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Page 2: Welcome to the · has muscle-revealing exercises you need, and all without any need for a treadmill or boring running


Welcome to the Bodyweight Freedom Program!

We’re so excited that you’ve decided to take this journey and finally achieve the freedom of having the lean, muscular body you’ve always wanted. Today, you’re doing more than just wanting. Because plenty of people wish for an amazing body and a toned physique. They fantasize about it, even bargain for it…

“I’d sell my soul to have a great body.”

“I’d trade a month’s paycheck to lose this weight.”

“I’d give anything to look and feel the way I’ve always dreamed of.” But we all know it’s going to take more than just intense desire, and today you’re taking a big step in putting your goals in action. We’re going to talk about the kind of exercise you’re going to be using in this program in just a moment. And I’m going to show you why it’s the best kind of training to see lean, ripped muscles quickly, and walk you step by step to explain how the program will get you into one of our skill levels that will put you on a path to success. Then, I’ve got breakdowns of each maneuver you’ll need to learn and how to make sure you’re doing them properly. And finally, since fitness is just as much about proper nutrition as it is about exercise, I’m going to arm you with six quick tips that you can instantly implement to accelerate your body’s muscle-revealing potential. So let’s get to work. Your Bodyweight Freedom starts now.

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HIGHINTENSITYINTERVALTRAINING What Is Interval Strength Training, And Why You Should Do It? This program is going to be all about emphasizing Interval Training. Interval training (once a well-kept secret of elite athletes) is a way to maximize your time working out by performing multiple, high-intensity exercises at once. Now, a term you’ve probably heard before is High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, which is what we’re doing in this program. By using short bursts of intense exertion followed by little to no rest during an exercise session, you’re going to get the most out of your workouts -- and get the lean, muscular body you’re looking for. A lot of people wonder what makes HIIT training different than so many other methods that promise unparalleled success to people, but fail to deliver. And that skepticism is well-founded because there are a lot of training methods out there that, simply put, are not designed for you to succeed. They’re designed for you to keep spending money. But with this program, you’re going to learn muscle-revealing techniques that you can use for a lifetime. And here are just some of the benefits of Interval Training: 1. Shorter Workouts to Achieve the Same Results

If you’re like me, at one point or another you were going to some kind of gym or fitness center on a regular basis. And so no doubt, you’ve probably run into a this situation: You arrive at your gym and see some guy with unnatural, bulging muscles, who looks like he’s already been there for hours. You don’t think much of it, and head off to do your workout. You finish up, grab your stuff to leave, and as you do, you see the same huge guy, still going at it. And it doesn’t look like he’s leaving any time soon. . Just when you start to wonder if that guy keeps a sleeping bag under the leg press machine, you walk out dejectedly, thinking you’ll never be able to dedicate that amount of time to fitness.

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Well, good news: You don’t need to spend hours upon hours at the gym every day. Even I admit that’s a bit of overkill. So no need to worry that the time you put toward exercising doesn’t warrant using a time card. With Interval Training, workouts are designed to be shorter and maximize your time so that you can feel like you’ve gotten a great workout in a fraction of the time.

2. Cardiovascular Strength

This is the ability of the heart, blood cells and lungs to supply oxygen-rich blood to the working muscle tissues and the ability of the muscles to use oxygen to produce energy for movement. Essentially, it means you’re going to build your heart to be stronger, which in turn will result in the rest of your body being stronger. And in addition to a healthy heart, cardiovascular exercises (or “cardio”) increase your metabolism, an improved ability for your muscles to recover, and a healthier blood pressure, all of which can accelerate weight loss. Now, when most people think of cardiovascular exercises (or “cardio”), they mostly think of long periods of time on the treadmill. But again, I’m not interested in occupying your entire day. So we’re going to get a great cardio workout that has muscle-revealing exercises you need, and all without any need for a treadmill or boring running assignments.

3. Muscular Strength This is a big one, so make sure you’re paying close attention.

A lot of people think all exercise builds muscle, but that’s simply not true. Even programs that are designed to build muscle often don’t deliver. But with Interval Training, you’re going to get those cut, toned muscles you’ve been wanting all your life. Strength Training is how we’re going to build your muscles so that they are lean and mean. That means we’re going to attack your muscles in two different ways: MAXIMUM STRENGTH You are going to assess your current strength by performing various progressions of the movements you want to achieve and see where you stand in respect to your goal.


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You are going to perform the exercises for failure in one set. For example (this isn’t part of the program), if your goal were 100 consecutive push-ups, you should perform one set of push-ups to failure (stop when your form starts to break).

