Page 1: Western Regional News - The University of New Mexicodue to reports from Mexico. In order to keep taxa together and to keep up with changing taxonomy, I prepared the bander's submission

Founded in 1925

Western Regional


WBBA's Annual Banding Report for 2009

The last several banding years has shown a rebound from prior years when the number of banders reporting their banding efforts and the number of birds banded had been declining. The number of Master Banders reporting banded birds rose to 164 in 2009 from 157 in 2008 and143 in 2007, and the total number of birds banded in 2009 was 170,714 from 157,176 in 2008 and 143,759 in 2007. There were 87 reports of no banding in 2009. We had the highest number of recognized taxa banded with 481 taxa (includes BBL recognized subspecies, races, and such). A good portion of this spike from 400 taxa in 2007 to 481 taxa in 2009 was due to reports from Mexico.

In order to keep taxa together and to keep up with changing taxonomy, I prepared the bander's submission Excel spread sheet to include the AOU#'s, alpha codes, and the 2009 AOU phylogenetic sequence (numbers) for ease of data entry. About half of these new birds do not have "American" AOU#'s and were placed at the end of the list. This has precipitated a change in the Excel file used to submit the data and may eventually change the presentation of the numbers in the future. However, I used the AOU# to present this report as in past years.

I hope that this upward trend from 2007 to 2009 continues next year.

Walter H. Sakai 2009 WBBA annual summary compiler

by George West

Jul.- Sep. 2010 North American Bird Bander Page 161

Page 2: Western Regional News - The University of New Mexicodue to reports from Mexico. In order to keep taxa together and to keep up with changing taxonomy, I prepared the bander's submission

WBBA ANNUAL REPORT OF BIRDS BANDED, 2009 A summary of banding with USFWS/CWS bands reported from WBBA area for 2009

compiled by;

Walter H. Sakai, Santa Monica College, 1900 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90405

sakai [email protected]

I I I J I I I I I Codes in the HIGH BANDER column refer to the list of individuals or institutional banders.

Numbers in ( ) are individual totals

Upon request we can supply a lisl of all banders for a species or the results with AOUI/ and/or species codes

Sl'ccies Altlhn YlJ NWT WA/OR NV MT/W\ I1.Z

Code MX 1m ;uz-~ - ~ ID-- CA UT CO NM Total High Bander(s)

1_wc:_e:..:s:..:te:..:rn::_:G:..:re:..:be..:.__ _______ 1_wc:..:::.EG.:.R::..:__ _ ___ 1_ - ---f- - -t---=-=10 _ - - l---ll-- - l·---10-f_W_l_l('-1-'0)'----

Pacific Loon PALO 8 -·l - --t----l---8-tU17(8)

Red-throated;;...L::..o:..:o_:cn _____ _ _ 1R_TL____:c0:.___-l--- ____ 54 I- I- _ _ r-- __ 1_ - - + - ---'5-"4f_U;;...l:..:7->:(5'--'4-'---) ____________

1 Rhinoceros Auklet RHAU 301 111 412 T07(301) P03(111)

Cassin's Auklet CAAU -- 376 - ~ 759 P03(383): T07(376) Parkeet Auklet PAAU I~ I- -- - - - -- 2 A02(2) LeastAuklet LEAU -- I- - - 7-5 - - -- 1------'CI'-''--"-'"-'------------1

__ _ _ __ __ - - l--+ - -tf--tl-- ---t--- -75--IA02:..:("--75'--'-) _________ 1 Pigeon Guillemo . ..:.t _______ 1_:_P:..:IG::.:U::.__ __ _ _ _ _ ____


_ _ _..:.1 _1-______:5:.:9_I--+---I---I--____:6:_::0_J:P:..:0::3~(5:.:9!!.), ___:W_:_:I:_:l_;_:(l~)-------l Common Murr:_e _______

11::c.:.O.:..:M.:.:U::__ _ _ ___ 10_0 _ ___ --+ --l---f----1--- 100 A02(100)

Thick-billed Murre TBMU 252 252 A02(252)

Parasitic Jaeger PAJA 1 1 Ul7(1)

Black-legged Kittiwake BLKI - - 132 -- -- --I- 132 A02(132) - r-- -- - - --r-- - - 1- - - - = ---------1

Red-legged Kiniwakc..;e _ ____ 1,RL-=-:K.:.:I_ -I---I-- __ 2_8 __ ---t-- -11---l --- 28 A02(28) Glaucous Gull

Glaucous-winged Gull

Western Gull

C_a_li~_ornia Gull --- ----Gull-billed Tern

Least Tern

Black Skimmer

--GLGU 31

1- - -*---1--- --- --GWGU 62 ---- - I- ---- --- - --1---1--+ --WEGU 234 - -

1- ------~ Ill

!--- - -----3492


---- --- ---

-- ---

31 T08(31)

62 T07(62)

234 P03(234)

1308 P03(753), S 15(555)

113 Cl5(111), G08(2)

3492 Cl5(3324), Cl3(168) 32 Cl5(32)

1_Am_ e_n_'can_ W___:ig:..:.eo'--'n'--- -----+A_M_:_W_:cc:_l _

1__ _ __ 56 2 1 3 62 E03(50), Ul4(6), Ml3(3)

rAm= e::.n::.'c:.:an;;o:e:.:d...:T:.:.ea:.:I ___ ,1:A.::G:...W:.:....:.T_ 4 312 52 6 ~ ___ _ 717 Ml3(343), U14(174), E05(90)

Blue-winged Teal --- BWTE c---- 5 12 I 18 102(6), W08(4), E05(1)

C=.i:.:.:n::.:narn=--:o:..:n____:T_:_ea.:.:l _ _ ______ 1c:.:I:.:T.:.E~ _______ _ ~ ~ ~ __ I- 297 Ml3(208), S02(38), K03(25)

N_o_rthern Shoveler - -----I.:.:N:.:SH:..:.::0 __ 1_ _ ~ 2 19 _E 39 K03(16), Ml3(12), S02(3)

Northern Pintail _ NOPI 9 __ 1_ 1938 ~ 5 1191- _ _ 2374 Ul4(1282),E03(512), W08(145)

W--'o-'--od_ D_ u_c_k ________ 1

WODU I- ____ __ ~ ~ 740 1150 Ml3(740),102(239), SOS{IOI)

Redhead REDH 91 8 10 5 114 W08(91), S02(9), 102(8)

Canvasback CANV _ - ~ 4 91- - 13 Ml3(8), W08(4), Sl3(1)

Lesser Scaup LESC 11 I- 2 5 18 W08(9), Ml3(5), D04(2)


t:Ri=·n~go____:-n_::e.::ck:.:e.:.d .:.D:.:uc:.:.:k _____ -----lrRN;:..:.::D~U~ _____ - -1---7 1______2 _ _ __ 3 1-__ 13 W08{6), Ml3(3),10:::_2(~2!____) -----I

Barrow's Goldeneye ___ BAGO 39 580 o 619 P04(580), Ul7(39) _____ --l Bufflehead - - - ---- BUFF -- - 1--- 7 -- - - -I- 7 W08(6), D04(1)

HarlequinDuck ~~- -~I- 1---- 38 U17(38)

t:S:.::te:.:_ll:.:er':.:s:.:E:.:id:.:e::_r _ _ ~-----+S:..:T:.:.E:.:.:I_ f--- _ __ 36_8 _ _ I- - - - - ---I- --36:.;8: FU..:.O;.cl(:.:.36=-'8--'-)---------l

Spectacled Eid.::er____:_____ _ SPEI 41 41 Ul7(41) Black Seater BLSC -- - -- - - - --1 - - r--- - --r-- --"-lCFW..:.I;.cl..:.(l=-')'--'---------

:~t;~:::~ed Scoter ----l-:-uw_S..:.~.:..c_ f----- -_- --- -_-_- _- -_-_-_- _ _ 8~: --_- := ---t---+----=-27.:.1--'W_:___Ic..:l~(2::__:7!____) _ ________ 1

t===::-.:.:-=---::----:--:--:---:---11==-- f--- _ 3 __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 1-I- _ _ 8.:.:0-::6I:W-':-::-:-1170(8;.:.06:..!.) ________

1 Lesser Snow Goose (wh phase) LSGO 3 U01(3)

Page 162 North American Bird Bander Vol. 35 No.3

Page 3: Western Regional News - The University of New Mexicodue to reports from Mexico. In order to keep taxa together and to keep up with changing taxonomy, I prepared the bander's submission

