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For verily Allah has sent down a glorious book which is guidance and a mercy for mankind as He the Most High has said:

◌ قد جاءكم م�ن � نور وكتاب مبين۞ � � رضوانه سبل الس$م يھدي به � من اتبع 16-15 :المائدة

Verily there has come to you (all) from Allah light and a clear book. Allah guides by it those who follow his pleasure to the pathways of


And Allah also said:

ولقد جئناھم بكتاب فصلناه على ع � لم ھدى ورحمة لقوم يؤمنون � 52 :ا?عراف

And we have come unto them with a book, which We explained in detail, a guide and a mercy to a believing people.

And He the Most High stated:

�الر كتاب أنزلناه إليك لتخرج النا س من الظلمات إلى النور بإذن رب�ھم إلى صراط � � العزيز الحميد

2-1 :إبراھيم

Aleef. Laam. Raa. A Book which We have revealed to you, in order that you might lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into

light by the leave of their Lord to the Path of the All Mighty, worthy of all praise!

يا أيھا الناس قد جاءتكم موعظة من رب�كم وشفاء لما في الصدور وھدى ورحمة � � �

للمؤمنين ۞ قل بفضل � وبرحمته فبذلك فليف � رحوا ھو خير مما يجمعون � 57-58 :يونس

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O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord, and a healing for that (disease of ignorance, doubt, hypocrisy and so on.) in your breasts, - a guidance and a mercy for the believers.

58. Say: "In the Bounty of Allah, and in His Mercy; -therein let them rejoice." That is better than what they amass.

Therefore, the Quran is a blessing a guide a mercy and a healing for the believers from Allah. This glorious book consists of

everything that mankind needs in all matters that pertain to their worldly life and the hereafter. Allah has also placed therein

commandments and prohibitions of total clarity in order for us to know the boundaries of Allah so as not to transgress them as Allah

has said:

Sأ ◌ له الخلق وا?مر تبارك � رب العالمين � � 54 :ا?عراف

Surely, His is the Creation and the Commandment, Blessed is Allah, the Lord of All Creation.

And He stated with regard to His prohibitions:

وقد فصل لكم ما � حرم عليكم إS ما اضطررتم إليه وإن كثيرا ليضلون بأھوائھم بغير � � � علم إن ربك ھو أعلم بالمعتدين � �

119 : ا?نعام

And He has explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you, except under compulsion of necessity. And surely many do lead

(mankind) astray by their own desires through lack of knowledge. Certainly your Lord knows best the transgressors.

While He also said:

وتلك حدود � ومن يتعد حدود � فقد ظلم نف � � � سه S تدرى لعل � يحدث بعد ذلك � � أمرا الط$ق :1

And those are the set limits of Allah. And whosoever transgresses

the set limits of Allah, then indeed he has wronged himself

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From the matters that Allah the Most high has prohibited the believers from in His glorious book is for them to have similitude or

likeness to Ahlul-Kitaab (the Jews and Christians) as Allah has said:

وS تكونوا كالذين نسوا � فأنساھم أنفسھم أولئك � ھم الفاسقون � :19 رالحش

And be not like those who forgot Allah so He made them forget

their own souls! Such are the rebellious transgressors!

And He said:

ألم يأن للذين آمنوا أن تخشع قلوبھم لذكر � وما نزل من الحق وS يكون � � � وا كالذين � أوتوا الكتاب من قبل فطال عليھم ا?مد فقست قلوبھم وكثير منھم فاسقون

16 : الحديد

Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism) to be affected by Allâh's Reminder (this Qur'ân), and that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become as those who received the Scripture [the

Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] before (i.e. Jews and Christians), and the term was prolonged for them and so their

hearts were hardened? And many of them were Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient to Allâh).

Ibn Katheer -may Allah have mercy on him- said in his explanation

of the previous ayah "and for this reason Allah prohibited the believers from resembling them (i.e. the Jews and Christians) in

any of the fundamental or subsidiary matters."

يا أيھا الذين آمنوا S تقولوا راعنا وقولوا انظرنا واسمعوا وللكافرين عذاب أليم � �

104 :البقرة

O you who believe! Say not (to the Messenger Sal-Allaahu 'alayhe Wa Sallam ) Râ'ina but say Unzurna (Do make us understand) and

hear. And for the disbelievers there is a painful torment

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While he (Ibn Katheer) said in his clarification of this ayah "Allah the Most High forbade his believing slaves from imitating the

disbelievers in their statements and their actions.

In many ayaat of His Glorious Book Allah informed us of the ways of Ahlul-Kitaab (the Jews and Christians) and this being for no

reason other than for us as Muslims to abstain from their path and refrain from their methods in which by them they try to alter the

truth as Allah has said to them in admonishment:

وS تلبسوا الحق بالباطل وتكتموا الحق وأنتم تعلمون � � 42 :البقرة

And mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth [i.e. Muhammad Peace be upon him is Allah's Messenger and his

qualities are written in your Scriptures, the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] while you know (the truth).

And He the Most High has also said:

يا أھل الكتاب لم تلبسون الحق بالباطل وتكتمون الحق وأنتم تعلمون � � 71 :نآل عمرا

O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians): "Why do you mix truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know?

I ask Allah to make from those who take heed when reminded, whom He has mentioned in His book in His statement:

وذكر فإن الذكرى تنفع المؤمنين � � � 55 :الذاريات

And remind (O Muhammad Sal-Allaahu 'alayhe Wa Sallam) for verily, the reminding benefits the believers.

So for us not to follow the ways of Ahlul-Kitaab (the Jews and

Christians) –intentionally or inadvertently- seeking by this to delude the people or to distort the truth in an attempt to liberate ourselves from certain errors which we may have fallen into. Since by this

we may enter the admonishment of Allah as he stated:

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ومن يكسب إثما فإنما يكسبه على نفسه وكان � عليما حكيما ۞ � � ومن يكسب خطيئة أو إثما ثم يرم به بريئا فقد احتمل بھتانا وإثما مبينا �

111-112: النساء

And whoever earns sin, he earns it only against himself. And Allâh is Ever All-Knowing, All Wise.

And whoever earns a fault or a sin and then throws it on to someone innocent, he has indeed burdened himself with falsehood

and a manifest sin...

After this brief introduction, I would like to discuss –by the will of Allah- certain matters which I came across in a letter written by Al-Maktabah Assalafiyah (otherwise known as SPUBS) in an attempt to clarify to the people the reason why they were criticized by the

noble Shaykh Yahya bin Ali Al-Hajooree –may Allah preserve him- and others "affiliated" to Damaaj -as they alleged- which

speaking frankly was a misrepresentation and/ misinterpretation on behave of authors which portrayed to the sincere reader the

authors will to debase themselves in order to make their voice heard and Allah's aid is sought. As a result, I then felt obliged to shed light upon these misrepresentations seeking by this to make

clear to the noble readers the honest truth of the matter.

Before I commence however, I would like to point out that it has become quite common for the brothers at Al-Maktabah Assalafiyah

in their clarifications or refutations to use "SPUBS" or "SalafiPublications" as a guise instead of mentioning the authors

name and this in reality is not done without purpose but rather deliberately for many reasons. From the reasons why this would

be done is due to fear on the part of the author which causes him to conceal himself from the public. If indeed this is the

grounds for their guise then I advise them with the statement of the messenger of Allah –sallahu alahi wa salam- when he took the

oath of the companion Ubaadah bin Saamit that he speaks the truth wherever he is and that he not fear (in the way of) Allah the reproach of a blamer. (Al-Bukhari 7055 and Muslim 1709).

This concealment could also have another reason which is: If the clarification or refutation consists of statements liable to

disapproval, then the critic knows not who to reply to and is forced to respond to them generally at which also gives them the

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opportunity to say "I have no knowledge of such a matter" or "I wasn't involved" and so on.

Furthermore, this methodology of composing articles behind the guise of an organization or school or anything of the sort was not known from the Messenger sallahu alahi wa salam or the Salafus-Saalih rather their letters, books and refutations are known and we do not find any of them hiding behind the veil of organization. The Messenger sallahu alahi wa salam when he wrote to Hareqal the

leader of the Romans he said:

������ ����� � ���

From Muhammad the slave of Allah and his Messenger To Hareqal the great of Rome

As is found in Al-Bukhari (7) and Muslim (4707)

Also the books of refutation written by the Salaf the likes of Arrad 'ala Al-Jahmiyah of Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal or Arrad 'ala Bishr

Imreesi of Al-Imaam Addaarami or Khalq af'aal Al-'ibaad of Imam Al-Bukhari or other than them from the different books of refutation then the author is clearly known to the people. Therefore I advise the brothers to leave off this unfounded methodology which has no derivation from the way of Allah's Messenger or the Salafus-Saalih

and to return to their path in this matter.

Proceeding to the Letter

The writers stated in their title:

ktabah Salafiyyah Refuted by Shaikh Yahyah “Why is Maand others affiliated to


This title is in need of some clarity. What is this affiliation to Damaaj?! For us as Muslims are bound by the religion of Allah to an Islamic brotherhood for the sake of Allah as He has stated in

His glorious Book:

إنما المؤمنون إخوة � 10:الحجرات

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The believers are nothing more than brothers.

Whilst from the strongest ties of eeman is to love and hate for the sake of Allah as the Messenger sallahu alahi wa salam has said in the hadeeth reported by Imam Attabaraani on the authority of Ibn

Abbas and authenticated by Al-Albaani in "Assaheeh Al-Jami" (2539) “the strongest ties of Eemaan are coming together for the

sake of Allah and having enmity for the sake of Allah and loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah azza wa jal”. Whilst we have also been commanded to order with good and

forbid evil following the statement of Allah:

ولتكن منكم أمة يدعون إلى الخير ويأمرون بالمعروف وينھون عن المنكر وأولئك �

ھم المفلحون 104: عمرانآل

Let there (arise) out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islâm), enjoining Al-Ma'rûf (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all that Islâm orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islâm has forbidden). And it is they who

are the successful.

As well as the statement of the Messenger sallahu alahi wa salam “whoever from amongst you sees evil than let him change it with

his hand and if he can not do so than with his tongue and if he can not do so then with his heart and that is the weakest (level) of Eemaan. Reported by Muslim on the authority Abu Saeed Al-

Khudri (49).

