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    Why and how the African child is miseducated inthe western educational systemBy Hort, September 2007

    As African children head back to school to face another school year I would like to make

    an attempt to explain to our community and particularly to young parents why and how

    the African child has been systematically mis-educated in the western world during the

    last 500 years, so that they can better understand the root causes of some of the

    aberrations and self destructive forms of behaviour they see in our community and to help

    them realize that if they want a brighter future for their children and for our community,

    then it is imperative that they no longer leave the education of their children solely in the

    hands of the western educational system, but rather to follow the advice of Malcolm X

    who told us years ago that the black childs education starts when the school bells rings

    at 4 p.m in the afternoon. (This may vary depending on what time school ends in your

    country) We didnt follow his advice then and today our youth are suffering theconsequences. The situation of African children around the planet has considerably

    deteriorated since the days of Malcolm X, so that we are now forced to follow the advice

    of Dr Asa Hilliard one of Africas great educators who died recently and left us these

    parting words. "The education of African people is an urgent necessity. It is a matter of

    life and death. We cannot abide another generation of children who have no identity and

    who are ignorant about Africa."

    The late Professor Amos Wilson, another one of Africas foremost educators of the 20th

    century, posed a crucial question that all African parents and our community need to ask.

    What is the purpose of an education? He said that most black people have been trainedto think it is to get a job with one of the fortune 500 companies. However, according

    to Dr. Wilson, they are seriously mistaken, because the purpose of an education is to

    improve and further the interests of ones own group and to ensure its survival. Obviously

    the Indians, the Chinese, the Jews and other groups understand this, since that is what

    they do. Our people often look at them and marvel at their unity and wonder why in

    contrast our community seems so fragmented and disorganized. Yet, when we study

    African civilization we can clearly see that it was well organised and group oriented and

    there is even an African proverb which states it takes a whole village to raise a child. If

    it took a whole village to raise a child, it must have been because our ancestors worked as

    a group and understood that on reaching adulthood that child would in turn do everything

    to promote the interests of their group. Our ancestors therefore never left the education oftheir children to chance because the cohesiveness of their society was of prime


    So, how have African people become such a fragmented and disorganised group of

    people today? Why cant we be like the Indians and the Japanese? the question one of

    my17 year old nephews asked me some years ago. The answer is quite simple. We cannot

    be like them because we do not have the same historical experience. We do ourselves a

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    great disservice when we compare ourselves to other people since we can only compare

    that which is similar, not dissimilar. We are different because Africa was attacked by

    Arabs and Europeans, and our people were forcefully taken to another land and enslaved.

    Neither the Indians nor the Japanese have had that experience and therefore it is

    absolutely pointless to compare ourselves to them.

    When slavery and later colonization took place the vision that our ancestors had of

    educating and raising African children was taken out of their control and a new way was

    imposed on African people. Worse, this new system of education ran counter to the

    interests and needs of Africans. As a result, today, as Prof Wilson has again pointed out,

    African people have never had so many talented and educated economists, educators,

    sociologists, doctors, lawyers, artists, etc, yet we suffer the worst health, housing, and

    education on the planet because our education was never designed to promote our

    interests but rather the goals and the interests of our oppressors. The self destructive

    behaviour and derogative lyrics of the rap generation is a striking example of children

    who have not been taught to promote their interests.

    Furthermore, our people hold advanced degrees from some of the most prestigious Ivy

    League schools and universities and can solve any myriad of problems for other groups

    but since they have not received an African centred education when it comes to their own,

    all their knowledge is null and void. Sometimes the more educated they become, the

    more alienated they are from African culture and more of a menace to our group, because

    in their zeal to promote the interests of others they often end up doing harm to their own

    people. So, Colin Powell, who sent African American soldiers to kill other African people

    in Grenada, should never be considered a good role model for our children, if we want to

    liberate African people from oppression. If African leaders allow the West to take their

    wealth to feed Europeans and leave Africans to starve and face death, it is because theytoo have been taught to work against their own interests. For example, at the end of

    apartheid instead of putting reparations and land redistribution as a top priority for South

    Africas black victims, reconciliation with whites, the criminals, became the main goal.

    As a result, Nelson Mandela is feted all over the western world and the British even

    unveiled a statue of him recently in London, yet the only thing that South African blacks

    have received to date is some propaganda about living happily in a mythical rainbow

    coloured society. This is one of the reasons why African parents must be extremely

    careful with the kind of role models they present to their children. Danny Glover is a

    much better model for our children to emulate than Condoleezza Rice.

    This new manner of raising and educating black children however has always posed aproblem in the western world. Once again, Dr. Wilson gives us an explanation. It is

    problematic he says, because African people were not brought to the West to be educated.

