go into a revolving fund to help build even more homes. Habitat works with corporate and social groups as well as in-dividual volunteers to build and renovate homes and relies on donations of labor, materials, and land to help keep the cost of building a home as low as possible. That savings is passed on to other families. HFH in the Roanoke Valley is community-led, has served our community for over 30 years, and has built 213 homes, assisted 256 families, and currently averages over 10 houses a year. Salem Presbyterian supports HFH though our Outreach budget and by volunteering. If you’d like more information about how you can help build a house, please contact Jay Crumpacker (540)589-4305.


Garret Burks and

Rachel Carson

Bob and Jeanette Webber Jeb and Lauren Tiffany Eliza and Wyatt



“Vision 2020”

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” — from Proverbs 29:18

June 4

Day of Pentecost Confirmation Sunday 1 Corinthians 12:3-13

June 11

Trinity Sunday Communion

(Bring a canned good to worship!)

Two Cents-A-Meal 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

June 18

2nd Sunday after Pentecost Father’s Day

Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19 Genesis 18:1-15

Matthew 9:35-10:8

June 25 3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17 Genesis 21:8-21

Worship 11:00 AM Sunday

Word from Will

The words cited above remind us of the criti-cal need and power of a vision for any people, including God’s people in the church. How do we see God working in and through Salem Presbyterian Church (SPC) to extend his Kingdom on earth in the next few years? Are there specific things God is calling us to do that we aren’t now doing? In March, our currently-serving deacons and elders met with the Rev. Dr. Ken McFayden from Union Presbyterian Seminary in Rich-mond to think and pray about pertinent ques-tions like these. By the end of our fruitful time together, we’d devised what we’re call-ing “Vision 2020”: a plan for what we be-lieve the Lord is leading us to do over the next three years. The basis of the plan is our church’s Mission Statement: “Our mission, inspired by God through the Holy Spirit, is to be a visible sign of God’s love for all people by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed, so that all people may come to know Him as Lord and Savior.” (We print that Statement on the front cover of the worship bulletin each Sunday.) After much discussion and an additional meeting, thought, and prayer, we settled on this “Vision 2020” Statement or overarching goal to achieve—with God’s help—over the next three years: We envision greater en-gagement by members in SPC’s mission and

greater engagement in and with the commu-nity by SPC based on its mission. To achieve that overarching goal, we identi-fied the two primary Priorities stated in it and agreed to form two Task Force Teams (TFTs) to address each. The first TFT will address greater member engagement, and the second will address greater community engage-ment. Both are purposely general in scope, which will allow the TFTs ample leeway in addressing them. Ken emphasized that we should think outside the box and dream big! In the end, each TFT should propose to Session something we haven’t done or tried before that will help us deepen the discipleship of all of our members and enable us to be even more engaged in and with the community in Jesus’ name than we are at present. The last time we dreamt big like this (in 2012-13) one result was a beneficial restructuring of our Session and Diaconate and the addition of youth deacons. After Session approval in May, both TFTs will begin their work. Trans-parency is key, so we’ll let you know who’s on them and keep you posted on their pro-gress. Please pray for the Lord’s guidance as we continue this exciting visioning process! Grace and peace,



Congratulations to the Children’s Choir, the Youth Choir, and the Chancel Handbell Choir on a wonderful semester of mu-sic making. Each of you have worked extremely hard and have praised God with a joyful noise. You are each a tremen-dous blessing to me! I look forward to rehearsals again this fall! ~ Reed

The Chancel Choir will continue to rehearse weekly through June and then have a break during July and August. Please consider joining our Chancel Choir. We rehearse on Wednesdays from 7:30-9:00 PM and would love to have you sing with us!

Read the Bible in 2016! We’re almost half-way through the Bible! While we are reading on our own, if you’d like to gather with others to compare notes, ask questions, and offer encouragement, we’ll meet on June 25 after worship in Room 117.


