  • 8/2/2019 Who Else is Ready to Gol4



    Who Else Ready to Golf?A complete guide to the golf game


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    Table of Contents

    Disclaimer Page 3

    Chapter 1: Introduction to Golf Page 4

    Chapter 2: Golf Equipment Page 10

    Chapter 3: Driver Play Page 16

    Chapter 4: Iron Play Page 23

    Chapter 5: Wedge Play Page 30

    Chapter 6: Putting Page 39

    Chapter 7: Armed and Ready Page 46

    Thank you Page 54

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    CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Golf

    Mark Twain said, Golf is a good walk spoiled. 26 million golfers around the world know

    that feeling, but they keep on walking! Golf is fun, challenging, frustrating and healthy, andplayed by people of all ages. So, lets start walking!

    Golf 101

    First, the object of the game is to knock a little ball into a little cup using a long club in the

    least amount of strokes. A round of golf involves 18 holes, separated into 2 sets of ninecalled, the front nine and the back nine. Check

    Next, there are three different types of holes; the par 3, par 4, and par 5. The difference is

    how many shots it takes to make par. The standard 18 hole course has 4 par 3s, 4 par 5s,

    and 10 par 4s. Check

    Moving on, there are four different types of clubs; the driver and other woods, irons,

    wedges and the putter. The club that can be hit the farthest is the driver, which is used onthe first shot of long holes. Check

    And, Irons are used for approach shots and Wedges are used for short shots around the

    green. The putter is used when the ball is on the green. Check

    The A B Cs of Golf

    Youre no doubt familiar with basic golf terminology you picked up watching tournaments on

    the tube. But, on that day you first hit the links, youll want more than a casual understanding of

    key terms.

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    Stroke- The common term for a shot in Golf. For example, 1 shot= 1 stroke.

    Tee shot- The first shot of a hole, launched from the tee box. Its not actually a box, but

    rather a patch of grass with a lot of holes in it, called, divots. There you can hit a raised ball

    resting on a tee. Many divots are made by players who cant even hit a raised ball!

    Slice- This is a shot that starts out straight and then curves right, if youre right handed, and

    curves left if youre left handed. Whether youre right or left handed, its frustrating, and if the

    problem persists it can also cause a stroke, divorce, and worse.

    Hook- A shot that, for a right-handed golfer, curves sharply to the left. The opposite of the


    Pull- For a right hander, this shot goes directly left, versus a hook, which has a wide curve.

    Par- Making par means you got the ball into a hole in the average number of shots for that

    hole. For example, making par on a par 3 means you used 3 shots to get the ball into the hole.

    Par for the course means your score for 18 holes is the average for that course.

    Birdie- Making birdie means you got the ball into the hole in one stroke less than (under)

    par. For example, making birdie on a par 5 means you hit the ball into the cup in 4 shots.

    Eagle- Making an eagle means you hit the ball into the cup two strokes under par, and is one

    of golf s most thrilling moments.

    Bogey- A bogey means you got the ball into the cup one stroke over par.

    Double bogey- making a double bogey means it took you two extra strokes (over par) to

    sink the ball.

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    Golf Etiquette

    Golf might be the only game where players have no opponents. Youre playing against yourself.

    It can be exhilarating and frustrating. Golf is a game for everyone, except people with anger

    management problems.

    Golf also doesn't have referees breathing down your neck. However, this requires self-

    imposed golf etiquette. Accordingly, if you're new to the game you need to understand the

    rules of proper behavior.

    The first thing to understand is, never hit up on the people in front of you, which simply

    means give them time to complete the hole before you take your shot. A good rule of thumb

    is to allow the group in front of you to finish the hole before you take your shot.

    Slow Play

    Some golfers play slow, and some are just plain slow. One courtesy rule is allowing faster

    players to play through, to move ahead of you. This maintains a brisk pace of play and keeps

    everyone happy.

    It's also important that youre ready to hit when it is your turn. The general rule is that whoever

    is furthest from the hole shoots first. Also, players off the green always shoot before players on

    the green, no matter the distance to the hole.

    Limit the time spent searching for a lost ball. The general rule is five minutes of searching

    before moving on. If you drove your ball deep into the woods, dont waste time looking for it. It

    could be buried deep in leaves or grass, and hitting out could add many strokes.

    It is essential that you are always aware of the location of other players on the course. If your

    shot begins to head in the direction of other players, yell fore, which is golf talk for get out of

    the way.

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    Caddies used to have assistants, called forecaddies, who would stand on the fairways. As soon

    as the player hit the ball, the caddy would shout "fore", a shortening of the word forecaddy, to

    allow the forecaddy know the ball was coming. Obviously, forcaddies were not unionized.


    Talking while a player is preparing to swing away is the leading etiquette, No No. Golf is a

    game of intense concentration, so even the faint whispers can be a distraction. This rule of

    silence also applies to electronic devices, so mute your phone.

    Green Behavior

    Be kind to trees and dont walk on grass, because grass has feelings too. Golf green behavior

    dictates, make sure everyone elses balls are on the green before examining your shot. Some

    players are shy about this.

    Once everyone is on the green, any balls that are in the way of players who are the farthest

    away should be marked by a ball marker. Your buddy may request that you remove the marker

    from line of play, so just move it to one side if this happens.

    People concentrate the most when they putt, so this is the part of the game when there should

    be no distractions. In addition to silence, be sure you are not casting a shadow over the path of

    their putt.

    Finally, pay attention to the locations of other players balls, so you dont step in the path of

    their putt. Footprints on greens can make indentations which alter the path of a ball and easilycause a missed shot. It can also start an ugly brawl.

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    Divot Duty

    You may think that it is the maintenance crews job, but common golf courtesy is to repair any

    damage you make to the course.

    Any golf shot, even the best ones, can carve out a chunk of dirt called a divot. Usually the piece

    of turf is only a few yards in front of you, so it is proper etiquette for you to replace the divot

    before continuing play.

    Also, some struck balls are spinning so fast when they land on a green it causes a divot. You

    should have a tool in your golf bag designed to fix these divots, which you should do before

    leaving the green. Or you might outsource this chore to an out-of-work forecaddy.

    Finally, it's common practice to rake a sand trap after playing your shot. This way your

    future shots won't get stuck in.

    Wrap Up

    Before playing your first round of golf, make sure you have a solid understanding of the basics

    of the game. Know the scoring terms like bogey, par, and birdie. Also, know the difference

    between par 3s, 4s and 5s.

    In addition to the basics of scoring, remember to remain quiet and avoid distracting another

    player during his shot. Remember also, play at a brisk pace and always let faster players play


    Now that you have mastered to basics of golf you are ready to learn about how golf equipment

    can affect your game, and your bank account. Lets keep on walking.

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  • 8/2/2019 Who Else is Ready to Gol4



    CHAPTER 2: Golf Equipment

    Did you know that over 600 million dollars a year is spent in the United States just on golf

    balls? Add clubs and other golf accessories and it becomes a billion dollar industry.

    The important thing to know is, equipment does make a difference.

    Clubs and more Clubs

    Buying your first set of golf clubs is an essential purchase. Sets of clubs usually run from $250

    for beginners, to well over $1000 for professional quality clubs. Beginner sets usually include

    a bag to hold the clubs.

    While it is true that better clubs make a difference, start with a beginner set until you are

    sure golf is for you. Besides, as a beginner, a $1000 driver will do little to lower your score.

