
Welcome to Sequoia Middle School

Back to School Night!

Ms. Hamaker

6th grade -Social Studies/Science

7th & 8th Grade ASB/Leadership

Please have a seat and make yourself at home!


I received my teaching degree from Texas Tech University and my Masters in Adolescent Literacy and Technology.

I love this age group! I’ve been a sixth grade teacher for 23 years! (In Dallas, as well as at Banyan and Colina)

As a teacher, one of my biggest goals is to have a close-knit and caring community of learners with your kids and to empower kids to know that they are loved and supported.

I am a teacher with the heart of a mother. I have two boys, Luke (13) and Nathan (10).

Keep the lines of communication openWith the teachers (email best for me)With your tween

Check his/her assignment notebook regularly

Study/read with them when they’ll let you!

Check my website and Q Gradebook regularly (Did you know you can see their grades now anytime you’d like?!?)

Help them create a schedule and stick to it as well as a quiet work space.

Encourage them to approach me about questions/ concerns instead of you, when applicable.

It’s OK to let them stumble and fall…it’s a learning experience! This might be the first year they get a D on something!

1) Agenda and HW are posted every day!

2) Be Respectful to ALL: Risk-free zone!

3) Listen closely to what I say- nothing that ever comes out of my mouth will be unimportant!

4) Come to class prepared

5) Maintain a positive attitude

6) Participate and listen to others

7) Work to full potential: work hard and smart

Deductive Reasoning

Inquiry Based

Standards Centered

Cross Curricular

Outreach Projects

Varied Modes of Instruction

Environmental Awareness

Relevant Application of Technology

Our science units correspond with what we are learning in social studies. Units include:Scientific MethodEarth’s structureGlaciers and Climate ChangeMummiesVolcanoesEarthquakes

We will be conducting labs this year, and the students are already being taught how to write a “formal” lab report.


Ancient Civilizations has already grasped the students’ attention and will continue to do so!

I will focus on teaching the kids how to read informational text, take effective notes, and study for assessments. (No more gliding!)

Each student will create a portfolio of work that will come home to you the last week of school!

We will also be using technology this year, and I will be asking them to do some at home too.


Much of the students’ work this year will involve: Internet for research, teacher websites, etc.Power Point for watching and/or creating

presentationsWord for documentsOnline program called Edmodo for class discussions

(like FB for schools!)Printing HW assignments

If a student tries to do the HW the days it’s assigned and runs into problems accessing the internet or printing something, they will have another day to solve the problem. They should not come to me empty-handed. I will even print something for them if they ask me 24 hours before it is due.


Part of my curriculum is developing 21st Century learners and team players.

Personality Posters, Lifegifts, DISCOVERisms, 55 Tips for Success

Please ask them periodically to show you their Character Development booklet that is in their binder. (I think you’ll like what I’m teaching them!)


All DISCOVER students are expected to complete three hours of community service per trimester.

Information has already come home about this. Email me if you have questions.

Students print out a form from my website, log their hours, and have someone in charge sign it.


Homework is strictly used to reinforce concepts or work on projects…no busy work here!

Approximately 20-30 minutes per class

Student’s responsibility

Students will be assigned Choice if they do not have their HW. Will stay in during lunch the following day.

If they start HW the day it’s assigned, they can ask any questions the following day!

Accessed through sequoiamiddle.orgClick on faculty (You can also email me from

there)Click on my website

Homework is posted on my website daily for the parents’ benefit!

I will also be using Remind!

Links to Q Grades, Scholastic, and educational websites for the students.

They have one day to make up work for each day they are gone.

Check the website first

Call a study buddy

Check the extra tray in the classroom

I will not always ask them personally for missing work or tests that need to be made up…they have to approach me! (I have 180 students!)

Be involved in your child’s education, but don’t “do it for them”!

Sign Up to work at the Carnival in October!

Pay attention to my messages that come home via email/text.

See my wish list on the website and a list of projects that I need help with (most can be done at home).

Read the eblasts that Mr. Smith sends home!


Thursday, October 15, 2015 7:00 PM in the Auditorium



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