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You are awesome! This guidebook is going to get you on your way to living the healthy mom lifestyle. In this guidebook, I have included quick and easy recipes, time efficient at home workouts and nutrition ground rules to get you on your way to becoming happy, healthy and balanced. I know we all want to look and feel our best as busy moms and this guidebook will show you that it is doable to do as a busy mom. In fact, it will show you that it can be done in less time so you that you do not have to sacrifice your life as a busy mom. Think of a fat loss lifestyle that is “convenient” and effective. On the rules... We often get caught up in the “rules” and everything we “should” and “should not” be doing. The goal of this guidebook is to show you that the only plan that works is the one for you. There is no magic plan that works. You will only be able to sustain and maintain your plan if it works with your lifestyle. You can eat real food that tastes great, have energy, and look your best as a mom without a restrictive diet and exercise plan. On timelines… When you follow this guidebook, you can follow it at your pace without ever feeling like you *should* be farther along. For some, it takes a few months and for others, it takes years. Both ways are perfect because after you invest in learning about you, you never have to diet again.


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Feeling and looking your best becomes an automated part of your life so you can enjoy every minute with your kids. It is essential to understand that this is a process. While it may take some months it takes others years. So many times we try to rush the process by following a plan and never end up learning about ourselves and how we lost fat. Wherever you are in your journey, this guidebook is meant to help you become happy, healthy and balanced as a busy mom. This is called a guidebook because it is just that: A guide for everything fat loss, fitness, and healthy eating. By using these tools I have outlined for you, you will begin to create the perfect plan that works with your schedule and that helps you reach your goals. Do your best and remember, when in doubt, follow what works for you :)


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About Shira

Hi! I’m Shira and I am the owner of MomBeyondBaby. I want to help you become happy, healthy and balanced as a busy mom. I wrote the Healthy Mom Guidebook because I want to you how to live a healthy mom lifestyle without being a slave to the gym or obsessing over calories. I want to show you a better way to be a fit and healthy mom! I want to show you that by investing in yourself you can have it all. I want you to be become a Mom “Beyond Baby.” As a fat loss and lifestyle coach, I have worked with thousands of busy moms who struggle with the same issues...time, motivation, knowledge. This guidebook was created to take the guesswork out of living a healthy mom lifestyle and to give you tools to implement that fit into your busy schedule. I hope you enjoy everything I have included for you. Do your best and enjoy the journey!


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Table of Contents

SECTION 1: Lifestyle Tools...Busy Mom Ditches the Diet

Intuitive Eating Guide...pages 5­9

The H.A.B.I.T model...pages 10­12

Eating on the Go Guide...pages 13­14

3 Day Meal Guide Using Fast Food 15

SECTION 2: Nutrition...Busy Mom Loses Fat

The big “rocks” of fat loss….pages 16­18

5 Sample Meal Plans/Hints for Convenience 18­21

32 quick and easy family friendly recipes...pages 22­33

Protein powders/Supplements...pages 34­35

Sample Grocery List (Mommy Must Haves)...pages 36­38

SECTION 3: Fitness...Busy Mom Gets Fit

Fat Loss Exercise as a Busy Mom...pages 40­41

Sample Workout Schedules...pages 42­43

13 At Home workouts (PDF and video format)...pages 46­55


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Losing Fat without a Diet: Ditch the Dieter’s Mindset

The biggest part of living a healthy mom lifestyle is learning how to eat intuitively and ditching the dieter’s mindset. This means taking the control out of food and putting the power back with you where it belongs. For many of us, this is our biggest struggle. I placed this section at the front because it is usually what stands between where we are and our desired results. We know what happened when we get on a diet or a meal plan. We do really well and then we “fall off” and regain the weight because we never take the time to fully ditch the dieter’s mindset. We get stuck jumping from plan to plan and always looking for the next best thing. This guidebook is your resource for finally being done with the diets that we know do not work long term. The healthy mom lifestyle is about sustainable fat loss. Intuitive Eating is basically learning how to develop a healthy relationship with food. Losing fat without a diet and learning how to eat food for you. Food that you enjoy, gets you results and serves your body meaning you feel better and not worse. I have outlined the 10 principles for learning how to eat intuitively. I would start with one concept, work on it and move to another. Do not try to do all 10 things at once. These are great principles to keep in mind as you use the H.A.B.I.T. model (defined after this section).

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

The 10 steps to discovering a healthy relationship with food.

1. Reject the Diet Mentality Step 1 is REJECTING the diet mentality. So finally saying and trusting that diets do not work. It's not you, its the diet. It has always been that way but we spend our time beating ourselves up when diets don't work. Why is this? Because the media gives us false promises that "this one" is going to be the one. And every time you start another "diet" you gain hope like maybe this is the one that will work. But truthfully there is no


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diet that works. Whenever you limit foods, you are setting yourself up to fail which is why we are learning how to eat intuitively. Understanding that foods are not "good" or "bad" and that how you are around food does make you as a person. Learning how to make a healthy relationship with food. NOTE: THIS STEP MAY TAKE LONGER IF YOU ARE NOT FULLY FED UP WITH THE DIET CYCLE. 2. Honor your Hunger I know this sounds pretty simple but as busy moms we often allow ourselves to get overly hungry. Or we forget to eat. And then what? We trigger our primal drive to overeat. I think we have all been there right? Once you reach that moment of excessive hunger, you simply cannot make good choices. You are no longer thinking about a healthy snack, you are just searching for food and the veggies are usually not at the forefront of our minds. When you honor your hunger, your body starts to understand that it will in fact have access to food regularly. You will no longer be driving to restrict to make up for a bad day or binge because you haven't eaten since breakfast. And then what? Your metabolism gets revved up, you begin to burn fat easier, you have more energy AND you are not walking around hungry. It is much easier to stop eating when you are not constantly starving. Think about this: You are STARVING and you tell yourself you can only have one cookie. You take one and then what? You reach for more and before you know it the entire plate is gone. This happens when we diet and try to restrict ourselves too much. When you honor your hunger you are no longer letting yourself get to that “starving” point. You learn exactly when your body needs to eat and more importantly if what you ARE eating is actually keeping you satiated and satisfied. And more importantly you learn if you are actually eating because you are hungry. This is huge in developing a healthy relationship with food/. 3. Make Peace with Food Making peace with food involves letting go of the thoughts that you “cannot” have certain foods. When food is deemed off limits, our brain concentrates on only that. So we may be able to make it through a week but then what happens? We binge and


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overeat leaving us with massive amounts of guilt. Let go of the food fight and practice moderation. 4. Challenge the Food Police & the “Rules” The food police is everything you “think” you know about what you *need* to eat to lose fat. Here is the truth and one that completely shocks most of the women I work with… You really can have anything you want just not everything you want. You must do what works for you. The one person who knows you best is YOU. Whoever told you: to live in a 1200 calorie box to cut carbohydrates to never drink wine or eat chocolate to not eat past 6:00p.m. to only eat 3 meals a day to eat 6 meals a day Is telling you a lie. A fat loss lifestyle is just that. One that is created and designed for YOU so that you can finally say goodbye to the food police. Sure all of those tactics may work short term, but having a healthy relationship with food means LIVING. Enjoying your food and eating things that you like and want to eat! In a recent survey of adults, over HALF of them admittedly felt guilty after eating foods they like. That is CRAZY! As an intuitive eater you begin to eat for YOU. The food police that has been telling you that you are “good” or “bad” based on what you eat is GONE. No more judgment about food. We were all born Intuitive Eaters. It is what has happened over the years, the excessive diets, the media, and the food police that has changed us. When you banish the food police and start to listen to your body and take the time to understand it, fat loss became effortless. You will find your fat loss formula. You will no longer feel guilty. You will be done with dieting forever.


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5. Feel your Fullness...You don’t need to get stuffed When you feel your fullness you are eating until you are about 80% full. You are never stuffed with a stomachache. Much of this has to do with mindfulness and paying attention to your body while you eat. As you eat, you begin to *think* about how much you are eating. At that point, you can begin to realize how full you really are. With practice you will realize that you don’t *need* to clean your plate. 6. Discover the Satisfaction factor...Always be Satisfied Eating food that satisfies us. We know that we can eat foods that fuel us, nourish us and taste good. You should never eat foods that do not satisfy you. Part of this includes eating in a pleasant environment (not the car or standing :) When you eat food that truly satisfies you, you are less likely to feel the need to overindulge. 7. Cope with your Emotions without Using Food: Stress & Emotional Eating So many times we turn to food to help us cope with our emotions. While food may fix our feelings of anger, loneliness and stress short term, it will not fix the problem. In fact, after bingeing because of our emotions we are left with two problems. The initial problem and then the massive amount of guilt and resentment from over eating. Find ways to cope with your emotions:

Become aware of what you are feeling. Ask yourself what happened to make you feel ___. YOu will start to notice which feelings trigger your emotional eating.

