Page 1: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail

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Page 2: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

There are many different kinds of data center consultants, for example:

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

Page 3: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

• Data Specialties Inc. – literally builds data centers, including design, construction, facility consulting, and installation of electrical systems and cabling

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Page 4: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

• FabraCraft – consults on air flow management for data centers

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• PTS Data Center Consulting Services – consults on the entire data center lifecycle, including assessment, strategy, implement-tation, and operations

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Page 6: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

• SynapSense Corporation – consults on how to rebalance the raised flooring in data centers to optimize air flow

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• Newmark Grubb Knight Frank (NGKF) – Consulting Group to position and differentiate its expertise on colocation and data center real estate transactions

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

Page 8: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

What do all of these data center consultants’ websites have in common?

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Page 9: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

They all need to attract, convert, close, and delight mid-market and enterprise IT clients

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Page 10: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

in an environment where the traditional marketing and sales playbook has become severely disrupted

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– courtesy of search, social, mobile, and the overall consumerization of IT

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Page 12: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

In this post, excerpted from “Inbound Marketing for Colocation Data Centers”,

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you’ll learn why most websites for data center consultants fail to achieve their goals and what you can do about it

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

Page 14: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

What Passed for Relevance Five Years Ago is

Self-Serving Spam Today

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

Page 15: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

Is your content really relevant enough to battle all of these forces that the digital competitive landscape has stacked against you?

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

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Enterprise IT decision makers have gotten fed up with being interrupted with nonsense that they don’t care about

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Page 17: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

And they’ve invested some serious time and resources in tools that tune you out

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

Page 18: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

So given all of this, how can you attract the right strangers to your data center consulting website?

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

Page 19: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

Use Content Personalization to

Cater to the Your Buyer Persona’s Needs

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

Page 20: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

Buyer personas are archetypes, basically semi-fictional representations,

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Page 21: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

or your ideal clients based on primary- and secondary-research, as well as a little bit of educated speculation

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Accelerating the Sales Cycle with Content + Context

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Focus your efforts on your most important and your most profitable ideal buyer personas

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Plus be sure to account for the three stages of your buyer’s journey:

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• Awareness

• Consideration

• Decision making

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With three buyer personas for example, you end up with a grid that resembles a tic tac toe board

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Page 27: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

9 boxes that need contextually-relevant content

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Page 28: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

Protect Your Website Against the Back-Button

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

Page 29: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

The end result we’re after is this two-pronged emotional reaction:

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Page 30: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

• “Holy crap is this helpful!”

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Page 31: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

• “What else do they have to read, watch, or listen to?”

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

Page 32: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

And that is the moment when the person who was a complete stranger before

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Page 33: Why Most Data Center Consultants' Websites Fail (SlideShare)

-- never having heard of your data center consulting company until a few minutes ago --

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is now in the right frame of mind to notice the call to action (CTA) button or banner in your sidebar,

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or below your blog post, offering a highly-relevant eBook, white paper, special report,

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or downloadable guide going into the topic in much greater detail

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You’ve begun to educate this person and build up some trust equity

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

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Done right, that’s how Inbound marketing attracts strangers from search and social, transforms them into website visitors,

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

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and then takes highly-impressed website visitors and converts them into qualified leads for your data center consulting services

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

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What content on yourdata center consultant website has been most successful in attracting the right website visitors and converting those visitors into highly-qualified leads?

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Jennifer FeinbergCo-Founder and PresidentSP Home Run Inc.

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What content has failed to achieve your goals?

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Let us know your take below

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Recommended ReadingLearn How to Attract, Convert, Close, and Delight Your Ideal Clients and Tenants for Your Colocation Data Center

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