


DURATA: 89 minuti

MUSIC: Radiohead, Depeche Mode, The stupid orchestra

DIRECTOR: Franny Armstrong

PRODUCER: Litzy Gillett

EDITOR: David G. Hill

COMPOSER: Chris Brierley



The protagonist is a man who lives alone in a land devasted in 2055.He is watching images dating back to 2008 and wondering “Why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?” the Film tells us six stories:

•At Duvenray,an area which suffered the effects of Hurricane Katrina, a man contributed to the rescue, reflecting on his work in the oil industry and its negative effects .

An Indian businessman Jehangir Wadia explains how he created his low-cost airline GoAire and his desire to make every person able to travel by air.

Two Iraqi children, Jamila and Adnan, emigrated to Jordan because of the war in Iraq, speak of their father’s death.

A British family on a tour of Mont Blanc glacier in France, with Fernand Pareau, a guide of 82 years, who is observing the intense glacier retreat throughout his life. This guide also talks about the problems connected with the road transport through the tunnel of Mont Blanc and his activism to prevent the planned increase of road traffic.

Piers Guy, the father of the previous British family, talks about his efforts to promote and build the Wind Farm with wind turbines.He also explains how it is blocked by people who, despite their efforts to fight global warming, don’t want these wind turbines on their land despite the risks of ruining the landscape with a typical NIMBY attitude.

Layefa Malemi is a Nigerian woman who struggles to emerge from poverty coexisting with the problems of the oil exstracted in her country. She speaks of her aspirations to become a doctor and the impact of the exploitaion of Nigerian oil by Shell at the expenses of health, safety and the environment in her land.

This film was instructive and educational because seeing the melting of glaciers and all the environmental pollution and destruction as consequences of our actions, we can understand the risks we are going to face if we go on behaving in this manner. It shocked us because they are true, real facts that could happen in a not too distant future. All this could be avoided with the help of all the peoples in the world, but also doing things in our simple everyday routine with a more responsible behaviour, such as using more often public transport, recycling and preserving resources we do not really need.

Quintini, Vitaloni, Oldani, Zamboni, Meriggi, Biancardi, De Musso, Cantamessi, Marchetti

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