Page 1: What is Keyword Match Type?



Page 2: What is Keyword Match Type?

Use Matching options with your keywords to help control which searches can trigger your ad.

When choosing the appropriate Match type for a keyword, we typically recommend starting with broad Match to maximize your potential to show your ads on relevant searches.

Use the search terms report to monitor which keyword variations triggered your ads.

Using Keyword Matching Options


Page 3: What is Keyword Match Type?

Keyword Match Types are:-1)Broad Match 2)Broad Match Modifier 3)Phrase Match 4)Exact Match 5)Negative Match


Page 4: What is Keyword Match Type?

1. Broad MatchThis is the default matching option. With broad match, your ad may show if a search term contains your keyword terms in any order, and possibly along with other terms. Your ads can also show for close variations of your keywords.


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2. Broad Match ModifierYou can add a modifier, the plus sign on your keyboard (+), to any of the terms that are part of your broad match keyword phrase. By adding a modifier, your ads can only show when someone's search contains those modified terms, or close variations of the modified terms, in any order. The modifier won't work with phrase match or exact match keywords.


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3. Phrase MatchWith phrase match, your ad can show when someone searches for your exact keyword, or your exact keyword with additional words before or after it. We'll also show your ad when someone searches for close variations of that exact keyword, or with additional words before or after it.


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4. Exact MatchWith exact match, your ads can appear only when someone searches for your exact keyword, without any other terms in the search. We'll also show your ad when someone searches for close variations of that specific keyword.To use an exact match keyword, simply surround the entire keyword with brackets. For example, [women's hats].


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5. Negative MatchYou can use negative match to prevent your ad from

showing to people searching for certain terms. Your ad

won't show if a search term contains the keyword term

you define with a minus sign (-) prefix. Negative

keywords are an especially useful way to filter out

irrelevant traffic and thus prevent unwanted clicks.



Page 9: What is Keyword Match Type?

You can use negative keywords in conjunction with

other match types. For example, you could use an

exact match negative keyword to prevent your ad from

showing to people who searched for that exact

keyword. Keep in mind that when you use negative

keywords, your ads could still show on searches that

include synonyms and other variations, such as

singular or plural versions of your words.

If your keyword is women's hats and you add the

negative keyword -women your ad won't appear for any

searches that contain the word women. kkmfazil

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