the SPRING FLING—Allergies and Mosquitoes

Attack of the Allergies Yep, it’s here…allergy season! I’ve talked with a lot of folks, and it seems many of us are experiencing the same symptoms: sneezing, sore throats, runny noses, and coughing. While a great deal of this is unavoidable and beyond our control (unless you live in a plastic bubble!), I’d like to pass on a few suggestions to help minimize your allergy ailments. So grab a tissue and try the following tips; they may help you breathe easier. Spend more time indoors, especially when symptoms are

their worst. Avoid going outside early in the morning when pollen

counts are the highest. Wear a pollen mask when doing yard work. Remove your shoes when coming inside to prevent track-

ing allergens indoor. Change clothes and shower immediately once inside, includ-ing hair, which is a magnet for airborne pollen spores. Are Mosquitoes Crashing Your Party? Earlier this spring, when the weather cooperated, it was won-derful being outside. But in the past week, an uninvited guest has been joining our outdoor gatherings…mosquitoes. Just saying the word makes me itch! Not only are they a nuisance but they also carry many diseases including; Malaria, Yellow fever, Dengue fever, and West Nile Virus. West Nile Virus (WNV) is on the r ise in the eastern United States. While most infected with WNV will experience only mild flu-like symptoms or none at all, a more serious form of illness can lead to encephalitis or meningitis. Encephalitis involves inflammation of the brain, and meningitis involves inflammation of the membrane surrounding the brain and spi-nal cord. Symptoms of serious infection include high fever, severe headache, muscle weakness, and/or confusion. If you or a loved one experiences any of these, get medical assis-tance immediately!

Fight the Bite

Mosquitoes breed anywhere water collects, so frequently empty standing water from potted plant saucers, bird-baths, pet bowls, watering cans, pool covers, buckets, and toys.

Clean gutters and keep your grass mowed. Avoid going outdoors at dawn or dusk. Wear light-colored clothing because mosquitos are at-

tracted to dark colors. Plus, it’s easier to spot the pests in pastels! Cover up with long sleeves and pants if the tem-perature permits.

If necessary, use insect repellant containing a 35% con-centration of DEET for adults and a 10% or less concen-tration for children. Keep away from eyes, nose, and mouth, making sure to wash your hands after application. Do not apply to children’s hands as they may rub their faces and always follow label instructions! Wary of pesti-cides? Try natural and organic products containing lemongrass oil, citronella oil, or lemon eucalyptus oil. You can also purchase permethrin (repellant) treated clothing.

If bitten, wash the area with soap and water and apply an anti-itch medicine, like Calamine lotion, to avoid scratch-ing. Natural remedies include cold packs, blotting with apple cider vinegar, or applying a Witch Hazel and baking soda paste!

Remember, through it all, God loves and cares for us. So go forth, persevere, and enjoy this season! Let us place our focus instead on the wonder and beauty of spring, a time when God makes all things new again. Shalom,

Mosquito Trivia!

Mosquito is Spanish for “little fly,” and only female mosqui-toes bite!

“May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.” ~2 Thessalonians 3:5

Community Outreach—May 6-21 A huge thank you to all who participated in our Community Outreach Month, #SalemPresGoAndDo. We worked with nine different agencies in the Valley and had about fifty different volunteers from SPC. Go to our Facebook page (Salem Presby-terian) to see pictures and to like and share them with others!


Summer Sunday School at 9:30 AM (beginning May 28)

Thank you! The Christian Education Committee would like to thank all of the teachers who led classes on Sunday mornings during this school year. We realize that many of the classes rely on class par ticipation and occasional leaders from the class, so the students deserve thank yous as well for their faithfulness. We’re glad that you committed to being part of the Sunday School ministry. Confirmation: Ruthiey Greene, Will Robinson, Emily Yost Disciples: Kathy Highsmith, Martha Pinkerton, Sandy Richenaker Elementary Rotation: Kathy Bowen, Reed Carter, Jessica Crumpacker, Jaime Fulcher, Nancy Gattoni, Phyllis Hasty, Liz Lively, Kate Robinson Journey On: Fran Ferguson Kingdom Living: Ray Jones, Hank Sullivan, Men’s Gresham Bible Study: George Lester Middle School/High School: Janet Chisom

Open Door: Sarah Eller, Susan Taylor, Loren Walker, Barbara Young Sunday School Office: Susan Burnett, Chuck Garst, Ginger Miller

YOUTH SUNDAY! The youth led worship on May 14. Their planning began at a lock-in on April 7, where they discussed the opportunities presented by leading worship on Mother’s Day. They decided to focus on Bible stories with women in them. After brain-storming about fifteen stories, they settled on five. Five youth volunteered to write the stories as skits while other youth wrote prayers, selected hymns, and prepared the Word with the Children. When we reconvened, the youth realized that each story modeled a part of worship: Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet modeled welcome (Call to Worship); the woman reaching out to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe was an active statement of faith (Affirmation of Faith). The youth learned so much in their preparations for worship, and the congregation had many positive comments about their leadership. We’re blessed by

the youth in our church!