Therefore if it is intended by this affiliation that it is based on brotherhood for the sake of Allah as well coming together and separating for His sake than this is correct. However, if it is

intended by this affiliation other than that which the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger have permitted than this is totally incorrect and the brothers who put forth their points of

criticism are either students here or brothers who have themselves seen erroneous matters emanating from the brothers at (SPUBS)

and have put forward their clarifications with regard to them.

Furthermore, it could be understood from your statement and “others affiliated Damaaj” that you yourselves have no affiliation

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to Damaaj or the students there and if this is the case than I remind you that this is not permissible in the religion for a person

to have Al-Baraa (the act disassociating from individual, group etc. according to the degree of the error) of a single Muslim without any

justified reason is impermissible and clearly goes against the statement of Allah the Most High:

والمؤمنون والمؤمنات بعضھم أولياء بعض 72:التوبة

The believers, men and women, are Auliyâ' (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another

And the hadeeth that the two Imams Al-Bukhari (2051) and Muslim (1599) narrated on the authority of Nu’maan bin Basheer that the Messenger Sallahu alahi wa salam wa said “the example of the believers in their love for one another and their mercy upon one

another and their harbouring of mutual affection is the likes of the body if one of its limbs suffers the rest of the body cries out (for the

suffering limb) with sleeplessness and fever.

:SPUBS said Salafiyyah emanating -as Maktabah-The attacks against al

managed to youth in Dammaaj who eventually e from somah to speak sufficient deception to convince Shaikh Yahy

Salafiyyah is rooted in the fact -asMaktabah -against alconvinced that Salafiyyah were not -Maktabah as-that al

ee is Jaabir-Ubaid al'the speech against Allaamah …acceptable

The writers claim that the main reason why they were “attacked” was because they were not convinced that the criticisms against Ubaid Al-Jaabiree were valid, consists of much deception and is an attempt to pull the wool of the eyes of the reader and I remind them to fear Allah and know that they will be asked about their

actions in front of Allah the Most High and let them remember the statement of Allah:

يوم تجد كل نفس ما عملت من خير محضرا وما عملت من � � سوء تود لو أن بينھا � � وبينه أمدا بعيدا ويحذركم � نفسه و� رؤف بالعباد �

30:آل عمران

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On the Day when every person will be confronted with all the good he has done, and all the evil he has done, he will wish that there were a great distance between him and his evil. And Allâh warns

you against Himself (His Punishment) and Allâh is full of Kindness to the (His) slaves.

Firstly, there was no such “attack” against Al-Maktabah as the

writers allege the brother Abdullah Al-Hindee simply wrote them a letter –which he privately sent to them- seeking to advise them of

certain mistakes which had reached him of Al-Maktabah Assalafiyah and after some on the part of the brothers at (SPUBS) Abdullah chose to make public their mistakes. While the brothers

at (SPUBS), in the meantime were composing a letter scarce of proofs from the Book and the Sunnah and ample in threat

demanding to meet in the house of Shaykh so and so and so and so in which they denied everything that Abdullah had stated in the advice claiming that it was either a lie or exaggeration on his part

or on the part of the one who had informed him.

Therefore, their claim that they were “attacked” is clearly false and the first letter that Abdullah wrote them can be found in his

article which he titled "The Victory of the Lord of Creation" for the reader to judge whether their claim of an attack is valid. Also in

aforementioned letter there is mention of other mistakes other than their bias towards Ubaid Al-Jaabiree which is clear to any reader

why then this deceit and at what cost. Ya Subhaanallah.

There was also no use of deception nor did any one “try to convince” Shaykh Yahya to speak out about (SPUBS). Before the

brother Abdullah Al-Hindee even presented his article which contained some of the mistakes of (SPUBS) to the Shaykh a

question was posed to the Shaykh related to (SPUBS) soliciting the people even for money which they have come into by way of riba (usury). In return the Shaykh rebuked them for this and also

added that they are known for falling into fitan, the likes of the fitnah of Faalih Al-Harbee, Saalih Al-Bakry and now Ubaid Al-


This as mentioned took place before Abdullah Al-Hindee presented the points of criticism against the Maktabah to the

Shaykh. However, when he finally did submit his article to Shaykh Yahya –may Allah preserve him- read the article and saw it

necessary to speak against their mistakes (SPUBS) once again.

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Therefore, again these are mere allegations and speculations on the part of the Maktabah which they must bring forth evidences to

support them following the statement of the Messenger sallahu alahi wa salam: “Upon the one alleging (something) is (for him to bring forth) the evidence. While the one denying (the allegation is to give his) oath” This wording of the hadeeth was reported by Al-

Bayhaqi 10/252 on the authority of Ibn Abbas and was authenticated by Al-Albani in "Irwaa Al-Ghaleel 8/266". Otherwise

this is sheer swindling and Allah’s aid is sought.

:SPUBS said … were not convinced that the speech against Allaamah

Jaabiree is acceptable according to the -Ubaid al'and therefore refused to , Sunnah-principles of Ahl al

harsh criticisms against Shaikh ) unfounded(accept such Ubaid…'

In an attempt to preserve time I simply ask “what are these so–

called principles of Ahlus-Sunnah which were employed so as not to accept the criticisms against Ubaid Al-Jaabiree”? so that we may make take benefit from them. Being that the brothers at (SPUBS) should be from amongst the first to know that the

detailed criticism takes precedence of the general recommendation. Therefore, these principles of Ahlus-Sunnah which have no mention for some reason in the Maktabah’s article but were however applied by them must be clarified as they are in clear contradiction to the well known principle of Ahlus-Sunnah in “Jarh wa Ta’deel” that the detailed criticism takes precedence

of the general recommendation.

Many of the people who have been following this current fitnah especially in the West have no clear understanding of what really transpired between Shaykh Yahya and Ubaid Al-Jaabiree –may Allah rectify his condition- all that is circulated is “Shaykh Yahya declared Ubaid Al-Jaabiree to be a hizbee” or “he has said harsh words of criticism against Shaykh Ubaid”. While those who are

spreading this speech and it likes are of two categories;

Either they have no real knowledge themselves of what has occurred between them and are forgetting the admonishment of

Allah in his statement:

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Sتقف ما ليس لك به علم إن السمع والبصر والفؤاد كل أولئك كان عنه مسئو Sو � � �

And follow not (O man i.e., say not, or do not or witness not, etc.) that of which you have no knowledge (e.g. one's saying: "I have seen," while in fact he has not seen, or "I have heard," while he

has not heard). Verily! The hearing, and the sight, and the heart, of each of those you will be questioned (by Allâh).

Or they have waged a staunch, undying defense of Ubaid Al-Jaabiree –may Allah correct his situation- with no regard as to what the Book of Allah or the Sunnah of his Messenger sallahu alahi wa salam and the Methodology of the Salafus-Saalih have

declared in this matter so as to see who is in fact is at fault between them.

As for the one who returns to the commentaries and articles

authored by Shaykh Yahya and Ubaid Al-Jaabiree from the time that Ubaid Al-Jaabiree – may Allah grant him the success to return

from his errors- barged into this fitnah in defense of the transgressing hizbee Abdurahmaan Al-Adnee (for more

information related to his fitnah return to who has caused a rift through Ahlus-Sunnah here in Yemen and

elsewhere the likes that has not been seen since the fitnah of Abil-Hassan Al-Ma’ribee. He will clearly see who began the loathsome

slander and harsh criticisms which are only being attributed to Shaykh Yahya where in fact it was he who should much patience

and forbearance to the slander of Ubaid Al-Jabiree and the fabrications he stated about Shaykh Yahya which without doubt

were being dictated to him from Abdurahmaan Al-Adnee and/or his associates.

I take this moment to enlighten the noble readers as to what was stated by Ubaid Al-Jabiree –may Allah rectify his condition- about

Shaykh Yahya before Shaykh Yahya began to reply to his insults.

Was it not then Ubaid Al-Jabiree who stated about Shaykh Yahya:

� However, that which is well-known about Shaykh Yahya –may Allah guide him- is that he offends whoever differs with him in the matters of Ijtihaad and he reviles and detests them while he speaks ill of them and this is the path of the one who has

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been deprived of forbearance and wisdom and has opposed the callers of truth upon clarity. (Annaqd Assaheeh lima Tathamanau Attanbeeh Assaaded…. Of Ubaid Al-Jabiree)

And in a telephone conversation which had taken place between Ubaid Al-Jabiree and a caller from Hathra-Moat, Yemen after the

caller asked him about the on going fitnah between Shaykh Yahya and Muhammad Abdulwahaab and Abdurahman Al-Adnee Ubaid

(may Allah rectify his condition) replied:

� Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahaab Al-Wasaabee is a wise man and the brother Yahya has an insolent tongue and is foul in speech. He has no consideration of anyone’s sanctity if you were to accompany him for ten years it is possible for him to destroy (this relationship) in an hour. He does not proceed upon gentleness though he may possess knowledge however; he is deprived of forbearance and wisdom. Yes. (The transcription of this conversation can be found in the book ‘aon Al-Baree of Shaykh Abdul-Hameed Al-Hajoori pg.86)

He also said in the same phone conversation:

� However, as I have mentioned to you, if you were to board a car for example and you (previously) did not possess a vehicle then there came to you a vehicle sometimes they will say “where did he get this car from?” What is apparent is that Shaykh Yahya and many others do not know the general rule of Hizbiyah. (‘aon Al-Baree pg.87)

� And the individual (i.e. Shaykh Yahya) –may Allah bless you- has an insolent tongue.

And yet in another phone conversation took place between Ubaid

Al-Jabiree and a caller from Indonesia where he said:

� As for Al-Hajooree then he is a fool, the likes of Yahya Al-Hajooree who has deviated the centre that was founded by the eminent personality Shaykh Muqbil –may Allah have mercy on him-. However, Al-Hajooree due to his stupidity and lack of shyness alters it (i.e. the centre) many of the time to what resembles gatherings of evening chat, for he does not speak with the breath of Ahlul’’ilm but rather he speaks with the breath of

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the people of idiocy and shamelessness. (‘aon Al-Baree pg.100)

While Ubaid Al-Jabiree –may Allah correct him- in the same

conversation clearly prohibits studying in Damaaj and put forward an advice to four categories of people:

1. To the first group living in Damaaj everyone living there to depart and to enter join the other different institutes in Yemen. Being that those in charge are more intelligent than Yahya Al-Hajooree.

2. To the second groups his guards (i.e. Shaykh Yahya) to put down their weapons and to refrain from him because by them remaining with him they are aiding him in his stupidity and shamelessness.