    They were brought to be the slaves and servants of the people who enslaved them, in

    other words, to work. I used to teach African culture in an after school program several

    years ago and the first question we asked the children was the reason for our peoples

    presence here in the West. None of them ever responded by saying that African people

    were here to work as servants for white people. In fact, most black people will answer

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    this question by a vague we were brought here as slaves. Have you ever noticed that

    anything meant for African people is often vague? For example, Jesus is coming back

    soon or we are going to reduce poverty in Africa or we want to help Africa What

    date specifically is Jesus coming back? By what date exactly are they going to reduce

    poverty and by how much? or what specific area of activity are they planning to focus

    on? We dont know. The language is vague because its not meant to be taken seriouslyand they know that our people will not demand anything more specific. In return, we are

    asked to blindly believe, watch and pray and hope for a better day. Also very, very vague.

    Yet what black people actually do is very specific. We serve our white masters. In sports

    and in music all the owners are white and the players and singers are black. This

    imbalance exists even in countries where the majority of the population is black. For

    example in the Caribbean most of the business and hotel owners as well as the tourists are

    white, while the workers are mostly black. In Africa, our people extract the diamonds and

    gold from the ground while Indians, Jews, Lebanese and Western businessmen sit in their

    offices all day and reap the benefits. This inability to understand the real reason for our

    presence in the West has led our community to the false assumption that we are here to

    live in peace and harmony with whites. How many times have we heard black people

    say they dont see colour yet when they move into a white neighbourhood, the whites

    move out, so obviously they do. If we are so mistaken about why we are here and our

    relationship with its inhabitants, is it any wonder that our children and our community are

    so confused and have so many problems in their daily lives?

    In 1888, Ernest Renan, a racist French philosopher described Europes economic vision

    of our world when he said, Nature has given us a race of workers, they are Chinese, a

    race to till the soil, they are Africans and a race of rulers and soldiers, they are

    Europeans. This is exactly the world we live in today. Yet, this racially organizedeconomic system has existed for the last 500 years but sadly African people are totally

    unaware of this fact because they are kept ignorant and uninformed the world over. It is

    also this racially segmented economic system which is responsible for the persistent

    poverty and underdevelopment in Africa and the other countries where our people reside,

    but because of our ignorance western propaganda has made us believe that it is because

    our leaders are incompetent and corrupt. We are meant to transfer our hatred to our

    leaders rather than to the racist economic system that Europeans have wilfully put in

    place to impoverish Africans. Luckily, the masses of poor people are passive if not there

    would be thousands of revolts every day, everywhere on this planet. To keep African

    people impoverished the West intentionally bypasses Africa and the ghettos where many

    of our people live and invest in the Asian countries. The reason Chinese investment inAfrica today terrifies the West is because they fear it may actually help lift Africans out of

    poverty and thus threaten their racially segmented economic system. To punish the

    Chinese, the West has simply mounted a propaganda campaign accusing them of selling

    tainted products and of ignoring human rights in Africa, but when and where in Africa

    has the West ever respected human rights? In fact, most of the anti democratic leaders in

    Africa are still in power because of the West.

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    Corruption in Africa therefore is not the cause of poverty but a consequence of it. People

    in Africa are corrupt because they do not earn enough money to live decently and

    therefore must resort to illegal methods to make ends meet. In fact, where ever you see

    crime take a good look, you will usually find high unemployment and intolerable living

    conditions because it is a consequence and not the cause. Improve the living conditions

    and corruption and crime will quickly disappear. Its a very simple equation but of courseno one is interested in this option because the capitalist system, which is really the old

    Roman slave system under a different name, cannot survive without access to a large

    number of unpaid workers or people who are barely paid. Under globalization, its modern

    name, 80% of the world is still exploited by the 20% who still continue to own all the

    wealth. Changing the name periodically (feudalism, industrialisation, capitalism,

    socialism, communism and now globalisation) is simply a strategy that the West uses to

    make us, the ignorant masses believe that there is genuine change taking place in society.

    Now you understand why every country you visit and in every area of activity the owners

    and those who make money are always white or are close to white, while those who

    work, serve and are exploited are always black or close to it. This is what African parents

    must begin to understand so that they can explain to their children why African people

    are consistently at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder.

    Now that we know that African people were brought to the West exclusively to work and

    serve whites, and not to live in peace and harmony with them, where did the rationale

    behind the education of black children come from? After Europeans had succeeded in

    making our ancestors almost as ignorant as the animals they said they were after years of

    chattel slavery, some of them began to realize that in order to further their commercial

    interests, it was better for the negroes to have at least a minimal amount of education. A

    few continued to believe that negroes should continue to be worked like beasts of

    burden and be kept in total ignorance, however they finally agreed that it was in theirbest interest to educate our ancestors. In their original plans Europeans had had no

    intentions of educating African people. The education of the black child in the western

    educational system therefore was never designed to develop the individual personality or

    the intellect of African children and to help them reach their fullest potential. The

    decision to educate was strictly based on the economic requirements of the day which

    needed a number of educated Africans in order for the West to achieve its goals.

