
Which Course Is Right For Me? offers one of the world’s most comprehensive CEREC® curricula. With five levels of hands-on education at our state-of-the-art learning campus, we offer more for CEREC users of all proficiencies.

Our goal is to create empowered CEREC users who enjoy the technology and use it passionately for clinical and financial success.

The course program begins after you have completed Initial Training, and leads you to advanced CEREC aptitudze. We recommend our courses be taken sequentially, starting with our Level 2 course. Many seasoned doctors benefit from Level 2 because of the solid foundation it provides for both new and experienced users. The curriculum offers a unique approach to learning. Each course is very thorough and comprehensive in the knowledge that we present. Regardless of your CEREC experience, will take you beyond the knowledge and skills you currently have.

So that you get the most from your CEREC journey, and to ensure that you are in the most appropriate course, we recommend that you review the following criteria to gauge where your CEREC proficiency level actually lies.

CEREC Mastery: Rapid Integration Into Your Practice

Provisionalizing and Restoring Implants With CEREC

Mastering Multiple Anterior and Posterior Restorations With CEREC

CEREC and Cone Beam Integration in Surgical Implant Dentistry

Treating Comprehensive Cases With a Digital Work�ow

Initial Training

For more information about courses, call 877.295.4276, email [email protected] or visit

©Copyright 2018 CEREC® is a registered trademark of DENTSPLY SIRONA, Inc. UPDATED: 4.20.2018 V1

For more information about courses, call 877.295.4276, email [email protected] or visit

©Copyright 2018 CEREC® is a registered trademark of DENTSPLY SIRONA, Inc. is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by the AGD for Fellowship/Mastership and membership maintenancecredit. Approval does not imply acceptance bya state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 10/1/2014 to 9/30/2018. Provider ID# 319544

Level 2 is NOT a replacement for Initial Training, which is a prerequisite for this course. Whereas Inital Training through your local branch concentrates on one design technique (Biogeneric Individual) on single teeth, Level 2 teaches ALL available design techniques on multiple units.

Additionally, time is spent on designing and finishing chairside bridges, provisional and permanent. It is recommended to take Level 2 after Initial Training and also have completed a minimum of 20 restorations.


M Cannot consistently finish a restoration in 90 minutes or less

M Are not familiar with all the software tools and menus such as the Biojaw tool

M Do not understand the differences in the design modes

M Do not thoroughly understand what Parameters are and their uses

M Do not know how to efficiently design and finish an anterior ceramic bridge

M Do not realize the concept of proper preparation design with the CEREC

M Do not understand the concept of over-milling and the different milling modes

M Are not using their CEREC machine to the fullest capacity

M Wish to completely master the fundamentals of CEREC dentistry

If you are unsure which course is right for you, contact us at 877.295.4276 or email at [email protected]. Our goal is to ensure that your learning experience is maximized by completing the curriculum in the appropriate manner.

CEREC® Mastery:Rapid Integration Into Your PracticeFACULTY Sameer Puri, D.D.S., Mark Fleming, D.D.S., Mike Skramstad, D.D.S.CE CREDITS 13 | 2 Days | Lecture & Hands-on WorkshopLOCATION Spear Campus, Scottsdale, Ariz. TUITION Doctor: $2,995 Staff: $995*

*Team member must accompany a paying Doctor to receive the Team member rate.

UPDATED: 4.20.2018 V1

For more information about courses, call 877.295.4276, email [email protected] or visit

©Copyright 2018 CEREC® is a registered trademark of DENTSPLY SIRONA, Inc. is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by the AGD for Fellowship/Mastership and membership maintenancecredit. Approval does not imply acceptance bya state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 10/1/2014 to 9/30/2018. Provider ID# 319544

CEREC will produce highly esthetic implant restorations with perfect occlusion and contacts, whether you are treating a single tooth or complete quadrant.

Fabricating chairside implant restorations opens an avenue to be more productive in one’s office whether you are temporizing an edentulous area for implants or fabricating the final restoration.


M Would like to fabricate chairside abutments for implants utilizing CEREC software

M Wish to learn the differences between the various blocks for fabricating provisional and permanent chairside abutments

M Want to use CEREC to create temporary and permanent implant restorations

M Want to utilize CEREC to create and restore both screw-retained and cement-retained implant restorations

M Want to understand how different tools affect implant proposals and where and when to use them

M Would like to explore the CEREC/Galileos connection and the integration between cone beam and CAD/CAM

M Would like to create provisional and permanent Maryland bridges for patients waiting for implant integration

M Want to understand file and image management as it relates to implant restorations fabricated with CEREC

M Want to fabricate custom healing abutments with CEREC and how utilizing them will drastically shorten treatment time

If you are unsure which course is right for you, contact us at 877.295.4276 or email at [email protected]. Our goal is to ensure that your learning experience is maximized by completing the curriculum in the appropriate manner.

Provisionalizing and Restoring Implants with CEREC®

FACULTY Sameer Puri, D.D.S., Mark Fleming, D.D.S., Mike Skramstad, D.D.S. CE CREDITS 13 | 2 Days | Lecture & Hands-on WorkshopLOCATION Spear Campus, Scottsdale, Ariz. TUITION Doctor: $2,995 Staff: $995*

*Team member must accompany a paying Doctor to receive the Team member rate.

UPDATED: 4.20.2018 V1

For more information about courses, call 877.295.4276, email [email protected] or visit

©Copyright 2018 CEREC® is a registered trademark of DENTSPLY SIRONA, Inc. is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by the AGD for Fellowship/Mastership and membership maintenancecredit. Approval does not imply acceptance bya state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 10/1/2014 to 9/30/2018. Provider ID# 319544

Once you have mastered the basic and advanced techniques taught in Level 2, and want to test and expand your knowledge, consider the Level 4 course.