Acknowledge your feelings: you are allowed to have emotions :) Take action: ask for help, tell someone what you need) Create a toolbox: leisure walk, phone calls, journal, express gratitude

Until you take control of your emotions, you will not develop a healthy relationship with food.


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8. Respect & Honor your Body...It is your “house” When we spend our days longing for our “wedding weight” or our “pre­baby” jeans, we lose sight of the present. Accept yourself right now. Take full control of your body and accept that you are more than a number You are not defined by the number on your pants or the number on the scale. Your kids have no idea and in the long run, it doesn’t matter. Healthy happens inside. That being said, I know we all want to look and feel our best. But until we accept where we are and stop the negative self talk we cannot move forward. 9. Feel the Movement...Exercise because you CAN Instead of seeing exercise as a dreaded activity you MUST do to burn calories, shift your focus to see it as something we GET to do. We are able to move. That is a gift. And because of exercise we are able to be healthy and fit moms. If your only motivating factor to workout is to lose weight, you will hit snooze on the early mornings after being up all night with a sick child. Or when you feel tired. Or have a busy day at work. Think about how you feel when you are energized and you are acting as a positive role model for your children. 10. Honor your Health...Beyond the Calories and Meal Plans Progress, not perfection is what being a healthy mom is all about. One meal, one snack, one drink will not, does not, make you “bad.” There are not perfect foods that you must eat. Eat food because it is good for your body. Food that helps fuel you for your days as a mom not because it is low fat or low carb. A healthy lifestyle is about creating the plan for you. You can healthy and still have fat and vice versa. Take a look at the bigger picture and see your health for being a positive role model for your kids and not so much about the size of pants you wear.


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Creating NEW Habits: The H.A.B.I.T. Model

Using Biofeedback Tools to create your plan and find your fat loss formula

Many times we eat because we are stressed or tired and forget what it feels like to be hungry. As busy moms we rarely sit and chew our food so when we take a minute to understand WHY we are eating, we can create workarounds and develop a healthy relationship with food. Adapted from Metabolic Effect’s HEC, using biofeedback tools can not only teach you why you are eating but can help you understand your fat loss formula. When you become aware of when you eat, why you eat, and how you feel before/after you eat, you can start to understand exactly what you need for your plan. For many busy moms, quick and convenient options are the solution because we have very little time to prep/plan food. Follow these steps to create YOUR plan and become aware of habits that you have that revolve around food: **For the next week, track your food. You can use paper/pen, the notes in your phone or make an excel spreadsheet. You will make note of:

Times you eat Food/Drink Your H.A.B.I.T. BEFORE and AFTER eating

*I know this sounds like one more thing to add to your plate but it is enlightening. You will begin to see that you always raid the pantry after work because you haven’t had a snack or you always pour wine while cooking or always end up in the kitchen at night. When you log (or take a second to think) what you are eating, take a minute to think BEFORE you eat using the H.A.B.I.T. model:

Am I Hungry? Am I Aware? Will I Beat myself up? Am I being Instinctive? Is this because of a Trigger? Is this a HABIT?


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Introducing The H.A.B.I.T. model:

H: Am I hungry? Do you have a hunger sensation in your stomach?

A: Are you aware of what you are eating? Being aware means you are consciously thinking of your choices which will make all the difference when choosing quick, fast options.

B: Will you beat yourself up? Will you feel guilty from your choice? Usually, guilt is associated with making a choice that is not aligned with our goals. Take a minute think how you will feel AFTER you eat.

I: Are you being instinctive? Are you just choosing something in the moment based on your instincts without taking a minute to *think* about your choice? Example: you dive head first into the chips/salsa just because you are at a Mexican restaurant.

T: Are you being triggered by something (stress, lack of sleep, emotion) other than hunger? Are you eating because of something else that happened? Is what you are wearing triggering you to eat more?

Is this a HABIT? Many times we eat a meal and find ourselves searching in the kitchen only moments later because what we ate was not the least bit satisfying or with a stomachache and massive amounts of guilt after an indulge. AFTER you eat, take a minute to answer (log or simply think) about these questions using the H.A.B.I.T. model:

H:Am I still hungry? A:Was I aware of what I just ate? B: Do I feel guilty? I: Do I feel like I made a conscious choice?


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T: Do I still feel like I need more? Am I craving something? (That will tell you that what you ate what came from a trigger)

Was this a HABIT?

After 5 days of seeing what you ate as well as your HABITs, you will be able to notice patterns within your day. Are you always starving an hour after your breakfast? Do you have a 3pm hour where you are searching for anything and everything crunchy? Are you roaming the kitchen at night an hour after dinner looking for something sweet? Many women start to notice that they really do not even know any of these things. Food tends to mask all of these and it is not until we actually take a minute to acknowledge, we begin to see where we need to make adjustments. For convenience eating, using the H.A.B.I.T. model is KEY to making good choices that align with your goals. It is quick, easy to remember and will help you become mindful of your choices *in* the moment. The ultimate tool for busy moms looking to make a good choice. From there you can start with one habit you want to change. If you are a nighttime eater, what else can you do after dinner? Can you read, watch TV, take a bath, drink tea, journal, take a walk, stretch? All of these are options and replacements that will take time to *work* but will change your habit of nighttime mindless eating. Just by being aware of when you eat, you can start to change your habit. Do you always eat in the car only to realize that you never feel like you ate because you were shoving your face without even thinking? Maybe that “habit” needs to change. Remember, start with only one habit. Tackle one thing at a time. Small changes =BIG wins.


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Eating on the GO Guide: 5 Tips for Making Fat Loss Happen Anywhere

It’s no secret that we live on the go. Once you become a mom your schedule revolves around your kids. So instead of stressing over the hours you *think* you need to prep and plan, I have outlined 5 tips for making fat loss happen anywhere (gas stations, fast food and restaurants)

1. Fear of missing out. I get it. It can be daunting to sit in a restaurant and pass on the chips and salsa or the food you just feel like you can't be without. That feeling of “how can I go ____and NOT have the ____.” This is what I refer to as the fear of missing out. When we go on diets and restrict ourselves from certain foods, we get emotional about it. We start to feel like we will never get to “have fun” again. Food is fuel and has zero emotion. The dessert will understand if you don’t order it. I promise. Again, this is a mindset shift. Learning to see food as fuel our bodies need and getting out of the dieter’s mindset of I can’t have___ will go a long way here. This may require practice as you shift your thinking. 2. There is always something on the menu. You can never go wrong with a salad topped with grilled chicken. They have this everywhere and if it’s not listed, just ask. You can get that at McDonalds or any fast food restaurant so there really is always something you can order. If you don’t see a salad you can always order a sandwich and ditch the bun. There is always an option. 3. Let go of perfection. Truth is that when you are always eating out, it’s going to be harder to lose fat. But that does not mean we throw in the towel. Instead of beating yourself up over not being perfect, be ok with making healthy choices and doing your best. Focus on not gaining and sticking to your non negotiables. 4. Develop and stick to 3 non negotiables. I like to call these nutritional commitments that you will stick to no matter where you go or what you are faced with. So again, not trying to be perfect but knowing that if nothing else you stick to these 3 and you will be ok. For example, my 3 “rules” are 1. Protein at every meal. No counting or weighing just making protein a priority. 2. Fat or starch but never both. I choose one of the other but never have both in a meal. 3. Never allow myself to get overly hungry. Sound kind of crazy but I am always with food or snacks so that I don’t get to that “ravenous eat everything” mindset. When I allow myself to get overly


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hungry I usually end up making poorer choices so I arm myself with a protein bar, a shake or jerky to take the edge off. 5. Focus on the mountains. Let go of the rocks. So the idea that you cannot control every little sauce and spice is ok. Honestly these are what I call rocks. Not a huge deal. Focus on the mountains...more than likely the things you can control. The mountains are things like desserts, alcohol, starchy sides, a huge bowl of pasta. You will be safe if you stick to protein and veggies (yes even if there is a little butter or oil). Here is my list of a few favorite cuisines and what I recommend getting: There is definitely an advantage to eating at home but as a busy mom that is not always possible. Sometimes we need to have go to’s that are healthy and convenient rather than turning to bagels and pizza. You know those days where even throwing a few ingredients seems too much? Just because its quick does not mean it cannot align with your goals. Mexican: fajitas with extra lettuce. Hold the tortillas. I often get this at any bar & grill too because I love it! I do a little cheese and sour cream and eat as much protein, grilled peppers & onions as I want. I also use guacamole. Another one of my favs is getting a burrito and dumping it out. Not pretty but very yummy :) Italian: large salad with protein or protein with a vegetable. I just had a steak and broccoli at Olive Garden the other weekend. It was excellent. Chinese/Asian: Pei­Wei is a common pick up at our house. I usually do Ginger Broccoli with chicken and steak OR chicken teriyaki with extra vegetables if I am extra hungry. Hold the rice. Don’t sweat over the sauce and sodium. Its a very small rock in the world of fat loss. Fast Food: I always do a salad with grilled protein. If I am extra hungry I get a grilled chicken sandwich and toss the bun :) Gas Station: Nuts, jerky, protein shake, protein bar, hot dog without the bun (only if you are desperate :) Burger Joint: Order a burger with toppings. Ditch the bun and get extra lettuce or top on a side salad.