    We would still be uneducated today if Europeans had not deemed it a necessary

    requirement. In fact, one of the reasons that African children are doing so badly in the

    educational system is precisely because their education continues to depend on the needs

    of the western economic system. If you listen to propaganda however you may easilybelieve it is because they are intellectually inferior and lazy. The stark reality is that the

    business world is linked to education and therefore whatever happens in the economic

    sphere will have an impact on education. The educational system works like a bottleneck

    to control the flow of students entering the workforce. So, if the economy is experiencing

    a boom, more students will graduate from college and university in order to enter the

    work force and if there is a recession, it will do the complete opposite. i.e. fewer students

    will graduate and thus fewer will enter the workforce.

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    The western economy has not been doing well for several years now because the new

    technology has not been able to provide the large numbers of jobs which the old

    industries like steel and coal did, years ago. This has led economists to conclude that long

    term unemployment will now be a permanent fixture of the western economy. As a result,

    universities and colleges have been forced to reduce the number of people entering theworkforce. It is obvious that if the economy is suffering this will have an adverse effect

    on African people since our education since the days of slavery has been intricately

    linked to the state of the Western economy. This is the real reason why there is very little

    investment in black education because there is an economic imperative to considerably

    reduce the flow of African children graduating and entering the workforce, since there are

    no available jobs for them and thus it is pointless to waste money educating them. Might

    I remind you that 400 years ago, black unemployment was totally unheard of in the West

    since every African man, woman and child was fully employed from sunrise to sunset. In

    fact, Europeans couldnt build ships fast enough to go to Africa to kidnap Africans and

    bring them to the West to work. Isnt it ironic that curbing immigration from Africa is the

    biggest issue in the West today where quotas and fluency in Western languages are

    requirements for emigrating to the West? In France they are even planning to test the

    DNA of relatives who simply want to rejoin their families. How unfortunate that

    Europeans did not enforce these practices 500 years ago because they would have saved

    Africans a tremendous amount of pain.

    If we accept that in the western system an individuals importance depends on their

    financial worth, then it is clear why African children have become a liability rather than

    an asset and are underachieving in school. Knowing the kind of social disruption that able

    bodied, young men of working age unable to find a job can create in society, the West has

    decided to channel them into prisons as a solution in order to prevent the kind of revoltsthat occurred in the French suburbs 2 years ago. This is why tolerance zero was

    introduced and why a 15 year old African American youth who stole a simple chocolate

    bar would receive a 15 year jail sentence from a US court. To deaden the pain of those

    who have lost all hope of a better future, they inject drugs into our communities and pray

    for a quick demise either by a drug overdose or a bullet to the brain as our young men

    pretend to be mafia bosses fighting over turf.

    After the Europeans had finally decided to educate African children, they had to deal with

    the problem of the content of their education. What were they to teach these negroes?

    All of the aberrations and self destructive behavioural patterns that we see in our

    community can be traced right back to this moment when Europeans had to make adecision about the kind of information they were going to transmit to African people.

    When African children entered the western school system for the first time, there was

    great fear among the slaveholders that if Africans were taught the wrong information,

    (the truth) they would lose complete control over them especially since our ancestors

    numerically outnumbered whites in the new world at that time.( African people have

    since become the minority.)

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    To understand why Europeans were so afraid of the content of African education we must

    go further back into our past. Before they had even set foot in Africa, Europeans had

    heard about its glory and its extraordinary civilization. Philip of Macedonia, like the

    typical warmongering European megalomaniac, decided that as he was the most powerful

    person in the West he had to conquer Egypt, the most advanced African civilization at the

    time and own it for himself. Fortunately, he was killed while waging another one of hisnumerous wars. Unfortunately, his son Alexander, who only a twisted mind could call

    great, decided to fulfil his fathers dream and did eventually conquer Egypt. When

    Europeans entered Africa for the first time and saw the tremendous civilization our

    ancestors had methodically collected, stored and preserved from millennia they were

    mesmerized. They were overwhelmed by its organisation, its opulence, its style, its

    architecture, its creativity, its intelligence, in short, everything but most particularly, its

    tremendous wealth.

    Today in the western media we are inundated with propaganda of a poverty stricken

    Africa but Europeans knew then and still know now how tremendously wealthy Africa

    is. In fact, it is precisely because of Africas genius and its tremendous wealth why

    African people were enslaved in the first place. Europeans were envious and wanted to

    have Africa all for themselves but they also felt ashamed and it was at this moment that

    the crime which they would carry out later in the 15th century when they discovered the

    New World, began to take shape in their minds. One of the things that struck me as I

    studied Ancient Egyptian civilization was the number of times the word shame appeared

    in the writings of many of the European travellers to Egypt. Its a leitmotiv in their

    writings. Even Jean Francois Champoleon who deciphered the hieroglyphs on the Rosetta

    Stone felt shame when he visited the tombs of the Pharaohs in the Valley of Kings and

    saw the different races depicted there. This is what he said.

