Page 1: What is Radiologic Sciences? Chapter One. Terms Radiation Energy Ionization Sound Electrocardiography Electroencephalography Gamma Radiation Electromagnetic

What is Radiologic Sciences?

Chapter One

Page 2: What is Radiologic Sciences? Chapter One. Terms Radiation Energy Ionization Sound Electrocardiography Electroencephalography Gamma Radiation Electromagnetic

Terms• Radiation• Energy• Ionization• Sound• Electrocardiography• Electroencephalography• Gamma Radiation• Electromagnetic Energy• X-rays a.k.a Roentgen Rays• Radiography

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History of Medicine

• Egypt and Mesopotamia• Greek Philosophers• Hippocrates• Hippocratic Oath• Romans• Middle Ages/Black Death

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17th Century Medicine

• William Harvey (1578-1657) – was the first to demonstrate the function of the heart and circulation of blood

• Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) – described bacteria and isolated microorganisms with the microscope he created

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18th Century Medicine

• Edward Jenner (1796) – Vaccine for smallpox, served as the foundation for immunology.

• Surgery was being experimented• Mental Health reforms• Heart drug digitalis was introduced (used to

treat congestive heart failure (CHF)

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19th Century Medicine “Germs cause disease!”

• Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) – through his work pasteurization was developed

• Robert Koch (1843-1910) – developed tuberculin to test for tuberculosis

• Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) – developed foundation for modern nursing

• Wilhelm Rontgen – In 1895, discovered x-rays

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20th Century Medicine

• Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) – discovered penicillin in 1928

• Jonas Salk (1914-1995) – developed the Salk Vaccine which controls and prevents poliomyelitis

• Francis Crick and James Watson (1953) – discovered the “secret to life” otherwise known as DNA which started the field on genetics

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History of Radiologic Technology

• Wilhelm Rontgen (1895) – experimenting with a cathode and glass tubes, observed a screen with barium painted on it was emitting light (fluorescing)…he called them invisible rays or x-rays

• Called them X-rays because X is the unknown variable

• Most famous picture is of his wife’s hand

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Becoming a Radiographer

• Approximately 650 Radiography programs in the United States

• Upon completion of the program, you will be registry eligible

• National Exam by American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT)

• RT(R)

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Clinical Practice Standards

• Appendix A in your book• Developed by American Society of Radiologic

Technologists (ASRT)• Helps to define the Radiographer’s role• Helps to establish criteria to assess


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Opportunities in Radiologic Technology

• Radiology• Nuclear Medicine• Radiation Therapy• Diagnostic Medical Sonography• Magnetic Resonance Imaging• Computed Tomography• Interventional Special Procedures• Cardiac Cath Lab• Mammography• Pet Scan (Positron Emission Tomography)

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Radiology Modalities

• Cardiovascular Interventional Technology• Angiography• Cardiac Catheterization• Angioplasty

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Radiology Modalities cont….

• Mammography• Radiologist Assistant• Nuclear Medicine technology –

Radiopharmaceuticals• Positron Emission Tomography (PET)• Radiation Therapy– Medical Dosimetrists – involved in treatment

planning and dose calculation

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Radiology Modalities cont….

• Bone Densitometry• Computed Tomography (CT)• Diagnostic Medical Sonography (Ultrasound)• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)• Education• Management/Administration• Commercial Firms

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• Allied Health• Technologist• Technician• Therapist• Medical Doctor (MD)• Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) – taught to

manipulate muscles and bones as part of the healing process

• Specialty areas – page 12

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Terms cont…..

• Nursing• Registered Nurse (RN) – there are 2, 3 and 4 year

programs• Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)• Nurse Practitioner• Nurse Midwife• Nurse anesthetist

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Terms cont….

• Electrocardiographic technicians – impulses of heart

• Electroencephalographic technicians – impulses of brain

• MT – Medical Technologist• MLT – Medical laboratory technician

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Terms cont…..

• Occupational Therapists – physical or emotional illnesses

• Physical Therapists – restore muscle strength and coordination

• Radiation Therapists – treat cancer patients• Respiratory Therapists – treat patients with

breathing difficulties• Health Information Services – management of

health information, patient’s health record

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Don’t forget to study computer terms for the next test!

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The End

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