Species Alpha YIJ NWT WA/OR NV MTIW"I AZ Code MX HI AK BC AB ID CA UT co NM Total High Bander(s)

Greater White-fronted Goose GWFG 2061 2061 uo 1(2028),U17(33)

Canada Goose CAGO I~ II 416 1793 W11(1190), Ml3(402), 102(176) 1- - -- --

Cackling Goose CACG 372 372 U17(372) - - - -- -Brant BLBR 41 I 42 Ul7(41), Wll(l) RawaJian Goose HAGO- -- - -- 20 H06(20) 20

Emperor Goose EMGO 141 141 Ul7(241) ----------r-- -- --Whistling Swan WHSW 304 76 380 UOI(I99), A03(105), Sl3(76) -- - -- -- -- r---Trumpeter Swan TRUS 3 53 56 M09(29), Cl4(24), Wll(3) - ----White-faced Ibis WFIB 74 74 103(74) -- - 1--- ---- 1- --

1 Great Bl~e Heron GBHE I H03(1)

Snowy Egret SNEG I 1 SOl(!) --1----- -- ,_ Tricolored Heron TRHE 1 I G08(1) -- - ----1-- 1---Green Heron GRHE I 2 I 4 SOI(2), B06~G08(l)

1-- 1- --Sandhill Crane SACR

r- ~ 39 47 Ml3(39), M06(8) --c-- -- - - -- --

Virginia Rail VIRA I 2 K04~P03(l) --1- -

Sora SORA I I 2 G08~P03(1) -- - - ~ --I--- --- --

American Coot AMCO I 65 104 Ml3(65), 102(38), SOl(l) - t- r--Hawaiian Coot HACO 18 18 003(18)

41- -- 1- --Red Phalarope REPH 4 P05(3), U17(1) - --Red-necked Phalarope RNPH 8 8 P05(7), Ul7(1)

Wilson's Phalarope WI PH 3 3 Wl1(3) 1- -- -

American Avocet AMAV I I Cl5(1) 1- - -- --

Black-necked Stilt BNST I 1,_ 2 Cl5~G08(1) ----Hawaiian Stilt HAST 14 14 003(14)

1- - ------ 1- -- 1- --- -- --Wilson's (Common) Snipe WISN 3 8 II K02(2t_ AOI(l) ------- ---- -- -- 1- --Short-billed Dowitcher SBDO 14 14 K02(14) -- --Long-billed Dowitcher LBDO II 11 P05(8), K02(3) ------Red Knot REKN & 8 Ul7(8) -- -- - --1- ------ ------Rock Sandpiper ROSA 214 214 Ul7(214)

1- 1- - -- -- 'U'i1(55) --Sharp-tailed Sandpiper SHAS 55 55

Pectoral Sandpiper PESA 44 44 P05(40), Ul7(2), K02-A05(1) -- -- --Baird's Sandpiper BASA I I P04(1) -- - -- 1-- ---1-Least Sandpiper LESA II 100 162 273 C07( 162), P04(94 ), G08(7) -- -- -- --Red-necked Stint RNST I I Ul7(1)

1--- --Ounlin ~:L ~ 526 527 Ul7(489), P05(24), A05(13), -- --- --1- -----Semipalmated Sandpiper 9 86 31 126 A05(83), C07(8),Al7(3_), _

81 1~ --1- --1-- -Western Sandpiper WESA 91 533 C07(85), P04(58), A05(14) --~rli~ SAND I I G08(l) --1-- -- 1-Marbled Godwit MAGO 5 5 ao9(5) Bar-tailed Godwit - ~ t- -- -- -- -- ---1-BARG 25 Ul7(25)

Hudsonian Godwit HUGO 106 106 U17(106) Greater Yellowlegs GRYE 1 27 28 K02(27), 005( I) - - - r- ---Lesser Yellowlegs LEYE 24 I 25 K02(24), T02(1) - 1- -- -- --- r- --- -

1~1itary Sandpiper SOSA 3 14 12 29 C02~T02(12), W06(2) -- --Buff-breasted Sandpiper BBSA 44 44 P05(42), A05(2) -- 1- --r--- -- - --Spotted Sandpiper SPSA 9 I 10 C02(9), T05(1) -- -- ----- --Long-billed Curlew LBCU 9 9 P03(7), B09(2) Whimbrel WHIM 21 --

-- -21 Ul7(21)

Black-bellied Plover BBPL 7 7 Ml0(7) 7~ ------ -- ----American Golden-Plover AMGP 1 MI0(7)

Pacific Golden-Plover PAGP 12 31 43 MI0(27), A03(10), Ul7(4) -- ,_ -- - - --1- ---Killdeer KILL 21 5 I 27 Cl5(20), T05(5), SOI~U05(.!.2_ -- --Semipalmated Plover SEPL 2 8 10 P04(8), 008(2) ---- -- ----Piping Plover PIPL C07(162) -- ----Snowy Plover SNPL 2 • 628 630 Cl5(459), Sl5(113), P03(39) MoWttain Plover MOUP 170

--170 105(12), CI0(41), Sit~

Ruddy Turnstone -RUTU 2 17 19 U 17(9), MIO(G), A02~G08(2), -Groove-billed Ani GBAN I I 008(1) American Oystercatcher AMOY -20 20 W11(20) American Black Oystercatcher ABOY 4 7 11 P03(7), T07( 4)

Northern Jacana NOJA I I 008(1) f-- --1- ----- -White-tailed Ptarmigan WTPT 41 41 B13(41) -Band-tailed Pigeon BTPI 40 40 B04(40) -- f-- --

Mourning Dove MODO 2 1251 180 530 28 514 2505 Wll(710), 102(539), Ml3(530) f-- ---White-tipped Dove wmo I I 008(1)

Jul.- Sep. 2010 North American Bird Bander Page 163

Page 4: Western Regional News - The University of New Mexicodue to reports from Mexico. In order to keep taxa together and to keep up with changing taxonomy, I prepared the bander's submission

~pedes Alph• YU NWT WA/OH NV MT/W} AZ

Code MX HI I~ DC AD ID CA UT co NM Total High Bandu(s)

White-winged Dove WWDO 17 II 118 146 Bl3(8l), 803(35), G05(17) -- r---Common Ground-Dove COGD I 22 6 29 Sl4(19), Ml2(3), LOI(2) - - 1-Ruddy Ground-Dove RUGD 8 8 G08(7), K04( I) ----1- - - 1-lnea Dove INDO 50 50 GOB( 46), K04( 4) ----1-Thrkey Vulture TUVU 66 66 BIO(G6)

Whito· lafled Kite WTKI 23 23 BI0(23) -- t--Northern Harrier NOHA 14 8 22 Ul3(14), G05(8)

Shnrp·shirutod Hawk SSHA 91 32 6 696 583 II 3 1422 G05(558), Ul3(82), P03(25)

!Cooper's Hawk ICOHA - ,_ - -

)59 288 574 15 12 l 1049 005(451), BIO(II9), Sll(l57), - 1- r--Nnt1hcm Goshawk NOGO II I 12 I 25 Ul3(11). C16(1)

Red-tailed Hawk RTHA 6 170 726 10 \5 927 BI0(429), G05(226), HOI(I26) --1-Harlan's Hawk HRLH 4 13 3 3 23 P02(13), U13(4), M02=R01(3)

- -Red-shouldered Hawk RSHA 108 108 BI0(72), H08(17), G05(13)

8wainson's Hawk SWHA 44 59 147 47 297 U09(117), 810(30), R05(25) -- - -Broad-winged Hawk BWHA I 2 3 ~05(2), 101(1) -- ,_ -- - - -- -- - - --~ t-Roadside Hawk ROHA I I GOB(l) -- -Rough-logged Hawk RLHA I 2 6 12 21 H07(10), H08(6), C04(2) --Ferruginous Hawk FEHA 50 43 2 3 5 103 U10(48), 807(42), EOI(5) -- - - --1- ,_ Golden Eagle GOEA 2 I 6 4 I 14 Bl0(6), B02=B05=R05(2) - - r-----z --

B05(12), u 15(7) Bald Eagle BAEA 7 6 12 27

Gyrfalcon GYRF 13 2 15 Ul5(13), P02(2) 1- --f-- -- - r-- -- r---

Prairie Falcon PRFA 13 42 7 2 64 B03(37), M02(10), C04(4)

I~ - -----r-- 1- -- --Peregrine Falcon PEFA 27 5 40 Cl1(15), B02(7), 101=103(6) ------,_ -- ----Merlin MERL 9 II 45 62 2 129 G02(62), 101(43), P02(11)

t-Aplomado Falcon APFA 71 71 T04(71) --'Is --American Kestrel AMKE 14 145 582 81 5 1445 805(425), Bll(252),101(184) -- - - - -- 1-Osprey OSPR

