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White Elephants, Pink Pigs and Blue Fish:

Just another Christmas in the Valley!

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This is Rit. He and his roommate, Jen, had a Christmas party, which included a game called White Elephant. Everyone brings a wrapped $15 gift, and puts it in a pile. People take turns picking gifts. A person could either pick a gift from the pile, and open it, or steal an already opened gift from someone else. If your gift is stolen, you as well may steal someone else's gift, or pick a new one.

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Before people begin opening the presents, they talk for about an hour and a half. Here, people can be seen mingling. The girl on the right, Jen, lives here with her roommate Rit. The other two girls, Lila and Mary went to school with them in Philadelphia.

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Now people are gathering around in a circle, because we are about to pick gifts. The hosts handed out playing cards to determine who gets to pick first. Everyone is excited, and they are all trying to find out what was brought, but nobody wants to give away their secrets.

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Marie picked this bag, and inside were a bunch of little alcohol bottles. She really liked it. When someone opens a gift, everyone claps. The girl sitting on the chair is holding the gift she opened, which was The Clapper.

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When this girl picked her bag and opened it, she pulled out a Smirnoff Ice. This is a game that this group of people love to play. The object is to surprise someone with a Smirnoff Ice, and force them to accidentally touch it or pick it up. When they do, they have to 'chug' it on one knee. This was a pretty clever way to 'Ice' someone. This happened early on, and everyone laughed, and it made the mood even better.

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This is Nick. When he opened the gift he picked, it was a snuggie. He put it on, and then put on this weird Santa hat and modeled it for everyone. You can also see the piggy bank on the floor, which is what the girl in the background unwrapped.

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This is a picture of a friend holding the gift I unwrapped, which was voted best gift. It is a sex toy in the shape of Obama. It was stolen from me immediately, and I ended up taking home a shower radio. In the background you can see the gift that my roommate, Jarret opened. It was kleenex, tampons and a dvd. He spent the rest of the night trying to convince someone to take it

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Here is the guy, John, who brought the Obama sex toy. He is opening the last gift, which turned out to be a beta fish. The beta fish was then stolen, and John's girlfriend got very upset.

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John's girlfriend can be seen in this picture. She is upset and letting someone know it. She was not only yelling at the person who took the fish, but also her boyfriend for passing on the steal. Everyone laughed really loud while this was going on, which upset her even more. When she left at the end of the night, she was still upset.

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This is after the gift exchange, and everyone is getting ready to leave. People are saying goodbye. Everyone had a great time, and most people were happy with the gift they got, even if it was silly!

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