3. The third group the tribesmen of Shaykh Muqbil -those amongst them who have capability (of making changes)- and are from the wise are and possess good management (of affairs). They are responsible for the happenings that have taken place from this man (i.e. Shaykh Yahya) by which he has deviated the centre from the Sunnah* to raise his affair to the those in authority (i.e. the government) so that they remove this man from the centre and replace him with someone who will return the centre to what it was upon during the time of Shaykh Muqbil.

(*It is understood from this statement that Darul-Hadeeth bi

Damaaj is no longer on the Sunnah and Allah's aid is sought.)

4. The fourth group those who are arriving to Yemen who desire to seek knowledge from Ahlus-Sunnah there in Yemen. I advise them not to go to Damaaj while it is in its current condition until Al-Hajooree is removed and Allah smoothes the way for a man who will return it to what it was upon during the time of Shaykh Muqbil.

Let the noble readers now honestly judge as to who began the loathsome naming and vilification of the other and the matter is as

Shaykh Abdul-Hameed Al-Hajoori has said in his book (‘aon Al-Baree) “He (Ubaid Al-Jabiree) )mentioned in his disgraceful

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(statement) falsehood and evil the likes that he was not preceded by a detestable hizbee or a stubborn Raafidee".

I forget not to mention that the rocklike defense of Abdurahman Al-Adnee (the hizbee) and his associates by Ubaid Al-Jabiree –may

Allah better his condition- led him to even speak ill of the great Imaam and the Muhadith of his time Abu Bistaam Shu'bah ibn

Hajaaj who Ameer Mu'mineen fil Hadeeth (the leader of the believers in hadeeth -in his time-) Sufyaan bin Saeed bin Masrroq Athoree who is well known as "Imam Athoree" said about him "he ( i.e. Shu'bah) was the first one to scrutinize the Rijaal (narrators of hadeeth) in Iraq and to defend the sunnah. (this statement can be

found in the book 'Tatheeb Attahtheeb' of Ibn Hajr).

Where Ubaid Al-Jabiree –may Allah aid him in returning from his mistakes- stated that the scholars did not accept his

disparagement due to him being excessive and extreme in his criticism, which is without doubt incorrect and this is known to

Ubaid Al-Jabiree himself. As he himself -before this- acknowledged the status of this Imam and the fact that the Muhaditheen (the scholars of hadeeth) use to accept his disparagement of the narrators. (Ubaid Al-Jabiree's prior

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contradiction on the part of Ubaid Al-Jabiree is a result of his unjust defense of Abdurahman Al-Adnee and his associates.

Therefore, we as Ahlus-Sunnah must take heed of this and realize that just because an individual may have knowledge or is deemed to be from the people of knowledge then this does not necessitate that he can not be bias and impartial or fall into deviation and we

ask Allah to make our hearts firm upon the Sunnah

Yet throughout these continuous attacks from Ubaid Al-Jaabiree –may Allah correct him- Shaykh Yahya showed endurance and

even pardoned him of some of his slanders. For example when Ubaid Al-Jabiree said about Shaykh Yahya –may Allah preserve

him- However, that which is well-known about Shaykh Yahya –may

Allah guide him- is that he offends whoever differs with him in the matters of Ijtihaad and he reviles and detests them while he speaks ill of them and this is the path of the one who has

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been deprived of forbearance and wisdom and has opposed the callers of truth upon clarity.

Shaykh Yahya –may Allah preserve him- replied by saying:

This statement if I desired I would leave it for a day which I will be in much need of taking good deeds (i.e. of those who have oppressed him) especially since it has to do with my honor, however , I say may Allah pardon us as well as yourself Oh

Shaykh Ubaid. ('Aon Al-Baree pg.83)

However, this had no avail with Ubaid Al-Jabiree and he persisted in launching verbal attacks and describing Shaykh Yahya with

loathsome attributes all in defense of Abdurahman Al-Adnee and his associates. Shaykh Yahya then began to reply to him in

accordance to the statement of Allah:

وإن عاقبتم فعاقبوا بمثل ما عوقبتم به ولئن صبرتم لھو خير للصابرين � 126: النحل

And if you punish (your enemy, O you believers in the Oneness of Allâh), then punish them with the like of that with which you were

afflicted. But if you endure patiently, verily, it is better for As-Sâbirin (the patient ones, etc

Therefore what Shaykh Yahya mentioned about Ubaid Al-Jabiree

was founded and justified contrary to what (SPUBS) claimed. Ubaid will be the one who bears the sin of what occurred –unless he is granted success in repenting from this- due to the statement of the Messenger of Allah sallahu alahi wa salam found in Saheeh

Muslim (6756):

المستبان ما قاS فعلى البادئ ما لم يعتد المظلوم �

The two reviling each other as long as they continue, the sin is upon the one who began (the revilement) providing the one

oppressed does not transgress.

After this short explanation of some of the on goings between Shaykh Yahya and Ubaid Al-Jabiree, I would like to advise the

noble readers to look into all matters with an eye of equity and not let the love of a specific individual or group blind us in the obtainment of the truth as Allah the Most High has said:

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Sيجرمنكم شنآن قوم على أ Sشھدآء بالقسط و b يا أيھآ الذين آمنوا كونوا قوامين� � � � ��

تعدلوا اعدلوا ھو أقرب للتقوى واتقوا � إن � خبير بما تعملون � �� � � { 8:المائدة

O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allâh and be just witnesses and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety, and fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is Well

Acquainted with what you do.

As well as

�يأي" ھا الذين آمنوا كونوا قوامين بالقسط شھداء b ولو على أنفسكم أو الوالدين � � �وا?قربين إن يكن غنيا أو فقيرا فاb أولى بھما ف$ تتبعوا الھوى أن تعدلوا وإن تلووا � �

و تعرضوا فإن � كان بما تعملون خبيراأ � � " 135: النساء

O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allâh, even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich or poor, Allâh is a Better Protector to both

(than you). So follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest you may avoid justice, and if you distort your witness or refuse to give it,

verily, Allâh is Ever Well Acquainted with what you do.

And that we make our criteria for which we praise the people their adherence to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger sallahu alahi wa salam. So whomsoever, holds fast to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Messenger upon the understanding of

the Salafus-Salih then he is to be loved in proportion to his obedience. While whosoever, goes against the Book of Allah and

the Sunnah of the Messenger and the understanding of the Salafus-Salih after his error has been clarified to him then we

should detest him for the sake of Allah according to the level of his opposition.

By Allah, Ubaid Al-Jabiree was from the most beloved of scholars to many including myself however, when he began to wage a war against the people of Sunnah here in Damaaj starting with Shaykh Yahya –may Allah aid him- without any due right and was nothing

more than a defense of certain individuals here in Yemen who

Page 18: Why is Spubs Refuted by Ash-Shaykh Yahyaa and Others


ignited fitnah and hizbiyah which has become clear to many and all praise is for Allah. Also after gentleness and kindness were

exercised in clarifying the truth to him and he persisted upon this transgression no choice remained but for us to have hate for him –for the sake Allah- and his actions according to the degree of his injustice until he leaves what he is upon and returns back to the

truth and I ask Allah to aid him in doing so.

:SPUBS said If the Maktabah had

the door of , agreed with the attacks against Shaikh Ubaidrefutation against the Maktabah would not have been

.knows best) the Most High(and Allaah , opened

This is from the lowliest and pitiful statements of (SPUBS) in this whole article and shows they have no problem with mentioning

baseless statements to get their point across. Is it expected that the people will believe this kind of meaningless speculation? How many people all over the world may not agree with what Shaykh Yahya has made clear about Ubaid Al-Jabiree –for one reason or another- why are they then not being "attacked" as well. I remind the brothers at Maktabah Salafiyah of the statement of Allah the

Most High:

وإذا قلتم ف اعدلوا ولو كان ذا قربى 152:ا?نعام

And whenever you give your word (i.e. judge between men or give evidence, etc.), say the truth even if a near relative is concerned

As well as His statement:

يا أيھا الذين آمنوا اجتنبوا ك" � � ثيرا من الظن� إن بعض الظن� إثم � � � " 12:الحجرات

O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion, indeed some suspicions are sins.

Thus leave off such evil speculation and distrust of your Salafi

brothers whose only fault against you is that the made public your mistakes. And Allah's aid is sought.

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:SPUBS said This position of the Maktabah to refrain from accepting the vague criticisms against Shaikh Ubaid is also the

mashayikh and , ulamah'position of a large number of the known for their Salafiyyah-re wellIlm that a'-tullaab al

:The likes of. and clarity upon the Manhaj Shaikh Muhammad bin , bin Haadee' Shaikh Rabee

-Shaikh Zaid al, Suhaimee-Shaikh Saalih as, HaadeeShaikh Abdus , Bukhaaree-Shaikh Abdullaah al, Madkhali

Shaikh , Ahmad BaazmoolShaikh , Suhaimee-Salaam as, Shaikh Muhammad bin Ramzaan, Muhammad Baazmool

Shaikh Muhammad , Mandikaar-Shaikh Falaah Ismaaeel alShaikh Ali , ee'Subay-Shaikh Ahmad as, Anjaree-al

ee as well as most of 'Subay-Shaikh Taariq as, Hadaadee of Yemen and many more respected mashayikh-the well.besides

Referring to the criticisms made against Ubaid Al-Jabiree as vague is either due to negligence on the part the brothers at (SPUBS) as

to what is to be considered a detailed disparagement or deceitfulness from them in an attempt to divert the readers from

accepting the criticisms put forth against Ubaid Al-Jabiree.

Being that the brothers at (SPUBS) know well that if what Shaykh Yahya –may Allah preserve him- has mentioned about Ubaid Al-

Jabiree –may Allah rectify his condition- is indeed a detailed criticism then it is upon whosoever his detailed statements of

disparagement reach to accept them. This is if the disparaging is done by a righteous scholar who knows well why an individual may

be disparaged and understands well the science of "Ajarh wa Ta'deel" as this without a doubt is the case with Shaykh Yahya and Shaykh Muqbil himself has declared him to be a muhadith

(scholar of hadeeth) and I believe that the brothers at Al-Maktabah Assalafiyah have no contention to this.

Otherwise, they must elucidate the reason why they do not accept the critical remarks made against Ubaid Al-Jabiree.

What is also known from the principles of "Ajarh wa Ta'deel" is that if a scholar disagrees with the detailed criticism of another scholar and declares the detailed criticism to be incorrect then this alone is

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not sufficient for us to leave the detailed criticism of the first scholar. Unless the scholar giving recommendation clarifies the

reason why the detailed disparagement is incorrect. As this will be clarified shortly inshaa Allah.

