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What will you be doing on December 21st in the year 2012? If you haven’t already heard, December 21, 2012 is the day predicted to be the end of our current world on Earth. There is a great deal of speculation going on worldwide about what might happen on 12.21.12. Will this be the day that everything changes? There are those who believe, and those that doubt, in the possibility that the world will end only two years into the future. There are many who scoff and say this is just hype. What if they are wrong? Everyone thought Noah was completely out of his mind when he set about building an ark. He offered them all shelter from the great flood he predicted to be coming soon. Only a handful of believers survived that catastrophe, along with many animals was no one single scoffer. Funny thing about nature, animals use instinct instead of fallible reasoning to guide them where they must go. It was also once common knowledge that the world was flat and if you went too far from home, you would simply disappear forever once you stepped off the edge. Many people think that Magellan took his life into his own hands and set out to sail off the edge, because the fool thought the world was round. Yet, the enlightened people of the time were all aware that the Earth was not flat. In 600 BC, Pythagoras put together the theory that earth was not a disc but a sphere. Ptolemy mapped a spherical Earth, defining longitude and latitude in the year 140 AD. Due to the fall of the Roman Empire this knowledge was lost. Civilization was lead to believe that the world was flat throughout the Middle Ages. The world population had no way of knowing they were in error. The reach of the Vatican removed all sources of knowledge from their reach during the Inquisition. While the masses weren’t facing The Apocalypse, only a very few people were aware that the Earth was not flat. What if the skeptics are wrong about 2012? The looming prediction that our entire planet will suffer from horrible catastrophe on the morning of December 21st, could very well be true. This is far more filled with devastating impact than thinking your computer would stop working as we entered the year 2000. It should be of great interest to your need for self preservation to grasp the knowledge that there very well may have been civilizations, far more progressed than ours, that have already come and gone centuries ago. Perhaps it is time to put aside our superior egos and investigated where these predictions come from. Feeling superior will put you in the predicament of everyone who laughed at Noah.

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The PROPHECIES Most of the civilized world knows all about the predictions contained in the Book of Revelations. If you don’t believe in the Bible, then perhaps you need corroborating evidence. Granted, there is no date of the Apocalypse given in the verses of Revelations. There is however far more known predictions that these events will come to pass, and they are not found in the Bible. To think that this is the only source of knowledge about the end of the world as we know it; is perhaps not in keeping with your 21st century intellect. The actual date of December 21, 2012 comes to us from the Mayan calendar. Many people think that because the Mayan civilization ceased to exist centuries ago, this prediction is absurd. They argue that this could never match up with our modern timelines. We may have changed the procession of days, but humanity cannot change the movements of stars and planets. A great number of other astronomically predicted events contained on the Mayan calendar have come to pass. It would be very foolish for a progressed person, such as yourself, to discredit the vast knowledge of a people simply because their time on Earth was so long ago. The Mayans possessed incredible skill with mathematics and astronomy. They created not only a calendar that was 3500 years long, but also a mathematical calculator. Determining the date of the end of the Mayan calendar is done using their unique calculator and checked against the activities in the heavens. There are many state of the art computerized astronomical mapping programs in use by all the accredited institutions around the world for a variety of modern activities. The findings of the Mayan predictions have been weighed against these currently relied upon tools.

This civilization may be prehistoric to your mind, yet they possessed capabilities to build structures that modern man cannot. Like other ancient civilizations in different parts of the world, the Mayans erected stone buildings in a manner we cannot begin to understand today. In agreement with the predictions contained on the Mayan calendar, we find that the same understanding and information is also present on the Aztec calendar. There are those who feel that the Aztecs merely copied the Mayan calendar. Yet, when faced with the end of everything that we know on a worldwide scale, is being skeptical better than

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This prediction that the world will end is echoed through the prophecies of I-Ching, Merlin, The Cybil, Mother Shipton, the Native American tribes, the Bible and Nostradamus. If these sources of information seem too outdated to be of note to your life, perhaps The Web Bot program would be more to the fathoming your thoroughly modern mind requires. There is further significance to the date December 21st that is well known around the world. This falls on the equinox that marks the beginning of winter, or the winter solstice. In astrology, the date December 21, 2012 gains further impact as it is the date that the Age of Aquarius begins. This marks the beginning of a new age, not just for planet Earth, but for our entire solar system.

