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WHITEWATER TOWNSHIP BOARD Agenda for Special Meeting on Tuesday, November 27, 2018

6:00 p.m. at the Whitewater Township Hall 5777 Vinton Road, Williamsburg, MI 49690

Phone 231-267-5141/Fax 231-267-9020

Please silence your electronic devices.

A. Call to Order B. Roll Call of Board Members C. Set/Adjust Meeting Agenda D. Declaration of Conflict of Interest E. Public Comment Any person shall be permitted to address a meeting of the township board. Public comment

shall be carried out in accordance with following board rules and procedures: 1. Comments shall be directed to the board, with questions directed to the chair. 2. Any person wishing to address the board shall speak from the lectern and state his or her

name and address. 3. Persons may address the board on matters that are relevant to township government

issues. 4. No person shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same matter, excluding the

time needed to answer board members’ questions. The chair shall control the amount of time each person shall be allowed to speak, which shall not exceed five (5) minutes.

F. Agenda Items as Listed in Special Meeting Notice 1. Zoning Administrator Interview – Robert Hall @ 6:00 p.m. 2. Zoning Administrator Interview – Lindsey Wolf @ 7:30 p.m. G. Board Comments/Discussion H. Public Comment I. Adjournment Whitewater Township will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities who are planning to attend. Contact the township clerk at 231-267-5141 or the TDD at 800-649-3777.

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Robert Hall 511 E. Division Street Cadillac, Michigan 49601

Cheryl Goss- Whitewater Township Clerk P.O. Box 159 Williamsburg, Michigan 49690

October 22, 2018

Dear Clerk Goss,

Telephone (231) 429-6703

email: [email protected]

Please find enclosed five copies of my resume in response to the Whitewater Township job posting for that of Zoning Administrator. I have taken the time to review the job posting and believe that I am qualified to perform the required duties and could serve Whitewater Township well.

I am able to work both as a contractor and I or employee in whatever capacity that we are able to mutually agree upon. Please allow this brief cover letter to serve as a request to interview with Whitewater Township

As your posting suggests an hourly position, my salary requirement (dependent upon other negotiable factors) would be $20.25 (twenty dollars and twenty-five cents) per hour. Of course, a personal conversation could help defme the parameters which will satisfY both of our needs and more importantly, those within your community.

Very truly yours,

Robert Hall Certified Zoning Services

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!Robert A. Hall 511 E. Division Street Cadillac, Michigan 49601

231-468-2468 [email protected]

Work History

December 2016-Current Wexford Joint Planning Commission [Wexford County]

Planning and Zoning Administrator I Zoning Compliance Officer

The Wexford Joint Planning Commission was created shortly after the Wexford County Board of

Commissioners voted in February of 2016 to repeal the then existing Wexford County zoning

ordinance. Eleven Townships initially agreed that the continuation of responsible planning and

zoning principals were necessary to maintain the community continuity. The Wexford Joint

Planning Commission was created and shortly afterwards the Wexford Joint Zoning Ordinance

was adopted by all participating municipalities and became effective on December 31, 2016.

March 2013-December 2016{*) Village of Onekama, Michigan [Manistee County]

Zoning Administrator I Code Compliance Officer

This position and the job responsibilities are similar in nature to those of the City of White Cloud

listed below. In addition to Zoning Ordinances, the village has many 'police power' ordinances

regulating property maintenance and blight that the Zoning Administrator is responsible for

enforcing. The Village of Onekama and Onekama Township share a Joint Master Plan and are

considering Joint Zoning.

(*) As of April1, 20171 currently remain on-call to handle specific zoning related inquiries until

such time as a replacement Zoning Administrator is employed

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August 2011-Current Norman Township, Michigan [Manistee County]

Zoning Administrator I Code Compliance Officer

This position requires the administration and enforcement of the Norman Township Zoning Ordinances. In addition to 'routine' duties the Zoning Administrator also process Special Land Use requests and assist applicants in the preparation and review of preliminary and final site plans for presentation to the Planning Commission. Assisting the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals, the Zoning Administrator is appointed to act as a communications liaison between the governmental bodies in all areas that are affected by the Planning and Zoning process. Norman township is an environmentally conscience community. I am charged with expediting reports from township consultants [planner, engineer, and attorney] as required.

November 2007-May 2018 City of White Cloud, Newaygo County, Michigan

Zoning Administrator I Code Compliance Officer

This position requires the administration and enforcement of the City of White Cloud Zoning Ordinances and Property Maintenance Codes. In addition to 'routine' duties I also process Special Land Use requests and assist applicants in the preparation and review of preliminary and final site plans for presentation to the Planning Commission. Assisting the City Council and Planning Commission, I act as a communications liaison between the governmental bodies in all areas that are affected by the Planning and Zoning process. I am charged with expediting reports from city consultants [planner, engineer, and attorney] as required.

