Page 1: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

Wellbeing Survey – Summary

• Three wellbeing surveys were carried out in May:

• Retail staff who had been furloughed (149 responses - 82% response rate)

• Other staff who had been furloughed (6 responses - 50% response rate)

• Hospice & Working from Home (WFH) staff (151 responses - 51% response rate)

• Focus of this presentation is on the findings for the findings from the Hospice & the WFH Survey

• Retail furlough survey findings have been shared with Retail colleagues

• Results shared with SMT earlier in June and an action plan agreed

Page 2: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

Wellbeing Survey – Key Findings

• Overall, the tone of the survey response was positive with verbatim comments reflecting that people generally felt that the

Hospice had handled the crisis well

• Some of those working from home (WFH) flagged issues with their workspace or kit that need to be addressed urgently

• Clear differences emerged between those WFH and those still working in the Hospice:

• less “happy”

• struggling more with work life balance

• missing interaction with colleagues

• have some concerns about returning to open plan offices, hot desking and arrangements for social distancing

• Those continuing to work in the Hospice:

• were happy with the arrangements we had put in place

• had concerns about people currently not social distancing

• Were concerned about the impact of more people returning to work in the building

Page 3: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

WFH - Workspace and Kit

• Unsuitable chair • Shared workspace/no workspace • IT kit • No desk

Page 4: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking


Working @ home

Working @ Hospice

• 15% lower “happy face” response rate for those working form home

Page 5: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

Work-life Balance

Working @ home

Working @ Hospice

• 11% more of those working from home indicated they were not able to maintain a good work life balance • Comments reflected juggling work, childcare & home schooling, division between work and home life

blurring, feeling the need to be “seen to be working”

Page 6: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

Wellbeing Resources & Support

• The importance of interactions with managers and colleagues for both groups was clear • Both groups felt supported by their manager but slightly lower for those WFH • Nearly 23% of the WFH group felt they didn’t have enough interaction with colleagues – with comments highlighting

that this group missed the informal opportunities to catch up with colleagues and have more social interaction • Those working in the Hospice were making greater use of reflection sessions, as well as the wellbeing information

on Dovenet

Resource WFH Hospice

Enough support from manager 90.77% 94.44%

Wellbeing support from


90.77% 82.43%

Wellbeing info on Dovenet 15.38% 18.92%

Attending reflection sessions 15.38% 24.32%

Getting enough interaction with


75.76% 94.44%

Page 7: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking


• Both groups found Nicki’s emails as the most used form of communication and many of the verbatim comments reflected how valuable people found these in keeping them informed

• The importance of meetings with managers and colleagues to keep them informed was significantly higher in the WFH group

• Wider organisational zoom sessions were suggested by some • Those WFH used Dovenet less than those at work and verbatims indicate some thought they could no longer

access from home or do not know how to do so

Resource WFH Hospice

Nicki’s emails 90.91% 91.89%

Team meetings 86.36% 60.81%

Manager meetings 63.64% 51.35%

Dovenet 27.27% 47.3%

Page 8: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

WFH - Coming Back to Work

• 60% of those WFH have some concerns about returning, 11% do not want to return yet. • 41% indicated they have a reason that may limit their ability to come back to work in the Hospice (eg shielding,

living with shielding, child care, etc) • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around:

• Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking • Social distancing in communal areas and meeting rooms • Provision of hand gel and wipes • Cleaning of high use equipment (ie key pad entry, doors, printers)

Page 9: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

WFH – General Feedback

• Positive feedback on speed and flexibility of approach taken to the crisis by teams and by the Hospice • New and effective ways of working introduced quickly • Support provided by IT, as well as the occasional challenges with systems/technology when working remotely

Page 10: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

WFH – General Feedback

“I think the whole hospice has

been amazing and supportive, the

pace of change has been so steep

and the support never wavered.” “I think it has been well managed and amazing

how individuals have stepped up to support each

other and be willing to work differently.”

“I think the transition of all the

community team to providing remote

consulting has been amazing, over the

course of 2-3 days the whole working

practice has changed.”

“I think things have been done as well as they could have

been under the exceptional circumstances.”

“Great support from IT”

“There were some early challenges

with access to IT equipment”

… overall I enjoy working

from home

but there are times when I

feel very remote when a

long time goes between

any contact with anyone… “I think everyone

adapted really

quickly to what felt

like a very sudden

change and it shows

how adaptable we

can all be.”

“I cant believe how everyone has embraced Zoom”

“Working remotely is harder and taking

some getting used to…..”

“I have been surprised at how well I

have managed working from home.”

“I feel very well supported ….”