    We also found Egyptians and other Africans depicted in the same way, which could not

    be otherwise: but there were some important and strange differences between the namou (

    the Asians) and the tamhou ( the Europeans) .. Finally (and I am ashamed to say this

    because our race was the last and most savage of all in those ancient times) but we must

    be honest and admit that we did not paint a very pretty figure in those days. Here I am

    referring to all the people with blonde hair and white skin, living not only in Europe, but

    in Asia, their place of origin. " (Asia here means people from the Middle East and not

    from China ) This forces us to ask the following question, Why did Europeans feel

    shame when they came into contact with Africa? Where did their shame stem from? It is

    this shame which is behind our enslavement and oppression.

    In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about the end of western civilization and we

    have all heard conservative and right wing politicians in the West lamenting the loss of

    western values. But what is Western civilization? What exactly are Western values? If

    you have travelled across Europe as I have, you will see walled cities, military forts,

    canons, pistols, guns, all manner of swords and statues of war heroes. In short, you will

    see an arsenal of weaponry and materials for waging war. In my opinion, war is not what

    most people imagine when they think about civilization. This may surprise many people

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    but the West has never had a civilisation if you exclude war from that definition. So

    where did the West get all its architecture, laws, religion, human rights ideas, its so called

    values, etc? .They got them from Africa. Before they visited Africa they had none of

    these things.

    In fact, Europeans had spent their time on the planet developing more and more lethalweapons to wage war and kill each other. Africans in contrast, had spent their time on this

    planet mapping the stars, studying the changing seasons, inventing literature, the arts,

    architecture, mathematics, writing, inventing the calendar, medicine, worshiping their

    gods, mummifying their dead, preparing for the afterlife, even inventing the very wig that

    so many black women can no longer do without today, in short, trying to build the things

    that we consider today as civilization. As a result, when they came into contact with

    Africas splendour, Europeans felt inadequate, ashamed, inferior, because they had built

    nothing similar in Europe, only weapons of war, and so they were envious and started

    plotting to take Africa for themselves and enslave African people and that is exactly what

    they have done. So what has been promoted as Western civilization during the last 500

    years is none other than the civilization of African people which they have simply

    confiscated and claimed as their very own. Today, the West has reached the peak of its

    power and it is still in the warmongering business, and still sowing death and destruction

    in its path. Iraq is a recent example and perhaps Iran will be next in line, however, it now

    prefers to let the other races kill each other while it concentrates on supplying all the

    materials necessary for them to accomplish this task and rake in the profits from their

    deaths, especially from the deaths of African people who unfortunately have become

    infected with the western warmongering virus after centuries of close contact, to the point

    where Rwandans exterminated 4 million of their own people in the short space of only 3


    As many people are unaware that the West has claimed African civilization as its own,

    they are often confused by the contradictions they see in Western society. So they cant

    understand for example how slavery and human rights can co-exist side by side but if you

    understand that one comes from Europe (slavery) and the other comes from Africa

    (human rights), then there is absolutely no contradiction whatsoever. Furthermore, as they

    do not genuinely believe in such concepts they often end up only paying lip service to

    them. Do you remember that Europeans were holding a book in their hands which clearly

    stated thou shalt not kill while they were raping and killing our ancestors? Worse, the

    ships our ancestors travelled across the Atlantic ocean on had biblical names such as the

    good ship Jesus or John the Baptist. Today, Mr Bush talks about god and drops cluster

    bombs which kill women and children in the same breath. This is exactly what hisancestors, the founding fathers, did when they exterminated the Amerindians, the original

    inhabitants of the USA. This dichotomy can be observed in many areas in western society

    because they have simply juxtaposed their warmongering culture to African civilization

    and promoted it as their own.. Now you can understand why there is so much injustice,

    poverty and exploitation on one hand and false philanthropy on the other in our world. If

    you have ever wondered why there are so many humanitarian and Christian organisations

    all over Africa apparently working to help lift Africans out of poverty, yet Africans still

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    do not have access to clean drinking water now you know why. Next time the G8

    countries get together and begin to wax lyrical about how they intend to lift Africans out

    of poverty, please do yourself a favour and turn off your television.


    The education of the black child caused great fear among the Europeans because they

    knew the genius of the people they had enslaved. What could they therefore teach Africanchildren whose birthright they had stolen? For a start, they certainly couldnt allow black

    and white children to compete equally because the white children would have been

    humiliated by the brilliance of the Africans. The problem was only solved when the

    minority white population realized they were the sole decision makers in terms of what

    information was to be taught or withheld from their black students and furthermore, they

    had the monopoly in the writing and in the publication of the books, manuals and other

    materials that black people would read. So, they simply decided to give our children an

    inferior quality of education instead. Professor Wilson says that the education of the black

    child has never been and can never be the same as that of the white child because the

    white child must be taught how to rule and dominate others, while the black child must

    be taught how to serve and obey, hence the dual role of the western educational system.

    In spite of all the talk about equality, desegregation and. Mr Bushs famous no child left

    behind policy, the educational system in the West has not changed one iota since the

    days of slavery and continues to ensure that African children receive an inferior quality of

    education in comparison to their white counterparts. In order to maintain this two tiered

    system they have invented all kinds of covert strategies such as intelligence tests, special

    education classes, hierarchy between schools, etcetera, In short, they continue to teach

    our children how to serve and obey which of course our young males totally reject. In

    fact, it is the information they teach in the school system which destroys the self esteem

    and the will to succeed in our children and that is exactly what it is intended for. As a

    result, they lose interest in school, begin to experience difficulty and eventually they dropout and become delinquents.