But What is Strength Training? Strength Training increases metabolism because it builds lean muscle tissue. Though more importantly is the fact that an increase in lean muscle tissue improves insulin sensitivity. Here’s a quote from Marks Daily Apple where he talks about a large epidemiological study with 13,644 participants and the benefits of increased muscle and insulin…

“With each 10% increase in skeletal muscle index (a measure of how much muscle is on one’s body), HOMA-IR (a measure of insulin resistance) saw a relative reduction of

11%. Folks with higher insulin sensitivity have better glucose control (carbs don’t destroy them)…“

Why is this important? Basically, because increased muscle means better ability to control blood sugar levels, which in turn leads to a body that doesn’t convert carbohydrates to fat as quickly.

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THE INSPIRATION Now that I’ve gone over the benefits of HIIT, I think I should back up a bit. I’m glad you now have an understanding of how awesome Interval Training is what these “muscle-revealing intervals” are going to do for you. But you’re probably wondering how I even found this method of training. And maybe you’re wondering why would even I bother putting this book together. Well, that can actually be traced back to one man, and a friendship that was sparked through mutual frustrations with fitness and failure. So, just a quick peek behind the curtain: I get a lot of emails from people who tell me they want to “lose weight,” or “build muscle,” or “get an amazing body.” So these people and I will correspond back and forth a few times, but then it will suddenly become clear that they’re only telling me half of what they want. They want to lose weight … before their vacation next week. They want to build muscle … but not if it’s too tough. They want an amazing body … but don’t feel like putting in the work. Basically, they’re just not ready. Not for real results and what it truly takes to get them, anyway. But Jon T. was different. That was clear as day from the moment he first wrote me, just a few years ago. The first time I got an email from Jon, he said his goal was to decrease his body fat percentage. He hovered around 13-15%, and no matter what he tried, he just could not get it any lower. And again, what separated Jon was that the more we corresponded over the coming months, the more it became apparent that he really was willing to put in the work. It just wasn’t working. We ended up building a strong relationship, in part due to the fact that I had the same struggle. I was hovering around 11% and couldn’t seem to get it lower. I had tried Paleo and The Zone but couldn’t seem to drop it where I wanted. Jon and I kept each other updated on our progress and shared tips on what was working and what wasn’t … mostly what wasn’t. Man it’s amazing how much wasn’t working.

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Anyway, that was the normal ebb and flow for a while. Then one day, I received what I thought was a normal email from Jon. But I quickly realized this letter was different. I could honestly feel the electricity and excitement in his words: “Just to let you know… I have got myself down to 11.5% body fat!” Jon had dropped 2% of his body fat … in three weeks. He was stoked, and I was so excited for him. I think I almost hugged my laptop. And it’s that enthusiasm that motivated me to find out exactly how he was finally able to break through that barrier, and get it into a book that everyone can use. Because it wasn’t just about getting his body fat percentage down. It wasn’t just reaching a goal. It was because of the freedom it created. Finally, Jon was free to enjoy the body he had always wanted, and became his best, most confident self because of it. He finally had the proof that if you’ve got a goal in mind, and are truly determined to achieve it with hard work -- not some shortcut that will provide little to no real success -- you can do great things. Jon’s methods helped accelerate his metabolism and revealed the muscle he had been trying to get for so long. After so many unsuccessful attempts, he had the lean, toned physique that had been hiding dormant for so long, wanting to show itself. And even though I’d been a student of calisthenics for years, and had tried countless methods beforehand, it was a similar style to Jon’s that ultimately lead me to my most lean form. But besides Jon’s inspirational story and how it helped me get the lean body I had always wanted, this program got its name for another reason... You see, the truth is that bodyweight workouts ultimately lead to my freedom from a lot of things I didn’t enjoy doing. I’ve always had a passion for bodyweight workouts and calisthenics… but sadly that passion wasn’t going to feed my children or my wife. So even though I continued to practice what I loved, I didn’t make anything doing it for about 3 years. However, I continuing writing on my blog -- and then all of the sudden some of my articles started coming up on Google. Once that happened, people started emailing me asking them to train them! Unfortunately, it just wasn’t realistic for me to spend a ton of

