

Being a woman means feeling comfortable and confident in who you are, regardless off shape or size. If you are a curvier woman and a full figured diva, embrace your curves and love the body your in. We found that men don't necessarily put a lot of emphasis on being stick thin and perfectly fit!

Being fit is sexy don't get us wrong. But for most men, runway models are considered too skinny to be anyone's ideal shape! Statistics show that men prefer someone who has curves to embrace. (Sexy Tip! Wear your Miimii lingerie to show off those curves!) Researchers had 14 men rate how attractive they found pictures of the naked behinds of seven women before and after cosmetic surgery (the surgery gave the women more shapely hips). The result after brain scans? The post-surgery pictures activated parts of the male brain linked with rewards similar to when alcohol or drugs are consumed. Fun Side Fact! 5 Reasons To sleep naked!

The media obsession with skinny women has other motives for marketing, dollars. This obsession has no real substance or backing to skinny women being the only type of woman who has beauty. The study above shows that men actually prefer curvy women with shapely hips, not the media promoted skinny twig like appearance. Now let's talk about some others things that make a woman sexy to a man. And believe it or not, being thin doesn't even get on the top 5!

1. SHE'S OUTGOING & FUN. Taking yourself too seriously is not sexy. Being able to be comfortable to play, be a little bit silly. Be confident in your own skin and accept yourself for who you are. Lose your self consciousness and throw caution to the wind and let go... Just have some fun, that's so sexy!


2. SHE'S INTIMATE AND CLOSE. Men actually DO love cuddling. They like it as much as you, but they just can't share it as openly as women. They enjoy the fact that you grab their hand, kiss their check, say something sexy in a whisper. This makes you irresistible to a man, as he needs this to come from you to feel comfortable to spark his intimacy.

3. SHE'S BEAUTIFUL. Let's talk about what this means? The agreements and consensus by men is that a beautiful woman dresses to flatter her figure, puts some sort of effort into polishing-up and grooming herself. As well, she cares about how her man perceives her, she genuinely wants to look good and respects herself. This effort makes a woman sexy, sexy, and oh so attractive to a man. 4. SHE'S GENUINELY INTERESTED IN MEN. Yes men and women are two totally different creatures. Understanding a man and how he works is sexy. A man functions a bit different than a woman in thought, as well as emotional, physical, and all other areas. Tapping into the psychology of what makes him "run" will have him "running" for your sexy curves! Just understand and accept him for who he is, and he will do the same.

5. SHE'S APPRECIATIVE. Expecting and not being thankful are highly unattractive qualities. When a man spends money on a woman, plans a wonderful evening, tries to be romantic, he wants to know he is appreciated. A simple thank you, or a simple appreciative wink are small gestures that will go far. A woman who is thankful signals to a man that he can make her happy, which is a primal component to attraction. 6. SHE'S FLEXIBLE. Break the rules every now and then, if it means spending time together and enjoying each other. Sure you may have to do the laundry, dishes, the work chores, but let your schedule be flexible and be a "partner in crime" and break those rules! Your man will love it and see that you are spontaneous and can be a crazy good friend as well as a romantic partner.

7. SHE'S LIVING LIFE. Opening up and living life is the ultimate sexiness. Sometimes fear runs our lives. We become afraid to do this, afraid to do that. But, remember life was meant to be lived, it was meant to be enjoyed. And the future is just that, the future. Based on your decisions made today. Sometimes the best things in life come to us by relinquishing the fear that is holding us back. Live life and the best of life just might come your way! 8. SHE'S A GREAT KISSER. Kissing is like the physical chemistry that leads to the ultimate pleasure a man can experience with a woman. If you lack the "feeling" and are just a "wet rag" type of kisser (void of any desire), what does he have left to yearn for? Kiss like you mean it!

9. SHE LIKES TO LAUGH. Laughing is one of the world's most wonderful "medications". A sense of humor is so appealing in a woman and is contagious to a man. Now if you want to get a bit scientific about this last sexy point, and just want to laugh period, regardless if it tops our "sexy list" or not, here ya go!: "A good belly laugh leads to the release of endorphins from the brain," says Michael Miller, director of the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore.

That release sets off a cascade of heart-healthy biological events. Endorphins, pleasure-inducing neurotransmitters, activate receptors on the surface of the endothelium, the layer of flat cells lining blood vessels. That leads to the release of nitric oxide, which widens blood vessels—increasing blood flow, lessening inflammation, inhibiting platelet clumping, and reducing the formation of cholesterol plaque.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, Remember YOU ARE all that! Don't just do above to be sexy for a man, do it for yourself. And never compromise on being treated with respect, love and admiration. Look for someone who is best for YOU, loves your curves and everything else that comes along with beautiful you. Oh yeah, while your at it, buy a little bit of sexy lingerie from miimii to feel even sexier.

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