    Used clubs caution: If the grips dont fit your hand, or the shafts are too firm or the wrong

    length, you will have an unpleasant experience. Blisters, and the arm equivalent of shin splints,

    can occur. Just like shoes, you need clubs that fit.

    Purchase golf clubs from a store that has the latest measuring machines. Swing speed

    dictates club shaft material. Most casual golfers have a swing speed between 60 and 80 mph.

    The store pro will select the right type and length of the club.

    Graphite shafts are the best option for casual golfers because they are lighter than steel

    shafts. Lighter shafts allow you to swing faster and increase your shot distance.

    Buy clubs that suit your current needs. If you move from casual to serious golfer, you should

    buy higher quality equipment. Expect to pay around $250 for a beginner set of clubs,

    including the bag.

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    Name Brand Clubs

    Ok, here we go. There are two ways clubs are sold. There is a

    complete set; usually with a driver, a 3 wood, 3 through 9 irons, a

    wedge or two and a putter. This beginner set is in a low price


    UBrand name clubs. UBrand name sets come in different quality levels and can be

    customized with certain clubs. These sets can be pricey.

    Name brand clubs are also sold separately. One brand name putter can sell for more

    than a complete beginner set. As you become more familiar with the game, equipment

    brands and prices fall into place.

    Resist the temptation to purchase the best. The difference a club will make on your

    beginner game is negligible. When youre hitting hard enough to break off a driver heat,

    then you might want to move up a grade.


    Every driver in a golf shop may look the same, but each is designed for a different swing speed.

    Whether steel or graphite, shaft flex (the amount of give) matters. Golf equipment stores

    have driving cages so you can try out different drivers.

    There are 5 different flexes: Ladies, Senior, Regular, Stiff and Extra Stiff. The ladies flex is best

    for swing speeds that are less than 60 mph. Although designed for ladies, this is also an

    excellent flex for a young golfer just learning the game.

    Golf is a sport enjoyed by all ages and is extremely popular among seniors. If youre older, and

    have a swing speed in the 60-75 mph range, you can make up for what you dont have in swing

    speed by using a club with a more flexible shaft.
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    If youre an average beginner, your swing speed is probably in the range of 75-85 mph, the

    ideal range for a regular flex shaft. If you have an above average swing speed of 85-95 mph, a

    stiff flex shaft is best. Do you think the term, getting shafted, is golf related?

    Size does Matter

    The size of the club head can affect the effectiveness of a driver. The largest driver is 460 cc,

    which stands for cubic centimeters. This gives you a larger sweet spot, which means you

    have a greater margin for error.

    The final factor to consider when purchasing a driver is the loft. The different lofts for a driver

    range from 10.5 degrees down to 8 degrees. For the beginner, a driverwith a 10.5 degree loft

    is best since it has the largest sweet spot.

    The higher a clubs loft, the less distance it will achieve; however, higher degree drivers are

    easier to hit consistently. If you have a consistent swing, you may be better off using a 10 or 9.5

    degree driver in order to gain more distance off of the tee.


    More commonly known as a driver, it is technically a 1 wood. You should have a 3 and 5

    wood in your bag, but 7 and 9 woods are also an option. Youll be glad you have these

    woods for long second shots on par 5 holes.

    The general rule for woods; the lower the number of the wood, the lower the loft. For

    example, a 3 wood will fly lower than a 5 wood and will also go farther. Woods also are easier

    to hit than irons as they are much more forgiving.

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    If you struggle hitting the ball with your 3 or 4 iron, you are better off using a 5 or 7 wood, since

    they are easier to hit. The bigger club face of the woods is more forgiving than the irons, but



    Youll notice that unlike woods, irons come in sets. The typical set of irons will contain a

    3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 iron. 1 and 2 irons also exist but are rarely used due to their difficulty

    to hit well.

    With irons, the higher the iron number the more loft the club produce and the shorter the ball

    travels. For example, if you hit your 9 iron 100 yards you will hit your 8 iron around 110 yards.

    Irons fall into two categories: Uhigh ironsU and Ulow ironsU. The high irons are 6 through 9, and are

    easier to hit, due to their higher degree of loft. An iron with higher number is easier to hit


    The low irons are the 1 through 5, and if you have trouble with them, you are not alone. Due to

    their low degree of loft they are hard to hit well for players who have trouble consistently

    getting the ball in the air.

    Recent technology has come up with Uhybrid U clubs for the low irons. These hybrid clubs look

    more like a wood than an iron, which makes them much easier to hit than the low irons.

    In development: models that are fueled by both ERGS (human energy), and vodka.


    Wedges are used for close-to-the-green shots that demand a high amount of accuracy.

    These clubs have the highest lofts and can get over obstacles. There are many different

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    wedges, but the one that comes with most starter sets is theU

    pitching wedgeU


    The first wedge you add is the Usand wedgeU. This club is designed to make shooting out of a sand

    trap easier. Other wedges like the lob or gap wedge are less common and are usually used by

    more advanced golfers.

    Putt Putting along

    Since most strokes during your round of golf are taken with your putter, it is the most

    valuable club purchase. It is for this reason that there are a few things you need to know to

    buy a perfect putter

    There are blade putters, which are lighter and offer you a feeling of more control. There are

    also heavier mallet putters that are more forgiving if not struck directly on the sweet spot.

    There are also two different types of shafts, which are the centered and heeled shafts. The

    only difference between the two is style, so try both and see which one you like more.

    Remember, when putting, the most crucial consideration is comfort.

    What else do I Need?

    There are a few other purchases that need to be made before you step on the course. One

    is a quality pair of golf shoes. Since golf is played in all types of conditions, you should know

    about Uwhat makes a good golf shoe, UGet educated and shop around.

    Also, purchase a glove before starting your first round to improve your grip. The glove goes on

    the opposite hand that you shoot, so the glove for a right-handed golfer goes on the left

    hand. Gloves are key for consistent grip, which is key to a consistent swing.

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    Wrap Up

    Before playing your first round of golf, you can enhance the experience by purchasing the right

    equipment. With the right equipment, tailored to your body, you are ready to learn how to

    improve your game, from driving to putting.

    Take your time before purchasing. Ask questions. Listen. Use loaner clubs, Try out clubs at the

    equipment store. Listen to your body, not your buddy. You want comfort, and fit.

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  • 8/2/2019 Who Else is Ready to Gol4



    Chapter 3: Driver Play

    Did you know that the longest hitting golfers can drive the ball 350 yards and farther? Three

    and half football fields? You may watch these golfers on television and wonder what their

    secret is. Its no secret. Its practice and more practice.

    Setting up

    The set-up is essential for performing a consistent swing. The first step is to stand directly

    behind the ball while facing the hole. Approaching the shot from behind the ball, instead

    of from the side, makes it much easier to aim the ball accurately.

    Now stand to the side of the ball. Make sure that the ball lines up with the inside of your

    front heel, with your feet about shoulder width apart. This allows you to get the hands

    through and provides loft. Confused yet? Look at pictures and videos. Dont guess.

    Next, free your body of tension before you begin your swing. Bend your knees slightly, and

    release all upper body tension. You should feel like your arms are simply dangling in front of

    you. Your arms wont be doing the work, your legs will.

