

By. Mitchell Beaudin

What are pokemon???

So what are or is pokemon.Well that's what we are going to learn in this presentation.

What they are.

Pokemon are creatures that live with us humans in peace and we work together.

What do Pokemon do???

Pokemon can be used for battles of pokemon contest.

Pokemon Battles

Pokemon battles are used to test a Pokemon's strength and power. Pokemon battles are fun and require a close bond between human and Pokemon.

Pokemon Contest

Pokemon contest are used to show off a pokemon cuteness. Trainers must come up with move combinations to make there pokemon get the most attention.

What happens with Pokemon and trainers.

Being a Pokemon trainer requires a lot of responsibility. You must keep your Pokemon safe at all times and they will do the same for you. You must watch out for bad people who might want to steal your Pokemon from you.

What advantages are there to having Pokemon?

When you have Pokemon by your side you are always safe. When you have Pokemon you always have a friend to look after and to love. And you get to work through tough times and help each other out.

What is a PokeBall???

A PokeBall is a small device to keep all of your Pokemon in. they are very helpful. They were designed to keep Pokemon in when they were weak and unable to protect them selves.

What are Pokemon gyms???

Pokemon gyms are places that a trainer goes to earn badges. Once a trainer has all eight badges from all eight gyms in a region they can enter that regions Pokemon league.

What is a Pokemon league???

A Pokemon league is a tournament between trainers with all eight gym badges.Trainers go there to compete for top trainer.

What regions are there in the Pokemon world.

So far there are 5 regions.1. kanto2. johto3. hoenn4.sinnoh5.unova

What more can we expect???

I hope to expect new TV shows and Video Game about Pokemon.

The End

Enjoy the music

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