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3 Day Meal Guide using Fast Food Options The following 3 day meal plan is designed using only foods that at restaurants or fast food locations. The purpose is to show you examples of what to order when you are on the run. Fat loss can happen anywhere if you make the right choice. Sure much of this food has more sodium than we would like but when we look at the big rocks of fat loss, sodium is not a deal breaker. Focus on proteins, fibrous vegetables, low sugar fruits, and lots of plain water! Many of these items can be found at almost any restaurant or fast food chain. The idea is not to follow this plan to a T but to use it as a guide for when you are out, on a road trip or feeling stuck without anything to eat. Day 1: Breakfast: Egg White Delight McMuffin (McDonald's) Snack: 100 calorie pack nuts or nuts (portion out) (gas station) Lunch: Salad with Extra protein and fajita veggies (Chipotle) Snack: Apple (gas station) Dinner: Rotisserie Chicken Meal with spinach and green beans (Boston Market) Day 2: Breakfast: Thintastic Egg White Sandwich (Einsteins) Snack: Banana or fruit cup (gas station or any fast food) Lunch: Market Salad (Chick Fil A) or any salad (Subway) Snack: Apple Slices (Chick Fil A/McDonalds) Dinner: Grilled Chicken and Green Beans (KFC) Day 3: Breakfast: Oatmeal (Starbucks) Snack: Grilled Chicken Nuggets (Chick Fil A) or cup chili (Wendy’s) Lunch: Large Salad with Protein, apple instead of bread (Panera) Snack: Beef jerky (gas station) Dinner: Original Teriyaki (extra protein), brown rice (eat none of half of rice) (Pei­Wei)


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BUSY MOM LOSES FAT We all have had or currently have the desire to lose fat. For many of us our motivation comes from the results. But when you become a mom, you no longer have the time to prep and plan food let alone think about what you are eating. Hence, the need for a “convenient” fat loss lifestyle. We know what “clean eating” is and we also know what is reasonable and sustainable for our chaotic lives. In this section, I have outlined the big rocks of fat loss. These are the most important things to focus on when trying to create your plan for fat loss. I have also included quick and easy recipes, sample meal plans, hints for planning food and a quick section on protein powders. The big rocks of fat loss for the busy mom 1. Drink water like it’s your job. Aim for half of your body weight in ounces. Water helps to flush out toxins and will keep hunger, energy and cravings in check. 2. Choose 3 nutritional commitments (or non­negotiables) to follow everyday. If you are just starting, pick one. Stick to and focus on that one thing. Once you have that down, add another until you have 3 basic commitments that you will stick to everyday. These are non­negotiable regardless of how much life gets in the way. Examples include: protein at every meal, breakfast everyday, big salad for lunch, drink 3 L of water daily, become aware of all negative comments toward yourself, measuring your progress by how you feel rather than the scale. By keeping it simple, you begin to trust yourself in the process. 3. Monitor your biofeedback using hunger, energy, cravings and emotions before and after eating. Is what you are eating making you feel good? Are you eating a food that is triggering energy crashes and cravings? Am I really hungry or am I stressed and will the ice cream will make me feel better? These tools will help you find your fat loss formula.

4. Everything that is not a protein or fat is a carbohydrate. When choosing carbohydrates, choose “cleaner” sources that have an adjustable glycemic index and


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are higher in fiber. Examples include oats, sweet potatoes, bananas, quinoa. Choose lower sugar fruits such as berries, apples, pears. Most women do well on around 50 g­75 of carbohydrates. You will know how to adjust your amount when you use the biofeedback tools at the end of the this handbook. Your goal is to find that “perfect” amount where your hunger, energy and cravings are in check AND you are getting the results you desire. It may take time to figure out but once you do, you will know :) 5. Eat good food. Plain and simple. If you hate your food, you won’t eat it. There is no “one way” to eat. Eat foods that are healthy, yes but that also taste good. For example, if you don’t like your salad dressing because you *think* you need to use vinegar you won't eat salad. Things like condiments are not deal breakers in the big world of fat loss. There are plenty of good foods out there! 6. Know your triggers. This involves knowing which foods act as a trigger for you. Do you eat handful after handful of Goldfish? Does a protein bar curb your hunger or make you hungrier? Pay attention to how you feel after eating so you can begin to identify your triggers. Many moms struggle with stress & emotional eating but are not even sure where to begin to take back control. Most of the time, it begins with a trigger food. 7. Practice moderation. This is a practice. You can have anything but not everything. This involves having “mini cheats” during the week that keep you sane. If you want a glass of wine, have it. If that means you won’t binge and raid the pantry, you are better off with a glass of wine. If you want creamer in your coffee, use it. Moderation allows you to eat food that satisfies you. Take away the “white knuckle” approach and give yourself some wiggle room. Nothing is off limits. 8. Pre­empt your hunger. By pre­empting your hunger you are eating every 2­3 hours before you get ravenous. By doing this, you are giving yourself the chance to make good choices without feeling like you are “starving.” This allows you to get your metabolism revved up and prepared to eat often rather than trying to white knuckle your way through the day on only 3 meals. This might mean packing your diaper bag or glove box with protein bars so you are not out without anything to eat. The key is to prep and arm yourself so you can handle any situation.

9. Eat breakfast. Research shows that when we start our days with a healthy breakfast option we are setting ourselves up for a successful day. Add at least one serving of protein for breakfast to help keep hunger in check. Examples: eggs, omelettes, breakfast burritos, protein shakes, egg whites and oat bran.


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10. Aim for at least 4 servings of vegetables each day. This can happen at one meal or throughout the day. Not only are veggies high in vitamins but they are full of fiber which helps to keep hunger, energy and cravings in check. Aim to have a big salad at some point in the day or take advantage of a greens powder in your protein shake. If you need to buy your veggies cut and chopped, do it. Whatever makes you eat them. Say no to steamed vegetables or anything else that makes you NOT want to eat them. Say yes to a little butter or sauce to make it “sound” good.

Sample Meal Plans Meal Planning can be overwhelming especially if you are trying to lose fat, please a family with picky eaters and living in your car playing taxi for your kids. The goal should be to create a plan that is doable for you and your lifestyle. There are no rules as far as how many times you need to eat, whether you can or cannot eat out and if you must have a specific number of calories. The goal is to create a plan that:

Fuels your body Nourishes your body Can be sustained and maintained Keeps you satisfied Helps you reach your goals without additional stress and hours of

prepping and planning These sample meals are to give you an idea of how to plan a day of eating without added stress. You will notice the majority of the foods are proteins, vegetables and healthy fats. I recommend choosing these nutrients at most of your meals. I have given you sample foods so you can see how to plan without getting overwhelmed. All foods with an * are listed in the recipe section following the meal plans. Feel free to sub any of the recipes for the sample meals. Say yes to leftovers from the crockpot meals. The next five days are complete with 5 meals/snacks per day. By no means do you need to eat every 2­3 hours but for some eating often and pre­empting hunger keeps us from raiding the goldfish. Eating often helps keep your hunger in check and your energy levels stable. To begin, I would choose 1­2 meals to eat your starchy carbohydrates (see grocery list for ideas) and plan from there. Examples of high quality starchy carbohydrates include vegetables such as sweet potatoes and squashes, fruits and “cleaner” carbohydrates