    The final part of the set-up is checking your grip. Agood trick to make sure you have the proper

    grip is to use the logo on your glove. If you can read the writing on your glove, then you know

    that you have the proper grip. Unless it says:UU/UU

    Driver Stance

    One reason for mishitting with your driver is that you are taking the same swing with your
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    driver as you do with yourother clubs. Since the driver is the longest club with thelargest head

    it takes a longer, wider swing to hit the ballsmoothly.

    It is for this reason that a wider stance and playing the ball in front of your stance are

    essential for hitting consistently superior drives. Both of these actions allow your body more

    time to get around and complete the swing.

    Stand with your feet apart at shoulders width. A front foot slightly open will allow you to

    make a full turn easier. To get yourself into the correct posture, imagine that you are sitting

    on a chair.

    Make sure that you are not too close or too far from the ball as this can cause mishits. If the

    butt of the club is about six inches from the belt buckle, then you are at the proper distance.

    Crushing a drive, straight and long, is THE best feeling. If you do it wrong, too often, you may

    end up crushing the driver, or heaving it into the water.

    Driver Swing

    The swing with the driver differs from the iron swing. A driver swing is a more sweeping swing

    than hitting down on the ball. You want to generate forward spin so the ball rolls farther

    instead of backspin to minimize roll like you would want on a shot to the green.

    The first part of the swing is called the backswing. The backswing begins by taking the club

    back straight. Many mishits with the driver are from taking the driver back towards the body

    right away instead of first coming back straight.

    Imagine a 12 inch ruler is behind your ball. Try and take the club back along that imaginary

    ruler before starting your turn. This will keep your body in sync for a complete rotation

    resulting in consistent drives.

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    Common Driver Mistakes

    Are we walking, or what? Lets pick up the pace!

    So the swing with the driver sounds easy enough, right? Unfortunately, the thousands of golfers

    each season just cant seem to hit their driver with any consistency. There are some common

    mistakes that can make your drives to do anything but go straight.


    One problem that you might have when hitting your driver is shifting your weight properly.

    Instead of rotating your hips and shoulders, you shift your entire body. This is known as


    Swaying causes you to lose all control of the club head and all hope of consistency. While you

    might sometimes hit a solid shot, it wont be consistent. Swaying causes the club to come

    through at a different spot each time depending on how much you swayed forward.

    Depending on the severity of the swaying, this can produce anything from a slight pull or push,

    to a deadly topped drive that does not even make it past the ladies tee. If you sway too far,

    your body gets ahead of the ball and causes many ball-striking problems.

    Weight Shift

    To determine if swaying is the cause of your ineffective drives, take your backswing at normal

    speed and stop at the top. If your hips rotate your head should be in the same place; however,

    if you are swaying, you will notice your head is farther behind the ball.

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    Focus on feeling your weight shift to your back leg as you complete your backswing. It will

    feel as if you are pushing against the ground with your back foot while keeping it still. This

    provides the tension that provides the power on the downswing.

    Driving Grip

    If you are still struggling with your drive, you need to check your grip. If you

    try to crush your drive, your natural tendency is gripping the club tighter.

    This tension prevents the body from freely rotating through the ball and

    producing a solid drive.

    Proper club grip is a delicate balance between not too tight and not too loose. Too tight of a

    grip will cause a lot of drives to be pushed, while too loose of a grip will cause a variety of

    mishits due to loss of club control.

    In order to maintain the proper grip pressure, try to imagine holding a small bird in your

    hand. You hold it firmly enough so it cant get away, but gently enough so you wont injure it.

    This same philosophy applies to the grip during drives.

    Maintaining this grip pressure throughout the swing allows the hands and arms to whip

    freely through the swing zone and make solid contact with the ball. So remember, in order to

    drive the ball farther you must not grip the club tighter.

    The 1st Tee Jitters

    After understanding some of the most common mistakes made with the driver and how to fix

    them, you are ready to head out to the course and try everything you learned and practiced.

    You step up to the first tee, and WHAM! Panic time.

    Your mind starts racing, thinking about how you need a hefty drive to start the round off right or

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    you are doomed to a terrible day. You can see and hear the group playing behind you, and you

    feel compelled to impress them with a mighty drive.

    This feeling of nervousness on the first tee is fittingly known as the 1st tee jitters. This aspect

    of the game is purely mental, which is whyU

    getting rid of distractions on the teeU

    is such avaluable skill.


    First, if you want to overcome this anxiety, focus on your breathing. Deep breathing has

    calming effects. This is why it's part of many meditation and yoga routines.

    Start by taking deep breaths through your nose. Close your eyes, and block out distractions,

    while visualizing the drive you will hit. Focus on this image until you begin to feel your body

    calming. Just don't falling asleep.

    Driving Thoughts

    Positive thinking plays a role in overcoming the 1st tee jitters. You dont want to let in

    negative thoughts. How do you accomplish that? One way is to think of something positive.

    And keep thinking about it.

    Think about driving the ball long and straight. Confidence is key for being successful in golf.

    You are playing against yourself. Dont take your shot until you have convinced yourself you

    will be successful.

    Do you know that the mind cannot hold two different thoughts at the same time? Therefore,

    you cannot think about the drive if you are thinking about something else. Make that
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    something else something positive, like a loved one.

    Straight Drives

    One mistake you might make when driving is going back too far on your backswing. While this

    may generate more power, many amateurs are not skilled enough to control this on the

    downswing, which leads to drives with little accuracy.

    Instead of taking the club back as far as you possibly can, stop at the point where you feel you

    can control the downswing. You may not get as much distance, but a 200 yard drive in the

    middle of the fairway is better than a 230 yard drive buried in the rough.

    To judge how far you should bring the club back, picture the face of the clock. With as far back

    as you can go being 12 oclock, stop your hands at around 10 oclock instead. This provides

    you with the proper club control needed consistently to hit straight drives.

    Aim Straight = Hit Straight

    Alignment is another issue that affects the straightness of a drive. With all the other things

    that can go wrong with the swing, incorrect alignment is often overlooked as the cause of the


    Before you start your swing, look down at your feet to check your alignment. A straight driverequires your feet to be parallel with each other. This means you should be able to lay the club

    down along your feet and both feet would be touching the shaft.

    If your front foot is in front of your back foot, the clubface will come in open and cause your

    drives to slice. If your front foot is behind your back foot, then the club face will come in closed

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    and cause your drives to hook. Straight feet are the key to straight drives.

    Power Drives

    Use your legs for generating power, not the arms. In a powerful swing, you should feel no

    tension in your arms; they are just along for the ride, as your legs do all the work.

    The only thing concerning the arms is to make sure the elbow of your back arm stays

    attached to your hip. This corrects the problem of using too much upper body on the


    This also allows the hips to build up the tension that creates the shots power during the

    downswing. Dont make the mistake of using your arms to power the downswing. Doing so

    drains the power potential of your drive

    Push off with your back foot and rotate your hips through the ball, only slightly swinging the

    arms to guide them along the ball path. You should finish with your belt buckle pointed towards

    your target and the heel of your back foot off of the ground.

    Wrap Up

    The drive is the tone setter of the hole. Drives down the fairway are much more likely to

    result in birdies than drives that end up in the rough. If you want further instruction on hitting

    straight drives, you should check outthe Dave Way.

    The Dave Way offers you easy tips and drills for straight drives leading to low scores. The Dave

    way is a great training tool and can be used to focus your practice and eliminate any slice

    problems in your swing
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    Chapter 4: Iron Play

    Did you know its possible to play an entire round with just a 7 Iron and a putter? While the

    driver sets the tone for the hole, what makes or breaks a hole are the approach shots to the


    The Iron Swing and the Driver Swing

    The iron swing is different from the driver swing. The goal of the irons is to hit down on the

    ball, which requires a steeper swing. This produces the backspin that minimizes the balls roll

    after landing.

