Page 1: What have you learned from your audience feed evaluation 3

What have you learned from your audience feed back.

Page 2: What have you learned from your audience feed evaluation 3

My feedback for my final video shows the improvement from my feedback of the rough cut. This allowed me to improve my final video. I also came up with more ideas after my feedback from the rough cut was given. During this time I learnt how to use Vegas to a better standard and learnt how to put effects on my clips such h as the dark black and white contrast and the effect swirl on the cars going past on the motor way. Through both my rough cut feedback and up too date feedback it shows that the final video was largely improved.

A lot more visually interesting than the rough cut.

The shots were now timed in with the music

Special effects were not shown in the rough cut but used regally in the final version

Camera shots and angles were cut properly while in the rough cut it remained unfinished

The video is a lot more interesting to watch than the rough cut.

The track used fits in with the video.

Page 3: What have you learned from your audience feed evaluation 3

Feedback on my rough cut

From my first audience feed back I discovered the changes I needed to make to my music video. This allowed me to improve and make my video more fitted for my target audience (Young adults and teenagers).

I kept most of my early ideas such as the gas mask and some of my camera angles in the rough cut the same but started off with the first shots being in black and white with a dark contrast. This made the video more interesting to watch and created the abnormal effect to my music video. From my audience feed back I choose to use this because most people explained that it worked well and fitted in with the track I am using.

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Feedback on advert and digi pack

My first Digi pack and Adverts where a lot more basic than my final version. For my first rough for the magazine adverts I used Microsoft word and followed the normal conventions of a magazine advert with the picture either in the top or bottom of the page with the title in a large font. I used pictures from Google such as illusional effects to create the abnormal look I was looking for in my video. For the Digi pack I used Microsoft PowerPoint and created a basic layout for a Digi pack and used a few pictures to show individual layers.

For my final work I used different programs such as Adobe Photoshop. This allowed me to edit images and fonts to fit the look I wanted to create. For my magazine advert I used the gas mask with smoke around it and for the Digi pack I took pictures of the main character and edited these to make the character look like he is on fire and the close up of the gas mask. A image which is shown in every shot.

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The importance of audience feed back

Audience feedback played a large result in my final products and methods I used. By making questionairs I found out more about my target audience. This gave me ideas such as what pace the music should be and how long the track should go on for. The feedback from the audience also gave me ideas on what I should keep the same in my video and change. Without audience feedback I would have little idea of what people expect from a drum and bass track.

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