Level 4 is intended for doctors who have completed Level 2 and want to apply the knowledge to go deeper with the CEREC and utilize the technology for larger cases.

Completion of Level 2 is strongly recommended prior to attending Level 4


M Wish to learn how to prepare anterior teeth for optimal esthetics and master the art of contouring milled anterior restorations

M Are ready to master treating anterior cases same day and indirect in two visits

M Want to learn how to create CEREC quadrant restorations, both anterior and posterior, in the most efficient manner

M Want to understand the principles of Smile Design and how to apply them in your planning and case presentations and in your case executions

M Want to understand the different materials that are available to use with Anterior teeth

M Wish to appropriate the flow differences between same day and multi-day cases

M Want to make their Anterior CEREC cases as aesthetic as possible

If you are unsure which course is right for you, contact us at 877.295.4276 or email at [email protected]. Our goal is to ensure that your learning experience is maximized by completing the curriculum in the appropriate manner.

Mastering Multiple Anterior and Posterior Restorations with CEREC®

FACULTY Sameer Puri, D.D.S., Mark Fleming, D.D.S., Mike Skramstad, D.D.S. CE CREDITS 13 | 2 Days | Lecture & Hands-on WorkshopLOCATION Spear Campus, Scottsdale, Ariz. TUITION Doctor: $2,995 Staff: $995*

*Team member must accompany a paying Doctor to receive the Team member rate.

UPDATED: 4.20.2018 V1

For more information about courses, call 877.295.4276, email [email protected] or visit

©Copyright 2018 CEREC® is a registered trademark of DENTSPLY SIRONA, Inc. is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by the AGD for Fellowship/Mastership and membership maintenancecredit. Approval does not imply acceptance bya state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 10/1/2014 to 9/30/2018. Provider ID# 319544

This course will give you the experience to utilize the Sirona Cone Beam CT Family for surgical planning of implants and understand the fundamentals of guided implant surgery. This two-day lecture will take you through all aspects of guided-implant planning using the Galileos/XG3D and the CEREC, as well as a complete understanding all of the different guided systems that are available to work with the CEREC and Galileos/XG3D Integration protocol. Learn the basics of implant placement using the guided protocol, and the advantages and disadvantages of each surgical system. Participants will learn how to fabricate chairside surgical guides.


M Are interested in, new to, or are moderately experienced with implant therapy

M Want to understand how the integration between CEREC and Galileos works

M Want to understand how guided surgery works

M Want to understand which implant systems are best for guided surgery

M Want to understand the different guides that can be fabricated with CEREC and Cone Beam integration

M Want to understand the importance of treatment planning using the Cone Beam and CAD CAM integration

M Want to learn how proper implant placement can affect the restorative outcome

M Want to learn how to mill the CEREC guide 2 chairside

If you are unsure which course is right for you, contact us at 877.295.4276 or email at [email protected]. Our goal is to ensure that your learning experience is maximized by completing the curriculum in the appropriate manner.

CEREC® and Cone Beam Integration in Surgical Implant DentistryFACULTY Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D., M.S. CE CREDITS 13 | 2 Days | Lecture & Hands-on WorkshopLOCATION Spear Campus, Scottsdale, Ariz. TUITION Doctor: $2,995 Staff: $995*

*Team member must accompany a paying Doctor to receive the Team member rate.

UPDATED: 4.20.2018 V1

For more information about courses, call 877.295.4276, email [email protected] or visit

©Copyright 2018 CEREC® is a registered trademark of DENTSPLY SIRONA, Inc. is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by the AGD for Fellowship/Mastership and membership maintenancecredit. Approval does not imply acceptance bya state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 10/1/2014 to 9/30/2018. Provider ID# 319544

CEREC® goes beyond just single-tooth dentistry. This workshop will explore techniques for comprehensive cases and teach users to perform virtual wax ups, utilize the virtual articulator and incorporate cone beam scans to evaluate the patient’s dentition and occlusion.

You must complete Level 2 before enrolling in this course. Spear’s Facially Generated Treatment Planning workshop completion is also encouraged.


M Want to learn how to perform the new patient exam in the digital age

M Want to understand the difference between the CEREC Software design techniques as it relates to comprehensive dentistry

M Want to understand the appropriate way to stage cases to help with financial need patients

M Want to understand proper way to program and utilize the virtual articulator in the CEREC software

M Want to learn how to use the SICAT Function software suite

M Want to understand efficient placement and use of the SICAT JMT device

M Are interested in expanding knowledge of virtual wax ups and mock ups

M Want to learn new cementation techniques for large comprehensive cases

M Want to understand material selection for comprehensive cases

M Want to learn how to properly utilize photography for patient education and communication

M Understand how 3D printing plays a role in the digital workflow

M Explore the currently available printers as well as their current indications

If you are unsure which course is right for you, contact us at 877.295.4276 or email at [email protected]. Our goal is to ensure that your learning experience is maximized by completing the curriculum in the appropriate manner.

Treating Comprehensive Cases With a Digital WorkflowFACULTY Sameer Puri, D.D.S., Mike Skramstad, D.D.S., Ross Enfinger, D.M.D., Mark Fleming, D.D.S.CE CREDITS 20 | 3 Days | Lecture & Hands-on WorkshopLOCATION Spear Campus, Scottsdale, Ariz. TUITION Doctor: $5,495 Staff: $1,995*

*Team member must accompany a paying Doctor to receive the Team member rate.

UPDATED: 4.20.2018 V1

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