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time training while I was working a full time job and supporting a family, so I thought I would create programs people could use, without me being there. I mean, I’m always there for you if you have any training questions -- remember, just shoot me an email. But at that time I couldn’t spend hours a day in training sessions… But that’s how I found another thing I was passionate about… helping people! I could go on all day, but the long and short of it is bodyweight workouts are what gave me the freedom to pursue my passion as a career. So that’s one of the reasons I chose Bodyweight Freedom as the name. And yet, still, that’s not why it’s called Bodyweight Freedom. Because this program isn’t about my freedom… it’s about yours! The program was named Bodyweight Freedom by my team and me because the whole goal of it is to get a lean and sculpted body on your terms. We structured it in such a way that you can challenge yourself, spend a short amount of time on it -- and steadily see results! I’ve always been inspired by people who make decisions in their life for themselves to be better people. And if you have this I already know that you are ready to push yourself. And now it’s time you know what I know, and learn the muscle-revealing techniques that are going to get you the toned, lean body that is aching to burst out of you. Let’s Have Some (Fast) Fun! I created this program because I wanted you to get the best results possible. But I also know there’s little chance of getting people to stick to the program if it’s a chore. And besides, when did it become a rule that a workout had to be boring? Sure, this program is intense, and it’s definitely going to challenge you -- there’s no other way you’re going to get a toned, lean body that will last. But this is going to be something different. This is going to be fun. And what’s going to make it fun?

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How about the fact that it’s designed for you to constantly challenge yourself to improve. Throughout the program, you will have one opponent: the person you were yesterday. Think of it as a game: You work really hard and set a high score. Feels great, doesn’t it? But what happens after that? Well, it probably won’t be long until you start thinking, “I bet I can do even better.” And before you know it, you’re back at it, with a hunger to outperform yourself. That’s what makes a true competitor. And I know you have that competitor’s fire. How am I so sure? Simple -- because you wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t. But now we’re going to pour gasoline on that fire. You’re going to get stronger, faster and healthier every single day, and each day you’ll be waking up excited to beat your own high score. And let’s not forget, I’m about as interested in spending hours a day exercising as you are. So we’re going to get our workouts done quickly so you can get back to your life. How quickly, you ask? I designed this program so that each session shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes a day.

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THE PROGRAM OK, enough chit chat, let’s get to work! First, let’s set the parameters for frequency: I suggest that you use this workout a minimum of 4 times a week if this is the only program you use (a standalone program), but we highly recommend 5 times a week for best results. It’s going to be quick and challenging; however, using it 4-5 times a week for four weeks will leave you happy with your results -- as long as you follow my nutrition tips as well! More on those in a little bit. IDEAL TIME (for standalone workout): Right when you wake up in the morning before you take a shower (I’m sure your friends will thank you for this!), because you wake up depleted from calories, so this is the best time to get rid of that stubborn “extra” that’s covering up your ripped body. If you just can’t do that, the other best time is about 4 hours after you’ve had your previous meal.1 ALTERNATE USE: As a finisher, or a quick workout you do after every workout! When you do this after your normal workout routine, you are pushing your body to really crank up the “Metabolism Strength” as I like to call it! Because that’s where Bodyweight Freedom is much different: You are going to increase your fat burning so you will looked more ripped and muscular -- and you are also going to get stronger! Now again -- and I can’t stress this enough -- with this program, you aren’t competing with anyone but yourself. It’s on your terms, and the only person you need to keep chasing after is the best version of you. Got it? Alright, let’s do this! 1;

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THE PLACEMENT TEST OK, are you ready to begin this journey? Even if you feel like you’re not, it’s alright -- you’ll get through this! Today, we are going to do your test to see what level we should put you in! Here’s how the test is going to work… The Test:

1) Regular Burpees 2) Punching Burpees 3) Mountain Climber Burpees 4) Squat Burpees 5) Sit-Through Burpees

You are going to do as many as you can of each of these moves, one at a time until failure. Remember, go fast here so you get a reliable placement test result. Take a two minute break between each workout. Based off the number of cumulative repetitions (total number of all five burpee variations), you are going to be put in your appropriate level: Here are the levels: Level 1 – Bodyweight Warrior: 25 - 75 total burpees Level 2 – Bodyweight Beast: 75-150 total burpees Level 3 – Bodyweight Sniper: 150-200 total burpees Level 4 – Bodyweight Master: 200-250 total burpees Level 5 – Bodyweight Annihilator: 250+ total burpees

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THE PLACEMENT TEST WORKOUTS Regular Burpees: The good ol’ burpee! To perform the standard burpee, squat down and place your hands on the ground. Kick your feet straight out behind you into plank position with your arms extended, and on the return to start, jump straight up with your hands in the air.

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Punching Burpees: This is from my brothers that do hardcore MMA training. Instead of going with your feet straight back like a standard burpee, with this move when you push your feet back you spread your legs at a 33 degree angle. And when you come up you do a right/left. Feel free to snarl like Rocky Balboa! Some research suggest that a little sound makes you punch a little harder.2


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Mountain Climber Burpees: OK, now we are getting serious. We are going to the regular burpee to start, but on the first down position, you’re going to alternate bringing each knee up to your chest. And once you do that… do a push up! You’re almost done, now do the normal burpee jump to return to start.

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Squat Burpee: With this burpee you are going to go into the deep squat position, come out of that position and jump, then perform a regular burpee without the jump at the end, going right back into the squat position.

