Page 1: Welcome to the DAT Minyan!...Oct 06, 2018  · The Denver Academy of Torah presents “Raising Healthy hildren in a Digital World,” a presentation by Dr. Eli Shapiro, a licensed

Welcome to the DAT Minyan! Shabbat Vayeira

October 27, 2018 - 18 Cheshvan, 5779 Joseph Friedman, Rabbi | Mark Raphaely, President

Candle Lighting


5:48pm 6:45pm

DAT Minyan is a dynamic and friendly Modern Orthodox synagogue for all ages and dedicated to meaningful personal spiritual development, community growth, youth involvement, Torah education, and Religious Zionism.

DAT Minyan - 560 S. Monaco Pkwy., Denver, CO 80224 - 720-941-0479 -

Berachot - A Primer (based on a series by Olami, a project of Ner L’Elef)

Section III. Kavana - Concentrating on the Meaning of the Brachot

Part B. Why Verbalize?

Since God knows all our thoughts, one might ask why it is necessary for Brachot to be spoken. Is it not enough that we love and praise God in our hearts and feel thankful to Him? The Sefer HaChinuch explains, “The purpose of saying Brachot to Him is only to awaken our souls through the words of our mouth…” True, God can read our thoughts and we do not need to verbalize them in order to communicate with Him. However, by articulating the words of the Brachot, we create and instill within ourselves the awareness of God, which Brachot are meant to engender. It is specifically the power of speech utilized for sacred purposes that has the ability to shape a person’s thoughts and attitudes.

Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler described our speech as being like an engine. “If one becomes accustomed to speaking words of Torah and holiness frequently, it will affect his thought patterns and his heart. Imagine a heavy truck as it begins to slide backwards down a hill because the brakes stopped working. Even ten men cannot physically stop it, but one man who jumps into the front seat and starts the engine can save the situation. So too the mouth of a person is his ‘engine,’ in that it has the ability to bring him to internalize spirituality…This is the meaning of the verse, ‘It is in your mouth and in your heart, to carry out [the Torah].’”

One should not misunderstand the above, however, and think that the only purpose of verbalizing our Brachot and prayers is for the impact they will have upon us. Quite the contrary – enunciating the words is an intrinsic part of the practice of Brachot, and it is only when they are verbalized that our Brachot can bring about their spiritual effects. As Rabbi Chaim writes in the Nefesh HaChaim, “the words of prayer and Brachot is an inherent part of the mitzvah. It is not only with regards to mitzvot of action that the main feature is the action involved. This is so even with regard to the mitzvah of prayer. Even though it is called “the service of the heart” (as our Sages derived in the first chapter of Tractate Taanit from the verse “and to serve him with all your heart”), nevertheless the main requirement is for a person to specifically pronounce with his lips every word of the text of the prayers. Our Sages (in the beginning of the chapter Ein

(Continued on page 3)

Learning Opportunities @ the DAT Minyan • Kitzur Shulchan Aruch: Daily, after Shacharit • Daf Yomi Shiur (30 min): after Shacharit on Sun through Fri , and 8:25 am on

Shabbat • Mishnayot: Daily, between Mincha and Maariv • Halacha Chaburah: Sun, 10:00 am—11:00 am • “Short & Sweet Talmud Class” (30 min-never longer): Wed, 9:20 am, DAT

Minyan offices at BMH-BJ (men only) • Rabbi Friedman Wed. Night Class: 7:30 pm, Part 3 (Intimacy), of new series

on “Relationships“ • SHAWL: Shabbat afternoon women’s only study group

(Continued on Page 3)

Shabbat Schedule (All Shabbat services take place in BMH-BJ Fisher

Hall, 560 S. Monaco Pkwy)

Please help make our prayer service more meaningful by refraining from talking during the



5:45 pm: Mincha/Maariv

(Shema should be recited after 6:45 pm)


Parasha: Page 78 / Haftarah: Page 1134

7:50 am: Hashkama Minyan

8:25 am: Daf Yomi

Tefillah Warm-up with Ellyn Hutt will not take place this Shabbat but will return next week

9:00 am: Shacharit, with Derasha by Howie Shapiro

Kiddush this week is sponsored by David Andorsky and Joanna Arch in honor of the

birthdays of their children, Dalia and Zev, and in honor of Joanna’s getting tenure from CU


4:15 pm: SHAWL, our Shabbat women’s learning group meets with Liora Wittlin to discuss this week’s parasha

