
Week 7: 14 November –18 November 2016

Monday, 14 November 2016

What can we do to help the environment? On Monday, we sat as a group to draw our ideas of how we could help the environment.

Milan Don’t chop down the trees. You should grow more trees, so the animals can live.

William Don’t chop down the trees and grass because the animals live there. Go to another planet or country where there is no animals or people.

Gigi I’m going to help by saving the tree but not cutting down the trees to save the birds.

Taj The water goes down and leaks. Lots of water comes down the mountain and goes into the….Block the dirty water. Only clean water into the sea.

Alex Don’t cut down the trees. Pixie dust trees will help. Grow more plants.

Billie Save the planet! The trees need to be beautiful. There needs to be many so we can breathe.

Kyler That’s a tank, all the water is leaking out of the tank. And there is a broken pipe that is leaking all the water out to the sea. I can fix the pipe. All the water will be collected. Then we are not wasting water.

Olivia It’s a tree that the tractors are cutting down. I’m going to save the trees by stopping the tractors.

Arabella There was a tree and some butterflies and there was water from the ocean and she was going to put it in the pipe so everyone could drink some water. I will save the world by planting trees.

Angus Only cut trees down that don’t have any leaves. That means they are dead. You can use them for fire wood. Because fires keep you warm. And fires don’t use electricity and they keep you warm.

Harper Don’t throw rubbish everywhere because animals get sick and they die because they eat it. Recycle it!

Sean The rain drops is going into the tank. And I’m going to get water from the tank.

Henry Use the rubbish bins and recycle your rubbish. Put it in the different bin.

Ruby It’s a girl that thinks instead of putting the water, she puts the water into the ocean. Because that pipe wasn’t supposed to have water in it. She saw a tree that was cut down and she put another tree in the ground and the butterflies were happy. The butterflies were happy because she puts more tree in the ground.

Blake Look after endangered species. Programs are breeding and putting animals back in the wild into their habitat so they can find food and breed.

Aiden Stop cutting down trees. Leave the trees if they have animals in them. Reuse the paper.

Clara Stop cutting down the trees because the birds can’t lay in the nest because the animals can’t lay their eggs. We could send a postcard and everyone could say ‘don’t cut down the trees.’

Isobel That’s recycling paper in the recycling bin.

Lexi Don’t cut down the trees. Save them. Plant new seeds and trees.

Chloe William Clara Blake Henry

Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework

LEARNING – Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners. Children transfer and adapt what they have learnt from one context to another

The children were able to use different media to express and reflect upon their ideas.

Week 7: 14 November –18 November 2016

Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework

IDENTITY – Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity.

The children enjoyed listening to new information of the Indonesian culture and sharing experimenting with the anklungs.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Oma’s Visit We have been talking a lot about Indonesia, in our Drama sessions with Mrs. Zachest. These have also linked with our

current PYP unit of Inquiry – Sharing the Planet, as the children have become passionate about the use of palm oil in products and the impact this is having on the orangutan’s habitats and their population. On Tuesday Oma came in to extend the children’s knowledge of Indonesia.

We greeted Oma with Selamat pagi (Good Morning). Then practised our counting to 10, which the children were very good at.

Oma: What do you know about Indonesia?

Felix: The orangutan’s trees are getting cut down.

Oma: In Bahasa Indonesian orangutan means people of the jungle. Why do you think the orangutan’s population is getting smaller?

Gigi: They are cutting the trees down.

Oma: Why do you think they are clearing the jungle?

Angus: To make more buildings. Then the orangutans don’t know how to live.

Harper: The orangutans are getting extinct.

Oma: Punah means extinct.

Ruby: Maybe we could put the houses and the trees stay near the houses.

Oma: Why are there so many houses? Because there are lots of people in Indonesia. What can we do?

Ruby: Plant more trees.

Alexandra: But they will take a long time to grow, like in Uno’s garden.

Felix: Or maybe we could get more seeds to different places.

Oma: The second reason the orangutan’s population is diminishing is because people are taking the babies and using them for pets. Orangutans live in Sumatra and Sulawesi which are in Indonesia and Brunei which is near Indonesia. Because of land clearing the orangutans come out of the jungles and go into the rice fields and they destroy the rice fields which makes the farmers shoo them away. The babies that were taken for pets when they become too big for people to look after they put them back in the wild but the orangutans don’t know how to live in the wild or climb tree so they often die.

Olivia: When they are babies they play and then they go back to their mummies and they look after them.

In Indonesian folk tales there is always either a monkey, deer or a crocodile. Oma told us a folk story ‘The Crocodile and the Monkey.’ The story is about a crocodile who loves eating mangos until one day a monkey comes to live in the mango tree. The crocodile tricks the monkey to ride on his back across the river but the cheeky monkey outwits the crocodile and gets him to return him back to dry land.

Oma also brought in the anklungs. They are a traditional bamboo instruments that are shook side to side to create the sound. The children each got a turn to work together to play Happy Birthday.

Week 7: 14 November –18 November 2016

Lexi Harper Isobel

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Cornish College

What an amazing experience for the children to go to Cornish College. The children thoroughly enjoyed

the experience which was full of wonder and many discoveries.

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