1-50 8 58 101(50), 810(8) -- --

t----g39 Bam Owl BNOW .~ 245 26 1198 805(655), M02(229), BIO(II9) -- t-- -- --Long-eared Owl LEOW 2 30 32 R04(26), ROI(4), 101(2) - ----,_ --Barred Owl BDOW 3 3 B02(2 ), C09( I)

S!'ollcd " Barred Owl hybrd SBOH 2 2 P07(2) --- ,'- ----1- ---Spouc:d Owl SPOW 50 148 23 222 J<;G6(77), U 12(57), P07(37) - --- ---- 1- --f-- -Grcnt Grny Owl GGOW 71 71 Cl6(70), C02(1) -- - -- -- -- -- f-- --Boreal Owl BOOW 37 2 39 E05(33), Ul3(4), C16(2) -- --~ --Northern Saw-whet Owl NSWO 165 13 173 64 I 451 E05(165), 101(152), E02(35)

Eastern Screech-Owl EASO 2 2 R05(2) ~ t--- --

Western Screech-Owl WESO 27 20 7 54 807(24), S05(11), BIO=R04(7) ------·~

-- ---Flammulated Owl FLOW 27 28 10 1(27), S04( I) - - --1- ,_

~ Great Homed Owl GHOW I 1 40 60 BI0(37), R05(18), Ull(3) t-- -- ------Snowy Owl SNOW I I Cl6(1)

Northern Hawk Owl NHOW 118 118 C16(112), C02(6), --- - - ,_ -- f-- ------ ---1-Burrowing Owl BUOW 319 83 49 133 584 B02(319), C05(83), A04(68) -- t-- t--Northern Pygymy-Owl NOPO I 2 3 I 7 C02=K04(2), P03=U l5=U20(1) -Yellow-billed Cuckoo YBCU 1,_ I P03(1) - - - r--- ----- ~-

~!ted Kingfisher BEKI 8 7 I 4 20 C02=T02(7), P03(2) - -- --Green Kingfisher GKIN I I K04(1) --- -- - -- --

~ --Hai1y Woodpecker IIAWO 6 20 5 19 21 10 2 130 U05(70), U07(13) ----Downy Woodpecker DOWO 4 40 39 59 49 15 102 7 315 U05(77), K04(36), R04=VOI(28) - --- -- - ---- -- --Ladder-backed Woodpecker LBWO ~ 10 H03(6), LOI(2), H05=S03(1) -- - --Nunall's Woodpecker NUWO 62 62 SI0(\2), SOI ( IO), P03(9)

White-headed Woodpecker WHWO 1- 1-

4 4 104(4) ---1- - -- -- -- --~-Black-backed Woodpecker BBWO f--

I I 104(1) -- - --(Amer.) Three-toed Woodpecker TTWO I I AOI(l) -- --1-Yellow-bellied Sapsucker YBSA 25 6 5 36 T01(15), L02=MOI=U07(5) -- -- -.-- zo'---w Red-naped Sapsucker RNSA 3 43 U08(15), M08(11), R04(5) - 1----)---Hybrid Sapsucker HYSA 3 3 Red-breasted Sapsucker

1- - --r--RBSA 5 55 115 175 104=K04(50), P03(36)

1--- 1-Williamson's Sapsucker WISA 2 6 I 19 28 U08(19),104(6), K04(2) Pileated Woodpecker

,_ - - 1------PIWO I I 2 K04=SOI(l) Acorn Woodpecker ACWO

-- - -- '-- 1- ~03), K04=SOI~UI8(3) 3 112 115 Red-bellied Woodpecker WRBO I I C06(!) -- f-- -- 1- -- -- --1---Gila Woodpecker GIWO 4 8 12 H03(8), K04(4) Yellow-shafted Flicker YSFL

f-- --1---I ~ 2 ~ -- - 1-"Intergrade,, Flicker FLIN 856 3 4 5 868

Lewis's Woodpecker LEWO --I K04(1) I

Page 164 North American Bird Bander Vol. 35 No.3

Page 5: Western Regional News - The University of New Mexicodue to reports from Mexico. In order to keep taxa together and to keep up with changing taxonomy, I prepared the bander's submission

Species Al11h~ YU ;.,:NW.:..;._:T:_I~W'::--A/=O.:;R~--JNV=-IMT!W) AZ Code MX H1 'AK- RC AB ID CA UT CO NM

Red·shofled Flicker __ RSI'L_ .._ __ 1 __ -I---~l---1---1_5 11~ _____ 2_7 1____!3

,~C~om~1~n~oi~IP~o~o~rw~i~ll _ ___ ______ 11 .~~··o~P~O~~--~---I----~ ----1--~~---l--1---~l----i---1~~~ Cllrnmon Pauraque COPA 1 t-- __ _ _ __ __ - -1--- ·---l---:1-----:+~=-----------l 1,-.omnl<m Nighth::..•wcck _ ______ 1_C_O_N_1 __


t-- -t-- ll----~ --·l-----11----1-- - l---1----"ll

Lesser Nighthawk -----+u-=EN~I -l---+·-l----f---l----11--~----l----t----l----2ll---l"-'~:!----------1 rB~I~no~k~S~w~ift~--------I'B'-'LS~W--t----:+--t----~ ---- I----- l----~--i----1_9t--~l--~~l-~~--------~ ~w~z~,;~··~-·~'"~~=" '~·d~S~w.::i.::ft ______ -I-~-~·~~N_1 __ ~1---I·--- 1-----1---I---- ---1--- I----J---7_48~----1·--~~-----------M•gnit\cenr I hnmningbird - --IM_ A_I·l-'U--I--- II--1-----1----I---I-- --ll----- l·---lr---l--'-'73::.1 __ __;-'-l·--'2.:.:~ IJiue· lluontcd Hummingbird BLUH

8 lnck-chiuucd Hummingbird DCIIU 1

---l~-t----·l---- l--------96-l---l-17~----1---38-f5l-~3~14~·---~~~~~~~~~~~---l

Cosm's l l umnlln~~~d ________ COHU ----~-----~ 27 1---44 1029 31 I __ 1_15_1-----l --f-- ----I---