Children and youth will engage in “Re-Creation”: a program of re-creating and strengthening rela-tionships with one another through play—such as sidewalk chalk, bubbles, balls, and crafts—that includes time to talk about God, to pray, and to explore our summer theme of “Symbols of the Church.”

ADULTS June 4: TBA (Hank Sullivan) June 11, 18, 25:“Wisdom Begins with Fear of the Lord

and a Good Cup of Coffee” (Maria Stallions) July 2, 9. 16: “Our Image of God” (Ray Jones) July 23, 30, August 6, 13: “Thorny Theological Top-

ics” (Will Robinson) August 20, 27, September 3: “Exploring the Hym-

nal“ (Reed Carter)



Website: Look here for calendars, updates, and information.

Website: Look there for calendars, updates, and information. Also check out our Facebook group, “SPC Youth.”

If a Sunday evening is not listed, assume there is no youth group; spend time with your family!

JUNE MIDDLE and HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP SCHEDULE Post this reminder on your refrigerator where you can see it!

Youth events are more fun with more people so invite a friend (or two)! Throughout the summer, we hope to get together sporadically for an ice cream social, s’mores around the campfire, a dip in the pool, a hike, a movie, or a game of baseball. Also, there are opportunities to go to camp, attend Montreat Youth Conference, participate in Middle School Mini-Missions or High School Mini-Missions, play and worship with others at Family Camp, and volunteer at Vacation Bible School. Each and every one of our youth are important and bring different gifts to the group. The youth are grateful for the support of the caring adults in the congregation, especially the commitment of Maggie Bowman, Janet Chisom, Jessica and Jay Crumpacker, Sterling Evans, and Zach Wright.


When: July 16-22 Who: Rising 9th graders–graduated high school seniors What: High school youth conference in North Carolina where you’ll make new friends, strengthen old friend-ships, study, worship, play, sing, and grow in your faith. Theme: “A Missing Peace” Cost: $350 Spaces available: 4 more! Contact: Janet Chisom

SUMMER AT SPC! (Registration Forms are available on the church website and at the church.)

Middle School Mini-Missions: “Jesus Served, We Serve”—June 26-30, 9:00 AM-1:00 PM, starting at Salem Presbyteri-an. Middle schoolers (rising 6th-rising 8th graders) will volunteer at different social service organizations in the Valley and apply their experiences to what they study in the Bible. Youth from College Lutheran Church will join us for this week of fun, service, and learning. High School Mini-Missions: “In Word and Deed”—July 5-8, 1:00-6:00 PM, starting at Salem Presbyterian. High schoolers (rising 9th graders-graduated seniors) will engage in community service in the Valley on four intensive afternoons/evenings. Each day will include a Biblical emphasis, a service experience, and time for reflection. Elementary Vacation Bible School (VBS): “Maker Fun Factory”—July 10-14, 9:00 AM-Noon, at Salem Presbyterian. We’re partnering with College Lutheran for a week of learning, music, activities, fun, snacks, and friends. We need adults to shepherd the children, participate in Bible storytelling, shop, and assist with crafts, snacks, and music. If you’d like to volunteer, please speak with Janet Chisom, Jessica Crumpacker, Faye Hastings, Shanda Johnson, or Jennie Ruhland. Montreat Youth Conference: “A Missing Peace”—July 16-22 (see above). CEDEPCA Listen and Learn Trip: “Caring for Creation”—August 14-21. Nathan Auldr idge, Teresa Auldr idge, and Donna Welch will travel to Guatemala with ten others from our Presbytery and nine from the Presbytery of the James to work with CEDEPCA. They’ll focus on caring for God’s good creation. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare for this trip.

Confirmation Sunday: June 4

We’ll celebrate with our young people who’ll make a public profession of their faith.

Graduate Recognition Sunday: June 11

We’ll celebrate with our members graduating from high school, college, and graduate school.


“You say it’s your birthday!”

ON THE MONEY Other than the kingdom of God, Jesus says more about money than anything else. It matters to him what we do with money and possessions. They’re not ours; they’re a gift from God. Grateful for God’s blessings in our lives—including material blessings—we give back to God through the church. If you’ve already contributed to God’s work at SPC for 2017 by tithing/pledging, we thank you. If you haven’t yet done so, please do so as the Spirit leads. The following are ways to contribute to the Lord’s work at SPC:

Pledging/Tithing: Church Administrator ([email protected] or 389-3881)

Online Donations:

Life Insurance/Will and Estate Planning: prayerfully consider including your family of faith as a beneficiary for your life insurance or in your will or your estate plan as a legacy gift.

