Page 1: WHY DO COMMUNITIES HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS · 2019-10-20 · SHARON: Wow, so it’s pretty clear that your grandmother doesn’t derive happiness from possessions or material things

rank • possession • invest • evolve • derive • prosperity

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UNIT 5.08



Day 1 Action NewsReader’s Theater

Day 2 Characters’ Perspectives

Day 3 Word Study

Day 4 Journals and JourneysInformational Text

Day 5 Article

Day 6 Word WorkActivity

Day 7 Math

Day 8 Prepare to Debate

Day 9 Prepare to DebateDebate

Day 10 Writing

Page 2: WHY DO COMMUNITIES HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS · 2019-10-20 · SHARON: Wow, so it’s pretty clear that your grandmother doesn’t derive happiness from possessions or material things

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Action News

Day 1

What brings happiness?The Legatum Prosperity Index


Hello, student viewers! Sharon Wright here with breaking news that could affect your very happiness! Tell me Reid, how happy are you—really?


How happy am I? I think I’m extremely happy. Why do you ask?

SHARON: Well Reid, I was just reading the Legatum Prosperity Index.

REID: Whoa, the what? The who?

SHARON: Sorry! This is a report that annually ranks the levels of happiness of people around the world. It takes into account 89 variables that are grouped into eight categories. They look at things that people say make them happy: access to education, health, freedom, social networks; things like that.

REID: But I thought prosperity meant having money. If you’re prosperous, aren’t you rich?

SHARON: Not quite. Think about it: If you have lots of money and possessions but no friends, and you’re unhealthy, then this index would not say that your prosperity level is high.

REID: So happiness to me means having a nice family and a good job and a nice car. But my grandmother, who moved here from Ikaria last year, isn’t happy even though she seems to have everything. We bought her a nice house and a new car, and she only lives 10 minutes away from us, but she says she’s sad.

SHARON: I’ve heard of Ikaria! It’s an island in Greece where people live really long lives and don’t seem to get sick or depressed.

REID: That’s the place! My grandmother says she misses her friends and sharing with her neighbors. She was always busy with her garden and her animals, but here she says she has nothing to do. She doesn’t feel useful. And now she says she’s feeling old for the very first time.

SHARON: Wow, so it’s pretty clear that your grandmother doesn’t derive happiness from possessions or material things. Having close friends, a community, a purpose, and something to do makes her happy.

REID: I’m hoping she can find happiness here. Otherwise, she might move back, and we’d miss her. So, what else does the index say about happiness?

SHARON: Well, they rank the European nation of Norway as the happiest place. But they rank Zimbabwe, an African nation, as one of the saddest places to live in the world.

REID: Why is Zimbabwe ranked so low in terms of their happiness?

SHARON: There is a lot of crime, so people don’t feel secure. Health care is bad, and transportation doesn’t work very well. In other words, Zimbabwe doesn’t seem to invest in the well-being of its citizens.

REID: Poor Zimbabwe!

SHARON: It makes me wonder if unhappy places or people stay that way or if happiness can one day be theirs?

REID: I sure hope that change is possible, Sharon! It’s terrible to see my grandmother so unhappy. But she has made a couple of friends at the local Greek Orthodox Church, so maybe as her relationships evolve here she’ll become happy!

Action News continues on the next page.

Page 3: WHY DO COMMUNITIES HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS · 2019-10-20 · SHARON: Wow, so it’s pretty clear that your grandmother doesn’t derive happiness from possessions or material things

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Action News, continued

Day 1

What brings happiness?

SHARON: I sure hope so, Reid. She has family and security, and now she’s developing a new social network. We’ll check back in a few months to check on your grandmother’s quality of life, or should I say, prosperity! This is Sharon Wright, signing off!

Discussion question: What does prosperity mean to you?

Page 4: WHY DO COMMUNITIES HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS · 2019-10-20 · SHARON: Wow, so it’s pretty clear that your grandmother doesn’t derive happiness from possessions or material things

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Reader’s Theater

Day 1

What brings happiness?Discussing Puerto Rico, Texas, and Denmark


1 Robinson: Hey guys! How was your break? I had the best time in Puerto Rico! I went to the beach every day with my cousins and played soccer until it got dark. It was estupendo.

2 Beverly: I went to Texas to visit my mom’s side of the family. It is SO different from what I’m used to. San Antonio is great. Everyone seems to think it’s okay to have a gun there, which is pretty cool. I even got to shoot at some coffee cans with my cousins. It was awesome! Did you go anywhere, Caspar?

