
Why Mobile Websites are important?

The Mobile Web Initiative is important.

Information must be made seamlessly

available on any device.

-Tim Berners Lee

What is Mobile Website?

Mobile Website facts

The reasons why Mobile Websites are important

About Hiring a Mobile Developer

Table of Contents

What is a Mobile Website?

A Mobile Website is designed specifically for the

smaller screens and touch-screen capabilities of

smartphones and tablets. It can be accessed

using any mobile device's Web browser with

using URL or click on the link

Mobile Websites Facts

150 time per day person checks their smart-phone

Triple conversion rate on mobile with compared to desktop

About 50% of user claims bad mobile navigation caused them to leave website early

In 2015, people will be on mobile, more than desktop

1/3 of smartphone users browse exclusively on their smartphone

Over 50% of all internet access is from mobile traffic

About 50% of shoppers check product reviews online before buying in store

80% smartphone users shop online using their device

I don’t believe just on statistics!

Give me the CORRECT reasons?!

Enhanced User Experience

It is the user experience that enables visitors to

consume more time on any website through the

device of their choice and preference.

Users love to browse on mobile than desktop!


Increased Average Time on Website

Mobile website presents content in a functional

way without compromising what you choose to

display on what device, will ultimately keep

users on your page.


Faster Website Load Speed

A normal website that isn’t mobile optimized will

render very slowly on your mobile device or in

worse case scenarios, it may not load at all.

A mobile responsive website will load quickly

because the code is structured in a way that it is

compatible with mobile devices.


Improved Mobile SEO

Google recommends responsive website

Alternatively, make a separate HTML

website to serve mobile users

Mobile compatible / friendly websites are

rank higher by Google


Take advantage of mobile features

GPS service to get real time user’s location

Divert users to your mobile app download

Display nearby locations information

Add to home screen – Feature that helps users to

add a dashboard icon just like mobile apps for

your website

Mobile phone photo library integration

Mobile phone address book integration


As mobile device market continue to evolve and

advances their capabilities, businesses should

create mobile-optimized websites. Especially if you

want to reach more customers and drive more traffic

to your website.

Mobile websites is a great tool to increase the reach

and improve the accessibility of your business.

About Hire Mobile Developer An astute and agile Mobile App Development Company

Helping numerous clients to build extremely user friendly apps and mobile websites

Specialized mobile solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises

Expert Team of

iPhone Development

Android Development

Phonegap Development

Responsive website design & development

Clientele span in more than 20 countries including USA, Canada, Europe, Singapore, Dubai, Lebanon and India.

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