1743 65 ~:.::...::=:...:..:.:==~----F..::::.:.--11----11--- - - -- 1---l---t---l----1----'---'-'-----'----'-~--'-'-'.!.._---1 ~=~==::..::..:::__ _______ F::.;..::~-t-- ____ 5_1 ___ 1162 77 1730 __ _:_37~I---=~~=~:.:....:.:..!:...:..:::.::!..:..:=:..!:..:..::~::..L--I

~~~===~~--------·:_~~---- t--1---1---- --- --- --9~ -- -------~1 11---~1~~~~~~~~-----~ _ 1_66_9 _:__9~1---=~=--=~~~:..:::.:~~~~~--~ 11

I t-- -- 1-

2 II


544 20

-f----- ----1- - - -- - -- f---~~~~~~----------~-~=--a----21---1----~ I~ 6 1 ----~3 ·~--~~~---~~=~~~~~~---------l

6 3

~-----1- -- ---- ---f-----2

1='-"--'-'----'-'--------11-'---t-- - ------ - -- - -- 1--- -- 2

1- 1-- 1--- ----1-·-----1~-1 5 5

3 37 136

Dusky-capped ________ 1,D~CFL 8 1 ___ ~ __ ___ --1-- -----1-- _ ___ &_

1..;Gcc0_8('-'8!....) _ _ --------'-----

Easr_cn_,_P_ho_e_be ______ EAP!l ___ _ _ _ ~ ----'6-1-___ 2_1 ____ 5


1 ___ _ _ 17 P02(5), C06(4), K04(2)

Sny's Phoebe SAPF! I - -1---2·1----1·--- 4 __ 7 R04(4), P03=SIO=T02(1)

1,B_:_l_nc_k_P_ho_e_b_e _ __________

1BLPH 128 1--- __ ____E. 151 S01(32),P03(25),Sl0(20)

1o:~l~iv~c-~s=ld.:,:«~lF~~~c:.:u~l~=hc=r--------fO=S~f=L:___I---~II-- ----- ll----~~-1---~~~---_:1 l----'-9;~---l-----l----l:I---~1~4~P~0~3(~7)~, .::.10~4~(2~) ____________ ~ Easlem Wood-Pewee EAWP I ___ __ __ ---- 1---1----l------ll----l----~lfC1:.::.0:.:8~(~1) _______________ --l

Western Wood-Pewee _W_E_W_P_ 1 _ 1 9 22 ~ 77 3 82 12 --~3.::.09:..I~K:..:0_:_4(:::.8.:._9)~,~R.::.04.:,:(.:.:63'-'-)'-', 1.::.04.:..:(:::.25:.!.) _____ -t

1v_e_ll.::.ow_:_·...:b.:.:e l.::li.:.:ed~F:...:Iy~c:.:•.::lc:.::.he:..:.r _______ I-Y:...:B:..:F.=L___: 1 __ ::_3l-- 3l~ ____ --1- ----l-----il---.::.ll---~2:..:3-tT::..0:..:2"-(8'-'-):.__• T~O:...:l-'.:(6'"-)':....G:.::.0:...:8-'-'(3:.<.) _ ____ _

Cordilfernn Flycnlch.,.- COFL 29

1 113 4 I 12 l--~l=._,l -:li---2::C4c::2tK:-:'0-:-4:7(9':cO'f.)''-U:C0,:.8-::(8c:O:-:), .::.H:-,07-3=:-01:::01"'(=:23'-'-)----I Pacific-slope Flycatcher PSFL 471 347 1 1 14 863 !01(337), P03(231), K04(99),

rWcce:..:s.:.:le.:.:m:...:F~Iyc.:c:::a:.:tc:::he::.r _________ ~ 1---1--- 1- 11 1--- 3 321 __ _41 ___ 3_7-I-__ 3_76-I_S_l5_,('-19_9_,_),'-P-0_3(,_4-'0)"-, _LO_l_,_(3_7_,_) ______

1 Willow Fly<.:c:::•:.:tc=he::.r _____ ---~I-W_I_FL __ + __ 4_

1 _ 1- ____ 1 217 ~ __ ~ 8

Aldci' Flycatcher ALFL f--. _ 46 814 4 __ _ I __ .:II~:__8:..:6~6I·T;.,:0:.:2l:(6:::3::;2)~.".:..1'0:..:1~(.:.:12:..:7~),=L..::02~=_:_M..::O:..:t~(5~5!...) _-l rroill'~ Flycatcher __ _ TRFl. 1~ _

1_ 2 23 1 _ _ ---II----'3:

1 __ :__~ __ 4...:4-IIC,:::t0:.:2:!:(2:.:3~).~G=0~8(~1.:..5)~. =R.::.04.:.:(.::c3)c_ ____

1 ~~ Flyc~tchcr l.EFL 5 10 42 58 115 C02(41), M08(29), R04(21), - ----t=:..= --- -- -- --~-...:::.ll--1-----=-:~.::.:=..~=~c.:..:::..:..o::.:.c:__ --1-l nnunnu~·. Flycnlchor __ J·_IA_F_L _ __ 11 -1--- 8 128 2 53 ___ 2_4 -~I -'-OII--___;2~4=2lM-='-'Ol:.o(.:..I0~4-")'...:P...:0~3(:::.34-')"-, R:..:0~4~(2~4::_) ____ __

Dusky Flycatch~r DUFL - I- 1_____!! 1 17 ~ 2 97 ~ 236 R04(90), P03(51),104(41)

Gray Flycatcher GRFL _ _ __ 166 ~ ~ 32 I ___3 5 434 A01(166),101(109), M01(61) .!l_uff-breasted Flycatcher BBFL __ ___ ___ __ _ _ _ 2 2 E02(2)

Vermilion flycatcher VEFL 2 17 t9 1~H'::0-:'3(C-:l'::c5),-, "'so=-=3-- ::V0::-:3(2)

301 K04(167). GO!=Ml5(21)

~ Beardless-Tyrannulel __ NBTY t---5 _-- I- --- I-_____ _ r----!. 6 005(3). K,04(2J,:.· .:.Y.:::03~(_::l)c_ _____ 1

Homed Lark HOLA 78 . ____ 7;_:8:FC..::I S~(.:,;78:!) _______________ 1 -- f----- - · 1-

Biack-billed Magpie BBMA 31- 1-- 32 I 36 :.:RO:..:I:.!(29=.!.),~EO=· ~2~(2~) _________ _ --1

~ay BLJA 27 7 34 RO~(I~). C06=U03(7) --1--- 1- ---

Stellar's Jay STJA ~ __ ~ 34 1-- 30 1 459 D04(344), S 11(30), P03(2S).

~!tom Scn1b-Jay \VESJ 16 58 __ 7 81 S04(17), K04(16), 1'03~(..:.:10:!..) _ ___ _

Mcxic•n J"y MEJA 4 4 S03(4) o- t--- -Illy Joy GRN 6 31

1___2!. 34 ___ 6 471- 145 M\4(36), U07(230, U05(22)

Counnou Raven CORA 1 50 130 181 005( 129), 810(50), RO! =T02(1) American Crow AMCR 51-- 39 33 77 R01{38), U03(33), 810(4)

~ostomCrow NOCR 5 5 Sll(5) Cla,·k's Nutcracker --- CI, NU --~I- - --__ 31 1- 1 ~ 83 :..U~OS~(66:!...,-) .-R-O-I (:-:-l -:-l)~, U:-:-:-:16:::(5) ~~Jny - --- I 7 (J)

·- ~:--------I~PIJA t- _ __ __ __ _ _ ___ __}_ FOI{•I), ll05 ~can Starling EUST 2 3 10 _ 5 14 34 U03(1•1), K0·1(7), RO~(S) ----I Brown-ho:•dcd Cowbird B~ICO - - --- ----u7 6 52 30 50 230 505 lJ03(2 14), S 11(92), VOJ(40)

Jut.- Sep. 2010 North American Bird Bander Page 165

Page 6: Western Regional News - The University of New Mexicodue to reports from Mexico. In order to keep taxa together and to keep up with changing taxonomy, I prepared the bander's submission

Species Alpha YU NW'r WA/OR NV MT/W) AZ - ----- - --

Code MX HI AK DC AB ([) CA UT co NM Total High Bander(s)

Bronzed Cowbird BROC 54 ,- 2 56 G08(54), B06=S03(1) ------

Yellow-headed Blackbird YHBL 21 II 3 35 M03(21), G07(11), K04=T05(3) -- - -- ----Red-winged Blackbird RWBL 138 3 131 46 2 302 32 654 T05(245), VOl(l30), K04(33) --- -- - ~ -Tricolored Blackbird TRBL 19231 M03(18416), S05(813), K04(22)_ -- - -- - - 1- -- t---- --1-----z --Western Meadowlark WEME 5 I 8 P03=SO I =W07(2) --- t--- r--Altamira Oriole ALOR I t GOB( I) - - -- - - ---- -- --1- -- --Black-vented Oriole BVOR 2 2 GOB(2) -- - ------ -- 1----o -- -----Hooded Oriole HOOR 2 I 14 P03(5), UIB(2)

1- I- --Streak-backed Oriole STRO 7 7 GOB( 4 ), K04(3)

Orchard Oriole OROR 41 I - 4 1- 46 GOB(40), R04(4), K04(3)

Baltimore Oriole BAOR 9 IB I 3 31 C02(18), GOB(9), U03(3) --- -- - -----;t -- -- --· 52 -- -Bullock's Oriole BUOR 58 17 11 33 182 R04(38), K04(33), M06(22)

------- --Rusty Blackbird RUBL 147 70 217 AOI(147), T02(55), T01(1 I) - r-- -- ---- t---- -- I~ Brewer's Blackbird BRBL 3 I 17 22 SOJ(J5), P02(3)

- r----- - -- - - --Common Grackle COGR 6 91 15 112 T05(73), U03( 15), R04(8) -- ---- - 1---w Great-tailed Grackle GTGR ..! -- II LOI(JO), K04(1) - ------ I~

