
For the Birds

What makes a bird a bird?

KindergartenFor the BirdsIntroductionKindergarten students investigated the differences between people and birds. They learned about 26 new birds and wrote about many of them. The small owl with the big name, the xenoglaux, was the most popular bird to write about. The blue jay was the most popular bird to type about.IntroductionThe students were also introduced to word processing. They learned how to open and save a document. They chose one of the birds from our lesson and typed four sentences about them. We also learned about how to use the space bar, the backspace, delete and enter keys.IntroductionFor many it was the first time typing. My favorite part is that you can sometimes see, from sentence to sentence, how the students gradually learn about creating spaces, capital letters and punctuation on the computer.Mostly the students learned how to type from each other. Initially I showed a few students how to use the space bar or where to find the punctuation, but they quickly showed their friends when they had the opportunity.Below are the students typing examples, copied directly from their own document.Enjoy!ObjectivesStudents will be able to

create content-based representations through pictures and words using sentence starters and model sentences.

describe parts of a bird using visual representations.

use basic word-processing skills, such as typing, and opening and saving a documentAbeyalatI see a booy. The bird has a nest. Birds have wings. Birds have beaks.

CairoIsee ax en og la ut bi rdtreTh eb ir dh as an es tBird sh av ew in gs Birds have beaks

DanielI see a puffin. The bird has a nest.Birds have wings.Birds have beaks.

DannyI see a booy the booy have a nest And the booy have have wingsThe booy have a beak.

DiyaI see a jay. I see a xenoglaux the bird has a nest birds have wings birds have beaks..i see a jay

EmilyiI see a jay. The has a nest. Birds have wings birdshavebeaks.

FabienI see a jay and he is a bird.The bird has a nest. Bird have wings. Birds have beaks.

GordonI see a jay and . the bird has a nest.Birds have wings.Birds have beaks.

HajarethI see a bird. The bird has a nest. birds have wings.thebirdhas beaks

JackyI csee a jay thedirh has ahestbirdshave birdshavebeaks

JessicaI know birds has a nestI see a duckI know jay has a nest I know jay lay in the nest I know jay lay eggs i know raven lay eggs to

JohnI sse a jay The jay has ne st The jay has wingsThe jay has a beakJas lay eggs

KevinI see a ravenThe bird has a nestBirds have wings.Birds have beaks.

Liana I see a cartnl. the bird has a nestbirds havewings birds h ave beaks

MohammedI see a booby.Thebird has a nest.Birds have wings.Birds have beaks.

NatashaI see a raven. T the btrb has aNest. Birbs have wings. Birbs have bea k s.

NicholasI see a xenoglaux . thebirdhasanest. Birdshavewings. Birds have beaks.

SabrinaI see a booby. The bird has a nest. Birds have wings. Birds have beaks.

Saihaan I see a boob y.I see a jae.The bird has a nestI see cdlBirds have wings.birds have beaks.

SarahI saee a jaythebird nest.birdshave wings. Birds have wings. Birds have beaks.

TinaBirdshavewings. Thebirdhasanestisee birds have wings Birds have beaks

VanshikaI see a booby m I no booy have vics the booby has a nest the booy have beaks

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