3 Caspar: I went to Copenhagen. It was amazing. No guns there, though. It’s against the law for anyone except police officers to have them.

4 Beverly: Where is this peace-loving Copenhagen? Never heard of it. Is it around here?

5 Caspar: Not quite. It’s the capital of Denmark. It’s all the way over in Europe.

6 Freba: Wait, who do you know in Denmark? I have relatives there!

7 Caspar: We didn’t know anyone when we went. My mom’s company sent her there. It was amazing. My mom loved it so much that she wanted to stay. She didn’t have to work very long hours, and she got lots of time off to be with us. We got to camp and hike and travel. And she still got paid. My parents say now they know why Danes are ranked as some of the world’s happiest people.

8 Robinson: Hold on. Someone out there is ranking how happy people in different countries are?

9 Caspar: I thought it was funny too, but people write reports and rank the happiest and unhappiest places in the world. They’re called “prosperity” reports.

10 Robinson: Prosperity? The English word prosperous is próspero in Spanish, like ¡Próspero Año Nuevo! That’s when someone wishes you a prosperous new year. I think it means they hope you’re happy and healthy and make money in the new year.

11 Beverly: Well, money and health are important, but I don’t think people can be happy unless they feel safe. Everyone should get to live in safe neighborhoods and protect what they’ve worked for. My cousin and I decided that as soon as we turn 18, we’re going to buy a truck and a gun to protect it. Maybe Texans are happier than other people because they have a way to protect themselves.

12 Freba: Wow, Beverly, are you serious? My family is from Afghanistan where guns are everywhere and no one is safe. There’s a lot of violence, and that’s why we left. It’s out of control. I think happiness has to do with peace and freedom and especially having access to education.

13 Robinson: But everybody has the right to go to school, don’t they?

Reader’s Theater continues on the next page.

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Reader’s Theater, continued

Day 1

What brings happiness?

14 Freba: No. In some parts of the world, only people with money can get a good education. But the worst part is that a lot of girls don’t get to go to school.

15 Robinson: What? I still don’t get it. Isn’t it a requirement that all kids have to go to school here?

16 Freba: That’s what is so great about this country. I can’t believe some kids hate school. I love my desk, my books, my pencils, my teacher—this is happiness to me!

17 Caspar: School’s okay sometimes. But what makes me happy is hiking, biking, and being outside. I feel healthier if I’m active. You can’t feel happy if you’re sick. My dad had a heart attack because he was working too many hours and not getting enough exercise. He had to stay home for a long time and couldn’t do anything. He was not happy.

18 Beverly: But no one is happy all the time, right? And I think people change their ideas about what makes them happy, don’t they?

19 Caspar: My mother said her idea of happiness evolved when we went to Denmark. She looked so happy and was really relaxed. Now that we’re back, she keeps saying people work too hard in the U.S. and don’t get enough time to enjoy life.

20 Robinson: Come to think of it, I was a lot happier in Puerto Rico than I am here. I got to be outside all day. My family was everywhere. Everybody knew each other and looked out for each other. Here, we don’t know most of our neighbors, and my mother worries if I go out on the street. I miss that kind of freedom . . .

21 Freba: Well, I’m super happy here and so is my family, even though I miss my relatives and my home in Afghanistan. We had to spend a lot of money and effort to come here, but it’s definitely worth the investment.

22 Caspar: You know what I think we should invest in right now?

23 Robinson: What?

24 Caspar: A large pepperoni pizza!

25 Beverly: Caspar, I think we would all derive great pleasure from your food selection.

Discussion question: What makes you happy? Rank your choices from most important to least important.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________

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Characters’ Perspectives

Day 2

What brings happiness?

Beverly thinks that:

People are happier when they are secure.

Texans are happier because they have good health care.

People should not be allowed to carry guns to protect their property.

Caspar thinks that:

Living a healthy lifestyle leads to happiness.

It’s important to be safe and secure and protect personal property.

The U.S. should be ranked above Denmark in the Legatum Prosperity Index.

Freba thinks that:

The American education system is better than the system in Denmark.

Kids in the U.S. should be grateful for being able to get an education.

Anyone can be happy if they spend a lot of time with friends and family.

The Declaration of Independence states that American citizens have certain rights, including the right to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” In your opinion, how do people in your community pursue happiness?






Robinson thinks that:

He would be happier if he were not required to attend school.

Soccer is a healthier sport than hiking.

Having a close connection to his loved ones makes him happy.