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such as oat bran and quinoa. I always recommend using carbohydrates post workout, in the morning or at night. You can always add an additional serving of low sugar fruit such as berries if your hunger, energy and cravings are telling you that you need more carbs. You will only know what your body prefers when you pick one and monitor how you feel as well as your progress for a couple of weeks. Your main focus for fat loss are proteins, vegetables and healthy fats. In addition to what I have listed, it is important to have a few treats here and there. This is not a “I can never have ___” again food plan. Craving something sweet? Eat a piece of dark chocolate? Like to drink wine? Have a glass. Nothing is off limits. This is called moderation where you eat what you want some of the time but also stay on a “plan” most of the time. You can have anything, not everything :)

Sample Meal Plan #1

Meal 1: Breakfast­egg white omelette loaded with veggies, 1 slice Ezekiel bread OR 2 protein pancakes*. Meal 2: Snack­1 oz nuts + beef jerky Meal 3: Lunch­Big Salad. Choose spinach or leafy greens. Top with at least 4 ounces of protein of your choice (chicken, tuna) or leftover crock pot meal* and load on the veggies. Choose a vinaigrette based dressing or dress with oil for healthy fats. Add ½ c rice or black beans as needed. Meal 4: Snack­ PB & J protein shake* OR Guacamole Deviled Eggs*. Choose from the shake section. Meal 5: Dinner­Cilantro Lime Chicken* with a fibrous veggie and salad

Sample Meal Plan #2

Meal 1: Breakfast: Protein Shake* (greens powder optional) OR 3 egg cups. Meal 2: Snack: Greek Yogurt with ¼­½ c berries Meal 3: Lunch: Tuna in a low carb tortilla Meal 4: Snack: Protein Bar OR 2 Energy Bites* Meal 5: Dinner: Pulled Chicken* with Spinach Salad, ½ sweet potato

Sample Meal Plan #3 Meal 1: Breakfast: 4­6 egg whites with ¼ c oat bran* and ¼ c berries Meal 2: Snack: cottage cheese or salsa boats* Meal 3: Lunch: Shellless taco salad*. Add ¼ beans for carb if needed. Meal 4: Snack: protein shake* OR Greek yogurt with ⅓ c frozen berries Meal 5: Dinner: BBQ Pork* with brussel sprouts*


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Sample Meal Plan #4 Meal 1: Breakfast: Apple Cinnamon Protein Pancakes* with ½ c berries Meal 2: Snack: Protein Bar (ThinkThin or Quest) Meal 3: Lunch: Chicken Wrap* Meal 4: Snack: Pre cut veggies with Hummus (carrots and snap peas) Meal 5: Dinner: Lemon Chicken* with salad or 1 cup veggie of choice cooked in olive oil

Sample Meal Plan #5 Meal 1: Breakfast: Protein Pancakes* +¼ c berries Meal 2: Snack: 100 calorie pack of nuts or protein bar Meal 3: Lunch: Chocolate Mocha Shake* Meal 4: Snack: apple/string cheese Meal 5: Dinner: Rotisserie Chicken with 1 c sauteed vegetables in olive oil

Hints for each meal: (plus more ideas)

Hint­ Protein shakes or eggs, not cereals

Option 1: Eggs (whole eggs are fine, egg whites are better)...omelet with vegetables (i.e., tomato, spinach, feta. 10 bites (1 piece) Ezekiel bread. 1 cup blueberries, 1 small apple. Option 2: Whey Protein Shake. 25­50g whey protein mixed in skim milk, unsweetened almond milk, or coconut water. Optional: Add frozen berries or handful favorite nuts. Also, a soluble fiber like Fiber Complex is recommended. Option 3: Leftovers from night before.

Snack: Hint­ Nuts over chips Beef jerky, almonds and apple, celery and peanut butter, greek yogurt, cheese and pepperoni, low sugar fruit and string cheese


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protein bars (Ultralean peanut butter, Balance, Zone, Cocochia, Think Thin, Atkins, Quest)

Lunch: Hint­ Salads over sandwiches

Option 1: Large salad with meat. (i.e., greek salad with chicken. 3 small bites white bread.) Option 2: Whey Protein Shake. See above. Option 3: Low carb tortilla with protein, piece of low sugar fruit

Snack: See above Post Workout Meal: At least half or all of your daily allotted carbs.

Dinner: Hint: Protein, veggies and your carbs if you have them left (meaning you did not eat post workout or in the am.)

Option 1: Half plate vegetables and ¼ protein and ¼ carbs. (i.e., steak, broccoli, asparagus, and 10 bites potato with skin. Option 2: Large Salad with meat. Option 3: Whey protein Shake.

Dessert: Frozen berries/fruit


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Quick and Easy Recipes in less than 15 minutes As busy moms we love good recipes that the family will enjoy. No need to make 3 meals for dinner. Many of these meals require very little prep and will often make leftovers for lunches and snacks. I know many of us have often thought we need to make our own dressings and condiments and while they are “cleaner” it is not always doable. When it comes to fat loss, sustainability is key to sticking with your “plan.” For many of us dumping a jar of sauce in protein is what keeps us from ordering pizza :)

Breakfasts: Egg Cups Ingredients:

dozen eggs 12 pieces of nitrate free bacon


Spray muffin tin with olive oil spray Line each cup with a piece of bacon Crack egg inside Bake at 350 for 20­25 minutes depending on how you like your eggs

Basic Protein Pancake Ingredients:

1/2 c egg whites 1/2c almond flour 2 TBSP stevia 1 tsp baking powder *Add pumpkin if desired and top with berries and/or honey/agave


Mix ingredients together. Pour on griddle. Cook for about 2­3 minutes per side. Apple Cinnamon Protein Pancakes Ingredients:

2 egg whites 1 scoop vanilla whey 1∕2 cup old fashioned oatmeal 4 oz jar unsweetened applesauce (baby food jar)


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1∕2 tsp cinnamon 1-2 tbsp xylitol or stevia to taste 1∕2 tsp baking soda 1∕2 tsp vanilla extract


Combine all ingredients and whisk together in a medium bowl until smooth Spray a frying pan using a zero-calorie cooking spray like PAM, place on medium to cook pancakes

Makes 2 pancakes/1 serving Oat Bran Cereal I recommend hot oat bran cereal or oatmeal because it is so high in fiber—5 grams per 1/3 cup. Ideally, you would want to have a serving of oat bran cereal and an egg white omelette or some form of protein, but a scoop of whey protein powder can be added to the cereal if you’re in a hurry.

1/4 cup oat bran or other high­fiber hot cereal

Optional additions: 1 scoop whey protein powder, 2 tablespoons chopped nuts, 2 tablespoons ground flax seed, 2 tablespoons wheat germ, 1 teaspoon erythritol, stevia, honey, or a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg Stove top: Combine the oat bran cereal and 1 cup water in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 4 to 5 minutes. Stir in the optional additions of your choosing. Microwave: In a microwavable bowl combine oat bran with water or unsweetened almond milk and microwave. Stir in the optional additions of your choosing. Crockpot: Almond Butter Chicken Ingredients:

1­2 lbs chicken breast or chicken thighs 1/2 cup almond butter 1 Tbsp cumin 1 tsp crushed garlic


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1 lime, juiced 1/4 cup GF soy sauce/coconut aminos 1/2 cup chicken broth


If you don’t have a lime, use another form of citrus (such as orange juice, lemon).

Consider doubling the sauce, it is awesome on rice, cauliflower rice or some steamed vegetables like broccoli!

I have also made this recipe in the oven and on the stove top. It turns out great!

You can cook the sauce with the chicken or on its own, you decide.


Spray a 4 quart slow cooker. Put the chicken into the bottom and add the almond butter.

Add cumin and garlic. Squeeze in lime, and add soy sauce/coconut aminos and chicken broth. Stir as well as you can to combine (the almond butter will be clumpy, and that’s

just fine). Cover and cook on low for 6­8 hours, or on high for about 4 hours. Serve over rice or cauliflower rice, vegetables or a salad.

Lemon Chicken Ingredients:

2­3 lb chicken breasts juice from 2 lemons salt/pepper to taste


Dump in crockpot. Cook on high for 4 hours. Shred with a fork.