    This fear of being humiliated by African people is still very strong today and is one

    reason why many whites abandon certain professions and sports that black people enter

    and why they are so hesitant to allow black people into certain professions. When black

    people dominate an area of activity or profession, whites often give the impression that it

    is really of no value whatsoever, however, this behaviour is simply a self defence

    mechanism which they adopt in order to avoid feelings of inadequacy, inferiority and the

    pain of being outperformed by African people, in other words, the same feelings their

    ancestors experienced so many centuries ago when they first encountered Africans.

    Teaching African children about their glorious past would have been counterproductive

    because of their fear of being humiliated by Africans, so instead they

    decided to distort both African and world history by teaching falsehood. For example,

    many people today are unaware that Egyptian civilization predates that of Rome by

    thousands of years because they have erroneously been presented as contemporaneous,

    yet Roman civilization had not even begun when Pyramid building stopped in

    Egypt around the 14th Dynasty. Worse, most people still do not know that there are more

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    pyramids in Sudan than in Egypt, or that this is where this style of architecture originated.

    In fact, the civilization of Nubia (Sudan) predates that of Egypt.. Since most of our

    people are unaware of the importance Sudan in our history the impending catastrophe

    which the proposed Kajbar Dam represents leaves them totally indifferent. This dam, just

    like in Egypt with the building of the Aswan Dam will erase forever all of Africa's

    ancient history in the Sudan, thus making this knowledge inaccessible to futuregenerations of African people.

    Today, because of these distortions most black people are totally ignorant about their true

    history. Instead of teaching African children that their ancestors, the ancient Egyptians,

    were the true builders of civilization, ( the pyramids, obelisks and temples still stand as

    proof today), they were taught that it was the Greeks and Romans. Instead of being told

    that Imhotep the Egyptian was the father of medicine, they were taught that it was

    Hippocrates. Instead of being taught about the first universities founded by their

    ancestors in Timbuktu and Djenne in Mali, they were taught that Africans were an oral

    people who knew nothing about writing. Instead of being taught about the great Shona

    civilization of Zimbabwe that built a city bigger than London or the artistic genius of the

    Nok civilization of Nigeria, they were told that their homeland was a dark continent,

    where their primitive, savage, ancestors roamed the wild jungles from morn till night

    practicing cannibalism and that luckily, God sent kind-hearted and charitable European

    Christians (Tarzan) to civilize them and to teach them his word in order to save them

    from themselves. To add insult to injury, they invented a racial hierarchy with themselves

    at the top, and Africans at the bottom and justified it by saying they were gods chosen

    people and therefore superior and that God had given them a land overflowing with

    milk and honey, (Africa) while our ancestors were heathen, devil worshipers who God

    himself had cursed and therefore we deserved to be their slaves. These vicious lies

    continue to be believed by millions of people, both black and white and is one of thereasons for the rampant and chronic racism in our societies today. Today whites continue

    to promote African genius as their own. For example, African people invented rock and

    rap but it is Elvis Presley who is known as the king of rock and roll while Eminem

    became the first rapper to win an Oscar. Likewise, Bill Gates has become a household

    name and a millionaire but without the genius of Dr. Mark Dean and Dr.Philip Emeagali,

    two African scientists, the computer would not have become accessible to the masses of

    people on the planet today.

    This was how the theft of African civilization, the brainwashing and the miseducation of

    African children and African people took place. If their plan has been so successful it is

    because they knew that in order to succeed they would have to target African children at avery early age. They, like our ancestors, understood that if you train up a child in the

    way that you want it to go, when it is old it will not depart from it and that is why from

    the beginning of slavery, African children were divested of their names and their

    languages. Furthermore, to submit Africans to their authority, they used religion to terrify

    African children by teaching them the fictitious story of the bible, plagiarized from the

    Egyptian Osirian myth, as fact. This story promised African children a life of suffering

    (hell) if they were disobedient to their master, (the slave master, not a supreme being as

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    many black people mistakenly believe) but heavenly wealth after death if they


    The real tragedy is that this distorted African story that generations of black children were

    forced to memorize, continue to be taken literally by millions of African people around

    the globe, who have spent their entire lives waiting for this ancient Superman namedJesus Christ to burst through the clouds and deliver them from evildoers. The tragic irony

    is that today it is African people, the victims, who are keeping this religion which was

    forcefully imposed upon our children during slavery, alive.They are its most fanatical

    adherents in contrast to their oppressors own people who have long since stopped

    believing in this myth. Reparations can never ever compensate for the incalculable

    damage this myth has caused to millions of African people who have literally put their

    lives on hold in our world because they sincerely believe that only after death will they

    truly begin to live.

