
What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy


What to Expect During theTHIRD TRIMESTER

of Your Pregnancy

Pampered Pregnancy

What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy


As you enter the third trimester of your pregnancy, you’re coming into the home stretch before the birth of your baby. It’s an exciting time for you, but all that excitement comes with even more changes to your body as your baby continues to develop. As you enter your 6th month of pregnancy, it’s hard to believe that you were ever not

showing, and it can be hard to believe that you still have 3 more months to go. However, before you know it, you’ll be holding your precious newborn

baby in your arms.

To help you prepare for the next three months, let’s walk through what you can expect during your third trimester. We’ll discuss the changes that will occur to your body, the development your baby will experience in this time, and a few suggestions for healthy habits in your final three months of pregnancy.

What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy


Changes in your body in the third trimesterBy your third trimester, you’ve already gone through a number of physical changes in your body. You’ve experienced the first emotional changes that came with your body producing pregnancy hormones. You’ve seen your breasts swell and become tender. You’ve made it through morning sickness, and you’ve watched your stomach become convex and develop a beautiful, round baby bump, but you still have a few changes ahead of you, and so does your baby.

BackachesDuring the first few months of your pregnancy, you probably didn’t notice any issues with your back, but with the weight you’ve gained, there’s added strain on your lower back. At the same time that your back is supporting this extra weight, the ligaments around your pelvis are loosening to prepare for childbirth. This can add pelvic discomfort and hip pain, as well.

The good news is this is all normal. Your back is strong enough to bear the weight of your baby, and your ligaments need to be loose and limber when you give birth. To ease your aches and pains, pay attention to your posture. Try to keep your back straight when you’re walking, standing, or sitting.

At night, try sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees to ease the strain on your spine. You may also want to ask your doctor if he or she recommend any lumbar support cushions or other aids to help keep your back healthy and strong. And you should definitely consult your doctor before taking any pain relievers, as some can be unhealthy for your baby.

What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy


Continued breast changesYour breasts may not feel quite as tender as they did in your first trimester, but you will notice that they have continued to grow throughout your pregnancy. It’s not unusual for a pregnant woman’s breasts to grow by as much as 2 pounds during her pregnancy. It’s important to wear supportive bras in an appropriate size to avoid more pain in your back and your breasts. SwellingYou’ve probably already been warned that your feet and ankles will swell some during your pregnancy, especially during your third trimester. You may also notice some swelling in your fingers and hands. Your rings may feel a bit tighter than usual. Your face may also appear somewhat bloated. All of this is normal during this part of your pregnancy, as your body is retaining more water than it would under normal circumstances. If swollen feet are bothering you, sit or lie down, take your shoes off, and elevate your feet for a while. You can even rest them on ice packs or drape them with cool, wet cloths for additional relief. This should alleviate the swelling and help you relax. If you experience sudden swelling or more swelling than usual, don’t hesitate to call your doctor. Braxton Hicks contractionsDuring your third trimester, especially toward the end, you may experience mild contractions that do not signal the onset of labor. These are called Braxton Hicks contractions, and they’re normal and natural. Essentially, when you experience these contractions, your body is preparing your uterus to give birth. Keep a record of your contractions. If they are infrequent and random, and they aren’t getting closer together, they are most likely Braxton Hicks contractions and nothing to worry about. If your contractions build in intensity and frequency, it’s probably time to call your doctor, especially if you are out of breath after your contractions.


What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy

What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy


Week 28About this time, your baby will partially open its eyes for the first time. It will weigh just a little bit over 2 pounds, and it will be about 10 inches from head to toe. It’s good to remember, even this early, without other complications or health problems, babies born in week 28 have a 90% chance of survival, and that chance just keeps getting better as the weeks go on. Week 29By this time, all of your baby’s bones are completely developed. They are still pliable and soft, but they’re all there. Week 30Your baby’s eyes will open completely for the first time this week. It will now weigh about 3 pounds, though it will probably be only about half an inch longer than it was two weeks ago.

Weeks 31-32In this time, your baby’s nervous system is continuing to develop and toenails are visible. Your baby is about 11 inches long and weighs a little less than 4 pounds. Week 33The baby’s pupils develop the ability to dilate and constrict, detecting light when it hits them. Week 34Your baby is about 12 inches long, and its fingernails have grown to reach its fingertips. Week 35If you thought your baby was gaining weight quickly before, think again. For the rest of your pregnancy, your baby is going to gain about half a pound per week.

Your baby’s development during your third trimesterAt this point in your pregnancy, your baby is growing and developing incredibly quickly. Let’s take a look at what’s happening inside your uterus in the last three months of your pregnancy (weeks 28-40).