    Also, the iron swing is focused on accuracy more than power. If you again picture the face of a

    clock, most pros stop their iron backswings at 9 or 10 oclock instead of 12 oclock to promote

    a more controlled swing.

    Understanding the key differences between these two swings is the key to hitting terrific iron

    shots. Resist the urge to keep your weight back longer, attempting to scoop the ball off the

    ground, as you may do with your driver.

    Iron Shot Set Up

    The set up for an iron shot is slightly different from a driver shot for a couple of reasons. First,

    irons are shorter, so you must stand closer to the ball. This is also necessary for the steeper

    swing needed to hit down on the ball.

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    Your chest and head should be slightly more over the ball than on your driver swing. If you

    stand straight up as you would with your driver, you will scoop balls off of the ground instead

    of hitting down on them, which takes away from the clubs potential.

    The placement of the ball for iron shots is also different from shots with the driver. For the 7

    iron, the proper ball placement is in the middle of the stance. The general rule thumb is the

    higher the club, the far back the ball goes in the stance.

    This means if a 7 iron is in the middle of your stance, a shot with the 6 iron should be a little

    more forward in the stance, and an 8 iron shot should be a little farther back in the stance.

    Hitting Down on the Ball

    When it comes to the iron swing, the one phrase you will hear from any instructor is hit

    down on the ball; but, what does this mean exactly?

    Hitting down on the ball means that instead of keeping the

    weight on your back side in order to launch the ball, as you dowith your driver; you stand more over the ball to produce a

    steeper swing angle.

    Hitting down on the ball also means that your hands are in front of the ball at the moment

    of impact, which is known as lag. Most amateurs think the power of the shot comes from

    the club making direct contact with the ball, which is not the case.

    Hitting down on the back of the ball with the proper lag compresses the ball between the

    club and the ground; generating the backspin that leads to minimal forward roll. This is why a

    decent shot will take out a chunk of fairway sod, which is known as a divot.

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    Chopping up the Course

    If you have trouble reconciling chopping out a chuck of fairway sod, you are not alone. But the

    fact is your shot will fail to reach full potential if you dont.

    Not only are divots necessary for producing quality shots, but they can also indicate what went

    wrong on mishits. As a general rule, your divot will point in the same direction as where your

    shot went.

    For a right-handed golfer, a divot pointing to the left of the target

    indicates an outside-in swing. An outside-in swing means that

    instead of taking your hands straight back; you are taking themback outside of the line of the ball and pulling your hands in on

    the downswing.

    An outside-in swing can result in either a slice that leaks to the right or a shot that flies straight

    but is pulled to the left: which one happens depends on the club face at impact.

    Taking your hands back outside the ball line and not attempting to bring your hands back in on

    the downswing will result in a straight pull, while pulling the hands in will produce a slice.

    For fixing pulls and slices, check outthe Dave Way,and practice his drills for straightening out

    your swing fast and easy.

    A divot pointing to right, for a right-handed golfer, indicates an inside-out swing. This swing

    produces either a hook that curves left, or a shot that flies straight but pushes to the right.

    If you hit balls that dont seem to fly as far as you think they should, most likely you made a fat

    divot. This indicates you are hitting the ground before you hit the ball. Try moving the ball in

    your stance to correct this problem.
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    You can also tell when you made a substantial swing by your divot. A divot that goes straight

    towards your target will produce straight flying shots. If your divots are straight, but are not

    pointed the direction of the target means youre off alignment.


    Lag means keeping your hands ahead of the club's head at the moment of impact. When

    you let your hands get behind the club's head, you prevent the club from compressing the

    ball against the turf and producing solid shots.

    Professionals keep their hands ahead of the ball throughout impact, which is why they can

    produce solid iron shots on a consistent basis. Master this concept, and your iron play

    consistency will improve.

    Low Iron Hitting

    The 2,3,4 and 5 irons are known collectively as the low irons. The low irons are often thehardest club to hit for amateurs, for two reasons. They produce less loft than the higher irons,

    and they produce less error when hitting down on the ball.

    The second reason involves the mental game. You might get intimidated by the long distance

    required with low irons, and lose confidence in your swing. This interrupts your rhythm,

    resulting in poor shots.

    The key to mastering the ironsis understanding their differences. The lower the number of theclub means the longer the shaft. You should move away from the ball to allow your hands to

    move through the impact zone properly.

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    Ball Placement for Iron Shots

    You dont place the ball; you place your body over the ball. The placement of the ball,

    relative to your stance, can affect long iron hitting. The lower the iron number, the farther

    forward the ball should be relative to your stance.

    Playing the ball more towards the front of your stance helps you get more loft on the ball.

    Also, it allows more time for swing completion. The extra time is necessary to get the low irons

    through the zone, because their shafts are longer.


    The club set you purchased may include some different looking clubs, similar to smaller

    versions of woods. These clubs are known as hybrids.

    After decades of the average player struggling to hit their low irons, club makers came up with

    a solution in hybrid clubs. A hybrid club is a combination of a wood and an iron, with the club

    face of an iron and the back of the club rounded like a wood.

    Instead of coming with a 3,4 and 5 iron most beginner sets of clubs come with 3,4 and 5 hybrid

    clubs. These hybrid clubs hit the ball easier than low irons, for a couple of reasons.

    First, the back of the club is shaped like a wood, which adds more weight to the bottom of the

    swing. The added weight makes the club feel more like a wood than an iron. If you hit your

    woods well, but not your irons, hybrids may be the clubs for you.

    Hybrids are also much more forgiving than the low irons. This larger margin of error turns

    normally poor shots with a low iron into decent shots.

    If you decide hybrid clubs are for you, then you should know how to hit with them. Hybrid

    shafts are shorter than woods, so you wont stand as far from the ball as you would with a

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    wood. Also, your stance is different.

    Approach the shot, as you would with a wood, attempting to sweep the ball off of the turf,

    instead of hitting down on the ball. Throughout the swing, your hands should remain lower

    than they would with the irons. This lessens the steepness of the swing.

    High Irons

    The 6,7,8 and 9 irons are known collectively as the high irons. These are easier to hit because

    they have more loft than the low iron. You will probably be much more comfortable using these

    irons, since you dont have to hit as far.

    If you are the average male golfer, your high iron range is between 160 and 110 yards. This

    range of distance is where the majority of approach shots are taken from, which is one reason

    most players are more comfortable with the high irons over the low irons.

    With high irons, you stand closer to the ball and play the ball towards the back of your stance.

    Moving so the ball is at the back of your stance compensates for the shorter shaft of the high

    irons. Moreover, you can get the club's head in the right place for impact.

    These shots require touch more than power. Dont try to kill the ball. If the green is 120 yards

    away, and you hit your 8 iron 120 yards with a full swing, use your 7 iron and take a morecontrolled swing instead.

    This allows you to better control the club and produce more consistent shots. That doesnt

    mean you should take anything off your swing. Dont fall into the trap of being too lazy with

    your swing and coming up short of your target.

    Same Iron - Different Distances

    Sure, you may hit your 7 iron 150 yards, but did you ever try choking down a couple of inches

    and taking your normal swing? You will find that by lowering your hands on the grip you can

    subtract distance from the club while still taking a full swing.

