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Lasted after WWII until the 1990’s

Period of tension between the Soviet Union and the United States

What was the Cold War?

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Goals Collide

Self-determination Nations choose their

government Democracy

Elected governments preferred

Capitalism People own all financial

resources, and give government money through taxes

Security Didn’t want to be

invaded again Rebuild nation Communism

Community owned all financial resources

The United States The Soviet Union

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Spheres of Influence develop

Impose ideals and values in the areas that their troops liberated

Soviet Union- Eastern Europe

United States- Germany, Italy, and France

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The Iron Curtain

Satellite government’s emerge in Eastern Europe Poland Czechoslovakia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Yugoslavia Albania

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Containment- Keep Communism where it is at Don’t let communism spread to new

places that aren’t satellites Weaken communism Show that capitalism is better

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Strengthen American Policy of Capitalism We send aid (money)

to help nations in trouble

Truman Doctrine 400 million in aid to

Turkey and Greece Marshall Plan

Aid to Europe Created NATO

Alliance between U.S. and Western Europe

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China “falls” to Communism

Nationalist and Communist forces battle in a civil war for control over China

Mao Tse-tung’s Communists win creating the People’s Republic of China

China and USSR sign a treaty of friendship and alliance in 1950

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Korean War

While disarming Japanese troops in Korea after WWII, the USSR stayed in North Korea, while the US stayed in South Korea

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Nuclear Race Begins

U.S. has nuclear technology

Displayed they would use it

Soviet Union began to develop and test their own nuclear technology

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1962: Cuban Missile Crisis

October 1962- American U-2 spy plan secretly photographs nuclear missile sites being built by the Soviet Union in Cuba

San Cristobal photo Decided to have a

naval blockade of Cuba Called it a quarantine 22nd- held a tv news

conference Soviet Union agrees

U.S. cannot invade Cuba

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