Therefore, the mere non-acceptance of the disparagement against Ubaid Al-Jabiree does not mean that what he has been criticized

for is untrue or incorrect. This simply suggests that the one who does not accept what is said about him either knows not of what

has occurred from Ubaid Al-Jabiree –may Allah rectify his condition- from mistakes and so is in need of looking into his

matter in detail.

Or that he is defending Ubaid with no concern of reassuring the authenticity of what he has fallen into from mistakes which is totally incorrect. The latter being the example of Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee –may Allah rectify his condition- in the audio of that can be

found on which they gladly titled:

"Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee's Defense of Allaamah Ubaid from Shaikh Yahyah's Allegations."

He demonstrated a hearty, animated defense of Ubaid Al-Jabiree while astonishingly enough he himself (i.e. Muhammad bin

Haadee) acknowledges in the beginning of his response to the questioner that he does not know of this speech (i.e. the matters in

which were criticized against Ubaid Al-Jabiree) I ask the noble readers then Is it considered to be justice for someone who does not no of a matter to refer to it as false or falsehood not once or

twice but eight times in a two minute audio? And Allah's aid is sought.

While seeming enough he mentions the merits and virtues of Ubaid Al-Jabiree, though this besides the question posed to him

and a person having good deeds does not necessitate that he can not fall into error.

In addition, the brothers at (SPUBS) mentioned several

Mashaaykh and students of knowledge –may Allah grant them success- who do not agree with the criticisms made against Ubaid

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Al-Jabiree for one reason or another. However, the matter is to be returned to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Messenger sallahu alahi wa salam so as to see if these criticisms against

Ubaid Al-Jabiree are valid or not.

I take this opportunity to mention to the noble readers some of the errors criticized against Ubaid Al-Jabiree which he has fallen into in order for the noble readers to know that these are not "harsh

criticisms" or "insufficient" or "invalid" as our brothers at Maktabah Salafiyah assumed.

� His staunch, unceasing defense of the hizbees who were the cause of this fitnah between him and Shaykh Yahya whom he considers from his *confidants. The likes of Abdurahman Al-Adnee, his brother Abdullah, Haani bin Buraik, Arafat Al-Muhammadi as so on. (*Ubaid describes the aforementioned hizbees as his confidants can be found in his article Annqd Assaheeh….)

� His slandering and warning against Ahlus-Sunnah in Damaaj.

� His summoning Ahlus-Sunnah to involve themselves in elections.

� His religious verdict that is permissible to work in environment where intermixing occurs as well as studying in such an environment.

� His religious verdict that it is permissible to view certain cartoons.

� His religious verdict that it is permissible to appear on television.

� His religious verdicts that if the government of a particular country does not allow you to give dawah except that you are part of an organization then it is permissible to work with the people of innovation in this particular scenario.

� His ill-speech of Ka'ab bin Malik and Shubah bin Hajaaj.

� His belittlement of all Libyans and Algerians by referring to them as donkeys except whom Allah has mercy on from amongst them.

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� His religious verdict for the permissibility of curing sorcery with sorcery if the one who performed the bewitching is the one who will cure it.

� His praise of the deviant hizbee Saalih Al-Bakry and recommendation of him for those seeking knowledge to benefit from him.

� His religious verdict that Birmingham is Darul-Hijrah.

These are some of the errors which have occurred from Ubaid Al-Jabiree –may Allah rectify his condition and aid him in returning from his mistakes- Do the brothers at (SPUBS) now deem the

criticism against him to be vague? These errors and others can be read here:

.)2433=t?php.showthread/vb/net.aloloom://http (

I would also like to ask who the well-respected scholars of Yemen are who also do not agree with what has been stated about Ubaid


:SPUBS said Is it possible that all of these : "arisesestion The qu

" ?Yahyah is correctshayikh are mistaken and Shaikh ma This is why many of." Yes it is possible: "The answer is

icisms these mashayikh actually looked into the critand we likewise looked , Ubaidpresented against Shaikh

following and (ars then these schol-this criticism into ' proofs'n that the came to the conclusio) ourselves, them

and thus or were invalid / sufficient andnot brought wereharsh criticisms of Shaikh not legitimate reasons for such

from the ranks of he be removed Ubaid such that abused and be , labelled a hizbee, abandoned, Salafiyyah!loathsome namesbelittled and called

Though the response to this paragraph has passed previously I

again repeat the answer so that the noble readers are upon clarity in this imperative matter.

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It has come to pass that if a scholar of hadeeth, who is well-acquainted with the reasons why an individual may be disparaged,

criticizes a specific person while manifesting the basis of his criticism then what he has stated takes precedence over all

general recommendation that the one who has been criticized may previously have.

This is the general principle that is well-known and is found in the

books that contain principles of "Jarh wa T'adeel" likes of "Nukbatul-Fikir" of Ibn Hajr "Al-Iqtiraah" of Ibn Daqeeq Al-'eed,

"Tadreeb Arraawi" of Assuyuti Al-Kifaaya of Khateeb Al-Baghdaadi and others. However, some the scholars have excluded from this

important principle two scenarios:

1. That Al-Mu'adil (the scholar giving the recommendation) says for example " I am aware of the reason for the criticism however, he has repented from it and his repentance has been seen to be sincere.

2. That Al-Mu'adil (the scholar giving the recommendation) rejects

an in e one criticizing of thdisparagementand disapproves of the accredited manner that indicates without doubt the invalidity

. is mistakencriticismand that the one disparagementof the

As if the one disparaging was to say "verily so and so killed so and so on such and such a day." Then (Al-Mu'adil) says (in reply to this accusation) I saw him alive (i.e. the one whom it was said about him that he had been killed on such and such a day) after that day". (Refer to "Thawaabit Al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel" pg.44)

Therefore, the writers claim that after looking into the criticisms n that came to the conclusiothey made against Shaykh Ubaid

or were / sufficient andnot brought were' proofs'the not legitimate reasons for such harsh and thus invalid

will only be accepted from them .. d…criticisms of Shaikh Ubaifollowing the two previously mentioned exemptions stated by Ahlul-'ilm as to when the recommendation of Al-Mu'adil will be

given priority over the explained disparagement.

Therefore, an appeal is made to the brothers at (SPUBS) for them to make clear the angle of error in the criticisms made against

Ubaid Al-Jabiree –may Allah rectify his condition- or where he has repented from his errors following the clear principles of Ahlus-

Sunnah which have come to pass. Otherwise, their incapability to

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do so will only attest to their self-involvement in matters which are beyond their capacity.

As for the scholars and students of knowledge –may Allah grant

them success- that the members of Al-Maktabah Assalifiyah affirmed to have looked into the criticisms made against Ubaid Al-

Jabiree also deeming them to be harsh and invalid. Then the abovementioned principles also apply to their statements that

indicate their disapproval of those criticisms if in fact their position is as the Makatabah stated.

Whereas it is also kindly requested from the brothers at (SPUBS) to bring forth from evidence that which clearly denotes that these

scholars and students of knowledge –may Allah grant them success- have come across the mistakes that Ubaid Al-Jabiree-may Allah better his condition- has fallen into the likes of what

the sayand still been mentioned previously in this article vehaor were invalid / sufficient andnot brought were' proofs'

not legitimate reasons for such harsh criticisms and thus since will show their honesty As doing so .dof Shaikh Ubai

Allah has tied the bringing forth of evidence to be a sign truthfulness in his statement:

قل ھاتوا برھانكم إن كنتم صادقين 64:النمل

Bring forth your proofs, if you are truthful."

While on the other hand failure to do so will prove to the noble

readers that the brothers at (SPUBS) are currently treading a path similar to that of the people of deviation as deception is from their

clear signs by which they are known.

:SPUBS said tage the essitate that at any scourse did not nec-ofThis

, attacked Shaikh Yahyah himselfMaktabah criticized or rather the Maktabah respectfully disagreed with

.his stance

Though the writers claim that their disagreement was a respectful

one and did not necessitate at any stage that they criticized or attacked Shaykh Yahya himself. The reality of the matter is some

Page 25: Why is Spubs Refuted by Ash-Shaykh Yahyaa and Others


of the brothers at the Maktabah were indeed criticizing Shaykh Yahya as can be read here:


While others from amongst them were advising from studying in Damaaj as can be found here:


Yet others amongst them claim that

Shaykh Yahya has mistakes in aqeedah and have as a proof for their allegation a deplorable article written by Arafaat Al-

Muhammadi the hizbee who is from the associates of Abdurahman Al-Adnee which is replete with manipulation of Shaykh Yahya's

speech in order to produce something to refute. A sufficient response to this trivial article was written by the brother Abu

Mus'ab Hussein Al-Hajooree and can be found at

Recently, there was an article placed on:



“Shaikh Rabee regarding going to Dammaj-New”

Further showing that this "respectful disagreement" of (SPUBS) is in fact nothing more than a ruse and Allah's aid is sought.

Furthermore, there have been a few times when brothers have sought advice from some of the members of (SPUBS) in seeking

knowledge in Damaaj and have been diverted away from doing so long before Shaykh Yahya-may Allah preserve him- mentioned a

word of criticism against them.

Therefore, this is another incorrect claim from the Maktabah similar to many which have come to pass in this article and is another

example of deception on their part we ask Allah to guide them to the straight path and to rectify our condition and theirs.

:SPUBS said ent was not accepted by this respectful disagreem, However

youth who then embarked upon a the fanaticalsome of

Page 26: Why is Spubs Refuted by Ash-Shaykh Yahyaa and Others


discredit the manhaj concerted effort to disparage andMaktabah writing pages of futilewah of the 'and da

The mere .accusations to support their own falsehoodYahyah for these youth reement with Shaikh disag

necessitates that those who differ with them are upon !hizbiyyah and misguidance

Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we will return. The

following paragraphs contain more injustice and deceit and Allah's aid is sought in clarifying these mispresentations to the noble


Firstly, it has come to pass that there was no "respectful disagreement" by some members of the Maktabah.

Secondly, no one embarked nor gave a concerted effort to

discredit the Maktabah and towards the beginning of this article the sequence of events that eventually resulted in Shaykh Yahya's criticism of the Makatabah have also been mentioned therefore,

whomsoever would like to understand how things transpired then let him return to the top of the article and I suffice myself with this

from repetition.