Cilantro Lime Chicken with Black Beans Ingredients:

1 1/2 pounds chicken breasts Juice from 2 limes 1 bunch fresh cilantro, chopped 2 minced garlic cloves 1/2 red onion, chopped


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1 can black beans, drained and rinsed 1 tsp cumin salt and pepper to taste


Cook on LOW for 8 hours (or HIGH for 4 hours). Serve with/on a salad. Pulled chicken Ingredients:

6­8 boneless skinless chicken breasts 1 large jalapeno, seeds removed and finely chopped 8 cloves garlic, minced (plus 1­2 smashed and just put in the crock pot) 1 tbsp sea salt 1 1/2 tbsp chili powder 1 tbsp olive oil 1 1/2 tbsp lime juice 1 yellow onion, chopped 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar (secret ingredient) 1 avocado (optional)

Directions: Throw everything but the chicken in a crock pot and give it a stir. once mixed, add the chicken and coat with the mixture. set it on medium (4­6 hours) or to your desired cook time (depending on how long you will be away and need it to cook) and leave it. After about 4 hours the chicken will start to pull apart and you can use a fork or spoon to pull it. Take it off the heat once the chicken starts to pull so you don’t dry out the meat. You can either serve right away or put in the fridge for a meal that will last a few nights. Garnish with a few pieces of chopped avocado and salad.

Mongolian Beef

Ingredients: 1.5 pounds beef flank steak, grass­fed, cut into stir fry sized strips (can use a

roast/london broil) 2 Tablespoons olive oil 0.5 teaspoons ginger, minced 2 cloves garlic, minced 0.75 cup coconut aminos


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0.75 cup water 0.75 cup honey, raw


Cut flank steak or place london broil or roast in crockpot. Add remainder of ingredients to crock pot and stir well to combine. Cook on high for 2­3 hours or on low for 4­5 hours. Serve with brown rice, steamed veggies and a salad.

BBQ Pork (or Chicken) Ingredients:

2­3 lb. pork shoulder 2 cups (ish) BBQ sauce (choose one with few ingredients as possible)

Directions: Place pork shoulder in the crockpot. Mine was mostly defrosted, but not totally. As long as you cook it thoroughly, it shouldn't really matter. Dump the BBQ sauce over it. Cook on low for 8­10 hours. Take two forks and pull the pork away from itself until it's in nice shreds. I let mine soak for a few minutes longer to make sure it's all nice and sauce­y, and then it's ready to serve! Shredded Buffalo Chicken Ingredients:

5­7 Chicken Breasts 1/2 Cup Frank’s Wing Sauce 1/4 Cup Yellow Mustard 1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar


Add all to crock pot. Cook on HIGH for 5 hours. With 20 minutes left, shred chicken inside the crock pot. Then, finish cooking cycle.

The Easiest Crockpot Meal

2­3 lbs of any protein Dump a jar of sauce and cook on low for 8 hours :) You can pair with a starchy

carbohydrate like rice, potato, or quinoa and a veggie/salad


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Lunches/Sides/Dinners: Quick Sweet Potato Fries Ingredients

1 tsp chopped fresh rosemary leaves 1 tbsp olive oil 1 lb sweet potatoes (about 3 medium) 1/4 tsp sea salt


Preheat oven to 425°F. In a small bowl, combine rosemary and olive oil; set aside.

Scrub potatoes and remove any blemishes. Cut each potato lengthwise into 1/2­inch slices. Stacking 2 slices together, cut each into 1/2­inch strips.

In a large bowl, toss potato strips with rosemary mixture until evenly coated. Spread potatoes on a large parchment­lined baking sheet in a single layer. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, flipping potatoes over halfway through baking time, until lightly browned. Remove from oven, sprinkle with salt and serve warm.

Chicken Wrap

Ingredients: leftover rotisserie chicken or 4oz nitrate free deli meat slice of cheese low carb tortilla lettuce, mustard, condiments of choice


wrap everything up and enjoy! Brussel Sprouts (or kale, greens, broccoli) Wash and slice or chop (You can also buy already washed, and bagged for you). Toss with olive oil, salt, pepper and cumin, rosemary or thyme. Bake in oven at 350 degrees until desired crispness. **You can also do the same with kale, broccoli and other fibrous veggies. Sauteed Spinach Ingredients:

1∕2 chopped white onion


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2 tbsp. or 2 cloves chopped garlic 1 tbsp. olive oil 2 bags fresh spinach


In a large pan sauté onion and garlic in olive oil over medium heat for 2 minutes. Add spinach one bag at a time allowing it time to cook down. Cook until spinach is at desired consistency. Add black pepper and a dash of sea salt to taste (if desired).

Shellless Taco Salad Ingredients:

½ lb ground beef or turkey shredded cheese salsa guacamole lettuce (I prefer chopped) tomato, onion etc salt/pepper


Brown meat Add salt/pepper to taste Place meat on bed of lettuce and top with condiments.

Chicken Tenders Ingredients:

Chicken Tenderloins (or cutlets cut into small pieces) 3 bowls for mixing crust ingredients Coconut Flour Coconut Milk Finely Ground raw almonds Coconut Oil Eggs or Egg Whites Salt & Pepper or Seasoning salt of choice


Thaw Tenderloins.


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Bowl 1: Mix 1 C Coconut flour & dash of Salt & Pepper or seasoning salt of choice.

Bowl 2: Mix 2 Ounces Coconut Milk with 2 Eggs whisked together Bowl 3: Heaping amount of finely ground raw almonds

**Refill bowls as necessary depending on how many tenderloins being prepared** Roll Tenderloin in coconut flour(Bowl 1), dip in coconut milk/eggs (Bowl 2), and

roll in ground nuts (Bowl 3); Pan fry in hot coconut oil till golden brown on each side. Place on cookie sheet and bake @350 for 20 minutes.

Tenderloins will be crispy day of cooking, reheated after refrigeration not as crispy, but great on salad or in a lettuce wrap.

Cheeseburger Wraps Ingredients:

1 lb grass-fed beef, ground bison, lean ground beef or turkey 1∕4 cup chopped white onion (optional) 1∕2 tsp salt Sprinkle of pepper low-carb tortillas 1∕4 cup shredded cheddar cheese


Brown beef and onions together, drain excess fat Add salt & pepper to mixture Split mixture in half, and place in the centers of the open tortilla Sprinkle on cheese Roll tortillas tightly Dip in or add ketchup/mustard etc

Snacks: Salsa Boats or Hard Boiled Eggs (plain) Ingredients:

2 large hard boiled eggs 1 tsp dijon mustard 2 tsp fresh salsa


Cut eggs in half. Remove yolks. Combine egg yolks with mustard and mix.


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Spoon egg mixture into egg white halves. Top with salsa. Enjoy!

Energy Bites Ingredients:

2 heaping tablespoons peanut butter 2 scoops vanilla whey protein 2 scoops rolled oats 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder water or apple sauce to moisten


Mix together. Roll into a ball. It will be a sticky mess. Refrigerate Guacamole Deviled Eggs Ingredients:

4 eggs, hard­boiled 1 avocado 2 tsp hot sauce 1 tsp lemon juice sea salt (optional) freshly ground black pepper

Directions: Peel hard­boiled eggs and cut in half lengthwise. Spoon out yolks into a small

bowl. Mash yolks with avocado, hot sauce and lemon juice. Season with sea salt and

freshly ground black pepper to taste. Refill egg whites with the yolk mixture.

Low carb Cheese Wafers (makes 12)


Use 3 oz package of Mexican blend shredded cheese

Directions: Preheat oven 400 degrees F Line a baking sheet with foil


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Spoon 1 TB cheese onto sheet at 3 inch intervals Bake 6-8 minutes or until slightly browned Remove and let cool before pulling off

Deli Roll Ups Ingredients:

4­6 ounces or slices of nitrate free deli meat slice of cheese avocado mustard


Top each slice of deli meat. Roll and enjoy. Chocolate Pudding Ingredients:

1 can coconut milk 3 heaping TB cocoa 1 TB erythritol, xylitol, coconut sugar or other sweetener. Optional: Add a scoop or protein powder


Mix all ingredients in a large bowl until the lumps disappear. As the lumps disappear, the pudding will become thicker and thicker.

You can enjoy immediately, or put in the fridge to set for 30 minutes for further thickness. Another option is to put in the freezer and enjoy as a frozen dessert.

Protein Shakes:

Basic Protein Shake:

8 oz unsweetened almond or coconut milk 1­2 scoops whey or plant based protein powder ¼ ­½ c add in of choice Ice for thickness

CherryNutter Protein Shake: Ingredients:

½ tsp almond extract


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½ c pitted cherries 1 c unsweetened almond milk 1­1.5 scoops vanilla protein Ice for thickness.


