Page 1: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

Chilli Is Good


It’s A


Page 2: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

Started of with some inital research including collecting different kinds of chillies, taste testing them and recording the effects. I then started to research more deeply looking into the historical and cultural links and what other people found chilli was good for.

Page 3: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

From my research i found that when you eat chillies your brain produces endorphins, which in turn make you feel happier.

I decided to stick with this reasearch and develop my ideas around this theme.

Page 4: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I wanted to feel the thrill of chillies my self, So i did a tasting session of about 10 different chillies.

The result’s of the session were intresting, we felt like are mindset had been altered, kind of similar to when you drink alot of caffine.

Page 5: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I stuck with the idea about chillies making your brain produce endorphines and wanted to push the product as a medicine or as a thrill.

Pushing the medi-cine concept would give the idea that the product should be treated with care and has a dosage and should not be mis-used etc.

Page 6: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

Initial visual ideas playing around with the idea that chillies will make you feel good.

Page 7: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

Page 8: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

Another idea i had was to use a x-treme sports style thrill images and tie it in with the chillies.

For example i was thinking of things such as:

don’t feel like sky diving today?

Try these chillies instead!

Page 9: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I felt the xtreme sports idea was’nt as strong as the medical one.

I started to look at how i could make the packaging for chillies a bit more exciting.

For this idea i wanted to create hotness scale sys-tem using bright colours, this in-fomation was informed by the SHU scale which i found out in my initial research.

Page 10: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

For me the stron-gest idea was the medicine style one.

This way i could create a sense of danger and caution in the packaging which reprsents the product well.

Page 11: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

Looking at many different types of packaged chillies i backed up my idea, by proving the packaging was boring and safe.

It was useful to me as i could take the language and wording style and try and re-creae my own in the same way.

Page 12: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I also looked at over the counter medical packaging i found out that most medicine box’s have brail on them and that most brands use sopt colours to print the boxes.

From this i started to think about how my packaging would be and what form it would be in.

Page 13: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I thought about a chilli pack and what it could consist of.

Page 14: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I then started to think about what form the packaging would come in and played on the idea of medical paraphernalia such as blister packs and foil bags.

Page 15: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

After looking at different vessel’s for my product, i decided on the box as he best one, as this is what most tablet style medicine comes in.

I also narrowed down what i wanted my box to consist of.

1 blistet pack

1 infomation sheet

1 pair of gloves for handleing the chillies.

Page 16: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

This was where i started to get down some initial design’s of my packaging, i though about a logo and how a chilli could be incorparated but at the same time still look clean, clinical and medical.

Page 17: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I started to play with the wording of the original chilli packaging and base my design on the ‘sainsburys’ bird eye chillies.

I used clean and simple fonts which gave a medical feel.

Page 18: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I wanted this to look informative and serious. I think the helvetica based designed worked well but sill gave off the impression of a ‘over the counter product’. I wanted the packaging to look more prescription style, so it would be taken more seriously.

Page 19: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

First mock up my inital design,

After a couple of crits and conver-sation’s with peo-ple i decided that the font needed to be changed.

So i started to look at more prescription medicine packaging to inform my design.

Page 20: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I found this font and felt it matched my idea perfectly. It gives off the idea of medical style design and made my idea and development stronger.

Page 21: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

Further design de-velopment trying different way of put the infomation on the box and still keeping the medical look.

By this point i had also chosen my colour scheme which was Panatone 485 c.

I had also looked into methods of printing and thought offset litho graph was the best way to go with both my box and info leaflet.

Page 22: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I had now decided on my final design after showing them to a few people.

I also tried to re create brail on my box which again made it look much more medical.

This was also an-other print process, embossing.

Page 23: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good


Sainsburys Bird Eye Chillies

I took the intended design to my sign up crit. Everything was pretty much in place... but i felt the name and brand i was using did’nt do the design justice. I looked back through my research folder and found the chemical formula of the active ingrident in chillies.

Using this name, strengthend the whole medical aspect.

Page 24: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I now had my final product and was ready to show how the product could be promoted toying with my initial medical idea’s and my concept statement.

Page 25: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I had also produced the infomation leaflet which was entitled ‘patient infomation leaflet’. I printed it on to thin stock similar to the leaflet tha came with the medicine i looked at.

I also looked at the wording and language used and tried to play on this for my infomation leaflet.

Page 26: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

Final prototype’s of infomation leaflet and chilli packaging.

Page 27: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

This is the final product made up ready to be used in my photoshoot for promotional material.

At this point i also found out through research that the best way to print my design’s were;

box - flexographyleaflet - gravureglove - stamp

Page 28: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

I thought of many ideas for promot-ing my product which consisted of point of sale stands, editorial adverts, medical informitve style recipe books and t-shirts among other things.

I decided that my product could be aimed at ei-ther young lad-dish types for the thrill and daring side of the prod-uct and at people in the kitchen who need to know about the danger of the product.

Page 29: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good

Editorial advert ideas and point of sale stand ideas.

Page 30: what is good extracts

What is good?OUGD 201Design production - Print

Martyn WoolleyBA (Hons.) Graphic Design

Chilli is good


WARNING: Extremley hot chilliesTreat with caution

Like all things, chilli can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.You may feel a feeling of buring in your mouth and throat.You may feel a feeling of burning the next day when you use the lavortory.Your mindset may alter slightly and you could experience feeling’s ofeuphoria or a increase of energy.

This is the final resolve of my product and it’s packaging in context.

This could reprsent something simlar to a abuse of drugs and how it is a thrill to take before a night out.

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