Furthermore, someone reading the article written by (SPUBS) may indeed believe that the whole reason they were criticized was merely due to their disagreement with what was being stated about Ubaid Al-Jabiree –may Allah better his condition- though the error

in this has also been clarified and praise is due to Allah the questions that present themselves are:

Why are the brothers at (SPUBS) making this the root of all

criticisms against them?

And why did they choose to headline this article of theirs in these recent times when Shaykh Yahya spoke about them months ago?

What is apparent to be the answer to both questions is quite

obvious for anyone who genuinely looks into this matter and is aided by Allah in seeing the truth. The brothers at (SPUBS) know well that there were many things criticized against them beyond

the matter of Ubaid Al-Jabiree while many people might not know this.

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Therefore, when they came across an audio of certain mashaaykh openly defending Ubaid Al-Jabiree and referring to what Shaykh Yahya –may Allah preserve him- stated about him as falsehood they tied themselves to this and to make it the foundation of all criticisms against their non-acceptance of the criticisms made

against Ubaid Al-Jabiree claiming that whoever criticizes them for this must also criticize these mashaaykh as well. They so candidly

stated in their article:

futations of Shaikh Yahyah And if you do not accept the re"against these ) igned to Dammaajothers aland (accept his criticisms then you likewise cannot , ayikhmash

simply due to the fact that the, against the Maktabah haj with these Shaikhs as Maktabah is united in its man

."othersand ' Rabeewell as Shaikh

However, this will have no avail for them and trickery and deceit will only become exposed sooner or later as Allah the Most high

has stated:

بل نقذف بالحق على الباطل فيدمغ � ه فإذا ھو زاھق 18: ا?نبياء

Nay, We fling truth against the falsehood, so it destroys it, and

behold, it (i.e. the falsehood) has vanished.

And he said:

إن � S يصلح عمل المفسدين � 81 : يونس

Verily, Allâh does not set right the work of Al-Mufsidûn (the evil-

doers, corrupts, etc.).

Furthermore, the brothers at (SPUBS) claim that the articles written against them are in support of falsehood, while their


:SPUBS said

Page 28: Why is Spubs Refuted by Ash-Shaykh Yahyaa and Others


se Yahyah for thereement with Shaikh The mere disage who differ with them are youth necessitates that thos

!hizbiyyah and misguidanceupon

Is drowning in falsehood and is in need of repentance to Allah. If

this statement was indeed true then many if not all the of the Salafiyoon today would be upon hizbiyah and misguidance and who in their right mind would believe such senseless pretense.

For without a doubt no scholar is infallible as for their statement to be followed in everything they say. Rather this outlandish claim

would also necessitate that these brothers themselves who criticized (SPUBS) to be upon hizbiyah and misguidance as they definitely disagree with Shaykh Yahya in certain issues that the Salafus-Salih had differed in. The members of (SPUBS) in this

article have several times attempted to deceive the readers which is the same matter that they are supposedly warning against and how wonderful as words of advice is the statement of Allah the

Most High with regard to the prophet Shuaib:

وما أريد أن أخالفكم إلى ما أنھاكم عنه 88: ھود

I wish not, in contradiction to you, to do that which I forbid you

(from doing)

As well as the statement of Imam Assfaareeni

يقضى العجب به أتى مما فقد ا له قد ارتكبو من نھى عم عن غيھا لكان قد أفادھاا فلو بدا بنفسه فذادھ

The one who commits that which he forbids (the people from)

Then he has come with that which calls for astonishment Only if he would have begun with his soul and prevented it

From its deviation then verily he would have benefited it (his soul).

:idSPUBS sa This quite justified stance of the Maktabah

angered ) in not taking a position against Shaykh Ubayd(followers who went to -blindthe young and foolish

extremes in cursing the scholars and took it upon and ayikhabuse and attack the Mash, themselves to refute

Page 29: Why is Spubs Refuted by Ash-Shaykh Yahyaa and Others


of the students of knowledge who the Maktabah and some .deliver duroos in the West

This paragraph contains much delusion and many questions arise from it that require answering however, before I put forward to the writers several questions related to this paragraph of theirs which they must present their evidences for. I would like to point out that (SPUBS) due to a high level of self-importance or inattentiveness in the previous paragraph stated that the reason why they were

attacked, why the scholars were cursed and why the Mashaykh as well as some of the well-known students of

knowledge from the West were refuted and abused their quite justified stance in not taking a position against Shaykh Ubaid. As if this fitnah almost in its entirety revolves around (SPUBS) and

their so-called "justified position" and to Allah we belong and to Him we will return.

Returning to the questions I say the writers differentiated between the scholars and the mashayakh for some reason, so who are the

scholars who were attacked and who were the mashaykh who were refuted?

Or is this an attempt to make things bigger than they really are?

Furthermore who are the students of knowledge from the West other than yourselves who were also refuted and attacked

because of the Maktabah's "justified position"?

Kindly answer these question so that the readers can be upon clarity with regard to your statements as this vagueness and lack

of clarity as to whom you are referring leaves the readers in confusion. Barakallahu Feekum.

:SPUBS said o praise the Indeed Shaikh Yahyah himself used t

differences arose between himself and Maktabah until the nothing that the there is -Jaabiree -kh Ubaid alShai

with respect to the Salafi(Maktabah has done differently ed by e the Maktabah was praisbetween the tim) manhaj

mongers -the time the hateShaikh Yahyah and between amongst the youth carried tales to him in order to

.encourage him to speak against the Maktabah

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Firstly, connecting Shaykh Yahya's criticism of the Makatabah to the differences that arose between them is incorrect if your intent by this is it makes it the sole reason for his criticism. However, if you intend by your statement that Shaykh Yahya's –may Allah

preserve him- criticism of the Makatabah occurred at a time when Ubaid Al-Jabiree-may Allah rectify his condition- had already

begun his unjustified denunciation and warnings of Shaykh Yahya and his students in Damaaj then this is correct.

Secondly, Shaykh Yahya's praise of (SPUBS) was due to what he

knew of them from goodness and their efforts in calling to the Sunnah therefore the Shaykh seemingly remained having good-

thoughts about the brothers at (SPUBS). However, when the mistakes that they were involved in reached the Shaykh he then

spoke in disparagement of (SPUBS). In addition, if these mistakes were to have reached Shaykh Yahya years ago then the result

would likely be the same and would have lead to his disparagement of (SPUBS). Furthermore, the mere praise of

Shaykh Yahya for the Maktabah does not necessitate that they are free from error or upon steadfastness

rather this indicates what the Shaykh himself knows about them and from the established principles of Ahlus-Sunnah is the one who knows (of a matter) is an authoritative source over the

one who knows not.

Therefore even if Shaykh Yahya was to praise and give recommendation to (SPUBS) today with no change or repentance from them with regard to their mistakes by Allah, this would not aid them in the least. The Maktabah's claim that nothing has changed

between the time Shaykh Yahya praised them up until the differences between him and Shaykh Ubaid occurred is also

Unveiling the "Let the noble readers return to the article . untrueof the Victory "and " Deceptions Behind in Defense of the Scholarshave ) SPUBS(errors that to see the undeniable "CreationLord of

either fallen into of late that Shaykh Yahya also clarified in his which can be read here Britainresponse to a question from

.)html.713_sound_show/net.yahia-sh.www://http( These obvious errors which (SPUBS) sadly refer to as:

,sufficient deception, carried tales pages of futile

as well as , liesfalsehoodaccusations to support their own .exaggerations and fabrications

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Do you mean to tell the noble readers that every single thing criticized against (SPUBS) is a lie or exaggeration. Fear Allah,

indeed Fear Allah. Subhanallah. I remind the brothers at (SPUBS) of the hadeeth of the Messenger sallahu alahi wa salam reported

by Abu Dawood (3599) and others on the authority of Ibn Umr that he sallahu alahi wa salam said:

و من خاصم في باطل و ھو يعلمه لم يزل في سخط � حتى ينزع

And whomsoever quarrels in falsehood while he knows this he will not cease to remain in the anger of Allah until he retracts

While Imam Al-Bukhari chaptered in his Saheeh

إثم من خاصم في باطل وھو يعلمه:ابب

Chapter: The sin of the one who argues in falsehood while he knows.

Take heed of this severe warning mentioned in this hadeeth and let not the shaitan adorn for you your actions of error and in turn

delude you from the truth.

:SPUBS said

f who wish only to fan the flames o, So these foolish youthembarked upon , between the people of Sunnahdispute exaggerations and , liesscrediting the Maktabah through di


Imam Al-Bukhari (568) and Muslim (287) reported in his Saheeh as well as others the following hadeeth.

Narrated Usama bin Zaid: Allah's Apostle sent us towards Al-Huruqa, and in the morning we attacked them and defeated them. I and an Ansari man followed a man from among them and when we took him over, he said, "La ilaha illal-Lah." On

hearing that, the Ansari man stopped, but I killed him by stabbing him with my spear. When we returned, the Prophet came to know about that and he said, "O Usama! Did you kill him after he had said "La ilaha ilal-Lah?" I said, "But he said so only in fear of my weapon." The Prophet said " why then did you not split open his heart so that you may know if he

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said it for that reason (i.e. fearing the sword) or not" And he (i.e. the Messenger) kept on repeating that so often that I

wished I had not embraced Islam before that day.

Imam Annawawi said in his explanation of the hadeeth: And his statement sallahu alahi wa salam "why then did you not

split open his heart so that you may know if he said it (i.e. la ilaha illallah fearing the sword) or not". This means you have only been compelled with acting by what is apparent as well as

what the tongue utters as for the heart then there is no path for you to known what is in it". -up until he said- Therefore

solely restrict yourself to (what is apparent upon) the tongue and do not seek other than it. Sharh Saheeh Muslim 2/104.

While Shaykh Abdul-Mushin Al-Abbad said in his explanation of

the previous hadeeth also found in Sunan Abi Dawood –may Allah grant him success and preserve him upon the Sunnah-

And his statement sallahu alahi wa salam "why then did you not split open his heart so that you may know if he said it for that

reason (i.e. fearing the sword) or not". Here he (sallahu alahi wa salam) rebuked him and made it clear to him that the likes of

this (matter) is from Umoor Al-Ghaib (the unseen matters) and Al-Ghaib (the unseen) no one is capable of looking into or knowing it besides Allah and no one knows what is in the

hearts except Allah. Sharh Sunan Abi Dawood 14/161

We benefit from the previous hadeeth and its explanation that it is not for us to speak about matters which lie in the hearts of the

Muslims and that we should only act according to what they say or manifest to us as the explanations of these two great scholars

So these foolish "the allegation of the writers , Therefore. indicatebetween f dispute who wish only to fan the flames o, youth

Clearly goes against the understanding ."the people of Sunnahof this hadeeth as this statement of theirs necessitates the reason

to fan the is onlywriting these articles are why they the people which is a between the people of Sunnahf dispute flames o

judgment from (SPUBS) on what remains hidden in the hearts of the people.