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Sit-Through Burpees: This one is a little tougher to explain, however this video will make it clearer for you… The only thing is that we are going to take it a step further and do this movement, and then a jump just like the other burpees. If you aren’t feeling the burn by this move. Whoa… you are really conditioned. ALTERNATE MOVE For sit through burpee FOR TEST… Burpee W/ A Clap Pushup (WARNING: Don’t attempt this if you haven’t done clap push ups before): Go down, do a push-up, come up and clap, then proceed to the jump.

**If you haven't done clap push ups before or are not ready for this step, return to punching burpees instead of the last variation or its alternate.

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Alright, pretty easy test, right? LOL! Now go ahead and record your number, find where you land on the 5 levels, and then go workout at your current level right now… JUST KIDDING! You’re done for today… now you know your level and you are ready to assign yourself to the proper workout for the next 30 days :). (printable sheets below!) If you printed this out, you can go ahead and write down your numbers above, if you didn’t, I highly recommend you do right now and record your numbers. If you have another system for keeping track of your progress, you can always use that too! **The Workout Moves -- Remember you have a slight variation with each level you progress.**

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LEVEL 1 - BODYWEIGHT WARRIOR Regular Burpee with 1 Push-Up - To perform the standard burpee, squat down and place your hands on the ground. Kick your feet straight out behind you into plank position with your arms extended, then perform one push-up, and on the return to start, jump straight up with your hands in the air. Kick Boxing Burpee with Jab - Jab - Standing in start position, go down, do a pushup, straighten arms and then you jab left, jab right, and come up. That’s 1! Spiderman Burpee - You go down to the pushup and bring your knee to your elbow in the push up position. Then alternate sides.

Squat Burpee with One Squat - With this burpee you are going to go into the deep squat position, come out of that position and jump, then perform a regular burpee without the jump at the end, go back into the squat position.

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Finisher Burpee With Side Plank Burpee - Go down into the burpee but then lift one arm up to the side position on the left so you are pointing to the roof and your body is completely to the side. Return to the middle and go to the other side.

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Day Rest b/w Workouts Regular Kick Boxing Spider man Squat Finisher

Day 1 Test Test Test Test Test Test Day 2 40 secs 10 10 10 10 10 Rest Day 4 40 secs 11 11 11 11 11 Day 5 40 secs 12 12 12 12 12 Day 6 40 secs 13 13 13 13 13 Rest - - - - - Day 8 45 secs 14 14 14 14 14 Day 9 45 secs 15 15 15 15 15 Rest - - - - - Day 11 45 secs 16 16 16 16 16 Day 12 45 secs 17 17 17 17 17 Day 13 45 secs 18 18 18 18 18 Rest - - - - - Day 15 50 secs 19 19 19 19 19 Day 16 50 secs 20 20 20 20 20 Rest Day 18 50 secs 21 21 21 21 21 Day 19 50 secs 22 22 22 22 22 Day 20 50 secs 23 23 23 23 23 Rest - - - - - Day 22 55 secs 24 24 24 24 24 Day 23 55 secs 25 25 25 25 25 Rest - - - - - Day 25 55 secs 26 26 26 26 26 Day 26 55 secs 27 27 27 27 27 Day 27 60 secs 28 28 28 28 28 Rest - - - - - Day 29 60 secs 29 29 29 29 29 Day 30 60 secs 30 30 30 30 30

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LEVEL 2 - BODYWEIGHT BEAST Regular Burpee With Two Push Ups - To perform the standard burpee, squat down and place your hands on the ground. Kick your feet straight out behind you into plank position with your arms extended, do two push-ups and then return to start, jumping straight up with your hands in the air. Kick Boxing Burpee With Two Punches And Two Ducks - Standing in the start position, go down, do a complete push-up, then straighten arms and jab left, jab right, duck left, duck right (kind of like you are avoiding punches in your straight-arm position) and come up. That’s 1! Spiderman Burpee With Two Knee Reps - You go down to the pushup and bring your knee to your elbow in the push-up position, then do the other side. Repeat! Squat Burpee With 3 Squats - With this burpee you are going to go into the deep squat position, come out of that position and jump 3 times from the squat position, then perform a regular burpee without the jump at the end, and go back into the starting squat position. Side Plank Burpee With Tuck Jump - Go down into the burpee but then lift one arm up to the side position on the left so you are pointing to the sky and your body is completely to the side. Return to the middle and go to the other side. Return to standing position and perform a tuck jump. *Tuck jump is where you jump and bring your knees as close to your chest as you can.