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    Moving your hands one inch down can subtract 5 to 8 yards from ball flight distance. This

    gives each club in your bag a distance range of 30 yards. It's especially useful for shots when

    the distance is related to the club you use.

    For example, you are 145 yards from the green. This distance is between your 7 iron at 150

    yards and 8 iron at 140 yards. Instead of trying to swing harder with the 8 iron, it is easier to

    choke down an inch with the 7 iron and take a full swing.

    Mastering this technique can be difficult, so here is a simple guide to help you.

    By following the drills you can learn how toUget the full potential out of your irons U.

    I hope you find the information here helpful.

    If you are a member in any golf forum, then why not share this eBook and help others?

    Just copy the following download link:

    Thank you

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    CHAPTER 5: Wedge Play

    The wedges are the most useful clubs since they can be used for a variety of shots. Whetherit is approach shots, or shots around the green, solid wedge play is prominent in your quest

    to become a complete golfer

    Different Wedges

    There are several different wedges. Knowing theUdifferences in wedges Uprovides you

    with options. The more options, the more ways you can play better.

    The Upitching wedgeU has the least loft. It is useful for approach and pitch shots, discussed

    below in some detail.

    The Ugap wedge U has the second least loft of the wedges, at

    50 to 54 degrees. This club is useful for shots under 100yards that still demand a full swing to the green.

    The sand wedge has a loft of 54 to 58 degrees. It was designed to make it easier for players

    to hit shots out of the sand. Thats why the sand wedge should be in your bag.

    The wedge with the highest loft is the Ulob wedge U. With lofts of 60 degrees or more, these

    clubs are usually used within 50 yards of the green and produce a shot with little roll when

    landing on the green.
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    Wedge Use

    With so many types of wedges with varying degrees of loft, wedges can be useful for a variety

    of different shots. One such shot is the approach shot less than 100 yards.

    If you are the average male golfer you can hit your pitching wedge between 100 and 115 yards,

    which makes it your club of choice for the shot from the 100 yard marker. The ability to hit a

    wedge to the green gives you a better chance of being accurate.

    Wedges are also useful for shots that are around the green. Shots within about 20 yards of

    the green are known as pitch shots, which is where the pitching wedge gets its name. Any

    wedge can be used for a pitch shot, with each club offering a different distance.

    Wedges, specifically the sand wedge, are used to get out of the sand. The sand wedge is

    designed to allow you to strike the ball at the correct angle to pop the ball out of the sand

    and onto the green.

    Wedge versus Iron

    What are the similarities and differences between irons and wedges? First, wedges have

    bounce. The club bounces off of the ground a split second before the moment of impact,

    which produces the wedges rapid backspin.

    The bounce happens because the back of the club head on a wedge is angled in a way that

    part of the back of the club rests on the ground. On the other hand, irons produce little

    bounce since the back of the club's head is straight instead of angled.

    Wedges also have higher loft than irons. Because the wedges are designed to produce higher

    amounts of backspin over a shorter distance than the irons.

    Wedges shafts are much shorter than iron shafts, so you need to adjust your stance and ball

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    placement. Play the ball off of your back foot and stand closer to the ball than you would with

    an iron. Did you think golf was this complex?

    Common Wedge Struggles

    Wedges produce bounce, which in turn generates a high degree of back spin. But, it can also be

    the cause of mishits. Dont try to scoop the ball and pull up your body, it causes too much

    bounce and results in a low shot.

    This is known as hitting the ball thin, which simply means you hit the ball with too much club.

    Thin shots can travel 30 yards farther than the wedge is meant to go.

    Lower Body and Wedge Shots

    If you are using your legs, you might be inconsistent with your wedge shots. The legs are the

    most important part of the swing, but not when hitting your wedges.

    While wedges can be used for short approach shots, they are more often used within 20 yards of

    the green for pitch shots. Controlling distance with a pitch swing requires fluid arm thing, and

    not hip rotation.

    Keep your legs still for these shots for distance control. Remember, the closer you get to the

    green, the more control is in your swing.

    Wedge Shot Distance Judging

    Another thing you might struggle with is judging the distance of your wedges. While being a

    few yards off in judgment may not matter much with irons, it matters a lot when it comes to

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    wedge shots.

    Example: You are 10 yards from the flag, and the green ends 2 yards behind the flag. You think

    you hit your lob wedge 10 yards so you use it and hit a beautiful shot, only to have it go 15

    yards and land off of the green.

    Wedge Swing

    Another cause of mishits, is not lining up the clubface to the target. Because wedge club faces

    have such an acute angle, it is sometimes difficult to discern if, or how much, the club face is

    open, meaning pointing to the right of the target.

    You might look down and believe your clubface is properly aligned, when it is not. This is

    because you aligned your shot by the heel of the club being on the ground instead of making

    sure the clubface is aligned with your target.

    Misplaced hands during the follow through can destroy any chance of a decent wedge shot. By

    not keeping the hands below the waist throughout the follow through, you pull up and make

    poor contact with the ball.

    The Wedge Shot

    First and foremost: legs are not used in wedge shots. The wedge shot depends purely on

    upper body rotation.A fluid swing and complete follow through are essential for a decent

    wedge shot.

    The proper grip is also beneficial in hitting a solid wedge shot. With other clubs you only choke

    down when you want to take off distance. With the wedge, you choke down to the bottom of

    the grip to allow for as short of a swing as possible.

    Because you choke down, you need to stand closer to the ball on wedge shots. This

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    helps prevent a long swing, and encourages the proper short and aggressive swing.

    Controlling Wedge Shot Distance

    Another key to hitting a proper wedge shot is resisting the urge to decelerate your swing. This

    means you should take a shorter backswing instead of trying to take off distance by slowing

    down on your downswing.

    Also, keep your weight on your front foot, instead of equal balance like with other swings. This

    promotes the necessary steep swing angle to produce backspin.

    The proper way to control the distance of a wedge shot is through the backswing. For example,

    if you usually hit a pitch shot with your pitching wedge 20 yards, and you need to hit it 15

    yards, bring the club back 75% instead of 100% and slow down the swing.

    Spend time on the driving range hitting your wedges in three different ways; backswing to knee

    level, hip level and shoulder level. This way you can judge which backswings produce which

    distances, which will make you more confident in judging distance on the course.

    How did my ball get in that Sand Trap?

    Hitting into a sand trap shouldn't ruin your day. Youve seen the pros do it. Its almost like

    landing in the sand gives them an advantage! Why? Because they learned the technique.

    There are two different types of sand shots you will come across, the greenside sand trap and

    the fairway sand trap. These shots require slightly different techniques to pull off successfully.

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    Sand Blasting

    WhenUhitting out of a sand trap Uthat is close to the green, it is

    necessary to make a few adjustments to your swing in order to

    get out of trouble. First, take a steeper swing than usual and

    make contact with the sand before hitting the ball.

    This will cause sand to fly everywhere, which contributes to the height of the shot and helps it

    to get out of the bunker. Dont be afraid to make a mess as sand going all over the place is a sign

    of a proper sand shot.

    If you try and hit the sand trap ball as you would on a normal shot, one of two things happen.

    Either you hit the ball too far, or the ball doesnt get out of the trap.

    The correct way to hit a sand shot is to strike the sand before you hit the ball. This is counter

    intuitive; since most golfers fear they will miss the ball and remain in the trap.