    The Western educational system therefore will always produce dysfunctional African

    children because having committed the most horrendous crime on this planet and lied

    about it they are forced to continue. Their propaganda machine must continue to make

    African people believe in the fantasy of the bible, believe that whites are superior, that

    western civilization is better than their own, believe they must fight in the illegal wars

    waged by the West all around the planet, believe that Africa is a continent without a

    future, believe Africa is poor, believe that poverty, injustice and exploitation has always

    existed in our world, believe that Africa is facing a demographic explosion

    (overpopulation) and dying from Aids (depopulation) at the same time (an illogical

    equation), believe they must work hard to promote Western interests and all the other

    fantasies which our people accept as fact which are too numerous to mention here. This is

    the reason their media feed our children negative information 24 hours a day that isdesigned to sap their energy, destroy their confidence, intensify their feelings of

    worthlessness and self hatred and increase their admiration for the West. The goal is to

    make every African child a Michael Jackson This is the strategic destruction of the

    African psyche that the West has put into place and why it is important that African

    parents and the African community understand these negative forces which are working

    to destroy our children in order to delay the liberation of African people.

    This is also the reason they treat us in the most despicable manner. We suffer the worst

    health, live in the most horrible conditions imaginable, are the most disrespected and

    abused people and do not live life as it should be lived. That is why black churchgoers

    often say we are only passing through in this world. What else can they say consideringthe lives that most of our people lead? On the other hand, Westerners live comfortably,

    eat properly, enjoy good health and live long and happy lives. In short, they are alive

    while we are dead because they have killed us. But we can be resurrected by erasing them

    from our minds in the same way that they erased African history from ours. This is what I

    believe Dr Kamau Kambon was trying to get across when he said 2 years ago that the

    solution to the black mans problem was the white mans extermination. Many people in

    their ignorance thought he meant the physical extermination of white people. It is

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    ludicrous to think he was talking about their physical elimination since the West has

    weapons which can annihilate every single African person on the planet. What he

    obviously meant was that in order for African people to come out of their comatose,

    zombied state and lead happy and fulfilling lives, they must kill the white man

    metaphorically, mentally by replacing his lies with the truth.

    The West will never willingly admit the truth because they have too much to lose. They

    would have to admit the theft of African civilization, the mass murder of African people

    and the perpetuation of lies. Furthermore it would raise too many questions. For example,

    if the Bible is fiction, then who are its real authors? Is it true that Shakespeare was one of

    its writers and that is why he is known as the most famous writer ever? If there are no

    chosen people, then who are the people in Israel parading as Jews? Why have they been

    placed there? Why does the USA defend them so stubbornly? What is the real purpose of

    the pope? What information are they hiding in the Vatican? What have they done with the

    information they took out of Africa ?. What really happened during the Second World

    War? Who was Hitler? Why did the church protect neo-Nazis? That would raise more

    questions about the recent past such as, Who really destroyed the world trade centre

    building on September 11th? Why was it destroyed? Who is Ben Laden? Why have they

    been unable to find him, although seriously ill? Does he really exist? Why did the West

    lie about the war in Kuwait? Why was the world made to believe that Saddam Hussein

    had weapons of mass destruction when he didnt? Why was he killed? What is the real

    reason behind the so called war on terrorism? Why are they now picking on Iran? What

    are they hiding? Who can tell us the truth? These questions and a million more is what

    the Western world would rather not have to answer African people and the rest of the

    world after 500 years of telling them nothing but lies.

    On the internet under the bible story about the stolen birthright this is the warning thatyou will read It never pays to tell a lie. Once you tell a lie you must tell another, and

    another to cover up the first lie. Not only will all these lies catch up with you, but they

    can cause you many troubles, just like it did for Jacob and Rebecca. That is what the

    West has done but their lies are catching up with them and they will have to pay the

    consequences. We must no longer allow the West to claim African civilization as their

    own because our ancestors spent millions of years painstakingly observing, collecting,

    recording, creating and preserving it for us, their heirs, to allow Western bullies who

    refused to do the same for their people to simply come along, steal it and claim it as their

    own simply because they had more advanced weapons than our ancestors. .More and

    more African people are only just beginning to realize this. We must tell the truth. We

    must reclaim our pyramids, our obelisks, our medicine, mathematics, astronomy, physics,writing, our administration, our laws and our concepts. We must reclaim the famous 10

    commandments which we have been taught god gave to a man named Moses. They come

    from Africa and there are 42 of them which our ancestors called the MAAT (the divine

    principles of peace, harmony, balance and justice) while the West calls them the negative

    confessions. Even the very cross that the church uses is African. Its called the Ankh.

    We must study African history to find out what our ancestors left for us and every single

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    concept or object that they invented we must take back. Our ancestors demand that we

    reclaim our birthright that was stolen from us.