Significance of this Date Many people believe that an age begins when we enter a new century on the Gregorian calendar. The calendar we use is only somewhat accurate to the movement of the sun. Our way of marking years, months, weeks and days is a man made concept developed centuries ago by papal decree. Mapping the solar system is a more accurate measure for the passing of a season or a year, as each follows the last, according to the planets precession. Nature is not convenient. She does not change important dates up a few weeks or back one to suit some unexplained purpose. Spring always begins on the Vernal Equinox, which occurs in the heavens when the sun reaches its midway point, between the lowest and highest position in the sky. The Gregorian calendar places this event correctly and accurately on March 21st according to the stars using astronomy. This is not a coincidence. An equinox is a midway point in the sun’s charted course. A solstice is the two points at which the sun is highest or lowest in the sky. June 21st marks the highest point and is known as the Summer Solstice. On December 21st we experience the Winter Solstice, when the sun reaches its lowest point in the orbit. The precession of the planets around the earth occurs in perfect mathematical sequence. In fact, everything on the earth contains perfect mathematical sequences. By charting the location of planets as they move through their orbit, astronomers can mathematically chart their future location by the day and the hour with precise accuracy. The Mayans were highly advanced astronomers, because their livelihood depended on being precise in mapping the movements of the planets. That precision has been proven completely accurate throughout the length of the Mayan long calendar in modern times. This doomsday date is backed up in the deadly accuracy of the 5000 year old I-Ching prophecies. While you remain skeptical about these predictions, the I-Ching graphs have already accurately shown the fall of the Roman Empire, the discovery of America, World War I, and World War II. These already come to pass realities, add impact to the fact that the I-Ching predictions also end with

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I-Ching predictions also end with December 21, 2012. So no matter how loud anyone may extol that no one knows why the Mayan calendar ends on 12.21.12, how can two so detached and alien cultures have arrived at the same ending date? Knowing that the rest of the futuristic predictions of both of these cultures have already come to pass makes this rather uncanny.

Is this a coincidence? The Book of Revelations, and the predictions of Merlin, say these are not at all a coincidence. Even

Nostradamus seems to concur that the end of the world is likely. Who can blatantly argue with the most famous prophets and many of the world’s religions as being total hype? All of these people lived in times we view as uninformed. Who are we to judge what the true informed level is? Modern man is disconnected from nature, and working against it, with very little regard for the consequences. We have no control over the universe, or movements of the planets. Yet, whether you look at it from a scientific view, a metaphysical view or even a religious standpoint; everything that happens on Earth is in accordance to the events in our galaxy. Is global warming really because of the carbon footprint of man, or is it ordained by the rotations of the galaxy the Earth revolves in? Nostradamus warns that a comet will impact the earth and cause massive flooding. This is where Ersis, Nibiru, Marduk or Plant X comes into the scenario. No matter which one of its names you choose to use,

this astronomical body comes close to our solar system once every 3600 years. This planet has the effect of causing climate change, volcanic eruption and increased seismic activity on Earth. Nibiru passed between Jupiter and Mars some 7200 years ago. It is now thought to have triggered the catastrophe known as the Great Flood. Remember how many people took a rain check on boarding Noah’s ark? Nibiru will again pass close to Earth again between 2010 and 2012. This event can cause complete melting of the poles and glaciers bringing about incredible rise in the water bodies world wide. Such an occurrence would produce horrific flooding and massive tidal waves, as all the ice liquefies and rushes to move in the natural flow patterns present before it froze. The Ice Age cleansed the Earth in the past, and could conceivably come again. It is also just as likely that another flood of the magnitude our planet experienced in Noah’s time can reoccur. Where do you suppose all that water will go to when the Arctic and Antarctica have completely melted away?