If you have questions about Christian stewardship, the budget, or your tithe/pledge or would like to tithe/pledge, please contact George Lester, Treasurer.

To the Church Triumphant

Mary Ellen Darst, a longtime member of SPC, died on May 12. A funeral was held on Friday, May 19. We give thanks for her life, and pray for her family and friends.

1 Kelly Minton Steve Oracko Ed Powell 2 Sarah Caldwell Archer Hall 3 Jeff Lloyd Georgia Mayo 4 Colleen Hayes Robert Logan 5 John Gard 8 David Painter 10 Michael Burnett Judy Goodwin 11 Nancy Gattoni Elliana Jones Terri Palmer Warren Palmer 12 Sandy Lipes 13 Sterling Evans 14 Mary Lou Bruce 15 Allen Barrow 16 John Addington

Madeline Cothran Julie Ferrintino Sam Lackey John Lugar Ellen McDearmon John Wood 17 Declan Beard Luis Lopez Amy Moore 18 Janet Chisom Randall Price 19 Brenda DeForest Laura Hart Wesley Underwood 20 John Bowen Mary Bullock Janet Lemons 21 Bryon Batty Patty Flory 23 Tom Campion Sarah Hash 25 Lauren Conner

26 Carrington Bonham Jeff Collier Don Taylor 27 Todd Leeson Drew Repass 28 Lynn Howard Randy Leech 29 Isabelle Donahue Nadia Gard Doug Kayton 39 Sydney Nordt

Let Us Pray... Church Members Charlotte Barnett, Lisa Brown, Bob Bullock, family of Mary Ellen Darst, Judy Garst, Doug Hayes, Toni Jolly, Anna Oedel, Jean Partin, Betty Moorman-Sweat, Bud and Wanda Thompson, Ruth Wigington, and Becky Wood. Family and Friends Jackson Barker, 7 year old with leukemia (Rob

Gard’s co-worker’s son) Cheryl Brackman, breast cancer (former SPC mem-

ber) Donna Coffman, cancer (Diane Tuttle’s friend) Patricia Field, cancer (Ruthie Barnett’s sister) Chuck Fogus, multiple health issues (Diane Tuttle’s

friend) Pat Hancock, multiple health issues (Nancy Phipps’s

sister) Gene Hill, heart attack (friend of Sarah Eller) Nancy Maile, chemotherapy treatments (Carrie

Chittum’s friend) Earl Moore, cancer (Donna Beard’s father-in-law) Jacob Pillis, recovery from brain tumor surgery (son

of Pillis Brother’s on 4th Street) Betty, cancer (Lee Cole’s friend) Norma (Felicia Parsell’s mother) Sam Carter (Reed Carter’s Dad) Eric Phelps , working soon at the U.S. Embassy in

Pakistan (Ginger Miller’s son)

“I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.”

— 1 Timothy 2:1

April Session Meeting

A deacon will be in Gresham Hall during the 10:30 AM Coffee Hour to answer questions about the Diaconate, its committees, and its work.

We’re recycling at SPC! We’re using Star City Recycling; they recycle everything with a recycle symbol on it, except styrofoam. Bins are in the kitchen and copier room (so don’t throw away any bulletins!).

Session will begin allotting time in its meetings to spiritual devel-opment and enrichment (beyond the devotional and prayers).

Financials (through April)

Total Amount Pledged $137,118.68

Pledges and Gifts Received $133,999.42

Is your birthday on the monthly church calendar? If it isn’t, please call the church office so we can

add yours to the list. Thanks!

Nora Key

We said goodbye to Nora on May 19, her last day as our Church Administrator. She was an outstanding member of our staff, and she’ll be dearly missed. Her new address is:

602 Hibiscus Avenue Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

Please pray for the Lord to call the right person to be our next Church Administrator. Thank you!

Salem Fresh Ideas Garden

Regular work days are Mondays at 7 PM and Thursdays at 8:30 AM. We need volunteers to weed, water, and –before long– to harvest and deliver produce to the Salem-Roanoke County Food Pantry!


