
Welcome to

Primary 6 Info Nite 2015

13 February 2015

Introduction of Primary 6 Teachers

Introduction of Primary 6 Marshall Teachers

Miss Lai Xiao Xin

Form TeacherMiss Kat Quek

Co-Form & English Teacher

Mrs Violet Tan

Math Teacher

Mdm Katherine Lim

Science Teacher

Introduction of Primary 6 Gandhi Teachers

Miss Nazrah

Form & Science TeacherMiss Junice Ong

Co-Form & English Teacher

Mr Kevin Tan

Math Teacher

Introduction of Primary 6 Churchill Teachers

Mrs Jessi Siva

Form TeacherMiss Jutina Loh

Co-Form Teacher

Miss Junice Ong

English Teacher

Miss Vanitha

Math Teacher

Mdm Sarah Seah

Science Teacher

Introduction of Primary 6 LincolnTeachers

Mdm Katherine Lim

Form & Science TeacherMiss Irfana Banu

Co-Form & Math Teacher

Mrs Mumtaj Menon

English Teacher

Introduction of Primary 6 Luther King Teachers

Mr Albert Tham

Form, English, Math & Science Teacher

Miss Maggie Wong

Co-Form TeacherMiss Irene Kwok

English Teacher

Miss Hazi

Science Teacher





Introduction of Primary 6 Chinese Teachers

Miss Jutina Loh Miss Lai Xiao Xin Mdm Shirley Toh

Miss Tan Hui Jun Miss Tu Meng-Chi Miss Maggie Wong

Introduction of Primary 6 Malay Teachers

Mrs Amy AdamsMdm Hamidah

Mdm Bedah

Introduction of Primary 6 TamilTeachers

Mrs JuneshMrs Vishnu

The importance of school-home partnership and how parents can connect with the

school & MOE

1) You are the key navigator of your child’s/ward’s


2) Your child/ward will benefit the most when we

understand our shared responsibilities for your

child/ward and work together to bring out the best in


3) Effective parenting cannot occur in isolation from

the school

4) We would like to partner you to develop your

child/ward to be the best that he or she can be.


So how can you be involved in your child’s/ward’s education?

Here are some tips that you could consider to support

your child’s/ward’s learning:

•Praise your child’s/ward’s good efforts, and not only

his/her successes.

•Don’t dwell on mistakes and academic marks. Rather,

always encourage your child/ward to strive for


•Give your child/ward the confidence to seek help from

his/her teacher.

More tips can be found at:




Helping Your Child

1 + 3 Steps


5 Rs

Helping Your Child: 1 + 3 Steps

1.“My Aspirations” p.5 and 6

a) Dream careers:

b) Top 3 choices for secondary school

c) SMART Goals for 2015

d) 3 important steps…

I. “Self Study Time Table” p.169

II. “Targets & Achievements (Term 1)” p.78

III. “Study Tips” p. 57

Guidance & Encouragement from Both Teachers & Parents

The 5 Rs

1. Review

2. Revise

3. Rest

4. Refresh

5. Responsible

Parent’s Roles

Guide and monitor your child’s or ward’s progress.

Give him/her emotional and moral support.

Encourage and praise him/her regularly.

HELP him/her to excel through1+3 steps & 5RS.

How can you do your part?

Homework Policy

(I) Implementation

Standard practice of using the whiteboard for

communication among subject teachers

(II) No. of Hours

• Primary 4 to 6� 1 hour 10 mins or less per weekday; Up to 6 hours

per week

� Less than 1.5 hours of work on weekends

� School Holidays: Up to 3 hours of written work per


PSLE Examination


2015 PSLE Dates (Tentative)

Registration Mon,9 March –

Fri, 27 March 2015



Thu, 20 August –

Fri, 21 August 2015



Fri, 18 September 2015

Written Examination

Thu, 01 October –

Wed, 07 October 2015

Distribution of Booklets Semester 2

PSLE Results 1st week of Nov/Dec

school holidays

Option Form Submission and


Within 1 week of

release of results

Posting Results 2nd last week of Dec

Reporting to Secondary School The following day

after Posting Results

has been released.

Important Dates - Tentative

Useful Websites

Secondary School Education:

Parents in Education:

PSLE Timetable and Information:


Education & Career Guidance:

Helping your child cope with exam


Helping your child cope

with exam stress

School counsellor

(Mdm. Liza)

[email protected]

What is stress?

�A state of mental or emotional strain resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances

Is stress good or bad?

�A normal response

� “Good stress” vs “Bad stress”

�Short-term stress can motivate and give a person the extra energy to complete a task successfully.

�However, prolonged and/or extreme stress can wear down the body and cause negative behaviours.

Signs and symptoms of stress

Signs and symptoms of stress


• Change in eating patterns

• Sleep disturbances

• Forgetfulness

• Anger outburst

• Loss of concentration

• Withdrawal

Signs and symptoms of stress


• Irritability

• Anxiety

• Guilt

• Fear

• Restlessness

Signs and symptoms of stress


• Ulcers

• Tension headaches

• Back or joint pain

• Indigestion

• Fatigue

Signs and symptoms of stress

�Using the stress scale

0 105

No stress at


Very, very


• Stress level

• Causes

• How has it affected you?

• How to bring it down?

• What will cause the score to go up?

Strategies to Manage Exam


Helping your child manage

exam stress

�Be realistic

�Set achievable goals (SMART)

Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic,


�Target-setting and regular review of targets set

Helping your child manage

exam stress

�Ensure a suitable environment for study/revision

�Television as a distraction

�Use of music

�Schedule of other siblings

Helping your child manage

exam stress

�Foster good time management skills

�Sorting priorities

�Setting a time-table and keeping to the time-table


�Factor in breaks and play time in the schedule

Helping your child manage

exam stress

�Monitor usage of social media

�Social media serves as a distraction.

�Limit the time your child can use his/ her

mobile phone/tablet.

�Discourage use of mobile phone/tablet during

study, meal times and before bed time.

Helping your child manage

exam stress� Ensure your child maintains a

healthy lifestyle

�Time for exercise/

physical play

�Balanced diet

�Enough time for sleep/

short naps (9-10 hours)






Helping your child manage

exam stress

�Allow your child time for himself/ herself

�Grounding techniques


�Expressive methods

Helping your child manage

exam stress

�Maintain an open communication with your child


�Adopt a non-judgmental attitude

Helping your child manage

exam stress

�Encourage use of positive self-talk

�Use positive words

�Use action words

�Eg. “If you don’t study, you will fail.” vs “If

you work on your decimal, you can score higher

for Math.”

�Reframe negative thinking (E + R = O)


� Stress can be harmful if it is extreme and/or prolonged.

� Stress can be manifested through the physical symptoms, emotions as well as behaviour.

� Among ways to help your child manage stress include:

(i) Being realistic

(ii) Fostering good time management skills

(iii) Monitoring usage of social media

(iv) Ensuring a proper environment for study

(v) Ensuring your child maintains a healthy lifestyle

(vi) Allowing your child time for himself/ herself

(vii) Maintaining an open communication with your child

(viii) Encouraging the use of positive self-talk

Thank you for your attention!

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