We ask the members of (SPUBS) to implement the meaning of this

hadeeth upon themselves and restrict themselves to what is manifest and appears on the tongues of the Muslims and not to

judge what is in their hearts.

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Those possessing little understanding may reply in defense of

(SPUBS) "the brothers at (SPUBS) only judged what was apparent to them from the actions of the people who have written articles of

advise or refutation against them."

However, this understanding is in clear opposition to the correct understanding of the hadeeth which is that we have been

compelled with acting upon what is apparent to us from the tongue of the speaker not what we may assume is in his

heart. Being that Usaamah bin Zaid –may Allah be pleased with him- when he gouged the man who had said "la ilaha illallah" only did so acting upon what was apparent to him from this man which was that this man had only said so fearing death. Therefore, the brothers who have written articles of advise or criticism against

(SPUBS) have expressed the reasons why they have done so and not once do we have from them that they have manifested that they have written these articles in an attempt to spark flames of

controversy" or " That they have written these treatises in an effort to cause discord between Ahlus-Sunnah." Or anything of the sort

therefore, we must remain upon what they have said and not seek what is in their hearts as this is not permissible.

:SPUBS said

, embarked upon discrediting the Maktabah through lies..just as they had done with exaggerations and fabrication

' ee and that is why Shaikh Rab-previously the Mashayikamongst the ranks ' infiltrators'correctly described them as

of the Salafis

Since the matter pertaining to (SPUBS) claim that everything said

about them is lies and exaggerations then there is no need for repetition. However, that which is of importance in this particular

just as they had done with the paragraph is their statement en Who are these Mashayik who have be.previously Mashayik

lied about and that exaggerations have been made against them.

The main setback that I have come across in (SPUBS) article is that they continually refer to individuals or matters which have

occurred in a manner which is unclear. Therefore this leaves the reader not clearly understanding who or what is being referred to or what this matter actuality is. This writing style which they have

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adopted is quite similar to that of the journalists in the West in its lack of clarity and is not productive nor is it in accordance to Allah's


يا أيھا الذين آمنوا اتقوا � وقولوا قوS سديدا ۞ � � � � يصلح لكم أعمالكم ويغفر لكم

ذنوبكم ومن يطع � ورسوله فقد فاز فوزا عظيما � 71-70: ا?حزاب

O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allâh and fear Him, and

speak upright statements.

71. He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys Allâh and His Messenger

(Sal-Allaahu 'alayhe Wa Sallam) he has indeed achieved a great achievement (i.e. he will be saved from the Hell-fire and made to

enter Paradise).

Ibn Katheer said in his elucidation of the previous ayah: Allah the Most High says while ordering his believing slaves to fear him and to worship Him the worship of someone who (is capable of) seeing

Him and that they say correct words i.e. upright containing no crookedness and (He) promised them that if they did this that he would reward them by correcting their actions i.e. that he would

grant them success (in doing) righteous deeds and that He would forgive them of their past sins and whatever (sins) that may occur from them in the future He would inspire them in repenting from


Or the hadeeth that has come on the authority of 'Aisha -may Allah be pleased with her- where she said "The speech of the

Messenger sallahu alahi wa salam was decisive speech whoever heard it would understand it. The hadeeth was reported by Abu Dawood (4839) and Al-Albaani declared it to be hasan (sound).


Imam Al-Munaawi said in his explanation of this hadeeth "his speech (sallahu alahi wa salam) was decisive." i.e. well-defined between truth and falsehood –up until he said- and in brief this

means that (the speech of the Messenger) was clear in meaning and not obscure to anyone, rather it was understood by anyone who heard it whether they were Arab or non-Arab. This being due to its clarity and (his) elaboration of the letters and wording and capability of explicating the speech and clarifying it. (Fayd Al-

Qadeer 5/103)

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Therefore the brothers at (SPUBS) should reject and abandon this

blameworthy writing style which is in opposition to the previous Ayah and Hadeeth. While they should also select for themselves a manner of writing which clearly depicts to the readers who or what

is being intended by their speech.

As for (SPUBS) holding unto the statement of Shaykh Rabee' –may Allah keep him steadfast upon the Sunnah and grant him

success- then the speech of the Shaykh is specific to whoever lies and fabricates things however, what has been criticized against

Ubaid Al-Jabiree and Doctor Abdullah Al-Bukhari and their likes–may Allah rectify our condition and theirs- are clear matters of

error and not lies and fabrications as (SPUBS) continues to allege. Therefore, again we notice craftiness on the part of the writers as they take the speech of the Shaykh and apply it to the students in

students in mention that the ' Where did Shaykh Rabee. DamaajJabiree are-Ubaid Alor ) SPUBS( who have refuted Damaaj

there , ther Ra?samongst the ranks of the Salafi' infiltrators'is no such speech and this is mere manipulation of Shaykh

Rabee's statements for their own goals and agendas and they must fear Allah.

Furthermore, even if what (SPUBS) attributed to Shaykh Rabee'-may Allah grant him success- was true it would not necessitate

that the students who truthfully clarified the mistakes of Ubaid Al-Jabiree would in fact be infiltrators amongst the Salafis because of

this. Rather the one who is known to clarify the mistakes of the people whether they are scholars or not and his intent by this is to warn the people so that they are not deceived by these errors then

this action of his is indeed commendable and praiseworthy.

Al-Hafidh Ibn Rajb Al-Hanbali said in his notable book (Al-Farq bayna An-Naseeha wat-Ta'yeer Pg.7) while elaborating upon the

reasons why one may refute or criticize a scholar he said:

However if his intent in this (i.e. the one mentioning the errors of the scholars) is solely to clarify the truth so that the people are

not deceived by the viewpoints of the one who has erred in his statements then there is no doubt that he is rewarded for

his intention and he enters by this action of his and this intention (of clarifying the truth) into being sincere to Allah, his Messenger and the rulers of the Muslims as well as the

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common folk. And likewise if one clarifying the mistake is small or big then he has a example in the scholars who rebutted the

standpoints of Ibn Abbas –may Allah be pleased with him- which he stood alone with and were criticized against him by the Ulema (these standpoints being the) likes of Al-Mut'a and As-Sarf and Al-

'Umratain and others.( Whereas he –may Allah be pleased with him- afterwards retracted from some of these standpoints)

In addition, the clarification of an error which occurs from either a scholar or a layman is something desired. Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyah while clarifying the difference between the error of the

scholars and the prophets he said as can be found in the (Majm'oo Al-Fatwa 19/123)

"For verily the prophets peace be upon them are immune from

remaining upon an error, contrary to a single (individual) from the scholars and the rulers. For verily he is not immune to this (i.e. persisting upon an error) and for this reason it is permissible rather it is obligatory that we clarify the truth which must be

followed even if there may be in this (action), the clarification of the fault of the one who has made a mistake from the

scholars and the rulers.

:SPUBS said only a handful, Alhamdulillaah

abble followed them in their cursing and of riffraff and rTheir reply then . abusing the Scholars and the Maktabah

we , its about the truth, Its not about numbers: "becameIndeed it is : "it is said, In response." t care for numbers'donnor the , he truthbut you neither have t, about the truth

And the Salafis!" numbers Canada and the USA have , almost as a whole in the UK

refused to accept the exaggerations and lies of the youth -and their attacks upon the likes of Shaikh Ubaid al-lShaikh Muhammad bin Haadee and Shaikh a, Jaabiree


Imam Assa'di –may Allah have mercy on him- in his elucidation of the story of Nuuh 'alahi salaam and the benefits that may be taken

from it in his book "Tayseer Al-Lateef Al-Manaan fi Khulaasati Tafseer Al-Quraan" pgs. 335-337) said:

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وما نراك اتبعك إS الذين ھم أراذلنا � � بادي الرأي� �


Nor do we see that any follow you but the lowliest from among us, who are in judgment immature

And from that which is known to every sensible (person) is

that the truth is known to be truth on its own accord (and) not by those who follow it.

While the Shaykh said in another place explaining the statement of

the people of Nuuh alahi salam:

وما نرى لكم علينا من فضل 27:ھود

And we do not see in you any merit above us

Does this statement of theirs contain the slightest amount of justice

in one way or another for indeed they are only informing about their own selves. Then, it is possible that this statement of their is what is in their hearts (i.e. their statement "and we do not see any bounty for you above us.") While it is also possible that they are

saying that which they do not believe. And in any of the two cases then it is mandatory that Al-Haq (the Truth) is accepted whether it is said by the superior or the inferior, Al-Haq (the

Truth) is above everything.

: it is said, In response) SPUBS(the statement of , Thereforebut you neither have the , Indeed it is about the truth"

must be looked into in accordance to !"nor the numbers, truththe Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Messenger and not

merely because of what they may perceive to be the truth. Rather the evidences and facts brought forward should be the criteria and

standard in ruling something to be of truth or falsehood.

The students in Damaaj as well as in the noble brothers in the West who have written or translated articles to clarify how this fitnah occurred and who was at fault and transgressed beyond bounds, then their statements and claims are based upon and

backed with proofs and evidences that establish their point.

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Furthermore, why is it that the defence of (SPUBS) of Ubaid Al-Jabiree and Doctor Abdullah Al-Bukhari is deemed to be truth that

must be accepted while they have clearly erred in their attacks against Damaaj and its students so much so that Shaykh Muqbil –

may Allah have mercy on him- was not safe from the tongue of Abdullah Al-Bukhari. While the clarifications written by the

students in Damaaj or the brothers currently residing in the West Where is !!?d abusing the Scholarscursing an considered are

the justice in this?

:SPUBS said The very

Shaikh , same accusations they made against Shaikh Ubaidthey , and Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee' Rabee

then they-proceeded to make against the Maktabah haikhs of Dammaaj and Shaikh The S", spread the speech

If the ! By Allaah-" Yahyah warn refuted the MaktabahMaktabah has been attacked alongside

then it is an honour for the , these beloved MashayikhMaktabah to be aligned with


The writers again here continue in their endless attempts to swindle the readers into accepting their baseless claims have tied

e veryththemselves to the listed mashakhy and claim Shaikh , same accusations they made against Shaikh Ubaid

they , and Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee' RabeeHowever if justice . nst the Maktabahproceeded to make agai

and truth is in fact their goal they would ask themselves:

When did anyone ever accuse Shaykh Rabee'-may Allah grant him success- or even Doctor Muhammad bin Haadi of begging the people for their money in the most degrading and appalling of

manner which clearly goes against the teachings of the Quraan and Sunnah?