Page 11: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

Working at the Hospice – current &

future arrangements

• The main area for improvement most frequently highlighted was the need to reinforce social distancing in the communal areas now

• Social distancing in communal areas and in offices was also the concern most frequently raised about people returning to work in greater numbers, along with hot desking

Page 12: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

Working at the Hospice – General


• Positive feedback on the approach taken to the crisis by the Hospice • Free meals and snacks were frequently mentioned as being appreciated • Communications also valued – especially Nicki’s email

Page 13: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

Working at the Hospice – Comments

“Thank you for provision of food/snacks. Very thoughtful.”

“Free meals was a really nice thing to do!”

“Nicky’s weekly

emails have been

brilliant and very


“The struggles occurred early on in

lockdown when there were continual

changes made to our processes

causing a lot of confusion and

frustration This was out of our control


“Very clear communication and safety

measures put in place from the start….”

“I feel looked after at PAH. It is spotless

and there is lots of hand sanitizer….”

“….it has felt

uncomfortable and scary

that we have not had as

much income as usual.

We have not been given

figures so one can only

wonder how much we

have lost….”

“It has been very

difficult with the


changing of the visiting


“I have been so impressed with the way that staff have

supported one another either through one to one or helping in

different departments……..I am incredibly proud to work here.”

“Overall I feel there have been many positive changes

that have come about from this.”

“Continues to be a great place to work despite the current

situation . A place to be proud of - feels like EVERYONE is

pulling together”

“I think some things have been put in

place rather late to be honest …..”

Page 14: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

Retail Furlough Survey – Summary

• Overall, the respondents were happy with the information and wellbeing resources being provided

• 89.4% saying they felt supported by the organisation during their furlough.

• There was a high level of concern about coming back to work, with a significant group of people (over 40%)

indicating that there were reasons why they may not be able to come back to work (eg self-shielding, living with

vulnerable, caring responsibilities) and many others were concerned about using public transport or about their

‘safety’ interacting with customers or colleagues at work.

• Overall, the biggest concern highlighted by Retail colleagues was around the volume and handling of donations, with

a range of suggestions being made as to how best manage this.

• The practicalities of social distancing in the shops (or vans) and the various safety measures to be put in place were

also covered extensively in the responses (eg till screens, PPE, hand sanitiser, arrangements/signage for social

distancing, etc).

• All the comments were provided to Retail management to help with reopening planning and new of ways of working.

• A summary of the survey is on the staff webpages and has been shared with Retail colleagues by email.

Page 15: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

Action 1. Ensuring all staff WFH have

suitable kit / workspace:

• Reminder to refresh your understanding of the DSE guidance on Dovenet and the Computer

Safety (DSE) course on Learning zone

• audit being undertaken of kit/workspace

• managers have been briefed and will support you with this

• we have agreed to fund essential items (eg a keyboard, a riser and a mouse if you only have a lap

top or a contribution towards a suitable work chair)

• if we can’t arrange the right kit or if your workspace is unsuitable – we will bring you back to work

at the Hospice as a priority

Page 16: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

Action 2: Ensuring staff WFH maintain good

work/life balance

• This is clearly important for everyone who works here but we have identified a particular issue for those

who are WFH just now

• Manager briefings to remind them of the importance of this and how they can support you • Weekly wellbeing emails form PS to highlight wellbeing resources you can use – and this will remind us all that

we need to take responsibility for our own wellbeing too: • sticking to a routine • taking regular breaks • finishing work on time • getting outside and having some fresh air

Page 17: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

Action 3: Ensuring we engage with one another

regularly - professionally and socially:

• My regular email updates will continue as you have told me how much you value them

• We’ll be holding all staff zoom sessions like this one regularly going forward on topics you are interested in – the next one is on the arrangements we are making to bring people safely back to work here

• Managers have been asked for ways to ensure that teams are interacting socially for less formal, social interaction

• We are encouraging all of you to reach out to colleagues on zoom, facetime or skype for informal catch ups

when you are taking a break from your screen

Page 18: Wellbeing Survey Summary · • The concerns people raised most frequently about their workspace were around: • Social distancing in open plan or shared offices • Hot-desking

Action 4: Returning to work safely

• The Government guidance is still that those who can work from home should continue to do so – until this

changes, we will not be bringing everyone back to work at the Hospice • Those of you still at the Hospice will now that we have social distancing and other safety measures already in

place • We have looking reduced the occupancy for each office and for meeting rooms, to ensure we can adhere to

social distancing requirements

• We will be working with managers so we can bring people back in in small groups on a phased basis when the time is right

• Our next all staff zoom session will be focused on the measures we have been taking and will be taking as we

start to bring people back to work here.

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