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What is the link between

Energy Production and GlobalWarming?

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Energy Production• Energy is produced, so we can all have a

certain lifestyle. We all expect a constantelectricity supply

• In the UK, the main source of electricitycomes from burning Fossil Fuels

• Electricity can also be made by renewablesources

• The target in Northern Ireland is to have12% of all energy generated by renewablesources by 2012

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Energy Production• A watt is a measurement of energy• Power stations and other energy

generating devices are measured inmegawatts (MW)

• The largest coal-fired power station

in the UK, Drax Power Station,Yorkshire – produces 4,000MW = 7%of UK’s electricity demands (SOURCE:DTI)

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Energy in Northern IrelandThere are 3 power stations, producing about93-97% of our electricity needs:

1. Coolkeeragh Power Station, nearLondonderry. Uses gas to generateelectricity

2. Ballylumford Power Station, Island Magee.

Uses gas to generate electricity3. Kilroot Power Station, Carrickfergus. Uses

coal to generate electricity

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- For thousands of years, wood hasbeen a major source of energy. Woodis still a major source of energy in

some countries of the world today,e.g. Nepal.

- Since the Industrial Revolution, overthe last 200 years, there has been adramatic growth in energy production.

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Over the last 200 years,• There has been a greater demand for

energy from factories, machinery and

domestic use throughout the world• There has been a dramatic population


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Over the last 200 years there hastherefore been more burning of fossil

fuels to produce energy.

Main sources used: Coal, oil and gas

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Our society, our lifestyles, our

technologies encourage greater useof fossil fuels

Fossil fuels are efficient at producing

energy BUT there are problems:• Greenhouse gases, e.g. CO

2are released

when they are burnt

• Limited supply of these resources• They are only found in certain parts of

the world

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What is ‘Global Warming’?

• Global Warming is an increase in

temperatures• This happens because of the

‘Greenhouse Effect’

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Greenhouse EffectGreenhouse gases (CO

2, methane,

nitrous oxide & CFCs),

released by us go up into the Earth’satmosphere, which stop some of thesun-rays from leaving the Earth’s

atmosphere = making the Earthwarmer

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What releases Greenhouse gases?

What causes Global Warming?1. Natural processes, e.g. the release of CO

from melting permafrost

2. The burning of fossil fuels

3. Emissions from vehicles

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Is there a link between EnergyProduction and Global Warming?


And while the majority of our energy isproduced by fossil fuels that emit CO


other greenhouse gases – this willcontinue…

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• There is research and evidence to proveglobal temperatures increased by 0.5oCduring the 20th century

• The IPCC’s Report, 2nd Feb. 2007, suggest apossible temperature rise by the end ofthis century from between 1.10C and 40C

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• Global Warming means that we areexperiencing Climate Change (a changein what the climate we would usuallyexpect)

• We are and will experience ClimateChange because of Global Warming

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There has been a long debate about theimpact of humans on global warming.

The IPCC’s Report, 2nd Feb 2007, states,The higher degree of certainty that changes aredown to human activities – up from at least 66% in2001 to at least 90% now – is significant…

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Achim Steiner, from the UN stated,“ Friday, 2 February 2007 may go down

in history as the day when the

question mark was removed from thequestion of whether climate changehas anything to do with human


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Warming SignsIPCC Report, 2 Feb 2007 states the evidencefor global warming includes,

• 11 of the last 12 years are among the warmest onrecord

• Oceans have warmed down to 3,000 metres

• Mountain glaciers and snow cover have declined

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Warming SignsIPCC Report, 2 Feb 2007 states the evidencefor global warming includes,

• Satellites have seen an acceleration in sea level rise

• More intense and longer droughts have beenobserved

• Arctic cover is shrinking in depth and in extent

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What will Global Warming mean

for us?

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What will it mean for the UK?• Hotter/drier summers and

wetter/stormier winters

• As temperatures and rainfall patternschange, this will have an impact on ourlifestyle and biodiversity

• During the summer, air-conditioning will be

needed more widely• More flooding in the winter

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What will it mean for the UK?• Lack of water may become more common at

certain times of the year

• Less need to travel to Spain to get a sun-tan!

• Mosquitoes may become common in the UK

• Birch trees may find it difficult to survivein the changing climate

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What will it mean globally?• Sea level rise, due to melting of ice

• May see more extreme weather• More drought during the summers

• More intense hurricanes, due to warmeroceans

• More intense Asian monsoon

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What will it mean globally?• Low-lying land areas will be flooded as sea

levels rise

• Large coastal cities may also be flooded,e.g. Calcutta, India and Shanghai, China –leading to large population movements

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What will it mean globally?• More extreme weather, e.g. hurricanes and

droughts – will have large social, economic and

environmental impacts• Economic impacts – governments will need to spend

money on buildings, flood defenses andinfrastructure

What are other possible economic impacts?

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What will it mean globally?• Economic impacts – as agriculture adapts to

change in growing seasons, strains of

diseases and transport costs• Economic impacts – as certain businesses

may need to change location

• Change in lifestyle: as people work toreduce CO2emissions

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A Global Issue, demands

Global ActionWhat is being done?

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What are governments doingabout it?• There have been global meetings to discuss

issues of climate change• At these meetings each country isrepresented and they talk about policiesand some agreements have been signed

• As Global Warming involves all countries, itis important that all countries worktogether to help reduce its impact

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Kyoto Protocol, 1997• The Kyoto Protocol is a significant

agreement, which was signed by themajority of countries in 1997

• Signing, meant that a country wasagreeing to reach targets

• Targets to reduce the production ofgreenhouse gases in their country

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Kyoto Protocol, 1997

141 countries signed, agreeing to cutgreenhouse emissions by 5.2% by2012

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The World’s biggest polluter– the USA did not sign

• Why do you think the USA did notsign?

• What impact does this have onreducing the effects of global


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What does this all mean for us?

• It does mean that we will experience some of theeffects of Climate Change

• It also means we need to think about how we live andwhat we can do to reduce our impact

• Each of us can choose to live more wisely by, e.g. -not wasting energy, becoming more energy efficient

- encourage the use of more renewable energy

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A small action makes adifferenceOur World is changing

- We all have the ability to make adifference

- What are you going to do?

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