Beverly, Caspar, Freba, and Robinson

Page 7: WHY DO COMMUNITIES HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS · 2019-10-20 · SHARON: Wow, so it’s pretty clear that your grandmother doesn’t derive happiness from possessions or material things

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Word Study

Day 3

What brings happiness?A Closer Look at Our Focus Words

rank possession invest

(verb) to put in a specific order; to rate; to be positioned within an order(noun) a position in society or an organization

(noun) an object that is owned, property; ownership

(verb) to put resources (money, time, energy) toward a goal, expecting a future benefit

Rank these foods from best to worst: pizza, salad, peanut butter sandwich, and ice cream.

What are your favorite possessions?

Which would you rather invest in: a new pet or a new television?

possessive (adjective) not wanting to share possess (verb) to own

investment (noun) the act of putting resources into something

Which student would rank reading above playing video games?

Which is a more valuable possession?

Which person invested in his plant?

rango (It) posesión (Sp) investir (Fr)

Insignias are symbols that soldiers wear to show their ranks. Soldiers first receive an insignia when they reach the second private rank, private E-2. A soldier at the lowest rank, private E-1, receives no insignia.

Many people have a “most valued possession.” This is the possession that is the most important to them. A most valued possession might have no monetary value at all. What makes the possession valuable are the memories attached to it.

The antonym of invest is divest. To divest means to take away support or resources, with the intention of causing harm. Many people and organizations divest from companies that harm the environment or treat their workers unfairly.

Other Forms of the Word


Turn and Talk



Choose a picture

Page 8: WHY DO COMMUNITIES HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS · 2019-10-20 · SHARON: Wow, so it’s pretty clear that your grandmother doesn’t derive happiness from possessions or material things

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Word Study, continued

Day 3

What brings happiness?

evolve derive prosperity

(verb) to slowly become better or more advanced; to mature

(verb) to get something from a source; to come from

(noun) the state of having success, wealth, or happiness

Everyone evolves as they grow up. Between kindergarten and fifth grade, how have you evolved?

What do you derive happiness from?

Can you achieve prosperity without having a lot of money?

evolution (noun) the process of changing over time evolved (adjective) changed or advanced

derivation (noun) source or origin

prosperous (adjective) successful; wealthy

Which is an example of technology that has evolved more?

Which of these products is derived from a plant source?

Which is more likely to bring prosperity?

évoluer (Fr) derivar (Por) prosperidad (Sp)

Recent science has shown that birds evolved from dinosaurs. Most likely, it appears that they came from small meat-eating dinosaurs like the velociraptor.

Many things derive from corn. For example, citric acid used in ice cream and mozzarella cheese is derived from corn. Corn starch, used in baby powder, also derives from corn.

Star Trek fans, or Trekkies, may greet you with a certain hand sign and the phrase, “Live long and prosper.” This is known as the Vulcan salute, and resembles greetings and blessings used in many parts of the world.

Other Forms of the Word


Turn and Talk



Choose a picture

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Journals and Journeys

Day 4

What brings happiness?Grace’s Journal








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Journals and Journeys, continued

Day 4

What brings happiness?

Discussion questions: Why is Grace’s cousin Benjamin considering fighting alongside the British? How does Grace feel about this?






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Informational Text

Day 4

What brings happiness?Assembling an Army to Defeat the British

The colonists needed strong leadership and heroic soldiers to fight in the Revolution. In 1775, George Washington was persuaded to leave his life of prosperity to serve in the colonists’ Continental Army with the rank of commander. Under his leadership, the Continental Army evolved into a force that was able to eventually defeat the British.

But it was not only military leadership that helped the colonists win the war. In December of 1776, the Colonial Army was not doing well. They suffered several defeats and were trying to survive a terrible winter. One soldier, Thomas Paine, used the writing skills in his possession to write a moving essay from which soldiers derived the strength to fight on.

The soldiers who invested their lives to secure independence for the American colonies included African Americans. Peter Salem, who had been freed from slavery, fought in many battles and was said to have killed a leader of the British military in the Battle of Bunker Hill in Boston.

It was against the law for women to be soldiers, but some women pretended to be men so that they could fight the British. Other women were spies.

It took people from all walks of life to defeat the British army!

Discussion question: Would you rather have been a soldier or a spy during the Revolutionary War? Or is there another role you would rather have taken on?

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Day 5

What brings happiness?What really makes people happy?

