Page 1: Who are Eligible Applicants? FEMA Categories of Work€¦ · FEMA Categories of Work • Debris removal emergency work • Category B protective measures • Category C Road systems
Page 2: Who are Eligible Applicants? FEMA Categories of Work€¦ · FEMA Categories of Work • Debris removal emergency work • Category B protective measures • Category C Road systems

Who are Eligible Applicants?The Public Assistance program provides cost

reimbursementaidtolocalgovernments(state,tribal,local, municipal authorities, and school districts)and certain private non-profit agencies (educationalinstitutions, utilities, emergency services, medicalfacilities,custodialcarefacilitiesandothersthatprovidehealthandsafetyservicesofagovernmentalnature). Allfacilitiesmust:• Beopentothegeneralpublic.• HaveIRSorstatecertificationoftheirprivate,non-


What is an Eligible Facility?• Buildings,• Builtormanufacturedequipment,• Certainimprovedandmaintainednaturalfeatures,


What are Eligible Costs?• ForceAccount-Applicant’sownlabor,equipment,


• Contract - Reasonable and necessary costs toperform required and FEMA-approved work.All contracting and procurement laws must be followed. Contracting is the responsibility of the applicant.

Equipmentuse(atFEMAuserates).Materialsatapplicant’scost.Labor at applicant’s cost, including fringebenefits. Cost of regular time labor ofpermanent employees performing debrisremoval andemergencyprotectivemeasuresare noteligible.

What is Eligible Work?

• Debris Removal (Cat. A) -When in the publicinteresttoeliminateanimmediatethreattolife,publichealthandsafety.

• Emergency Protective Measures (Cat. B) - Measures taken to save lives and protectpublic health and safety. To be eligible forreimbursement, the work performed musteliminateorlessentheimmediatethreat.

• PermanentRestoration(Cat.C,D,E,F,G)-Restore the disaster-damaged parts of the facility to pre-disaster condition and function. Roadsystems, water control facilities, buildings andequipment, public utility systems, and parks /recreationfacilitiesarethegeneralcategoriesofpropertyeligible.

The work must be required as a result of thePresidentially-declared Major Disaster, be locatedwithin the designated disaster area, be the legalresponsibilityofaneligibleapplicant,andnootherfederal agency may have statutory authority toprovidefunding.

FEMA Categories of Work• Category A Debrisremovalemergencywork

• Category B Emergencyprotectivemeasures

• Category CRoadsystems

• Category DWatercontrolfacilities

• Category E PublicBuildingsandEquipment

• Category F PublicUtilities

• Category G Parks,Recreation&Other

Tropical Storm Irene NOAA Satellite Forfurtherinformation,pleasevisitFEMA’

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