Add all ingredients in blender, add ice, and blend to desired thickness. Enjoy! Chocolate Mocha Protein Shake Ingredients:

8 oz. unsweetened vanilla flavored almond milk 1­2 scoops vanilla protein powder 1 heaping spoonful of instant coffee 1 heaping spoonful of cocoa


Add all ingredients in blender, add ice, and blend to desired thickness. Enjoy! Chocolate Peppermint Protein Shake Ingredients:

8 oz. unsweetened vanilla flavored almond milk 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder 1 heaping spoonful of unsweetened cocoa powder 1/8 tsp. peppermint extract


Add all ingredients in blender, add ice, and blend to desired thickness. Enjoy! Gingerbread Protein Shake Ingredients:

8 oz unsweetened vanilla flavored almond milk 1∕2 banana 1∕4 tsp cinnamon 1/8 tsp ground ginger 1/8 tsp nutmeg 1­2 scoops vanilla protein powder Ice


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Add all ingredients to blender. Add ice and blend to desired consistency. Enjoy! (PB & J) Ingredients:

8 oz unsweetened almond milk 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder ¼ c berries 1 tsp natural peanut butter


Add all ingredients to blender. Add ice and blend to desired consistency. Enjoy! CinnaNutter Protein Shake Ingredients:

1 tsp cinnamon 1 TBSP natural peanut butter 8 oz unsweetened almond milk 1­2 scoops scoop chocolate protein Ice for thickness


Add all ingredients to blender. Add ice and blend to desired consistency. Enjoy! Additional Protein Shake Add Ins (Use at least 2 to help keep you satiated). Most will count as healthy fat and/or carbohydrates:

1 avocado 1 TBSP flax seed or oil 1 TBSP chia seeds 1 TBSP coconut oil 1 TBSP nuts or nut butter 1 TBSP cocoa 1 scoop greens powder ½ sweet potato ½ c fruit handful spinach or kale 1 TBSP coconut flakes or shredded coconut


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Protein powders & Supplements

Whether in shakes, in your oat bran, or straight­up with water, protein powder is going to be a part of your life while living a convenient fat loss lifestyle.

Just a stroll down your local grocery store or Vitamin Shoppe aisle will let you know that there are literally dozens of products to choose from. Additionally, there are some you can find online and some that you can only get through health care providers. So how can you figure out which one is best for you? First, let’s start with a discussion of the different types of proteins that are usually made into powders: whey, egg white, rice, pea, hemp, soy and blends in varying combinations. Whey and egg proteins are animal based. Whey protein is an excellent source of branched chain amino acids and is the richest source of protein per serving. Potential issues with whey are that it can be stimulating for insulin release and may make someone hold water. People with severe dairy allergies (or breastfeeding) should also be wary of whey protein. Even though whey does not contain casein or lactose, some people with dairy allergies will have a bad reaction to whey. Egg white protein is an alternative to whey and is very protein rich.

Next are the proteins that are plant based and suitable for vegetarians. Pea, rice, hemp protein and their blends tend to be hypoallergenic and have very low likelihood of creating inflammation in the body and are not likely to make you hold water. However, these proteins tend to be lower in protein per serving and are not as rich in branched chain amino acids. Some of them can taste very gritty, but experiment and find the one that works for you. Pea and rice protein blends usually have a fantastic mouth feel without grittiness and without the strange aftertaste that is sometimes found with whey.

I do not recommend soy protein at all, for several reasons. First, soy disrupts thyroid function by depressing the production and conversion of thyroid hormone. When the thyroid slows down, metabolism slows down, fat burning slows down, and you do not see the results you want. Next, soy acts like an estrogen in the body, further adding to the estrogen “load” of the body. Soy can create a lot of gas, bloating and indigestions – all unpleasant. Lastly, soy is a common allergen, up there with wheat, gluten and dairy. If you are consuming a food that you are allergic or sensitive to, you will hold water and be unable to appropriately burn fat, and may have gastrointestinal or skin upset.


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Finally, try to find the protein powder that has the least amount of additives and/or the shortest ingredient list. I recommend whey and a pea/rice blend as our top picks. Here are the names of some recommendations:

Xymogen I5 (pea/rice)—vegetarian Vega (any flavor, Sport or Regular)—vegetarian Jay Robb Whey or Egg White BSN Lean Dessert Whey (probably the tastiest but contains artificial sweeteners) Tera’s Whey Bluebonnet Whey’ Ideal Nutritional Recommendations for Powders

Less ingredients are better At least 20g protein Less than 2g sugars Less than 6g carbs At least 2g dietary fiber

The only Two “Must Have” Supplements Both of these supplements are what I consider a must have for a busy mom. As always talk to your doctor if you have questions or concerns. Both of these help us feel satiated and curb cravings especially during times of high stress. BCAA’s (branch chain amino acids): controls hunger, energy and cravings. Recommended dose: 5 to 15 g daily. Best used before/after workouts. Many protein powders contain BCAAs. Cocoa­Raw, Organic 100% cocoa. My favorite one here. Here is how to drink it: Add 1­2 heaping TB raw organic cocoa powder to 8­12 oz of freshly boiled water, stir and enjoy! If you notice that you would like to sweeten the drink, add xylitol, erythritol, agave nectar or stevia to the drink. You may also add rice or nut milks. For variety, you may want to try a dash of cinnamon, cayenne pepper or cardamom to your drink.


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Sample Grocery List: This is a sample list of items that are fat loss friendly. The purpose of this list is to give you ideas for navigating your way through the grocery store. By no means are you sticking to this list for your life.

This is just to give you some additional ideas:)

5 tips for a successful grocery shopping trip:

1. Shop the perimeter of the store (that is where most of the “fresh” foods are located.

2. Never go hungry. Eat a snack before you shop. When you enter the store hungry, everything looks really good.

3. Read labels. Even if it says “natural” there could be sugars. Just take a minute to read. The fewer you see, the better.

4. Shop from a list. Use your phone or a post it, but write down what you need. This will help you stay on a budget AND keep far from the foods that you don’t “need”.

5. All highlighted items are what I consider Mommy Must haves for convenience eating. Fat loss has to happen without stress. If you getting pre­cut veggies, bagged salads and frozen veggies will make your life easier and make fat loss effortless, do it. Do not stress over making things from scratch. You CAN eat things that are frozen and come in cans :)


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Fruits (lower sugar are best) Apples/apple slices Pears Cherries Blueberries Raspberries Blackberries Strawberries Grapefruit Pomegranate Lemons Limes **Frozen berries Kid pouches (yes you can eat them :) Veggies (think green fibrous veggies) Kale Collard Greens Spinach Asparagus Broccoli Cucumber Salad greens/Lettuce Cauliflower Brussels Sprouts Peppers Onion Leeks Zucchini Summer squash Green Beans Tomato Lettuce Iceberg Lettuce for wrapping meats Pre­cut veggies Bagged Salads Canned Veggies (no

Carbohydrates (1­2 servings per day) Sweet Potatoes Winter Squash Spaghetti Squash Pumpkin,canned or fresh SPRY Brown Rice Oat Bran Oatmeal Steel Cut Oats Quinoa Millet Healthy Hemp Bread Ezekiel Bread (orange or blue label) (freezer) Low Carb Tortillas Bananas Healthy Fats/Nuts **be mindful of portions Peanut Butter Almond & Nut Butters Almond Flour Peanut Flour Coconut Flour Hazelnut Flour Unsweetened Shredded Coconut Walnuts Almonds Brazil Nuts Avocado 100 calorie nut packs Guacamole (single serving is great for one the go) Oils/Vinegars/Spices/ Herbs (You can use any condiments with moderation. These are not deal breakers for fat loss but do make your food taste good)

Proteins **try to get local, hormone and nitrate free meats Chicken Breast Turkey Breast Nitrate Free Deli Slices Roast Beef Slices Eggs Egg Whites Ground Bison/Lean Beef Pork Tenderloin/Lean Pork Filet Mignon Bacon/Turkey Bacon (no nitrates)

Canadian Bacon Protein Bars (ThinkThin, Quest) Cod Salmon Tuna Tilapia Haddock Flounder Tuna Packets Canned Chicken Canned Salmon Sweeteners Stevia Truvia Erythritol Xylitol Stevia drops Capella Drops Palm Sugar Coconut Nectar Raw honey/Agave Miscellaneous Almond Milk (unsweetened) Coconut Milk (unsweetened) Almond Cheese Cheese (if you can handle dairy)


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salt added) **Frozen veggies Best grocery stores for convenience eating: Trader Joes Sprouts Whole Foods Fresh Market Safeway

Olive oil Coconut oil Spray oil Balsamic Vinegar Rice Vinegar Red Wine Vinegar Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar Bragg’s Liquid Aminos Coconut aminos Iodized Sea Salt Black Pepper White Pepper Cayenne Pepper Mrs.Dash Salt Free Seasonings Basil Paprika Chili Powder Garlic Powder Onion Powder Fennel Seeds Cumin Seeds Cinnamon Cardamom Vanilla Powder Vanilla Extract Franks Hot Sauce Ketchup Taco Seasoning BBQ sauce (less ingredients the better) Any sauces that you can dump on protein in a crockpot.