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Day Rest b/w Workouts

Regular w/ 2PU Kick Boxing Spider man Squat w/ 3

squats Side Plank w/ Jump

Day 1 Test Test Test Test Test Test Day 2 40 secs 10 10 10 10 10 Rest Day 4 40 secs 11 11 11 11 11 Day 5 40 secs 12 12 12 12 12 Day 6 40 secs 13 13 13 13 13 Rest - - - - - Day 8 45 secs 14 14 14 14 14 Day 9 45 secs 15 15 15 15 15 Rest - - - - - Day 11 45 secs 16 16 16 16 16 Day 12 45 secs 17 17 17 17 17 Day 13 45 secs 18 18 18 18 18 Rest - - - - - Day 15 50 secs 19 19 19 19 19 Day 16 50 secs 20 20 20 20 20 Rest Day 18 50 secs 21 21 21 21 21 Day 19 50 secs 22 22 22 22 22 Day 20 50 secs 23 23 23 23 23 Rest - - - - - Day 22 55 secs 24 24 24 24 24 Day 23 55 secs 25 25 25 25 25 Rest - - - - - Day 25 55 secs 26 26 26 26 26 Day 26 55 secs 27 27 27 27 27 Day 27 60 secs 28 28 28 28 28 Rest - - - - - Day 29 60 secs 29 29 29 29 29 Day 30 60 secs 30 30 30 30 30

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LEVEL 3 - BODYWEIGHT SNIPER Regular Burpee with Three Push-Ups - To perform the standard burpee, squat down and place your hands on the ground. Kick your feet straight out behind you into plank position with your arms extended, do three push-ups and then return to start, jumping straight up with your hands in the air. Kick Boxing Burpee With Two Punches, Two Ducks and Uppercut - Standing in the start position, go down, do a pushup, straighten arms and then you jab left, jab right, duck left, duck right (kind of like you are avoiding punches in your straight arm position), finally finishing off with a strong uppercut and coming back up to starting position. That’s 1! Spiderman Burpees With Two Knee Reps (mid-Push-Up) - Go down to the push-up position, lower yourself for the first part of the push-up, and bring your knee to your elbow while in mid-push-up position (chest lowered to the ground). Then do the other side. Repeat for two reps per side! Squat Burpees with 5 Squats - With this burpee you are going to go into the deep squat position, come out of that position and jump 5 times from the squat position, then perform a regular burpee without the jump at the end, and go back into the starting squat position. Side Plank Burpee with Clap Push-Up and Tuck Jump - Go down into the standard burpee, but then lift one arm up to the side position on the left so you are pointing to the sky and your body is completely to the side. Return to the middle and go to the other side. Once back in the center position, perform one clap push-up. Return to standing position and perform a tuck jump. *Tuck jump is where you jump and bring your knees as close to your chest as you can.

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Day Rest b/w Workouts Regular Kick Boxing Spider man Squat Finisher

Day 1 Test Test Test Test Test Test Day 2 40 secs 10 10 10 10 10 Rest Day 4 40 secs 11 11 11 11 11 Day 5 40 secs 12 12 12 12 12 Day 6 40 secs 13 13 13 13 13 Rest - - - - - Day 8 45 secs 14 14 14 14 14 Day 9 45 secs 15 15 15 15 15 Rest - - - - - Day 11 45 secs 16 16 16 16 16 Day 12 45 secs 17 17 17 17 17 Day 13 45 secs 18 18 18 18 18 Rest - - - - - Day 15 50 secs 19 19 19 19 19 Day 16 50 secs 20 20 20 20 20 Rest Day 18 50 secs 21 21 21 21 21 Day 19 50 secs 22 22 22 22 22 Day 20 50 secs 23 23 23 23 23 Rest - - - - - Day 22 55 secs 24 24 24 24 24 Day 23 55 secs 25 25 25 25 25 Rest - - - - - Day 25 55 secs 26 26 26 26 26 Day 26 55 secs 27 27 27 27 27 Day 27 60 secs 28 28 28 28 28 Rest - - - - - Day 29 60 secs 29 29 29 29 29 Day 30 60 secs 30 30 30 30 30

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LEVEL 4 - BODYWEIGHT MASTER Regular Burpee With Two One-Arm Push Ups- To perform the standard burpee, squat down and place your hands on the ground. Kick your feet straight out behind you into plank position with your arms extended, perform two one-hand push-ups on each arm (feet can be a wider apart for balance) and then return to start, jumping straight up with your hands in the air.

Kick Boxing Burpee With Two Punches, Two Knees, Two Ducks and Uppercut - Standing in the start position, go down, do a pushup, straighten arms and then you jab left, jab right. Bring each knee to your chest while still in push-up position, then duck left, duck right (kind of like you are avoiding punches in your straight arm position), and finish with an uppercut and come up. That’s 1! Spiderman Burpees With Three Knee Reps (mid-Push-Up) - Go down to the push-up position, lower yourself for the first part of the push-up, and bring your knee to your elbow while in mid-push-up position (chest lowered to the ground). Then do the other side. Repeat for three reps per side!

