
Why don't they look alike? Heredity What are chromosomes? Instructions for Ms. Parkovnick Blue Eyes Tall CHROMOSOMES Reproduction Advantages to asexual? Sexual Reproduction Disadvantages to sexual reproduction Why don't we just asexually reproduce? Ways to asexually reproduce Cloning What is cloning? Types of cloning Therapeutic cloning and stem cells Examples of Stem Cells Reproductive Cloning in Animals July 5, 1996 Took 277 attempts! Sadly... What else has been cloned? goats, cows, mice, pigs, dogs, cats, rabbits, horses and camels Problems? Where is cloning used? Mass production of livestock and crop plants Cloning genetically modified organisms Cloning endangered species. Mass production of livestock and crop plants Cloning genetically modified organisms or transgenic organisms Applications of Transgenic Animals CLONING ENDANGERED SPECIES

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