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What if the poles shift more dramatically than they already have in recent years? Faced with such catastrophe, it will be each man against the elements again, to survive whatever happens on his own. Is the shifting of the poles a bunch of hype? The poles our planet maintains for the axis remain in position according to magnetic pull. The constant rotation of the Earth is caused by the proximity of the Sun and the Moon. If Earth were a perfect sphere, this would not be possible. The bulging of the area along the Equator is responsible for keeping the planet rotating on its axis and creating gravity. Merlin predicted that the poles would shift dramatically. The poles had shifted hundreds of years before the time of Merlin, and could conceivably do so again. Merlin’s predictions are alarmingly in agreement with the doom predicted by the Mayans. What was it that the Mayans found that was so horrifying about December 12, 2012? The rising sun on that date will line up perfectly with the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. Current astronomical scientists agree with the Mayan’s astronomy predictions. This galactic event only happens once every 25,800 years. Since there are no records or even stories known of about what happened almost 26,000 years ago, no one knows what kind of effect this alignment will have on planet Earth. Archaeologists studying the Mayan calendars say that the Mayans believed that this event will be horrific. Are you aware of the presence of perfect geometry echoed throughout every natural presence on planet Earth and within our solar system? From the smallest flower to the massive elephant, to a falling drop of water and the makeup of a human body; everything is created with mathematical precision and geometric perfection. Without geometry, life would be pointless. Current geophysics theory shows us that a strikingly similar event is expected to happen soon. They refer to this as The Polar Shift Theory. What Merlin saw was that within a few days time, the entire face of our planet would shift. This means that worldwide damage and horrible natural disasters could occur, should the positions of the North Pole and South Pole, move far from their present normal locations. This polar shift could very well be what happened to cause the Great Flood. It would also set off a chain reaction of earthquakes, volcanic eruption, tsunamis, and yawning crevices in the face of the planet. At such a time, any known or yet to be experienced disaster could instantaneously occur. There are those specialists in the geophysics field who believe this shifting of the poles will take place in the year 2012. The Bible predicts in the Book of Revelations that terrible droughts and disease in the form of plagues will befall all of humanity at this time in our history. We have AIDS, Swine Flu and a range of cancers that have long passed the stage of epidemic. Numerous other diseases could very well be the result of cosmic activity. Science has recently connected the plague known as The Black Death to be the result of cosmic activity, and not due to a virus. Viruses are living organisms and cannot live or spread, unless the perfect moisture and temperature levels exist to sustain them. Yet, the Black Death managed to spread all over Europe and Asia, regardless of whether it was the dead of winter or in hot

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temperatures of the arid desert in mid summer. This horrible disease has now been linked to the ammonium released into Earth’s atmosphere during comets entering into our solar system and cosmic explosions. A comet is repeated, again and again, in all these prophecies. A drastic change in the magnetics of planet Earth could cause several things to happen. Some say the poles would shift or even worse, they would flip. Chinese medicine found that low magnetic fields lower human and animal immune systems. It is scientifically proven that Earth’s magnetic fields filter out solar rays, shielding humanity, all of nature and technology from damage from solar storms and sun spots. The magnetic fields have already begun to change, science is aware that there has been a slight shift in the poles. NASA predicts that our current 11-year sunspot cycle will end during 2012. The culmination of both abrupt changes will bring about the complete reverse of the magnetic poles of the Earth. This will, in turn, most likely increase and amplify the effects of solar storming on all of nature and humanity on the planet.