When were any of them also accused of allowing pictures and

coming on television?

When did anyone accuse any of them having a Jam'eeyah ( a charity organization) which is from the clearest signs of hizbiyah?

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When were they accused of attending and giving conferences where the men and women can clearly see each other?

If the Maktabah ! By Allaah- oath their made) SPUBS(Then

has been attacked alongside then it is an honour for the , ese beloved Mashayikhth

Maktabah to be aligned with .them

Without the slightest mention as to what or why Ubaid Al-Jabiree –

may Allah better his condition- and those with him were actually refuted.

So does it please (SPUBS) to be aligned with Ubaid Al-Jabiree in errors which were previous listed?

Does (SPUBS) consider it an honour to be alongside Abdullah Al-Bukhari in his attacks upon Damaaj and even Shaykh Muqbil?

Is it also an honour for (SPUBS) to hear the attacks of Muhammad bin Haadi against Shaykh Yahya –may Allah preserve him- where

he said "He (Shaykh Yahya) is worse than Faalih Al-Harbi the deviant who treads the path of Al-Hadaadiyah as well as his other

statements? How similar their testimony is to what Allah mentions in his

glorious Book:

شھدنا على أنفسنا وغرتھم الحياة الدنيا � � 130 : اSنعام

"We bear witness against ourselves." It was the life of this world

that deceived them.

By-Allah it is only an honour to be alongside the one who is wrongly refuted and attacked due to his defence of the truth and

the religion of Allah the Most High.

Furthermore, this statement is in opposition to the hadeeth of the messenger sallahu alahi wa salam found in Al-Bukhari (2312) on

the authority of Anas bin Malik where he said: "Aid your brother the oppressor or the oppressed they said we will

aid him if he is oppressed, but how can we help him if he is the oppressor so he replied "prevent him from oppressing."

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Therefore, it is upon (SPUBS) to aid the one being oppressed and stop the oppressor from his injustice whether he is a scholar or laymen. Along with it is not befitting for them to align themselves

with the one being unjust and oppressive as this is from "Atta'sub Al-Mamquut" (detested fanaticism) which Al-Imaam Muhammad

bin Abdul-Wahab Annajdi –may Allah have mercy upon him- mentioned in his beneficial book "Masaail Al-Jahiliyah"

(The affairs of the people of pre-Islamic ignorance) when he said:

The Ninety Third Matter Detested Fanaticism

The detested fanaticism of a person for his group upon truth and

falsehood was an inescapable matter with them (the people of pre-Islamic ignorance) and so Allah mentioned about them what he


While Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzan in his explanation of the book "Masaail Al-Jahiliyah pg.175" said "Detested fanaticism is

persisting upon falsehood with knowledge of its falseness in arrogance, stubbornness and in aiding a person or a tribe upon truth or falsehood and this is from the matters of jahiliyah (pre-

Islamic ignorance).

Therefore, the obvious inclination of (SPUBS) towards Ubaid Al-Jabiree and the two doctors Abdullah Al-Bukhari and Muhammad

bin Haadi –may Allah rectify their conditions-in the current on goings while the known well of their opposition and transgression towards Shaykh Yahya his students and even Shaykh Muqbil will not aid them in the least but will only be harmful to them if they

only knew and is a sign that (SPUBS) are treading a path of "Atta'sub Al-Mamquut" (detested fanaticism) which was mentioned

Do you also previously another clear sign of this is their statement now accept the refutations of Shaikh Yahyah against

-Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee and Shaikh Abdullaah alBukhaaree and the criticisms that are now being made

then count us , If you do! ?kh Rabeeagainst even Shai We have .from being amongst them in their positions

been ordered to follow that which Allah has sent down to his Messenger and to refrain from anything which opposes it as Allah

has said:

اتبعوا ما أنزل إليكم من رب�كم وS تتبعوا من دونه أولياء قلي$ ما تذكرون" � � �

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2: اSعراف Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the Qur'ân and Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah), and follow not any Auliyâ' (protectors and helpers, etc. who order you to associate

partners in worship with Allâh), besides Him (Allâh). Little do you remember!

Shaykh Ul-Islaam after mentioning the previous ayah said in its elucidation "therefore He (Allah) ordered with adherence to that

which He sent down ( i.e. the Quraan and Sunnah) and He prohibited from whatsoever is in opposition to this, this being the following of the Awliyaa (protectors and supporters) other than Him, for whoever does not follow one follows the other (i.e.

whoever does not follow what Allah has sent down consequently the Awliyaa other than Allah). Majmoo' Al-

Fataawa 7/173.

While his student Muhammad bin Abi Bakr well-known as Ibn Al-Qayim Al-Jawziyah said in his clarification of the meaning of the

ayah in his book "Zaad Al-Muhajir" pg.45"

"For Allah subhanahu commanded (the creation) with adherence to what He sent down upon His Messenger and forbade that

anything other than it be followed.

Therefore there is nothing between the adherence to what has been sent down and the following of the Awliyaa other than Him.

For indeed He has not made a mediator between the two

(matters), thus everyone who does not adhere to the wahiy (revelation) in actuality follows falsehood and he follows the

Awliyaa other than Allah and this (matter) by the praise of Allah is manifest not obscure".

Let this be an advice to the members of (SPUBS) to adhere to

what Allah has sent down and to continually make this the criteria by which the truth and falsehood is known. In addition, I also

advise them to return the matter of this fitnah from its commencement up until now to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah

of his Messenger sallahu alahi wa salam as to see who is upon the truth and who is not and let not your love or reverence of a

specific individual hinder you from accepting the truth when it appears.

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:SPUBS said

We ask those who carry and spread the attacks against the that have emanated from Shaikh Yahyah and (Maktabah

around the world seeking ) some students from Dammaaj:mongers-to recruit hate

The stance of (SPUBS) towards the clarification of Shaykh Yahya as well as the students in Damaaj is very pessimistic. Would you

like then for your mistakes to be left without mention and no admonishment or reprimand. If this is indeed what your soul's

desire then Allah the Most High has said in his Book:

كنتم خير أمة أخرجت للناس تأمرون بالمعروف وتنھون عن المنكر وتؤمنون � � �باللھ آل

110 عمران آل

You [true believers in Islâmic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad and his Sunnah (legal ways, etc.)] are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-Ma'rûf

(i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all that Islâm has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and all that Islâm has

forbidden), and you believe in Allâh.

Imam Al-Qurtubi said in his explanation of the ayah:

تأمرون بالمعروف وتنھون عن المنكر

you enjoin Al-Ma'rûf (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all that Islâm has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and all that

Islâm has forbidden)

(This statement of Allah) )Is a praise for this Ummah as long as they are dutiful in this (commanding the good and forbidding the evil) and are distinguished by this. However, if they abandon the changing (of evil) and are in unison in (acts of) evil the name of

praise will cease (to be attributed to them) and blameworthy name will succeed and this will be a reason for their destruction. (Al-

Jaami' li Askaam Al-Quraan 1/25).

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Therefore, the abandonment of this matter of obligation will only lead to the destruction of this Ummah. Furthermore, (SPUBS) of

all people should known well that not ordering with good and command evil is what caused Dawood and 'Issa –may peace be

upon them- to curse Bani Israaeel. Allah says:

لعن الذين كفروا من بني إسرائيل على لسان داوود وعي � سى ابن مريم ذالك بما عصوا وكانوا يعتدون �

78: المائدة

Those among the Children of Israel who disbelieved were cursed by the tongue of Dawûd (David) and 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam

(Mary). That was because they disobeyed (Allâh and the Messengers) and were ever transgressing beyond bounds.

Therefore, the clarification of (SPUBS) condition to the people

does not necessitate that this is an attempt to recruit hate mongers as the previous proofs have clarified.

:SPUBS said now accept the refutations of Shaikh Yahyah Do you also

against and the criticisms that are now being made then count us from , If you do! ?against even Shaikh Rabee

.being amongst them in their positions

Firstly this paragraph has wrongly been worded by (SPUBS) and should be worded:

Do you also now accept Shaykh Yahya's self-defense from the transgressions and injustice of Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee and Shaikh Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree? Being that they were the

ones who began their vilification and slander of him, anyone who would like to verify the honesty of this can simply return to:


Secondly I t think that (SPUBS) will not disagree with me when I say that Shaykh Rabee' –may Allah preserve him and grant him success- is a human being like all of us, who is not infallible and can err in his judgement. Verily Allah the Most High says in the hadeeth qudsi found in Saheeh Muslim on the authority of Abu

Dhar Al-Ghfaari "Verily you all (Jinn and Inns) make mistakes daily

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and nightly and indeed I forgive all sins so seek my forgiveness so I may forgive you.

After re-establishing this important fact then it should be known

that Shaykh Yahya advised Shaykh Rabee' –may Allah preserve them both- for his inclination towards those who are known to Shaykh Yahya –may Allah aid him- and others to have caused

fitnah in Yemen and dissension and discord between the scholars of Sunnah and Shaykh Yahya has brought forward his proofs

evidences in his advise of Shaykh Rabee'. This is what Shaykh Yahya –may Allah preserve him- has been advised against

Shaykh Rabee' –may Allah aid him and grant him success- while maintaining respect and honour for him as can be read here:


I take another opportunity to clarify to the noble readers that the

scholars are to be revered, loved, aided, prayed for and so on due to their adherence to the Sunnah of the Messenger and their

defence of the Sunnah as well as their teaching and transmission of the Sunnah. However, this does not mean they can not err

rather the believe that the scholars are infallible is the believe of the raafidh for their scholars.

Unfortunately, it has become widespread in the West and other

places to hear statements like "Shaykh so and so said and nothing comes after his speech" or "No one can criticize Shaykh so and so

because he is an Imaam." While these statements are clearly erroneous and go against the fundamentals of the Quraan and Sunnah they have also lead the many of the common people to

believe that they are actually true.