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Squat Burpee With 1 Pistol Squat (per leg) - With this burpee you are going to perform one pistol squat per leg, then perform a regular burpee (without the jump at the end). Side Plank Burpee with Clap Push-Up and Tuck Jump - Go down into the standard burpee, but then lift one arm up to the side position on the left so you are pointing to the roof and your body is completely to the side. Return to the middle and go to the other side. Once back in the center position, perform one clap push-up. Return to standing position and perform two consecutive tuck jumps. *Tuck jump is where you jump and bring your knees as close to your chest as you can.

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Day Rest b/w Workouts Regular Kick Boxing Spider man Squat Finisher

Day 1 Test Test Test Test Test Test Day 2 40 secs 10 10 10 10 10 Rest Day 4 40 secs 11 11 11 11 11 Day 5 40 secs 12 12 12 12 12 Day 6 40 secs 13 13 13 13 13 Rest - - - - - Day 8 45 secs 14 14 14 14 14 Day 9 45 secs 15 15 15 15 15 Rest - - - - - Day 11 45 secs 16 16 16 16 16 Day 12 45 secs 17 17 17 17 17 Day 13 45 secs 18 18 18 18 18 Rest - - - - - Day 15 50 secs 19 19 19 19 19 Day 16 50 secs 20 20 20 20 20 Rest Day 18 50 secs 21 21 21 21 21 Day 19 50 secs 22 22 22 22 22 Day 20 50 secs 23 23 23 23 23 Rest - - - - - Day 22 55 secs 24 24 24 24 24 Day 23 55 secs 25 25 25 25 25 Rest - - - - - Day 25 55 secs 26 26 26 26 26 Day 26 55 secs 27 27 27 27 27 Day 27 60 secs 28 28 28 28 28 Rest - - - - - Day 29 60 secs 29 29 29 29 29 Day 30 60 secs 30 30 30 30 30

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LEVEL 5 - BODYWEIGHT ANNIHILATOR Regular Burpee With Four One-Arm Push Ups- To perform the standard burpee, squat down and place your hands on the ground. Kick your feet straight out behind you into plank position with your arms extended, perform four one-hand push-ups on each arm and then return to start, jumping straight up with your hands in the air. Kick Boxing Burpee With Two Punches, Flying Knee, Two Knees, Two Ducks and Uppercut - Standing in start position, go down, do a pushup, straighten arms and then you jab left, jab right. Perform a flying knee by jumping off the ground with one knee in the air, bringing it as high as you can. Then bring each knee to your chest while still in push-up position, then duck left, duck right (kind of like you are avoiding punches in your straight arm position), and finish with an uppercut and come up. That’s 1! Spiderman Burpee With Four Knee Reps (mid-Push-Up) - You go down to the pushup position, then lower yourself for a push-up and bring your knee to your elbow in the mid-push-up position, then do the other side. Repeat for four total reps each side! Squat Burpee With 2 Pistol Squats (per leg) - With this burpee you are going to perform two pistol squats per leg, then perform a regular burpee (without the jump at the end). Side Plank Burpee with Pull-Up - To perform this variation, you will need a pull-up bar or something to grab onto so you can do a pull-up. Go down into the standard burpee, but then lift one arm up to the side position on the left so you are pointing to the roof and your body is completely to the side. Return to the middle and go to the other side. Once back in the center position, get back up as you would return to starting position, then jump up, grab the pull-up bar and perform one rep.

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Day Rest b/w Workouts

Regular w/ 4 1APU Kick Boxing Spiderman

w/Knee Rep Squat w/ 2

Pistol Squat

Side Plank w/ Pullup

Day 1 Test Test Test Test Test Test Day 2 40 secs 10 10 10 10 10 Rest Day 4 40 secs 11 11 11 11 11 Day 5 40 secs 12 12 12 12 12 Day 6 40 secs 13 13 13 13 13 Rest - - - - - Day 8 45 secs 14 14 14 14 14 Day 9 45 secs 15 15 15 15 15 Rest - - - - - Day 11 45 secs 16 16 16 16 16 Day 12 45 secs 17 17 17 17 17 Day 13 45 secs 18 18 18 18 18 Rest - - - - - Day 15 50 secs 19 19 19 19 19 Day 16 50 secs 20 20 20 20 20 Rest Day 18 50 secs 21 21 21 21 21 Day 19 50 secs 22 22 22 22 22 Day 20 50 secs 23 23 23 23 23 Rest - - - - - Day 22 55 secs 24 24 24 24 24 Day 23 55 secs 25 25 25 25 25 Rest - - - - - Day 25 55 secs 26 26 26 26 26 Day 26 55 secs 27 27 27 27 27 Day 27 60 secs 28 28 28 28 28 Rest - - - - - Day 29 60 secs 29 29 29 29 29 Day 30 60 secs 30 30 30 30 30