    News Flash: the sand wedge is designed to bounce off sand and produce shot height.Therefore, hit the sand first, because the sand is too soft for the ball to be compressed

    to produce ball flight.

    Look before you Leap

    Lets move beyond the sand trap basics to the gritty detail of converting a mistake to an


    Before setting up for your shot, carefully examine the lie of the ball. Is the ball sitting nicely on

    top of the sand or is it buried to some degree? The lie of the ball dictates the power of the swing.
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    If your ball sits nicely on top of the sand, there is a tendency to put too much metal on the ball,

    so be conservative with your swing. A buried ball, however, you need a more aggressive swing

    to get it out of the bunker.

    After examining the lie of the ball in the sand, look at the balls proximity to the bunker wall.

    These observations will tell the computer in your head how much loft the ball requires to riseand fly out onto the green.

    Then note the position of your ball relative to the edge of the bunker. For example, the swing

    you use to hit a ball when it's a couple of yards from the edge of the sand trap is different

    from the one used to hit a shot that is 10 yards from safety.

    You then should study everything that lies between you and the green. Note how far it is to the

    green from the bunker and if there is any trouble in this area. Also, take a look at the area

    behind the green to see where you will be if you overshoot your target.

    These observations will dictate the nature of the swing, and the power and loft required for

    successfully exiting from the sand.

    If your ball rolled into the bunker, and is sitting high and clean, you have two approches. The

    conservative approach is to hit the sand before the ball and focus only on getting the ball out of

    the bunker.

    The aggressive approach is hitting to produce backspin. Since the ball is not buried in the sand,

    it is possible to hit down on the ball and produce a more accurate shot with high backspin and

    little roll.

    The downside with this shot is the much smaller window for error in the sand. For example,

    pulling up for sand shot just a bit may prevent you from getting the ball high enough to clear

    the bunker.

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    Buried Ball

    What do you do if your ball is buried deep in the sand? You can say some nice things about the

    ball and put a little RIP cross on it and take two shots. Or, you can hit out. How well you hit out

    of the bunker depends on how well you hit the sand before the ball.

    These should be aggressive shots. It is better to get out of the sand, and overshoot by 10 yards,

    than it is to be too conservative and remain in the sand.

    Follow through is critical. Dont stop your swing when you feel the massive resistance of the

    sand. Lock your wrists and follow through as you would with any other shot.

    Where you are in the bunker, will also affect your shot. The closer you are to the edge of the

    bunker, the sooner you have to get your shot up in the air. Play your ball towards the front of

    your stance and swing aggressively; focusing on hitting the sand before the ball.

    Exiting a Fairway Bunker

    If you think greenside bunkers are trouble, you havent landed in a fairway bunker. At least

    with greenside bunkers the green is no more than 20 or 30 yards away.

    With fairway bunkers, you could find yourself with 100 yards or more still left before you even

    get to the green. Any good news? All that youve learned about greenside bunkers also applies

    to fairway bunkers.

    Once you have those basics mastered, getting out of a fairwaybunker comes down to two things: playing strategy and


    When you see your tee shot has landed in a bunker, you might quickly lose confidence and give

    up on the hole. You think double bogey for the hole, and give up trying for anything better.

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    Golf is a solo head game. Even though you are playing against yourself, there are two

    people playing, a Mr. Positive and a Mr. Negative.

    Do as the pros do in these cases, Lay up. The lower the club number you use, the less loft the

    ball will have. This, in turn, means the more difficulty you will have hitting a solid shot. Clubchoice depends on your comfort with sand shots.

    If you struggle with sand shots, use your sand wedge, and focus on getting the ball out of the

    sand and onto the fairway. If sands shots makes you comfortable and you want to get closer go

    with a high iron and open the clubface.

    Final Thoughts on Wedges

    You won't find more useful clubs than the wedges in your bag. They can be used for approach

    shots, pitch shots, getting out of the sand and getting out of trouble.

    Wedges have the power to make or break your hole. Ouch! Many double and triple bogies have

    started from thirty yards out and in the fairway, which is one of the most frustrating feelings ingolf.

    On the other hand, a solid shot from the sand could be the reason you make par and give you

    the confidence to turn your round around.

    Check out this guide if you are serious aboutUmastering your wedges and breaking 80 U. Very

    quickly, this guide will help you improve your game, and give you the scores to prove it.

    By now, you've seen recommendations for a few guides.

    Do you know why I chose these guides? Because they

    Have a very low refund rate.
  • 8/2/2019 Who Else is Ready to Gol4



    Chapter 6: Putting

    In the average round of golf, 40% of your strokes come from putts. putting plays an enormous

    role in becoming a solid golfer. Nothing matters if you can't putt.

    Drive for show, putt for dough.

    Putt Swing

    Putting is different from all of the other swings in golf because there is no single right way to

    putt. If you watch the pros when they putt, you will notice a slightly different grip for each


    What matters most is your comfort. Some players are more comfortable choking all the way

    down; while others dont like to choke down at all when they putt. As long as you don't grip

    too tight, it doesn't matter where or how you grip the club.

    Also, unlike other swings, putting doesn't rely at all on physical skill.A90 year old woman has

    just as much of a chance of being a proficient putter as a 25 year old man. Instead, putting

    relies mostly on mental skills.


    You'll find threeUdifferent types of puttersU available: mallet, blade, and alignment. Knowing

    the difference between the three will help you select a putter with a Perfect fit.
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    The blade putter is thinner and lighter than the mallet putter.

    These are suitable for you if you have a slight hip rotation when

    you putt, since it is easier to swing on a smooth arc.

    The mallet putter is heavier, with the weight focused towards the back and heel of the club.This allows a greater margin of error, which is why this is a popular choice for amateurs.

    This putter is right for you if you have a straight stroke.

    The alignment putter is a variation of the mallet putter, which is made to help with

    alignment. These putters have long backs and often have a line going down the center.

    Purchase your putter from a store with a putting green, so you can try it before you buy.

    This is crucial to a purchase, since being comfortable with your putter is necessary for

    consistent putts.

    The Right way to putt

    There is no one right way to putt. This is why instructors have the most difficultteaching amateurs how to putt. What works for your friend may not work for you.

    While there are many different ways to grip the putter, one thing that all putts have in

    common is a fluid tempo. It is necessary to maintain swing speed when coming through.

    This helps the consistently of your speed judgment.

    When putting, think of your arms as the pendulum on a grandfather clock. Like a pendulum,

    you should follow through as far as you take your club back. If you take your club back three

    inches, you should follow through three inches.

    This also helps in consistently judging your speed. Don't attempt to adjust swing speeds when

    you come through, it will hurt your putts consistency.

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    Putt Mechanics

    Although putting may seem like the easiest part of golf, it is the part of the game many

    amateurs struggle with the most. There are manyUcommon putting mistakes Uthat cause

    amateurs to struggle with their putts.

    First, giving the putter the death grip. If you get nervous when you putt, you probably

    respond by gripping the club too tightly. This takes fluidity out of the swing which, in turn,

    leads to missed putts.

    Another problem you might face is being too "handsy when you putt. Instead of smoothly

    swinging the arms to putt, you use your hands, which often causes less than perfect contact

    with the ball.

    The Mental Game of Putting

    You will hear it a lot; putting is more mental than physical. Be confident you can make the putt.

    Putting is hard enough without a negative attitude.