What is actually worse then the circulation of such statements is that some of the du'aat (callers in the West) are actually the main cause of this mishap. Not long ago I came across an audio which was taped many years ago by one of the duaat –may Allah grant

him success- which was titled:

"Advice to the People in the West Regarding Jarh wa Ta'deel"

The advice was overall beneficial however, the speaker stated the principle:

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The criticism is not accepted against the one who his (immamah) leadership and ('adaalah) decency have become


This principle as he said found in some books of Jarh wa Ta'deel nevertheless it is an erroneous principle which is totally against

that which the muhadithoon (scholars of hadeeth) were upon and as our brother Shaykh Sa'eed Da'aas –may Allah preserve him-

stated in his book "Tanzeeh Assalafiyah pg.14

"The first one to mention this principle –according to his knowledge- was Taju-Deen Assubuki who is A'shariy in his creed in his book "Al-Qaa'idah fij Jarh wa Ta'deel pg.7" Which was an

attempt from him in defending his leaders and those who liken him from the people of misguidance amongst the A'shairah and

Soofiyah". Whereas, the scholars of hadeeth before and after Assubuki did not add the likes of his statement to the principles of

Jarh wa Ta'deel.

Al-Imaam Al-Bayhaqi who is from the notaries in sciences of hadeeth –may Allah have mercy on him- chaptered in his book

"Assunan Al- Kubaa 10/124"

Chapter: The criticism is not accepted against the one whose (a'daalah) decency has been established except that he (the one disparaging) discloses what he has disparaged because of.

Al-Imam Ibn Abdul-Barr Al-Andalous –may Allah have mercy on

him- in his renowned book "Attamheed 2/34" said "A group of the scholars of fiqh "jurisprudence" as well as the leaders in hadeeth that possess insight in fiqh and (proper) perception this is their


It (i.e. the disparagement) is not accepted from Ibn Ma'een or other than him against those who are renowned for 'ilm (knowledge) and well-known for it and their 'adalaah has been established as well

as their (good) understanding. Except that the basis that he (i.e. the one disparaging) is criticizing because of is clarified –up until he said- and it is not correct that anything other than this

is believed nor is it permissible for anything that opposes this is given consideration.

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Al-Imam Al-Mu'alimi Al-Yemeni said with regard to this matter in his book "Attankeel 2/211"

"And whosoever's 'adaalah has been established then his disparagement is not accepted except with a clear manifest

hujjah (proof/evidence)".

This is a short exhibit of statements and viewpoints of the scholars of hadeeth and some of the fore-bearers of jarh wa ta'deel- of their eras- with regard to the criticism of one the who is well-known for his leadership and devotion to knowledge. It is then noted that

they are in consensus in their statements that if such a person is criticized then the basis of this criticism must be clarified. While we also notice that not one of them stated

that he can not be criticized.

Through this we benefit that the principle:

The criticism is not accepted against the one who his (immamah) leadership and ('adaalah) decency have become


Is a clear error which goes against the methodology of Ahlul-Hadeeth and was originally established by a person of innovation

and Allah's aid is sought

Yet another one of the duaat in Britain known as Abu Khadija –may Allah rectify his condition- mentioned in a recent audio of his

while he was addressing the matter of speaking about the mistakes of the scholars the statement of Al-Imam Ibnul-Assaakir which is found in his book "Tabyeen Kathib Al-Muftaari Pg.28"

Where he –may Allah may Allah have mercy on him- mentioned

the result of those who belittle and defame the scholars. However, the aforementioned brother made the statement of Ibnul-Assaakir

specific to anyone who speaks about the faults of the scholars which was not the intent of Ibnul-Assaakir-may Allah have mercy on him-. Rather the Imam clearly restricted his statement to the

one who defames and slanders the scholars which is not the case of the one who clarifies their mistakes of a scholar so as the

people are not fooled by it. I have translated the statement of (Ibnul-Assaakir) for the noble readers to see and judge for

themselves if the statement of the Imam is in accordance to what the aforementioned brother claimed.

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The Imam said –may Allah have mercy on him-:

Know oh my brother -may Allah make us from those who fear Him and The flesh of the scholars is poisonous and the Allah's custom in uncovering those who belittle them is known. And whoever

Allah will try defamationlets loose his tongue the scholars in him by causing his heart to die before his death...

Let us then leave off these unjustified principles which may lead to fanaticism and return to the correct principles and foundations that the scholars have laid down for us. Furthermore, the mere mention of the errors and mistakes of the scholars so that the

people are aware of them and do not fall into them will not necessitate that ones heart will die before his death as some have alleged but is rather praiseworthy if ones intention is correct as the

Imam Ibn Rajb stated.

:SPUBS said And if you do not accept the refutations of Shaikh Yahyah

against these ) and others aligned to Dammaaj(then you likewise cannot accept his criticisms , mashayikh

simply due to the fact that the, against the Maktabah is united in its manhaj with these Shaikhs as Maktabah

Additionally Shaikh . and others' well as Shaikh Rabeehimself praised these scholars and does not' Rabee

accept that any one of them be labelled with hizbiyyah or .misguidance

Most of what is mentioned here has already been addressed in the previous paragraphs so let the noble reader return to them in order to see the truth of the matter. Simply mentioning what errors that

(SPUBS) have stated in this paragraph so that the reader is aware.

1. Shaykh Yahya's refutation of the mashayikh and (SPUBS). It has come to pass that Shaykh Yahya only clarified (SPUBS)'s

errors and defended himself from the verbal assault of Ubaid Al-Jabiree and those who have sided with him.

2. (SPUBS) connecting themselves to the mashayikh as if the

mistakes criticized against them have also been criticized against the mashayikh.

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3. Their claim that their methodology is the same as the mentioned

mashayikh while it is not known that Shaykh Rabee' –may Allah grant him success- condones jameeyat (charity organizations) or

taking pictures of things that things that possess souls or gathering or seeing elections to be a matter of respected differing or begging

for money in the most debasing of manners and so on and so forth.

Also their statement that Shaykh Rabee' does not accept that any one of them be labelled with hizbiyah or misguidance. Allah the

Most High says:

ليس بأماني�كم وS أماني� أھل الكتاب من يعمل سوءا يجز به" "

������ :123

It will not be in accordance with your desires (Muslims), nor those of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), whosoever

works evil, will have the recompense thereof

Allah also says:

نك S تھدي من أحببت ولكن � يھدي من يشاء وإ � � � ھو أعلم بالمھتدين 56: القصص

Verily! You (O Muhammad Sal-Allaahu 'alayhe Wa Sallam) guide not whom you like, but Allâh guides whom He wills. And He knows

best those who are the guided.

The ruling then that a person is upon misguidance or has fallen into hizbiyah returns back to Allah and Messenger sallahu alahi wa salam and it is not a matter that returns strictly to the judgement of

anyone. If the actions of an individual necessitate that he has fallen into innovation or misguidance based upon proofs and

evidences then Ahl-'ilm make this ruling based upon substantial proofs and evidences from the Quraan and Sunnah and if they

disagree with regard to this then the principle of Ahlus-Sunnah that we have memorized by now –Insha'Allah- the detailed criticism

takes precedence of the general recommendation is employed. Barakallahu feekum.

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:SPUBS said uestion the love qsome of these foolish youth even , Now

Salafi Publications for our Shaikh and and respect of ! )himahullaahra(ee 'Waadi-Muqbil bin Haadee al, father

ceased honouring and neverYet the truth is that we in the Mujaahid Muqbil b, our beloved Shaikhdefending

Maktabah continues to the –) rahimahullaah(Haadee translate his works and mention him amongst the great

nothing aikh himself had And the Sh. scholars of the erasupport for the Makatbah love and , but affection

he died whilst pleased with the efforts of, Salafiyyah Indeed the brothers from the Maktabah . the Maktabah

months before he died Imaam Muqbil only visited pleased to meet the brothersand he was, )rahimahullaah(

as the brothers were honoured to be in his presence as the So the Manhaj . to remain for dinner Shaikh invited them

over these of the Maktabah has not changed and Aqeedah Maktabah have not so since the brothers of the -years

hich it is therefore still upon that w, Manhajhanged their cMuqbil bin Haadee , Allaamahthe , our father and Shaikh

,saw from them and praised them for) rahimahullaah( here is This mention. and none is glorified beyond Allaah- glorification of alpraise ornot for the purpose of

rather it is only to, Salafiyyah-Maktabah as nd rumors being spread by those counter the lies a

-Maktabah as-alfanatical youth who claim that Allaamah and defend theSalafiyyah does not honour

ee'Waadi-Muqbil bin Haadee al, Muhaddithand ).rahimahullaah(

In these paragraphs the members of Al-Maktabah try to elude from the fact that there was no defense on their part for Shaykh Muqbil

–may Allah have mercy on him- from the defamation of Doctor Abdullah Al-Bukhari. However the Doctors so called retraction (which was not a retraction in reality) from his evil statements

against the noble Imam was posted on

(SPUBS) not being able to respond to the fact that they have not -up till now- defended Shaykh Muqbil in any justified manner from false claims of Doctor Abdullah –may Allah rectify his condition-

have on the other hand in this article gone in circles by mentioning their translations of his works and their praise of Shaykh Muqbil –

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may Allah shower him in His mercy- as if this is to be considered a defence of the noble Shaykh from the atrocious claims of Abdullah

Al-Bukhari and those who are with him in this and to Allah we belong and to Him we will return

However, when Ubaid Al-Jabiree or Doctor Abdullah's

transgressions' were curbed and were of no avail (SPUBS) posted the following articles in defence of them:

NEW-Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee Defends Shaykh Ubayd

Shaykh Rabee Defends Shaykhs Muhammad bin Haadee and

Bukhaaree-Abdullah al

Where then is the justice and equity in this and Allah's aid is sought?!!

I would like to conclude by reminding the brothers at (SPUBS) that

one is raised due to his adherence to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger. While alternatively one is lowered due

to his opposition to Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger. What we have all witnessed recently from (SPUBS) is

clearly a sign of their opposition and the people have begun to take notice slowly but surely. Therefore, I advise them to take

steps in amending what has occurred from them of error. However, if they persist upon this path of deception and opposition in falsehood then this will only harm themselves as Allah has said:

يا أيھا الناس إنما بغيكم على أنفسك � � م متاع الحياة الدنيا ثم إلينا مرجعكم فننب�ئكم بما � � � كنتم تعملون

23: يونس

O mankind! Your rebellion (disobedience to Allâh) is only against your own selves, - a brief enjoyment of this worldly life, then (in the

end) unto Us is your return, and We shall inform you that which you used to do

We ask Allah to aid the brothers at (SPUBS) in returning to the




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