Page 1: What Happened To All The Dinosaurs - Discovery World€¦ · world are evidence that dinosaurs and billions of other animals were killed by a gigantic world-wide FLOOD. Let’s go



Page 2: What Happened To All The Dinosaurs - Discovery World€¦ · world are evidence that dinosaurs and billions of other animals were killed by a gigantic world-wide FLOOD. Let’s go

Most of us have been taught thatdinosaurs evolved over 100 million yearsago and then they all suddenly diedabout 65 million years ago.

Most of us have been taught thatdinosaurs evolved over 100 million yearsago and then they all suddenly diedabout 65 million years ago.


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But there is a problem with that “millions ofyears ago” theory. Scientists have beenmeasuring the size of the sun for over 100years and they now tell us that the sun isslowly shrinking in size. Don’t worry . . . it isnot shrinking very fast (about 1/10th of 1%every century).


U.S. Naval Observatory in WashingtonD. C. and the Royal GreenwichObservatory in England

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This means that the sun was about2% larger 2,000 years ago whenJesus was here on earth. That’snot enough change to hardly affectthe weather.

But this also means that at thecurrent rate of consumption andshrinkage the sun would have beenTWICE the size it is now just100,000 years ago!


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At that same rateof shrinkage thesun would havebeen 20 times thesize it is now just1 million years ago.

Wow! Talk aboutgetting a badsunburn!


All the water on earth would havebeen so hot that it would haveboiled!

Can you imagine fishing in BOILINGWATER? Any fish you would catchwould have already been cooked!

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The image above was found at the Ta’ ProhmTemple in Cambodia. It is over 1,000 yearsold and looks just like a stegasaurus! The personwho carved that image in stone must have seensomething that we don’t see in the world today.

Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)wrote that he saw flyingreptiles in Ethiopia.

Some people have actuallySEEN living dinosaurs!


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Apparently the native Americans who drewpictures (petroglyphs and pictographs) oncanyon walls must have seen dinosaurs!


“Puff the Magic Dragon” is thename given to this petroglyphfound at Wupatki NationalMonument in Arizona.

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Images of dinosaurs have also been found in thepyramids of Egypt . . . and clay figurines by thethousands have been found in Mexico . . . many ofthe figurines look just like dinosaurs! What do youthink those people must have seen?


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Hundreds of footprints of dinosauars andhumans have been found together in thesame bedrock of the Paluxy River nearGlen Rose, Texas. This proves thatdinosaurs lived during the same time ashumans! The footprints had to all bemade at about the same time!

For more informationabout dinosaurs


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Some people think that all the dinosaurs werekilled by giant meteorites that crashed intothe earth 65 million years ago.


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Others think that huge volcanoes must havekilled all the dinosaurs millions of years ago.

But many scientists now believethere is a much better explanation:


Page 12: What Happened To All The Dinosaurs - Discovery World€¦ · world are evidence that dinosaurs and billions of other animals were killed by a gigantic world-wide FLOOD. Let’s go

All of the fossils that are found all over theworld are evidence that dinosaurs and billionsof other animals were killed by a gigantic world-wide FLOOD.

Let’s go back to the beginning of timeand see why there was such a big flood.

Imagine all the animals and dinosaursthat died and were covered by mudto became fossil fuels like coal, gasand oil!


Imagine all the animals and dinosaursthat died and were covered by mudto became fossil fuels like coal, gasand oil!

Page 13: What Happened To All The Dinosaurs - Discovery World€¦ · world are evidence that dinosaurs and billions of other animals were killed by a gigantic world-wide FLOOD. Let’s go

“In the beginning God created the heavens andthe earth . . . and it was very good . . . “Genesis 1:1 and 31

When God created the world it was perfect!He created all the animals including dinosaurs,BIG and small. When God created Adam andEve He put them into a beautiful garden calledEden and provided everything they needed tomake them healthy and happy.

In the beginning there was no sickness, sorrow ordeath. It was a wonderful place to live!


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God told Adam and Eve that they could eat anythingin the garden except the fruit from one tree. Butthe devil came and lied to Eve. He told her that thefruit was really good and would make her very wise.


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God warned Adam and Eve that if they sinned they would die.The day they sinned their bodies didn’t die, but they died intheir hearts and could no longer walk in joyful fellowship witheach other or God.

Adam and Eve both ate the forbidden fruit and when theydisobeyed God something terrible happened to them - and alsoto the rest of US.

Adam and Eve’s disobedience was the beginning of troubleand conflicts between people. Adam blamed Eve and Eveblamed the devil. People have been blaming each other andfighting with each other ever since!


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Adam and Eve had to leave the beautiful garden thatGod had made for them; but God still loved them andmade clothing for them to wear.

The Lord shed the blood of an innocent animal inorder to make coverings for Adam and Eve. He wasshowing them that a perfect and innocent sacrificewould someday have to die in order to pay the penaltyfor all of our sins.


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For thousands of years, whenever someone needed tobe forgiven, he had to shed the blood of an innocentanimal as a sacrifice for his sins.

Adam and Eve’s children were born with sinfulhearts, and so were we. Their oldest son Cainbecame angry and killed his younger brother Abel.

The animal sacrifices were a reminder of howawful sin is and what it does to us . . . “Thesoul that sins shall surely die.” Ezekiel 18:20


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Noah tried to warn everyone that the Lord was goingto judge the world for their sins by sending a terribleflood that would cover the whole earth.

But people just laughed at Noah and didn’tbelieve that God was really going to judge them.The people should have listened to God’swarnings.