November 2007-June 2017

Zoning Administrator I Enforcement

Everett Township, Newaygo County, Michigan

Approached by the rural township of Everett in the spring of 2007, I officially assumed the position

as a permanent replacement for the retiring official in November of 2007. As Everett Township is

contiguous with the City of White Cloud boundaries, a collaborative effort was made by the City of

White Cloud to also obtain my services. Duties are very similar as listed above for the City of

White Cloud. Everett Township is bisected by the M-37 corridor.

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September 2006-May 2010

Zoning Administrator I Enforcement

Big Prairie Township, Newaygo County, Michigan

Big Prairie Township was a unique challenge as the community was experiencing a growth

,spurt, prior to the economic downturn in Michigan. The many sub-standard private roads

servicing the older established subdivisions, the vast waterfront property and the diminishing

agricultural operations were not contemplated in the existing Master Plan. A concentrated

effort was made to re-evaluate the Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance in order to secure the

community vision for the future.

March 2006-May 2010 Ensley Township, Newaygo County, Michigan

Zoning Administrator I Enforcement

In Newaygo County's southeastern corner is the ,agriculturally' developing township of Ensley.

Ensley Township is a very forward thinking rural community. The Township Board and Planning

Commission routinely chose to engage the public in an effort to foster true community support.

The Zoning Administrator was often used as the communications liaison between the

Township, Consultants, Attorneys, and more importantly, the public spectrum.

February 2002- June 2009 Winfield Township, Montcalm County, Michigan

Zoning Administrator I Enforcement

Winfield Township is where my interest in community involvement originated, and inspired my

interest to become proactively engaged. This was an administrative, on call position. Winfield

Township is primarily an agricultural community with only 1 small commercial area and 2

established subdivisions.


• Since January of 2003 I have been in attendance at every MTA [Michigan Township Association] Annual Educational Conference (except 2015 I 2016}. The educational presentations are exemplary and considered a personal enrichment and benefit to my job performance. In addition to annual training I regularly attend programs that focus on the basics such as, (ZBA training, Site-Plan Review, Planning Commission Responsibilities, Case Law updates (Michigan Land Use Summit), Effective Meeting Techniques, Public Presentation), as well as regional planning and zoning presentations.

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• March thru May of 2007 -I completed the Citizen Planner Program and I currently maintain my CEU's for my Master Citizen Planner designation.

• April 6th, Jth & 8th 2009 [Grayling, Michigan] -Completed the inaugural Zoning Administrator Certification training sponsored by MSU, the Planning & Zoning Center and the Land Policy Institute.

• April thru June of 2010 - I completed the New Economy three part workshop series (NE 101, NE 201, NE 301} facilitated by Michigan State University and the Michigan Muhicipal League among others.

• Completed Placemaking, Complete Streets training facilitated by Michigan State University and the Michigan Municipal League among others.

• I continue to attended MML (Michigan Municipal League} and MTA (Michigan Townships Association} training related to community governance, Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals roles and responsibilities.

I have acquired a passion for working at the personal/eve/ of 'government'_ with and for the 'people'. Zoning Administration and Code Enforcement I Compliance began as a way to become involved in my home community in Winfield Township [Montcalm County] and has grown into an enjoyable experience. Most recently (August of 2012) I moved to Cadillac, Michigan with my wife and two children. The opportunity to now expand upon my past experiences with a new community would be welcomed.

I have an independent personality that affords me the ability to achieve results within dedicated time frames with limited supervision. I will seek out and find the necessary resources to meet the overall objectives of the project at hand. While much of my zoning related activity involves enforcement issues, it can also be very rewarding on the administrative side. I have experienced multiple site plan reviews for residential and commercial development, PUD' s, Private Roads, Re-Zonings, and an array of miscellaneous experiences. Work with Master Plans and Zoning Ordinances in cooperation with Planners and Planning Commissions is often the most challenging aspect in regards to preparing for Michigan's 'NEW' economy. I work closely with Building Inspectors, Assessors and the community as a whole to promote the process

effectively and efficiently.

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Brenda M. Moore 141 E. Apple Avenue, Muskegon, Michigan 49442-3404 Drain Commissioner [email protected]

To whom it may concern:

231-724-6219 (Fax) 231-724-3480

I had the pleasure of working with Mr. Robert (Bob) Hall when I was a consulting planner. Mr. Hall was the zoning administrator for a couple of my clients. We worked together when I was charged with drafting new Master Plans and zoning ordinances for his communities. This process is usually challenging because I would ask community leadership difficult policy questions regarding land use and regulatory philosophies. I had to walk sometimes resistant decision-makers through the process of change because we often concluded that their existing plans and ordinances were either legally inadequate or counter to what they wanted for the community.