    While you should approach every putt with confidence, dont let being too focused on resultscause you to shoot too quickly. Keep this confidence while also making sure you focus on yourshot.

    Fluctuating levels of confidence often cause players to abandon their pre-putt routine. This

    routine is essential for consistent putting since doing so often enough will trigger muscle

    memory, meaning youll make the perfect stroke without thinking.

    Reading Putt Breaks

    You'll notice putting greens are hardly ever perfectly straight. Your putt may break to the right,
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    left, or even right andleft. Being able to read a putt is one of the key differences between

    skilled and unskilled putters.

    First, crouch directly behind your ball and observe the path to the hole. The closer your eye

    level is to the ground, the more accurately youll be able to see the putts break.

    Next, repeat the same process from directly behind the hole. Looking at your putt from two

    different angles will allow you to correct any initial misjudgments. Also, look from the side of

    the hole to gain added perspective.

    When you see the break of the putt, adjust your aim accordingly. A method a lot of

    professional golfers use for aiming is: going by cup widths. If you believe the putt breaks three

    Inches to the left, you should aim about one cup width to the right.

    Reading the break of a putt is not subjective. Your brain has amazing multidimensional

    computing capabilities. Listen to it. The more putts you attempt the more the brain learns

    the geometry of golf.

    Judging Putt Speed

    Judging speed is the other part of reading your putt. What makes the putt so difficult that

    speed and break become so dependent on each other? For example, you may correctly read

    the break, but hit a putt too fast. Then your putt goes through the break and past the hole.

    While breaks in the green are easier to see, a much more subtle factors affect the speed of a

    putt.Abig factor of green speed is the weather, which can create lighting fast or painfully slow

    putting greens.

    Wetter grass makes for slower greens. On the other hand, a recent drought would cause

    greens to be much faster than usual.

    The time of the day can also affect the greens surface. The morning dew and the cooler

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    temperatures create slower greens. The greens also tend to get faster as the round

    continues and the temperature rises.

    You should also consider whether or not the putt is uphill or downhill. Uphill putts require

    more speed than usual while downhill putts require less speed.

    Three Footers ugh!

    Putts within 5 feet seem easy compared to the other putts you will come across; but, in reality,

    these putts can be a lot harder than they look if you are not properly prepared.

    In fact, lack of preparation is the biggest reason for missing short putts. Dont think a very

    short putt means the reading is not essential. It's simply not the case. Even 3-foot putts can

    have breaks that divert the ball.

    Be sure to go through your pre-putt routine even on the short putts. Spend the same amount

    of time reading the break and judging the speed of a short putt as you do for a longer putt.

    Follow your pre-putt routine, irrespective of the distance of the cup from the ball.

    The Feel in Short Putting

    Feel is also essential for making short putts.A lot of missed short putts are the result of trying to

    guide the ball into the hole. Resist the urge to push the ball into the hole. Instead, maintain a

    smooth swing with the proper follow through.

    A smooth swing and follow through also eliminate the problem of being ball bound. Being

    ball bound means worrying too much about the ball and not about the swing. This leads to

    stopping the swing as soon as the putter contacts the ball.

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    When you do not follow through you will often not hit the ball squarely, which will lead you to

    push or pull the putt. Stay with the follow-through until the ball drops into the cup.

    Confidence on the Green

    Although it sounds strange, confidence is more valuable on short putts than on longer

    putts. Missing short putts can be a real confidence killer, since they look so easy.

    Just one missed three-footer in a round can be enough to let negative thoughts occupy

    your head on every short putt after. The key to confidence is practice.

    Instead of wasting your time on the putting green only practicing mid and long range putts,

    focus primarily on short putts. An excellent drill is to set up a circle of balls around the hole

    each 3 feet away, starting over if a putt is missed.

    The key to consistently making short putts is not treating them different from any other putt.

    Making these short putts is important for shooting solid rounds and a crucial step towards

    becoming a better golfer.

    Long Putts

    For longer distance putts, try to putt with the right lag. Lag means the ball losses speed right

    next to the hole, allowing for an easy next putt.

    This is why speed is more beneficial for long putts than short putts. Misreading the speed of a

    long putt could cause you to need two or even three more putts, effectively ruining your score

    on that hole.

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    With that being said, you should simply try to get it close to the hole every time you have a

    long putt. Still focus on reading the break and speed to make the putt. Pay attention to speed,

    so if the putt doesnt drop, the ball is left close to the hole.

    Reading Long Putts

    The longer the putt the harder it is to read the break. First read the break from behind the ball

    and behind the hole. Then slowly walk from your ball to the hole and back again, to ensure

    youve considered the entire line.

    Often there is a slight break close to the hole that you might not see if you dont walk from your

    ball to the hole. Note: the farther away you from the hole the better the chance something

    will affect the shot.

    Also, check for variations on the surface of the green. For long putts, it is possible for one part

    of the line to be faster or slower than the other. It is essential to take this into account in order

    to judge speed accurately.

    Lag or Putt

    After youve completed your read, you have to make the decision whether to try and sink the

    putt, or just try getting it close. Aggressive players tend to go for the cup, while conservative

    players favor the lag putt. Know your game, and stick to your comfort zone.

    There are, however, certain situations where you should always go for it and certain situations

    where you should just try and get it close. Say you are 30 feet away but have a straight putt.

    Always try and make a straight putt no matter the distance.

    On the other hand, if the green slopes downhill a couple of yards past the hole you should be

    conservative and just try and get it close. It is better coming up short and to putt, then hitting

    the ball past the hole, and you'll have two or more putts to finish the hole.

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    Chapter 7: Armed and Ready

    Did you know that the last time the grass was cut on a course can affect your shot

    selection? Taking everything that can affect your shot into account is essential for shooting

    low scores. By this time, you should be getting the sense that Golf is a brain's game.

    Range Practice

    The three most important words in Golf. Practice. Practice. Practice. There is no substitute.

    No club or gimmick will make any substantive improvement in your golf game. You know it.

    You might wish it werent so.

    Get to the driving range at least once a week. Professional golfers not playing a round. Vijay

    Singh said he hits 1,000 balls every day. You might not have that amount of time, but you

    also not planning to play in the U.S. Open. (Do you?)

    For tips and drills to work on while at the range read

    UThe Simple SwingU. David Nevogts guide provides the

    necessary steps of a straightforward swing that can be

    easily practiced and consistently repeated.

    Practice Methods

    It is not enough to go to the driving range and mindlessly whack shots with your 7 iron and call

    it practice. Establish a practice routine in which you equally practice with all of the clubs in

    your bag.
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    It doesnt matter what order you practice hit your clubs, just make sure not to start with your

    driver. Start with a high iron to get warmed up with relaxed swings before trying to amp it up

    with your longer clubs.

    Pay attention to the average distance you are hitting with each club. If you hit 10 shots with

    your 7 iron and hit 8 of them 140 yards and 2 of them 150 yards, then you hit your 7 iron on

    average 142 yards. This will allow you to figure out exactly how far you hit each club.

    The average distance is the sum of all the distances divided by the number of shots.

    Be sure to take a few more shots with the clubs you struggle with. Its a delightful confidence

    boost to rip dynamite 7 irons all day, but there are limited benefits to practicing too much with

    a club you have already mastered.

    Should I Go To The Range Before A Round?

    Most golf courses have a driving range and putting green for warming up. One significant

    difference between high and low handicap players is that the low handicap players take fulladvantage of these options.