4:20 pm: HS Boy’s Gemara w/ Nathan Rabinovitch at the Rabinovitch home

Rabbi Friedman’s Shabbat Afternoon Class will not meet this week but will return next week

5:30 pm: Mincha, followed by Seudah Shlisheet, with Derasha by Elan Penn

6:45 pm: Maariv / Havdalah


Weekday Schedule (Weekday services Sunday through Friday morning

take place at DAT School, 6825 E. Alameda Ave.) SHACHARIT Sunday: 8:00 am

Monday through Friday: 6:35 am

MINCHA/MAARIV Sunday - Monday: 5:45 pm

Tuesday: 5:45 pm (at BMH-BJ Chapel)

Wednesday - Friday: 5:45 pm

Page 2: Welcome to the DAT Minyan!...Oct 06, 2018  · The Denver Academy of Torah presents “Raising Healthy hildren in a Digital World,” a presentation by Dr. Eli Shapiro, a licensed


Please help make our prayer service more meaningful by refraining from talking during the service.

Mazal Tov to Rabbi Yisrael Katz on receiving smicha this week from the Dallas Area Torah Association Kollel!

Jews from all walks of life, from across the spectrum of religious affiliation, young and old, from all corners of Colorado are invited to experience the magic of one full Shabbos together at the 2018 East Side Shabbos Project, sponsored by the DAT Minyan, BMH-BJ, NCSY and The Jewish Experience. Our event coincides with the Southwest NCSY Fall Regional Shabbaton and NCSY members will be participating with us. The Shabbat Project was started in 2013, by Rabbi Warren Goldstein, Chief Rabbi of South Africa, to bring Jews from around the world together for Shabbos. We invite you to light candles with us Friday night, sit together with new and old friends, relax, and enjoy the beauty of Shabbos. We will provide amazing speakers, insightful classes, and large amounts of delicious food. After three mouth-watering catered meals, we will end Shabbos with a musical Havdalah that will get your toes tapping and hands clapping. All Shabbos services and meals will take place at BMH-BJ Congregation. Please see the flyer on Page 4 for complete details. Registration at project or by calling 303-316-6412.

Please note the time change for the Hashkama Minyan to a 7:50 am start. This change is on a trial basis so please note that there may be additional changes. We are hoping to strengthen our Hashkama Minyan attendance by both men and women, so if you are able participate with us, you would be most welcome!

It’s really not too soon to be thinking about Purim! If there are women who would like to learn how to read Megilla, please contact Julie Lieber at [email protected] .

COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS The Denver Academy of Torah presents “Raising Healthy Children in a Digital World,” a presentation by Dr. Eli

Shapiro, a licensed clinical social worker with a doctorate in education and special certificate in Jewish educational leadership, and creator of the Digital Citizenship Project. The program is Sunday, October 28th, 7:30 pm at DAT.

Israel Bonds Denver presents “What World Leaders Really Want,” an evening with former Director General Eli Groner, Sunday, November 4th, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the Crestmoor home of Lisa and Jonathan Perlmutter . Light dinner and refreshments. Registration required at .

KIDS Mega Challah Bake on Sunday, November 11 at BMH-BJ Social Hall, 10:00-11:45am. For Kids ages 3-12. RSVP before November 6. $12 per child; After Nov. 6 - $18. Child must be accompanied by an adult. RSVP to [email protected] or A community event brought to you by Bais Menachem.

Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts have started! Our next meeting will be November 7th at 6PM at DAT. For registration information or any questions, (Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts), contact [email protected] or (Girl Scouts)[email protected]. Our next outing (for both groups) will be on November 18th.

The Denver Academy of Torah invites the community to their annual dinner and reception, “Sushi, Sake, Scotch and More…..,” Thursday, November 29th, 7:30 pm at the Space Gallery, 400 Santa Fe Drive. Cost is $250 per ticket. RSVP no later than Wednesday, November 14th, at [email protected], 720-859-6806 .

Jewish Outreach Initiative invites the community to participate with them in an evening of fun and philanthropy at their Casino Night event, Saturday, December 1st, 7:30 pm at Aish Denver, 9550 E. Belleview Ave. in Greenwood Village Register for this event at .

We would like to thank our Legacy Society donors for investing in our future by naming the DAT Minyan with a gift in their will, trust, retire-ment account or life insurance policy. Our Legacy Society includes:

Graeme Bean

Steve and Ellyn Hutt

Rachel Rabinovitch

You can add your name to this list with a legacy gift to the DAT Minyan. To arrange for your gift or for more information about our Legacy Society program, please contact any of the following Committee Members: Rob Allen, Myndie Brown, Sarah Raphaely or Steve Weiser.