,_ Evening Grosbeak EVG~ 10 I 125 21 173 B04(116), T05(l2), P03(10) - '----s I- 24 Pine Grosbeak PIGR I 12 3 TOJ(Il), 104(6), R04(3) ---Purple Finch PUFI 243 595 203 2 1043 K04(319), M07(264), VOI(93) - f----- I~ --Cassin's Finch CAFI 2 46 27 242 ROI(l30), 101(46), PC18(18)

House Finch HOFI 33 254 193 26 1056 292 72 1926 001(453), VOI(252)MJ2(197) -- -- - -- -- -Red Crossbill RECR 3 2 5 T02(3), K04(2) --- - 2 -- -- -- --White-winged Crose bill WWCR 3 5 T02=T03(2), T02(t)_ --1- - -- ----Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch GCRF 170 170 R04(140), ROJ(30) - ---1- ---- - -- -- -- --Black Rosy-Finch BLRF 10 10 R04(7), RO I (3) -- --- - - --Brown-capped Rosy-Finch BCRF 714 714 R04(470), ROJ(244), - --r-- ---- --1--- --Hoary Redpoll HORE I 3 (6 20 P02(16), T01(3), AOI(l) - 1- --r-- ------ -- --Common Redpoll CORE 418 1177 641 2 2238 P02(637), T01(619), T02(540), --- --- - -- -- -- --I- --American Goldfinch AMGO 337 ~ 300 273 30 198 27 1169 YO 1(337), K04( 158), Ml2(153) Lesser Goldfinch LEGO 27 128 397 213 6 26 797 U09(213), M12(192), K04(127)

Lawrence's Goldfinch LAGO 7 7 104(41_P03(2), W09(1) -- --- -- --Pine Siskin PIS! 9 504 18 109 42 36 368 II 1097 TOJ(232), VOl(! 59), E02(111) -- ----- t---- -- --Lapland Longspur LALO 96 96 T02(90), T01(6) --r-- t---- --- --Smith's Longspur SMLO 139 139 A05(139}, ----r-- -- -- --I---Vesper Sparrow VESP 2 8 I I 12 106(6), K04(2), H05=P03(1) - -- -- -- -- -- --I- --Savannah Sparrow SAYS 3 23 198 18 8 60 310 T02(76), T01(65), V01(40) -- -- ---- --Belding's Savannah Sparrow BSSP 15 15 Cl5(15). K04(5) ·----- - -- --Large-billed Sparrow LBSP 2 2 S060_ -- -- t---- -- --I- --Grasshopper Sparrow GRSP t I K04(1) Nelson's (Sharp-tailed) Sparrow NSTS

-- 1- -- -_,_

- -I I S06(t)

Lark Sparrow LASP f---

I I 9 tO 21 B06(7), R04(5), E02=M08=S03(2) - ------ - -- r--Harris's Sparrow HASP 3 3 C06=E02=R04( I} ---- - -- -- --~ --

White-crowned Sparrow WCSP 3 30 30 531 26 23 657 10 1(495), !04=C02(30) -- --Eastern White-crowned Sparrow EWCS I 2 3 FOI(2), C06(1) ----- - --Mountain White-crowned Sparrow MWCS 3 41 2 46 R04( 40), V03(3 ), LO I (2) ---- --~ -- -Puget Sound Wh-crowned Sparrow PSWS 43 120 163 s15(71), P03(37), K04(35) - -- - 9o -- 17 r-- - -Gambel's White-crowned Sparrow GWCS 67 647 375 2 181 1379 M01(203), L02(l66), T02(148) - - -- -- - -- - -- --- - -Nuttall's White-crowned Sparrow NWCS 23 23 P03(20), COI(3) -- - - ---- --Golden-crowned Sparrow GCSP 6 38 124 250 418 K04(l07), P03(70), SJ5(78) --- - - - -White-throated Sparrow WTSP 47 21 2 4 55 8 137 C06(52), T01(29), C02(21) Rufous-collared Sparrow RUFS K04(7) - -- -- -- 1- -- - -- --American Tree Sparrow ATSP 378 264 'II: l 28 672 AOI(350), TOl(l47), T02(117) --- 1- -- -- f----- --~ -Chipping Sparrow CHSP 35 215 49 237 693 101(192), G02(95), R04(92) - -- --- 1-Clay-colored Sparrow _ CCSP I 69 3

~~ I 103 C02(69), R04(21 ), G02(7) I- -

~er's Sparrow BRSP I I I • 34 9 8 74 IOI=R04(20), K04(14), ---- - --,_ ---Field Sparrow FISP 12 12 C06(12) - -- -- - - -- --1- -- ---~ite-winged Junco WWJU c-- -- 6 6 Cl8(6) --Slate-colored Junco SCJU 1391 951 4 3 183 10 2542 A01(801), T02(660), T03(52l) -- -- - -- '8 c-

Oregon Junco ORJU 255 1660 1002 176 23 3124 101(808), K04(771), P03(296) Unidentified Dark-eyed Junco ·-- ~ -- - 1- -UDEJ 14 66

Gray-headed Junco GHJU I 88 182 271 U08(177), Cl8(6J), ROI(l4) -- -- - -- - - ---- 1- - -Black-throated Sparrow BTSP 3 I 6 I 0 H03=S03=S04(3) -- 1- 1-- -- ·- --Sage Sparrow SAGS 3 3 S04(2), P03( I} -- - - -- - ---- 1- ,_ -Rufous-crowned Sparrow RCSP 4 18 7 29 SJO(J4}, S03(7), K04(4) -- --- -- - . '------m- --,4 -Song Sparrow SOSP 772 1435 109 84 2649 P03(582), K04(518), Sl5(349)

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Page 7: Western Regional News - The University of New Mexicodue to reports from Mexico. In order to keep taxa together and to keep up with changing taxonomy, I prepared the bander's submission

- - ------~-~--------

Species Alpha YU NWT WA/OR NV MT!Wl AZ -- ~ Code HI AK BC AB 'D CA UT co NM Total High Bander(s)

Lincoln's Sparrow LISP 69 225 ~ 89 I~ 380 232 32 1409 AOI(215), R04(185), 104(178) ~

Swamp Sparrow SWSP 20 I 21 T01(18), M01(2), C06(1) ----Fox Sparrow FOSP ,_ 187 219 126 276 2 I 811 '1'03(139), P03(130), VOI(Il6), Spotted Towhee SPTO 147 573 424 65

~~: 1235 101(295), K04(218), P03(125)

Green-tailed Towhee OTTO 4 4 17 45 208 U08(134), R04(35), P03(12) ---- f--Canyon Towhee CANT 8 8 S03(6), H05=V03(1) - - 1-California Towhee CALT

I___! 127 129 P03(25), 810(20), 804(18) - - 1------Abert's Towhee ABTO 101 101 H03(75), LOI(25), FOI(I) - !-- - - 1-Northern Cardinal NOCA 7 9 44 60 U03(29), H03(10), C06(9) Pyrrhuloxia PYRR 2 2 K04(2)

Rose-breasted Grosbeak RBGR ~ 2 3 9 4 22 R04(5), C02(4), C06(3),

Black-headed Grosbeak BHGR 169 544 ~ 4 ~ 16 940 B04(254 ), K04( 189), VO I ( 168) 1------ --

Blue Grosbeak BLGR 10 14 70 94 803(27), B06=L01(17) Indigo Bunting I-- 1-

10 21 51 008(15), LOI(II), 803(8) INBU 17 I 2 Lazuli Bunting LAZB 7 I ~ 85 f--54 ~

371 101(117), K04(79), 104(43) --Varied Bunting VABU 2 19 S03(17) -- 6 19 P03(7), 806(5), 008(3), Painted Bunting PABU II I I --- - - 1- -- - - --~ --White-collared 8eedeater WC8E 182 182 008(182) ,_ - -- - - --~ --Western Tanager WETA 18 146 2 941 85 13 61 78 1344 101(706), K04(218), VOI(III) Summer Tanager ---- ~ 24 26 H03(11), LOI(5), V03(4) 8UTA I

Purple Martin PUMA ~~ 114 Ml5(114) - !-- - - - - - - -- -- f--- --Gray-breasted Martin GYBM 2 2 008(2) -- - - - - f.- - 1----- -- -- - -

Cliff Swallow CL8W I 142 619 762 T05(619), S04(132), SOI(IO) - - - - - f--- -- --Bam Swallow BARS 108 12 I 1105 5 1231 U04(1088), VOI(I07), T05(17) - - ----rn Tree Swallow TRES 98 ~ ~ 913 1358 I 6899 Sl2(3831), C12(1223), S05(509) --r----Violet-green Swallow VGSW 5 Ill 14 79 15 224 T02(101), P03(72), Cl2(15) -Bank Swallow BANS I I VOI(I) - ,_ f---

