Page 1: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Gulf WarWhat two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War?

Iraq & Kuwait

Page 2: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Gulf WarWhat was the main reason Iraq felt the need to attack Kuwait?

Thought Kuwait was stealing oil on the border

Page 3: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Gulf WarWhat was so special about this war as far as the media was concerned?

First time ever we watched the “play by play” of the war

Page 4: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Gulf WarWhat was it about our military that made it so advanced, in that it allowed a swift, clean victory?

Military Technology (Stealth Fighters, Bombing)

Page 5: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Gulf WarExplain the dilemma in overthrowing Saddam Hussein at the end of the war

Keep in power, or risk new regime that was more evil

Page 6: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Gulf WarWho was the main player on the Allied side of the war?

United States

Page 7: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Gulf WarExplain the meaning of the word “spin”

Distorting facts to match your agenda and ideas

Page 8: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Oil & OPECOver half the world’s oil comes from where?

Middle East

Page 9: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Oil & OPECWho is the world’s largest supplier of oil? What percentage?

Saudi Arabia – 25%

Page 10: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Oil & OPECWhen was OPEC formed and why?

After WW II. To control the oil market.

Page 11: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Oil & OPECWhat does OPEC stand for?

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Page 12: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Oil & OPECWho were the original members of OPEC?

Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, & Venezuela

Page 13: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Oil & OPECMost members of OPEC are from what region?

Middle East

Page 14: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

Oil & OPECExplain the oil crisis of 73’

OPEC placed an embargo on countries that supported Israel in Yom Kippur war

Page 15: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentWhich government type is known for one central authority? It controls all branches.


Page 16: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentWhich government type is more like an organization, in the fact that you join together for common purposes; such as, common currency.

Give an example


European Union (EU)

Page 17: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentExplain how a federation works

Give example of a federation

Has a uniting central authority with self governing states or regions

United States

Page 18: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentWhich government type gives complete control to one person and has no citizen participation?


Page 19: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentWhich government type has a few elite that rule?


Page 20: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentWhich government type gives power to the people with free elections?


Page 21: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentWhat are the two types of democracies?

Parliamentary & Presidential

Page 22: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentExplain the main difference in parliamentary and presidential democracies

Parliamentary – usually has a prime minister. Cabinet has executive power.

Presidential – president has executive power

Page 23: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentExplain Israel’s government type

Parliamentary democracy – prime minister has power.

Page 24: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentWhat government document is specific to Israel and what does it mean?

Basic Law: Human Dignity & Liberty. Protects privacy and dignity of citizens

Page 25: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentWhat basic freedoms does Israel’s document leave out?

Speech, religion, protest

Page 26: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentWhat government type runs Saudi Arabia?

Monarchy - king

Page 27: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentWhat type of law really drives Saudi Arabian government? Think religion!

Sharia’ Law. Live by Islamic codes and morals.

Page 28: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentAre women discriminated against in Saudi Arabia?

Yes. Chaperones, no driving, etc.

Page 29: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentExplain Saudi Arabia’s restrictions on speech and press

Cannot criticize government and promote “un-islamic” values

Page 30: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentWhat government type does Iran have?

Theocratic Republic – Religious leader with power to the people

Page 31: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

GovernmentIran has a president, but who is really in charge?

Ayatollah – president seeks his council

Page 32: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsExplain Needs & Wants

Needs – Have to have them to survive

Wants – items we desire, but don’t need

Page 33: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsAnything that is used to produce goods and services is called what?


Page 34: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsWhat economy type typically is found in underdeveloped countries?


Page 35: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsExplain a command economy

Government controlled businesses that have prices and production set for them

Page 36: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsWhat economy type is run by supply and demand?

Market Economy

Page 37: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsWhat economy type is most common and “mixes” command and market?-Give example

Mixed Economy

United States

Page 38: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsWhat is a country’s GDP

Gross Domestic Product

-The value of all goods and services produced in a country in a single year

Page 39: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsExplain Israel’s economy type

Mixed Economy – Relies on technology & service industry. No natural resources. Imports grain & oil

Page 40: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsWhat economy type does Saudi Arabia have?

Mixed Economy – Government controls most of it however. Oil is main export and it funds public services.

Page 41: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsTurkey has a mixed economy; but, the majority of it is what type?

Command – because gov controls most of it. Farming, clothing, textiles, & the service industry make up most of Turkey’s economy

Page 42: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsWhy is economic growth difficult for some Middle Eastern countries?

War, government control, reliance on one export (oil), and trade barriers

Page 43: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsWhat are some trade barriers that the Middle East has?

The lack of rivers. Physical features such as deserts and mountains also make trade difficult.

Page 44: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsWhat is currency?

A country’s form of money

Page 45: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsWhat is the currency of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan?

Shekel, Riyal, & Dinar

Page 46: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsWhat is an exchange rate?

How much a currency is worth in another country’s currency

Page 47: What two countries were in conflict at the beginning of the Gulf War? Iraq & Kuwait

EconomicsWhy must countries have an exchange rate?

In order to trade with one another

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