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NUTRITION Now, if you’re familiar with A Shot of Adrenaline, you know we believe that a lean, muscular body cannot be achieved simply with intense exercise alone. That’s a part of the formula, sure. But it’s one side of a coin, and the other cannot be ignored. It’s your nutrition, and that’s what we’re focusing on here. See, as much as ill-informed fitness enthusiasts and diet pill conglomerates would like you to believe it, you simply cannot eat whatever you want and expect to lose weight. Not in a healthy manner, anyway. Sure, we’ve all got that friend that can seemingly eat whatever they want and not gain a pound. But please understand one thing: The are the very rare exception to the rule, not the rule itself. And in any case, those people are probably not healthy on the inside, even though they may not show it. In fact, research shows that skinny people may just be hiding their fat elsewhere -- like around their vital organs.3 And as we all know, not every diet works across the board. Someone that can get lean doing the Paleo diet would plump under a calorie counting program that helped another person. Each body is different and requires a different percentage of macronutrients. This consists of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. So, what I’d like to do today, rather than hand down a rigid diet to be followed to a T, is provide you with little-known yet scientifically proven guidelines that will aid you in your nutrition. But remember, at the end of the day, no one can outrun their mouths. The diet plan you ultimately choose is up to you, so it’s important to find one that works for you. And when I say that, I don’t mean to starve yourself. Eat food that is good and good for you. So without further ado, I would like to give you some quick, muscle revealing tips. Because hey, we all need help shedding those extra pounds and these little changes can go a long way.


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6 Small Tips That Have Proven To Make A Big Change In Your Body

1. DRINK MORE WATER THAN YOU NORMALLY WOULD If this sounds simple, it’s because the best ideas usually are. In 2010, CNN Health reported that water was a great way to help reduce fat. The study followed 48 overweight and obese men and women who were on a low calorie diet.4 Half of the participants were told to consume 16 ounces of water before each of their three meals. After 3 months, the people that drank water lost an average of about 15.5 pounds, compared to the 11 pounds that the control group lost. Another source of evidence for this tip’s effectiveness came while I was working with Neil Tejwani of NBC’s The Biggest Loser (he lost over 200 pounds on the show). He told me that drinking more water than he was used to was one of his “tried & true techniques” for losing weight. He said that he almost always had a cold bottle of water with him (because it took even more calories to convert cold water to body temperature), even when he wasn’t working out. So drink up!



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Mmmmm… beef jerky does a body good. Doesn’t this look appetizing? Well, if not, just know that it’s a great source of protein. When trying to lose fat, excess sugar in the blood stream is a killer. Your liver and glycogen stores sugar. If these are already full and you consume sugar (meaning carbohydrate-rich foods like breads, sweets, and even fruits and veggies), insulin levels will spike to remove the sugar from your bloodstream, and convert it into fat.5 Protein, when eaten with sugar, acts as a buffer from spiking insulin levels. This means that it will take longer for the sugar to be digested and stored, which is key in our battle to keep fat off. Here are 10 great sources of lean protein, as suggested by WebMD: 1. Fish 2. Seafood 3. Skinless, white-meat poultry 4. Lean beef (including tenderloin, sirloin, eye of round) 5. Skim or low-fat milk 6. Skim or low-fat yogurt 7. Fat-free or low-fat cheese 8. Eggs 9. Lean pork (tenderloin) 10. Beans So before you start diving into that baked potato… consider cooking up some pig snout with it.



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In other words, become a turtle when you are at the dinner table. ...HUH?! OK, sorry, let’s break it down. The old adage “Drink your food and eat your drink” derives from a Chinese proverb. It simply means… go slower. Take your time and learn to enjoy your food. “Drink your food” essentially is advising you to take the time to thoroughly chew your food until it is like a liquid. This has the added benefit of letting the enzymes in our mouth digest some of the food. “Eat your drink” means, as you probably guessed, take your liquids slowly. We tend to move so fast in today’s culture that we don’t take the necessary time to enjoy the process of eating and drinking. But many of the world’s top athletes will tell you this is key to keeping their nutrition in check.