Turn and Talk: Think of the people around you. Whom are you grateful to have in your life? With a partner, choose five people that make you happy and discuss why. You will make a gratitude visit to one of the people on this list.

Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! If you are near someone from Spain or another Spanish-speaking country, you might hear, “¡Salud! ¡Dinero! ¡Amor!”—“Health! Money! Love!”—in response to your sneezes. These are three items that are expected to bring you a life of happiness. But what really makes us happy?

Let’s begin with money. Many people rank financial prosperity as one of the top items that will bring them happiness. And in some cases, it’s true. People who can’t afford enough food, a place to live, and other necessities are less happy. But there’s a limit to the happiness money brings. While having more possessions may bring joy for a short time, studies find that if you have the necessities, the happiness you gain from that new video game is likely to last for only a short while.

Health is an interesting factor in happiness. Exercise and healthy eating have been shown to relieve stress and improve mood. However, it might surprise you to learn what scientists found when they surveyed people who suffered injuries that caused them to use a wheelchair or even lose a limb. They found that these people evolved over time to be just as happy as they were before their accidents!

Lastly, friends and loving relationships have been proven to make people happier. People who regularly share a game, laugh, or even a good book with a friend or family member are happier than people who don’t.

A new idea that scientists are exploring is that our happiness might partly come from our parents. Not the vacations they plan or the meals they cook at dinner, but from the information inside their cells—their DNA. If this is true, then if your grandparents were happy people, you will have a better chance of being a happy person. So besides having lots of fun with our friends and family, what can we do to invest in our happiness? Psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky recommends keeping a gratitude journal. This is a notebook where you give thanks for things in your life. Dr. Lyubomirsky studied a group of people who wrote in their gratitude journals once a week. She found that they were able to raise their level of happiness. She compared this group to another group that did not keep gratitude journals. As you can imagine, the second group’s happiness levels stayed the same. Dr. Martin Seligman is a psychologist who studies happiness. He says that gratitude visits are another great way to make people happier. First, you choose someone who has helped you in some way—a teacher, coach, grandparent, etc. Next, you write a letter to that person explaining why you are thankful for them, and you share some good memories of time you’ve spent together. Finally, you visit the person and read him or her the letter you wrote. Dr. Seligman found that people who made gratitude visits stayed happier for over a month!




Page 13: WHY DO COMMUNITIES HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS · 2019-10-20 · SHARON: Wow, so it’s pretty clear that your grandmother doesn’t derive happiness from possessions or material things

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Word Work

Day 6

What brings happiness?Can you believe how possessive some nouns can be?

Some people believe that material possessions will bring them happiness. These people want a lot of things. Some people don’t like to share their possessions. We call these people possessive. If your brother doesn’t share his new bike with you, we might describe your brother as possessive. Did you know that words can also be possessive? Nouns (people, places, or things) can “own” other words. For example, in the sentence The student’s backpack is in the closet, the student owns the backpack. We show this ownership by adding ’s to the word student. We call “student’s” a possessive noun. Rewrite each sentence using a possessive noun. Hint: Think first about which object belongs to a noun in the sentence.

1. The books that Arnold possesses give him new ideas.



2. The investment my mom made is doing very well.



3. We like to play with the soccer ball that I gave my sister.



4. The flower had many colorful petals.



Discussion question: What would you say to a friend who is possessive to try to convince him or her to share their possessions?

Now that you know about possessive nouns, be sure not to confuse them with contractions. Contractions are words that are formed from two other words. Look at the following two sentences:

Look at the following sentences and decide whether the underlined word is a contraction or a possessive noun.

Sam’s boots were full of mud. ◽ contraction ◽ possessive noun

She’s learning how to salsa dance. ◽ contraction ◽ possessive noun

Trevor’s going to the concert. ◽ contraction ◽ possessive noun

The tree’s branch swayed with the wind. ◽ contraction ◽ possessive noun

Simone’s a graceful dancer. Here, the word Simone’s is a contraction of

Simone + is.Try reading the sentence with and without the

contraction. It makes sense both ways!

Simone’s ballet class is advanced.

But here, the word Simone’s is a possessive noun.

Try reading this sentence using “Simone is.” It makes no sense! Simone’s is not a contraction this time!

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Day 6

What brings happiness?Gratitude Visit

On Day 5, you learned about a couple of ways to invest in your happiness. Today you will make a gratitude visit and see if it makes you happier. In a gratitude visit, you visit a person you care about and read the person a letter about how thankful you are for them.