Hopi Indians

The Hopi people have long understood the power and balance needed to retain the balance of nature and the significance of these magnetic fields. Their purpose on Earth, as with the rest of the Native American peoples is to respect nature, and care for its balance. They were guided to both understand and observe the spiritual connection between humanity and the natural world of the planet. This task was given to all the different nations of the four corners of the Earth. Yet, very few people recall this set of directions. They have traded their balance and peace for pursuit of material goods and monetary wealth. The majority of people on the planet have indeed, disconnected themselves from Nature. We now live in a supposedly progressed society that would, for the most part, be unable to feed themselves, if the only source of food was to grow your own. The Hopi understands this and so much more. The connections of the natural disasters we experience around the world today are directly connected with the destruction of the natural balance of our planet. It is highly possible that the reason the magnetic fields are changing and the poles beginning to shift is completely due to the mining of rocks, metals and oil from the Earth’s core. These deposits were put there for a more significant reason than to be removed and displaced in huge amounts. Not everything naturally present on or in the Earth was meant

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to be consumed or used to amass monetary wealth. Perhaps you will be less skeptical, and gain a greater understanding from the Hopi Nation’s message delivered to the United Nations in 1991: “ … Nature, the First People and the spirit of our ancestors are giving you loud warnings. Today, December 10, 1992, you see increasing floods, more damaging hurricanes, hail storms, climate changes and earthquakes as our prophesies said would come. Even animals and birds are warning us with strange change in their behavior such as the beaching of whales. Why do animals act like they know about the earth's problems and most humans act like they know nothing? If we humans do not wake up to the warnings, the great purification will come to destroy this world just as the previous worlds were destroyed.

(Thomas and Oren Lyons held up a picture of a large rock drawing in Hopiland) This rock drawing shows part of the Hopi prophecy. There are two paths. The first with technology but separate from natural and spiritual law leads to these jagged lines representing chaos. The lower path is one that remains in harmony with natural law. Here we see a line that represents a choice like a bridge joining the paths. If we return to spiritual harmony and live from our hearts, we can experience a paradise in this world. If we continue only on this upper path, we will come to destruction. It’s up to all of us, as children of Mother Earth, to clean up this mess before it's too late….” Like the Mayans, the Hopi have also always known that there were previous histories; other peoples who lived on planet Earth. Each of the preceding 3 worlds that called this planet home all made the

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same mistakes that humanity of this current creation have. The inhabitants of Earth have all misused technology and disconnected themselves from nature. When these civilizations refused to change, the Earth was destroyed. First the cleansing of our planet came by massive earthquakes; second by the Ice Age; third by the Great Flood. "What therefore God has joined together, let no one put asunder." Mark 10:9

NOSTRADAMUS When anything Nostradamus has predicted is discussed by the media, the information draws world wide attention. It is known by everyone that when Nostradamus speaks, stuff begins to happen. Nostradamus’ predictions are at times so accurate, it is terrifying. He has pinpointed new world leaders and many major events throughout history for centuries following his life. Nostradamus predicted the events of September 11, 2001. Yet, the destruction of the World Trade Center surprised and horrified the population. The Bible tells us that an asteroid, meteor or comet will collide with planet Earth when certain events have come to pass. According to what we are told in the Book of Revelations, this event is soon to occur. Like the Bible, Nostradamus also predicts World War III and the horrifying mass destruction of nuclear arms and its effect on life on Earth. Nuclear arms, when fired, produce a comet-like effect. So perhaps, the question here is whether Nibiru will cause the end of humanity, or will it be the firing of nukes across our skies? Whatever the cause, it has a tail and streaks down from overhead; it keeps echoing over and over again. If the world is going to end, we can safely assume that such an event will be terrifying and horrific. After all, the Mayans and the I-Ching oracle were horrified about the astronomical predictions thousands of years ago. They knew they wouldn’t be around to experience the events of December 21, 2012. We on the other hand will all have a front row seat. For all of those who choose to deny the importance of this information, we hope that they are not caught unaware. The skeptics aren’t personally to blame for their complete denial. There are many factions at work in keeping the population ignorant of what should be common knowledge. Whether you believe it or not, the ability to read the stars and understand their meaning was taken from us for a reason. The understanding of nature and its’ concrete connection to the livelihood of humanity

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was also removed at the same time. Only those who have the desire to learn the truth and reason behind everything that exists on planet Earth and in the Milky Way galaxy will want to know more. You would be wise to learn what vibration and geometry has to do with human, animal and all other life on this planet. Because understanding the meanings found in the signs we are given, you will see the truth of what will happen next. If you have no idea what is coming, then you are not going to be in a position to do anything to help yourself or anyone else. This is what they want from you.