Greek Yogurt Jerky (nitrate free) Hummus 100% Cocoa Powder Shirataki Noodles/Miracle Noodles Low Fat Cottage Cheese PB2 Tea (preferably green) Dark Chocolate :) High quality protein powder (limit to one daily) (1 scoop at least 15­25 g protein, less than 6 g carbohydrate, less than 2 g sugar and at least 2 g dietary fiber) Greens Powder Quick Lunches and Dinners: Rotisserie Chicken Deli meat wraps (opt for nitrate free in low carb tortilla)

Ground Beef (burgers, tacos) Ground Turkey burgers Pre made salads (pick one with protein) or toss with rotisserie chicken Salad bars (whole foods is my favorite)

Pre­cooked meats:Chicken strips, roasts, pre seasoned meats (trader joes has a huge selection)

Sushi Stir fry (add extra protein and skip noodles or buy frozen!)

Frozen Meatballs Al­Fresco Sausages Hot Dogs (beef or buffalo, nitrate free)


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Busy Mom Gets Fit It is important to note that exercise is a privilege. I know we are strapped for time, but instead of seeing exercise as a dreaded activity to burn calories or make up for yesterday’s “bad” eating, try to think of it as:

Time to take care of yourself. If you don’t then who will? Being a role model for your children. Training for life. Exercise helps you have the energy needed to chase your kids

all day.

5 principles of Exercise for the Busy Mom 1. Make the most of your time. Most of these workouts are 20 minutes or less.

You do not need hours of exercise to get the body you desire. Anything is better than nothing. The goal is to be a healthy and fit mom who has the energy to keep up with her kids. If you can only get 10 minutes in, do that. Say goodbye to the hour long gym sessions.

2. When you workout, think intensity. Am I breathless? Am I pushing as hard as

I can? Intensity trumps time. When using weights, aim for heavy. Heavy weights are essential for burning fat. (choose a weight that feels heavy after 8­10 repetitions)

3. Rest as needed. All of the workouts are designed in a circuit fashion which

enables you to push as hard as you can and rest as needed. The more you rest, the harder you will be able to push. This also applies to your days. If you feel like you could benefit from a rest day, take it. If you are sleep deprived and stressed, you will have a harder time losing fat. Rest and restorative activities such as yoga, tai chi and foam rolling are just as important.

4. Leisure walking is extremely important for fat loss. Not only does it help

lower stress hormones, it allows you to engage in an activity that the whole family can enjoy. When you walk, think flip flops and coffee slow. Try to take a walk everyday, preferable after your strength workouts. If walking is not an


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option, opt for any R&R exercise (yoga, tai chi, even a hot bath :)

5. Find something you enjoy. We know that when it comes to fat loss, strength training and high intensity exercise such as sprints are most effective but it is important that you find a way to move that you enjoy. Group fitness classes, running, dance, pilates are all great ways to stay active. Try to incorporate these into your week as well. If you dread moving, you are less likely to stick with it. The goal is to have exercise fit into your busy life.


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Weekly Workout Schedule

This is a sample workout schedule for a week using the first 5 workouts (3 strength and 2 high intensity cardio) in the Guidebook. The workouts I have given you will last for at least 19 weeks and then you can go back through them. Try to get over having to stick to a “schedule” and plan these workouts as they fit into your lifestyle. Remember, convenient exercise for fat loss! If you are just starting, aim for 2 days a week. Next week, increase that to three. You do not need anymore than 3 strength workouts per week. Starting small increases your chances of success which in turn translates to sustainability. There is no “wrong” way to exercise :)

Sample Schedule for weeks 1­6:

**This is a sample schedule illustrating 5 days of workouts per week with 3 strength training workouts and 2 high intensity cardio options. As mentioned above, start with working as many days as you can. Your priority is always strength for fat loss. DO THIS: THEN THIS:

Monday Workout #1­Metabolic Conditioning

30­60 minute leisure walk

Tuesday Optional: Busy Mom Fat Blaster

30­60 minute leisure walk

Wednesday Workout #2­Upper Focus 30­60 minute leisure walk

Thursday Optional: 20 min at home hill sprints

30­60 minute leisure walk

Friday Workout #3­Lean Legs 30­60 minute leisure walk

Saturday 30­60 minute leisure walk 30­60 minute leisure walk

Sunday Family Fitness Family Fitness


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Sample Schedule for weeks 6­12:


Monday Workout #6­As many rounds as possible

30­60 minute leisure walk

Tuesday Optional: Pilates 30­60 minute leisure walk

Wednesday Workout #8­Lower Body 30­60 minute leisure walk

Thursday Optional: 20 min at home sprints

30­60 minute leisure walk

Friday Workout #9­Total Body Blast

30­60 minute leisure walk

Saturday 30­60 minute leisure walk 30­60 minute leisure walk

Sunday Family Fitness Family Fitness

Sample Schedule for weeks 13­19:


Monday Workout #10­Moms Get Strong

30­60 minute leisure walk

Tuesday Optional: MomBeyondBaby Sizzler

30­60 minute leisure walk

Wednesday Workout #11­Upper Body Workout

30­60 minute leisure walk

Thursday Optional: 20 min at home sprints or Busy Mom Fat


30­60 minute leisure walk

Friday Workout #12­Total Body 10

30­60 minute leisure walk

Saturday 30­60 minute leisure walk 30­60 minute leisure walk

Sunday Family Fitness Family Fitness


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At home workouts designed for the Busy Mom

**The purpose of these workouts is efficiency. Think the most bang for your buck! Say goodbye to the hour long gym sessions. What level are the workouts? The workouts in this handbook are designed for any level of exerciser. The mom who is just starting to exercise and the mom who is fit but struggling to find time for efficient exercise. All workouts are written for the intermediate exerciser. If you are a beginner, use less weight (or body weight) and rest as much as needed. When should I do my workouts? Most moms choose from these 4 options of times: early morning, nap time, after bedtime, and together. For starters, do each workout for 10 minutes. Then, increase to 15 and then 20. Anything is better than nothing. Do not stress over the “best” time to workout. The best time is the time that you have :) How many days should I workout? You do not need to workout everyday. In fact, rest is just as important as working out. You can sub the additional workouts I provided after a 4­6 weeks. I recommend doing 3 strength training workouts per week. Do not stress over the amount of cardio you do. If nothing else, try to walk everyday. Ideally you will walk after your workouts. If you live in a climate where you cannot walk due to weather, try to do a workout video or engage in some play (dance party anyone?). For an activity similar to walking as far as a restorative exercise, try yoga, tai chi or stretching. All will help reduce stress. How much cardio do I need to do? Everyone is different but your goal should be to do as little cardio as possible to get the results you desire. You do not want to get into the “I must run for an hour” to maintain my weight trap. Steady state cardio adds stress to your body. I have included 2 different high intensity cardio options for you to add throughout the week. The same principles of intensity applies. Short on time, high on intensity. I have never heard of some of these exercises. Where can I see them? The videos provided go through one round of the workout so you can see form and learn different modifications based on where you are. The videos are all located here!


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The structure of the workouts: The workouts are designed in a circuit fashion using the principle of rest based training from Metabolic Effect. Rest Based Training (RBT) from Metabolic Effect is all about teaching the correct way to exercise to deliver a sustained hormonal fat burning response. RBT is a unique concept because most Americans think that resting is equal to quitting and that you should do your best to get through the entire workout. However, research shows that intensity is key to generate and release the hormonal fat burning soup into the body. So, RBT is based on the concept that if you work to the degree required to generate fat burning results, it’s impossible not to rest. In these workouts, there are no prescribed rests which is also unique to interval/circuit type training. You’re in control of the rest; you decide when to rest and for how long, not the trainer. If you rest in the middle of a set, start again where you left off.