Page 3: Welcome to the DAT Minyan!...Oct 06, 2018  · The Denver Academy of Torah presents “Raising Healthy hildren in a Digital World,” a presentation by Dr. Eli Shapiro, a licensed


Please help make our prayer service more meaningful by refraining from talking during the service.

The DAT Minyan wishes to acknowledge the following milestones* of our members in the coming week:

*These details were obtained from the DAT Minyan database, which contains information provided by the members when they joined. We apologize for any omissions or errors. For changes, please log on to your account and update the information as needed, or contact the synagogue office at 720-941-0479.

Refuah Shelayma Please include the following names in your prayers. May each be granted a Refuah Shelayma. Names are kept on the list until the next Rosh Chodesh. Help us keep the list accurate by verifying the necessary details each month on the Cholim Document


Baruch Getzel ha Cohen ben Esther

Bella bat Malka

Carmel ben Tirtza

Chaim Shmuel ben Miriam

Chaim Tuvia ben Dina

Chana Yetta bat Bryna

Channa bat Henny Rus

Chaya Chanah Elisheva Rivka bat Sarah

Chaya Miriam bat Shoshana

Chaya Orah bat Sarah

Chaya Sarah Rivka bat Leah

Devorah Leah bat Chanah

Dinah bat Chayala

Doniel ben Chana

Dovid leb Avraham Halevi ben Dina Esther

Eliyahu Chaim ha Cohen ben Sara Rifka

Ephraim ben Henna

Esther Leah bat Rachel

Esti bat Sara

Faige bat Sarah

Gavriel Yehoram ben Leah Cecil

Geula bat Chana

Guy Chaim ben Rita

Hadassah bat Fruma Rahel

Hersch Leib ha Cohen ben Feige Rifka

Hillel Yerachmiel ben Ariella

Ilana Dintza bat Ita Mirrel

Jerry ben Chaya Chana

Kalia bat Miriam

Keile bat Sarah Leah

Leah Devora Kivitiya bat Chaya

Levick Yitzchak ben Bracha

Leya bat Sara

Malka bat Sarah

Mascha bat Rus

Mayer Benya ben Nechama

Mendel Ila ben Frida Miriam

Michel ben Leah

Michoel Zisel ben Barbara

Mikimia bat Pesha Baila

Miriam Tova Chaya bat Chanah

Pinchas ben Beula Batya

Rifka bat Leah

Rivka bat Penina

Roshka bat Bryna

Sarah Shoshanna bat Sarah

Shashi bat Batya Baila

Shifra Hadassah bat Chaya Leah

Shira Chana bat Sara

Shirley bat Hasia Devorah

Shoshanah bat Miriam

Shoshanna bat Liora

Shoshanna bat Smadar

Shoshanna Miriam bat Chanah

Shulamit Leah bat Chava

Tirtza bat Sarah

Tomas ben Galit

Tova bat Nechama

Tzvi Gershon ben Shaindel Shaina Raizel

Yasmine bat Miriam

Yehuda Mordechai Shrage ben Roiza Feige

Yehudit bat Leah

Yisroel Yaakov Moshe ben Sarah

Yitzchak Isser ben Sima

Yochanan ben Sarah

Yona Malka bat Pola

Yonatan Zeev ben Netaa

Yosef ben Bruria Katrina

Yosef ben Malka Machla

Jonathan Fishman, Erica Gray, Marsha Greenstein, Adam Moskowitz, Hanah Polotsky, Doug Thorner, Leib Zalesch, Glenn Zazulia, Sheliya Zohari

Don and Marla Jacobson - 32 years Mark and Yana Levandovsky - 13 years

Sam Makovsky - Sat., 11/3/18 (25 Cheshvan)

Berachot Primer (Continued from Page 1)

Omdin) learned this from the verses about Channah, where it says that only her lips were moving, teaching us that a person who prays must pronounce [the prayers] with his lips. This idea is also found in the Midrash Shocher Tov on Shmuel (the Book of Samuel), Chapter 2: ‘You may think that a person should [merely] think [the words of prayer] in his mind. However, the verse states, ‘Only her lips were moving’... What should one do? He should whisper the words with his lips.’ It is clear that the Sages did not make this statement merely to teach us a preferable and more desirable way to do the mitzvah. Rather, it is intrinsic [to the mitzvah], and if a person merely thought the words of the prayers in his mind, he has not fulfilled his obligation of prayer at all. If the time for prayer has not yet passed, he would be obligated to pray again and pronounce every word with his lips, and if the time did pass, he would be required to recite a double prayer during the next prayer service, as the halachah mandates for a person who did not pray at all.”