Crop Circles, Equations and Magnetics

There are many people who think that crop circles are a hoax. Unfortunately, there are a group of people who do find it amusing to create crop circles. Not only do they make light of the significance of these events, they blatantly announce man’s ignorance of matters that should be viewed with more dignity. Over the course of the last 5 years, the intricacy of crop circle patterns has taken on dimensions and depth never before seen. To the enlightened, there has emerged a definite message to each new crop circle pattern that emerges.

Firstly, the precision of geometry and mathematical alignments used surpass man made capability on such a grand scale. It is very easy to tell which ones are man made and which ones are beyond human ability. Second of all, the patterns now show us solar and lunar calendars, astronomical predictions, binary codes and more. Studying the patterns and their geometric perfection, you cannot help but realize that there is far more to this than meets the eye in passing. Additionally, there is a reason that over 90% of the crop circle patterns to appear all happen within one county in the United Kingdom. Why is this? What is there that is not present in most other locales on Earth? One is the mysterious construction known as Stonehenge exists in the county

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of Wiltshire. These megalithic stones stand not far from some the oldest known civilized places in that part of the world. Many people think that Stonehenge was created by the Druids, but it is at least 1000 years older than that. The Druids were not dark magicians as the story goes, but the most learned members of this historical culture. Contrary to rumor, the Druids did not sacrifice people and animals. This group of highly educated people was actually comprised of the physicians, astronomers and the holy men or priests of ancient Britain. The calendar created by the Druids was also astonishingly accurate. The Druids have nothing to do with Stonehenge. Stonehenge, like the Great Pyramids, Poverty Point in Louisiana, the Serpent Mound in Ohio and the Mayan cities in Guatemala all sit directly on the magnetic fields in the Northern Hemisphere. With the alarming increase in frequency of the patterns appearing in the fields of rural Britain here in 2009 comes the connection to the significance of this place. The Serpents Mound is actually constructed over a strange deposit of mixed old and new bedrock. The head of it is made to perfectly align with the setting sun on the Summer Solstice. You think this a coincidence? What purpose is served in marking the seasonal equinoxes and solstices in rock and earth formations? This is something that has to do with the understanding of astronomy and its significance to life and events on planet Earth. A great deal of intelligence and knowledge was lost to us at the onset of the Inquisition. From that point on, the civilized world was plunged into the Dark Ages for a span of 400 years. A long enough span of years, that once allowed to return to being an intelligent population with access to books, and being freed to take up art for the sake of art and creativity. Four centuries must have been adequate amount of time for common humanity to have had long forgotten those things that they were supposed to forget.

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Now however, we as a civilization have access to so much information at once and from anywhere, the enlightened are stirring and waking up to what they find. What we are finding is signs that have always been here right under our nose that we could not see. It is hard to see what you have no idea are there! It is increasingly difficult to look beyond a veil that was constructed to keep you from seeing past a certain point. Perfect measurements were replaced for the purpose of a few whose interests were to gain incredible personal wealth and power. If anyone could put perfection of geometry and mathematics to use, it would not have served those most interested in power to attain their goals. The knowledge of what makes up humanity and nature on planet Earth has been hidden from us for centuries, though it was once well known. Perhaps, this is part of the problem the majority of human society has today. They cannot understand the importance of the connection between man and nature because they lack this knowledge. The key elements of knowledge were removed from everyone’s reach hundreds of years ago, to suit the selfish purposes of handing great power to a handful of people. If you know the truth, you will see the connections that were always in front of you.

What are these elements and where will you find them? They are everywhere and no where at the same time. The so called progress of our civilization over the last few hundred years is not intelligence, but egress due to the ignorance of greed and hidden agendas. What is accepted is not necessarily truth. What is taught is not necessarily right. They have led you down the wrong path as the Hopi and other prophecies speak of. It is up to each person to find the truth and uphold it. Your path lies in nature on our planet and in accordance with the balance found in the heavens. Humanity and civilization is not above nature. Humans are part of nature, not above it. Nature is far more powerful and omnipresent than any man, woman or child will ever be.