~ --

Northern Rough-winged Swallow NRWS 6 5 9 2 3 6 33 C02(9), B06=K04(6), V01(5) Bohemian Waxwing BOWA 2 2 TOI(2)

1- - ---Cedar Waxwing CEDW I 217 90 104 I 34 2 449 V01(179), C02(90), K04(82)

Phainopcpla PHAI 3 4 7 H03(4), S04(2), Ul8(l) Northern Shrike NSHR 5 9 I 3 18 VOI(7), AOI(5), 002(2) -- --!-- -- f--- - - ---- ---Brown Shrike BRSH I I ~ - - - 1- --~ --Loggerhead Shrike L08H I 7 9 LO 1(6), E02=H03=K04( I) Red-eyed Vireo REV! 6 ~ 2 19 2 30 C06(11), G08=R04(6), - - 1- -- -! ellow-green Vireo YGVI 2

~ 2 008(2) - - --1--

Philadelphia Vireo PHVI 2 I 2 5 C06=G08(2), C02(!) -- - - - - t--- -Warbling Vireo WAVI 12 150 17 467 ~ 3 57 141 1112 K04(246), P03(142), U08(1 16) Blue-headed Vireo BHVI I 3 4 R04(2). G08""M08( l )

1--- --1--- -- - -~ Plumbeous Vireo PLY! 2 5 23 R04(15), U08(3), Cassin's Vireo CAY!

f- -188 62 2 19 271 101(132), K04(52), P03(28) -- - - - 1-- -Solitary Vireo SO VI

-4 i--- 1----

4 MOI(4) ---- --White-eyed Vireo WEVI 6 r-------1 7 P03(5), GOS=R04(1) - - - --Hutton's Vireo HUVI 5 48 53 P03(28), 104(17), Ul2(11)

~ --1- - - f-Bell's Vireo BEVI 18 I~ 48 764 U08(691), H03(26), K04(11) f--- - - -- f---Black-and-white Warbler BAWW 9 I 3 3 2 18 008(5), P03(4), C02=R04(3) - -- - - r---- -- -l'mthohottuy Warbler PROW 1647 1647 U03(1647) f- - - - - - - -- - -Swainson's Warbler SWWA I I P03(1) - - - -Wonn-onting Warbler Wf!.W A I -- - --1----

I 008(1) - - --Blue-winged Warbler BWWA I I P03(1) Lucy's Warbler LUWA 143 143 H03(95), LOI(36), S03(10) Virginia's Warbler VIWA I 1-

6 73 80 U08(73), R04(4) - - -- ---Nashvi lle Warbler NAWA 47 404 220 I__? 3 681 K04(207), 101(197), P03=104(77)

!-- --Onmgc-'crowncd Warbler OCWA 20 554 782 43 664 1559 4 277 !57 4060 P03(620), K04(483), 104(~30) - - -- - - - ---Tennessee Warbler TEWA II 171 57 I 240 TO! (146), C02( 57), M01(16) - 1-- - - - - k----- -- - - - - -Non hem Parula NOPA 2 f- I-- I 3 G08~PO~LO I ( t)

i--- -- -- - -Cnpt May Warbler CMW A I -- -- - - I TO!(!) - -- - - -Yellow Warbler YW~~ 114 234 834 346 663 203 41 414 67 2916 K04(399), 1'02(328) , T01(253) --- -Blnck· thronlcd Blue Warbler 13TBW I I P03(1) MYrtkWarbler

- -----no '109 - -~ --MYWA I 1405 1045 I 2898 AOI(1316), T01(597), T02(357)

~~: Ycllow-rurnpctl Warbler UV~?L_ 49 310 17

I~ r-E I 1-- 394 --Audubon's Warbler AU~~ 29 157 887 ~ 258 1991 K04(486),101(235), P03(182) - - -M;ognolio Warbler MAWA 8 119

1- -- 4 131 MOI(92), '1'01 {27), ?03(7) - - --- ---- - --S:~~tnut·sido~ Warbler CSWA 6 I I I 9 008(6), C02=Cl7=R04(1) - -- ----n4 1- 1---Blockt>OII Worblor 131.-J>W 84 9 I I 329 T02(108), T01(102), 1101(69)

Jul.- Sep. 2010 North American Bird Bander Page 167

Page 8: Western Regional News - The University of New Mexicodue to reports from Mexico. In order to keep taxa together and to keep up with changing taxonomy, I prepared the bander's submission

s, • .,cit5 Alpha YU NWT WA/OR NV MTIW'I AZ - - -Code MX HI AK BC AD ID CA UT co NM TotHI lligh n.ll!lor(s)

Blackbum•an Warbler BL.BW I I GOB(!) - -- r-- - - -Grace'• Warbler ORWA 7 7 U08(7) - - - - 1------"t --Black-thront.:d Gray Warbler OTYW 2 28 9 I 11 52 K04(14), U20(7), P03~S03(5)

1- 1--- - -Black-thronted Green Warbler BTNW 2 2 ~I) - -- I~ -- t-wo - - I~ --1'ownscnd's Warbler TOWA 54 l7 73 6 258 P03(98), A01(53), 101(38)

- - 1- 1- -Townsend's X Hermit Hybrid THWII 3 1- ~


Hormil Warbler I!EWA 172 108 3 K04(168), 104(51), P03(37) - - - - -- r---· Western Palm Warbler WPWA ~ 3 4 R04(2), C06~P03(1) -- - 1- - - -- - - - - -Proilic Warbler !'RAW 2 2 P(l3(2)

I~ - --4 Ovenbird OV[lN 2 9 I 11 34 K04(11) , R04( 10), C02(?)

Nonhcnl Waterthrush NOWA 73 65 497 55 2 I 9 8 710 T01(317), M01(119), G08(68) - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- --Kentucky Warbler KE\VA I I G08(1)

:c onnecticut Warbl;----- - -

CONW I I C02(!) r---- - - - -Mounting Warbler MOWA 26 3 I 30 G08(26), C02(3), U03(1) - -- 1- -~ MecGillivrny's Warbler MGWA 11 47 3 581 352 56 70 42 1162 101(301), K04(262), 104(184) -- - --Common Yellowthroat COY'G !56 739 10 192 563 32 121 69 1882 TOI(273), sl5(186), G08(152) -- -- -Gray-crowned Yellowthroat G VE 19 19 G08(19)

t---- - -Ydlow- hrensted Chat YllCll 23 70 61 3 58 99 314 K04(58), H03(49), R04(40) - 1- -- --Hooded Warbler HOWA 20 I 3 I 25 P03(19), R04(3) Wilson's Warbler

-250 ----m ~ r--m ---m- R04(924), P03(502), T01(432) WIWA 27 711 960 185 3656

C.nntlo Warbler CAWA 15 I I 17 K04(18), G08(15), P03(1) - - - - - 1--- - -American Redstart AMRE 13 269 11 I 3 14 2 313 M01(186), T02(43), T01(40) r- -- -- --1--- --Painted Redstart PARE I I S03(1) - - - - - ----House Sparrow HOSP 294 16 13 29 37 315 704 U03(311 ), G08(294)

f-- ----Red-faced Warbler RFWA 117 117 U08(117) -- -- - - - ---- - - -American Pipit AMP! 8 8 '1'02(7), TO I( I) --t- -- 1- 1- - -American Dipper AMDI I 6 7 R04(6), K04(1)

1- - - --1- --S "S" Thrasher SATH 19 19 H05(19) - -- -- - - --t- - --1'/orthem Mockingbird NOMO 7 37 6 11 61 P03~SOI~S04(8)

Gray Catbird GRCA I 32 -- r--- ----m t-----s5 R04(186), M08(69), U03(52) 12 2 375

Brown Thrasher BRTH I I ]5 I 18 R04(13) --1--- 1- - - r---20 803(14), H03(3), G08(2) Curve-billed Thrasher CBTH 3,_ 17

1- -- - 1 - -- --California Thrasher CATH 34 34 ~04(18), C01(5), P03(4) - 1- -- - ---- --~sal Thrasher CRTH 4 4 806(3}, LOI(I) ------- - -Cactus Wren CACW 8 146 3 157 KOI(l43), K04(8), S04~H03(3)

t- -- -- -- - --Rock Wren ROWR 8 I 9 R04(7), G02~H03(1) - - t- - --1- --Canyon Wren CANW 2 3 S H03(3), Ml2(2) - ----- - -- - - 1- - - -- r--- --- -Bewick•s Wren BEWR 5 4 81 368 5 28 491 P03( 109), S 15(39),CO I ~S04(32) -- - 1- - - --House Wren HOWR 3 177 89 191 I 380 168 1009 R04(265), U08(153), C02(133) Winter Wren

1- -- - -93 .P03( 46), U20(30), K04( II) WIWR 45 48