    We will know that our people have reclaimed their birthright when African people want

    to study and receive diplomas from African schools and universities rather than those in

    the West, when African people want to work for African companies rather than westernmultinationals, when our young men and women especially our famous people want to

    marry African people rather than European men and women, when African parents prefer

    to give their children African looking dolls rather than European ones, when African

    people stop bleaching their skin because they prefer their own, when they prefer to give

    their children African names rather than European ones, when they prefer to pray to an

    African god rather than a European one, when Africans reject the warmongering religions

    of their enemies and return to the religions of their ancestors, when they feel empathy and

    compassion for African people first before they feel them for Europeans, when they love

    Africans first before loving Europeans, when Africans want to use their resources to

    develop and improve the lives of their people first before the lives of Europeans, when

    Africans set up their own economic system, their own political system, their own laws

    and their own currency rather than continue to use those of the West, when they remove

    the artificial borders created by the west and return to Africas natural borders, when they

    want African languages to be the official languages of Africa and teach them to their

    children rather than those of the West, when African men stop Europeans and Arabs from

    sexually abusing and enslaving African women and children, when Africans stop saying

    they dont see colour and are proud to be Africans, when African people want to defend

    Africa before they defend the West, and finally, when they want to study African history

    before they study the history of the west. This is what our ancestors did because this is

    how normal human beings behave. This is also what the Japanese, the Indians and the

    Jews that our community admires so much actually do and is the secret of their success.This is why they seem so unified and organized as a people.

    We dont behave like them because Europeans did not tamper with their normal

    behaviour patterns in order to subjugate them and use them to further Western interests.

    How do you think they were able to conquer Africa and bring us to the West to be their

    servants so that most of us today only want to live in peace and harmony with our

    enemies? Do you think it was by whispering sweet words in our ears? It was by

    exterminating 600 million Africans and turning us into abnormal human beings. That is

    the price that our ancestors paid and our people continue to pay for the theft of our land,

    our wealth and our subjugation. Their propaganda has made us believe that the worst

    holocaust on this planet was in Nazi Germany where 8 million died. In fact, we need tofind out the real reason why they have poked that down our throats. The Iranian president

    Ahmadinejad has said that the Jewish holocaust is a myth and other people who have

    raised questions about this are immediately sent to prison or accused of antisemetism,

    however, considering that we have been taught nothing but lies during the last 500 years,

    we should be very suspicious of every single thing that we have been told. Why do they

    want to start a war in Iran today and remove Ahmadinejad? Does he know too much?

    What exactly do they not want the world to know? Why did they kill Saddam Hussein so

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    quickly? Im sure it has nothing to do with the death of the Kurds. We should want to

    know the answers to these questions. That is why each person of African descent must

    become a modern day sleuth to find out exactly what happened on this planet.

    All the aberrations that we see in our community and which makes us so fragmented and

    disorganised is a result of this horrendous crime. It is this slave mentality which hasbeen passed down from generation to generation which makes us behave in such self

    destructive ways although slavery was abolished years ago. The only way for African

    people to stop to behaving unnaturally is to learn how that process took place, to talk

    about it and then to make a conscious effort to practice the above mentioned behaviour,

    but we cannot heal if we continue to deny that we were intentionally made to behave in

    an abnormal manner by our enemy because it was the only way to subjugate us and to

    steal our land and our wealth.. In a war, you do whatever is necessary to destroy your

    adversary and that is what Europe did.

    Finally, when we become Africans again most of us will want to live in Africa rather than

    in the West. This is the nightmare of the western world as it means they will lose their

    entire low paid labour force which they have depended on for the last 500 years. Can you

    imagine the economic catastrophe that will take place in the West when African people

    wake up from their anaesthesia and decide to return home to Africa? Who will cook their

    food, look after their children, clean their homes and their streets, and provide their

    entertainment? Who will provide jobs for their police, their judges, their sociologists,

    their teachers, etcetera? Who will buy their products? Who will they abuse, brutalize,

    murder and rape with impunity when we leave? How many Jenna 6s do you think they

    will have when we go back to Africa? Who will fill up their prisons? Who will do all the

    jobs that African people have done for them during the last 500 years? In short, who will

    become their new slaves when we decide to return home to Africa? The Asians? TheArabs? I doubt it. That is why the return to Africa must be handled with extreme caution

    because African people are in grave danger of being re-enslaved when they finally come

    out of their daze and decide to return home.

    This is what the end of Western civilization means. Its not about some Superman coming

    out of the skies, thats what their propaganda would like you to continue believing. In

    spite of all the propaganda about the laziness of African people, it is our labour and our

    ignorance that has kept the West strong for so long and it is only African people who can

    destroy what is erroneously known as western civilization? If Africans around the globe

    decide tomorrow not to work, the western economy will collapse overnight, but

    propaganda has made us believe that without the West nothing can function on thisplanet. Wall Street and the City are only betting shops where you place your bet; if the

    horse and the jockey dont run (world wide African labour force refuses to work) there

    will be no race. (no profits for Western investors) It was our capacity for hard work why

    Europeans exterminated the Amerindians of the new world and brought us to be their

    servants. They were familiar with our workmanship. They admired our temples, our

    obelisks, our pyramids, etc, while they were unfamiliar with the workmanship of the

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    people of the new world. That is why our lives have been spared. Its not because they

    want to live in peace and harmony with us. Its because we are their workhorses.