Dear ____________________________________ ,















Now write your letter. First, choose a person who has been especially kind to you but has never been properly thanked. This could be a teacher, parent, grandparent, coach, etc. Make sure that you can visit this person today. In your letter, explain why you are thankful for having this person in your life. It is helpful to share specific memories of a time when that person made you feel good.

Before writing your letter, rate how happy you are on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 is “not happy at all,” and 10 is “very happy”):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

After making your gratitude visit, rate your happiness again using this scale from 1 to 10 (1 is “not happy at all,” and 10 is “very happy”):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Otessa wants to be more active. She read about a plan for a healthier America called Let’s Move! And she learned that the program recommends that children get 60 minutes of physical activity five times a week.

1. Choose the expression that shows how many minutes of physical activity children should get each month, then solve the expression. (Hint: There are about four weeks in a month.)

a) (60 x 5) x 4b) 60 ÷ (5 + 4)c) (60 ÷ 5) x 4d) (60 x 4) + 5

2. Otessa wanted to make sure she was getting 5 hours of exercise each week, so she decided to write down all of her physical activity in a notebook. Take a look at Otessa’s activity log below. Did she meet her goal?

3. It takes Otessa 25 minutes to get to her dance class on Mondays and Fridays. If her class ends at 5:30, at what time should Otessa leave her apartment?


Day 7

What brings happiness?Exercise, Endorphins, and Happiness

Everyone has a different recipe that they follow in order to lead a happy life. What some people derive happiness from might not work for others. But there is one ingredient that most people agree is sure to lift your spirits: exercise. You may already know that exercise helps keep your body strong, healthy, and looking good, but did you know that exercise also gives you more energy and helps you sleep better? Plus, humans have evolved to produce chemicals called endorphins as we exercise, which make us happier!

Monday 1/2 hour bike ride, 3/4 hour dance class

Tuesday 1/3 hour soccer, 1/3 hour tag, 1/3 hour bike ride

Wednesday 1/4 hour walking, 3/4 hour swimming

Thursday 1/2 hour basketball, 1/3 hour walking

Friday 1/3 hour tag, 3/4 hour dance class

Discussion questions: What physical activities do you enjoy? Do you think you are investing enough time in these activities?

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Prepare to Debate

Day 8

What brings happiness?

How should the fifth-grade class invest the prize money?

Scenario: The fifth-grade class at Winter Hill Academy received a prize from the mayor for reading the most books. The students must all agree on how to spend the prize money. Try to convince your classmates which option would bring more happiness and why.

Today you will work with your classmates to gather evidence for your assigned perspective.

Split the money so every student

gets $25 for their own purpose.

Fund a camping

trip at the end

of the year.

Invest in gym equipment.

Buy new

electronics for

the fifth-grade


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Prepare to Debate

Days 8 and 9

What brings happiness?

How should the fifth-grade class invest the prize money?


______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________










Use this space to gather notes before and during the debate.

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Day 9

What brings happiness?

How should the fifth-grade class invest the prize money?

Use of focus words

rank ____________

possession ____________

invest ____________

evolve ____________

derive ____________

prosperity ____________

Fairness Did everyone get an opportunity to speak?

▢ yes ▢ no

Examples: _______________________________________________________________________



Norms Did everyone follow the debate norms?

▢ yes ▢ no

Examples: _______________________________________________________________________



Debate Was the debate interesting?

▢ yes ▢ no

Why? ___________________________________________________________________________



Arguments What arguments did others use?

Examples: _______________________________________________________________________




Tally how many times the focus words were used. �

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Day 10

What brings happiness?Making Your Community a Happier Place

Many countries use their gross national income (GNI) to measure their prosperity. The GNI is calculated by adding up the value of the total earnings of the residents of the country. The GNI of the U.S. is one of the top ranked in the world. In 1971, Bhutan, a small country in Asia, decided that they would focus on their gross national happiness (GNH) rather than GNI. After establishing that people derive happiness from a healthy environment, good government, strong culture, and strong economy, the country of Bhutan invested in these four things. While Bhutan still faces its challenges, many people agree that it is a better place to live than it was in 1970.

Your assignment: The president has decided to work on the GNH of the U.S. and has selected you to join a task force. Before your next meeting, you must come up with a plan for increasing the happiness of your community. Below, write a statement that you will read to the president when you have your meeting. You must include:

your definition of happiness

a list of items that make happy communities

your plan for how to increase the happiness of your community





















Now, check your writing. Did you…

write your own opinion about the issue?give reasons to support your opinion?include focus words to make your writing stronger?

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