Marsh Wren MAWR 25 4 I 4 34 K04(20}, G01(5), S01(4) -- - 1- - - ------ -Brown Creeper BRCR 3 I 84 74 10 39 211 1'03~ 41 ), K04(39), U08(39) ----- - ------ --- - -White-breasted Nuthatch WBNU 6 8 15 32 50 Ill R06(37), C06( 17), U08(13) - - - - - -- -- -- --Red-breasted Nuthatch

::~-2 7 3 201 ~ I-*

86 368 101{136), U08(86), K04(59) -- - - -pygmy Nuthatch 3 ~ 20 69 ROI(28), R06(17), K04~U08(3) -Oak Titmouse OAT! 2 91 10 103 Sl0(18), Cl8(17), 209(16) - - - - - --Juniper Titmouse JUT! 9 9 H05(9) -- --1--- -- - -- --Black-capped Chickadee BCCH 119 262 165 258 30 232 6 1072 VOI(\34), AOI(l02), S08(89) ---Mountain Chickadee MOCH 21 I 252 93 20 85 132 604 U08(107), 101(102), K04(69) - -----rn 1- 1- - - - --Boreal Chickadee BOCH 901 II 1032 '1"02(840), T03( I 00), U07(39)

Chestnut-backed Chickadee CBCH 80 198 278 P03(124), K04(66), 815(33) - - - - --~t WREN 31 568 599 P03(294 ), S04( 118), U 18(36) - - -- --- I~ Bush tit BUSH 19 I~ 630 1-26 816 P03(139), MOI(!OI), G01(93) --Verdin VERD 2 I 37 40 LOI{21), H03(15), K04(2) Golden-crowned Kinglet GCKJ 10 46 "1 42 178 7 I 384 K04(100), P03(88), 104(81) - ----~ - -Ruby-crowned Kinglet RCKI 311 582 865 414 109 146 2431 101(639), P03(281), MOI(263) Blue-gray Gnatcatcher BGGN 24

1-7 I 19 1 52 K04(22), R04(19), S06(4) - - - - - - - --

Black-tailed Gnatcatcher BTGN 126 126 Ul9(125), LOI(l) Black-capped Gnatcatcher

- ,----- - - ------ -BCGN 3 2 5 K04(3), S03(2)

Townsend's Solitaire TOSO ,r--

12 5 8 8 34 101(10), R04(8), H05-U08(4)

Wood Thrush WOTH I I P03(1) - - -- - - ----Veery VEER 35 4 I 40 808(35), R04(4), U03(1) - - r---- - - - - - - - -- - - 1--- - - ~ 2 ray-cheeked Thrush GCTH 77 17 2 96 T03(43), AOI(34), TOI(l3) -------- I~ - ---- --Swainson's lbrush SWTH r-3 348 296 72 446 382 226 36 1811 P03(304 ), R04(2!7), K04( 177) - -Hermit Thrush HETH 3 118 44 5 371 562 151 183 1437 K04(304), P03(172), U08(156)

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Page 9: Western Regional News - The University of New Mexicodue to reports from Mexico. In order to keep taxa together and to keep up with changing taxonomy, I prepared the bander's submission

Species Alpha YU NWT WAIOR NV MT/W\ AZ

Code MX HI A.K DC AB ID CA UT co NM Total High Bander(s)

American Robin i\MRO 133 100 112 221 162 3 168 168 1067 K04(126), U03(116), AOI(I07)

Clay-colored Robin (Thrush) CCRO 17 17 G08(17) -- -Rufous-backed Robin RBRO 37 37 G08(37) ---V aricd Thrush VATH 45 18 44 20 127 T03(38), B04(37), T02(18) - -

~ Eastern Bluebird EABL 2 C06=R04( l)

Western Bluebird WEBL 67 172 404 20 983 1646 R06(565), FOI(381), S05(338)

Mountain Bluebird MOBL 10 3260 990 28 5 4293 Sl2(3177), L03(990), P02(43) r--- - -- -- -

Elepaio ELEP 43 43 V02(43) - 1- - ~-

Yellow-bellied Elaenia YBEL 2 2 G08(2)

Southern House-Wren 2 1-- --SHWR 2 G08(2)

Blue-black Grassquit BBGR 9 9 G08(9) -- - --~ Plain-breasted Ground-Dove PBGD 2 2 G08(2)

1- --- r---Gray-breasted Woodpecker GBWO 3 3 G08(3)

1- --- ----1-Rufous-breasted Spinetail RBRS 2 2 G08(2) - -- -- - - --- --Common Tody-Fiycatcher COTF 5 5 G08(5) - - ---- -White-throated Flycatcher WTFL 11 II K04(6), G08(5) - 1- 1-Happy Wren HAWR I l 008(1) -White-throated Towhee l G08(l) WTTO l --r---Yellow-billed Cacique YBIC 2 2 G08(2)

Tundra Swan 78 78 M13(78)

Banded Wren BANW I I 008(1) - --r-- -- r--- -- f-- --Cinnamon-tailed Sparrow CTSP 9 9 G08(9)

r--- -- ---- -----Grayish Saltator GRAS 2 2 G08(2) - -- --f-- --Hooded Yellowthroat HOYE I I G08(1) - - -- r---- --r---Lesser Ground-Cuckoo LEGC 2 2 G08(2) - - -- r---- ----Lesser Roadrunner LERO I I G08(1)

1-- - -- r---- ----Orange-breasted Bunting OBBU 19 19 G08(19) -- r---- ----Rufous-naped Wren RNAW I I G08(1) ------ -Social Flycatcher SOFL 3 3 G08(3) ----1--- --Stripe-headed Sparrow SHSP 2 2 G08(2) White-lored Gnatcatcher

- -- r--- -- --WLGN I I G08(1)

2022 164 13459 19855 16086 30787 55186 4387 18722 10046 170714

Bald Eagle by George West

Jul. - Sep. 2010 North American Bird Bander Page 169

Page 10: Western Regional News - The University of New Mexicodue to reports from Mexico. In order to keep taxa together and to keep up with changing taxonomy, I prepared the bander's submission

Code Permit Holder Permit #spp 11birds !j!~!\\' Code Permit Holder Permit #spp #birds '1::1 P> AOI Alaska Bird Observatory (Guers, Sue) 22759 38 5130 ~[j[\b E02 Elwonger, David 23487 62 678 J'Q (1>

20570 9 7ll }{ E03 Environment & Nat. Res., NWT (Popko, Richard) ...... A02 Alaska Maritime NWR (Renner, Heather) 10707 6 1549 -...)

Alaska Peninsula/BecharofNWR (Savage, Susan) ~~~~~ ~ 1:~ llll~J~f :~: Eremico Biological Services (Laberteaux, Denise) 21828 25 159 0 A03

A04 Albion Environmental (Barclay, John) Eskelin, Todd 22644 2 198

A05 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Kendall, Steve) 21537 7 254 n:m: FOl Fair, Jeanne 22759 11 474

BOl Batchelder, Ned & Gigi

:::: 1 '::; ill.lii! ~~ Gaddis, Philip 21390 48 1140

B02 BC, MoE, Ecosystem Branch (Chutter, Michael) Garcia, Dawn 23591 52 775

B03 Bell, Doug Gilbert, William M. 22521 2 22

B04 Benedict, Richard os42I 21 1362 :;rn:!i G04 Global Owl Project (Johnson, David) 21592 1 49

B05 Berengia South (Crandall, Ross) 2263 7 3 143 hiiijij G05 Golden Gate Raptor Observatory (Hull, Buzz) 21827 10 1399

B06 Bitter Lake NWR (Sanchez, Jeftfrey) ~:~~: ~: ~~: 1!1!1!!1 ~~~ Green Diamond Resource Co. (Yost, Bryan) 22424 I 77

B07 BLM- Anchorage Field Office (Seppi, Bruce E.) Goller, Franz 23549 1 11

BOB BLM- Idaho (Ulmschneider, Helen)

~1:: ~ 1::: .1111111:


B09 BLM Malta Field Office (Prellwitz, Fritz) Hallett, Carole 23005 5 201

~ BlO Bloom, Pete (Thomas, Cheryl) Harville, John D. 23649 4 1719

Bll Boise State University (Heath, Julie) 23307 l 252 m~m~ H03 Hassayampa River Preserve (Leight, Anne) 2334S 74 736 s. Bl2 Bouricius, Steve & Debbie

