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Welcome to our Primary 7 Parents

P7 Parents’ Information Evening

9 January 2013

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Our Agenda Tonight:

• Kemnay Academy Parent Council Mr E Marston

• Introduction to Kemnay Academy Dr C Hunter

• P7/S1 Transition and Link Week Mr P Gaiter

• Support For Pupils Ms F Jones

Senior Students

• Any Questions

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Kemnay Academy

• Purpose built and opened in 1982

• Catchment area: Kemnay, Kintore, Blackburn

• 6 year, non-denominational, comprehensive

• Expected roll in August 2013: approx 730+

• Upgraded accommodation

• Staffing: around 60 teachers (inc. ASfL team)

• Additional Support for Learners provision

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Our Vision

Kemnay Academy is a welcoming, well resourced, healthy and safe school, where individuals learn and develop through being valued and included, are motivated and inspired by learning, have a stake in the Academy's progression and whose achievements are an example to others.

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• Learning

• Personal Responsibility

• Respect for Self and Others

• Achievement

• Responsible Social Attitudes

“Doing your best”

Kemnay Academy’s Values

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successful learnerswith•enthusiasm and motivation for learning•determination to reach high standards of achievement•openness to new thinking and ideas

and able to•use literacy, communication and numeracy skills•use technology for learning•think creatively and independently•learn independently and as part of a group•make reasoned evaluations•link and apply different kinds of learning innew situations

confident individualswith•self respect•a sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing•secure values and beliefs•ambition

and able to•relate to others and manage themselves•pursue a healthy and active lifestyle•be self aware•develop and communicate their own beliefsand view of the world•live as independently as they can•assess risk and take informed decisions•achieve success in different areas of activity

responsible citizenswith•respect for others•commitment to participate responsibly inpolitical, economic, social and cultural life

and able to•develop knowledge and understanding ofthe world and Scotland’s place in it•understand different beliefs and cultures•make informed choices and decisions•evaluate environmental, scientific andtechnological issues•develop informed, ethical views of complexissues

effective contributorswith•an enterprising attitude•resilience•self-reliance

and able to•communicate in different ways and indifferent settings•work in partnership and in teams•take the initiative and lead•apply critical thinking in new contexts•create and develop•solve problems

To enable all youngpeople to become

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Design Principles for the Curriculum

ethos and life of the school

curriculum areas and subjects

Interdisciplinary learning

opportunities for personal achievement

Challenge and enjoyment Breadth Progression Depth Personalisation and choice Coherence Relevance

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Curricular Entitlements• Creative and Enterprising Experiences• Cultural Experiences • Environmental Experiences• Health and Wellbeing Experiences• Vocational Experiences

- Discrete subject areas

- Interdisciplinary Opportunities

- Project Based Learning using cross-curricular themes

- Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Well-being are integral

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S1-3 Broad General Curriculum

S1 Ma En Mod Lang

SciSoc Stud

Tech Art Elect





S2 Ma En Mod Lang

Sci Soc Stud

HE Mus Elect





S3 Ma En Mod Lang

Sci Soc Stud

Tech Exp Arts





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Senior Phase

Option 1



Option 2



Option 3


Option 4


Option 5


Option 6


Core PE,



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A Health Promoting SchoolCommended StatusWe:

provide a happy, safe supportive and secure environment for learning;

support and encourage children, parents, and staff to become involved in making healthier choices about lifestyle;

teach children about a wide variety of health topics such as healthy eating, physical activity sexual health and relationships, drugs, smoking and alcohol.

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A Health Promoting School

With a balanced diet, regular physical activity and theconfidence to make good lifestyle choices, your child will:

- have more energy

- have a more positive, happy outlook

- feel less stressed

- be able to concentrate better

- stay at a healthy weight

- get fewer illnesses

- sleep better

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Attainment S4 2010-2012

% of School Roll with

Kemnay Aberdeenshire Scotland

1011 12 10 11 12 10 11 12

5+ S grades

@ 1-2 S443 40 36 41 40 39 36 35 37

5+ S grades

@ 1-4 S491 82 86 84 83 83 78 79 80

5+ S grades

@ 1-6 S498 93 97 94 93 93 92 93 94

Kemnay Academy figures include pupils requiring Additional Support for Learning

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Attainment 2010-2012 by end of S6