During each occasion that I worked with Bob, he was a tremendous asset to the project. He could often bridge a gap in understanding between me and a Planning Commission or Township Board because he understood the community and the individuals on these public bodies much better than me. I also found him to be open-minded and creative when I introduced a new concept or planning tool that the community may not have been aware of. He was also good at helping explain, or providing examples for, a concept we were considering. He would help navigate community members through the process, aiding in the presentation of options and assisting with (but not taking over) the decision process. That skill is nothing less than an art.

Bob is sharp, caring and good with people. He has a pleasant demeanor and is technically adept in planning and zoning matters. I would recommend him to any team that needed an ambitious and thoughtful person.

Feel free to call regarding any questions you may have.


Brenda M. Moore Muskegon County Drain Commissioner

An EEO/ AA Employer recycled paper

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Cheryl A. Goss

From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments:

Dear Ms. Goss,

Lindsey Benson <[email protected]> Monday, October 29, 2018 6:00 PM [email protected] [SPAM] Zoning Administrator Job Opportunity Lindsey Wolf Resume .pdf; Lindsey Wolf Cover Letter. pdf

I was delighted to see this job opportunity arise in Whitewater Township. Please find my resume and cover letter attached.

Have a great evening, Lindsey Wolf

231-421-8432 (h) 906-420-3130 (c)

; '· .•


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Lindsey A. Wolf 3268 Tibbets Drive- Traverse City, Michigan 49696- (231)421-8432- [email protected]

Cheryl Goss Whitewater Township P.O Box 159 Williamsburg , Ml 49640

Dear Ms. Goss:

October 29, 2018

I am writing this letter to express my interest and qualifications regarding the Zoning Administrator position for Whitewater Township . I graduated with a B.S in Urban and Regional Planning, from Eastern Michigan's Department of Geography and Geology, in April of 2011. I put myself through school and achieved a personal goal of graduating with honors. Once my thesis is given final approval I will have completed all of the requirements towards my M.S in Urban and Regional Planning, at Eastern Michigan. I will be furthering my education as I prepare to take my AICP exam in May of 2019.

Growing up in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, I spent a lot of time outdoors with my father, a skilled architect and craftsman. The different forms of architecture and their impact on the surrounding environment always fascinated us; this is where my passion for planning and zoning began. I have always had great admiration for the Grand Traverse Area; I was delighted to see a planning opportunity arise in Whitewater Township. I would welcome any opportunity to assist the township in meeting thei r planning and zoning needs.

I have taken several site planning, zoning, environmental , graphics, ArcGIS, and communication classes during my undergrad and graduate degrees. I have also worked in local government for over five years. My education and experience has given me a thorough understanding interpreting, enforcing, and amending zoning ordinances, as well as the review and creation of site plans, site inspections, the master plan process, budget preparation, and grant writing -to name a few. I have worked closely with the Drain ~ommissioner, Township Board of Trustees , Planning Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals; I attended and was an active member at all meetings. I was a key player in the creation of Blair Township's Master Plan . I conducted surveys, feasibility studies, and visioning sessions to educate the various board members and members of the community regarding zoning and land use decisions. I enjoy researching and analyzing as demonstrated in my master's thesis addressing water quality; in a policy analysis class my classmates and I wrote and extensive report for the Governor of Michigan. Working at an established marketing firm in Ann Arbor as an Administrative Assistant for over nine years has given me extensive experience in : organization, meeting planning , multitasking , and customer service. I have always been known as the kind voice behind the phone or the counter.

In addition to my above skills I would also like to offer my services in mapping. I am famil iar ~ith ArcGIS, . and have created several maps of the Huron River Watershed for Washtenaw County. I have also taken a fifteen-week grant-writing course . I was the primary author of two grants: one from Google AdWords that awarded the Depot Town CDC $250,000, another from the Health Department of Northwest Michigan that awarded Blair Township $18,500 for a community garden .

I would like to ask that I be compensated $26.00 an hour for my time. I would like to thank you in advance for this opportunity. I would be happy to come in and answer any questions, and show you a portfolio of my work in person. I look forward to hearing from you .

Thank you for your time and consideration ,

L~A. Woif


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Lindsey A. Wolf 3268 Tibbets Drive- Traverse City, Michigan 49696- (231) 421-8432- [email protected]


EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY, Ypsilanti, Michigan M.S, Master of Science-Urban & Regional Planning 2015(thesis approval pending)

Cumulative GPA 3.91 • Sole author of a thesis addressing the use of biological filters to improve water quality in

the Great Lakes Basin. Co-author of an extensive policy analysis report for Governor, Rick Snyder, concerning the complex issues associated with Michigan's population based allocation of state revenue sharing. Co-author of a site analysis and report for the City of Ypsilanti; drafted and designed a pathway proposal to connect local neighborhoods in the area of study. 2013 Graduate Research Fair participant.