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Some studies show that it takes upwards of 15-20 minutes for the stomach to signal the brain that it is full.6 And if that’s the case, a lot of people are in trouble, given the fact that they eat while watching TV, and just about every show is longer than that.. In fact, research has shown that people who eat while distracted not only consume more calories at the time, but it leads to them consuming more calories later in the day, too.7 And don’t forget, portion size is important. Overwhelming research also shows that when people are given more food, they eat more food.8 The late, great Jack Lalanne once said, “Don’t exceed the feed limit.“ You can find great calorie calculators online to help you learn how much you should be eating.


Many people don’t know this, but green tea naturally has caffeine in it. Caffeine is a stimulant and will increase your resting metabolic rate which helps you burn more calories. Of course, you don’t want to go overboard with it. Green tea should not replace your total fluid intake, but it is an effective tool for boosting your metabolism. You may also want to try black and oolong tea. The Mayo Clinic gives us a general guide9 for how much caffeine is in an 8 oz cup: Amount of Caffeine in Green Tea per 8 oz = 24-40 mg Amount of Caffeine in Black Tea per 8 oz = 14-61 mg Amount of Caffeine in Oolong Tea per 8 oz = 12-55 mg You can see how wide those ranges are, which is my point exactly. Try different teas and find one that you enjoy. 6 7 8 9

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But you may be wondering… If I am promoting caffeine use, why don’t I just suggest using coffee or energy drink? Great question. Both of the above sources have more caffeine than tea. However… Hippocrates once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” I don’t consider either coffee or energy drinks to be real food. They are processed derivatives of food. Coffee is from the coffee bean and energy drinks are made from certain vitamins, minerals or laboratory manufactured substances. The body can more easily handle foods in their natural form. But please understand, I am speaking in generalities. The body obviously can not handle everything in natural form. For example, I’m not going to recommend you try any poisonous mushrooms. That’s probably pretty counter-productive to your health.

5. NOT ALL VEGETABLES ARE GOOD FOR WEIGHT LOSS Not long ago, I sent an email to our subscribers about this very subject, and I got a few messages back that questioned this. One of the emails even accused me of “parading lies,” so I thought this would be a great time to address this. We all remember growing up and being told to eat our vegetables. Everyone — parents, Popeye, and Hulk Hogan included — told us they were essential to grow up big and strong. And that’s basically true. Now, in the adult world, we are told that veggies are the best food for healthy weight loss. But that’s not always the case. See, there are non-starchy and starchy vegetables out there. And let’s be clear: they’re both good for you. But starchy vegetables are, as you may have guessed, higher in starch, and therefore higher in calories. Starchy vegetables are are typically a type of root, kernel or bulb, like corn, potatoes and zucchini. Non-starchy vegetables normally are the flowering parts of the plant, like lettuce, mushrooms and onions.

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In fact, one long-term study found that patients who added one extra serving of starchy vegetables added about a pound and a half for each extra serving over four years.10 Again, we’re not anti-vegetable. They’re all basically very good for you. And if you’re trying to lose weight and reveal your underlying toned physique, you’re on the right track by choosing more vegetables. Just make sure they aren’t too starchy and higher in calories. 5. DON’T BUY THE “SUPERFOOD” MYTH You may have been told there are foods that are exceptionally beneficial for health and wellbeing. These are called “superfoods” and they are way better than regular old non-superfoods. At least, that’s the claim. One problem with it, though, is that there’s no clear definition of what a superfood even is.11 And the more you dig into the issue, the more you find out that it’s not so much science as it is a wildly successful marketing campaign.12 Phil Lempert, food industry expert and editor of, says “The word ‘superfoods’ is on a lot of products that probably don’t deserve that designation because, like the terms ‘new,’ ‘fresh,’ or ‘free,’ superfoods has become a buzzword.” So kale, beetroot, quinoa, and pretty much every other food you’ve heard dragged into this marketing effort are not so much “super” as they are just “food.” “Practically everything in the produce department is a superfood,” Lempert says. So if you really want to see produce that’s more super than others, you’re better off tying a cape to a piece of celery. Follow these six tips to boost your nutrition and put you on the fast-tract to revealing the lean, ripped muscle you want! Just remember, a steady, healthy diet has to be the foundation of your fitness, so find a plan that works for you and your body.

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GoForth!AndGoodLuck!J I hope you have enjoyed the Bodyweight Freedom Program! Interval Training is growing widely in popularity because it burns fat and builds muscle better than traditional workouts. On top of that, it takes a fraction of the time of most workouts. Be sure to print out the work sheets and tape them to a place you can see them every day for added motivation and accountability. If possible, challenge a friend or two for even MORE accountability and (fun!) Remember if you are new to Interval Training or just getting back into a work out routine, start slow, and work your way up. Use the test as your guide to your starting place and don’t overdue it. If you are an expert… well then… let us know if you could complete the Bodyweight Annihilator Challenge!! ([email protected]) Your Good Health and Complete Bodyweight Freedom, Todd

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