% of S4 School Roll with

Kemnay Aberdeenshire Scotland

10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12

3+ H grades

@ A-C 31 39 37 35 36 39 33 35 36

5+ H grades

@ A-C 23 27 22 24 25 27 22 24 25

1+Adv H grades

@ A-C (S6) 12 19 14 17 18 19 15 16 16

Kemnay Academy figures include pupils requiring Additional Support for Learning

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• Concert Band• Jazz Band• Ceilidh Band• Woodwind Group• Choir(s) and Glee Group• Samba Band• Rock Challenge

Extra Curricular Activities

Musical Activities

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Extra Curricular Activities

• Pupil Council• Eco Schools Committees• Charities Committee• School Year Book Committee• Subject Homework Clubs• Football• Rugby• Netball• Senior Prom• Badminton• Basketball

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Extra Curricular Activities• Chess Club• Lunchtime and Interval Activity Club• House Competitions• Art Homework Club• Writers’ Club• S2 Ski Trip• European Music Performance Tours• Comenius European Project• Botswana/Namibia/Zambia Expedition 2009• Borneo Expedition 2011• Ecuador Expedition 2013

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School Uniform

- In place for 13 years

- Reviewed in 2012

- Fosters a sense of identity

- Promotes a working atmosphere which supports pupil learning

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School Uniform

White shirt and tie or white poloBlack or grey skirt or trousers - not jeansBlack comfortable shoes - not trainers

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Phil Gaiter

Depute Rector

The P7-S1 Transition

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Three Areas

• P7 Transfer and Link Programme

• House and Class Information

• Timetables

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P7 - S1 Transfer & Link Programme

• Tours of the Academy - September

• P7 Enterprise Day – November

• Initial P7 Parents’ Evening – January ‘13

• Handbook Issued – January ‘13

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• Transport Forms Issued – March

• Wider Horizons Evening – 13th March

• Technology Event – 30th May

• Guidance Staff Visit Primary Schools

& Welcome Booklet Issued – May

• Attainment Information Transfer – June

Next Phase

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• New Classes Arranged – June

• P7 Link Week – 24th to 28th June

• Second P7 Parents’ Evening – 27th June

• Academy Newsletters – All year

• Joint Cluster Working – All year


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Kemnay Cluster - Working Together

• Regular Head Teacher meetings

• Cluster Moderation Activities

• Literacy and Attainment overview

• Planning using CfE Experiences & Outcomes

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• S1 Start New Term – 20th August

• S1 Curriculum Booklet

• P7 / S1 Academy Tours - September

• S1 Settling-in Report – October

• S1 Settling-in Parents’ Meeting – November

Final Phase

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P7 – S1 Transition - Link Week

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Hello and Welcome!

Rector and Chaplains

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New Classes

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LunchtimeHouse Activities

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Happy People

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Pupil Survey

I have made new friendsfrom other schools this week

I have enjoyed Primary 7Link week

I am looking forward tocoming back after thesummer holidays

96% agree

99.75% agree

99% agree

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Pupil Survey

Likes Dislikes

• Canteen food

• Learning new things

• Buddies

• New friends

• Moving around

• Freedom

• Crowded Canteen

• Getting up early

• Carrying schoolbags

• Big scary people

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Guidance House & Register Classes

• Bennachie House - 1K and 1EBennachie House - 1K and 1E

Ms Donaldson - Guidance teacherMs Donaldson - Guidance teacher

• Tuach House - 1M and 1NTuach House - 1M and 1N Mrs Hepburn - Guidance teacherMrs Hepburn - Guidance teacher

• Don House - 1A and 1YDon House - 1A and 1Y Ms Murray-Smith - Guidance teacherMs Murray-Smith - Guidance teacher

• CaCaskiebenskieben House House -- 1C and 1D 1C and 1D Mrs Allan Mrs Allan -- Guidance Teacher Guidance Teacher

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Class Groupings

Practical Classes = 8 Register Classes

1K 1E 1M1M 1N1N 1A 1Y 1C 1D

Non Practical Classes =Mix of Register Classes 8 sections1K1 1K2 1K3 1K4 1E1 1E2 1E3 1E4

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Class Arrangements

• Made by Guidance andAdditional Support for Learning Teachers

(based upon information from Primary Schools)

• Same House as older sister or brother

• The same mixture in each classes(even mixture of boys and girls / previous schools /and of attainment)

• Checked with Primary colleagues

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School Timetable

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A Pupil’s Timetable

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Senior Students – Peer Mentoring

Ms Fran Jones

Depute Rector

Mrs Anne ApplebyPT ASFL

Support for Pupils

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Any Questions ?

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