B.S, Urban Planning, History Minor 2011

Dean's List; graduated with honors-cum laude. • Co-author of a report evaluating park management that was selected to submit to the

Ypsilanti City Government.

WASHTENAW COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Ann Arbor, Michigan · , · A.S, Occupational Studies, Certificate in Residential Design and Construction 2009

Dean's List


PLANNING AND ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, Grawn, Michigan Blair Township 2015-2018

Responsible for zoning ordinance interpretation, requirements, amendments and enforcement. Preparation and maintenance of annual budget for the department. Assisted in implementation of current Master Plan and creation of upcoming Master Plan. Worked closely with Township Board of Trustees, Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, and local governments to ensure consistent planning efforts. Assisted in grant writing, primary author of grant that awarded Blair Township $18,500 from the Health Department of Northeast Michigan for a community garden. Assisted in the development of the Capital Improvement Plan. Reviewed applications for site plans, special land uses, planned unit developments, and land divisions. Prepared presentations and provided educational materials/opportunities for the boards, commissioners, and the public. Conducted community surveys and visioning sessions. Attended and actively participated in all Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, and joint meetings.

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• Prepared an annual report on behalf of the Planning Commission for the Township Board of Trustees.

• Conducted feasibility studies. • Kept maps up-to-date. • Responsible for keeping website up-to-date with current planning and zoning matters.

EVIRONMENTAL ASSISTANT, Ann Arbor, Michigan Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner's Office 2011-2013

• Assisted the Water Resources Commissioner and Senior Environmental Planner with water quality education/pollution prevention initiatives.

• Designed numerous educational materials (brochures, handouts, posters, newsletters, maps, post cards, root depth interactive model).

• Prepared exhibitions for Washtenaw County events; participated in educating the public during the events (Earth Day, Mayor's Green Fair, Huron River Day, Dexter Days,

Heritage Fest). • Facilitated public meetings addressing storm water runoff.

• Created a new mapping template for the department. • Assisted the Senior Environmental Planner with NPDES permit preparation; utilizing

ArcGIS, prepared multiple maps for the 2013 permit. • Assisted in the management of the Community Partners for Clean Streams, and

RiverSafe Homes programs through: waste assessments, public presentations, material production and preparation, monthly newsletters, and coordinating recognition.

Attended 2013 the Washtenaw County Master Rain Gardner Program for certification. • Assisted the Huron River Watershed Council with the creation and distribution of pet , ,

waste education materials.

PROJECT COORDINATOR, Ypsilanti, Michigan Depot Town Community Development Corporation 2010-2011

• • • •

Assisted the executive director with several tasks: fund raising, marketing, festival preparation, parks management, stormwater management, writing of community revitalization and community development strategies.

Assisted in grant writing. Primary author for a grant that awarded the corporation $250,000 from Google AdWords.

Set up and volunteered at the 2"d and 3'd annual Michigan Roots Jamboree .

Revised and updated the CDC's website, mission statement, past & current projects .

Created power point presentations for executive director .

Evaluated Frog Island and Riverside Parks for improvement and development opportunities.


ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, Ann Arbor, Michigan PWB Marketing Communications 2005-Present

• Provide support to a professional team of advertising executives and designers. • Proofread time sensitive documents.

• Handle office management and coordination in the absence of the director.

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OFFICE ASSISTANT, Escanaba, Michigan Northern Screen Printing and Embroidery 1998-2003

• Provided customer service to local residents, businesses, schools, and sport teams.

• Managed and performed tasks such as screen printing, filing, billing, and art design.

Organized the entire art department and screen filling system.


2017, Blair Township Fall Clean Up volunteer

2017, Blair Township Halloween party volunteer

2012-2013, Huron River Day event planner, volunteer coordinator, and exhibitor

2012, City of Ann Arbor "Earth Day" event planner and exhibitor

2012, Huron River Watershed Council "Pet Waste Flyer" preparation and distribution

2011, Depot Town parking survey volunteer

• 2011, City of Ypsilanti "Better Block Project" volunteer


2009-2011, Dean's list; graduated with honors-cum laude


• ArcGIS

Grant writing

Site plan evaluation

• Drafting and design

Rain garden installation

MS Word

MS Excel

MS PowerPoint


• American Planning Association

Michigan Association of Planning


MS Publisher

• Customer relations/communication

Public speaking

Social media (Facebook, Google +)

Presentation preparation


Website management

Dan DeVaun, Former Blair Township Trustee & Planning Commissioner, Senior Water Resources Engineer AECOM Phone: 616-915-7013

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Patrick Pahl, Former Blair Township Supervisor Phone: 231-499-2834

Shawn Worden, Blair Township Attorney (letter of reference included) Phone: 231 -932-0360

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