Page 1: Why Companies Don't Book You: 10 Ways You Are Hurting Your Chances



A Promo Rockstars PublicationWritten by Edwin J. Goitia

Page 2: Why Companies Don't Book You: 10 Ways You Are Hurting Your Chances

#1: YOUR PHOTOS• Not clear/grainy• Not professional • Use of some/too many filters (companies want AUTHENTIC people)• Too much jewelry/tattoos shown• Cropped/Group photos• Inappropriate/Irrelevant photos (share photos

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#2: YOUR RESUME• Irrelevant Experience• Not enough experience• Not enough job responsibility detail• Missing the most relevant aspects related to the position you’re applying for.• Missing skills/credentials/certifications required.• Resume is too long (one-pager should be default, unless company asks for

more detailed resume!)• Resume is overly-simplistic, or much too over-the-top• Adding things to your resume that either don’t apply or that you are not

experienced in. (easiest way to shoot yourself in the foot, when it comes time to interview!)

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#3: YOUR EMAIL INTRO • Unprofessional• Too short/lengthy in detail/description• Email focuses on what you will get out of the business transaction, versus

what how it will be a win-win for the company in question.• Email ends abruptly (no “Thank you and have a great day. Hope to hear

from back you!”)• Run-on sentences, not straight to the point.• Demanding work right away• Email Signature is missing/irrelevant/messy• Missing contact info/website/social media links

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• Every application typically comes with concise instructions• Not following these instructions is an easy way to hang yourself• Typically instructions include:

• Specific Subject Headers• Specific Personal Information Needed From You• Attachments Required• What Needs To Be Shown In Your Resume (rare)• Specific Types of Photos Relevant to the Gig• Email to send information to

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#5: OVERCOMMUNICATION• Don’t be desperate by emailing a company over and over again.• Asking a company to confirm receipt of a resume/application is typically

smart to do perhaps within a week after sending (not right away, though)• Asking “Did I get the job?” in a follow-up email is probably not a good

idea, either.• Calling and leaving voicemails to see if you got the gig (also not smart)• Breathe, realize others are competing for the position, and keep yourself

busy with other activities.• If it’s meant to be, and you are the best fit, the company will hire you.

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#6: YOUR INTERVIEW STYLE• Too aggressive?

• If you come off too aggressive, the immediate thought of the hiring manager is:• Is this person a “control freak”?• Can I trust this person?• Will this person be more of a hassle to hire than to not?

• Too passive?• Will this person be on top of things?• Are they passionate about their work?• Will things fall apart under their control or supervision?

• Uncertain?• Is this person confident enough to handle tasks at hand?• Confident enough to portray the brand in a positive light?• Do they even care? Or is it just about the money for them?

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#7: IMPATIENCE• Sitting by your phone• Constantly checking your emails• Constantly refreshing your email inbox• Getting anxious while waiting for that “call” or “confirmation email”• Do yourself a favor, and don’t get too caught up playing the waiting

game.• Keep yourself as busy and productive as possible. • You’ll either be booked or you won’t. Either way, it’s not the end of the


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#8: NOT FOLLOWING THROUGH• If you just apply, and sit idly by, expecting to just get hired always, this is

a sure-fire way to fail.• Ensure that you at least follow-up once for every gig you apply to (either

by checking the portal, checking your emails once more for any replies/confirmations, or even sending a quick thank you email)

• Not answering back emails/phone calls does not look professional and can lead to not getting booked in the future (you may seem unreliable)

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#9: PAST PERFORMANCE • Past performance and track record with a companies prior programs is

crucial.• Sometimes, past performance with an account manager from one

company, moves on with them to another company that you may be interviewing with now (don’t think you can run away from your past problems forever!)

• Better to always leave a company with amazing performance and no negative feelings. Otherwise, it may come bite you in the behind later on!

• When interviewing, ensure that you share your most impactful and memorable experiences from a gig that is relevant to what you are currently interviewing for.

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#10: NEGATIVE PEER FEEDBACK• Your reputation is currency in this industry.• Without a solid reputation, chances of getting booked are harder.• Serious damage control must be done in order to undue the effects of

negative past performances with a company.• Time does heal, somewhat. But only to a certain extent.• Your references may hold up, but what about your reference’s references?• You never know who might piss off or rub the wrong way in the field.

Ensure that things are smoothed up before moving on to other programs (or negative past experiences may come back to haunt you!)

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