    What will the West replace African civilization and African people with when our people

    finally decide to bring their oppressive system to an end? What will be the reaction of the

    masses of white people when they find out that what they have believed to be theircivilization for the last 500 years is nothing more than the civilization of African people

    which their ancestors stole, since they too have been kept in total ignorance of the truth?

    What will their reaction be when their shame is exposed to the entire planet? Their

    ancestors wrote down in their guidebook, the bible, what the consequences will be when

    the truth is finally revealed and their crime exposed to the whole world. There will be

    weeping and gnashing of teeth. It will be painful, as the truth always is.

    Do you now understand why the miseducation of the black child is so important and why

    the West has spent so many centuries ensuring that black children believe western

    propaganda. How were African people to know that somewhere in their development the

    Aryan (white) race became lazy and decided to adopt a get rich quick mentality without

    having to lift a straw This is a criticism which is often directed at young people in our

    society today, however, isnt this the essence of western society? Isnt this how the West

    got rich? Once again propaganda has made us believe that it is due to hard work that the

    West is wealthy today, when in reality it is because African people have been working

    and are still working to enrich them. This also demonstrates the absolute power of

    propaganda which is to make people believe that which is not true. In fact, western

    society is nothing more than a vast propaganda machine. The motto of the Europeans

    became war means wealth, peace means poverty. They decided to wage war and

    enslave and exploit each other in order to acquire this wealth, and eventually when they

    came into contact with the peaceful peoples of the New World, Africa and the PacificIslands it was very easy for them to accomplish their goal.

    Before the racist government in South Africa bludgeoned Steve Biko to death, he stated

    that the most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.

    That is exactly why the West from the very beginning of slavery and colonialism targeted

    African children and never left their education in the hands of African people? It is

    through the educational system they have been able to organise our childrens education

    around their interests and goals in detriment to our own in order to maintain their control.

    The time has come for our community to educate African children according to the goals

    and aspirations of African people. African parents must teach their children the true

    history of Africa because only when they do, will they want to promote our interests andnot the interests of others. Promoting the interests of African people is one of the greatest

    fears of the western world because they know that when people feel confident and good

    about themselves it is very difficult to manipulate and control them, and that is the reason

    they have always ensured that African children receive an inferior quality of education

    which denigrate their motherland and the achievements of their people.

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    In conclusion, there is a macabre ritual which takes place after every general election in

    the industrialized countries which have nuclear weapons. The outgoing and the incoming

    president are left alone for 15 minutes as they share a secret code which only the

    president has access to. According to the theory, when there are no other options left, the

    president will simply type in the secret code, press a button and release nuclear weapons

    which can obliterate almost the entire planet. In their bible, the West has already told uswhat their solution will be when the end comes, and their world falls apart .This ritual is a

    warning to African people that if we do not want this planet obliterated by people who

    have never had any respect whatsoever for human life, we do not have another instant to

    lose. Professor Wilson warned us before he died that our days on this planet are

    numbered if African people refuse to make the strategic decisions and the right choices

    required today.

    That is why there must be a complete paradigm shift in the way of thinking in the African

    communities around the world. And that paradigm shift will only come when our people

    have the right information. It is my hope that this article will contribute in some small

    way to helping African people and especially African parents get the right information in

    order to save our children and hasten the end of the unfair western capitalist system.

    Black parents must understand that an African centred education is an absolute necessity

    for African children if we are to offset the damage from the slave school which we now

    know was never intended to educate African children to become wholesome, functioning

    members of society in the first place.

    We should already be preparing to restore the African system that our ancestors left us in

    its untainted form after the coming tsunami has passed since it is undoubtedly one of the

    best that humans have ever invented. In other words, the New World Order. It was

    Africas genius which attracted her oppressors to her shores, it was her tremendouswealth and the genius of her people why they were enslaved, and it will be the genius of

    African people again that will liberate them from Western tyranny and bring peace back

    to this planet. That is why it is no accident that Africans were the first inhabitants of this


    This article is dedicated to the memory of George G.M James author of Stolen Legacy

    who paid the ultimate price because he dared to tell African people the truth and to my

    nieces and nephews generation, who are soon to be or are already parents, so that their

    children do not grow up as ignorant as my generation and their generation were

    concerning the history of African people and of the world.

    You can stop the messenger but you can never stop the message. Today luckily we have a

    formidable messenger in the internet to spread that message.

    The 42 divine principles of MAAT:

    Related Articles on this site: Skin bleaching This behaviour is a direct consequence of

    children who did not receive an African centred education.
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    To be distributed widely, especially to parents with school age children. This article may

    also be posted on blogs and websites or in any printed material around the globe without

    the permission of the author. It should also be translated into African languages and read

    aloud in areas where our people are unable to read and write.

    To comment on this article please click on ajouter un commentaire in the bottom right

    hand corner of the screen.

    Do log on to our new series called Demystifying the world of business for African


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