God told Noah to build a BIG boat which wascalled an ark.

People all over the world became more andmore sinful and soon violence filled the earth.


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For those who refused to believe and to repent oftheir sins, it was now too late. God had closed thedoor on the ark and the rain began to fall.

The flood was a terrible judgment upon the wholeworld, and this is when most of the dinosaurs andother animals died. Everything living on earth wasdestroyed by the flood except Noah’s family and theanimals that God had brought into the ark.

”The fountains of the great deep were broken up,and the windows of heaven were opened, And therain was upon the earth forty days and fortynights.” Genesis 7:11-12


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Noah built an altar and sacrificed an innocent animalin payment for his sins and the sins of his family.

The Lord put a big rainbow in the sky as a promise that Hewould never again destroy the world with a flood.

After forty days and forty nights the rain finallystopped. A year after the flood began the ark restedon the mountains of Ararat .


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The Ten Commandments also show us thatwe need a Savior because we have all sinnedand disobeyed God’s law . . . the Bible saysthat “the wages of sin is death . . . “

Romans 6:23

Thousands of years later God gave HisLaw to Moses and the Hebrew people sothat all men would know what is right andwhat is wrong.


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God was sending His Son into the world to savethe people from their sins.

Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem. GODHAD BECOME A MAN! (See John 1:14)

Many years later an angel came to a young virgin girlby the name of Mary. He had very good news!

The angel told Marythat she was going tohave a baby. Thebirth of the Saviorwould be a miracleand He would nothave a human fatherlike the rest of usdo.


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When Jesus grew up He showed His love for all thepeople. He healed the sick and gave sight to theblind people who came to Him by faith.

One day Jesus amazed over 5,000 people when Hefed them all with just a little boy’s lunch of two fishand five little loaves of bread.


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Jesus’ disciples were very afraid. They woke Jesusup and asked Him to save them. Jesus said -“Peace,be still!” The wind and waves obeyed Him, and thestorm was suddenly over!

Once, when Jesus and His followers were in a boat, abig storm came up. The wind began to blow and thewaves were coming into the boat.

Peace, be still!


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One day a friend of Jesus died and the family wasvery sad. Jesus had power to raise the dead. Jesussaid - “Lazarus, come forth” and Lazarus came backto life. Some day Jesus is going to say “Come forth”to all of His followers, and we will live forever inHeaven with Him. Are you a follower of Jesus?

Jesus loved everyone including little kids. Hewas glad when they wanted to come to Him!

Jesus said - “I am the Resurrection and theLife, he that believes in Me, though he weredead, yet shall he live.” John 11:25


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Even though Jesus did so many good things, somepeople hated Him. They beat Him with whips andpulled His beard out. Some people mocked Him andspit in His face. Then they placed a crown of thornson His head and led Him to the top of a hill to becrucified.

“But God showed His love toward us, in that, while wewere yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8


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Jesus was nailed to a wooden cross like acommon criminal . . . but no one couldtake His life from Him. He willingly diedon the cross to pay the penalty for all oursins. JESUS LOVES US AND DIED FORYOU AND ME!

“For God so loved the world that He gave Hisonly begotten Son, that whosoever believeth inHim should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

One of the criminals that died alongsideof Jesus asked the Savior to rememberhim when He came into His kingdom. Jesuspromised him - “Today you shall be withMe in Paradise.” The dying thief knewthat he would live with Jesus after hedied! DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WILLGO AFTER YOU DIE?


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After Jesus died for our sins, His body wasput into a tomb for three days and three nights.Roman soldiers were ordered to seal and guardthe tomb because those who hated Jesus didn’twant Him to come back to life.


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But three days later, on the first day of theweek, Jesus arose from the dead! An angelrolled the stone away so that Jesus’ followerscould look into the empty tomb and see thatHe was risen. Jesus is alive today, and if webelieve in Him we will live forever with Him inHeaven!


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Jesus wants you to know that your sins canbe forgiven and that you can become a childof God with the promise of eternal life. Ifyou believe that Jesus died on the cross foryou, you can pray right now and ask Him tosave you. Pray in your own words, or youcan pray something like this:

Jesus met with His disciples and showed themthat He really was alive. He showed them thenail prints in His hands . . . and He evenasked them for something to eat!

“Lord Jesus, I know that I have sinned and that I do notdeserve to live with You in Heaven. But I believe thatYou died on the cross in full payment for all of my sins.By faith, I turn from my unbelief and sins and ask You tosave me. I invite you to come into my life. Thank You,Lord Jesus, for dying for me on the cross. Thank Youfor giving me the gift of God which is eternal life.” Amen


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The Bible tells us that youcan KNOW that you haveeternal life by trusting inJesus Christ as your Savior:

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,and thou shalt be saved . . . “Acts 16:31

“These things have I written untoyou that believe on the Name of theSon of God, that ye may KNOWthat ye have eternal life . . . “1 John 5:13

“He that believeth on the Son hatheverlasting life; and he thatbelieveth not the Son shall not seelife, but the wrath of God abidethon him.” John 3:36

“There is therefore now nocondemnation to them who are inChrist Jesus.” Romans 8:1


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Fossils are formed when an animal dies and is quicklyburied by mud. The mud protects the bones from decayby cutting off sunlight and oxygen. Then, in time, thebones turn into rock.

Dinosaur fossils are found all over the world and theytell us that there was once a REALLY BIG FLOOD withlots of water and lots of mud!

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(303) 564-7581“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy

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