    Hit 50 or 60 balls before your round, hitting a few shots with each club. Think about it: a pitcher

    throws warm up pitches before the game. A quarterback throws dozens of passes in warm ups.

    Why shouldnt you warm up when you play golf?

    Besides getting loose by using the driving range before a round will give you an idea of how the

    weather is affecting your shot. Is it windy? Is the humidity making the ball heavy and affecting

    distance? Practicing at the range lets you find these things out without costing strokes.

    Also, spend some time on the putting greens before your round. Hitting a few putts on the

    practice green will give you a feel for the speed of the courses greens. This is especially useful if

    you are playing a course for the first time.

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    Scorecard Uses

    Each standard par 72 18 hole course has 4 par 3s 10 par 4s and 4 par 5s, in different order at

    different courses. Usually the scorecard has a course layout showing each hole. Study the first

    few holes before you tee off to see how aggressive you should be on your first shot.

    If the 1st

    hole is one of the easiest holes on the course and the 2nd

    hole is the hardest, you

    want to be aggressive on the 1st

    hole and try and make a birdie.

    Look for hazards on the 1st

    hole that you cant see from the tee box. Dont make the mistake

    of assuming there is no trouble if you cant see it, and end up wasting a shot.

    Pre-Shot Routine

    Every low handicap golfer has aUpre shot routine Uthat he goes through before every shot. The

    routine varies from player to player. What is important is doing the routine before every shot. It

    makes you feel comfortable and improves your odds of hitting a decent shot.

    The first thing you should do is stand behind the ball and evaluate the situation. Note any

    obstacles that may affect your shot, as well as any hazards you may end up in if you hit a poor

    shot. Toss a blade of grass up in the air to determine which way the wind is blowing.

    Based on this information, select a club, and return to your position directly behind the ball.Take a moment, close your eyes and visualize the shot you want to make in your mind. This

    will keep any negative thoughts from flooding your head and affecting your shot.

    After that, its time to take your practice swings. How many practice swings you take doesnt

    matter. Just take enough swings for you to get comfortable and relaxed.
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    Approach the shot from behind the ball, and place your front foot first when you take your

    stance. At the same moment, place the club behind the ball and align the face with your

    target before you totally move into your stance.

    The 1st Shot

    The first shot of the round is different from any other shot since it serves as a tone setter for the

    round. Of course you can shoot a brilliant round after a terrible first shot; but it is much more

    reassuring if your first shot lands in the fairway.

    Hitting an impressive first shot is all about controlling your emotions. The tendency is to be

    overexcited on the first shot, which causes tension in the swing and can lead to a bad drive.

    There is also added pressure if the group teeing off next is watching.

    It is essential to keep these emotions in check to maintain a smooth swing. Take deep breaths,

    and keep visualizing hitting a perfect tee shot, until you feel relaxed enough to take your shot.

    Use how you hit each club during your pre round practice session at the range to decidewhether or not to hit your driver on the 1 PstP tee. If you struggled with your driver, you should

    keep it in the bag and tee off with a wood or iron instead.

    If your driver is not working for you, use a wood to get on the fairway. This will give you a

    higher chance of making a birdie or par and setting a positive tone for the round.

    Know your Clubs

    Knowing how far you hit each club is one of the reasons practicing at the driving range is so

    valuable. It doesnt matter if you hit a beautiful shot with your 7 iron; if you cant get the

    distance you need from the club.

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    Be honest with yourself. You may have hit a 7 iron 150 yards at some point in the past;

    however, you should always go by the average distance you hit a club. The pre round session

    on the range can show you which clubs you are hitting well.

    It's also necessary to be able to judge the distance of your ball from the hole for any given shot.

    The course should have markers at the 200, 150 and 100 yard points. A GPS Range Finder can

    give you the exact distance of your ball to the hole.

    Low handicap players are also aware of which clubs they hit well and which clubs they dont.

    Consistent low scores can come from using the right clubs at the right time.

    For example, youre playing a 350 yard par 4 hole. You can hit 250 yards with your driver, but

    you struggle with shots fewer than 100 yards. Solution: go with your 3 or 5 wood instead of the

    driver, so that your second shot is longer than 100 yards.

    Mind over what Matters

    Another huge difference between high handicap and low handicap golfers is that low handicapgolfers have control over their mental game. When you hit a poor shot, you might tend to get

    angry, swear and slam clubs.

    A little show of emotion is okay, but no amount is acceptable if it affects your next shot. If you

    are busy thinking about your last shot, then you are unable to devote all your attention to

    your next one, which then often leads to another bad shot.

    Instead, think about what you need to do on the next shot. Visualize it. If you hit your tee shotdeep into the rough, start thinking about the best possible shot that is available to you. Taking

    the round one shot at a time is one of the keys of mastering the mental game.

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    The Mental Part of Putting

    A weak mental game often surfaces on the putting green. Chances are when you miss a couple

    short putts in a round its because you think you are going to miss it.

    Conversely, a big part of making a putt is thinking you are going to make it. Take a deep

    breath and visualize making the putt before you take your shot. The more relaxed you are the

    better the odds are that you will make a smooth stroke.

    If you miss a putt you know you should have made, you cannot let it get to you. If you do,

    invariably it will cause you to miss others. Anger has no benefits.

    Adjust Playing Style

    As a round continues, low handicap golfers make adjustments based on how they are playing.

    When a low handicap golfer doesnt hit a fairway with his driver on the front 9, you can bet he

    leaves his driver in his bag for the back 9.

    Golf is a humbling sport and arrogance can be the kiss of death for a low score. For example,

    you hit lousy drives on the first 3 holes. The 4 Pth


    hole is a short par 4, and you believe you can

    reach the green in one shot. What should you do?

    You might say go for it, but the low handicap golfer sees an easy birdie opportunity and will

    go with the club that gives them the best shot of ending up in the middle of the fairway.

    Being able to understand your weak points and adapt your playing style accordingly are two

    things necessary forUlow scores every time U. The shot is not always about hitting it as close to the

    green as possible. Play to your strengths.
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    Playing Par 3s

    High handicap golfers often struggle with Par 3 holes. You might get overexcited by the idea of

    being able to hit the green in one shot, which causes the tension in your golf swing that leads to

    poor shots.

    The main difficulty with par 3s is the high risk, high reward. Sure, you can hit the green in one

    shot, but there is often no fairway in between the green and the tee box. Also, the green is

    usually flanked by either sand or water.

    There is little time to recover from a bad shot. If you miss the green on the first shot, you have

    to get the second shot on the green and 1 putt to make par. Par 3s can be round killers.

    UThe key to Par 3's Uis focusing on just getting the ball on the green rather than getting it close to

    the flagstick. Aim for the widest possible part of the green since the longest putt is better than a

    short pitch shot.

    Par 4s

    Given that there are 10 par 4s on the standard 18 hole course you will encounter holes of

    various length throughout your round. This is why 4s can be either scoring holes or

    maintaining holes where you should just look to get a par.

    If you successfully get your tee shot in the fairway, be aggressive on your second shot.

    Instead of trying to hit the green, try getting the ball close to the hole. Then you will have

    a decent chance of making a birdie putt.

    The longer and more difficult par 4s are "maintaining holes", which means they should be

    played conservatively with the goal of getting a par in mind. Birdies can still be made on

    these types of holes, but require high risk, lower percentage shots.

    Dont be over aggressive on your approach shots. Go for the widest part of the green and

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