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Tramacip 50mg is an analgesic that comes under the category of narcotic. Tramacip used to give relief from moderate to severe pain.

Tramacip is also used to treat acute and chronic pain. Tramacip 50mg contains tramadol as a main therapeutic agent. It works by inhibiting the serotonin and nor-epinephrine reuptake by

the nerves. It changes the response of the brain and central nervous system towards pain.

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Worry about Body pain?

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Overview of Tramacip 50 mg

Tramacip 50mg is a narcotic drug; usually it is a synthetic analogue of codeine. It is used in moderate to severe pain. It can cause addiction even with regular dose. Tramadol acts on Opioids receptor in the CNS. Opioid receptor transmits signals of pain from various body parts of the brain. Tramacip 50 mg inhibits the Opioid reuptake of serotonin and nor-epinephrine thus increases the amount of the serotonin and nor-epinephrine in the synaptic cleft and inhibits the transmission of the signals of pain.

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Take Tramacip 50 mg and get best results

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Tramadol is employed in moderate to severe pain treatment. Tramadol is employed within the acute pain within the muscles, sometimes given once surgery, dental pain, cancer and low back pain. Tramadol is given together with NSAIDs to treat the arthritis patient.

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TRAMACIP: Tramacip is taken orally. Tramacip is

obtainable in capsule dose type. The suggested dose of Tramadol is 50-100 mg once each 4-6 hours. Tramacip are often in love or while not food. It ought to be in love water.

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The most usually reportable aspect effects are: Addiction, psychodelic drug and sedation. aspect effects often seen whereas exploitation Tramacip area unit somnolence, dizziness, and symptom, and weakness, loss of appetency, dry mouth, constipation, blister, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, and changes in mood, feeling of cognitive state, heart burn, and increase in pulse.

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STORAGE OF TRAMACIP: Keep the medication in an exceedingly

tightly closed instrumentation. Store the drug at temperature. defend the drug from heat, lightweight and wetness. Keep the medication wherever kids cannot reach. Keep the drug in an exceedingly safe place in order that nobody will take the drug accidentally. Throw away the medicine that area unit terminated and not in use.

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Drug interaction could modification the response of the drug. Tramadol move with bound antibiotics (Isoniazid, Erythromycin), Warfarin, mono alkane enzyme inhibitors (Isocarboxazid, Moclobemide, Rasagiline), tricyclic antidepressant drug antidepressants, monoamine neurotransmitter antagonist and uptake inhibitors (Imipramine, Desipramine, Amitriptyline), Anxiolytics (Alprazolam), some analgesics (Dextromethorphan, Pethidine), etc.

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PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN throughout exploitation TRAMACIP:

Few points ought to be unbroken within the mind before taking this medicine:

Do not take the drug if you've got consumed alcohol, sedatives, and tranquilizers in an exceedingly past few hours.

Do not modification the dose as a result of it will have an effect on your respiratory pattern and cause you issue in respiratory. Consult your doctor before ever-changing the dose.

Do not break the pill, its powder on inhalation or in liquid will cause a awfully serious result.

Do not take Tramadol if you're allergic thereto and consult your doctor. If you've got liver or urinary organ connected issues, respiratory issues

(asthma or chronic impeding pulmonic disease) or brain issues consult your doctor.

Never offer this medication to those that area unit younger than sixteen years old-time.

Avoid driving once taking Tramacip. Consult your doctor if you're taking any flavoring medicine.

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Take the quantity of the drug as per prescription however if you've got overdosed then contact or decision your doctor like a shot. guarantee correct ventilation. respiration are often given. If the drug is overdosed, attainable symptoms are often seen: issue in respiratory, drowsiness, rate of pulse delayed, weakness in muscles, cognitive state, or coma state, attenuate size of the pupil, risk of seizures could increase.

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