~~~: ~ 1

!~~ 1t111m :~: Hastings Reserve (Koenig, Walter) 21508 1 103

;l;... ::! B13 Braun, Clait Hathcock, Chuck 23440 36 176 ~ !::r::::

COl CA State Parks - SLO (Isaacs, Jodi) 23502 30 293 ;~:j:j:j H06 Hawaii Volcanoes NP (Misajon, Kathleen) 21911 l 20 ;:;· l 0523 75 1865 Jj))[n H07 ~ C02 Calgary Bird Banding Proje~tt (Collister, Doug) Hinde, Al 22211 6 20 :::

t:tJ C03 California State Univ., Fullerton (Houtman, Anne) 22609 2

:~ ·Ill·'· :: Hull, Buzz 22407 8 174

~ C04 Camp, Lee 20075 6 Humboldt Redwood Co., LLC (Chinnici, Sal) 23031 l 13 tl:l § cos Canadian Wildlife Service, AB (Wellicome, Troy) 10796 1 Hummingbird Monitoring Network (Robinson, Barbara) 23465 7 1150

~ C06 Carpenter Nature Center (Sirvio, Larry) 2!40S 52 ~~:: llllllii ~~~ Idaho Bird Observatory (Kaltenecker, Gregory) 229S9 74 7276 ., C07 Centre for Wildlife Ecology (Smith, Connie) 107S9 8 Idaho Dept. Fish & Game (Knetter, J.) 06714 15 3211

cos Channing, Edward 08097 l Idaho Dept. Fish & Game (Sallabanks, Rex) 23482 9 593

C09 Clegg, Dick 10713 2 Institute of Bird Populations (Taylor, Rod) 22423 95 7561

CIO CO Div. Of Wildlife (Dreitz, Victoria) 23377 1 Iowa State University (Dinsmore, Stephen) 23285 1 129

Cll Coastal Raptors (Varland, Dan) 21417 2 Johnson, Donald 09882 1 50

Cl2 Cohen, Bob 07946 2 Johnson, Virginia P. 097S8 7 14

C13 Collins, Charles 08707 1 Kamada, Dana 229S6 1 143

Cl4 Confed. Salish & Kootenai Tribe (Lichtenberg, Janene) 227S6 1 24 j:j:::j: K02 Kenai NWR (Eskelin, Todd) 214S7 7 77

CIS Copper, Elizabeth & Wolf, Shauna 20047 9 4~~~ jl-~ 11' 1 ~~! Klamath Basin NWR (Mauser, Dave) 06271 8 1694

Cl6 Cromie, Ray 10543 9 Klamath Bird Observatory (Alexander, John) 22834 99 9091

Cl7 Crosbie, Scott 23427 27 430 f)[ LOI L. Colorado R. Multi-spp Conserv. Prgrm 22994 68 823

~ CIS Clemans, Robert 12

~~ ilil;<l,ill Lambie, Vi 10709 13 363

DOl Danner, Bob 10524 2 Larson, Alfred 21685 5 1218 ...., 002 Delong, Russell 22276 2 Lewis and Clark College (Clifton, Kenneth) 22945 4 27 Vl

z 003 Oibben-Young, Arleone 23460 4 MacKenzie Nature Observatory (Lambie, Vi) 10788 67 2232 !=' ...., 004 Ducks Unlimited, Canada (Thompson, Jonathan) 10630 4 S84 :;::;j:j M02 Mattox, Bill 21454 10 348 ::-::~: ::

EO! Eagle Environmental Inc. (Stahlecker, Dale) 22389 3 ll )jM03 Meese, Bob 23461 2 18437

Page 11: Western Regional News - The University of New Mexicodue to reports from Mexico. In order to keep taxa together and to keep up with changing taxonomy, I prepared the bander's submission

'­s::: Code


C/'J MOS -? M06

~ M07 o M08

M09 MlO Mil

Ml2 M13 Ml4

MIS 001

POl P02

~ ..., ~ ~ ~

"" ..., ~-tl::l

~ tl::l l:l ;:s

~ ....

'1:) P>






P07 ROl R02





SOl S02 S03

S04 S05 S06



S09 S!O Sll

Sl2 Sl3


Permit Holder

Merkel & Associates, Inc, (Peterson, Bonnie)

Michael, Hal

Mid-Columbia R. Refuges Complex (Browers, Howard)

Mid-Columbia River Refuges Complex (Hill, Randy)

Missouri River MAPS (Taylor, Graham)

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (Hansen, James)

Montana State U. (Johnson, Oscar)

Myers, Mike

Myers, Stephen J.

Nevada Dept of Wildlife (Mortimore, Craig)

Nicholls, Thomas

Northwest Ecological Res. Inst (Corkran, Char)

Orange Co. Vector Control District (Velten, Robert)

Pacific Coop Studies Unit (Duffy, David)

Pletz, Erhard

PRBO (Humple, Diane)

Prince William Sound Science Ctr (Bishop, Mary)

Prudhoe Bay/Kuparuk

Purcell, Kathryn

PNW Research Station (Forsman, Eric)

Rashid, Scott

Richardson Bay Audulron Ctr. & Sanct (Wilcox, Kerry)

Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR (Hetrick, Mindy)

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (Gobris, Nancy)

Rocky Mountain Raptor Program (Kratz, Gail)

Rocky Mountain Research Station (Ganey, Joseph)

SAC/YOLO Vector Control Dist (Wright, Stan)

Sacramento NWR (Walder, Mike)

San Bernardino/Leslie Cyn NWR (Radke, William)

Santa Monica College (Sakai, Walter)

Simmons, Steve

Smith, Greg

Snake River Bird of Prey NCA (Doremus, John)

St Clair, Colleen Cassady

St. George, David

Starr Ranch Audubon Sanctuary (DeSimone, Pete)

Stewart, Andrew

Stiles, Don

Stillwater NWR (Henry, Bill)

Sonny Bono Salton Sea NWR

San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory (Scullen, Josh)



22557 09589















23566 21859




22558 22415













10721 10488

06816 06517

#spp #birds nmil! Code














139 4


















45 II





1HlJ mr

12~~ i!ll!:!~ ~~~

'i~ ill'll!! ti i I::; 1'iilll, ~:: woo ~m:m V02

':~ 1:11

11! :::

89 :mm; wo3

61~ il'·'lll :~: 301 :mm: wo6

7046 !<'\: W07 !52 T'\ W08 3o i!l!ii'; wo9

2431 "[{! wro m:w: w11

Permit Holder

Teslin Lake Bird Observatory (Murphy-Kelly, Ted)

Teslin Lake Bird Observatory (Schoneville, Ben)

Tetlin NWR (Johnson, Buddy)

The Peregrine Fund (Penny, J.)

Thome Ecological Institute (Thome, Oakleigh)

Tischer, Christine

Triangle Island Seabird Res. Sta (Smith, Connie)

Troy Ecological Research Assoc. (Declan, Troy)

Tualatin River NWR (Zwartjes, Michele)

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Marks, Dennis)

U.S. Naval Base, Ventura Co. (Ruane, Martin)

Univ. Illinois, Institute ofNat. Res , (Schelsky,Wendy)

Univ. of Colorado (Safran, Rebecca)

Univ. of Lethbridge

Univ. of Lethbridge (Burg, Theresa)

Univ. of Montana (Martin, Thomas)

Univ. ofNevada (Collopy, Michael)

Univ. Sask., School of Environ & (Schmutz, Josef)

USDA/APHIS/WS- CA (Turman, John)

USFS- Forestry Sciences Lab (Munton, Tom)

USFWS - FFWFO (Swem, Ted)

USFWS - Migratory Bird Mgmt

USFWS, Migr Bird Mtgmt-Raptor (Schempf, Philip)

USFWS, Region 6 (Jones, Stephanie)

USGS Alaska Science Center (Pearce, John)

USGS San Diego Field Sta. (Kus, Barbara)

USGS/SBSC/ Sonoran Desert Res Sta (van Riper III, C.)

USGS-BRD (Hagar, Joan)

Vancouver Avian Research Centre Matthews, Derek)

Vanderwerf, Eric

Voget. Ken

West, George

West, Steve

Western Montana College (Kirkley, Jack)

Weyerhaeuser Company (Hane, Matt)

Whalen, Ernie

Wiebe, Karen

Wolf, Carl

Wood Buffalo NP (Kadrmas, Neil)

Woodbury, Darlene

Wurzbach, David

Washington Dept Fish & Wildlife

Permit #spp

10699 10791 22404



23498 10667














21751 10777

21678 22405














21317 23610





58 4720 65 5414

31 1798

71 36 1281

2 380 4 743

I 31

19 161

4 2598

27 92

50 2619

2 1098

8 659

8 210

36 1686

4 373

3 66

5 45


7 125 5 2378

4 22

1 5

39 1807

41 1307

28 249

35 380

67 3540


44 465

10 747



13 2 77


14 90 10 432

25 161

1 95 17 3072

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