Prayer and Brachot serve many functions beyond the fact that they instill a crucial awareness of God in the person reciting them. Like all of the mitzvot, they are imbued with immense power to affect untold spiritual dimensions or worlds – and this power can be tapped only when the prayers are verbalized, not when they are merely thought.

Key Themes of Section III:

− The real essence of a Bracha is the thought that goes into it. The more one focuses on what one is saying, the more one lives what one is saying, the greater the Bracha. This is a lifelong job. There is no end to the levels of perfection and growth one can attain in the recitation of a simple Bracha.

− On the other hand, it is not enough merely to think about the content of a Bracha; Brachot must be verbally articulated. Through speech our heart is awakened.

Page 4: Welcome to the DAT Minyan!...Oct 06, 2018  · The Denver Academy of Torah presents “Raising Healthy hildren in a Digital World,” a presentation by Dr. Eli Shapiro, a licensed


All teens are invited to join us for our

new weekly program,

“Morning Motivation,”

10:30 am in the Library, each Shabbat

other than Shabbat Mevarchim, when we

will have our monthly Teen Minyan

We welcome all children through 6th grade to join our Junior Congregation Program.

ALL youth groups meet at 9:00 am.

If you or someone you know (college age and above) is interested in working in the

Youth Groups Program, please contact Mor at [email protected].

Please help make our prayer service more meaningful by refraining from talking during the service.

Southwest NCSY is looking for volunteers to help with

housing, driving, and sponsorship for the regional

Shabbaton on November 8-11. Please reach out to

Rabbi Yisrael Katz if you can help in any way,

[email protected] , 818-277-0727

Page 5: Welcome to the DAT Minyan!...Oct 06, 2018  · The Denver Academy of Torah presents “Raising Healthy hildren in a Digital World,” a presentation by Dr. Eli Shapiro, a licensed

Please help make our prayer service more meaningful by refraining from talking during the service.



With 25 years of marriage counseling experience - with training both as a rabbi and as a military chaplain - Rabbi Friedman has helped dozens of individuals and couples navigate the difficult road we call "relationships." This series is perfect for those who are married, those who are dating, those who have a great relationship but want to make it better, as well as those whose relationship could use some tweaking... this series has something for you.

The classes all build on each other, so plan to commit to these four Wednesday nights at 7:30 - we'll see you there!

Page 6: Welcome to the DAT Minyan!...Oct 06, 2018  · The Denver Academy of Torah presents “Raising Healthy hildren in a Digital World,” a presentation by Dr. Eli Shapiro, a licensed


Page 7: Welcome to the DAT Minyan!...Oct 06, 2018  · The Denver Academy of Torah presents “Raising Healthy hildren in a Digital World,” a presentation by Dr. Eli Shapiro, a licensed


Page 8: Welcome to the DAT Minyan!...Oct 06, 2018  · The Denver Academy of Torah presents “Raising Healthy hildren in a Digital World,” a presentation by Dr. Eli Shapiro, a licensed

Marc and Claudia Braunstein

David and Shira Fishman

Fred and Pia Hirsch

Michael Joshua

George and Oksana Khavasov

Evan and Evi Makovsky

Jonathan and Lisa Perlmutter

Mark and Sarah Raphaely

Thank You to everyone who attended our Shabbat Dinner on October 19th!

This event would not have been possible without the help of the following people:

Kim Fishman

Lena Fishman

Rebbetzin Melissa Friedman

Sarah Raphaely

Nina Rosenfeld

Nicki Toys

Thank you to our dinner sponsors

Costco, King Soopers, Safeway, Walmart


Even several weeks after the High Holidays, we continue to get words of appreciation about the services.

Despite the fact that this year, we were already located at BMH-BJ prior to the holidays, there was still a great

deal of set-up and work that was required behind the scenes to prepare our shul, and we are most grateful to

the following volunteers who helped make our High Holiday services so wonderful for everone:

Daniel Earlix

Larry and Janice Fagen

Zev Friedman

Ellice Goldberg

Marsha Greenstein

Lenny Kark

Rich and Evelyn Male

Bob and Jacquie Marks

Naomi Miriam Miller

Yitzchak Peters

David Rones

Jonathan Rones

Sarah Rones

Josh and Rachel Rubin

Aaron Segall

Susie Sharf

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