What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy


Week 36Things are getting a little tight in the amniotic sac, but that’s to be expected. You may feel a little bit less kicking and big movements, but you’ll still feel stretching and wiggling. Week 37At this point, should labor have to be induced for any reason, your baby will be considered early term but not premature. Its organs are developed to the point that they should be able to function on their own. Week 38 Your baby’s brain has grown to weigh about 14 ounces, and your baby probably weighs about 6.5 pounds, almost full birth weight. Weeks 39-40 Your baby is fully formed and ready to be born!


What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy


When you should call the doctor During your third trimester, you should continue making

monthly appointments with your doctor to monitor your baby’s progress. If no problems or complications occur, you

shouldn’t have to go in for any extra appointments. However, if you notice any of the following signs, you

should call your doctor immediately.


What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy



If you notice any vaginal bleeding, even spotting, call your doctor immediately. This could be a sign of one of several serious problems that can be treated by your doctor, but that can be very dangerous for you and your baby if untreated, including:

preterm labor

placental abruption (in which the placenta separates from the uterine wall)

placenta previa (in which the placenta covers the cervix) Discharge

Some discharge is to be expected, but if you notice enough discharge to soak through a panty liner, it’s time to call the doctor as your water may have broken. If you’re in the last weeks of your third trimester, and you notice a discharge that’s slightly bloody, this may be part of your mucus plug, which will shed entirely when your cervix dilates, your water breaks, and you’re ready for labor. Decreased Fetal Movement

While the hard kicks and flips your baby did earlier in the pregnancy may lessen, you should still pay attention to the movement of your baby. If you believe your baby is moving less than normal, contact your doctor. She or he may recommend fetal monitoring and/or an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay.You should also call your doctor if you experience sharp abdominal pains, nausea, dizziness, painful urination, or weight gain at a rate of more than 6-7 pounds per month.

What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy


Healthy habits during your third trimesterAt this point in your pregnancy, you need to get plenty of rest and relaxation, and avoid stress as much as possible. However, that doesn’t mean that you need to lie down and stay off your feet for the next three months. Staying active can be good for both you and your baby. Moderate exercise is great for you and your baby

If you’re an athlete, and you’re used to doing a lot of strenuous or high-intensity exercise, talk to your doctor about modifying your workout routine. In general, moderate, low-impact exercise is great for the final trimester of your pregnancy, unless you’re at risk of preterm labor.

Activities like walking, swimming, and yoga are all great ways to stay limber, keep your resting heart rate down, and keep you in great shape for an easier labor. Don’t go overboard, though. Avoid weight lifting, or at least take it easy. Always ask your doctor for recommendations on your exercise routine before doing any intense workouts. Moderate exercise throughout your pregnancy, and especially into the third trimester, can significantly lower your chances of developing gestational diabetes. It can also help ensure that your blood’s glucose levels stay stable, which is very good for your baby’s growth and development.

What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy


Eat early and often

Keeping your blood sugar levels stable will help you feel less fatigued and more energetic through the last three months of your pregnancy. You should be gaining about a pound every week during this time in your pregnancy, so if your glucose levels are normal you usually do not have to worry about eating too much.

To gain the weight healthily and keep your energy level up, eat small meals throughout the day. If you keep track of calories, you should add about 300 calories to your normal daily intake. However, make sure these calories are coming from healthy sources, such as protein-filled snacks. Keeping your glucose levels stable through moderate exercise and a healthy grazing diet will ensure that your baby gets all the nutrients and vitamins it needs, too. Feel free to get intimateUnless your doctor has warned you that you are at risk for preterm labor, sex is still safe during your third trimester. Being intimate can not only strengthen the bond between you and your partner, but it can also relax you and relieve stress and back pain. At this point, however, intercourse might be getting uncomfortable. You and your partner may want to experiment with some new positions, based on what’s comfortable for you. The key factor here is your comfort. If you are at all uncomfortable doing anything, whether it’s being intimate with your partner or going for a run, it’s probably time to take it easy.

What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy


Get your rest

Finally, while we said it’s great to keep moving, remember that your body is working overtime to create a tiny, wonderful person. For the next three months, accept help from others. Sleep in. Go to bed early if you’re tired. Just relax and get plenty of rest. And if you need something it is okay to ask for help — you deserve it.

Preparing for the big dayIf you haven’t already, at the beginning of your third trimester, make a schedule for preparing for your baby’s birth. Don’t leave it all to the last minute, or you’ll feel a lot of unnecessary stress. Also, let others help you. You don’t have to decorate the nursery all

by yourself, and you can certainly let someone else do the painting and move the furniture. At this point, put your plan together, meet with your pampered pregnancy coach, talk to your doctor, get your car seat installed and delegate tasks to your partner and others. That way, when the time comes for you to deliver, you’ll just have to give birth and not worry about anything else.

What to Expect During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy

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