  • 3/12/2015 What is the difference between re-engineering and reverse engineering? - Stack Overflow 1/4

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    What is the difference between re-engineering and reverse engineering? [closed]

    What is the difference between re-engineering and reverse engineering?

    A simple example is much appreciated if provided.

    reverse-engineering re-engineering

    edited May 4 '12 at 17:11Costique17.3k 2 49 62

    asked May 18 '09 at 13:32Dhana4,182 24 63 123

    as off topic by closed Bill the Lizard Mar 14 '13 at 2:16

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    7 Answers

    is finding out how a product works from the finished product.Reverse engineering

    is to examine the finished product and build it again, but better.Re-engineering

  • 3/12/2015 What is the difference between re-engineering and reverse engineering? - Stack Overflow 2/4

    answered May 18 '09 at 13:34Stefan Thyberg1,576 2 13 27

    To reverse engineer a product is to examine it and probe it in order to reconstruct a plan fromwhich it could be built, and the way it works. For instance if I took my clock apart, measured allthe gears, and developed a plan for a clock, understanding how the gears meshed together,this would be reverse engineering.

    Reverse engineering is often used by companies to copy and understand parts of acompetitors product, which is illegal, to find out how their own products work in the event thatthe original plans were lost, in order to effect repair or alter them. Reverse engineeringproducts is illegal under the laws of many countries, however it does happen. There have beencelebrated cases of reverse engineering in the third world.

    Re-engineering is the adjustment, alteration, or partial replacement of a product in order tochange its function, adapting it to meet a new need.

    For instance welding a dozer blade into the frame of my ford fiesta car is an example of re-engineering, in order to clear snow, or drive through my neighbors kitchen.

    Re-engineering is often used by companies to adapt generic products for a specificenvironment (e.g. add suspension for rally car, change shape of conveyor belt to fit a factoryshape, alter frequencies of a radio transmitter to fit a new countries laws).

    answered Dec 27 '10 at 15:33Sherdil Mahmood31 1

    Describing something as "illegal" should probably warrant a link. The seems to suggest that, aswith most laws, the legality of reverse engineering is not a simple question.

    wiki articleMark Hildreth Mar 13 '13 at


  • 3/12/2015 What is the difference between re-engineering and reverse engineering? - Stack Overflow 3/4

    is trying to recreate the source code from the compiled code. That istrying to figure out how a piece of software works given only the final system.Reverse Engineering

    on the other hand is creating a new piece of software with similar functionalityas an existing one. But you may be "improving" the way it was built.Re-Engineering

    answered May 18 '09 at 13:36Vincent Ramdhanie50.6k 16 72 129


    The reengineering of software was described by Chikofsky and Cross in their 1990paper[1], as "The examination and alteration of a system to reconstitute it in a new form".Less formally, reengineering is the modification of a software system that takes place afterit has been reverse engineered, generally to add new functionality, or to correct errors.

    This entire process is often erroneously referred to as reverse engineering; however, it ismore accurate to say that reverse engineering is the initial examination of the system, andreengineering is the subsequent modification.

    Or, what another answer already said: Re-engineering is simply a new re-implementation of aproduct with better engineering. Reverse-engineering is taking apart a finished product for thepurposes of learning how it works.

    answered May 18 '09 at 13:34altCognito25.6k 6 69 112

    Reverse engineering is to take a bridge apart to see how it was built.

    Re-engineering is to throw a bridge away and rebuild it from scratch.

    answered May 18 '09 at 13:34Andomar126k 15 169 216

  • 3/12/2015 What is the difference between re-engineering and reverse engineering? - Stack Overflow 4/4

    REENGINEERING may be useful for the modification of the legancy code or software.REVERSEENGINEERING : Any activity that requires program understanding at any level mayfall within the scope of reverse engineering.

    answered May 8 '11 at 18:10varshika dwivedi11 1

    Re-engineering means designing something again, perhaps from scratch.

    Reverse engineering means trying and understanding the inner workings of an artifact, mostoften witout the help of explanatory material (such as documentation, drawings etc.).

    The former may involve the latter, but the converse is generally not true.

    edited Jun 19 '09 at 7:24Toon Krijthe37.8k 17 96 160

    answered May 18 '09 at 13:36Frederick The Fool9,692 4 45 84

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