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    Luarca 1

    Miguel V. Luarca

    Mr. Vince Serrano

    Lit 126.2

    15 January 2013

    Annotated Bibliography

    Appel, Markus, and Barbara Malekar. "The Influence of Paratext on Narrative Persuasion:

    Fact, Fiction, or Fake?" Human Communication Research 4.38 (2012): 459-84. Print.

    From the point of view of cognitive psychology, Appel and Malekar investigate

    the effect of the paratext in terms of narrative reliability. In theory, all modes ofinformation we receive come in the form of narratives. Paratextual appendages in the

    narrativity of communication lend credibility and persuasiveness to the information


    In connection with Dworkins assertions , and a close reading of how Eliots notes

    operate throughout the poem, is it possible to read El iots paratext as a means of

    supporting , that is, lending persuasiveness , to The Waste Land in light of his own

    critical and literary project as laid out in his critical essay Tradition and the Individual

    Talent ? Also, cognitive psychology studies the paratext as a self-sufficient medium of

    communication; a notion that mirrors the paratextual experimentations by postmodern

    authors as recorded in Dworkins critical essay Textual Prostheses . Therefore, one can

    assert that Eliots use of paratext initiates discourse with regard to how these notes can

    operate independently as clear claims to literary historicity (that is, to the tradition Eliot

    discusses in his essay), and at the same time is a separate but dependent and integral part

    of the poem that serves a s a means of lending it persuasiveness. By extension, it may

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    even function as an element of Eliots poetics that satisfy a mediums need (the medium,

    in this case, being imaginative literature, specifically the postmodern poem) for proof of

    reliability and persuasiveness, usually afforded by utilizing paratext.

    Boukalova, Lucie. "The Unquiet Boundary, or the Footnote Auto-exegetic Modes in

    (neo-)modernist Poetry." GRAAT Anglophone Studies . GRAAT, Aug. 2010. Web. 15 Jan.

    2013. .

    This paper directly scrutinizes Eliots use of the notes against the backdrop of

    canonicity, by interpreting the notes as a practice that incorporates centuries of cultural

    acknowledgment and an awareness of literary heritage and precedence (4). The paperasserts that Eliot was self-canonizing his poetry through his myriad references to older

    poets and writers, such as St. Augustine and Spenser, and even acknowledges

    companionship with contemporary writers such as Kipling, D.H. Lawrence, and Ernest

    Radford. But Boukalova recalls also Eliots reported change of opinion regarding the

    efficacy and need of paratextual auto -exegetic modes, especially in light of how latter

    poets employ these same apparatuses (David Jones in his Anathemata (1952), and Basil

    Bunting in his Briggflatts (1966)). Ultimately, Boukalova apprehends the notes as

    consistent with Eliots call of difficulty in his essay The Metaphysical Poets (1921).

    Cruz, Conchitina. "T.S. Eliot's Notes and the Figure of the Reader in "The Wasteland"" High

    Chair . N.p., June 2005. Web. 15 Jan. 2013.


    Cruz focuses on the difficulties encountered by the Reader in assimilating the

    information given by Eliot in his notes to the overall appreciation and interpretation of

    the long poem. She recounts the various strategies employed by earlier critics of The

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    Waste Land such as Edmund Wilson, Cleanth Brooks, and Michael North among others,

    and tracks down even the various rates and frequency of these textual intrusions and what

    meaning can be gleaned from these changes (for example, Cruz notices how 6 notes

    appear in seventeen lines in the section The Fire Sermon , where the notes serve to

    heighten the Readers awareness of his/her predicament, i.e. as a character in the poem) .

    Cruz straightforwardly qualifies the notes as a direct address to the Poets imagined

    f igure of the Reader, making the Reader him/herself a character in the Poets waste land .

    And following this line of thinking, the notes then are supposed to serve as valuable clues

    to a credible interpretation of the poem; an internal language, so to speak, familiar to allthat inhabit the waste land of the poem in which the Reader is supposedly a part of by

    virtue of the direct address of the notes. But at the same time, the process of signification

    supposedly orchestrated by these notes put to question the whole notion of apprehension,

    of knowing the meaning of the poem. This curiously powerful suggestion then lends an

    almost extra-literary cohesiveness to The Waste Land s heap of broken images, in that

    the notes make the Reader complicit to the breaking down of meaning demonstrated by

    the poems postmodernity.

    Ellmann, Maud. The Poetics of Impersonality . Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1987.


    Ellmann glosses through the modernist concept of impersonality, the anti-

    Romanticist notion that the poet effaces himself in order to lend his work some historical

    integrity and objectivity. The book revues how Eliot (and also Pound), adhering to this

    poetic disposition as Eliot himself intimates in his essay Tradition and the Individual

    Talent , equivocates between impersonality and subjectivity through the looming

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    presence, and all-powerful internal logic, of the poets personal emotion which Eliot

    permits to stage-manage throughout the poem. In the books intensive analysis of The

    Waste Land , Ellmann grounds his reading with the Freudian concept of the uncanny

    and its pervasiveness as seen in the consistent repetition of tropes of death and horror,

    with a special focus on how the uncanny, or in German, the unheimlich , or unhomely,

    renders even the poetic gesture of quotations (or often in Eliots case, deliberate

    misquotations) as unfamiliar, in that the affinity for, even kinship with, past texts is

    defamiliarized ultimately suggesting a loss of origin. Applying this line of thinking to

    an investigation of the function of Eliots endnotes, the historicity purported by themyriad allusions and paratextuality of The Waste Land , then, rehearses an inherent

    tension to be found in Eliots brand of modernist i mpersonality. This tension mirrors too

    the confusing objectivity and subjectivity of endnotes, as explicated by Dworkin in

    Textual Prosthesis .