Let the circle be unbroken.

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Conspiracy Theory Is 2012 just another hyped up event meant to cause hysteria? The reality of a conspiracy theory is found in the actions of those who cover up what is real and hide the truth from their fellow

man. A conspiracy is not the sharing of knowledge or information. A conspiracy is defined as:

secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act

plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)

group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose

from Wordnet at Princeton Education

If it is a conspiracy to believe that the events predicted for Dec. 21, 2012 could possibly come to pass, then does this also mean that getting in touch with your spirituality is wrong? If you do not heed the warnings to reconnect with nature and harmonic balance between yourself and your planet, where will you be on the morning of 12.21.12?

If you think that everything will just continue on as usual, I believe you are sadly mistaken. There is much to learn if you are to understand and find comprehension. Time is swiftly passing and we are almost 20 years behind the Hopi message to the United Nations. Do you see how much weight these governments of the world put into the message from the people’s wisdom? Instead, we continue down a backwards highway at top notch speed toward our own demise decades later.

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The signs are everywhere. The impact of knowledge is much deeper than you can imagine. There are many topics that could not be covered in this brief report. You will find in depth coverage of everything that is vital your future in our complete 2012: Official Countdown Guide.

There are many rumors, reports and a great deal of hype surrounds the date December 21, 2012. Unfortunately, anyone can publish information on the Internet. The news media would lead us to believe that the date, 12-21-12, and everything linked to it, is just science fiction. You are not getting the whole story from the mainstream media. What reason would these information channels have to lead you to not be concerned? It takes a great deal of study to discern who is a viable source of 2012 information and who is not. What other important facts are you unaware of? What enlightened information has been hidden from you? What have you been too preoccupied with every day life to have to discover? You will find all we have touched on briefly in this report along with many other intertwined and connected big issues in our large, complete edition of 2012: Official Countdown Guide.

Other ancient cultures that had knowledge and predictions are relevant to Dec. 21, 2012.

The astronomy involved in the planet alignments for 2012.

Planet Nibiru, The Northern Cross and 2012.

What science and NASA already know about what is happening in space.

World society and the long awaited spiritual awakening.

Are aliens and UFO contact real? If so, who are they, and where do they come from?

In depth crop circle revelations and messages of increasing regularity.

Why the news and mainstream media have taken the stance they have with the public.

What lies behind the upcoming movies and buzz about December 21st, 2012? The clock is already ticking, as it has been for many years. Every known prediction points to great suffering, and natural catastrophe unlike any previous experience. There is a great deal of evidence that all points to either a dramatic change on planet Earth, or the possible end of the world. Our findings were gleaned for our own interests, but have summed up to be so relative to our fellow man, we were compelled to put everything together in a complete guide to everything that pertains to December 21, 2012. No one hopes that the world will end on the 21st of December, 2012. The repetitive prophecies, research and scientific evidence strongly suggest that life might not continue on as usual. Will these changes bring about a global awakening; an unveiling of the truth? Will humanity enter into an age of new spirituality due to this cosmic event? Or will we need to make preparations to survive natural and environmental disaster? It will be difficult to plan what options your future holds without any insight of what could possibly happen next.

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We trust that you have found the information in this report interesting. This is only the beginning of what you need to know. This report is just a short synopsis of the information you will find in our 2012 Official Countdown members area. Within the 2012 community, you will also find the comprehensive 2012 Survival Guide available.

Does anyone know how to prepare for 2012? Will man Survive?

One thing is for certain, something is going to happen. Will it be the end of the world? Or will December 21, 2012 mark the beginning of a new era in human development? Something is definitely going to happen. What? We don’t know for sure, but the date matches up with so many prophecies from ancient people and religious leaders today, that something is sure to happen. You owe it to yourself and those you love, to learn more.

12.21.12: The day that everything on Earth changes. What will happen to YOU?

Lifetime members of 2012 Official Countdown can approach 2012 with eyes wide open.

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