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13 At Home Workouts Workout 1 (strength) Metabolic Conditioning

Total time: 20 minutes Equipment Needed: medium set of dumbbells

Workout 2 (strength) Lean Legs Total time: 20 minutes Equipment Needed: medium/heavy set of dumbbells

Workout 3 (strength) Upper Focus Total time: 20 minutes Equipment Needed: light/medium set of dumbbells

Workout 4 (high intensity cardio) At Home (Hill) Sprints Total Time: 20 minutes Equipment Needed: N/A

Workout 5 (high intensity cardio) Busy Mom Fat Blaster Total time: 20 minutes Equipment Needed: stopwatch/timer

Workout 6 (strength) As many rounds as possible Total time: 20 minutes Equipment Needed: medium set of dumbbells

Workout 7 (restorative/strength) Pilates Total Time: 20 minutes Equipment Needed: Mat

Workout 8 (strength) Lower Body Build Total time: 20 minutes Equipment Needed: bench/mat, something to step up on (couch, chair, cooler, stairs), 1 set Heavy/Medium Dumbbells

Workout 9 (strength) Total Body Blast Total Time: 20 minutes Equipment Needed: medium set of dumbbells

Workout 10 (strength) Moms Get Strong


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Total Time: 20 minutes Equipment Needed: 1 pair of heavy/medium dumbbells

Workout 11 (strength) Upper Body Total Time: 20 minutes Equipment Needed: 1 medium set of dumbbells

Workout 12 (strength) Total Body 10 Total Time: 20 minutes Equipment Needed: 1 medium set of dumbbells

Workout 13 (strength) MomBeyondBaby Sizzlers Total time: 1 minute Equipment Needed: N/A


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Workout #1: Metabolic Conditioning Workout strength

Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Push as hard as you can, rest as needed. If you can get more than 5 rounds, increase your weights so you will need to take a rest. Equipment Needed: 1 pair of medium dumbbells

Exercise Reps Suggested Weights

Squat/Shoulder Press 12 medium

Alt. Forward Lunge/Bicep Curl

12 (6 each side) medium

Reverse Fly/Row 12 (6 each way) medium

Push ups 12 N/A

Workout #2: Lean Legs Workout strength

Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Push as hard as you can, rest as needed. If you can get more than 5 rounds, increase your weights so you will need to take a rest. Equipment Needed: 1 pair of medium dumbbells

Exercise Reps Suggested Weights

Squat/Backward Lunge/Squat

20 (10 sets) medium

Squat Hops 20 N/A

Alternating Forward Lunge 20 (10 each leg) medium

Jumping Lunges 20 total N/A


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Workout #3: Upper Focus Workout strength

Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Push as hard as you can, rest as needed. If you can get more than 5 rounds, increase your weights so you will need to take a rest. Equipment Needed: 1 pair of light/medium dumbbells

Exercise Reps Suggested Weights

Alt. Chest Press/Chest Fly 20 (10 each) medium

Bicep Curl/Shoulder Press 10 medium

Alt Lateral Raise/Front Raise

16 (8 each) light/medium

Swings 10 medium

Workout #4: At Home Hill Sprints Workout

high intensity cardio Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Push as hard as you can, rest as needed. If you feel ready to run after each set, run faster :) Equipment Needed: N/A Perform 10 sets. Pick a hill outside or find a straightaway. Run up. Walk down. Rest as needed. Repeat 10 times. If you cannot find a hill, pick a straightaway and run as fast as you can for about 20 seconds. Walk back and repeat.

**the babies love these in the stroller Finisher: do 2 sets of walking lunges up and down the hill :)


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Workout #5: Pilates Workout core strength/restorative

The purpose of pilates is to work the core. The core is your entire midsection including abdominals, hip flexors and obliques. Make sure each motion is controlled and you are breathing throughout. Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Push as hard as you can, rest as needed. Equipment Needed: mat

Exercise Reps

Roll up 10

One leg stretch 6 each side

Double Straight Leg Stretch 8

Scissors 12 each leg

Swimming progressions (legs, arms, both)

20 total for each progression

Push up 8

Workout #6: Busy Mom Fat Blaster Workout

high intensity cardio Perform 3 rounds of this workout for a total of 18 minutes. Push as hard as you can, rest as needed. Equipment Needed: timer/stopwatch

Exercise Time

Squat Jumps 40 s on/ 20s off

Burpees 40s on/ 20 s off


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Mountain climbers 40s on/ 20 s off

High Knees 40 s on/ 20 s off

Switch jumps (jumping alternating lunges) 40 s on/ 20 s off

Push ups 40 s on/ 20 s off

Workout #7: As many rounds as possible Workout strength

Perform as each exercise 10 times. Set timer for 4 minutes. Do as many rounds in 4 minutes. Rest. Repeat each set 5 times for a total of 20 minutes of work! Push as hard as you can, rest as needed. Equipment Needed: 1 pair of medium dumbbells.

Exercise Reps Suggested Weights

Squats 10 medium

Squat jumps 10 N/A

Forward Alt. Lunges 10 medium

Switch jumps 10 N/A

Swings 10 medium

Push ups 10 N/A


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Workout #8: Lower Body Build Workout strength

This workout will last for 20 minutes. You will do 4 sets of 5 minute circuits. Push as hard as you can, rest as needed. If you can get more than the amount of reps listed, try to increase your weights. Equipment Needed: bench/mat, something to step up on (couch, chair, cooler, stairs), 1 set Heavy/Medium Dumbbells Circuit #1 Perform exercises for 5 minutes

Exercise Reps Suggested Weights

Squats 6 heavy

Plie Squats 6 heavy Circuit #2. Perform exercises for 5 minutes Exercise Reps Suggested Weight

Right Step up 6 medium

Left Step up 6 medium Circuit #3. Perform exercises for 5 minutes Exercise Rep Suggested Weight

Right Bulgarian Lunges 6 medium

Left Bulgarian Lunges 6 medium *Place back foot on step, chair, couch etc Circuit #4. Perform exercises for 5 minutes Exercise Rep Suggested Weight

Right forward lunge 6 medium

Left forward lunge 6 medium


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Workout #9: Total Body Blast Workout

strength Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Push as hard as you can, rest as needed. Equipment Needed: medium set of dumbbells

Exercise Reps Suggested Weights

Plie Squat/Upright Row 12 medium

Tension air squats (pulse squats)

20 N/A

Lunges (stationary) w one arm shoulder press (R then L)

10 each side medium

Squat/Bicep curl 10 total sets medium

Superman 20 N/A

Workout #10: Moms Get Strong Workout strength

Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Push as hard as you can, rest as needed. Equipment Needed: 1 pair of heavy/medium dumbbells

Exercise Reps Suggested Weights

Squat 10 medium

1 arm row 10 each side heavy/medium

Alt Backward Lunge 20 (10 each side) medium

Front Raise 10 medium

Stiff legged Deadlift 10 heavy


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Push ups 12 N/A

Workout #11: Upper Body Workout strength

Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Push as hard as you can, rest as needed. If you can get more than 5 rounds, increase your weights so you will need to take a rest. Equipment Needed: 1 pair of medium dumbbells

Exercise Reps Suggested Weights

Push ups 12 N/A

Pullover 12 medium

Hammer Curl/Shoulder Press

12 medium

Tricep Dips 25 N/A

Workout #12: Total Body 10 Workout strength

Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Push as hard as you can, rest as needed. If you can get more than 5 rounds, increase your weights so you will need to take a rest. Equipment Needed: 1 pair of medium dumbbells

Exercise Reps (total) Suggested Weights

Deadlift/2 arm row 10 medium

Backward Lunge Lunge/Shoulder Press

10 medium

Burpee/Push up at bottom 10 N/A


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Squat/Overhead Extension 10 medium

MomBeyondBaby Core Sizzlers A sizzler is a blitz where you perform an exercise for one minute. Your goal is to do as many as you can. These are great to do on days you are not working out. They are also great additions to a leisurely walk. Equipment Needed: N/A

Exercise Time

Plank Jacks 1 minute

Mountain Climbers 1 minute

Burpees 1 minute

Inchworm 1 minute


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A Wrap up…

Congrats! If you have made it here you have read the entire Healthy Mom Guidebook. As mentioned throughout the guide, it is important to know that this is simply a guide to help you create a sustainable plan that works for your lifestyle. A few key points:

1. The only rules are the ones you create for yourself. 2. Enjoy the process. When you fall down, take a minute to reflect and

learn WHY. Learning about you is key to creating your plan. 3. Don’t sweat the small stuff. It is easy to get caught up in the small

stuff when it comes to fat loss. Focus on the big rocks. 4. You can only do your best. Life is always going to get in the way

and when you remember this, it gets much less stressful. Do your best every single day and know that it will change as things happen. Be ok with good.

5. Small changes are key to a successful lifestyle. It is easy to get overwhelmed in trying to do everything. Focus on small changes and overtime they will add up.

I wish you the best of luck. Remember your big WHY :) xo, Shira www.instagram.mombeyondbaby


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