June 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


8:30 AM Salem Fresh Garden Work Day 7:30 PM NA

2 3


Day of Pentecost and Confirmation Sunday! 9:30 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship with Confirmation


6:45 AM Men’s Breakfast at Salem’s Famous Anthony’s 7 PM Salem Fresh Garden Work Day 7:30 PM NA


10:30 Morning Circle 11 AM Staff Meeting 6 PM Outreach Com-mittee 6:30 PM Diaconate Committees 7 PM Diaconate 7 PM Salem Choral Society 7:30 Evening Circle


10:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 7:30 PM Chancel Choir


8:30 AM Salem Fresh Garden Work Day 7:30 PM NA

9 10


Trinity Sunday Graduate Recognition Two Cents-A-Meal 9:30 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship with Communion


6:45 AM Men’s Breakfast at Salem’s Famous Anthony’s 5:30 VBS Meeting 7 PM Salem Fresh Garden Work Day 7:30 PM NA


11 AM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Salem Choral Society Rehearsal


10:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 11:30 AM Men’s Lunch 7:30 PM Chancel Choir


Tower Talk Deadline 8:30 AM Salem Fresh Garden Work Day 7:00 PM Joy Circle 7:30 PM NA


5;00 PM Wedding Rehearsal

17 Treadway/O’Dea Wedding (All Day)


Second Sunday after Pentecost and Father’s Day 9:30 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 12:15 PM Worship and Music


6:45 AM Men’s Breakfast at Salem’s Famous Anthony’s 7:00 PM Christian Education Meeting 7 PM Salem Fresh Garden Work Day 7:30 PM NA


11 AM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Salem Choral Society Rehearsal


10:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 7:30 PM Chancel Choir


8:30 AM Salem Fresh Garden Work Day 7:30 PM NA

23 24

Bedford Presbyterian (overnight)


Third Sunday after Pentecost 9:30 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 12:15 PM Bible in a Year meeting


6:45 AM Men’s Breakfast at Salem’s Famous Anthony’s 7 PM Salem Fresh Garden Work Day 7:30 PM NA


8:30 AM Family Prom-ise meeting 11 AM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Session 7:00 PM Salem Choral Society Rehearsal


10:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 7:30 PM Chancel Choir


8:30 AM Salem Fresh Garden Work Day 9:30 AM Ryan’s Case for Smiles meeting 7:30 PM NA

The Tower Talk deadline is the 15th of each month. If you’d like to put an article in the July issue, please email it to nora.key or leave it in her box in the church office no later than July 15. Thank you!

Middle School Mini Missions—9:00 AM-1:00 PM, June 26-30

Our mission, inspired by God through the Holy Spirit, is to be a visible sign of God’s love for all people by shar-ing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed, so that

all people may know Him as Lord and Savior.


www.salempres .org

Tower Talk is available at the back of the sanctuary, at the front of the sanctuary on the windowsills, in the office, online (, and by email. To keep our copying and postage costs to a minimum, we encourage you to join our email list or pick up a copy at the church at the beginning of each month. Please contact the church office to be added to one of these lists (389-3881). Thank you! NOTE: The church occasionally uses photos of people and groups on the website and in publications. If you object to the church’s using photos of you or your children, please inform the church.

“Like” us on Facebook: Salem Presbyterian Church!

Return Service Requested

Tower Talk

Greeters Clay St. (9:20): Josh Akers Main St. (10:30): Clark Owen and Ben Fry Market St.(10:30): Kathy Highsmith Pulpit Assistants 6/4 Lee Johnson 6/11 Norman Ferguson 6/18 Norma Francisco 6/25 Ray Jones Collections Deacon Class of 2019 Bankers: Martha Pinkerton Ginny Keast Diaconate Meeting: June 6 Session Rep: Ben Dickerson Session Meeting: June 27 Tower Talk Report: Clark Owen Diaconate Rep: Melissa Perler

Ushers: Team 3 Children’s Worship (CW) There will be no Children’s Worship during the summer. It will resume on September 10. Prayer of Dedication 6/4 Ginny Keast 6/11 Ellen Bowen 6/18 Josh Akers 6/25 Martha Pinkerton Acolytes 6/4 Andrew Crumpacker Reed Ewing 6/11 Kaidan Leah Katelyn Crumpacker 6/18 Chloe Weaver Emma Johnson 6/25 Katie Johnson Kathleen Gale

Reminder of Duties

“Only fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things He has done for you.”

~ 1 Samuel 12:24

Dr. Will Robinson Pastor

[email protected]


Rev. Janet Chisom Associate Pastor

[email protected]


Kitty Beehner, RN Parish Nurse

[email protected]

Tue., Thu.

Reed Carter Director of Music

[email protected]


Church Administrator [email protected]


Church Office Hours 9:00 AM-4:00 PM


Church Staff

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