    Kaiser, Jo Ellen Green. "Disciplining The Waste Land, or How to Lead Critics into Temptation."

    Twentieth Century Literature 44.1 (1998): 82-99. Discovery Service for Ateneo De Manila

    University-Rizal Library . Web. 15 Jan. 2013.

    Kaiser confronts head- on the problematic credibility of Eliots notes, and how The

    Waste Land has developed a critical tradition that engrosses itself over them, entrusting

    the whole process of interpretation on the unity seemingly implied by the erudition of

    these references. Coming from an analysis of Edmund Wilsons review of the poem,

    Kaiser s tudies how Wilsons familiarity with Eliots then unpublished notes shaped his

    reading of the poem, making an indelible influence for future literary analyses of The

    Waste Land . Kaiser sees the notes as enabling the literary critics attempt at solving the

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    problems of modernity suggested by the poem, but observes a poststructuralist breaking

    down of the integrity of these notes when more contemporary theorists have

    demonstrated how these selfsame crises prove to be the very basis of these critics


    Lennon, Paul. "Ludic Language: The Case of the Punning Echoic Allusion." Brno Studies in

    English 37.1 (2011): 79-95. Print.

    Lennon analyzes how the allusion operates quite closely to the configuration of

    the pun. He begins by defining the echoic allusion as the same as the literary

    allusion, meaning the writer acknowledges and introduces to the present text theexistence of another secondary text via use of a cryptic quotation, and this mirroring of

    sorts rehearses quite closely the process of punning (in fact, Lennon notes that the

    etymology of allusion, the Latin allusio actually meant word - play, and the word

    allusion was understood as such during the Renaissance period). Quite scientifically,

    Lennon charts out the process of how readers take in an allusion as 1) recognition, 2)

    inferencing, and 3) appreciation of the writer as alluder. It also questions the necessity of

    alluding, and concludes that allusions attract readers attention upon recognition; it

    cannot be a locus of new creation of meaning through the semantics of the present and

    absent texts; it also produces humor through instances of incongruity; and lastly,

    recognition and interpretation of allusion also incite aesthetic pleasure through

    demonstrations of linguistic and liter ary ingenuity. In this light, we can use Lennons

    study of the echoic allusion as a litmus test for Eliots many instances of alluding to older

    texts does Eliot conform to the given purpose of allusion, or does his brand of allusion

    suggest an altogether different agenda?

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    Sangi, Muhammad Khan, and Farhan Ebadat Yar Khan. "The Waste Land in the Light of T. S.

    Eliot's Concept of Tradition." Language in India 11.12 (2011): 427-41. Print.

    Sangi and Khan assert the unity of Eliots poem and the notes appended to it by

    explicating how the notes function as Eliots own demonstration of his critical theories

    regarding tradition. Eliot defines the poet as one who acknowledges the literary heritage

    developed by earlier poets before him, and contributing to the historical narrative

    initiated by a perceived unified tradition. Eliots notes, then, substantiate this claim to

    membership with tradition.

    Smith, Grover. "Memory and Desire: The Waste Land." T.S. Eliot's Poetry and Plays .Chicago: University of Chicago, 1971. 67-98. Print.

    Smiths book contains a rguably the most exhaustive study of The Waste Land s

    many possible sources and references, and offers an interpretation of the poem in view of

    these identified intertexts. This project by Smith takes to heart Eliots attempt at

    explanation in his endnotes to The Waste Land , and thus is a very handy elaboration of

    Eliots own sparse notes. Interestingly, Smith assumes a cohesive narrative at the h eart of

    the postmodernist poem, and attempts to exhume this cohesion from the rubble of Eliots

    heap of broken images by extrapolating from a wide array of possible sources, such as

    those intimated already in Eliots own endnotes (e.g. Shakespeare, the Bible, the

    Upanishads, Dante, etc.) and Smiths own conjectures. Smith speaks in terms of

    themes, and quite confidently ties up Eliots disjointed poetics by assertions made

    credible by Smiths intensive familiarity with these source texts. As per Dworkin ,

    Smiths procedure then incidentally validates the role of the note as proper repository

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    for material beyond the writer's personal authority, and bolsters up the notion that

    Eliots footnoting corresponds to the poems literary historicity, objectivity, and integrity.

    Unger, Leonard. Moments and Patterns . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota,

    1967. Print.

    More of a scholar than a critic, Unger sweeps through the whole Eliotic canon in

    order to identify the eponymous patterns that abound throughout Eliots poetry and

    plays, drawing both from biographical details of the poet and, more interestingly, from

    intertextual references. With regard to The Waste Land , Unger suggests reading the long

    poem as an arrangement of fragments, citing th e free-flowing fade-ins and -outs ofnumerous poetic voices and personas all climaxing to inconclusive endings that refuse to

    clarify their subject(s), but rather simply terminate themselves. Hinging his whole

    analysis on the poems design as a heap of broken images , Unger operates like a puzzle

    solver, deducing meaning and interpretation through Eliots tendency to repeat details,

    suggesting that Eliot as a poet signifies himself through the intertextuality of all his

    poems and plays . This book treats Eliots poetry like hyperlinks leading to one another,

    and may account for how Eliot necessitates his footnoting not for purposes of elucidation,

    but rather a continuation of his hyperlink style a strange, self-defining dynamic

    between the seeming erudition of allusions, quotations, and even direct revelations by the

    poet as to the origin of certain lines, and how these explanations pinpoint not to an

    external, paratextual guide to signification, but rather to an internal logic that manages to

    encompass even the vague, canonical, and antiquated sources mentioned in Eliots


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